Browse Stories | SparkaTale


Enter the Earth (Rewrite Planned) by Alorzen Pseudonym Completed
Rivend Thane, cave-explorer, extremely unlucky person, friendly, clichéd main character, is about to fall into the greatest adventure of our time. While exploring the Shadows, a cave system near Calgary, he'll uncover the greatest secret the world will ever know. And will he survive the encounter, survive the apocalypse? If he doesn't, then the era of humanity is over. NOTE: Sorry if I forget to upload the chapters daily, as I mostly use EXTRA NOTE: Discontinued with a planned rewrite.

Updated: August 9, 2015 | Published: December 16, 2014 | Reviews: 0

Resuscitation by Hannah Sullivant In Progress
After the Great War, the countries of the world came together to create a way to keep the peace. The leaders decided that once a year, all young unmarried persons would meet in hope of marriage in order to mix the cultures. However, not many of the citizens involved like the idea of being forced into marriages with people they've only just met...

Updated: August 9, 2015 | Published: March 23, 2015 | Reviews: 1

World's End by Thomas Boyle In Progress
In a world where Magic rules over the world, there's a girl that defies power. She possesses a weapon known as 1 of the 1,000 World's End. A girl named Ashley Aston is 1 of the 1,000 members that defy the Magic Council which was made in the year 4159. But she isn't a normal owner of a World's End. She also hears voices. What will happen to her during the All-out Warfare?

Updated: August 9, 2015 | Published: May 24, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Jupiter Academy by Thomas Boyle In Progress
A team called Clouded Leopard is 1 of many teams in the school. The school is for people that want to fight with 1 another. The person that chooses to fight the other team chooses what to do. Will the team Clouded Leopards fall to the other teams? Or will they defeat them and give a huge name for themselves?

Updated: August 7, 2015 | Published: March 19, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Spectimon by Thomas Boyle In Progress
In a world where collective cards are found by buying them, fighting in tournaments for them, finding them or stealing them. It’ll be a crime if you steal any of the cards. The cards are called Spectimon. Spectimon are creatures, humans, vampires, zombies, dragons and lots more. A young lady named Helina Fleming wants to become a well-known Spectimon Player. Will she have what it takes to fulfill her goal? Or wimp out like a lot of people?

Updated: August 6, 2015 | Published: April 2, 2015 | Reviews: 0

The Demon Sword: Skyfall by Nathaniel Smart In Progress
In a world that was almost kicked back to the stone ages a power long forgotten returns once more. Along with a realm that never forgot. Losing her parents, Natalie sets off into a bleak world to get revenge; this however soon becomes bigger than herself.

Updated: August 6, 2015 | Published: October 18, 2014 | Reviews: 0

Wolf Dressed In Moonlight by Natii Georgievaa In Progress
"No one believes in werewolves, vampires, fairies and witches. I 'll recognize I didn't believe too, but when strange things started to happen all around me, I couldn't close my eyes for the obvious - she said and crossed her arms."

Updated: August 5, 2015 | Published: August 5, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Adventures in Time by Kitty Lewis In Progress
Time goddess Dranj-Aria has a rather mischevous nature, which quite often results in confusion and chaos for the mortals of Drenius... Short stories set in the world of my 'Lost Tribes' series, not connected to the books but sometimes involving the same characters. Comments / constructive criticisms are welcome.

Updated: August 1, 2015 | Published: March 3, 2015 | Reviews: 0

C's Last Journal by Kitty Lewis Completed
An excerpt of the lost journal written by Drenius' most infamous explorer, C. He has defied all superstition and rumour to travel into the Great Forest of the West, a place shrouded in mystery and believed to be the home of evil spirits. We join him at the beginning of his journey into the fabled Forest, and discover the truth of what creature lurks within...

Updated: August 1, 2015 | Published: May 23, 2015 | Reviews: 0

The Legacy by Hearm jan In Progress
Introduction: This story is splitted into three timelines, namely; memories, trigger, and present. A man, a heir of some organization, pursuing his dream however obstructed by an event that he himself and the other infected must be exterminated. Leaving his disciple drowned by a psychological error, a side effect from mastering some complicated technique, that he even approved to imprisoned himself for he believe that his existent and the accursed technique will brought destruction to his surrounding in times of agony. The plot is revolving around the future.

Updated: July 30, 2015 | Published: March 9, 2014 | Reviews: 0

The One by Emily Caine In Progress
Chris is a tom-boy to the greatest extent she can be. She is a protector of herself and others. After some events in her everyday life, she is thrown into the Land of Canes. Canes is a land where the creatures are ones she has only ever read about in books. To complicate matters the land is on the brink of war with the rightful heir to the throne Prince Alexander and his evil step- mother "The Black Queen". And if that isn't bad enough, Chris learns that she is a vital piece in this chess game "The One". But whether she is or not, Chris will play in this dangerous game by her rules alone.

Updated: July 30, 2015 | Published: August 26, 2014 | Reviews: 0

SSADA #2: The New World by Crystal Ferrer In Progress
This is the second book to the trilogy SSADA.

Updated: July 28, 2015 | Published: December 27, 2013 | Reviews: 0

17 Days with Mr. Nemlir by J.R. Gloyd In Progress
Feeling that there could be more to life, and more to himself, grocery checker Solomon Treat calls upon a mysterious and seemingly limitless man willing to grant his every need... the great Mr. Nemlir.

Updated: July 23, 2015 | Published: January 24, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Devil's Moon: Legends of the Lost Tribes 3 by Kitty Lewis In Progress
With the Lizard War over and the tribal lands slowly returning to normal, Kandrina and Remlik have begun a new study of the old Explorer's Guild journals. They discover a mystery in the writings of 'C', an explorer from over 200 years ago, whose last journal was lost. Legend has it 'C' was exploring the Forest of the West while writing it, so naturally the two scholars decide to explore westwards in their never-ending quest for knowledge. But will they stumble across something best left undisturbed? First chapter sample, comments and constructive criticisms are always welcome :)

Updated: July 15, 2015 | Published: May 11, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Chronicles of a Dark Light by Hyobu Kyousuke In Progress
A suirail, a man who chooses to put a demon inside of his body to prolong his life at the expense of pain and his talent. One such man is Adrian Farvenheit and after centuries of life he looks for an answer to get rid of that monster inside of him. He has been on the hunt for an answer for hundreds of years but maybe this discovery this time will not be a dead end.

Updated: July 12, 2015 | Published: July 10, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Scout's Honor by Daniel Nollan Completed
Chris always knew he'd grow up to be a soldier - but being a soldier means putting your life on the line, and Chris isn't sure he has what it takes to protect his loved ones.

Updated: July 9, 2015 | Published: June 5, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Ice and Fire by Millicent Dagworth In Progress
Kaili is the Iceburn Alchemist of the North and a survivor of the Promise Day. When coming back from the Ishavalian Recovery, a surprise awaits her: The Axis powers! They know the State Alchemist from before the Promise Day and are friends with her, especially the Pasta addict. As their story unfolds, the past is explained in flashbacks. Kaili and Italy are Ice and Fire (If my OC's pairing story for FMA)

Updated: July 8, 2015 | Published: July 8, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Connections by Naomi Terrella In Progress
In some way everyone is connected to everyone, through friends, family, enemies, or allies. Morgana, who escaped the faerie village because of a failed attempt at overthrowing the progressively oppressive queen thinks she was alone around the humans. Until she arrives in the Kingdom of Camelot where she meets King Arthur and his aide Merlin who seem to be allies with the faerie queen…

Updated: July 7, 2015 | Published: February 2, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Abyss by Green Taurus In Progress
Scarlet's life changes forever when Miia appears in her kitchen. From there, she discovers that she possesses Abyss magic, a powerful ancient magic that is needed to prevent a planet-eating monster from wrecking havoc upon the universe. The Abyss wielders must be united, but with enemies lurking in every guise, will they be able to succeed? Or will Oblivion escape and devour all?

Updated: July 3, 2015 | Published: June 5, 2015 | Reviews: 0

The Mansion: Book 1: Forgotten by Paranoid Kitten In Progress
It isn't easy being told that you've somehow died and have been transformed into a beast of myth. You know what else isn't easy? Trying to figure out your role in a destiny that you don't want to be a part of. Join Hale as she's thrown into a world of chaos where she must now deal with her new life and figure out what she must do to fulfill her forced destiny, before it's too late.

Updated: July 1, 2015 | Published: June 5, 2015 | Reviews: 0

A New Home by Hearm jan In Progress
History was burried into forgottenness and people started to migrate once again in order for the Emblem Valley's overgrowing popullation may control. But the outskirt and the far outside was still unknown. No people venturing faraway that valley ever comeback. For some reason, it became real than a superstition. The pushful king for each generation train soldiers and explorers to seek a new place where they can establish a New Home. Adventure, fantasy, horror (either comedic for some chapter), and strictly violence. -- To whom, who will read this -- I failed to edit the childish of my narration.

Updated: June 21, 2015 | Published: May 12, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Female Crusading Virtue Girls: The First Crusade by Benjamin Dine Completed
This magical girl story follows Maria Ciliega; a normal lot attendant at a supermarket who was a dreamer. One day, while in the store's basement, she encounters a stranger whom tells her of great power she has and that she can become a heroine. But can she be able to handle the pressure of a heroine, especially being a magical girl? This is book 1 of 3. Warning: This story contains coarse language, mild crude humor, suggestive themes, satire, and social commentary. This story is rated "T" for teens.

Updated: June 20, 2015 | Published: April 8, 2015 | Reviews: 1

Wings by Spica Starson In Progress

Updated: June 18, 2015 | Published: June 4, 2015 | Reviews: 0

Fantasia by Unice Chang In Progress
Arwyn has just bought Fantasia, the first fantasy-based VRMMORPG, with 99% realism that you can play while you sleep. In the game, she becomes Fey, a moon elf starting in the magical Elvenwood. Join her (and her snarky narrator who likes to interject sarcastic comments in parentheses) on her exciting, often hilarious adventures inside this magical world full of every fantasy creature you've ever encountered in books, games, and movies, and a few that you haven't. Oh, and there's something strange about the NPCs in this game... See if you can figure it out before Fey does.

Updated: June 13, 2015 | Published: August 14, 2014 | Reviews: 2

The Kingdom of Eld by Eleanor Rekoske In Progress
Long ago, before written history, one of the most prosperous lands was the kingdom of Eld. However, not too long ago, the family was attacked and everything was left in ruin. Everard is a hired assassin. His current assignment: take down the whoever remains of the Eld family.

Updated: June 12, 2015 | Published: June 5, 2015 | Reviews: 0