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Chapter One

"The best way to live a full life is to be a child, no matter what your age"

~Sakata Gintoki, Gintama~

It was April 2, a beautiful day in the streets of Clear Violet. The snow in the streets had long since melted away with rain taking its place and had subsided that day, allowing the sun to peak out, bringing people outside. Puddles of rain water on the wide, gray, cobblestone paths were randomly placed and were walked around as little kids jumped and splashed in them. A lion-human girl skipped through the streets, a bright smile on her face as a basket in hand swayed in her grip, keeping a rhythm to her skipping.
The girl had long, light brown hair with a pair of roundish ears on her head pierced with heart-shaped ruby earrings with sapphire outlining them. Her eyes were a dark blue that rivaled the color of the sea. Her t-shirt was an aqua color while a nice black sweater was on top, unbuttoned. She wore a pair of jean crop pants held up by a plain brown belt and her lion tail stuck out in the back. She wore a pair of black flats on her feet.
The girl had entered an outdoor marketplace and looked around. "Ah, good afternoon, Acacia!" One of the ladies in the stalls greeted the girl.
"Good afternoon, Ms. Keirstead!" Acacia greeted back and added, "How's business?"
"I'm doing a pretty good season again this year with all the rain. All the food will hopefully be green and lush like last year," Ms. Keirstead answered.
"That's good to hear! Hope the growing season goes well this year!" With that, they said their goodbyes and Acacia continued through the marketplace.
She stopped at one of the stalls and looked at the apples. "Excuse me, sir, how much are these apples?" Acacia asked politely.
"Why they're 3 copper coins each, miss," The man responded to her question.
Acacia opened a small brown sack and gave the man three copper coins before grabbing apple. "Thanks! Have a good day!" Acacia waved to the man and walked off.
"Come again!" The man waved back.

The basket she carried held all kinds of fruits and vegetables after looking around in the stalls. Acacia left the marketplace soon after she looked through her basket. A Siberian husky-human man walked past her and almost too fast to be unnoticed, the bag of silver, gold, and copper coins were missing from her basket as the man had grabbed them and made a run. People gave a panic at the man's run. The smile from Acacia's face was gone and tears threatened to fall as she watched the man run off with the coins.

The man ran past a woman that was a rabbit-human. The woman was so quick that she took the bag from his hands and it went unnoticed by him as he carried on running through the crowded street. The woman walked towards Acacia, carrying the bag with two hands in great care. When she reached Acacia, she knelt down to her level. "Don't cry. I got your money back, see," The woman told Acacia with a gentle smile, the bag of money resting in the palms of her hands.
"Thank you, miss," Acacia wiped the tears from her eyes and put the bag of money back in her basket.
"Here, I'll walk you back home," The woman rose to her full height as she offered.
"You don't have to, miss. I don't want to bother you," Acacia told the woman.
"I'm in no hurry to go anywhere. I'm just a simple traveler so it's fine," The woman gave a small laugh.
"Thank you, miss," Acacia told the woman.
"You don't have to call me that. My name is Agnolia," Agnolia gave a larger grin.
"My name is Acacia," Acacia introduced herself as a smile began to peek from her face and they walked down the street, Acacia leading them.
Agnolia had long, braided white hair with big, white, floppy rabbit ears coming from her hair on her head. A strange, black, magic circle-like marking on the top of her left ears could be visible as her eyes were a strange red-pink color. She wore a light blue button-up shirt with its sleeves reach just past her elbows. Her pants were white and a bit baggy and was held up by a white-studded belt and her feet had black combat boots.

They entered Acacia's parent's store with their second floor being their home. "I'm home, Mama, Papa!" Acacia called out.
A lion-human woman came out. "Acacia, your back!" She said with a smile and then looked at Agnolia, "And who did you bring?"
"Ah, Miss Agnolia returned the money that got stolen from me by a thief," Acacia told her mother and her mother knelt beside Acacia, taking the basket from her and placing it on the counter.
"I only walked her home so it didn't get stolen again," Agnolia explained with a small smile.
"Thank you for doing that," The mother said and opened the small sack of money and pulled out 6 gold pieces.
Acacia's mother took Agnolia's hands and placed the gold coins in her palm and folded up Agnolia's fingers over them. "Please, keep them as my gratitude to you," She told Agnolia.
"You don't have to," Agnolia tried to object and give back the coins.
"No, please keep them. It's the least we can do," Acacia's mother told Agnolia.
Agnolia gave in and offered a smile. "Thank you."
"No, we should be thanking you," Acacia's mother told Agnolia.

After much thanking, Agnolia left for the streets of town. Her eyes were peeled on the crowd as she tried to distinguish out the thief that decided to make Acacia his victim to steal from.

2: Chapter Two
Chapter Two

Chapter 2

"It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember"

~Izaya Orihara, DuRaRaRa!~

It was dark throughout the city. The merchants in the marketplace packed up and left. Shops closed one by one and lanterns lit the streets. People were settling down in their homes, getting ready for a good night's rest. Occasionally, people quickly went through the streets, either silently or speaking in hushed voices. The clock tower in the center of the city struck eleven PM, ringing a loud bell eleven times. Agnolia had wandered the streets endlessly as her head couldn't move on from Acacia. Agnolia stopped in the middle of a deadly silent road. She looked up at the stars as there was no moon in the sky tonight. Agnolia sighed and she decided that she would finally return to her room to get a few hours of sleep before it made her sleep in too late. As she turned around to make it back to the inn she was staying at, she heard quiet voices coming from a nearby alley. Curious, Agnolia snuck over and hid behind the corner. She looked into the alley to see the same Siberian husky-human being confronted by two others. "How much did you steal today, Noll?" One asked.
"None. I almost hit a jackpot, but I somehow lost it," The Siberian husky-human named Noll, explained.
"And what do you plan on doing?" The other asked.
"I know where the girl that I stole from lives. I plan to steal all of their goods and before they can warn anyone about it, I'll burn their house along with it. It'll all take place at midnight," Noll explained to them.
"How much do you plan to give to us?" Evil grins were on both of their faces.
"Zero," Noll simply replied and walked past them.
Their evil grins were replaced with angry looks. "Zero? You think you can get away with just giving us no money?" They looked like they were about to attack Noll.
"You need to learn to live the of thief or you'll be used by others," Noll told them, and walked away.
Agnolia hid behind the wall again, dissatisfied with Noll's plan. The thought of sleeping disappeared as her next goal was to protect Acacia's home.

After a slow walk to Acacia's home in the pitch dark as her only way to keep her from crashing into the buildings on either side were the lanterns. She made it there only five minutes before midnight struck. She turned away from the Acacia's home and closed her eyes, a ghostly white aura surrounded Agnolia as her hair and ears blew from the concentration of magic Agnolia had made. Flames suddenly began to dance behind her and they began to grow and the house behind caught on fire. Her eyes opened, hearing the clock tower's bell chime twelve times, telling it's twelve PM. In front of her, the man that had wanted to cause harm to Acacia stood in front of her, a dull look that hid his emotions in his eyes. "What's the meaning of this?" He asked Agnolia quietly, acting cool about the situation.
"I had decided to set this house on fire," Agnolia told Noll.
"Why would you do that?" Noll asked.
"For them to live in peace forever more," Agnolia answered and began to walk off.
"Do you think I'll let you get away with this?" Noll asked, his eyes following Agnolia.
Agnolia stopped and simply looked over her shoulder. "You looking for a fight?" Agnolia asked coldly.
"You just took away my living suspences. Why wouldn't I want a fight?" Two daggers were pulled out from Noll and began to grow in size into swords rather than knives.
"A thief like you must have a well-known name if you're picking fights," Agnolia fully turned around and got ready to dodge the swings that were taken at her.
"My name is Noll Mort. I'm wanted for two platinum coins and 1 gold coin," Noll introduced himself and slashed the two swords at Agnolia.
Agnolia got slightly cut on the cheek, but had dodged the worst of it. "You won't get away easily," Noll readied another charge.
"You won't be able to get me easily, you low-class thief," Agnolia countered.
They charged at each other. Agolia dodged three different sword slashes and threw a hard, magic-enhanced punch in Noll's face, throwing him back, but stayed upright and finally stopped. "So this is how we're going to play," Noll brushed his punched cheek with the back of his palm.
A ghostly white aura came off Agnolia's hands as both of her fists were enhanced with magic. A golden aura surrounded both of Noll's swords as he had enhanced his swords as well. A deadly serious look in both of their eyes, watching for the first movement to be made. They charged at each other once more, preparing to exchange heavy blows.

Acacia awoke, there was a glow coming through the window. Acacia got out from under the covers and peeked through the curtains, to see flames blazing outside. Acacia quickly backed away, her eyes showing fear as her heartbeat quickened. After moments of racing thoughts, realizations overcame her fear. There was no smell of smoke, the rest of the house didn't seem to be burning, and there was no heat coming from the fire. Carefully, Acacia brought herself to the window and stuck her hand out int the flames and withdrew it, not a signs of burns. Acacia tried to look through the flames, but couldn't see anything. Acacia wondered what was happening.

3: Chapter Three
Chapter Three

Chapter 3

~~"I will never forgive anyone who causes harm to people."

~Nura Rikuo, Nurarihyon No Mago~

They crashed into each other, gold and white sparks of magic flew through the air, mistaken to be pretty, but showed their fierceness towards one another. They jumped away from each other, preparing more attacks against each other. "You're pretty strong, being a female mage," Noll commented.
"You shouldn't underestimate me," Agnolia replied harshly.
Rapidly, a thick fog came in, sealing away Noll's eyesight. "Can't see, can you?" Agnolia called out.
Noll looked around, unable to locate Agnolia. "Is this your magic?" Noll asked, a bit curiously as he gripped his weapon tightly, ready to slash.
"Recognize it? I don't think you have," Agnolia commented, and then attacked from from behind, sending a roundhouse kick with her leg magic-enhanced.
Noll tried to slash back at Agnolia after stumbling forward a couple of steps, but she was gone in the fog once more. Noll was unable to find her. "Still can't find me?" Agnolia asked.
Noll didn't answer, knowing she was trying to intimidate him. Noll shrunk down his weapons and the golden magic glowed more brightly around them rather than it had on the swords. To Agnolia, her view of Noll was quite clear as he was having trouble finding her. Agnolia watched as his swords grew down to the size of two daggers. The fog slowly lifted and lightened. "Changing your weapon?" Agnolia asked.
"That was quite observative of you," Noll complimented.
"You're not too bad yourself," Agnolia returned the compliment and then her body was surrounded by a white aura as she said, "Though, I'll show you my true power."
Noll prepared for an attack, but things began to black out for his vision as he finally began to feel completely blind, making him feel helpless. "As you're not one of the dragon people, you won't be able to find me," Agnolia told Noll.
Noll, tried to look around, but there was only darkness. "It's no use! You're done for!" Agnolia charged right up to Noll, her fist back, ready to knock him out cold.
She thrust her fist forward and she punched his guts as he staggered back, dropping his knives to hold his hurt area. Agnolia cancelled the spell she placed on Noll and he could see again. Noll was starting to lose consciousness. "I won't turn you in, but just going around, robbing little girls and planning to get back at them is just wrong. Just stick to robbing the adults of their money," Agnolia said and Noll was then laying on the floor, completely unconscious.
Agnolia looked at the house and the spell was cancelled making the house seem perfectly fine. Agnolia fell to her knees, breathing heavily. After a minute of rest, Agnolia got back on her feet and picked up Noll's knives and loaded the Siberian husky-human on to her back, taking him to a nearby alley and laying him against the wall, leaving his knives next to him and left him. When Agnolia reached the edge of the alley, she stumbled sideways and balanced herself against the wall as her eyesight blurred and then focused again. "Keeping such large illusions up at once is so difficult," Agnolia muttered and then went back to walking.

The next morning Agnolia was peering inside a clothing shop's window, looking at the display. Her eyes were locked on a new nice-looking shirt in the display. Agnolia turned to go into the shop only to stop, a bit surprised to see Acacia. "What are you doing here?" Agnolia asked.
"You were the one that defeated that thief that took my money, right?" Acacia asked.
"I really don't know what you're talking about," Agnolia lied.
"Please don't lie, Ms. Agnolia. I saw you last night in front of him," Acacia pleaded Agnolia.
"So you woke up while the fire illusion was in effect?" Agnolia asked softly.
"So that was an illusion?" Acacia asked.
Agnolia raised her hand and a pretty blue butterfly was in her palm and flew off, circling around Acacia before disappearing. Acacia's eyes lit up in wonder. "Pretty," Acacia commented.
"Why did you come and find me, Acacia?" Agnolia asked.
"Um, my parents would like to talk to you," Acacia told Agnolia shyly before adding, "When it's convienant, of course!"
Agnolia gave a sigh. "I might as well go. I am leaving in a few hours to the next city," Agnolia told Acacia.
With that, Acacia led them through the streets.

They ended up in front of the shop and Acacia led Agnolia inside. "Mother, I brought Ms. Agnolia!" Acacia called out.
"We're in here, Acacia!" Her mother called out.
Acacia led Agnolia into the family dining area.
They entered as Acacia's father sat at the table as her mother poured two cups of tea. "Tea?" She asked the two.
"Yes, please," Acacia asked and sat down at the table.
Agnolia simply shook her head and took a seat. Acacia's mother quickly put the pot down and took a seat as well after serving Acacia. "Ms. Agnolia, our daughter here, needs to have better care," The father began.
"You're her parents. Isn't that your job?" Agnolia asked.
"Yes, it is, but we think it's the best that we send her off as we can no longer provide the care she needs," The father continued.
Agnolia sat, waiting for what he we about to say next. "Which is why we ask of you to please provide this care. Show her the actual world and not what she sees here. Show her that she needs to be stronger," The father bowed his head down as he asked.
"Why do you ask of me? Of all people, why do you choose me?" Agnolia questioned.
The father raised his head and met Agnolia's eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but the mother cut in. "We saw you in front of that man last night. You're kind and trustworthy, but you're strong and powerful as well," She told her.
"There are plenty of other powerful mages out there. Some stronger than I am," Agnolia countered.
"No, I want her to grow up with someone who needs to become more powerful. As well as someone who's kind and gentle, forgiving as well," The father continued.
"Let me talk to Acacia about this," Agnolia got up and gave a nod to Acacia before leaving the house.
They reached the next street corner before Agnolia asked, "Are you okay with what your parents are planning?"

4: Chapter Four
Chapter Four

Chapter 4

"The reason that I'm no good, even though I can't do anything well, I will attempt it anyway. Even though I decide not to try anymore, I regret it, and I end up trying again."

~Miranda Lotto, D. Gray Man~

Acacia looked at her feet, seeming uncertain. "Well, if it's the best for me, then I guess," Acacia answered in a small voice.
"I mean, how do you feel about leaving. What are your true emotions of leaving this town that you love so much?" Agnolia made the question clearer.
"I told you, if it's for the best-" Acacia was cut off.
"No, do you truly want to leave this town for good? Do you want to see more of the outside world? Do you want to take the bravery to have to fight opponents that may be weaker or stronger? Would you like to learn magic?" Agnolia's voice got louder and louder and then when she asked the last question, her voice grew quiet.
Acacia fell silent, her eyes going back to her feet. They walked and Agnolia patiently waited to hear Acacia's answer. "Yes," Acacia finally said.
Agnolia looked at her, expecting to hear more. "I do want to travel the world. I do want to get stronger," Acacia answered more clearly, staring straight straight into Agnolia's eyes, but then she went back to staring at her shoes and said in a very quiet voice, "But I'm afraid at the same time."
"It's natural to be afraid. The world outside the city you're so used to is scary and it's natural to be afraid," Agnolia crouched down in front of Acacia, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Though, you need the bravery to stand up to that fear and take small steps," Agnolia gave a smile and added, "You're a lion-human, right? Lions are creatures of bravery and honor. So how about you live up to your species and don't let a rabbit-human show you up."
"Alright, I'll try my best," Acacia gave a nod.
"So, are you true to coming with me or are you going to stay here and wait until you can go out on your own?" Agnolia asked.
"I'll come with you," Acacia told Agnolia.
"Alright. My name is Agnolia Taber, it's nice to meet you," Agnolia reintroduced herself.
"I'm Acacia Quist. Please be my guide through the scary world, Ms. Agnolia," Acacia also reintroduced herself.
Agnolia stood up and they walked back, side by side. "Ms. Agnolia, I've been wondering for awhile, what's that cut on your cheek?" Acacia asked.
Agnolia brought her hand over the scratch and said, "I forgot about it. I got it last night from fighting the thief," Agnolia explained.
"Will it scar your face?" Acacia asked.
"No, it won't. It's not a deep enough wound to become a scar," Agnolia explained.
"Is that so? Did you get hurt anywhere else during the battle, Ms. Agnolia?" Acacia questioned.
"No, but you can stop being so formal with me and just call me Agnolia," Agnolia told Acacia.
"Alright, I will," Acacia agreed.

They arrived in front of Acacia's home and stopped. "Meet me in Town Square at around three PM. That gives you three hours to pack up and say goodbye to your parents and perhaps anyone else," Agnolia told Acacia.
Acacia gave a nod and went back inside her soon-to-be, former home.

Three hours passed and Agnolia sat on the edge to the fountain in the crowded Town Square, waiting for Acacia. Acacia came up to Agnolia carrying a backpack, a bookbag, and what seemed to be a gift in her hands. "For you, from my parents," Acacia handed the gift over.
Agnolia opened the letter, only to read:

Dear Agnolia,
Thank you for taking our daughter. I hope you have fun on your adventures. This is a small gift to pay for some of the expenses along your journey. Take care of this special girl as her middle name's Honoria.
Acacia's parents

Agnolia stared at those last few words. It caught her interest. She folded it up and stuffed the note in her pocket, wanting to know more about this. Agnolia opened the bag to see that there were coins inside and Agnolia gave a smile. "Your parents really most be rich," Agnolia told Acacia.Acacia simply shrugged. "Alright, before we get moving, let's go buy a couple of books," Agnolia told Acacia.
"What for?" Acacia asked, curious.
"Well, if you're bound to learn magic, then should search for a magic you'd like to use," Agnolia jumped off the fountain side and led the way through the crowded square.
They reached a book shop and entered in. "You can go search for magic books. Just pick one that you'd like to learn. Of course you can learn multiple types of magic, but we'll start with one," Agnolia explained and Acacia gave a nod.
Acacia made her way to the magic books while Agnolia went to another section of books. Acacia's eyes scanned the spines of books. Nothing had caught her interest until one did: Supporter magic. She pulled the book out and read the table of contents. It was filled with different types of spells that could bring a power boost to her and her team. "Are you ready?" Acacia turned to see Agnolia with three books in hand. "Yes," Acacia gave a nod.
Agnolia walked up to the counter and handed over the three books as Acacia set her's down on the counter as well. "That'll be one gold coin and two silver coins," The shopkeeper said as he placed the four books into a paper sack and received the money in the palm of his hand.
"Come again!" The shopkeeper told them as they left.
They got outside and Agnolia pulled Acacia's book from there, seeing the cover. "Supporter magic? That should be easy to earn," Agnolia handed over the book.
"Really?" Acacia asked.
"Yes, but before you start using it, you'll have to go through a few lessons on how to call out your magic power," Agnolia said before adding, "Better put that book in a safe place. You won't want to ruin the pages."
Acacia placed it in her book bag and they began to walk towards the edge of the city. "Are we not going for food?" Acacia wondered.
"I've already got everything we need to make it to the next city. We're going North to Matsu Village," Agnolia informed Acacia.
"How many days will it take?" Acacia questioned further.
"We'll arrive by tomorrow night at the latest," Agnolia smiled.
They began to walk when they passed the marketplace and Acacia looked in as the place was as busy as ever. "Go. You might as well," Agnolia gave Acacia a smile and Acacia went in, Agnolia waited against the wall, near an alleyway.

5: Chapter Five
Chapter Five

Chapter 5

"We are all like fireworks. We climb, shine, and always go our separate ways and become further apart. But even if that time comes, let's not disappear like a firework, and continue to shine forever."

~Toshiro Histugaya, Bleach~

Agnolia waited for Acacia patiently, knowing that it was hard to say goodbye to people that you knew for a long time. "Hey!" Agnolia jumped at the sound and her arms were reinforced with magic as she recognized the voice of the man.
"Don't make a scene. I'm not here for a fight, but for answers," The man said as he was hidden by the shadows of the alley.
"What do you want from me, Noll Mort?" Agnolia settled back, but didn't face the thief as she didn't want to attract attention.
"Don't call out my name in this crowd," Noll warned her and then he began his questioning, "Why didn't you turn me over to the knights?" Noll asked.
Agnolia gave a small laugh, getting a questioning look from Noll. "Turn you over for stealing from a little girl and failing, then going to burn her house along with killing her and her parents? I'd say that you don't have to go through it twice before you learn. You seem to be the sensible kind of thief," Agnolia explained quietly, a smile on her face.
Noll gave a small smirk, but then it faded. "You're pretty dumb to trust a thief, but if that's what you think. I see you didn't harm my knives either," Noll told Agnolia.
"Why should I when you'll probably just steal another pair? I just saved you the trouble of getting in trouble," Agnolia explained.
"Hm, you're just ripping apart my career," Noll commented.
Agnolia watched as three knights, drunk from probably being at the bar last night, walk through the street, picking fights with young men and flirting with the women. One even took an ice cream from a child's hands and threw it to the floor. Agnolia's teeth gritted, but she made no movement to stop them. "You hate this country's royal family and its army, don't you?" Noll took notice.
"Don't know what you're talking about," Agnolia denied.
"You don't want to be chased around by them, that's why you take no action against them, is that right?" Noll continued to push the subject.
"So what if I hate them? Rulers these days have no sense or pride. They cower behind their soldiers and force them to do the work," Agnolia said.
Noll closed his eyes as he understood what she meant. "Honoria, Yorke, Isidor, and many others. They stood at the head of their armies with pride and fought in every war they ever lived to see. They were kind to their people. What happened to those times?" Agnolia questioned.
"Times have changed since then. May we meet again, Agnolia Taber," With that, Noll left, leaving Agnolia to her thoughts.
"See me again? You must be crazy if you want to meet somebody like me again, Noll Mort," Agnolia gave a small grin.

Acacia came back, wiping her eyes as they were slightly red when she removed her hands from them. Agnolia gave a small smile, knowing that Acacia had a difficult time saying goodbye. "Are you ready?" Agnolia asked.
"Yeah," Acacia nodded.
Agnolia took the lead as Acacia looked at her feet, a frown on her face. "Acacia, look up will you?" Agnolia asked, feeling Acacia's frown to not suit her.
"But, I feel bad for leaving," Acacia didn't bring her eyes up.
"Listen, Acacia, there are some things in this world that you have to say goodbye to and accept," Agnolia told Acacia.
"But, it's so difficult," Tears formed in the colors of Acacia's eyes.
"Some times it's difficult, but you have to remember that you are prepared to leave their life forever. Even if I die, you shouldn't drown yourself in sorrow, but you'll keep on living and treasure those memories you have," Agnolia told Acacia.
That brought Acacia's eyes up from the floor, a bit in surprise. "You die?" Acacia questioned.
"People will have to kill me first before they get to my student. So if protecting you means death, then I'll gladly accept it," Agnolia gave a wide, toothy smile to Acacia.
"Though, I don't want you to die," Her eyes went back to the floor.
"Who said I'd die so easily? I'm currently learning a new magic myself," Agnolia told Acacia.
That brought Acacia's attention as she rose her head and wiped away the tears that threatened to fall. "What magic?" Acacia was now curious.
"Fog magic. I'm tired of making fog illusions as they use lots of magic power and so I'd cut three fourths of that by learning Fog magic," Agnolia explained and added, "I only bought the book a couple of days ago, but I still need to learn."
"So will you be learning with me?" Acacia asked.
"Sort of, but I won't be training when I'm teaching you. I'll be waking up much earlier to train," Agnolia told Acacia.
"When you're able to use it, will you being using it during training?" Acacia asked.
"Most likely," Agnolia gave a nod.
They had finally reached the edge of town. "This is where your first lesson starts," Agnolia announced to Acacia.
"Is that starting to learn one of the spells for Supporter magic?" Acacia was about to bring out her book.
"You won't need the book for awhile. You first need to be able to summon your magic to give your magic form and will be able to help. Plus, if yoh strengthen it enough, your magic won't fail you when casting a spell," Agnolia explained.
"Could you show me?" Acacia asked.
Agnolia gave a nod and they stopped walking. Agnolia closed her eyes, looking relaxed, but concentrating. A faint ghostly white magic aura came around Agnolia. Agnolia reopened her eyes and the aura faded away. They continued to walk. "We'll start with the aura coming around your entire body, then we can move on to just certain parts of the body," Agnolia explained.
"What's the feeling you get that you know that you're using magic?" Acacia asked.
"For people, it's different feelings. The feeling I get is feeling safe," Agnolia answered and added, "First, try to feel your magic power. I would guess that yours would have a strong feeling to it. Something that makes you feel powerful."
Acacia gave a nod and they fell silent for a long time as they walked in the pine forest.

6: Chapter Six
Chapter Six

"Fear is not evil. It tells you what your weakness is and once you know your weakness, you can become stronger as well as kinder."

~Gildarts Clive; Fairy Tail~

It was way past noon and Acacia gave out a yelp, her eyes showed terror and fear. "What's wrong?" Agnolia asked.
Acacia didn't answer as she was paralyzed in place. Agnolia looked around as her white braided hair followed and when she stopped turning her head, the braid rested on her shoulder. "There's nothing around that is scary," Agnolia told Acacia, but Acacia was still stiff.
Agnolia tried tapping on Acacia's shoulder, but she wouldn't respond to that. All of a sudden, Acacia's eyes closed and she fell, Agnolia caught Acacia before she landed face first on the floor.

The next time Acacia awoke was much later as it was getting dark. Her eyes adjusted to the slight darkness as she heard a fire crackling outside. She carefully took the blanket off and made her way out, seeing that she had been under a tent. Agnolia caught Acacia standing outside the tent. "You're finally awake," Agnolia came over to Acacia.
Acacia gave a slight nod. "You collapsed all of a sudden after you froze. What happened?" Agnolia asked curiously.
"I-I think I found my magic power," A shiver went through Acacia as she remembered what happened.
"Then why'd you collapse?" Agnolia asked softly.
"My magic power was like an angry beast. It was strong and could put anyone in fear," Acacia explained.
"Relax," Agnolia instructed Acacia, taking both of her hands into her own.
Agnolia closed her eyes and and glow of white shone between their hands. The magic circle on her rabbit ear began to glow a pink-red color. Minutes passed and the glow disappeared and Agnolia reopened her eyes and let go of Acacia's hands. Agnolia's hands went to her hips and gave a sigh. "Alright. I'll think about this problem for now," Agnolia told Acacia.
"What was it that you did just now?" Acacia asked as they sat down by the fire.
"I simply met your magic power. It seems a bit troublesome to control your magic power though," Agnolia explained to Acacia.
"Is that so?" Acacia asked, looking down.
"I'll see to it that you can control it very soon, though," Agnolia promised.
Acacia gave a nod and they began to make a meal to eat for the night.

Agnolia sat at the campfire, thinking of Acacia's magic power aloud. "It's like what the books say. If you meet Honoria's magic power, it can put a person in fear," Agnolia sighed.
Agnolia watched as the last of the flames died before she walked into the tent and sat down on the floor next to Acacia. Agnolia took a deep breath and she placed one of her hands on top of Acacia's and closed her eyes. The magic circle on her ear glowed once more as there was a ghostly white aura.

Agnolia found herself face to face with a massive large beast with a deadly aura coming off of him, placing people in fear. Agnolia felt uncomfortable with the aura, feeling a bit scared herself. "So you've come back, rabbit-human," The beast's voice boomed, echoing inside the chamber.
The beast's head nearly reached the high ceiling which was about three stories tall. It was a royal purple with gray lion paws. Its eyes were golden and watched like a hawk.
You could hear the sound of dripping water, but you couldn't locate where it was coming from. The chamber was made of stone and it was dimly lit within. "I've come to demand of you to quit putting the little girl that you're within, in fear. You are her magic source," Agnolia demanded from the beast.
"I shall not take orders from a person of low status like you!" The beast denied.
"Please. You may have Honoria's spirit, pride, and toughness, but you also need to take Honoria's soft heart to balance it out," Agnolia pleaded.
"Leave!" The beast shouted, amplified by the echo.
"I shall not!" Agnolia said stubbornly.
You could now feel power building up from the beast as you could feel the anger roll off of him. "Leave before I kill you, rabbit-human!" The beast threatened.
"I shall not!" Agnolia stood her ground as she repeated those words.
The beast gave a loud growl, but Agnolia stood up to it, hoping to show she wasn't another weak person, but someone strong. The beast's gaze pierced Agnolia. They stayed like this for minutes and the beast closed its eyes and lowered its head. He reached Agnolia's level and stopped, reopening its eyes, showing the beast was much more friendly-looking. "You're pretty brave, especially for someone with such friendly magic," The beast commented, his voice more quiet.
"I've met some bad, yet scary people in my time. Don't underestimate me," Agnolia crossed her arms.
"Fine, I'll do what you've asked me and I'll be friendly to the girl," The beast promised.
"Even when I die, you should still be good to her too," Agnolia added.
The beast sat up to his full height. "You can go, rabbit-human. I won't cause any more trouble. If I do, I'll allow punishment on me," The beast reassured the promise.
Agnolia gave a nod and she faded away. The next place Agnolia found herself was back in the tent. She felt exhausted from the amount of magic she used. Without a second thought, she fell on her bed and went to sleep.

7: Chapter Seven
Chapter Seven

“Books are not something you just read words in. They're also a tool to adjust your senses.”
~Makishima Shougo; Psycho Pass~

Acacia awoke, not seeing Agnolia asleep next to her. Getting dressed into different clothing, she went out of the tent to see it was lightly foggy, but the sun was out and shining. Acacia blinked, only to see the fog getting denser, though you could tell that it became less dense than other parts and walked towards the more dense part. It gave her a panicky feeling as she felt she couldn't see what was around her. The farther she went into the dense fog, she could see transparent blue butterflies fluttering through the air, knowing exactly who's they were. The farther she went, more butterflies appeared. She finally reached the epicenter of the owner who was doing this. Acacia found Agnolia sitting on the floor cross-legged in a forest clearing with a look of intense concentration. Sweat poured down Agnolia's face. Acacia sat down on the floor and waited for Agnolia to finish her training.
It wasn't for about another 30 minutes when the fog slowly became less dense and the amount of butterflies decreased as well. Agnolia opened her eyes. "How long have you been waiting for me, Acacia?" Agnolia asked.
"For about thirty minutes," Acacia answered.
"Alright, let's start your training. Try finding your magic power again," Agnolia directed.
"But-" Acacia tried to cut in, but Agnolia cut her off.
"Trust me, just do it," Agnolia reassured her.
Acacia gave a sigh and her eyes hardened into concentration. It took a few minutes, but Acacia's eyes came out of concentration. "I found it, but it's much more different than yesterday's," Acacia admitted.
"Is that so? Well, that should be a good thing, right?" Agnolia asked.
"I guess," Acacia didn't really know.
"Alright, you passed lesson one. Let's see about lesson 2, though," Agnolia stood up.
“Is that where we finally use the book?” Acacia asked.
“Nope. That's the next lesson,” Agnolia told her and added,” Now, you'll need to stand up.”
Acacia stood up. “Now, in this lesson, you'll have to learn how to get your magic to flow to you arms. Allow me to demonstrate,” Agnolia's arms began to glow with Magic.
“How do I do that?” Acacia questioned.
“Exactly how is something I cannot explain to you, but I can tell you that this exercise is really easy,” Agnolia explained, the magic faded from her arms.
“You can practice on the way to the village,” Agnolia added, walking back towards their campsite.
“Why do I need to learn this, exactly,” Acacia questioned, following Agnolia.
Agnolia stopped walking and she went over to a nearby tree. “When I punch this tree,” Agnolia gave the tree a hard punch, “It doesn't do much.”
“Though, if I punched it with magic,” Agnolia's fist glowed with magic as she gave the tree another punch, making a dent in it, “I can leave a mark on the tree.”
“So the magic can enhance your strength,” Acacia said.
“Exactly! As well as different animal-humans have their own special abilities that can either support your magic or support your body,” Agnolia added.
“Special abilities not requiring magic?” Acacia questioned.
“My special ability is enhanced speed and jumping ability, though kangaroo-humans can exceed the height I can jump,” Agnolia told her.
“Can you show me?” Acacia asked.
There was a brush of air and Agnolia's eyes could barely follow after. “Amazing!” Acacia found Agnolia on a tree branch.
“I don't use this ability much as I use my magic more,” Agnolia told her.
“Wouldn't your ability be useful in battle though?” Acacia asked.
Agnolia gave a shrug and jumped back down on the floor. They continued walking. “What would my special ability be?” Acacia asked.
“I wouldn't know. I have a book on special abilities and I can look it up, if you'd like,” Agnolia offered.
“Would you?” Acacia seemed to have stars in her eyes.
“Of course, but you've got to practice hard,” Agnolia told her.
“I'll do my best!” Acacia gave a wide smile.
With that, they packed up camp and continued through the forest, Acacia practicing to magically enhance her arms while Agnolia looked through a book of different animals' abilities. At some point of time, Acacia gave it a rest and stopped practicing for a time. “Agnolia, how long did you sit in the forest and practice fog magic like that for?” Acacia asked curiously.
“About two hours before you sat down with me,” Agnolia answered, not looking up from the book.
“Two hours?” Acacia said in shock and then added, “Plus another thirty minutes.”
“Here it is,” Agnolia suddenly said and continued, “Lion-humans' special ability is being able to regain magic power at a faster rate than any others just from resting.”
“I can regain magic power much faster?” Acacia was surprised.
“That's a pretty good ability,” Agnolia closed the book and returned it to her bag.
“It's not as helpful as yours,” Acacia gave a sigh.
“When you become stronger, magic-wise, you'll realize how useful it is,” Agnolia told her.
“I guess,” Acacia went back to practicing as they continued down the path.