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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Legends, stories scattered through time, parents use them as bedtime stories and they eventually become pages in a book. We forget so easily that our world is plagued by a force that is determined to wipe out, not just humans, but all intelligent life on our world. We need to set aside our differences and focus on the same goal, eradicating the Zaktar. But whenever that time comes, it may already be too late. The four kingdoms of Sorra are blinded by darkness.

~ From the Elven Archives in Barliff

"Don't wander too deep into the forest Steven! You collect what you need and you hurry back!"

"Don't worry mother, I won't be long!" Steven called out. He dashed off into the forest, excited to collect his samples.

"Don't worry so much, he's a smart kid." Stevens father said.

"I don't think he's old enough to venture out into the forest without us."

"My father sent me when I was five, Steven is seven. He's more than prepared. Besides there's almost nothing int this part of the forest that can harm him."

Steven walked through the forest admiring the beauty of how the sunlight peered through the trees. He stopped near a white tree and placed a bucket near it.

"A few pieces of bark should work well, maybe I should get some from others as well.", he mumbled to himself. A few seconds after he attempted to pull of a piece he heard a noise behind him.

He turned around to see no one there, "Hello! Is anyone there?!" he asked hesitantly.

The noise became louder, sounding more of a cry. Steven walked towards the sound, taking cautious steps. "H-hello!" he called out.

He walked a few more feet when he came across a small clearing, on the other side of the clearing was what looked to appear a small girl. Steven ran towards her, "Are you hurt?" he asked her.

The girl looked up at him, her eyes were red from crying and her hair a complete mess. "P-please don't hurt me." she said.

Steven smiled at her and stretched out his hand, "I won't hurt you, I'm Steven."

The girl smiled and took hold of his hand, "I-I'm Katharine."

"Are you an elf?" Steven asked after noticing her ears.

Katharine nodded, "Y-yes. Y-you're a human?"

Steven shook his head, "My parents say that we're wizards."

"You know how to do magic?"

"A bit, I'm not good like my father. Why are you here?"

"They told me to run as fast as I can..." she said looking down unto the floor.

"You're parents?"

"I-I don't know..."

Steven tugged her along with him, "Come with me, maybe my parents can help."

Katharine smiled, "Th-thank you."

17 Years later

"You know they say that this bar is the best in all of Cronotopia." the man sat down next to the woman, reeking of alcohol, "Let me buy you a drink."

The woman looked at him and smirked, "I don't drink."

"Come on, just one." he reached to touch her face, she quickly reacted by grabbing his hand and twisting it, "Oww! What the hell!"

"Is this man bothering you Katharine?" the bartender asked.

"I believe he was just leaving." she pulled him off the chair and tossed him towards the floor, earning a cheer from a few bystanders. She sat back down on her chair and finished her water, "Here's the money that I owe you from yesterday and for today."

"Much obliged." he said taking the money.

"You couldn't go one day without hurting someone?" Steven asked taking a seat next to her.

"We haven't had any contracts this past month. I need some sort of action."

Steven laughed, "I think Mike might have found something." he pointed to the man dressed in a modified knight outfit, it had some armor on it but most was removed in trade for more movement.

"Well what is he waiting for?" she said standing up and tossing her long black hair. Her outfit was a modified wizard jacket, combined with what some may call a combat skirt. She had a bow and quiver hoisted on her back, and a wand secluded in her sleeve.

Steven chuckled and stood up as well, he was dressed in a more sincere wizard get up, belonging once to his father, it was dark blue and had faded gold on the tips of the sleeves.

"Find anything Mike?" Katharine said leaning onto the table.

Mike shuffled his papers not looking up at her, "No not yet, most of these contracts have already been completed by that scythe wielder and her group." he sighed as he put down the fliers, "You get anything yet Grant?"

Grant, who was seated across from him, is Mikes older brother, he was dressed in a similar fashion to Mike but had slightly more armor on, he is also much taller than his brother. "I got a couple of contracts down in the southern parts of the Elven Forest, each one asking to clear a large group of Zaktar Woulverynes, I hate those things but they're offering a pretty decent reward."

"How much?" Steven asked.

"2,000 trien."

"Sounds good, we should probably get some supplies before we head out." Mike stood up and handed the fliers back to the bartender. "See you in a few weeks Frank."

He nodded and placed the fliers back onto the wooden bulletin board, "You guys be safe." he said.

The group exited the bar with Mike and Grant walking ahead of them, "We'll go get the supplies, what is it that you need?"

"I could use more arrows, and maybe some climbing gear." Katharine said.

"Climbing gear?"

"I've been wanting to make an arrow that I can shot to the tops of high areas so I can climb them. It might prove helpful for us."

"Alright... Steven?"

"I'm good, I'm a wizard remember... but maybe some daggers could be useful."

Mike nodded and headed off towards the general store with Grant. Katharine sat down on one of the nearby benches and startled fiddling with one of her arrows. "We haven't left Cronotopia in a while, do you think we can go to Larken after this?"

Steven chuckled as he rested his foot on the bench, "You'll have to talk to Mike about that, but I wouldn't mind going there."

"I guess we'll see, d-do you think we might see Jennifer on the way to the forest?" she asked.

Steven looked at her curiously, "Most likely yes, we'll have to pass through Adde City to get there. Look I know you two don't exactly get along bu-"

"No, no, it's not that. I-I was just wondering..." she said turning away form him.

"Ok... look don't worry if you want we can take the longer route."

"No, I can't do that to us. You know how Grant gets when we're on foot for days."

Steven chuckled and pulled Katharine in for a hug, "Well if my elf sister needs anything don't hesitate to ask."

"Maybe you can stop hugging me, because your hurting my ear." she said grunting a bt.

"Oh sorry." he immediately let her go making her laugh a bit.

"It's fine, I guess having pointed ears is good for something after all." she said jokingly.

"Alright we're all set. I got word from the shopkeeper that there have been recent attacks on small settlements in the areas between Cronotopia and Larken." Mike said.

"Zaktar?" Steven asked.

"No, it seems to be the works of people."

"Humans and wizards? That's a first..." Steven joked.

"Hey you and me are working together?" Mike protested.

"Yea but you're a special kind of human." he teased, earning a laugh from Grant.

"Hey you're a human to." Mike said to Grant.

"But I'm not the one who constantly strikes out with every girl."

"Touche..." Mike said defeated, "Shall we get going?"

"I think we shall." Katharine said standing up.

The group made their way towards the city gates, and unto the road that lies ahead. It will be there first contract in over a month, although they're used to contracts that involve taking out bandits, they could use the money.

"So what do we do if we encounter these attackers?" Grant asked.

"We do the people a favor and kill them. Simple as that." Mike said.

"Works for me." Steven said.

"Ditto." Katharine said skipping along in front of them.

"At least try and look professional, we can't ruin or image Katharine." Mike said.

"We're bounty hunters Mike, I'm pretty sure out image can't get any lower." she said.

"True, but at least try and act like an adult."

"Ughh fine!" she said changing to a walk, "Is this better?!"

"It's better than anything." Grant teased. The group laughed as they exited the city and unto the dirt road leading to the next city located near the border. All four of them were certainly looking forward to some well deserved action, but the Zaktar is a force not to be taken lightly. Luckily for them they are more than prepared, or so they claim themselves to be.

2: Chapter 2
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Two days later

"Rise and shine everyone!" Mike yelled out banging his sword on a log.

"What's the rush Mike?" Katharine said rubbing her eyes.

"If we want those Trien we'll have to move fast, Adde is just a few miles down that way. We can make it there before lunch."

"Oh alright." Steven said standing up. They all stayed in an open field the night before. The kingdom of Cronotopia is mainly made up of mostly plains and forests. Having a typically balanced climate, and for the time being zero Zaktar attacks on major settlements.

Grant stood up and started gathering their things, "Katharine come and give me a hand here."

"Coming!" she sang skipping towards him. She started grabbing Stevens leftover potion bottles and tossed them into a bag. "How come you never taught me to make potions?" she asked Steven.

"I did, but you caused an explosion that wiped your memory for the day."

"Are you sure?"

"Do you have dreams about it?"


"Than yes it did happen. It's a side effect of the potion you created."

"That explains so much, the following day I felt so confused. It felt as if I was a day behind."

Steven chuckled and took the bag from her, "Just stay away from my potions okay."

Katharine pouted, "Oh alright... grumpy pants." she picked up her bow and placed it on her back. They all continued walking down the path, occasionally waving to some travellers on the same road.

A few hours pass and the gates to Adde City came into view, the city itself was fairly large but it came in second when compared to the capitol city of Cronotopia.

They checked with the gate keeper who granted them permission to enter, just like any other city the streets were filled with people going about their day. A couple of humans and elves arguing, and some wizards performing for small children. A usual sight for the big cities.

"I'll go on ahead and let Jennifer know we're coming." Steven said walking in front of the others, "You want to come Katharine?"

"Umm, y-you know what I think I'll stay with Mike and Grant." she said shyly.

"Oh come on Katharine, she doesn't hate you." Grant said cheerfully.

"Well what about the time-" Mike started but was shut up by Grant whom smacked him on his head, "Ow!" he yelled out rubbing his head.

Katharine giggled, "I guess I'll go with you." she waved at the other two as she went to catch up with her brother.

"We'll be there soon, I want to stop by the post office first." Mike called out.

"Alright... see you soon!" Steven called out, as he and Katharine disappeared amongst the crowd.

"What exactly do you need to do at the post office?" Grant asked.

"I wanted to see if they have any leads on the attacks in the area. Usually their bulletin boards are more up to date than the ones we find in the bars."

"Why not just try the wardens building?"

"Last time we checked there we almost got arrested, I can't believe they confused me for a criminal. That guy did not have the awesome looks that I have."

Grant sighed as Mike continued to ramble, eventually they arrived at the post office. It was a small building in between two medium sized buildings.

Mike walked inside and immediately turned to the bulletin board. "Hmm let's see what we got here. They all say the same thing as the ones we got from Cronotopia City."

"Well thanks for wasting my... wait look at that one." he said pointing to the small piece of paper.

"Interesting, small camp found near the south side of the Elven Forest. It says here they fly a flag of that is of neither kingdom, you don't think that it could be a cover for those brutes in Wyrmstan?"

"No... Wyrmstan had learned in the past not to mess with the other three kingdoms. It could just be some private army."

"Do you think they could be responsible for the recent attacks?"

"All other reports say that it was a fairly small group,and by the looks of this drawing that is not a small group."

"Well I'm keeping this just in case."

"Whatever floats your boat Mike."

The two brothers exited the building and started walking towards Jennifer's work shop. It was quite a long ways, but Steven and Katharine had already arrived there.

"Here we are... no fighting OK Katharine." he said strictly.

"It's her who always starts it." she protested.

Steven sighed and walked to the front door of the building. The building was much larger than the post office, it was painted black and had sign that read 'Jennifer's Magic Equipment'.

Steven walked in, a bell jingling as he stepped through.

"Store's closed for the day!" someone yelled from the counter. Jennifer was to busy organizing things to realize who had entered the room.

"I recommend putting up a sign that let's others know that." Steven joked.

Jennifer turned around and smiled, "Steven! It's so good to see you again!" she said running over to hug him. Jennifer was a year younger than Steven, she was dressed in a modest merchant outfit, but had her rapier hoisted on her left side. Usually she sported a modified hunters outfit, she pulled out of the hug and turned to look at Katharine, tossing her brown hair as she did.

"K-Katharine... long time no see." she said calmly.

"Three months to be exact." she said teasingly.

"Always correcting me aren't you."

"N-no I-I wasn't..."

Jennifer chuckled as she walked over to her, "I'm just joking, I'm actually glad to see you." she said pulling her into a hug.

Katharine smiled as she looked at Steven who gave her a thumbs up, she blushed a bit as she pulled away from the hug.

"Now that you're here you can help organize my stuff." Jennifer said pointing to the counter, "Organize those bottles by elemental type."

Katharine sighed and went to do as she was told, "Oh great." she mumbled.

"She isn't your personal servant you know." Steven said.

"I have to keep an image Steven..."

"She just wants to be your friend."

Jennifer sighed, "Look your sister is a nice girl, but I... she's... "


"Never mind... So where are the other two?"

"They stopped by the post office, they should be here soon. So how has the store been fairing lately?"

"Honestly I miss the life of being a huntress. Sure I make more money this way, but I miss the feeling of being in the heat of action."

"Is that why you carry your rapier inside the store."

Jennifer shrugged, "You never know." she said jokingly, "A wizard needs her action too."

Jennifer uses a combination of her wand and rapier in combat, usually she keeps her wand attached to the base of the rapier in order to cast her magic either from up close or from afar.

"Jennifer! Were do you want this talisman?" Katharine called out.

"Leave it on the counter!" after she said it a loud crash came from Katharine's side of the room. "Oh gods what did you do now!" she said storming over to her.

Katharine was face down on the floor with a bunch of books laying on top of her, "I-I was stepping down from the stool and I slipped, I guess I must have grabbed onto some books on my way down."

Jennifer face palmed letting out a disappointed sigh, "Katharine, you dolt!"

"Easy Jennifer, get up Katharine." he said helping her up.

"I'm really, really sorry." Katharine said looking down onto the floor.

"Just stay quiet please..." she said walking away.

Katharine attempted to follow her but was stopped by Steven, "Let me talk to her." he said reassuringly.

"S-stay calm... stay calm." Jennifer whispered to herself, pacing back and forth.

"You alright?" Steven said walking up to her.

"I'm fine... you'll have to pay for that you know."

"She didn't break anything."

"I-I know..."

"I think you should say something to her..."

"Like what!?"

"I don't know, anything. Please... she could use the confidence boost."

Jennifer growled, "Alright I'll see what I can do."

She walked back to where Katharine was, she was hastily picking up the books, "J-Jennifer!? I-I was t-" she was shushed by Jennifer who had put her finger on her mouth.

"It's alright I can clean it up later." she said quietly.

Katharine nodded and hugged Jennifer, "If you don't let go of me I will turn you into stone."

She immediately let go, "Y-you can do that?"

Jennifer smirked, "You don't believe?"

"I believe you!" Katharine yelled hiding her face from her.

Jennifer laughed at the sight, "I wouldn't use it on you! You dolt!"

"You girls made up yet?" Steven said walking in.

"I-I think so." Katharine said looking at Jennifer.

"For the time being."

The door to the store opened, making the bell jingle once more.

"Jenny! We're here!" Mike sang.

"Oh great..." Jennifer mumbled to herself.

"Jenny!" Mike said pulling her into a hug, "How's my favorite wizard-slash-assassin doing?"

"I am not an assassin!" she protested, earning a giggle from Katharine, "And I'm doing well, at least until you showed up."

"Ouch, still stone cold I see."

"But it's the Jenny we love." Grant said, "Good to see you again."

"Likewise." she said with a smile, "Well I know very well you guys aren't here to just visit. So what do you want Mike?"

"We're on our way towards the Elven Forest, the southern half to be more exact."

"Near Larken?"

"Yup, and we need some more magical stuff for my wizard friend and his sort of wizard sister."

"Hey! I am very capable of using magic!" Katharine said.

"Your ice and fire magic may be excellent but your healing magic could use some working on." Steven said.

"Fair enough..." Katharine said folding her arms.

Jennifer laughed and started rummaging through her counter, "I have some elixirs, powders, and some poisons. I could lend you a few healing tomes so Katie here can perfect them." she said giving her a wink.

Katharine blushed from embarrassment, while the other four laughed, "Thank you Jenny." Mike said.

"You guys can stay the night if you need to, seeing that it's getting dark out."

"I guess we could use a warm bed, after all from here on it's nothing but hard ground." Grant said.

"Alright I guess we'll stay." Mike said.

"Great, let me just lock up the store and we'll move on upstairs. Oh and Katharine... stay away from my things."

3: Chapter 3
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The following day

Katharine awoke early the next morning, she stretched as she let out a yawn. She looked around the room, everyone was still fast asleep, and the sun was begging to rise.

"I've never seen the sunrise before." she stood up and walked downstairs, the mess that she made the day before was still there, it made her laugh seeing that Jennifer didn't get around to it.

She stepped outside to admire the sunrise, the city streets were empty, save for a few gaurds patrolling the streets. "Beautiful isn't it?"

Katharine jumped at the voice and turned around to see Jennifer standing behind her, "Gah! Y-you scared me."

Jennifer chuckled and walked closer to Katharine, "I love this view, there are no buildings to block the sun's rays. It's a warm, nice view."

"Y-yea it's really beautiful."

"You don't have to act so nervous around me, I'm not all bite." she said teasingly.

Katharine gave her a warm smile, "You almost did one time."

"In my defense you wouldn't let go of me."

"But you give the best hugs!"

"Same old Katharine, a little girl in woman's body."

"I like to blame it on my elf heritage."

"I don't think that's the case." Jennifer said giggling, "So when are you guys heading out?"

"Probably after breakfast, it's a two day journey to the Elven Forest and another two days to reach the south side."

"So in other words it's a four day trip."

Katharine laughed softly, "Yea you can say that."

"I'm going to head back inside, the guys should be waking up soon and I should make something to eat." she turned and walked towards the door of the shop.

"D-do you need some help?" Katharine called out.

"Promise not to make another mess."

"I promise."

"Well hurry in."

Katharine ran towards the door and followed Jennifer inside, they tiptoed upstairs and into the kitchen.

"I only have eggs for the time being... I ran out of that special powder that makes those delicious flat round cakes."

"They should have some catchier name."

"Can you start the fire... I ran out of oil to set the wood on fire the other day."

"Don't worry I got it." Katharine stepped in front of the stone stove and opened up the hatch. She closed her right hand and opened it up in a fast motion, managing to conjure a ball of fire.

"I'm jealous of you." Jennifer said.

"And why is that?"

"You know how to wield fire magic!" she pouted.

"You know how to wield lightning and stone. If anything that is much cooler." she launched the fireball into the stove setting the wood on fire. She closed the hatch and placed a stone pan on top.

"Fair enough, but I still think fire is better."

"Whatever you say princess."

"Please don't call me that." Jennifer said coldly.

An hour later

The gang had just finished their breakfast and were packing up their belongings. "I'm surprised you two didn't burn down the place." Mike joked.

"And what is that supposed to mean? Was my cooking not good enough for you?" Katharine said.

"No, it was great. I was expecting you two to fight, which would in turn lead you to using your fire inevitably burning down the place."

"Should I be offended?" she whispered to Steven.

"I've learned to roll with his remarks." he replied.

"Look Mike just because me and Jennifer fight from time to time doesn't mean that it happens every time we meet."

Mike gave her a smug look, "OK maybe almost most of the time..." Katharine said quietly.

"You sure you don't want to come with us Jennifer?" Steven asked when he walked downstairs.

"N-no... I think it would be best if I stayed here. Besides I would just get in the way."

"No you wouldn't. You've been on contracts with us in the past, not once have you gotten in our way. You're amazing in combat."

Jennifer sighed, "Ok you got me... I just don't want to get into anymore fights with your sister."

"Oh... I see. I just don't get it, this morning you two seemed to hit it off."

"That's because she wasn't being a loud little brat."

"You watch your mouth Missy, sure she has a rather outgoing personality but that doesn't mean you have to hate her."

"My answer is still no... I'm sorry Steven."

"Whatever..." he grabbed hold of his bag as the other three rushed downstairs, "You guys ready?" he asked them.

"I think so, is Jenny coming along?" Mike asked.

"Umm... no, she has to take care of the shop."

"That's a real shame, we'll bring you something nice." Grant said.

"Some Woulveryne talons would be nice, they're helpful in creating dark potions. You guys be careful out there, I hear it's no longer just Woulverynes that are attacking anymore."

"What other Zaktar are attacking?"

"Urses, Stalkers, Falcrows, even Revenants are attacking."

"We'll keep an eye out." Mike said reassuringly.

"See ya in a couple of weeks Jenny!" Grant said as he and the others walked out of the store.

"Bye Jennifer." Katharine said softly. Jennifer waved at her as the door closed behind them.

"Stay safe... Katharine." she mumbled to herself.

"Everything seems to be in check, by the end of today we should reach the boundaries of Cronotopia and the open plains. From there the road should lead us to the forest." Mike rambled.

"You should hold off the coffee Mike, it makes you sound like Katharine a bit." Steven said jokingly.

"Hey! I do not talk that fast! Well at least not most of the time."

Steven and Grant laughed, "Relax Katie, we're just joking." Grant said with a warm smile.

They reached the exit gate of the city and soon were back onto open road. Like Mike said it would be a long walk till they reach the boundary. As Mike kept rambling to Grant and Steven, Katharine took the liberty to admire the scenery that past by, she let out a sigh as she accidentally bumped into Steven.

"You alright?" he asked.

"Y-yea, just thinking."

"May I ask what it is you're thinking."

Katharine sighed once more, "I overheard you and Jennifer talking earlier."

"Y-you did?"

"Why is she like that? What did I ever do to make her hate me?"

"I don't think it's something you did. Jennifer has always been a bit hotheaded, it takes time for her to warm up to people."

"I've known her for almost fifteen years!"

"I never said it happened fast."

"Ughh! Maybe I should just give up on it."

"Now Katharine I don't think you should give up so easily. It takes time for friendships to grow, trust me it'll all be worth it in the end." Mike said, "Now then where was I, oh right. You see to handle a Woulveryne is much different than an Urse it takes..." his words soon descended into another ramble as Katharine giggled at the thought.

"He has a point... I guess we'll see where this 'friendship' leads me."

"Enough Mike! We know very well how to deal with these creatures!" Grant said in order to shut him up.

"Alright, alright. I'll stay quiet till we reach the boundary."

"Thank the gods!" the other three said in unison.