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On the day of the fall, the continents of the world convened, creating earthquakes of unimaginable magnitudes, as if returning to when the world began.


Earth was transformed that day. The old world is now one continent covering a surprisingly small portion of the earth while the oceans fill the rest.

With the exception of strange landmasses that rose (like pimples) quite suddenly and with no apparent cause.

Three years after the Fall, the old world order is no longer following the old more. Life now proceeds as Right by Strength.

That day, every single world power, the USA, China, The Middle Eastern States, Russia, and Europe, every nation was attacked by inexplicable forces. 

First there was the mutant beast. Then there were the humans who were bitten by the mutated beasts, who became mindless killing machine. And not long after, the beasts evolved.

Heroes and Kings arose from the dust to fight back the tides. A majority of the former USA is ruled by Raymond the Earth King and his brothers while the remaining states all have their own Kings. 

Texas has its own King, so does what was once Florida (though most of Florida was destroyed around the eastern seaboard when the Fall first happen).

In Eastern China, the Martial Lord, Yue Xing, fights for supremacy against warlords in Shandong, Jiangnan, and Hebei.

To the West, Feng Jing, the Mad Tiger, controls what once used to be the Northern Chinese Plains.

In Former Russia, when Moscow was decimated by the Fall, a young recruit rose to the occasion and thus was born Bear King Boris Ivanov who then proclaimed himself the Tsar of New Russia. 

All over Russia there sprouted warlords and militant groups, and mercenaries. Some followed Boris, the rest were less than accommodating towards the new regime.

In Former Turkey, Usman the Scimitar, rules while contending with the still extant tribes. 

Former Germany is controlled by a group of NeoNazis (who knows how they gained power), persecuting whomever they can. Their leader goes by the title Fuhrer Bradheim, the One Eyed King, and the only opposition he faces is David, the Iron Lord.

There are no longer any clear cut borders or even nations, the only order left is enforced by the nearest army. 

For example Yue Xing has established his own dynasty called the Yue dynasty in his domain after he conquered a few cities, while Feng Jing establishes his own dynasty of Wei. 

Former Japan has Houtarou Oreki the Swift Dragon and Hikigaya the Lazy Tiger. Both of those men have great armies, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, and are evenly matched resulting in matching, stable, spheres of influence.

Imagine the world when all these powers have gathered on one continent, all these heroes and villains.


They all crumbled that day. Human Rights? If you have power, you are practically a god. 

Weapons like bullets and bombs have no effect on people who followed the World Orb System.

But after three years when some stability has been found even, the age of war has begun: these warlords have begun to expand their power. 

After all, not all these Kings are good natured people. Since the Fall, in order to survive, how terrible the things they seen, how terrible the things they have done to get to where they are now.

If not for luck and some powerful skillbooks, would they be as powerful as they are today. Some Kings, before the Fall, were office workers, blue collar workers, some lived even lower lives--criminals.

Before the Fall, they had nothing, no prestige, no strength, no fame, living in routine every day but now they live like Kings. 

All of them are many things now. Some are killers, some are rapists, some are ruthless, some are compassionate, but they are, all of them, brave. If not they would not reach where they are now.

But even all these Kings, all these heroes under heaven fear one thing.

An army? They could fight armies. But him? They do not dare.

His power is mysterious and deadly. He is Lord Shadow.

He fears no King, fears no armies. He go where he pleases does what he likes. He is like the wind. He is unpredictable. 

If he wants to take anything no one could stop him from doing so. If he doesn’t want to do something, nothing could force him. 

Some people hate him, some people adore him, some people fear him, and some people respect him.

He has no armies or cities or even Kingdoms but no King dare offend him.

Who doesn’t know the stories of 20 Kings fighting Lord Shadow at the Stone Gates? Lord Shadow decapitated people's heads like paddy stalks, drenching the gate red.

Or what about the Battle at the Dragon Cliff where Lord Shadow appear out of nowhere and stole in front of all the world the Skill book, Dragon Palm, driving the Ice Queen Katarina to swear a blood oath that she would kill Lord Shadow should they ever meet.

Or how about him slaying the Seven Generals to Save a Friend? Lord Shadow, to save his sworn brother from an execution, killing countless heroes under heaven, and after he saved his brother, he even dared to return and loot all the belonging of the Generals.

Lord Shadow is one man, yet he dares contend with the whole world by himself. Such power cannot help but be admired. 

Some Kings want to recruit him; others have put bounties on him. Yet, if Lord Shadow appears no Kings have the power to contend with him.

Of course, like all stories, his story begins with humble beginnings.

This is his story of how a man working in a dead end job grew to become one of the most famous men in the world, feared and revered.




There is one person in the table, he is old and blind in one eye, covered by a golden eye cover, but his body is full with muscle, in his left hand is a golden spear, sighing while, looking at the Interactive Construct in his hand, showing the Weron fleet approaching the Planet Earth with light speed.

In his heart he already has a plan to counter the Weronian offensive but he needs the other piece of the World Orb from Zeus.

Earth holds sentimental values for him. Both Asgard and Olympus has made exploratory expedition to Earth before.

Was it 5000 years ago, or was it 7000 years ago? Odin has lived so long he hardly remembers.

When he landed there, he found out that humans have just begun creating community and their technology was still primitive.

They even worship him when he arrived with his son. But Odin was convinced that if left alone to their devices, while they may stumble and fall, one day they will learn from their mistake and they will progress.

Asgard and Olympus is Type Three Civilization. Yet they do not colonize too much planets in fear of the Destroyer…or as humans call it the Great Filter.

And then a person enters the room. The man kneeled. The man was a messenger.

‘Did they arrive?’ Odin asked

The messenger was about to reply when from the distance Odin could see his old friends. Odin gesture the messenger to leave him and he messenger nodded.

‘Zeus you arrived.’ Zeus was a white bearded, muscly man wearing his Council robe, power emanated from him, and sparks of lightning can be seen dancing on his fingertips.

‘Odin it has been a long time’ Zeus said but his face doesn’t show that he is happy after all today it was Asgard that calls upon the Council to assemble.

Olympus and Asgard even though they are allies, they also have been conflict. He doesn’t like it when that One Eyed guy smiles. It irritates Zeus for some reason.

‘Is it just the two of us?’ Odin asked

‘The other has sent their proxy telling that they will follow our decision. They would agree if we agree. I brought Hermes with me.’

‘And I brought Frigga.’ Odin said.

Saying this, light flashes into the room and Hermes appears beside Zeus while Frigga appears beside Odin.

‘So, the Weron has begun their move?’ Zeus asked as he sits on the council table. Frigga and Hermes respectively take a seat beside their King.

‘Yes’ Odin reply

‘And?’ Zeus asked creasing his eyebrows.

‘Earth need to be protected.’ Odin said. Zeus creased hard.

‘How about the Time Lords? Did they respond?’ Zeus asked again, Odin shakes his head

‘They are neutral in this matter.’

‘Bunch of spineless coward. Hmm. One day I hope they fall. Considering the Da-’ Zeus sighed after seeing Hermes rolling his eyes.

‘Ehem’ Zeus coughed a bit then he said, thinking about the problem they are now presented.

‘Even though Weron intend to attack Earth what can we do? They are not a part of the treaty and Olympus has been at peace for too long. Do you think we would readily offend The Weronians because of one planet?’ Zeus raises a point and Hermes nodded at his King

Zeus is not cold hearted to let Earth suffer but he has his own planet to worry about.

If they send the Olympians to fight the Weronians, then the Qarthan will have an opportunity to attack Olympus.

While they have non-aggression treaty with Qarthan, and they both enjoyed peace for the last 2800 years, they are still bitter feelings on both sides.

Odin then said.

‘They might not have our technology but they are a warring race. Unbelievably strong and ruthless. And since they have departed years ago, they will reach Earth in 50 years by Thor calculations.’

‘Which is why even if we started pursuing them now, we would only see Earth destroyed and razed when we get there’ Zeus retorted back.

‘That is the thing. They are not destroying earth, they are rebuilding it.’

‘To what?’ Zeus said puzzled

‘To their liking. Weronian have no planets. When they fought the Ervenian race their planet was blown up. Since then, they have been roaming in space searching for a home.’

‘I know’ Zeus said waving his hand.

‘You don’t have to give me a history lesson.’ Zeus said annoyed electricity crackled in his hand. Odin just sighed.

Immature as always Odin mused. Then he said

‘Recently I discovered they obtained a World Engine from the Merchants of Sarens. If they used it at earth, then..’ Zeus holds up his hand.

‘I understand now.’ he said gritting his teeth and pale in his face, lightning sparks produced from his sweat.

‘But what could we do now?’ Zeus asked

‘I have a solution’ Odin said.

‘What solution?’

‘The World Orbs could save Earth’ And at this Zeus is shocked. The World Orb. That damned weapon.

‘You want to use it against Weron? That plausible but you know about The World Orb. It has its own consciousness. Asking it to unleash its energy and destroy a race might backfire on us.’

‘Yes, but the World Orb would not refuse us if we ask it to save a race instead of destroying one. I don’t think it would complain’

‘Save what? Humans?’

‘Yes, humans. They are weak and primitive but it is of course because they have just started in this great journey. In a thousand years or ten thousand years or maybe a million years they might reach our Planet technology in the past but not right now. They have a right to at least protect themselves from these irresponsible invasions’

Zeus began understanding Odin plans.

‘How could the world orb help?’

‘Make them stronger.’

‘How?’ Zeus asked. And Odin comes closer and whispered to Zeus. Zeus then nodded in understanding

‘But many would die.’ Zeus said after that. Odin holds the hand of his wife and smiles a bitter smile

‘Astronomical amount. Humans are still not developed and they have maybe 6 billion or 7 billion people.’

‘Then why? Olympus will not allow such cruel treatment to an alien race.’

‘Yes, many of them will die, but they will survive when the Weronian fleet comes. This is the only choice.’

Zeus then thinks for a while, his mind making calculations and then he nodded and said.

‘Then meet me in Zeron with your piece of World Orb. If the Council allows it, then maybe your plan will work.’

Saying this they then talk about other matters and then that evening they take the World Orb from both of their treasury.

The World Orb is the most powerful thing in the Universe, or any universe.

It could change realities, govern times and many other abilities but it have its own consciousness.

And because of that it is a very dangerous item in the whole universe. It is tahnks to the Elder of Universe that it programed the Orb to judge any order it received it by using Elder of Universe morality as guidance

When the Olympians and Asgardian ask the World Orb to strengthen human on Earth, the World Orb finds a system that the humans could understand.

They could not be strong if the World Orb use too complicated a method, or if the World Orb gives them knowledge before its time, which might lead them to their own ruin.

And then a light invisible to naked light sprouted from the World Orb and shot faster than any FTL speed, reaching Earth in a blink of an eye.

And the Fall begins. Or as the Olympians and Asgardian call it, the rise begins.



The computer café in Temerloh is just beside the elementary school of Joy Park (At my place it is called Taman Bahagia. When it is translated to English it becomes Joy Park).

A customer parks his bike outside the café and rushed inside pushing the door. The outside is raining heavily.

There are not many customers today considering the heavy rain. It is the monsoon season in Malaysia, but at least the rain lessens the effect of the fog from Indonesia.

Quickly he asked the cashier to open his computer. He is a regular customer and he is in a hurry.

He needs to open his Garena account and defeat his friend today.

Thinking about it the customer smiles in glee.

‘Brother Azief, open Computer 6.’ The man said.

‘Okay wait a bit.’ The unsmiling man called Azief clicks the button on the server and click the screen on PC 6 and its open.

Right now its 3.00 pm. He finished his shift at 5.00 so he still has 2 hours left. He just finished eating and he put his lunchbox inside his bag and put it under the counter.

He then returns his gaze back to the computer in front of him. He is reading some novels in Wuxiaworld, the new chapter by Er Gen just come out yesterday.

This is the only thing he does every day. Reading novels, watching movies and frankly its boring and unrewarding.

Of course reading ISSTH is never unrewarding but when he look back at his life he doesn’t accomplish much, all because the circumstances of his family and his lack of confidence.

After finishing his diploma, because of lack of money he could not take his degree.

Even if he takes it his country is govern by stupid politicians, arguing about race, religions, throwing shits at each other like monkey in a zoo, while the common people like him suffers, the ringgits are declining, the oil price is high, taxes are high, people is being choked by their own government, while the ministers live like Gods, some of those in religious position do not even say anything to those politicians, and jobs are scarce.

What good is it to have a degree in a nation like this? One might say he is wrong but that is his opinion.

There is something wrong about his country. It’s not even a world power yet the scandal is world level.

The corruption, the nepotism, the lack of free speech and all of that problem with human rights. (Just hope the ISA will not arrest me for this if they ever decide to scour the internet)

So, when he got a job at a nearby internet café he accepted it. At least he will have some money for his own expenditure.

He lives in Malaysia. The country near him is Thailand, Indonesia and what else? To be honest he sucks in geography.

This job is not too bad but the salary is not too high. But still. It’s better than not having any money.

He has no girlfriend. Not because he can’t get one mostly because he doesn’t have confidence.

In his eyes, girls only like you when you have a car, money or looks. He doesn’t have money, doesn’t have a car, and his look is okay, not great.

He doesn’t have acne like when he was in high school. That was the worse time to have acne.

Sometimes the work can be stressful after all the kids entering the café are usually kind of act like a thug.

Even though he has told them to smoke outside so many times they regarded him as nothing but a tool.

If not because he doesn’t want to cause trouble he would kill them. Azief is mild mannered, and only proactive with his friend.

But his head is full with dark fantasy.

But of course he never did any of the things he imagines to anyone. He doesn’t want to get the death penalty.

After all he is not insane. But who doesn’t have some dark fantasy in the back of their minds when they are being scolded or when they are powerless, and really angry at a person.

And how many acts on those instincts? Not many. Today the rain is heavy and not many people come to the café.(For the sake of convenience the internet café will be called café now)

Sometimes he asks himself where his life is going. He spends 3 years acquiring a diploma and now…..he is working on an internet café.

To be honest there is nothing wrong working at an internet café but….if that is his career path why did he even bother using the loan to further his studies other than putting himself under debt.

It’s not even a career…it’s just a job.

Sometimes, there are days he just wants to run away, from the problem which is student loans, and with not a good job ever knocking his door.

He has been in many interview but coupled that with his shyness around strangers he doesn’t really do well.

He is also not handsome. He is not ugly though. The one thing he noticed that handsome people is usually easier to get a job.

And science has proven that right.

Then another person entered the café.

‘Oh, you. PC 9 right?’ Azief immediately recognized the person.

The man nodded and smiles, while Azief quickly open the computer.

Azief then sighed and then return watching YouTube, reading novels and listening to songs.

Then suddenly he heard a voice inside his head.

‘I am the World Orb. Your world is undergoing great changes. Either become strong or perish. Luck and perseverance will help you in the coming days. Considering your aptitude, the most suitable weapon for you is a dagger.  Prepare yourself for the worst is yet to come.’ 

Then the voice disappeared. And then with a flash of light a dagger appeared in his hand. Azief was so surprised he falls from his chair.

Then he looks at his customer who also in the café with him. He looks at the regular customer and at his hand is a blade.

The other has a bow and arrow behind his back. The customer also looked dazed and shock fills his face just like Azief.

‘What is happening?’ Azief said when suddenly an explosion happens that shakes the foundation of the building.

Quickly he tossed his earphones, and seeing the cracked walls he ran out of the building as fast as possible.

‘Run!’ Azief yelled to the two people in the café and quickly those two customers tossed their earphones and run to the exit when suddenly the roof gave out and the two people were crushed to death by the debris.

Azief was trembling; his hand is trembling holding the sharp dagger.

‘What is happening? What the fuck is happening!’ He screams in his mind.

Then suddenly he looked upwards and sees meteors, big red fiery balls falling from the sky and his eyes follow the ball as he finally realize where it is heading.

Oh my god!

Just across the street from the café is an elementary school. Many kids studied there all came from the suburbs (in my place it called Taman kind of like suburb I guess) and then it crashed to the football field, leaving a huge crater, as the fire burns the football field grass.

And the street shakes like an earthquake just happens, the nearby building around the football field either caught fire or their walls cracked.

All around him people are crying and running, some hide themselves under table fearing this is an earthquake when suddenly something appear in view of him

Name: Not yet Given

Gender: Male

Level: 01

Class: None

Strength: 12

Agility: 6

Vitality: 9

Stamina: 7

Spirit: 11

Endurance: 10

And then he looked at the crumbled shop in front of him and he could see the seeping blood from the two customers.

He looks at his bike outside the shop and remembers he left his bike key on his bag. His bag is under the counter of the café.

People have already been calling firemen, police and all of that service. Usually he would not go to the debris and wait for the firemen to arrive but then he could see that there are still many of that fiery ball is coming.

‘I don’t have time to wait. Maybe the next time that thing falls, it would land on me’ thinking like this Azief made up his mind.

He then looks around him. Some even kneels and pray to God.

‘I need to get my key and get the hell out of this place’ he said. He steels himself and goes to the debris.

What could make the building crumble like this? He mused.

It was like that planned bombing of a bridge or buildings. It falls downwards like something melted the pillars.

He was looking when he spotted a big egg.

‘What is this?’ He is thinking to get his key and quickly get out of here.

Then another ball of fire fall not far away from the school, and its make another fierce shakings and the streets cracked and some cars who are rushing to get out of this got into an accident with a truck.

People screamed and horn the cars, while some are just plain running from the area.

‘I need to get it fast’ Azief said, his tone is full of anxiety and he ignored the egg when suddenly the egg cracked.

‘What is this?’ This time he notices the egg. It was like something is clawing its way out from the egg.

Suddenly from the cracked egg appear the most hideous chicken he has ever seen in his entire life with one a beak shining like sharp knife and having a pure black eyes, kinda like that demon in those Supernatural TV series.

It also has a horn at its head, making it abnormally ….scary.

‘Oh fuck. What the hell is this thing!’ he screamed when the chicken lunged into him and accidentally by luck he swings that dagger in his hand and accidentally slit the chicken throats.

Almost at the same time a little blue book and golden coins come out of the chicken corpse and fell within his reach

What the hell is this? A game? He mused. And then he looks all around him and he could not believe what he is seeing.



All around him he could hear shrill screams. He looks behind him and he could see many beasts appears from the crater from the previous meteor.

There are some guys wielding a machete and someone using a blade to try to attack the monster. Some succeeded before being overrun by the sheer number of the beast.

And then Azief quickly understands. Aliens! Thinking on his feet, he quickly took the blue book and the golden coin.

Is this a game? It looks like a game! And then he remembers the words. Become strong or perish.

Fuck all this!

Then he quickly runs. He has no chance of survival if he waited for any law enforcement or policeman to come and truthfully he is afraid of what comes out of the craters.

He did see the beast that rise from the craters and they were not the kind of beast he has ever seen.

He knows of the back alley here and he could hide in one of the other shops considering people are in chaos.

Ah Seng shop he remembered. Ah Seng has a candy store just behind the café and sometimes Azief go there to buy some chocolate.

Then he feels something shaking and he could feel the ground is shaking. A distance away from him he could hear terrible screams, and people praying to God….no practically screaming for God help.

The cries of help and the scream are like a war drum as smokes of fire rises from the building near the gas station.

Then a huge explosion, a fire that reach such considerable height that Azief could see it even though he is block by a two story buildings.

The gas station is attacked. Hope the beast also dies. The more beasts that die, the more higher his chances for survival.

His heart beats like a drum, more like an EDM factory, erratically and almost like his heart is jumping out of his body, using all his strength and vitality to run as far as possible from hat scream.

If not for survival Azief would crumble in fear. Run, and run.

Why is he afraid?

It is because he could clearly see some of the beast that appear from that crater when he was running to safety.

If he were near that elementary school he knows he is going to die. It is by luck that he killed a little chicken that just begins to hatch but if he had to fight that ugly big thing, he is surely going to die.

It looks like a cat but twice size bigger than cats, to be honest it look like a tiger and is currently now mauling and eating people like a snack.

Azief ran dodging the people who is sprinting on the opposite direction of him using their bikes and cars to escape the area. Then a crash sound can be heard.

Another accident he mused while running with all people trying to run out of this area of course some people are going to get into accidents. 

When he reached into Ah Seng shop he quickly sees no one is there. They must have run too. He thought to himself.

Quickly he run inside the store and close the door. Then when he enters he realized why there is no one.

Red blood fills the floor and he could see Ah Seng corpse lying on the floor, his innards is gone and his left eyes were crushed by something.

It was almost like whatever killed him did not finish its meal.

Then a shrieking voice sounded out near Azief and suddenly from one of the counter a flying bat is flying towards him.

‘Fuck this’ he said and he slashed wildly and one of his slash strikes the bat wings and the bat fell down to the floor.

Seeing this opportunity, he quickly stabs the bat to death.

‘Die, die you fucking bat! I’m going to grind you to meat paste and step on your fucking corpse!’

And this time only the golden coin appears. Killing the bat he quickly reached out and put the golden coin inside his pocket.

And then he spits on the fucking bat. Partly because he is fucking scared and he shrieks like a girl.

Thinking about it his cheek is red in embarrassment. If anyone ever sees him at that state, he would feel like hiding in a hole.

Then quickly he barricaded the door with glass pane, steel panes, chairs, table and anything that is heavy and sturdy.

Losing his key in the most inopportune moment! What bad luck!

‘Is this a game?’ He asks himself. Then he checks the blue book he got from killing the little chicken.




‘Beast tamer? Whatever’ Azief said. It is still a skill. And in a game the many skills you have the better.

Azief has begins to look at this as a game. Looking it like that he could at least pretend to be calm.

‘Yes.’ Then a light shone down on him, a light only he can see and then he immediately understands. In his mind a card of a chicken appears.


Then a bat card appears in his mind. So now he can tame bat too. In his mind the name of the chicken is Small Horned Chicken and the Bat is Small Vampiric Bat.

‘This is a game’ he said to himself. Or a world like game? What happen to common sense huh? He said in his mind.

Anyway after that he looks at his weapon. His eyes immediately discern the weapon and a screen appear in front of his eyes, kind of like the interface in the game when you identify stuff.





So killing two of those beasts take one durability and their HP must not exceed 6.

‘No’ Azief shakes his head. The bat need to be strikes twice so maybe its health was around 10 or 12.

Then he looks around his surroundings. The cries and scream can still be heard outside the shop.

He only knows the man is called Ah Seng. Azief shakes his head looking at the condition of the corpse.

Azief don’t know much about Chinese culture and how to handle their dead but at least he knows that this is a kind of an indignity for them.

Thinking about it, it is an indignity to corpse everywhere.

‘Ah Seng rest in peace, ok? I already kill the bat that kills you so I hope wherever you are, you will rest in peace.’

He took one of the blankets on the back room of the store and covers the corpse.

‘Now I need to check what happen outside.’ He said.

But he is to afraid looking in the front door. He also has made sure the back door is barricaded and Azief is trying to make as little as noise as possible.

Checking the back door is like the first thing he did. He learns many things looking from slasher movies. It was always the back door.

He doesn’t want to attract the beast to come here. He went and climbs to the second floor of the shop and peer outside from the black tinted window pane.

Outside he could see, monstrous beast is running around killing people. Some were torn to shreds, others were stomped to death and some were bitten eaten right at the spot.

Azief almost puke when he sees one tiger like beat stomp a pregnant mother and then slowly rips the flesh of the pregnant mother to shreds with its claws.

There is even some beast that is flying and they seem to be leaving the area, probably to spread more destruction.

Some slither, some crawls, Azief even saw a centipede as large as a car, a scorpions as large as a humans, and spiders.

But they all begin leaving this place.

It was like this is not their initial destination. Mostly the big beast, in which Azief has decided to call them boss is not interested in this kind of small area.

Of course, they are not interested, they are the boss, Azief thinks. Surely they want more than just a few hundred peoples.

So they might go to Mentakab, Maran or even terrorize the Temerloh city, or attacking the major city Kuantan.

As long it’s not him they are eating, that is fine.

Some of them are small; some of them are medium build while some of them are large. Thankfully these beast lack intelligence.

At least that is what he feels.

They only rely on their sense of smell and sight to attack and do not attack the shop unless they detected humans in it.

‘Thank God I didn’t rush to my bike’ he said in whisper mode. He watched as the street is filling with burning cars and corpse burned beyond recognition.

The survivors are being chased by the beast and being eaten. Seeing all of this scene, his heart beats race faster. But he tries to remain calm.

‘Ok, what now?’ He said to himself to make himself focus.

He needs to return home and search for his family. He quickly went to his pocket and realized his phone is also in the debris.

Could he use the phone line in the shop? Quickly he went back down and he found it. But to his disappointment, there is no line.

The line is not working.

‘What happen actually?’ Azief then said calmly. Even though his family is separated from him by only 4 kilometer.

Usually a man who has families like him would already be in panic but he still remains calm.


Because if truth be told he doesn’t care that much about his families. Not because he hates them or because they hate him…..but because there is no bond.

There are roommates. Of course people said he has to be thankful being born into the world.

He wants to spit on to such people. What is good being born in the world? If he wasn’t born then he wouldn’t be hurt, wouldn’t have to worry about employment, about money, and all those existential problems….and most importantly he wouldn’t be here right now, in risk of being eaten by such horrifying beast

Why would anyone want to get born? If they can choose, knowing what they now know, would they still make the same decision?

He thinks not.

 Azief is not athletic but he is not bad in it either. He has a good muscle, not too lean and but not too chubby either.

He has some muscles thanks to working in the electronic stores where he has to climb   two floors to send a dishwashing machine when the company delivers the order, every day.

In his family, they were more like roommates then family.

When he got home, Azief would retreat to his room, and pay some games or watch some downloaded movies from some sharing sites.

His relationship with his brothers is also not quite good. But that doesn’t mean he wants them to die.

But honestly?

Even if they die, he doesn’t think he would be that sad. It was more like losing a roommate than a family.

After all in the modern world, not everybody have the family like those in TV or dramas.

Not everyone is always eager to see each other in the holidays or always greet them with good smiles.

Hmm…then what should he do now. Then he made a decision.

‘I need to make sure that big beast and their minions leave first before I go out or I’m going to get eaten like the rest of them.’

Then he returned to the second floor and watches from the top the events happening outside not knowing in the first floor the corpse is wriggling his fingers under the covers.



It was night and Azief is almost asleep when he hears a sound. Alert, Azief quickly woke up and then he peek at the first floor.

He swears he heard a sound from the first floor. By now, most of the people around the area has been dead or been eaten.

The moonlight shines brightly. Night like this, Azief unusually went to go drink coffee with his friend Nizam, talking about redundant thing.

And when he goes back at night he will look at the stars. Azief is not usually sentimental. Life is harsh, education is harsh and the country is harsh.

Not knowing what to do after getting out fresh from college, not getting any calls from any company, and with no great prospect, Azief sometimes just blanked out in some days asking does all this means something?

To get married in his country, the dowry he has to pay for the bride family must exceed RM10, 000.

Ten thousand ringgit! Azief wanted to shout to such family. Are you marrying your daughter or selling her!

Then they look at your education level, your job, what is your annual income, how could Azief compete.

Living in this kind of society makes him feel like he feels useless.

He couldn’t even make a thousand every month; his salary is six hundred ringgit how could he even dream to marry. If he could not marry why even bother searching for a girlfriend.

It will distract him finding money.

Then a roar bring him back to his present moment

Azief is quite lucky in that the beast did not detect him here and no humans discover him there.

It was dark but he could see with the aid of the moonlight. Then he heard the noise again and this time his eyes gazed towards the first floor.

Then he noticed something is moving from the cover of the corpse. Then outside he could hear people moving. He turns his gaze to the window pane.

Then Azief look outside and then he gasped in shock. The corpse that has been bitten is mutating into half human, half beast, almost like that liquid thing in Prototype.

One person has a cat leg with human face. But not all of them managed to merge with the beats. Some become like a zombie.

Then something nagged in the back of his mind.

‘Wait a minute!’ Realizing what he forget Azief quickly jump from the stairs and reach to the covers.

He could see Ah Seng corpse is beginning to move.

‘I’m not going to wait. Sorry Ah Seng. ’ He already sees what happens to the other corpse. And he is sure as hell; the same thing is going to happen to Ah Seng corpse.

Without hesitation Azief drive his dagger to the corpse head, and the blood seep through the covers not staining Azief clothes.

Yeah, and who says watching zombies movies wouldn’t profit him! Strike the brain and the zombie is dead.

Then a light shine down on Azief body.


‘Put 2 to strength, two to agility and three to stamina.’

 Azief then could feel his body is getting stronger and his body getting light and feel a rejuvenating energy in his body as his fatigue slowly dispersed.

A skill book dropped from the corpse, the golden coins, and a glove.

‘I’m lucky’ Azief said to himself as he sat on the corner exhausted, his stamina dropped by one point.

That stab is using half his strength and the body of the zombie is quite sturdy. Not all like he imagined.

Azief thought it would be kind of liquidy. If that thing really gets up Azief really thinks he will be too scared to stab the corpse.

He then checks the glove.



Bonus: Strength + 2

Stamina +2

Quickly Azief equipped it.

And he feels he is getting stronger. Now as he sits in the corner he is thinking how he is going to go home.

He could not stay here all the time or he is going to starve. And additional 3 points? Is there some achievements?

If I do it faster than anyone else, do I get some additional rewards? Is there some ranking I don’t know about? He thinks to himself.

Outside he could hear people walking but Azief now knows it is not really people that are walking but their corpse.

Zombies. Mutated sapiens….No…zombies Azief decided. I’m going to call the corpse zombies. Or do I want to call them stiff?

They give quite the experience. And they move slowly. If he make precise blow to the head, he could easily overpowered a zombie.

But he has to wait. Why?

Because when he looks earlier there is still one large beast prowling the area, their boss Azief thinks.

Azief thinks that when the beast leaves, they leave one of them to guard the area. Kind of like a guardian…or a dungeon boss.

It looks really similar like the alien in Alien, down to the green fluid around the mouth. Would it also have face sucker or something like that?

‘Haish’….he could not wait that long. He get up and take one of the chocolates in the counter and eat it slowly and trying his hardest not to make a sound when he is chewing.

Chocolates.  Can’t live just by chocolates.

But he can’t charge outside either. Charging outside mean he wants to be eaten. He might not be a genius but he is not an idiot.

Then he hears the sound of crumbling bricks.

Azief went back to the second floor and look through the windows, seeing something that resembles a badger is wildly punching on buildings and structure, destroying little shop and buildings.

The badger has other badger following him. They are as tall as 7 feet and very powerful, each punch destroys half the shop.

The other two is not as strong as the one is punching. The other one dig the shop with its sharp claw, searching for what Azief don’t know.

‘Fuck!’ As Azief realizes something. The first is the infantry. Now the seeker. They are seeking humans.

I thought they were idiots. Who thought even this beast has this kind of coordination?

Thinking about this Azief is sweating. One building takes the badger about 15 minutes to search and destroy. One little shop takes them less than 10 minutes.

‘I’m going to die. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!’ he cursed.

And the badger is careful not to get caught up in the debris. One of them was unlucky enough and gets crushed by one of the building debris.

If not for the other badgers, that one badger would already be dead. So they also help among their peers. Azief observed.

Solidarity. That’s bizarre.

Then slowly they worked their way back to the shop where he is hiding. His face is going pale.

‘Is this how it is going to end?’ he asks himself.

Should he try to make a run? He looks outside and he found that impossible.

He can’t.

With the badger and that huge beast in the elementary schools and with the mutated sapiens out there, just nearby his shop marching like an aimless zombie in Walking Dead, he would be eaten.

Is he the only one around Joy Park who is still human? Because it is beginning to look like it.

Slowly, and slowly the badger is making their way to the shop. The badger work systematically.

They were like a demolition expert. They didn’t care about the mutated sapiens only destroying buildings.

Azief then sit down and take a bite of a chocolate candy and already give up.

‘So here is where I’m going to die.’ He is giving up because the badger has already destroyed the shop beside his.

‘Hmmm. What a worthless existence. I am young, virgin, poor and now I have to die being a zombie! This is not fair! I lived according to the rules. I pay taxes, I don’t break the law, I did good. Okay I may not do good much, but I do not do evil either. To die like this-‘ and then Azief feel the shaking of the building.

He closes his eyes. Nothing comes to mind. Usually when people is going to die, life flashes through their eyes, or at least the important moments, or a face.

There is nothing but the darkness resulted from him closing his eyes. No flashes, no people, no moments.

He never truly lived, he discover at that moment. His routine is the same, internet, reading books, working.

With so little money, and so little friend, he never goes anywhere.

He never did anything crazy, or idiotic, fearing to break some laws, always fearing something.

If not the law, people. If not people, the future. If not the future, the present. He always fears something.

Always that one something, Always the almost but not quite.

He was about to say his prayer when suddenly the shaking grew more powerful. Quickly Azief open his eyes back and then he realized this is not the badger doing.

This is a very powerful earthquake.

The items in the candy shop all fall from their racks, the counter shakes on such ferocity that the glass panes shattered while Azief was brought forward and almost fall to the first floor if not for his quick grabbing of the railings.

What Azief don’t know is that right now the World Orb is creating a super continent, combining the nations and continents all over the world.

Usually when a super continent is formed it takes millions of years and usually it is preceded with a great extinction, volcanoes spurted its fiery lavas, creating mountains, plates of the earth moves resulting in terrifying disaster but the World Orb can change realities and time.

All it takes to combine all these continent only produce a little shakings all over the world, with a little but a few seconds, without damaging the world as so much but a quake.

But this was enough to create a miracle for Azief at this moment and for some others lucky people all around the world.

Azief looks outside and could see the streets jutted out, showing the solid hard ground, building crumbled by itself and then one of the buildings opposite Azief hiding place drop itself to the badgers that is coming to his hiding place and at the same time crushing the zombies around the shop.

And the shop beside Azief hiding place is also dropping itself to his hiding place. All the building falls like a nice set of dominoes.

At that time he made a decision.

‘An opportunity.’ He gets up from his kneeling pose and said

‘Thank you god’ And smirking he jumped out from the window of the second floor and landed outside with a thud.

He feels some pain but no bones are broken. And it’s not like the second story is too high from the ground. The candy shop is not situated in the mall, just a normal shop.

‘I guess it does work a bit like a game.’

Thank god he put many of his stats toward strength. And now he looks around the area of his sight and when the dust settles he smiles.

‘Easy prey’ he smiles coldly.

Why does he say that?

Because in front of him now, he could see three badgers is struggling to get out from the debris and about a 100 zombies that have their bodies cut into two, some only have half of their bodies, crawling to get outside the debris.

‘Be strong or perish right?’ he said looking at the moon.

‘I guess I’m lucky’ and he takes out his dagger.

‘HEHEHE’ he laughed.


I use Kardashev Scale for grouping the planet. Type 1 civilization has the ability to use all of the energy on their planet. We’re Type 0.7 not quite yet at Type 01 civilization.

Type 2 Civilization can harness all the energy of their host star. We can hardly imagine how someone would do this but at least the close we came is imagining the Dyson Sphere.

Type 3 can access power comparable to that of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Anyone living in such Civilization, probably mastered interstellar travel, possibly even colonizing the entire galaxy.



Looking in a distance he doesn’t see any threats that are coming to him. Destroy the biggest threat first. He decided

The zombie is many but they are slow and they do not seem to possess any coordination.

Anyone with a stick could fend them off.

‘Be brave’ he said to himself.

Even though his hand is sweating because of fear Azief quickly jump onto the debris and arrived near the badger.

The badger breath stinks and each time it exhales, a gust of wind appear from his nostril. One of the smarter badgers is trying to drill its way out of the debris. Another one is wounded heavily, blood seeping from its wound.

You think I’m going to let you do that! Azief thought to himself and he stab the badger and blood flow out from the stab wound.

But it is not enough.

So Azief stabs it again. And again. And again. Repeatedly he stabbed and Azief stamina is draining and finally when his stamina only left with three the shrieking and scrabbling badger died and then a light shone down on him.


3 level up! This badger gives a lot of experiences. He smiles in satisfaction

‘Hu. Hu’ Azief is taking his breath. It takes almost all of his stamina to just kill one badger. And another badger is beginning to dig.

Not one of these badgers can be allowed to escape. If not the consequences will be disastrous. In Azief mind, a badger card appears.


A skill book appears and golden coins are all around the badger corpse. Quickly Azief takes it all and put it in his pocket.

The book is small so he just put it in the pocket.

‘All to stamina’ Azief said and he feel his body is getting rejuvenated.

Then he jumped to the part of the debris and stab quickly on the back of the head of the badger.


Oh, so like a game there is also critical hit. Smiling now knowing that the badger neck area is critical point, Azief keep stabbing it and blood flowed around it while the badger is struggling to get out.

And after another ten strikes to its neck, it died with a whimper. This time Azief still have 8 stamina.

This time a skill book appears with the golden coin.

‘Another skill book. What a bountiful beast you are.’ He exclaimed


Another three level up. In normal circumstances, he understands to kill these badgers might be an impossibility at his current level and he was doomed to die.

After all it takes more than ten strikes to make one badger fall to ground. He needed to have greater strength and a lot of agility if he was fighting these badgers in a fair ground.

Who would have thought he would encounter such luck! Trapped under the debris with nowhere to go while he repeatedly stabs the badger neck area.

Now only one left, this one badger is badly injured, one of its claws was broken. Azief was about to stab its neck when he remembered something.

Smiling he then said.

‘All 6 to Spirit.’ His body is full with vigor and power course through his vein, his eyes becomes clearer.

Then he quickly activated the Beast Tamer skills. The information flowed into Azief mind and he then understand what he need to do.

He approached the wounded badger and touches the badger and a seal appear on the badger forehead.

The seal was shaped like an Orb. Then a voice enters his ears.


‘Yes’ Azief reply.

Then the beast turned into an orb of light and a portal open and its shot through inside the portal.


What! Seeing this Azief is clearly shocked. Two weeks! It requires 10 SP every hour and it will drain Azief SP right now.

Now Azief SP is 7.

Another hour it will drain another 10.Of course at that time his SP will rejuvenate only to then supplement the taming process but then that means for two weeks he would not be able to use his SP for anything other than taming the badger.

He was about to curse but then he remembered.

The badger is surely strong that is why the waiting time is long. He also remembers the scene where the badger is destroying the structure.

Having a beast like that under his commands he will at least be save from anything weaker than the badger.

It surely will help his survival in this new world.

When the information flowed inside his mind he also understands how beast taming works.

If the beast is stronger than you, beast taming will not work. But then how is he able to make that badger obey him to enter the Beast Portal?

Because at that time the badger is weaker than him, wounded, it will is low due to seeing its comrade dies and trapped under the debris.

It is kind of like Pokemon and the seal is like pokeballs. If the Pokemon is weak after fighting it, touching it the seals will appear if they are weaker than you.

If not they will struggle and be release from the taming processes.

While Azief was thinking of this he doesn’t notice a zombie has managed to crawls out the debris and heading slowly to him.

The zombie is crawling since his lower body has been crushed leaving only his upper body dragging his innards

‘Uargh’ a zombie appears while groaning like zombies do, grabbing Azief ankle when it saw the human standing on top off the debris, trying to eat him.

 Azief who is startle by this sudden touching (he really doesn’t like to be touch without proper warning) began saying curse word,

‘Fuck! What the hell! Fuck!’ as he kicks the half body zombie head.

And the zombie hand release its grip from Azief ankle, tooth dribble out from his mouth, his jaw dislocated, black blood mixed with red blood flowed from the zombie jaw..

‘Fuck, that zombie humiliates me.’ Azief using the dagger stab the zombie head with frustration and humiliation.

And this time a ring appear and the golden coins. He quickly grabbed it and was about to examine it when he notices the hundreds of zombie is crawling out.

‘This stiff. Oh fuck! More of them stiff.’

He look at the incoming horde. He then takes a deep breath and smile coldly, a hint of greed in his eyes.

‘Ok. No pain no gain. Only the strong survives the weak perish.’ he then said smiling.

He out of everyone understands these rules better than anyone, and quickly accepted the rules of this new world.

It is kind of his ability to adapt to situations like these mostly because it is the kind of situations he has been dreaming of.

Ok, maybe not the people turning to zombie part, or the giant beast eating people, but he did fantasize living in a kind of game world, or fantasy world and who wouldn’t?

At least it is more interesting than the world he is living now.

Working hard doesn’t guaranteed that you’re going to have a great life, it guarantees you to be a worker of some crazed millionaire or a greedy entrepreneur disguised as a great philanthropist when all the businessman only wanted is the tax break when throwing their towel onto the ring of charity.

At least now, he gets the reward according to his effort. It still requires some luck too.

‘You’re all going to die…..again’ He said smiling coldly to the crawling zombies coming out of the debris.

And he began his killing spree. Having only Half of a body and slow, the zombie is just a fish getting ready to be chopped.

Azief stab all the zombies head. The baby zombies, the woman zombies, the granny zombies, the MILF zombies, the glasses zombies, he saw them as nothing more than corpses.

Most people wouldn’t have his heart to deal killing a baby. Even though it is a zombie it still looks like a baby even though there is a large chunk of meat missing from the baby arms.

But Azief?

He just kicks the baby zombie head like striking a football and the head splattered into droplets of red liquid.

He stomp, kick, punch, stab while dodging the blood and the bites. He knows now if you are bitten you will become one of them but he doesn’t know about the blood effect so he takes precaution not to get any on him.

Of course there are some splatter drops on him but at least he was not drenched in it.

His luck is truly amazing. Just a minute ago he was praying and accepting his death, now he is diligently stabbing zombie head.


This time Azief decided to reinforce his agility.

‘All to agility.’ He needs to be faster, both in reaction and before the other zombies nearby is alerted to his killing spree.

And he feels his feet are getting faster and lighter. Then he realizes something else. His stamina is also steadily declining.

But sometimes these zombies dropped some vial like glass. Killing about 5 of them Azief realizes something after drinking the vials.

The blue vials restore his stamina, the red one his vitality. Right now he already has 2 blue vials.

He doesn’t have time to check its information but he understand the concept. Potions. He works in a cyber café how could he of all people does not understand potions?

Playing Skyrim, Oblivion and fantasy genre adventure games, potions is one of the most integral parts of any quest.

It restores health, grant strength and many other supportive functions. It is like a doctor in a box…or vials…or a case in glass, depending on the game.

And Azief keep stabbing all those poor zombies stuck under the debris.

Azief would find a hole and when he hears the groaning sound he would target that area finding the right moment to stab the zombie head.

Each strikes at the head gives double damage and mostly they die in the first stab though there are some that is more resilient than others and need multiple stabbing.

This time Azief don’t have time to check any of the items.

He just put it inside his pocket. He also grab a kindergartener bag from one of the child zombie in which he crush the head with his dagger.

Putting it around his bag he uses it to store his loot.




Class change! Azief screamed in his mind. Of course he can change class. This is beginning to feel more and more like a game.

Then he hears the groaning and turn to face his back behind.

His hand holding his dagger while looking at the dozens more zombies near him and he said. He knows his dagger could not last longer.

And seeing the crawling zombies the only thing he could say was.

‘Ah, shit!’




The moonlight shines the dark night. Smokes can be seen filling the city of Temerloh. Gas station near the Joy Park is still burning since the afternoon, even at night.

The smell of corpse was disgusting and revolting, the smell of rotten flesh could make anyone puke.

Blood seeped through the open ground, creating a hell like scene, the tar road red with the blood of the victims of the great beast, mangled bodies scattered everywhere, feet and hand can be seen in different places.

However in Joy Park there is still one man holding his dagger, just trying to survive this cold and terrifying night.

But right now he is surrounded by zombies. Thank God most of the monster already left and only the big giant Alien is left in the elementary schools.

The badger has been neutralized. And now only the zombies are left. But that doesn’t mean he is confident to survive all their onslaught.

But at least his chance of survival is higher fighting against the zombies rather than fighting with the beast he saw in the afternoon

And that is all he needs. Red zone huh?  He knows if he changes his class he might get more power and even more agility.

But the system recommended him to get out of red zone first. This means he is in the red zone and trying to change his class in the red zone might get himself killed

But what is red zone and safe zone? How should he know where is the red zone and where is the safe zone?

The World Orb! Do you have no tutorial! He wanted to scream

Did the system of World Orb ( as he decided to call this world from now on) judged that since he is in a battle state that means he is in a red zone, or is there some places where there is a safe zone where the zombies can’t thread?

He needs to find about this later. So many things he doesn’t know. And whatever the times, if there is something that is true, knowledge is always equal to power.

Accumulate knowledge, means you are accumulating power. Then he took out one of the vials from his kindergartener bag.

These vials, Azief don’t know when he will get it anymore so he made a decision. What is important to him now is strength and stamina.

Stamina is for him to last longer killing these stiffs, while with more strength he will kill this zombie in less strike which reduces the stamina.

A dilemma.

Faster speed in killing or endurance to last longer? So what is more important to help him?

He still has two vials.

So he quickly made the decisions.

‘All to strength.’ Agility has to wait.

Even though agility made it faster for him to reach the debris are and make him more agile, the zombie is not fast.

For now, agility must not be his priority. Why did he even add stats to agility just a moment ago?

‘No’ he said.

‘There is no use regretting. Agility has its uses. I need to think of it like that.’

At least with this speed, and strength, combined with stamina he could finish the zombie faster before the other zombie is coming here.

Most of them are still slow, but if Azief learns anything from zombies’ movies, if there is slow moving zombies, then they are also fast moving zombies.

Azief goals are to gain as much loot as possible from this trapped zombie. They are weak, trapped and easy prey.

When will Azief get such luck again?

If he is stronger at least maybe there is a chance for him to go home or at least to go to the Store mall just a 500 meter from the signal post which is just 300 meter from where Azief is situated right now.

And the world has definitely changed from this moment on. Strength might be the new rule and if strength is the new rules, he wants to be the judge.

Azief began stabbing again. Jump, stab. Jump, stab. And collect the loot. Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat.

There is shoes, necklace, ring, boots,, and some skill books that sometimes appears. Azief bag is almost full.


‘All to strength’ he said.

His strength is now 18 and with the additional bonus of the gloves it’s 20. It takes only one strike now with 1/3 of the power he used against the first zombie he met.

It makes his stamina decrease slower and makes him killing zombies easier.

By now he has five blue vials, 3 red vials, and 6 green vials. He didn’t drink yet the green vials.

Then his rusty dagger cracked.

‘What-‘ then quickly Azief look hard at his dagger and the information appear on his eyes.





‘Ha’ he sighed. Durability is low and maybe in another 30 or 35 strikes, the dagger will be of no use.

But he did not panic. After all killing many of the zombies he did get a few items of importance.

Seeing this, Azief take out a blade from the kindergartener bag.

He looks at the blade.


ATTACK: 5-15



‘Why didn’t I use this? Idiot!’ he scolded himself.

Azief throw his dagger into the kindergarten bag and change his weapon. A blade is longer and its reach is also longer.

He begins his killing again. One zombie jump, while its innards dribbling out of his decapitated body.

Azief dodge the zombie surprise attack, spins his body and slash his blade and the zombie head is separated from its head, then quickly he stab the head and it smashed to smithereens of mutilated flesh and liquid of blood.


‘All to agility’ he decisively decided. In his mind, one particular plan has emerged when he saw that zombie from nearby area is beginning to swarm around him.

He could not last longer after all.


‘All to agility’


‘All to agility’


‘All to agility.’ Each time he added it to agility. While drinking the vials with lightning speed. All the blue vials almost run out.


‘All to agility’


‘All to agility’

The sound begins attracting another horde of zombie to come to Azief area. Azief also know this and he has a plan.

He hopes his game knowledge will help him here.

‘I hope this work’ as the last of the zombie around him has been stabbed.

Azief pull out his blade from the zombie head, with two kindergarten bag behind him, one is a kindergartener bag with Ben 10 designs, made from China while the other one has some pink pony.

He looks utterly ridiculous.

He stands there waiting as the horde of zombies from the surrounding areas is coming towards him, one step at a time.



The cold night wind blows and the smell of death permeated through the streets of Joy Park.

Azief could smell the flesh, could hear the crackling noise of building on fire, and he could even hear his own heat beating.

He was nervous kind of like nervous when he has to do a speech in front of a class. A nervous excitement.  

Instead of nervousness because of fear.

Right now adrenaline and other hormones are producing dozens of chemical reaction inside his brain, urging him to survive.

 Seeing all these zombies coming towards him, he did not freeze in fear instead he prepares his heart and strengthened his courage.


More than ever he needs that right now. To survive the world right now, power is needed but without bravery power is nothing.

‘It is all or nothing’ Azief said.

‘If I am wrong, I get eaten. If I’m right I might save myself from this area.’ Whatever he will do he will not go to the elementary schools.

That alien! I will not fight it. That is truly sending myself to the jaws of death. He mused thinking of that beast in the elementary school and shivered with fear.

But he has already had a plan.

From behind him, from his front, from his left, from his right, all the zombie sis coming towards him, surrounding him, walking listlessly, groaning and dragging their feet.

I hope this kind of agility is enough.

Azief look at the trees nearby the debris, not affected by the crumbling buildings since it was far away from the candy shop.

Just near the candy shop is a high tree almost three story high.

When the zombie began to spot a human in the middle of debris they quickened their steps and move a little faster.

This is of course the mutated zombies who mutated some of their body parts with the corpse of the beast.

Azief quickly climb to the three and with his agility, it was an easy task. But that is not his true plan.

The zombie then all reached under the tree trying to climb the tree to no avail.

Some of the mutated zombies succeeded only to be cut down into pieces when they reached Azief position.

Usually he just stab the incoming mutated zombie.

Some claw the tree bark with their fingernails, and their fingernails stuck inside the bark of the tree, while some zombie smash their head to the tree trying to bring it down, while some is trying to eat the sturdy bark of the tree.

Underneath him is almost 350 zombies all waiting for him to come down.

‘Thank god they are stupid’ Azief said as he climbs higher.

He then set his position.

‘The signal post’ he said to himself.

If he jumps from this height before, he doubt he would survive but when he jumped from the second floor before, he has a slight pain only.

And when that happens his mind has begun formulating plans.

Now his agility is high and his strength is also better than the last time. He thought to himself.

 Wouldn’t he felt no pain compared to the last time?

His plan is to jump far from this tree as the focal point, land gracefully on the ground, and sprint towards the signal post, running to the residential areas, rest there for a while before going to the mall.

But once he does that he doesn’t know what he will see or encounter.

After all the residential is close to the signal post, they must have also been attacked and they must have zombies too.

But danger is everywhere. And now at this point he has no choice but to gamble. If he stays here, sooner or later he would be found out.

Now that he has chosen to fight, better go all out.

But the structure of residential area made it easy for Azief to hide and find some house that has no occupants, maybe rest inside for a while like he did in Ah Seng shop.

But why did Azief try to attract all the zombies nearby to his area. Simple. Because he want his path unblocked.

He realizes that there are some zombies in the sign post area and the many shops nearby the sign post area.

They are deterred from the residential areas because of the scattered cars but they formed a barrier if Azief wanted to cross over.

If all congregate in one place when he jump all he has to contend with is the traffic congestion from the abandoned cars instead of running through a wall of zombies.

 Then looking from the highest point of the tree, he took the view that is in his front. Hundreds of zombies fill the area, all wanting to eat him.

All with variety of stiffs, all are horrifying, all lost a few limbs, some lost eyes, one even lost his private parts.

That must have been painful Azief think to himself. Maul by tigers probably considering the large hole in the zombie hip areas.

What an awful sight!

Below him the zombies are still trying, those that managed to climb were immediately dispatched by Azief.

He prepares the vial for stamina and vitality, if anything should happen.

‘Bravery’ he said. And then he added.

‘With a mix of stupidity and stubbornness.’ And he smiles bitterly.

He closes his eyes. He take a deep breath, inhaling the stained air, cold sweat running behind his back, a droplet of sweat dropped from his forehead and he opens his eyes. 

He is no longer trembling like the first time he was attacked.

‘Now or never’ he said and his heartbeat quickened. And he laughs a bit, trying to ease the nervousness.

Then he launches his body to the air.

The branch on where he was standing broke into pieces because of the powerful force of his jump, and he launches himself like a rocket, wind whooshing around his face, feeling like he was flying and he begins falling down as he use all of his agility to land as gracefully as possible without injuring himself.

If his bones are broken, especially if the broken bone is his feet, he would surely be sitting duck.

It happens in almost second, but he could swear it felt like a lifetime for him to land.

He landed onto the cold tar ground, and he rolled to lessen the impact.

‘Ouch’ he said, there is some slight pains, like a cramp when he landed 10 meters away from the congregated stiff.

He smiles in pain while drinking the vials for stamina and vitality. He got up. Then he looks behind him as the zombie turn their head back slowly towards the area he lands.

‘Groaning stiffs’ he said. The zombie began walking towards him, moving away from the tree.

A large force of undead is coming for him. He looks at the signpost and he ran like the wind.

In front of the signpost is dozens of cars burning and corpses littered the road. Azief did not slow down even when he sees golden coins or some books.

Maybe later he thought to himself.

He doesn’t have time to pick it up. Being too greedy when you are weak is courting death. No….I’m not going to be eaten stupidly.

He jumped through the stacked burning cars as his stamina is draining one by one because of the speed in which he is running, and he passed the sign post and is now running again with all his might to the residential areas.

He is trying to distance himself from the horde. And he enters the residential areas, jumping through the tall brushes of the houses.

Most of the houses near the sign post belong to middle class family but further in you will see some bungalows and some high wall belonging to some rich families.

He met a stray zombie from the residential areas, wandering aimlessly.

‘More stiff.’ He said, clearly annoyed. He is tired, it is night and he lack sleeps, nervous and in the verge of breaking down.

A man can only take so much in a day.

The world change, the zombies is hunting him and let’s not forgets that alien looking thing in the elementary schools.

Remembering that, he could not stand still.

And the gruesome sight he has witness today. To be honest he want to lay on a comfy bed, get some rest without having to worry being eaten by some beast or bitten by these stiff and turns into them.

Azief brandishes his blade and it shines in the moonlight night. With one swift movement, Azief made a slashing motion.

 He runs while slashing the zombie head, and the head flies three meter away, the body falls down naturally.

And then there is another zombie preventing his way to go to the residential areas. Again he slashed and the head is decapitated.

I made the right decision to raise my strength and agility. His speed is faster and his strike pack more punches than before.

One slash is all he needs. Combined strength with speed and the power double.


Even a pebble travelling 200 mph could destroy a man skull. Imagine that with sword. Speed and strength.

The only thing he lacks now is stamina. Finished killing the stray zombie, Azief decide to find a place to rest. He can’t keep going like this.

He spotted one of the large house, and jump from outside entering the bungalow, like a cat.

The zombies find it hard when they are obstructed with walls or any kind of obstruction. A little bit like the small giants in Shingeki.

And in closed space like this it is easier for him to deal with zombies if they ever managed to breakthrough.

Here his agility could shine.

He is trying to find some of the house that is suitable for him to make some kind of a hideout like he did in Ah Seng shop.

He has so many items he has lost count. He needs to check it and see if anything could help increase his strength.

He keeps jumping and slashing. Jump through the bushes, slashing the stiffs that block his way.

As long as he did not make too much noise or mess, the horde will not come after him. Many of the residents must have cleared out before the massacre really happens.

Azief notices there are not too many stiffs here. Then he hears the horde. He turns back and recognized familiar faces.

‘Fuck, why can’t they leave me alone!’ It was the zombie he ditches when he jumps from the tree.

Then he jumped into one of the huge house and decided to hide under a dog home. Even though he is stronger than before, even he is not confident to take on the entire horde.

He waited. And he waited. Tine passed as the zombies keep walking around the area.

For an hour Azief made no sound. He almost fall sleep at that moment. He is tired, frustrated, nervous and nervous.

He repeated nervous two times. Because he can’t stand it anymore. He waited for a long time before he hears the footstep moving away.

Then when he made sure the zombie has decided to give up the search Azief slowly went out of the dog house.

His stomach suddenly growls and Azief look left and right, fearing any stiffs could hear that. It was pretty loud to his ears.

Now he needs to find some food.

His stomach is growling. After making sure there is no zombie nearby he decided to break into this bungalow looking house.

It doesn’t seem to have zombies or it might have some noise inside

In a house like these they are surely some food. He began imagining meat, chickens, eggs.

Azief slowly walked to the front door. He was about to break the lock with his hand or blade when suddenly the door open.

‘Come in’ the voice said. Azief gripped his blade tightly and was in a battle stance. All he need is a reason and whatever that made the noise would be neutralized.

‘Who’s there?’ Azief asked.

‘Come on inside. Quickly before the corpse come.’ The voice comes from behind the door and it sounds like a Chinese.

He spoke Chinese. Azief knows this and he understand it, and it puzzles him. Why? Because Azief knows he doesn’t know Chinese other than the normal greetings.

Azief still cautious buts seeing no other choice enter the door and slowly closed it.



The house was spacious. That is what Azief could say. That is what he could see even though in the darkness of night.

The electricity has been cut off so there is no electricity. Maybe that is better he mused. At least with this the noise factor is not a problem.

If not with alarm ringing of or even the sound of a blaring TV or anything electronic might gain the attention of the stiff.

He could not describe the interior because most of it Azief doesn’t know. There is some painting on the wall while there is some lying in the floor.

The wall itself is beautiful with something resembling mauve color as the wallpaper of the wall. It has a second floor.

But it could be said the interior is a shadow of its former self. The plasma TV is on the ground, traces of broke glass from drinking glass and even some chandelier lights in the trash can.

It must be because of the shaking Azief mused. He remembered the strong shaking which save his life.

But it is clear that this house is expensive. Azief is sitting down in the sofa. Comfy and soothing.

He even tries bouncing on it when the owner is preparing his drink.

The man is drinking cold water from the fridge and pours it in one of the glasses while bringing it to the table I the living room.

Azief look at the man in front of him. The man is a middle age man.

35 years old, a businessman and have some shops in the Temerloh area. His name is Tan. He did say his full name but Azief decided to call him Tan.

He is divorced and has no children. How does he know all this? He asks him before he sits down.

Well, when you threatened a man with a blade to his throat, rarely anyone would hide secret.

Azief fear the man is a bad man. That is why he made preliminary checks when he enters the house.

He couldn’t be too sure after all. Then Azief check any signs of bites or infections or even wounds.

The man looks clean.

Other than some smell of sweats, he’s clean. Only after he is sure, Azief sit down on the man sofa after boarding up the exit and entrance of the house.

Azief is pleased to know the man has great security system, and even properly boarded up the back door.

The back door, always. I guess being a rich man has great advantages. Azief mused. Azief plan was to enter the house, rest for a while then checking his loot.

 After that in the morning he would go to the mall to stock up on supplies. Food….that is important. Food, water. And then another motto.

Always on the move.

That is what he decides. Stock up enough supplies to find some safe place. Or find some shelter or government base.

Though he doubts the government could drove back this calamity. HEHEHE he is smiling while thinking to himself.

I would like to kill a politician one or two of them. That would be extremely satisfying. Just imagining fills his heart with glee.

His second objective is to return home to his village. His village is not far from the town, 15 minutes if he rides his bikes.

But now with the road unusable with cars filling the road and not one of them is moving, how could he ride bike in such situation?

Not to mention the sound of the bike will make every stiff in the vicinity hunt him. It takes him hours for him to lose the stiff target on his back.

He is not inclined to repeat that experience again. Azief then look in front of him as Tan take his seat on the front of him, face to face

‘So what do you want?’ Azief said cutting straight to the point. He wants something. Azief could feel this deep in his heart. Why else would he save him?

The man sighed.

‘You know I saw you.’

‘Saw me?’

‘Yes, I was in second floor when the first meteor falls. I was startled by it. And scared. Terrified if I’m telling the truth’

‘You did not run’ Azief asked.



‘Because I was a little late. It happens too fast. Though thinking back it might have been a good thing. I too wanted to run outside but thank god I did not.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I saw what happen to those who ran out from their home. Some call the law enforcement officers when the meteor first fall, waiting for police that never came. Others were shoving and pushing each other from each other way, trying to run when many more meteors fall. Some were trampled by others when the beast begun coming. They all ran, and they all fall. Some ride their bike and their cars and ride the hell out of here. And then the big beast came. The beast was fast. It was a giant Meerkat ‘he said.

OH, that’s new Azief mused. He didn’t see a meerkat when he was running.

‘Then?’ Azief said, his eyes hold a trace of interest.

‘The Meerkat with one swipe of his claws cut a person to meat pieces like a grinder. Those who run is easily caught by the meerkat and eaten. I was not brave enough to get out and at that time I thought at least I rather die in my house than die outside like a bug. So, I close my iron gate, and locked my door and waited until the beast came to my house.’

‘And then?’ Azief said curios how this middle age man survive the onslaught.

‘It never came.’

‘It never came?’

‘Yes it never came. It was almost like they lost interest and they move somewhere else. At that time I heaved a slight relief.’

Azief also see this scene though from a different vantage point. The bosses Azief said in his mind.

‘Why didn’t you go out after that when the beast has disappeared?’ Azief asked.

‘No’ he shakes his head.

‘I was afraid there is other beast that is in hiding so I waited.’ Azief nodded. He was of the same thought though not entirely for the same reason.

For Azief there is still the alien in the elementary school. A viable threat to his survival and Azief waited for the opportune moment to run away.

Azief knows, that sooner or later hiding in a place like small shops or houses will get himself caught and eaten.

This man….Azief mused as he looked at the middle aged man, sizing him up and made a judgment, If he did not meet me will he stay in his house all the time? He would surely die when the death outnumber the living.

‘You must not be the only one who survived hiding in your own home. There must be others. ‘Azief asked.

‘Yes, there was other but they all have been tracked by the zombies and bitten.’

‘Tracked! How!’

‘Noise, strong smell but they usually respond to noise mostly. Most of those who hides in their home sometimes have other thing weighing them down ‘

‘Such as?’

‘A child. With such great slaughter how could babies not cry ‘and at this Azief understand.

‘There are also who can’t stand the pressure and crack.’ Tan added

‘Some believe they could brave the danger using the weapons they were given and try to fight the zombie horde only to be eaten by them. Some of them managed to kill a few of them but the zombie is too many’

Just a few hours after the beast appear and so many have died. Azief could not believe how fragile human life is.

Is this another mass extinction event?

‘I understand’ and Azief take another drink.

For a while there is silence in the dark house.

‘Other than me, the person around my neighborhood has either been eaten, or turns to zombies. The beast is no longer a threat since they have left’ Tan said.

‘So, what is it you want?’ Azief said this time his eyes glare at the man.

‘You invite me home, thus increasing your risk of being detected. You don’t know if I’m some thief or a bad person. Surely you did not save me from the kindness of your heart.’

He smiles bitterly.

‘I want to ask a favour.’

‘What favour?’

‘Bring me out of this area. I know sooner or later, the zombie will outrun this place. I can’t stay here indefinitely. Right now I still have many foods but later? I might even starve to death.’

‘Why me?’ Azief said crossing his arm looking at Tan

‘I said I saw you didn’t I? I saw you slash zombies like a piece of paper, running like the wind, almost reaching the same speed as the meerkat I saw.’

‘Oh?’ Azief said looking at him, curiously.

‘Hmm, I can do that. But where would you like to go? Any destination? Because I have my own destination too. If it’s on the opposite route, then I can’t.’

Azief said honestly.

His priority right now is supplies and then going to his village. Azief does not have high hopes but he does not like to wonder.

Is his family still alive? Or not? Considering the damage he could see in the city, maybe his village has been ravaged.

Either way, he needs to make sure.

If they survive, Azief would surely shelter them and even find some safe place from his family to live.

If not, he would have to find a safe place by himself. He does not have hopes for some survival camp.

But Azief is sure he is not the only one who has the power granted by the World Orb. People stronger than him might even have better starting point, or stats.

There will be warlords. There will be criminals. Azief recognize these possibilities when he saw those zombies.

People with power would either abuse their power or help the people. Heroes and villains. Snakes and dragons.

And skill books.

It does not drop that often.

Mean that someone might even form armies by promising skill books to their followers. Having skill books would help anyone surviving the new age that is coming.

And with this golden coin, there might be a new currency in town. Azief don’t know what is the function for the golden coin but he is sure they have a function.

Hoard all the things.

That is what he learns in Skyrim though usually the weight limits prevents him from taking so many items.

People who are athletes, soldier might have 13 or 14 stamina or agility or even strength compared to when he first started out.

But are they as lucky as him?

Killing a strong fist badger, and stiffs as many as he did? If not for leveling up killing the badger he could not handle the slow walking zombies that easily.

Then Azief also has to consider if the mutated sapiens is because of the bite, then would they also retain the abilities of the former body?

For example would a long jump athlete who turned to zombies, can they jump really high when they turn to zombies?

Same goes to sprint runner zombies or a weightlifting champion zombies?

Azief sighed thinking of all this while Tan was about to say something but he shut his moth to wait Azief finished whatever he is thinking about.

Then his mind once again turned to his family.

 Even though Azief does not have particular feeling toward his family, it is still his family. He couldn’t just leave them.

They are his blood.

Azief believe that family is stronger together, united. Even though in his family there is no bond, it’s not like he did not try forming bonds.

It’s not like he hates them. IT is a complicated feeling. They are family but they don’t feel like a family, does not care each other like a family.

It was more like playing house, each one playing a designated role. The father brings home food.

The mother makes the food. The sons study and work while appreciating the hard work of the father and the mother.

Rinse and repeat until the sons have their own sons. And the cycle continues.

Role playing. Azief mused. But, Azief knows, that his family, some of them also thinks like him.

It is just most of his family is like him, stoic and does not know how to express feelings. All busy with their own problems.

Azief close his eyes and then opens it again.

‘One step at a time. Slowly. Slowly’ he said to himself barely a whisper, only he could hear it.

Then he turned to Tan and asked

‘So how about it? You want me to get you out of here?’

‘Really?’ Tan Said.

‘We can settle your business first. I think following you provide a better chance of survival then staying here.’ The middle aged man said.

‘Not without compensation of course.’ Azief said resolutely.

‘Of course. I have money.

‘I don’t want money. I want something else.’

‘What do you want then?’ Tan asked in polite tone.

‘You’ll know when the times come’ Azief said.

Truth be told he doesn’t know what he want but he could not let Tan just mooch off him without giving him something.

Money? It’s just paper at this point. Tan doesn’t seem strong. But if Azief could help him level up, Azief chance of survival is higher.

Tan nodded.

‘Whatever you want I will give it to the utmost of my abilities. When will we go?’ Tan asked.

‘Will we depart tonight?’ Tan said as he spoke in slow voice. He is clearly afraid that any zombies could hear and attracted them here.

‘Tomorrow’ Azief said

‘Tomorrow?’ Tan reply puzzled. He want to get as far as possible, as fast as possible from these abominations.

‘Yes, tomorrow.’ Azief answer with confidence. After all most of his stamina is drained even though he could restore it with the vials he does not want to waste it.

Not to mention his mental capacity has been used to the max. He is tired physically and mentally. One man could only see so much in a day.

‘But the zombies are outside so wouldn’t it b- ‘

‘No, it’s precisely because they are outside. Mr. Tan, I am tired and extremely exhausted. You saw me fighting those stiffs right? It’s not easy. And if I have to fight them again, in my condition, I don’t think even I could survive it’

‘But in morning it will be easier for us to be detected.’

‘Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe the zombie would move to other areas by then like the monstrous beast. Wouldn’t that be an ideal time to escape for both of us?’

Then Tan also nodded.

‘I can help you. Considering you did not kill the zombie your level is still 1 right?’ Tan nodded.

‘If you are trying to fight the stiff with your level right now you would surely just be their meal.’

The man nodded.

‘So, what now?’

‘Now, you show me the bedroom so I could rest. Then in the morning we can go.’

Tan just nodded.

‘Fine, we’ll do it that way.’

Azief then went to the bedroom and close and locked the door. Tan is still sitting in the sofa, drinking water.

There is red wine in his fridge, a cheap red wine. But he did not dare drink it. When he is drunk he tend to make many noise.

He hears the door being locked.

That young man doesn’t really trust me. But I have no choice other than to trust him Tan mused.

He is desperate. Like Azief he is alone. He has no family. Whatever happens to his wife is not his concern.

If she died, good riddance.

That woman cheated on him. Azief. He is now his way out from this area. Then where would he go?

He doesn’t know. But if he found a safe place he would go there. Tan believes there is some shelter camp.

Contrary to Azief believe that such shelter camp will be for warlord recruitment camp. This kind of scenario is not foreign for anyone who watched post-apocalyptic movies.

Especially now that there are even people who exhibited powers beyond normal humans capabilities.

Azief speed is fast but it still can be compared to athlete in the Olympics. But what will happen when he reach higher levels?

Won’t he be like a God?

And this is true to others too. As long you have enough bravery and resourcefulness you can be one.

In a way, it is a fair world. You get what you deserve from you effort. At least it is fairer world than before.

Drenching his nervousness, he went to his bedroom, trying to sleep.



He close the door and he sit down on the bed. He lay down for five minutes and then he get up.

His hunger is no longer a problem. There was some bread on the man fridge so Azief helps himself.

And now he is getting up.

If he keeps lying down he will be asleep before he knows it. For now there is another thing he must do, a most important task.

What important task?

Because now it is time for him to class up.

‘Hehehehe’ he smiles in happiness. Class up! Isn’t this the main reason he runs all the way here, other than dodging the stiffs?

Surely he is now in a safe zone right? There are also the items and the skill books he never had the chance to check before.

First he arranges everything from its types.

13 Vials, 5 rings, a variety of items, from boots to paulders, hundreds of golden coins, and 7 skill books.

First he examines the ring. There are 5 rings he got from his effort. He checks it. And a status window appears in front of his eyes.



‘Storage ring!’ Azief exclaimed gleefully.

‘I should have used this when I was running away.’ He remembers of the things he couldn’t loot because of the lack of space and the fact that he had to lighten his load.

Even though it has no other additional buff at least it could help me stores thing. And when I have time I need to get back the loot.

Azief quickly put the ring into one of his finger. Then he checks the second.



‘Good’ Azief said. More strength. It will make his killing easier.

What Azief like is that the rings has no durability restriction or time restriction in the rings like weapons.

At least even if he keeps wearing it, it would not suddenly crack. But Azief think that it could be destroyed if it is attacked.

Azief also put the ring on his right hand finger.

Then he checks another. This one ring gives a dark luster and aura of power. Azief took it and examine it.





‘What the hell? Ten to spirit. You are too nice, World Orb! Too nice. HEHEHE’ Azief was about to scream.

10 Spirit. His spirit consumption problem has just been solved. Of course Azief equipped it too.

At least his spirit can be used at the same time he is using it to tame the badger. Not even one day pass and he still has 14 days before he has a reliable protector.

A tank. That is what Azief imagine.  A badger with an offensive power that sweeps everything.

And he will kill steal. After all the badger is his pet. There is no problem if he kill steal. Safe and protected while he reaps the benefits.

Then he checks the other two.

One of them is Ring of Speed which adds 1 to agility and another was another ring of minimal strength.

Azief equipped all of it into his right hand finger. Bling! Bling! He mused smiling, looking at his status.

NAME:            NOT YET GIVEN

GENDER:         MALE

LEVEL:                         17

CLASS:             NONE

STRENGTH:     18+6

AGILITY:          22+1

VITALITY:         9

STAMINA:       16+2

SPIRIT:             17+10


EQUIPPED:      Mutated Sapiens Protective Glove

                        Storage Ring

Ring of Minimal Strength.

Ring of Minimal Strength.

Ring of Dark Spirit.

Ring of Speed


Then he checks the vials. He has 6 blue vials; each one restores 10 stamina, 2 red vials that restore 10 vitality and one green vials that restore spirits.

The golden coins are stored in the storage rings. Before he checks the items he decided to class up first.

Class up! He said in his mind.


 And list of class appears. There is the generic one. Paladin, Knights, Warriors, Archers, Healers.

They can be chosen for infinite times. No matter who anyone can choose this class.

He is not trying to be a generic character. Even though the normal class is easy to obtain and has its own advantage he had already had a plan in his mind.

He will treat this like a game.

Then Azief tries to ask.

‘Is there any unique class or rare class? Or maybe even secret class?’


Then a list appears in front of Azief eyes and he reads the first five.






His eyes look until the bottom. It was about a 300 unique class.

‘Variety of choice’ he said.

First Azief check Earth controller.




30 strength! Azief is just 25 and that is because of his items buffs. Without it his strength is just 18.

30 strength! Anyone who has such stats could clearly just choke the stiff head to kill it.

Then he checks the others.

Ice Sovereign requires living in the Icy region. What a weird requirement. Most likely like Russia.

Maybe someone from Russia will chose this Azief mused. Or maybe anyone from the Antarctica? North Pole?

Then he checks the requirements for Weapon Lord

Weapon Lord requires comprehension in weapons. Martial Artist would be suitable for this, Azief thought to himself.

Beast King requires a pet. Azief still has two weeks before he got his first pet. How could he wait for the pet to be tamed before he class up?

Does anyone already have a pet at this point of time?

That would make his survival in jeopardy if he has to wait that long. Now. He wants to class up now. But he also wants a unique class.

From what he reads on the interface once the Unique class is chosen no one could chose it again. Unless the Chosen dies.

Those who chose the Unique Class is refer to as Chosen. This is not a term Azief make up; it is described in the explanation for unique class.

It means there are only 300 people in this world that will have unique class.

While being normal class also have its advantage, unique class is always better. Isn’t that always the case?

The rarer things are, usually they are more valuable. And most of the stories he reads about game in internet usually the protag always get a secret class or unique class.

Like that Wee-

Anyway, it’s just good. Sometimes you have to gamble. Then Azief look at Shadow Lord requirement.





Convert half! He is clearly shocked.

18 divided by 2 is 9.

That means I have to sacrifice my hard earned 9 stats points to get this class. Is it worth it? He asks himself.

Shadow Lord. The name seems domineering. But is it worth it? Everyone knows that strength is important and now it wants me to sacrifice it?

What if he chooses it and regrets his decision. I don’t think I can change my class after I chose it he mused.

Azief then check other classes but most of them have their own weird requirements. Some sacrifice agility for strength some convert vitality to spirit.

Azief even spotted Grand Priest Necromancer but the requirement is too harsh. Whoever choses it must have a great backup because all of the stats will be converted to spirit.

For the first few weeks, someone of warrior class must protect such figure until the Grand Necromancer gain power or level up and having some stats point.

If not the moment anyone choses the class they surely would be an easy prey for the zombies.

Then while Azief is thinking one entry disappeared. Earth Controller disappeared.


The voice of the World Orb echoes in his ears.

Then another entry disappears.


Then another one. Then another one.  More and more is disappearing while Azief is anxious.

He didn’t even have time to choose and one by one the entry is disappearing. Right now there is only about 233 class left.

‘Ah fuck it! I chose Shadow Lord.’

Then another notification appears.


‘What!’ Azief said as he looks at the notification.

 His face flushed red. He is sure somewhere in the world someone is laughing at him.

After all since he could see the notification of other people choosing, won’t they also see his notification?

In USA, Raymond who just class up look at the notification chuckles.

‘What? Is that a noob? Not Yet Given! He still doesn’t name his character’ He is resting in abandoned building while classing up.

He was in New York to attend the Comic Con when the meteors fall and beast appears. He is using a mace.

He kills many of those zombies by relying on the stairs fighting it as a group with the people that follow this one man.

Raymond is following a man called Leonard. He has an arrow and support Raymond brilliantly.

So Raymond is raking on EXP right now and has already gained many items.

Leonard is the leader of the group while he is the second man. Leonard is of course has many more items then Raymond but he is injured right now, so Raymond is leading the group.

Leonard is one of the security guard at the convention. He helped the people to run to safety when the beast first attacks.

Raymond was given the responsibilities of handling the safety of the survivors because of his strength. It was because Raymond chose to specialize his talent.

Putting all his stats into only one category, sacrificing the others. At least in the beginning. But that is enough for him to gain respect among his group.

Raymond gives all his stats to strength since the beginning.

Even if he has low stamina that is ok. He is not fighting alone. There are others. Some have blades, some have guns.

Raymond is looking at the notification while chuckling.

Anyone playing a game usually knows that when you play any game the first thing to do is name your character.

Raymond got 5 starter stats for naming himself as Raymond. Even giving name give his stats. It is the reward from the World Orb.

But Raymond also found this Not Yet Given person is powerful even though he laughs at him.


Because even without the starter pack he got to class up and not just normal class up but Unique Class Up that means he is not a normal man.

In another part of the world, the road is painted white and red. The snow keeps falling, and the blood seeped under the snow.

Boris and Katarina in Russia have also just class up. They look at the name that is just floating in the announcement in their well protected bunker.

Boris and Katarina father work for the FSB and their grandfather too.  

Their grandfather and father prepare the bunker for the imminent nuclear threat during the Cold War.

Paranoid old fuck. But at least it has its uses. It’s not nuclear war but it’s good enough.

The moment Boris get level up when he killed a Snow Wolf, he immediately killed his father.

His face when he was stabbed repeatedly by Boris still remains as fond memories in Boris mind.

For all that his father has done to him and Katarina, Boris wanted to torture that decrepit old man.

But time does not allow for such things. He killed his father and left his body in the cold street, letting his father body rot.

At least if his father turns to zombie, he can kill him again and gain experience.

If not for his power isn’t sufficient for killing the beast near the city he would have brought his sister to Moscow.

The Army remnants has begun calling for survivors to join the New Army of Russia headed by Ranko.

It was led by Ranko one of the high level operatives for the KGB who survives the fall. Ranko quickly uses his subordinates to try to maintain control in Moscow.

There are some other ways to contact those in power. Moscow has fallen…..but not for long.

The New Army is trying to regain it back.

Electricity is down but certain transmission has other way. Boris who picked up some of his father training clearly recognizes the transmission and heard the announcement.

Killing the zombie, both Boris and Katarina has class up and now he is reading the announcement by the World Orb.

Boris just snorted while Katarina is chuckling, looking at the name Not Yet Given.

In Germany, Karl is just tending to his wound after killing a few stiffs. He was terrorizing some of the people who are in debt with his boss.

Karl is a low level thug in a crime organization. He was doing his usual job, threatening and blackmailing people when the fall happens.

He is holding his Barbed Stick, a sturdy iron bat and he just level to level 12 and has just found a safe zone.

He sees the name Not Yet Given and then realized he has the same name. It struck him.

Karl never plays any games but even he knows some games rules.

‘Name his character or I will make the same mistake like this idiot’ he said to himself.

At that moment Azief doesn’t know, but people who is classing Up in the Unique class sections is holding their laughter reading the announcement.

Azief on the other hand is embarrassed right now, his face is flushed red.

He finally understands why his status shows his name as Not Yet Given.

He still doesn’t name his character. If this is a game then this also follows the rule of the game.

Name your character.

Then as he is still reeling from the embarrassment, a light shone down and an item appear on his hand.


He then examines it one by one.





ATTACK: 15-25






ATTACK: 15-25






















Azief put them all down and look at these items. And he realizes something? Is Shadow Lord…..Assassin Creed?

Then he equipped all of them. He was about to check his new status but then it appears again.

The voice of the world Orb speaks again.









The Demonic Erthen is a low level beast in the planet of Qarthan. They have acid spits, parasites that could live under the skins and strength that surpass the Homo sapiens. Defeat the beast to gain your class rewards.





In the case of failure, the class of Shadow Lords will return back to the roster of Unique Class Up and all the experience collected during the tenure of having the power of Shadow Lord will be given to the next inheritor.

Then the images floated inside his mind.

‘It’s that damn alien.’ Azief cursed in his heart.

Azief reading this wanted to cough up blood

‘What the hell?’ Just when things are looking up! Now he has no choice but to fight that alien.

Damn you world Orb! he said in his heart.



Reeling from his anger to the World Orb, he is getting tired and he wants to sleep. But there are still a few things he needs to do.

He unequipped mutated sapiens glove and equipped the black gloves that have pair.

Then he checks his status

NAME             :           NOT YET GIVEN

GENDER          :           MALE

LEVEL              :           17

CLASS              :           SHADOW LORD

STRENGTH      :           9+8

AGILITY           :           31+12

VITALITY          :           9+14

STAMINA        :           16

SPIRIT              :           17+10

ENDURANCE   :           10+6

EQUIPPED       :           STORAGE RING














Ah name! He remembers.

The quest will have to postpone until later. He is still too weak. And he needs more strength. Agility is good and all, but strength is undoubtedly is equally important.

For now a name.

Then he remembers the notification. It display the chosen name. Then that means he could also choose another name.

It doesn’t mean he has to choose his real name.

Shadow Lord. Lord Shadow. It’s simple. It’s powerful. It sound like a good name and who says anyone has to name themselves the same name.

Azief never liked his name. There is a story of how he got his name.

‘I want to name myself’ and a voice sounded out

‘What is your name?’

‘Lord Shadow’

There was a silence for a while then the voice rings out in his ear.

‘Lord Shadow is registered. Congratulation for taking a name. As reward for completing this task, The World Orb will grant you 5 additional stats point.’

Then the voice disappears

5 additional stats points! Azief sighed in regret.

He should have named his character earlier. He might even survive the initial attack and maybe right now far away from Joy Park if he knows about this.

This World Orb is really annoying. It never told you everything. You have to found it by yourself. What a shitty game!

But at least he knows now where to spend these points. He just lost half of his strength. IF not for his item his strength could not be compared to before.

‘All to strength’ he decided unhesitatingly

And he feel stronger his muscle contracts and certain muscle is formed inside his body. A 4 pack? Something like that

But his strength still pales in comparison then before.

Anyway this is not yet time to rest. One last task. The skill books.7 of them. He smiles in glee imagining the power he would get.

He checks the first book.





‘Yes’ Azief said and the book disappeared and his body feels stronger. A passive skill. That is what Azief need.

It doesn’t cost SP and enhances his stats.

One down six to go. He checks another one.




‘Yes’ Healing. Now at least my vitality can be healed by myself though it sacrifices SP a bit. And like before the book disappears and the information flows into his mind.

5 to go. Hope something more useful.




Wait! Isn’t this Beast tamer? He already learned this before. Azief was about to try another but then a thought struck on him.

Why did the same book allows me to learn it again?

‘Yes’ Azief said curios of the results.

Then a ting sound can be heard inside his mind.





‘Hoh! It upgraded my taming time. It even reduces the SP used for taming.’ So, to upgrade skills you have to find the same book again.

A new discovery!

‘So, that is the way to level up skills. Or maybe there is another way.. Hmm. Azief is glad with the discovery he found.

4 more. Hope another beast tamer book. One week is reduced just by leveling to next level. If another one appears. Then maybe today I will have my own pet.

He looks at the next skill book with expectation.




‘Yes.’ Azief said listlessly. You can’t have everything. But precision is also good. After all if he has flying projectiles this passive skill will really help.

3 more. And this time.

Yes, an attacking skill.





Strength by 5. That would be an explosive power if released at the right moment. Azief mused, imaging himself fighting in a desperate battle and suddenly using this skill, taking his enemies completely off guard with his burst of energy.

There is still 2 more skill books.




‘Yes.’ Azief said. This would be useful.

1 more.





‘Of course yes’ Azief said. Agility 5. Even with his current agility he is fast like an Olympic athlete.

Another five stats to his agility. Wouldn’t he run as fast as a car now, or at least comparable to a car?

Even the stiff would be left eating the dust if they decide to chase him.

Thinking about it, Azief might have underestimated the usefulness of agility. After all, if there is Superman then there is Flash.

Strength or speed? Having even one of them raised to the peak can also make someone very powerful.

The moment he said yes, the book disappeared and his feet feel lighter.

‘Now it’s done.’ He looks at the variety of items on the bed and stores all of it inside his storage rings.

There were boots, some blades, gloves and clothes. Azief intend to arm Tan tomorrow. With his speed, Azief is confident to outrun the stiff even when he is by himself.

Combined that with his strength as long he does not met some high level beast, he will be safe.

The quest also has one month expiration date.

It is enough for him to return to his home and then came back to fight the aliens. He knows without the unique class he could not be anyone in this chaotic world.

But that is a story for tomorrow he mused. Now he wants to sleep.

He unequipped all of his clothes and sleep half naked. It is hot and he could not stand it. And the process is equipping is easy.

Just think of it like Erza equipping herself with armours.

Crashing his body to the comfortable puffy bed he immediately went to sleep after just five minutes.

Outside the zombies are still prowling the street, searching for any signs of life. Only Azief probably get a good night sleep that night.

And the moon slowly gets clouded by the clouds as darkness falls.



That morning Azief woke up at 6. He always woke up at 6. Habits. The outside is still dark. The sun has not yet dawned.

He rubbed his eyes.

He almost thought he was dreaming yesterday with all the gore he witnessed, and killings, and then when he looks at his surrounding he knows this is not his house.

It’s not his room. It’s not his place. And it is certainly not his bed. He sighed and the first thing he uttered when he woke up.


‘Yesterday was not a dream.’ He said. The stiffs, the aliens, the monstrous beast, all of it were not in his dreams or imaginations.

The world ended yesterday. That is what he thought to himself. The world as they know it has ended.

And a new world begins today.

He wanted to lay his body right back to bed but he can’t when he remembers there is still a threat near him.

Even though most of the stiffs here just patrol with aimless walking and has low intelligence, Azief don’t know if something new is going to happen.

Something new means something he doesn’t know. And he doesn’t like that. He doesn’t like not knowing.

 Especially when such ignorance could lead him straight to the jaws of death. And he prefers to see Death when he is ready, old and decrepit; living in a house beside a beautiful lake, with a woman he loves.

Die of old age. That is what he wants. He doesn’t want to die of illnesses, of gory accidents, or drugs.

He wants to die the natural way, of boredness of life. I live again today he mused. Even better, die while having sex.

He laughed a little at his unreasonable musing.

Today will be a heck of a day. He knows this is in his heart. Today he will begin his plan.

So, he got up and equipped all his armour. He looks almost like Altair in Assassin Creed. The only difference is the difference in colors of the attire and the black aura enveloping him.

It was small and barely detectible. Still, there is that aura.

Then he looks outside the window from his bed. The second floor really does give quite the view to the outside scenery, which is full with corpse, and walking corpse.

Azief could see all the prowling stiffs…..walking aimlessly…and groaning. Most of them are far away from the house.

Azief perception then envelope the radius of 100 meter.

Nothing dangerous Azief mused.

‘Good’ he said. At least he knows that his passive skills are useful in detecting enemies.

Now he is getting ready. First target. Food. The Mall. With the rings he surely could store many things.

He’s going to raid the crap out of the Mall. Canned food, first aid kit, medicines if there is any, everything useful.

But to do this efficiently he needs to have a helper. This is where Tan come in.

He opens the door and went down the stairs. He look around the sofa near the living room. Tan was there, sleeping peacefully on the couch.

Azief approach the sofa and move him.

‘Wha-‘ and  the moment Tan recognize Azief he quickly regain his composure.

‘Azief. You scared me. I thought it was the zombies. I thought they have breached my house’

‘No, they did not. I would have noticed and you would have been dead. Get up. We’re going to move.’

‘Yes.’ Tan said bitterly. Azief is clearly not respecting him even a bit.

Both of them clean their faces and then getting ready. Tan brought his bag. It was big but not too big that it would hinder him from running and it has back support.

They were in the front door and Azief has to say something before they venture outside. It was important so Tan understand what they will be doing outside.

‘Tan listen to me. Do you know where we are going?’ And Tan who was behind Azief stopped and said

‘The mall.’

‘Yes. Here is what I want you to do. You will store food, drinks, anything useful. Don’t pick up anything not useful. That is your job. Pick up canned food, snacks, chocolate bars, aid kits anything in your mind that you deemed useful for our survival.

Tan nodded.

‘Now I want to know. What level you are and what are your highest stats, and your World Orb item?’

Tan reply honestly.

‘I’m level 01, and my highest stat’s is Spirit and my weapon is a staff.’ He said

‘Did you bring the staff with you?’ Azief said seeing there is no staff near Tan. Not in his hand and not on his back.

‘No.’ he said

‘Where is it?’ Azief asked

‘At the kitchen.’ Tan pointed to a staff disguised as a broomstick. No, it is not a broomstick but at least that is what Azief thought last night when he was woken up at 3 am.

‘Go bring it’ Tan went into the kitchen and bring the staff. Arriving in front of him Azief then quickly say

‘Now I want you to also level up when we went outside‘ Hearing this Tan face turns pale.

‘But I’m afraid of the zombies.’

‘Don’t worry. I’ll weaken them enough. You need to gain some power if you want to survive. If you become a dead weight I’ll leave you. It’s that simple.’

‘You…wouldn’t do that would you?’ Tan said his voice is trembling. Could this young man have the heart to leave him being eaten by the zombies?

The answer would be yes. Azief don’t know Tan.

He doesn’t even owe anything to him. If he is a dead weight and only hinder Azief survival, then Azief would leave him in a heartbeat.

After all if he could not benefit from having Tan on his group then what function does Tan serve. Mascot?

Tan is not cute and he certainly not beautiful and Azief hate mascot. Especially if the mascot is cute and cuddly.

He hated them with a passion of a thousand burning suns.

He is helping Tan precisely because Tan could help him and vice versa. Tan wanted his strength; Azief wanted someone who could at least store items.

He did not ask much. And if Tan level up, it is not only good for Azief it will also be good for Tan.

His chance of survival will also be higher. Then Azief answer after musing all of this in his mind.

‘I would.’ Hearing this Tan face turned pale but then a face of determination appears on his faced.

He understands the world today is different than the world yesterday. If you are useless you will be thrown away.

So he makes a decision lightning fast.

‘Then what is it I have to do?’ Tan asked, his eyes shows determination. Azief seeing the middle aged man have such determination is delighted.

After all if possible even he does not want to needlessly being cruel to people. The world may have changed but he is not.

After all the world has only changed for one day. There is still sanity in Azief mind and many other people that survives the first impact of the world changing phenomena.

This might change later but for now, he is still him from yesterday.  Some parts of the world right now are of course inhabited by both crazies and sane people.

But who will triumph? The strongest, the smartest, the most resourceful of the human race. Whether it is evil men or good men, these qualities will become their weapons.

And sometimes the luckiest.

Azief could be categorized as one of the lucky people who survive the first impact armed only by luck.

He is twisted a bit, have certain dark fantasies but even he have certain lines that he would not cross.

Don’t rape people. Don’t fuck little children. And don’t fuck little children. See, how he just repeated the same restriction.

It’s that important. Don’t kill is not one of them. They are not many restrictions in his life. Oh, and no smoking. It’s more like a restriction towards other rather than to himself.

Azief has always hated the smell. He could tolerate people smoking. After all that is their damn freedom.

If they wanted to die of lung cancer, a blackened lung at the end of the autopsy table, at the age of 36, that is their right.

Most of his friends are smokers. But having that fucking smoke being blown to his fucking face or even his clothes feels like someone stood on a chair and pissed on his head.

But if he needs to kill, at least it would make his heart lighter if the one he killed deserve it. That two lines, is one line he would never break.

First because he doesn’t like to force people to have sex with him. It’s disgusting and really degrading.

The second is because he has little sister and brothers. What sick people would have sex relation with a child not even of age?

No matter how the world changes, Azief will never broke these two lines. Then Azief look back at Tan and said

‘Easy. Don’t be a dead weight.’

‘But I’m afraid of the zombies and I’m weak. Being afraid I could handle. But I’m also weak. Bravery is not enough. I don’t want to be eaten or bitten. I see enough people being brave …..and they all die in scream’

Azief nodded in understanding. Azief too was lucky. If not he too might be walking aimlessly…groaning in the street like the other stiffs.

If not for his luck, and his gamble, maybe he will not be as confident as Tan. It is because Azief has fought the zombies and won that make him have this confidence.

Strength breeds confidence.

He of course understands the fear in Tan hearts. He too was fearful before. But it is because of that fear that he ran away from Ah Seng shop and keeps moving.

Because if he did not have that fear in his heart, he will not survive. Fear is good. Fear keeps him alive.

Then Azief said smiling at Tan

‘I will not let you go to the frontline without any backup. Here are some items that will help you.’ Azief open his palm and light flashes inside the living room and a variety of items appears.

‘Equip all of them.’ Tan took it, examined it and equipped a robe, a knife, a boot and a glove.

The robe helps him to avoid infection from level 10 to 15. Azief does not have such robe but somehow he believes that his Shadow Lord Set is capable of enduring infection.

He checks it when he was startled at 3 am because of the shrieking of some beast. He woke up and for about 15 minutes Azief look from the second floor.

It was at this time, he realizes something about his attires. It was fairly happenstance.

He notices that the Shadow Lord attire has special properties. He checks the robe and found some golden thread.

When examines, it shows that anything that is not level 5 higher than his current level could not infect him.

It is one of the perks choosing unique class. After 15 minutes of stakeout, Azief returns to sleep and woke up at 6.

But then this also means that other unique class might have the same abilities or maybe an entirely different material.

Then Azief said to Tan after Tan has equipped all the equipment.

‘Now here is another thing I need you to understand. I am the main attack, the cavalry and you are the support. So, when you level up I want you to invest in spirit. When you reach level 10, quickly class up and chose healer profession. If you can promise me this, then I promise I will do my best not to ditch you.’

Tan just smiles bitterly. Does he even have a choice? But he is not that too bitter. After all he is just a healer. He knows of course what it means.

Tan is a middle aged man but it’s not like he live under a rock all this time. He of course plays a few online games.

He knows what healer is. He kind of like being the support. At least he will not fight in the front line.

‘I agree.’ Tan said. Azief nodded.

‘Ok, so here is the plan. In the elementary school there is a beast. From what I see he is the boss around here. Most of the other beast has moved to other places maybe making their own place in other regions or states. Anyway they are not our problem. Here most of them are only stiffs’

‘You mean zombies?’ Tan said. Azief rolled his eyes and said

‘I mean stiffs. They are slow, most of them weak, and stupid. But maybe they will evolve. If we can rise in level maybe zombie could too. Either way, they are our main enemies right now.’

‘So what’s the plan against that?’

‘The plan is to level up. I think near the mall there will be many more stiffs waiting for us there. I might be powerful against these stiffs but against a horde? I can’t win in such situations. So here is what I propose. A cleaning up operation. For today we will not raid the mall yet. It’s too dangerous and stupid. We level up first, strengthen ourselves and then we raid the mall.’

‘I thought you said to me that will raid the mall today?’ Tan asked in confusion. He heard that Azief was planning to raid the mall yesterday.

‘Change of plans.’ Azief said. He changed the plans when he looks outside a few moments ago.

His eyes have become clear and his sense is also more sensitive than before.

He might have been too rash and optimistic. Thinking about it Temerloh has quite a population.

It’s not as big as the big cities but it is still a lot. And there might even be some survivors. Maybe Azief should strengthen himself first.

Tan just shakes his head. Even though Azief changes his plan in a drop of a hat, he does not have any choice but to comply. To go outside alone would surely spell his doom.

‘And how do you suppose we do that?’ Tan asked

 Worried but already have accepted his role.

‘By killing them of course. Look, this residential area is filled with back alley and narrow roads. It is the perfect setup to trap and kill them.’

‘But I’m not like you.’ Tan said pointing the obvious

‘I know. Here how it’s going to go. I will cut the stiffs hands and feet and you smash it with your staff. Deprive them of feet and hand and they are easy prey for you. Sooner or later a skill book will appear. If it’s a sword skills, or body technique you concede it to me. If its magic or healing skills, I will concede it to you. How about it?

Tan just nodded.

‘Good, now we go out.’

They open the door and the outside is still dark. He could see a few zombies a few meters from them, still walking not realizing that inside the high walls and decoration bushes two living man is walking in the city of the dead.

‘Here we go’ Azief said and he smiles.



Outside they walk near the alley. They are searching for zombies. Tan is still pale when they had to face five zombies before they reach here.

The wind carries the smell of rotten flesh.

And it was nauseating…..for both Azief and Tan.

Tan even puked once when he encounters a very gruesome five year old zombie with maggots poking in a hole which appears to be where the brain was.

Wriggling and sticky in the child zombie head, while the boy try to approach near him. Azief slices the boy head like slicing paper, one slice and it’s done.

And then they face with the five zombies which hinder their path on circling the residential area.

But it was at that time Tan  look at the lightning sped fast reflexes of Azief. Azief moved past the five zombies like water, slicing them like slicing a piece of paper, heads fly in seconds.

It is thanks to Azief that their relatively short journey is safe and secure. If he is alone, tan didn’t think he will made it past the second house before he is dead.

Then Azief perked up and brought Tan to another location.

‘That is another stiff.’ Azief spotted a zombie walking with three of his zombie friends in the back alley.

Azief pointed the zombies to Tan

‘Prepare yourselves Tan. I’m going to attack them. Whatever you do don’t scream’ Tan nodded.

The last time he screams he attracted 10 zombies. If not for Azief dispatching the zombies head, Tan would already be dead.

Even at that time Azief was sweating.

Not because of the 10 zombies but because of the fear. Fear that the ten zombies would then attract more zombies.

And more zombies.

What Azief fears from the zombies has always been their horde. Fighting A lone zombie, he is invincible. Thousands of them? Even he would be overwhelmed. He is not a one man army.

Thinking of this Tan is startled when he hears the sound of Azief dashing from his initial position.

Azief has begun his attack.

Azief dash forward and it was like he was the wind itself, arriving just a few meters from the zombies and with one slice, one of the zombie arms flown away to the nearby drain.

Another zombie went forward and tries to attack Azief. Azief crouch downward with lighting speed, slicing the zombie legs and it was cut clean off. 

Comparing the speed of Azief and the zombie is like comparing an oxcart and an F1 race car.

It is incomparable. Of course this comparison make sense because of the zombie slow reaction time.

Azief then jumped from his position, taking some distance from the stiffs.

‘Come on Tan. Hurry up and kill these suckers’

Tan also come forward steeling himself and smash the zombie with his staff. Brain matter exploded and one of the vilest smells enter both of the men nostrils.

Azief was about to puke smelling such travesty to any senses it came towards. Not to mention Tan.

Combined that with seeing the zombies maggoty face, and the holes in their body which shows Azief and Tan of what is happening inside the zombie bodies, Azief become faster in dispatching them.

The three zombies are made quick work by Azief and Tan. Then they retreated. This is Azief plans.

To find isolated zombies and defeat them.

‘Did you level up?’ Azief said when they reach at a safe place. They were in somebody house.

There were one zombie inside the house but Azief quickly dispatch the zombies when he first enters.

The body is ten covered with one of the blankets in the house. After throwing the head outside, there is no threat from the headless corpse anymore.

At least that is what Azief believe and there is nothing that he sees that challenge that belief.

Before Azief cover up the body of the poor man, he did have time to examine the body.

From the looks of it the zombies have wound on his feet. The man must have got bitten and then return back to his house. Azief mused

‘I level up to 4.’ Tan said when he has clean himself with tap water in the house. Azief get up from his leaning and said.

‘Good, let see our loot.’ Tan shows the loot to Azief.

‘We got a few vials. Some for stamina, some for health, some for spirit.’ Tan summarized their loots details.

Azief nodded in satisfaction.

‘That is okay. That’s good.’ Azief said. Azief take the stamina, health vials while spirit is all given to Tan.  

‘So what now, Azief?’ Tan asked

‘We keep going. We level up some more. Tomorrow we will go raid the mall. If you level up higher, tomorrow will be easier.’

Tan nodded. They then went out and hunt some more zombies determined to clean up the zombies around the base of their operations.

They did this for the remainder of the evening. And by the time it reaches almost night, Azief has level up to 19.

Both of these four points from his two level up is given to his stamina. Now Azief stamina is 20. He rarely gets tired now and his stamina drains slowly.

Tan has almost reached level 10. Tan has learned Heal and Stamina Drain. Both of that technique is envied by Azief.

Azief also has a theory that the reward correspond to whoever killed it and chose the reward based on the difficulties of the killing and the nature of the people who killed it.

Of course he doesn’t have anything to back that up. It remains his opinion. But still he envies Tan skills.

Stamina drain makes sure that Tan rarely has problem with his stamina and rarely Tan has to drink the vials.

While Heal is the same as Azief skills, clearly Tan has many more points on SP then Azief. Not to mention Azief is also using it to tame his pet.

They are now in another house. They decided this is where they are going to stay the night.

They killed about 70 zombies today. Azief also discovers that if he wounded some of the zombies before Tan do the finishing moves, they both shared the experience.

Azief even tested this in a zombie by guessing how many zombies Tan needs to kill to level up.

And he is sure of this. A party system Azief mused. Right now they are resting. They are drinking water. After all the battle both men were exhausted and thirsty.

Inside Azief ring is countless supplies, and water is a necessity.

‘How is your ring?’ Azief asked.

One of the zombies he killed before, dropped a storage rings. This one Azief gives to Tan. Tan is now capable to kill a zombie by himself.

But they still move in a group. Until now they did not see any survivors yet. During their wandering in this residential area, they also noticed many zombies are camping out in front of the mall.

The mall was closed. And the zombies prowls nears it. Azief feels something weird. Usually if the zombies detect nothing they would leave the area.

Could there be survivors in the mall? He thought to himself. It would be a perfect hiding place.

It has supplies, it has food, it has everything. If someone hiding in there, they could last for months, if not years.

Of course that is if the zombie doesn’t manage to break through. If they did, then it will be a nightmare.

Both Tan and Azief made a decision, to check that place out tomorrow.

Still, if there are too many zombies there and the people inside do not want to open the mall, how could Azief enters?

Hmm. Should he break the door? With his strength right now, Azief feel breaking down iron steel is not that hard.

Maybe they blockade the entrance with furniture’s or heavy things. Maybe I sh-

‘The ring is good’ Tan answers and Azief finally came back to where he is standing. He is always lost in his own thoughts.

‘I store all the supplies on my ring now.’

‘Good.’ Azief nodded.

‘Will we continue?’ Tan asked. Azief look outside from the windows and shakes his head. Night is approaching.

‘In night my vision is not that clear and I think the zombies are stronger at night.’

‘So, will we stay at this house tonight?’ Azief nodded and then he ordered Tan.

‘Board the front door, and the back door, make sure nothing like rats or bats is inside the house. I don’t want to get bitten when I’m asleep.’

Tan nodded and he moved back to do what Azief orders him to do.

By now, it is clear that Azief is the leader in this duo. Tan might be older but Azief is stronger. Not to mention he gives Tan item generously.

One day of fighting zombies could create a feeling of familiarity and that is what is happening.

It also helps that Azief is strong. To Tan eyes, Azief was his get-out-of-zombie hell ticket. Young, strong and powerful.

Tan could only sigh in envy.

In his mind, Azief probably get his power by bravely attacking the beast when it first appears.

Contrary to Tan expectation, Azief was like him.

He was fearful, and he too hides in a shop, just like Tan hide in his house. The difference is that Azief was lucky.

In all of his life, Azief is never that lucky. It was the first time and if not for that luck, Azief will not be as powerful as he is now.

On the other hand, Azief just finished his bed. Azief look outside the window and heave a sigh of relief.

Today with his strength and Tan support Azief is becoming more confident that the zombies pose no threat to him anymore.

Speed, strength, endurance each one eclipse the zombies. They are nothing but paper when sliced by Azief sword.

Smiling contently he closes the windows. Outside unbeknown to him a creature resembling a cat is prowling and its nose just smells its prey.




Azief and Tan take turns guarding the house. The house was one story house and it does not have the security like Tan previous home.

Neither could Azief look from a high position like in Tan house but he has to make do with the cards he has been given.

It doesn’t have high walls or stone walls, like Tan house.

So, they take turns guarding it. It is now Tan turns. Tan look outside, sighing in relief. He survives another day in this new world.

He is also happy that he has reached quite high level.

Even though he is middle aged when he level up he could feel his body getting stronger.

From what Azief told him at level 10 he could class up. He had to thank Azief. If not he might have stay inside the house all the time waiting for the inevitable moment.

Tan took up his wallet and he opens it. In his wallet is a picture of a woman wearing a cheongsam. Seeing it he smiles a bitter smile.

The woman is the woman he loves. He….did not marry her. Both of their family objects to the marriage.

He then married his wife, and every day was unhappy. He married Joyce because Joyce was his father ideal candidates. Rich and come from a respectable family.

The world has turned to hell. And if he could only see her again…..that would be a miracle. Tan never knew where she goes, after he broke her heart.

Reminiscing of her, in a cold night, while the wind blows softly.

‘Right now you must be as old as me’ He said, reminiscing their childhood playing near the Pahang River.

He still remembers riding the boat to go to the city. He remembered the mango tree where he carved his name and hers.

He remembers the mischief they did.

He remembers it all, and each memory haunt him. People always say that to live a fulfilled life is to live with no regrets.

He has many regrets. But if anyone asks him about his greatest regret it would be his decision to leave her.

Since that day, he never truly felt content. There was something missing. That missing part was with her. He smiles bitterly and closes his wallet.

A what if? If he survives his hell, Tan is determined to search her again. This time, he will not regret. Tan then look back outside.

The outside was quiet and dark.

Tonight the moon is covered by the clouds and only silence, groaning of the walking corpse and the whispers of the wind accompany Tan as he look out.

A chill in the air with the smell of death.

Then Tan spotted something…something moving. It was fast and it was big. Tan heart almost leaps up.

Tan was about to wake Azief up but Azief has already waked up. Azief was taking a light nap for a while and his passive skills perception senses something.

Azief felt a tingle and he wake up immediately. He unsheathes his sword and stand at the ready.

Tan look at Azief and nodded.

‘Is there something?’ Azief said almost a whisper. Tan nodded.

‘What is it?’

‘I can’t see. Too dark and too fast.’ Azief nodded and he too looks outside. Around the house the zombie was cleared out.

But the other part of the residential area still has some remnants of strays zombies. Could it be there another beast?

Then suddenly something landed in the house roof and the sound was clanging. The house only has zinc roof not stone roof.

This time both Azief and Tan is in high alert.

‘Prepare to fight’ Azief said as he gripped his blade. This is not a zombie he mused. It is something else.

Then the roof gave out and with a booming sound something landed on the floor making the cement floor cracked by its weight.

When the dust settles the first thing Azief see was the big yellow eyes, shining in the darkness and slowly Azief eyes is accustomed to the dark and seeing in front of him a giant cat with fangs like the saber tooth in the prehistoric era.

 It has sharp barbed claws, and vicious looking eyes.

There is a bulge in its forehead. It looks at Azief and Tan like they were its meal.

‘Get behind me!’ Azief said to Tan urgently.

Not a moment Azief said that the beast leap and tries to claw Tan. Azief with his speed dash forward and using his sword clash with the claws.

The clanging sounds sparks fire, lighting the house for a second.

It was powerful and overbearing, the pressure of the claws bearing down on him. The ground on where Azief is standing cracked and Azief almost coughed up blood.

Azief then push the beast away.

It makes Azief back away for 10 steps. And his vitality almost decreases by half.

‘Heal me!’ Azief ordered Tan.

Tan quickly activate his skill and heal Azief. The beasts who look at Tan change his gaze towards Azief.

Then it roars, like a howling of the wolf to the moon. The whole house vibrates.

Should I run? Azief mused. No he thought.

Considering that even I could not see it movement, if I run I might become an easy prey.

Its agility must be off the charts. I can’t outrun it. It is good that the beast is trapped inside the house.

He must go on the offense.

This time Azief takes the initiative dashing forward with his feet, and appear inside the beast range of attacks but thanks to Azief own agility he managed to keep himself afloat in the barrage of attacks by the beast.

The claws of the beast nearly swipe Azief head but Azief is determined to kill the beast.

If not his survival is jeopardized. He could run but he is sure the beast would be faster than him.

If he fights the beast at an open place, he might not have a chance.

Each claws strikes make a dent at the house walls, and claw marks is scratched on the wall revealing the cements.

Then Azief lost a step when he was dodging and one of the beast claws swipe Azief arms.

‘AAAAHHHH!’ Azief scream in pain, blood drenched his shirt, red liquid drips from his arm. Claw marks in in Azief arms.

The pain is indescribable; chunk of meat was removed from his arm. One could not imagine such pain unless they experience it themselves.

Tan on the back is trembling, and dropped down his knees on the floor of the house.

‘STOP LOOKING DAZED! HEAL ME TAN!’ Azief yelled in his pain.

Tan who is screamed back to sanity, quickly get up and cast heal on Azief and Azief feels his wound is closing up.

The chunk of meat that has been swiped is forming itself. This is truly magic Azief mused. To even restore meat.

He could heal himself but that will distract him from the beast attacks. He could not afford to take the beast halfheartedly.

The beast did not stop its attack.

Even though the house is small and give little room for the beast to attack, the beast still manage to wound Azief who has quite the agility.

The house was a mess with claw marks decorating the house, the wall is just barely hanging on.

But at least this time Azief has understand it’s attack pattern. In game the boss always has a pattern.

Some when in desperate situation will use combo attacks, some have programmed patterns.

And the beast also has certain patterns.

It always swipes its claws at right, right and then left. It sometime change the direction of these attacks but with Azief agility he could predict it now.

The counterattack begins.

Azief this time distance himself away from the beast and when the beast moves towards him Azief use his hidden blade and throw it lightning fast.

The hidden blade entered the beast flesh near its hind legs.

Yes! He celebrated in his heart

And Azief take another distance and is now outside the house. Before he is not confident of fighting the beast in the open but now he is.

The beast in injured. He has certain advantage in this.

His heart is beating hard; his concentration is pushed to the utmost. This is the most concentrated state he has ever been in his life.

Even in exams he was not this concentrated.

This is a life and death battle. One mistake and he is done. His brain is pushing his limits, urging him to survive, to overcome this obstacle towards its survival.

He look at the beast, analyzing its strength, its weakness, analyzing everything his eyes could see, and praying that his eyes did not miss anything.

Blood is flowing from the beast legs and it limps. Its leg are its weapons. Dismantle that, and his speed is not that frightening.

Tan on the back is providing heal. Every time Azief is in a pickle Tan will cast heal while conserving his SP when Azief dodging the attacks.

This is his advantage. The beast could not heal himself and there is no one would heal it.

The beast on the other hand is more incensed by the attack. Blood thirst surged inside the beast.

It wants to eat this homo sapiens badly. It then lunged with ferociousness and it roars with deafening sounds.

The roar could be heard 3 kilometers from all directions. The zombies near the gas stations, near the mall, near the elementary schools all heard the roar and begun walking .

The horde has started to move toward the roar, leaving the mall.



A woman who is peeking from one of the windows that was boarded up, look in confusion as she sees the retreating zombies from the mall.

What happened? she mused to herself, while racking her brains out on how to survive. In her hand is a bow.

She looks outside and only a few zombies is prowling near the area.

‘I have to gamble’ the woman decide. She waited for the horde to go.

And then she moved outside, the sound of her opening the steel opening, attract the attention of the few zombies who was there.

They walked slowly to the sound. But the woman was prepared for it and she was ready for it.

 Her hands holding the bow like a professional athlete and the first shot is fired to one of the zombies with pinpoint accuracy, hitting the zombies straight at his head, piercing the zombies head.

And her attack continues, and sometimes she could hear mid shooting the roar of certain beast not far away from her vicinity.

Each roar fills her heart with nervousness.

But she is focused at the task at hands. After she kills a few of them she close the door again (tell me if anyone know what is the steel door in the mall is called so I could correct this sentence) and wait for an opportune moment again.

All the while she thinks of the roar.

What happened?



The beast wants to kill Azief.

It want to eat and ripped the homo sapiens to shreds. Its anger is uncontained, hurt by a mere sapiens.

Azief also sense the beast anger towards him but that work to its advantage. At least that is what he thought until he remembered again he is not dealing with a human.

Human in anger will slip up and open up openings because of their chaotic state of mind. But not for animals. And certainly not for an alien animals.

He need to take some distance first as he sees the beast become even more stronger, his paw strikes is accompanied with a swooshing sound and the air almost look distorted.

Azief jumped leaping the walls of the neighbor house while the beast pounces on the walls of the neighbor house cracking the pillars of the small stone house.

Another strike and the walks crumble.

Azief feels alarms are ringing off in his heart.

‘Fuck! The beast only keeps getting stronger! Fuck this logic!’ Azief could not help but curse seeing the strength of the beast.

Then Azief take some distance again leaping to another house while Tan maintain a considerable distance from the beasts but near Azief so that he could cast heal if the circumstances allows it.

But the beast is not using only its paws this time. It also uses his tail this time, determine to destroy these humans.

This time the beast began using his tail and tries to whip it to Azief. It was fast, and it was powerful.

Azief was caught unprepared by this attack from the beast tail and was thrown back five meters destroying another neighbor house walls.

It was like someone throws a sledgehammer to his body.

Blood drenched from Azief mouth because of the internal injuries. A few of his bones is broken and the pain is unimaginable.

This is the worse conditions Azief have ever experienced in all of his life.

‘Wait for me!’ Tan yelled

Tan is running to Azief with urgency and quickly casts heal on Azief wounded area. Slowly the pain leaves Azief body, replaced by a pale faced Tan.

Tan then handed him a few vials and Azief gulped them down quickly and his stamina returns.

It was only at this time Azief noticed that the beast has tails like that one dinosaur that have spiky tails.

But the beast has something like dull sword in its tail. A sword tail if he has to describes it. It was a mace. Something like that.

This time both Azief and the beast stare at each other. Azief did not use all his strength yet but his vitality and stamina is decreasing speedily.

If not for the heal that Tan provides and the stamina vials, Azief would be dead by now. He wiped out his blood from his mouth with his hands.

He is stubborn. He will not die to this beast! He did not just survive a zombie infested area, to be eaten by something that look like a combination of a tiger, a cat  and some fucked up combinations of other animals.

He will live! He will survive! And he will thrive in this new world! His determination is like a flame that gives him strength to get up and look into the eyes of the beast with courage in his heart.

It is foolishness.

But some people says that bravery is one part stupidity one part stubbornness. His internal injury is partially recovered.

Tan is doing his best but even his healing has cool down. Azief wanted to use his heal technique but he need to free up his hand and that might cost him.

He fears when he is healing his body will be strikes with that enormous paw and he will die of insta kill.

It also takes some time before the healing light shone down on him. This is why he task Tan with healing him.

The beast and Azief is locked in a deadly battle.

This is not like the zombies that he always slices like they were mere leaves, when he reaches level 10. Zombies are easy.

He slices zombies like paper but now his attack rarely does him any good confronting with these beast.

Truly there are many more horrifying creatures roaming the earth right now. Azief truly believes that the world he live snow is more dangerous….and more exciting.

Magic, monster and god know what else?

Azief is just one step away from level 20. But this beast manages to force him to this pathetic state.

This just shows that the beast is high level.

With all his buffs he still could not do any considerable damage other than the injury he inflicted to the beast legs.

It restricts the beast speed but that did not make the beast any weaker. Only its speed is restricted.

They circled each other, in a battle for superiority. Then the beast roars again, and it leaped, toward Azief like a gust of wind.

 Azief dodged this attack with difficulty, narrowly escaping from the attack, and jumped sideways, landing a few meters from the beast.

Azief activates Slashing Wind, his body gain strength and speed.

And then he slashes with all of his strength and combine that with his agility the power that was released was extraordinary for normal human…no…it surpass human power already.

This skills last for five minutes and has a cool down of 10 minutes. He needs to try to win this in the next five minutes.

His blade made a half moon arc and it slashed the beast front legs. With a clinkering sound blood gushed out from the wounds. It was like hitting steel!

Azief finally realized how powerful this beast body really is.

The beast also recognize the danger it is in and leaped ,distancing itself from his prey, and landed a few meter away from Azief.

This time it is truly angered.

ROAR!!! The beast roars again, almost like it is howling to the moon.

Ignoring the wound the beast leap towards its enemies, with eyes that is fill with killing intent towards Azief, blood drenching its skin, and confronted with such sudden burst of speed and unexpected power, Azief was pinned down by the beast, sending him straight to the tar ground, his face was scratched and blood seeped out from his wound.

The pain of having your face crash to a tar ground is a new experience and Azief could not help but curses again.

And blood spurted out from his mouth before he even has the time to curse at the beast. He could only curse the beast in his mind.

The sound of bones cracking can be heard, and the tar ground cracked.

Tan on the other hand also look at this battle with trepidation. He could not run because he is sure the beast could catch him.

He hopes that Azief could defeat it. If not he will become the meal. But Tan also noticed something seeing the battle from a distance, one that is overlooked by Azief. One tiny detail.

The bulge on the beast head. It’s been bothering Tan since the beginning of the battle.

Then something struck Tan

‘Could it be?’ Seeing Azief pinned down, with an expression of pain in his face, it might be their only chance.

Tan then yelled, hoping to God he is not wrong in his observation and conclusion.

‘The forehead Azief! Smash the forehead!’

Azief on the other hand has a shortness of breath, feeling dizzy and he feels that he could be flattened to the ground.

The beast is like a steam roller. But then he hears Tan yells. He looks at the beast head and he too realizes the bulge.

Is that it? he also mused, his mind reeling from the shock of the beast and finally he sees a ray of hope.

And that is all he needs. A chance to fight back. At that moment his desire to live is strengthened because…he now at least….maybe....have a way to defeat this colossus obstacle in front of him now.

Hope….gives him strength.

He then uses all of his strength to punch the bulge and the beast was shocked and roar in pain.

It release its claws from Azief body and Azief quickly take this chance to jump away, still in pain, but alive.

‘HEAL’ Azief yelled.

Quickly Tan cast heal and Azief drink the stamina vials and vitality vials. His wound closes up and he feel he could breathe again.

The bulge! Azief realizes and is confident this time.

It might be the beast weakness. This time the beast takes precautions. It moved a few meters away from Azief and then its gaze turned fiercely to Tan.

Azief on the other hand is trying to lure the beats to him thus he distances himself from Tan not knowing that underestimating the intelligence of this beast is disastrous.

Azief believes that the beast would focus on him since he has wounded the beast. He is wrong.

It understands that the other human is helping the pinned down humans. The alien beast has intelligence that could match human intelligence.

They are not like zombies.

It changed its target and this time it leaped to Tan without warning. Azief seeing this from a distance could not help but feel shock.

Tan was far from Azief and at the time Azief was preparing for the attack by the beast, not anticipating the change of target by the beast.

‘Fuck!’ Azief cursed as he realized he could not be in time to help Tan. Tan was a sitting duck.

Tan invest all of his stats to spirit not strength or endurance, and in a split second a shrill scream can be heard.

Tan lost his hand in one swipe, blood gushing from the wounds as Tan fall to the ground.

He is not yet dead but he is about to. Azief jump to Tan position, trying to at least, defend Tan, even though he might have been too late.

He in midair positioned his blade to aim at the beast forehead.

With his speed combined with the beast just attacked Tan, and not expecting Azief speed, his agility shine.

He stabbed the bulge and like a fountain the bulge is gushing with red blood and the beast fall down.

It shrieked and try to make a last swipe to Azief but it was a dying struggles, blood gushing out like a dam that has crumbled, the tar ground turns even blacker in the cold night, illuminated only by the moonlight.

Azief strikes another one at the beast stomach and blood spurted out again from the open hole.

It still breathes and tried to make another claw strikes but weakened and slow, Azief easily dodge it.

This time Azief stab the beast at its heart and then at its eyes. After stabbing it for another 10 times, the beast fall down and a notification appears.



‘All to Vitality’ Azief said. Today he learns how important vitality really is. Then another notification appears.


‘Sharp sword’ Azief said quickly his eyes could not leave the pathetic state of Tan bodies. And another notification appears.


‘Yes’ Azief said as he rushes to attend to Tan injuries. He runs to Tan sides.



ATTACK: 30-55


DURABILITY: 1220/1220


Azief did not care about all the messages from the World Orb when he holds Tan in his arms, his head on his embrace.

The red blood near Tan arms is turning black and his vein is turning blue. Azief look at this occurrence and is confident that Tan in infected.

And it is fast. Could the beast have certain infection rates? Azief expression turned hard. He does not know what he had to do in this situation.

He knows he has to make the hard choice. But he doesn’t want to. But he has to. And that is why it is so hard.

‘I’m infected aren’t I?’ Tan said. Azief said nothing only nodding. Tan coughed.

‘Your face shows everything, young one.’ Tan smiles bitterly.

He looks upwards and he could only see the dark cloud is moving away showing some glimpse of moonlight.

Tonight is beautiful. Tan mused. A few meters from their area a horde of zombies is marching their way.

‘Could you do something for me, Azief?’ Azief said


‘In my left pocket there is my wallet. I want to see it’ This request make Azief feel strange but he did it anyway.

‘Open it’ Tan asked weakly. Azief open it and Azief realizes there is a photo of a woman wearing a cheongsam.

She looks beautiful but the picture was in black and white. It is also crumpled and beaten up.

It is an old picture.  Then Azief slowly shows the picture to Tan and Tan look at that picture with a face of pain and regret.

‘I guess I will never see her again’ Tan said mournfully. Then Tan close his eyes and said.

‘Azief, cut off my head.’ He said.

‘I don’t want to turn like them.’ From the distance Azief perception has already sense the approaching horde.

Azief just nodded. It was not easy.

This is the first time he would kill a man, a living human being…and that man is the man who might have possibly save his life by telling him of the beast weakness.

Azief is not a hero type but he knows how to treat gratitude…but he is not capable. There is only one choice; one thing he could do the moment Tan was infected.

‘Make it quick.’ Tan said, smiling bitterly.

‘I will’ Azief replies sadly.

 Azief laid Tan body on the ground and then nodding to Tan, and Tan nodding back as he closes his eyes, his mouth shows a trace of smiles with a hint of regret, and Azief slice off Tan head and the head rolls away. 

Azief took all the items, the rings and the vials except the robe.

It is a meaningless gesture.

 After all the robe could be used for other things but Azief feels that at least this is something he could do for him.

He does not have the heart to strip Tan out of the robes, leaving him naked. That would be too cruel of him.

This is a meaningless gesture and he knows he is being a fool. But so be it! He is stubborn that way.

Without looking back he dash on a different direction from the zombie horde by himself.

‘Alone again’ he whisper to himself.



There was silence.

Only silence.

And the smell.

It was the smell that she could not stand.

But she endures it.

The smell. And the silence.

Because the alternative is the outside. Sometimes her ears could pick up the sound of the groaning outside.

There is no longer screams she mused. Only the groaning of the dead.

And sometimes she checks from the third floor, looking down with full concentration, trying to look any possible way to get out from this mall.

But she also knows that she is safe in this mall. Unless the beast comes again. She has to make a plan.

But for now, the mall is her safe place. This is where she will be safe for a while.

And truthfully if she could, she want to stay inside this mall, never going outside, praying that the abominations outside would just disappeared and all of this was a bad dream.

There are some places in the mall she could not enter.

She could if she forces it but the alarm would ring and that would attract attention from the outside.

And any attention from the outside is not good.

Inside the mall the different stores that have the automatic shutters are generally places with precious items (gems and jeweler stores) and alarms.

Near the management office is security door and they have heavy security doors where the guards watch the security monitors operate the different alarms in the mall.

But Sofia only knows this because she always hears this from his boyfriend who also worked in the mall with her.

She as a cashier, him as a guard.

And also one of the first few people who abandoned her inside the mall when the calamity happen.

But she could not blame him. She has a part in the reason why her boyfriend leaves her at that moment.

Sofia is the only child of a poor family. She doesn’t have enough money to further her studies and her father is an abusive fuck.

Her mother has divorced her father a long time ago, but that doesn’t mean that her father did not come sometimes, making a mess, or beating her mother to an inch of her life.

Domestic violence is an issue for her but not such big of an issue for the police.

Sofia has been working in this mall for about 1 and a half year. Before that she worked at a restaurant as a waiter.

She is 24 years old.

And right now, the only survivors of the mall workers. Most of the workers when the calamity struck ran outside.

She did not.

Is it because she could predict that running outside will be a bigger risk to her safety?


She was just too scared to even move, even when her boyfriend Mad yells towards her to run.

Thus she was left behind.

It took her about 5 minutes seeing the chaotic rushing of everyone inside the mall running outside to be eaten by some horrifying beast.

Some of the beast has sharp horns, some have gigantic tusk and claws and many others. Sofia just hide…..and trembles inside the store in the third floor, hoping and praying the beasts would not find her.

And she was lucky.

The beast quickly left the place after killing dozens of people. In her hand at the time was a bow.

It materializes out of nowhere.

When she gets out of her hiding spot the only thing she sees was corpses. Dozens of corpses littered the mall, like a piece of garbage, blood filled the area.

The mosaic floor is slippery because of the blood. Then remembering where the emergency door is she pushes the buttons and the door closes.

She would rather spend time in the mall with all this bodies rather than risking her neck out, and run into the gigantic beast she saw.

That night she takes a nap in the bed department when a sound startles her. Thankfully she has quite the sensitivity.

It was at that night Sofia believes that nothing will be the same again. The dead rises from the ground.

And they all wanted to eat her. It was at this time she uses her bow. Using 10 arrows she shot 10 zombies.

Sofia once learned at a Sport School in Temerloh. She was once of the representatives for Archery but she did not get any scholarship.

Personal problems interferes. But her skills are genuine. She was a talent.

Her bow handling is impeccable.

One arrow released, one zombie will fall. She always aims at the head. It’s the only thing that seems to work with the zombies.

She did not tremble in fear, her breathing was stable and she tries her hardest to be calm. Because if she is not calm, then she will miss.

And missing a target might cost her life.

She could only concentrate and ignores the state of the corpse which is all pretty terrifying.

 Some is walking with holes in their bodies, some have their lower body ripped off but still crawling towards her, black blood flowed from the corpse’s body with something resembling a maggot squirming in the pool of blood left behind the half body zombies.

Then she picked up her bow and repeat.

In the mall she remembers there are about 45 people. The one that has died and remains in the mall is 32 people.

Then she has to kill 32 zombies.

At 3 am she finally finished dispatching every single zombie in the mall. She was exhausted, mentally and physically.

Her finger is chapped and bleeding, and her shoulder blade might be sprained. She si sore in her arms and bleeding from her fingernails.

But it is amazing that she survive the onslaught of the zombie using a bow and alone inside a mall, populated with zombies.

How did she do it?

Sneak attack. Hiding in the racks and shooting from an advantageous position. She rises to level 7 and she put it all on agility.

She also gets new stats, accuracy which she quickly put some points in it. It helps her making her shots more accurate and her eyes also could see farther away.

The skill books she has she quickly learned and the gold coins that dropped from the zombies she quickly put it inside her Storage ring.

She also put many snacks and food inside it.

Then she making sure that all of the threat has been neutralized, she takes a light nap at 5 am until the next day.


The next day she wakes up and sees that there are zombies walking and marching around the mall.

She maintained her silence. She did not make a sound. Even when she has to eat a snack she eats it at the highest floor, far from the ears of the zombies.

She looks at the general surrounding and waited. It works before, why wouldn’t it work again?

After all she is saved because she was late at running and had to hide inside the mall. If she rushed outside, then she might be one of those zombies.

There is no danger today. It wasn’t until at night she heard a howling that make her shivers.

There is a beast she mused. Could it be the same beast that attacked the people before? Have they all not retreated? Might some of it is still here, prowling searching for prey?

This is all she could think about that night. She was in a state of alert all night. But after hours of silence she lowers her guard.

Fuck! What was that howling she said as she is eating some snacks in her bed on the bed sections.

She is hungry and she is tired mentally. The fear pressures her mentally and the silence did not help in making her anymore calm.

Her boyfriend his dead, and even probably her mother.

No, she did not die! She stubbornly insisted. If it’s her father, she could accept, even celebrated, but her mother?

The only one that truly cares about her…..she must live. And for a moment there is this fire of determination to survive this calamity and find her mother..

She was about to rest when she heard sound of slicing outside. The sound caught her attention.

‘What’s that?’ She gets up from her bed and jumps down gracefully from the third floor and landed like a cat on the first floor.

Her bow is then at ready.

Is it a monster? she thought to herself. She then peeks outside from the cracks and she sees a man shrouded in black clothes, slicing zombies like paper.

He is standing in one spot, steady like a mountain.

Aura of power emanated from him.

His move was fluid like water and his strikes are domineering. He did not rush towards the dozens of zombies congregated in front of the mall.

Instead, he only needed to move a few steps to dodge the zombies attack, sometimes jumping only a few centimeters from the zombies before slicing them.

He did not run towards them, but he is waiting for them to come to him with confidence. Sofia is full is excitement.

Why? Because the man is clearing out the zombies in front of the mall with ease. Sofia knows how hard it is to do this.

Even she has to use all of her wits and abilities to kill all the zombies in the mall and it is not without difficulties.

Aided with the closed environment and an environment which provides cover for her archery.

But the man is standing in the middle of the street with nothing but a blade and slicing the zombies like they are ants.

This is true power. He might be a soldier or a policeman that survive the initial attack.

Could it be he is a special forces of the government sent from the government to battle these monster? She thought to herself.

Sofia is a woman who believes in the government. In Malaysia there is only one party that matters.

It is also the only party that has ruled Malaysia for the past 5 decades.

That means since the beginning of the formation of Malaysia, this one political party has amassed enough influence to treat the people like peasants.

But Sofia still believes the government. Why? Because after all, surely the government, however corrupt wouldn’t desert their own people.

She looks intently at the man trying to see his appearance. But it was night, it was dark and the man is wearing hood.

She could not see his face because it is hidden by the hood. Having him would surely would increase her chance of survival.

He looks relaxed but then suddenly his eyes darted at her. Sofia was startled. Did he see me? Impossible.

Sofia moved away from the crack and feels her heart beating in fear.


Azief is dodging the zombies attack with apparent ease. This is merely child play to him.

His level is now 23 and he got 4 stats points and 2 skill points. He did not use his skill points yet.

He needs to think really hard what he will use it on. If somehow he got better skills later, he doesn’t want to regret.

And after all the threat isn’t high right now. After killing the Fanged Giant Cat he did not encounter a beast or monster that reaches its level.

And he wanted to shelter inside the mall. And stores some food. Then he will begin his journey home. Considering his power right now, there is not many beasts that could fight him.

This is just a stop. One of many he mused.

He needs to make sure whether his parent survived or perish this calamity. If they survive, Azief would protect them until they find a way to safely live inside this new world.

If not, Azief must find a way to live safely in this new world, alone.

So he is clearing out these zombies in front of him. It’s not hard dispatching zombies anymore and withy his strength they are merely EXP.

Azief is farming EXP but he also realizes as his level increases and now that he reaches level 20, it is harder gaining EXP by killing zombies.

He also realizes that when anyone reaches the 10 level marks, something is unlocked. For example, when he is level 10, class change is unlocked.

Level 20, skill points is unlocked. Then what will be unlocked at level 30?

As he keep slicing the zombies he also have time to loot all the golden coins tat fall when he defeated the zombies.

It takes him only one strike to kill any zombies.

His speed is astonishing and the zombie could not keep up with his agility. Right now his agility is 35 points.

Combined that with all his buff, his agility is 47.

His speed could rival a car right now and the zombie who was originally slow is even slower in Azief eyes.

‘Should I utilize Divine Sense?’ Azief mused as he used the technique.

Then suddenly as he cast out his divine sense he suddenly sense a living person. He turned his gaze to the direction.

There is someone who is still alive! The Divine Sense technique he got from one of the zombies he encountered when he is coming here.

The zombies were faster than any zombies he met but compared to his speed the zombie was still lacking.

Of course if it was before he level up to level 10, surely he would die fighting that zombies. But he is now level 22.

And the technique he gets from the skill book is divine sense. It could detect living organism.

Another survivor? And in this mall?

This time Azief start slashing with more speed, killing many of the zombies and before he knows it, the front of the mall was littered with heads.

None of the zombies get back up again. Then Azief said, staring at the mall and he said.

‘Open the steel shutter’ he said, his eyes staring at the steel shutter. If the people inside did not want to open he would force his way in.

Suddenly there is a sound and the shutter gate is going up. Azief sighed in relief. At least the people inside is not unreasonable.

Then Azief open his hood and as the shutter got up completely, he looks in front of him. A woman is waiting for him and they both looked at each other.

He looks at her in shock, and she looks at him in shock.

‘Sofia?’ Azief said, completely shocked looking at her. He knows her.

‘Azief?’ Sofia said. She could not believe it was that boy.

For a moment, as the wind blows, the street that is filled with countless decapitated bodies, there was this awkward silence.

If this was a movie, there would be that cawing sound by the crows.

‘You..’both of them said at the same.

‘Anyway hurry up! Come in before more of their thing comes here.’ Azief just nodded, and he could not believe what is happening today.

He gets inside and the mall is shut down again.




He enters the mall, his clothes fluttered by the wind. For a few moments both of them looked at each other. They didn’t say anything.

‘You….are strong.’ She said. Extremely she mused. But she did not say that out loud. There is still this awkward atmosphere between them.

Even after the shutter gate is closed, that atmosphere did not diminish.

‘Hmm’ Azief replies without expression. His eyes look around his surrounding and his blade turn into a light and enter his ring.

He has a storage ring too Sofia realized.

‘You survived huh?’ he then added. From the tone of his voice, it seems that he did not think that she could survive it.

‘Hmm’ she replies. Azief look at that woman again.

Both of them have complicated expression on their face. This is because of their history….or should be said…lack of history.

They were not boyfriend girlfriend or even friends.

They were just in the same class. Both of them learned at Sport School across Temerloh. She was an athlete. He was the class fool.

At least from form 1 to 3. From Form 4 to Five he became this argumentative person. When he was form 1 he wanted to fit in.

Form 2 till 3 he was in peer pressure.

Form 4 and Form 5 he wanted to do well in the final exam only to find out he got too much pressure to ace the exam that he caught a high fever a few weeks before the final exam.

He didn’t blame anyone on that.

It was him putting pressure on himself. Anyway, Sofia and him are only classmate. Nothing more.

They don’t hang with the same crowd but they don’t have any problem with each other either.

The occasional hi and waving hand when they meet each other and that’s it. But they both recognize each other.

Azief did not change much other than his face has little trace of acne and a few black spots on his cheeks.

Sofia still is slender and her face also did not change much. She still sports a long hair, and her face is a little tanner than before.

Before she was pale white.

Azief always forget names. But he rarely forgets a face. The reason why he always forget name is usually because the other person doesn’t strike him as important in his life.

But faces? Even if he wanted to forget he can’t.

Azief wanted to move from this area and collect his thoughts. After running from the zombie’s horde Azief need to distribute the skill points.

He also needs some mental rest. He has been fighting a life and death battle with a terrifying beast and even lost one of his companion.

And he has to even kill his companion. It will be surprising if he could be all calm. The only reason he maintains this calmness is because he knows howling or screaming won’t change a goddam thing.

Tan would still be dead, the world is still fucked up and his life will not be any better. Being clam on the other hand, let him take all of it and analyze the most efficient way to survive this.

This personality of his is only suited for living alone or a solo player. Even in games he did not have many friends.

Friend he made in the game is usually for quest or guild raiding. Even among his real life friend, he is very practical and rational.

But not cold. He appreciates his friend. Why? Because he has only a few of them.

It was after he graduated that he becomes this realist type of person.

‘How long you have been here?’ Azief asked as he turn to what he calls now Lord Shadow mode.

He then put the hood back on and one could not see his face clearly.

His word is clearly intending to make this conversation faster. There is many things Azief need to do right now and plan.

First would be his return to the village. First he will check his Eldest Uncle (Malaysia usually called this Pak Long. I don’t know if this is the right term in English or if there is another term) and his Third Uncle.

They live in the entrance of the village near the road to go to the city. His families live down deeper.

Then he needs to return to the elementary school and battle that alien beast. He is convinced that the Lord Shadow class is a class that offers him great powers.

He will not relinquish it even if he had to die trying. He out of everyone knows what is important now.

Status means nothing. Paper money means nothing. All that matters is this power granted by the World Orb System

There is also that little bead that he left with the corpse of the beast. He only notices it after he decided to come back after he left Tan body.

But at that time the horde was already there. Azief decided to go there again after he is rested and the horde pulls away from that area.

‘How long?’ Azief asked again is time his tone is unintentionally colder.

Sofia is startled by this sudden change and replies

‘2 days.’

‘Weapons?’ Azief quickly asked without looking at Sofia face. His eyes are scanning the mall and he activated his divine sense to see if there are any living people inside. His sense revealed nothing.

‘Bow and arrow.’

‘Appropriate, considering your aptitude. I guess the World Orb system does give weapon best suited to our abilities.’ he said as he turn his view to Sofia and appraises the bow in Sofia hand.

‘You are using a blade right?’ she asked. Azief nodded.

‘Yes. Have you class up?’ Azief said

‘Class up?’ she asked perplexed.

‘You don’t know about it? What level are you?’ Azief said startled. He though this girl must have reached level 10.

‘7.’ She said. Azief sighed.7…..she could fight a few zombies maybe a dozen of them. The stiff is not that powerful.

But this shows that she is capable. Azief look at the holes in some of the stiff that is laying down in the first floor. Arrow hole in their head.

Impressive he mused.

But later on they might evolve. They might not. Either way, if they evolve it’s good to have a few plans.

‘Wait until you leveled up to 10. Then you can class up. Choose carefully. I will only be here for a while. I wanted supply and then I will get going at dawn.’ Azief said, announcing his intention.

She might have design this mall as her territory.

Considering the disparity of levels, Azief is not that worried about her trying to attack him. After all even if she lied, Azief is confident that he can subdue this girl.

It has only been a few days since the fall.

If she has spent her time here inside the mall without going outside to raise her level then it stands to reason that this girl is not his match.

He fought a gigantic tiger and survives to tell the tale. He could handle this girl.

‘Can I come?’ suddenly Sofia asked.

Inwardly Azief sighed. Of course he expected this. But after what happens to Tan, Azief is not confident to guide someone again.

And he is sure his destination and hers are different. But she lives in a village too at least this is his opinion.

Which village he did not know but since she learn at the same school as him, either her family lives in village like him or living in that residential area near the school.

(In Malaysia there is Taman which translates to park. But this is a place where people live with many houses. So I called it residential area kind of like a suburb)

He doesn’t have the confidence to try to protect anyone. From that experience he learns that nothing is certain.

Even with his power. He thought nothing could harm him and there are no beasts to hinder his progress. He knows now he needs to be careful.

Without full knowledge, nothing is certain.

The world is changing and he would be a fool if he thinks he understands all the change that is happening right now.

He could not make guarantee that Sofia would be safer with him. Maybe the zombies like the beast will also leave this place and following him might lead her to more danger.

He doesn’t have any bad feelings toward Sofia but he doesn’t have any good feeling from her either.

‘I’m going back to my village. There might be other beast in my way home’ hearing this Sofia trembles.

But then she decided. Considering the power she saw coming from Azief, he might be stronger than her.

No…he is stronger than her. She might be safer with him.

‘It’s fine.’ She replies. For a while under the hood, Azief tries to think what to do….He then sighed.

‘Fine’ Azief reply.

‘But if you are coming with me, you have to contribute. And if you slow me down, I’ll leave you. If you attract monster that I have no way of handling, then I’ll leave you. If you try to harm me, betray me, I leave you.’ He said coldly.

This is the first time Sofia feels to be so distrusted. If it’s from her abusive father or from her frenemy she could accept it and not be as shocked as she is now.

But she forgets it has been years since they were in high school.

6 years could change a person. In her memories, the man he knows is not as cold as this.

It is because the years of battling depression alone and the fact that Azief for most of his teenage years have low self-esteem that has changed him to be like this.

He rarely trusts people other than his close friends and he is awkward in making new friends.

And now the world has changed where the law of strongest applies. It’s not Azief never read any stories like this.

If it’s just a zombie apocalypse then food is a necessity. But it’s different if there is magic like elements involved.

If there is a skill to heal won’t there be skills to cultivate food? Make rains? Even change the very law of the world if this idea is taken to the extreme.

And what is the variable in this new world?


Nuclear weapons?

No. In this first few weeks, if the government could launch nuclear weapon it might have kill many people and monster alike.  

But no such action has happened.

Which leads Azief to the conclusion that whatever this alien thing that descended here has decided to attack the capital of each nation, every military ability that humanity possesses.

If that is the truth, then there are certain intelligent creatures or certain directives they are given.

The World Orb System? What is it? Azief believe it want to make humanity stronger? But for what purpose?

Are they in an experiment?

Is this a curse or a blessing disguised as a curse? Or is this just the first wave of an alien invasion?

There are still too many questions that needs to be answered. But there is one thing is certain.

Old weapons like guns and cannons would be rendered pretty useless after this.

Mankind will be the greatest variable of this new world. Not new technology or old weapons.

When people reach an unbelievable level won’t they be like Gods?

Even now, Azief who is level 23 can moved with unbelievable speed. Then he looks at the direction of the second floor of the mall and then he said.

‘Now, pack some supplies. At dawn we moved’ he said it to Sofia and he goes to another corner of the mall.

His words are cold and have no hint of compassion at all. It was almost mechanical. The worst thing to do in this kind of world if you want to survive, is to form attachment.

Azief is not confident he can protect her. That is another concern. He doesn’t want Sofia to think that he is some kind of hero who would help her without reward or have some expectations that he would bite the bullet for her.

He has no such inclination to jump in front of bullet or die for her. He did not know her well enough to do such things.

Then after taking many of the snacks inside his storage ring he jumps to the second floor with one leap and landed with ease.

Sofia is looking from the first floor.

She could jump down but not jump up. Jumping down is easier since her agility is high. She could maneuver herself and her body is light.

But to jump up she needs a strong lower body and lightness. Strength stats which she lacked the most.

She is confident she made the right decision. She nodded to herself. She would follow him until she either become stronger or she has no use for him.

It’s not like Sofia wanted to kill him.

She wanted to use his strength to survive this new world. And Sofia knows that Azief understand this too.

It’s not like Sofia could not understand, that while she uses him, he is also using her. A mutual; benefit kind of relationship.

To use her for what, she still doesn’t know. But the fact that he did not refuse her offer, means that she has some use to him.

Which means she is to be her support team. At least that is her conclusion, to be some sort of his gopher.

 And it’s fine by me. Smiling and relaxed for the first times since the fall, she climbs the stairs, slowly, with a calm heart.



They did not say anything for a few hours after that.

Azief jump to the third floor and choose one bed as his bed after he finished storing some item in his storage ring.

The 99 space in his storage ring is about to be full. Luckily he still has other storage rings.

He is situated very far away from Sofia. Sofia is already asleep. Azief does not understand how could she sleep so peacefully?

Unbeknown to him is that it is because of his presence that Sofia could sleep so peacefully.

Before, every noise could send her into a panic attack but now she is confident that Azief could save her.

The reason she is not afraid being raped by Azief is because she still remember the class clown.

If Azief knew this he would scoff. Not like he would rape her. She is not his type. And he doesn’t like to force woman to have sex with him.

And sex is the last thing is his mind right now.

Azief check his status.




























































After he level up to level 20, his status info become less scattered then before. Is it an update?

A patch? An expansion pack? An update from the system? He doesn’t know. But at least it is easier for him to view his own status right now.

He has been thinking along the way on what would help him tomorrow. He could level up his slashing wind skill to level 03.

That is one thing he could level up. That would probably make his offensive power increased.

Or level up what he most wanted to level up. There is heal, divine sense, and precision. Leveling up heal would surely give him healing power powerful than before.

A healer warrior or healer rouge. That is the one of the path he can walk.

Leveling up precision would also help him in attacking vital points he suppose. Maybe even get an additional skill. But what he wanted right now is a companion.

A companion he could trust and will not hesitate to protect him. Someone who could take the bullet for him. He wants a pet.

He opens the information about the skill he wanted to level up.



Then Azief look at the taming time of his current beast.


Another six days for the strong fist badger to be tamed. In 6 days many things could happen.

He couldn’t wait for future skills right now. He will bet on now rather than the distant future. The future is a fool dreams. It might not even come.

But now? Now is certain. Azief made his decision.

‘One skill points to Beast tamer.’ He said and then the ting sound can be heard.




Not even a day. Azief smiles. Then after he is sure there is no other threat in the mall, he put his body down onto the bed and finally he sleeps.

It was dawn. Azief was already ready. He has washed his face in one of the mall sinks. He is now at the entrance of the mall.

‘You’re ready?’ Azief said under the hood.

‘Ready as I could be’ the woman replies.

‘Open it.’ The girl open the door. Most of the stuff in the mall has been cleaned out from the shelves and into their storage rings.

Sofia even has two storage rings. Since it can only store 99 items of the World Orb, Sofia is designated as the looter.

Azief would be the main attacker. In a way, she replaces Tan function. The sun shines and bathes them with its brightness.

Then Azief ordered.

‘You will follow me to the back of this mall. A few meters from here would be the place where I fought a beast yesterday. I need to go there’ he said explaining their current objectives.

‘Why? ‘Hearing his explanation finally Sofia could understand the roaring sound of the beast she heard  yesterday. So it was him that slays the beast.

‘I need something.’ Azief replies

‘What could be so important?’

‘Do you want to follow me or not? Make a choice.’ Azief said and then ignoring her he walked to the area he travels before.

Sofia gritted in anger.

He did not listen to my opinion whatsoever. In Sofia opinion this might attract more beast to come there.

She is worried about her safety.

But either way, she has to make a choice. Now that she is out ….she make a choice to follow.

Azief is walking the road with ease. The distance of the beast corpse is not that far from here.

Sometimes there are stiff come running to them but easily dispatch by Azief. Sofia sometimes snipes from behind and gets some experience.

But seeing this new act by the zombies made Sofia feel her heart sank. Now they can run? The same thing goes through Azief mind.

First they can only walk like they were limping but now they could run? Like I thought! These stiffs evolve too.

But even though they have gained some speed, compared to Azief agility and Sofia, they are still a bit lacking.

Azief has his agility combined with his strength that deters any incoming zombies, but Sofia has her agility and accuracy.

Every time she pulls her bowstring, it will always strike the head, the vital position of zombies.

No matter how strong they are as long the arrow smash their brains, then the zombies would fall.

Azief once again admire her accuracy. If she could be brave in the beginning, probably she would be as the same level as him or might even be higher.

But contrary to Azief opinion the reason Sofia could pull the bow and aim with precise concentration towards the stiff, is primarily because she fears the abomination.

She could not afford to miss.

She is not squeamish looking at blood but she is afraid of getting bitten.

Of course she was given some clothes and items of the World Orb system by Azief that prevent her from getting infected by low level zombies but that doesn’t dispel the fear one bit.

Usually when Azief slashes and the stiff die, a golden coin would appear.

But now, there is silver. There is copper. But it is different if it was Sofia who kills the stiff. It will always drop gold and there are even a few items.

Azief notices this and he makes another hypothesis. What if gold only dropped when fighting monster that is higher level or the same level?

What if the stronger people got, the harder it is to gains something from a lower level opponent?

If this is true it would explain why when he killed the zombies rarely now they drop skill books or item.

Instead it dropped copper, and silver. Maybe if I reach level 30 and I kill zombies, nothing would drop in the future.

Maybe it is to restrict powerful people farming skill books or farming gold. Is that why this happen?

But Azief keep killing. His spirit affects his stamina. The stronger his spirit the faster his stamina regenerates.

At least that is what he deduced so far.

And killing zombies does not take much of his stamina. He only need to dodge a few centimeters and chopped of their head.

When his sword evolves its offensive power also increase and this time Azief could see orb like thing flew to his armour and equipment.

But only those of the Shadow Lord equipment.

‘Capturing souls’ Azief muttered.

Even though it only dropped silver and copper Azief is not down with this fact. Because he realizes something.

As he kills stiffs with his Dark Sword of Souls, he could see something resembling an orb entering his sword.

Not to mention the durability of his weapon. He realizes that when he is resting the durability of his weapon get recharged by one for each hours.

And by his calculation he could kill 100 or maybe 200 zombies before his sword durability dropped by one. If he encountered a beast, now, that is a different story.

Thinking of this he is happy. This means he doesn’t have to change his armour. He thought he has to change to new armour every few weeks.

But if this is the perk of his unique class, then maybe he could enhance his whole attire to be godly.

But this also makes the possibility that other Unique Class also is the same like him. Armor that could evolve.

As they keep fighting finally they reached at the area his battle with the beast.  Azief could see the trace of the blood of Tan and the beast from afar.

His eyes could see farther than before.

Tan corpse is nowhere to be seen only bits and pieces. But then suddenly Azief is started. His face turned red and he clenched his fist looking from afar.

Someone is trying to steal his bead. He is seeing someone grabbing a shiny thing from the beast corpse that he killed!

He rushes like the wind leaving Sofia who was collecting the loot stupefied.

‘Wait for me, idiot!’ she yelled as she stop looting and run to Azief.

Azief then arrived at the scene of the beast corpse and immediately like a shadow; he appeared next to the man as he did a jump kick to one of the man.

The man was muscly and has a moustache. He even wears armour. He was thrown aback by the force of Azief kick. His armour cracked.

He did not even have the chance to protect himself. He looks shocked at Azief and only seeing a man, with a hood and a black robe.

Who is this? the man mused.

About 11 people behind the muscly man gasped. There are 2 Chinese, a man and woman, who is very close to each other, and 3 Indians ladies and 6 Malay man behind the muscly man

Azief stand near the beast corpse, and look at the beast corpse only to grit his teeth in anger.

Where is the bead! he angrily thought to himself. He clenched his fist and look back at the direction of the dozen people.

He has fought hordes of zombies, risks his life to fight the beast, and even lost one of his companions to the beast and now, that he comes to reap the effort of his fighting, someone dares to stole it.

If there is one thing Azief couldn’t tolerate, it is stealing his stuff.

His robe fluttered by the wind giving him the impression of a great expert fighter and his hood covering his face, emanating a mysterious aura.

The dozen people who look at this young man from behind the muscly man could feel their hair stand up.

‘WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU STEALING MY LOOT!’ Azief yelled his voice thundered around the area.

The muscly man feels himself shivering, unconsciously. He could feel a baleful aura emanating from the hooded man.

He is not some martial artist or someone who has psychic powers but the killing intent of Azief could even be felt by someone as unperceptive as this man.

Azief has killed zombies…hundreds of them, cutting them like they were grass, but he never killed people.

But he does want his bead back.

If he found out any one of these people take his bead, then their whole items will be looted by him.

He couldn’t care less at this point. That bead must have something really special. And it is mine! Azief mused.

He fought for it and almost dies for it. Azief has never felt what it was like to be strong. But since the Fall, for the first time in his life……he believes that he is strong.

At least stronger than all 12 of these people before him. If only he have a technique that could discern the level of these people.

And all these 12 people all have eye-catching items, but only one have an armour. Then the one with the armour must be their guardian or something like a vanguard.

Azief did not see anyone moved out to support the muscly man. Which means, not one of them is stronger than the muscly man.


Azief is not a bully…..but that doesn’t mean he can’t be one. If they really took my bead, then you twelve people will find me something that would compensate me for that bead he thinks to himself

Behind him a woman can be seen coming to him and her face is shocked seeing the people gathering on that spot near the beast corpse.

It was 7 men and 5 women. Since she get out from the mall, she never see people, and today suddenly a dozen people appeared.

They all had a variety of weapon. Some have scimitar, some have something like an edged shield, and some have whips.

In one of the hand of the group was a shining bead. And then Sofia realized the corpse of a gigantic beast and looking at this tense atmosphere she understand.

That group took Azief loot.

What will happen now? She mused. She looked as Azief standing straight like an immovable mountain, his face was hidden by the hood but Sofia is sure that Azief is glaring at the group.

Sofia looks at the group and they also look at Azief with a wary expression.

Then Azief moved.



Hamad is a normal policeman. He patrols the area around the Joy Park when the fall happens.

Since then he has saved survivors of the zombie’s apocalypse. A zombie apocalypse. He mused when he sees the dead rise that night.

At least that is what he believed.

Unlike Azief who conclude this as some alien experiments, Hamad believe that what is happening now is because of some virus that turns men into zombie, kind of like the zombie movies.

Hamad is a fan of such stories. Zombie stories. Apocalyptic stories. Along the way he saved a Chinese couple.

The couple both has a bow. They survived the slaughter using their bow. They do not know how to use it, but Hamad had to admit they have the aptitude for it.

 There are the first people he saved and that follow him. They are always strength in numbers. His experience in the force only reinforces this idea.

This trio then leveled up until level 10 and changes their classes.

Hamad became a Berserker. The couple becomes an archer. They them met 6 Malay people stuck inside the debris of a falling building.

They luckily survived and survive because they killed Mutated Rat.

The Mutated Rat dropped potions and skills book. The 6 people survived using their own strength, and even managed to dig a tunnel to make a makeshift cave inside the debris.

They live inside the debris waiting the zombie horde too go to other places.

One night the horde of zombies suddenly moved to another part of the Joy Park. It was at that time; they come out of their hidings and stumbled upon Hamad.

Safety in numbers they said and they joined forces. Hamad rank swells. Not long then they also reaches level 10 and change classes.

It is ironic.

That they are at the deeper part of the Joy Park and only a few kilometers away from Azief hiding spot.

The reason why the zombies hordes move is also because they hear the roars of the dying beast.

If they all knew this, they should thank Azief.

They all decided to go to the Capital when they find more survivors, they meet 3 Indian ladies, who were hiding and remain undetected.

They are at the moment the lowest level member of their group. At the third day, as Hamad is the strongest among all of them, they appoint him as a leader.

He has that kind of leadership….though it only shines now after the Fall.

They decided to venture out, Hamad as their vanguard. At dawn they moved out. It was then that Lakshmi discover something.  

A gigantic beast corpse. She came to Hamad and report to him. He and the other crew came to the site and look in awe.

‘What is that?’ she asks.

‘I don’t know’ Hamad said. He discovers that after the fall, he could understand Indian language and even Chinese.

It is more like it was translated in a way he understands. His previous theory about this is a virus might need to be reexamined.

‘Maybe it is dangerous…or still alive…or maybe like the others it would rise once again.’ the Chinese man said while shuddering. The girl beside him holds his hand.

By now Hamad knows that this couple is engaged. Amber and Roy. That is the way they introduce themselves.

They didn’t tell Hamad their Chinese names and Hamad doesn’t care. What did people care about names anyway after the fall.

Other than to name the characters it didn’t have any use. Hamad before the Fall is very aversive towards Chinese rather than Indians.

In other words he is almost like a racist.

But now?

Race means nothing now in this new torn and shredded world. They don’t even know if any semblance of order existed.

It was like the moment the Fall happens, the whole world shut down.

In other part of the world…..many are calling it the end of the world. Some say this is the rapture.

Some say this is God punishments.

Other says these are manmade. Of course Hamad doesn’t know this, but as he could survive in this world, others could too.

The word is not yet ending. It just has begun, the long awaited evolution of humanity.

But to Hamad….he believes that this is not that.

Maybe it is another extinction event….and maybe this time…it doesn’t seem like humanity could ride it out so easily like last time.

True, humanity was faced by an Ice Age, a gigantic volcanic eruption, smokes that covers the sky and even clouded the whole world for a few years, during the Stone Age, and even survives the tectonic shifting…but the dead rising from the dead to kill the living….that is something new.

As he approached the beast corpse, he looks behind him and sigh.

Hamad even though he is not a high ranking officer, he is a responsible man. He has a loving family in Johor, a grandmother at Lipis, and his relatives in Taiping.

He is a family man…but he married a Temerloh woman. And right now he is wishing to just go home.

Maybe …that is the only thing that is on anybody mind right now….to go home, to find a home….to belong…..somewhere….other than this hell.

It is common to see in movies and read in books, that when the world order crumbles, anarchy spreads.

That is true, and probably are realistic portrayal when order is crushed by a group of people.

But this situation is not like that.

The dead rises as mindless killing zombies, a plaque waiting to happen. Does the world fall to anarchy…yes…but of the chaos from what happens from the zombies.

The situation is different.


Because this time humanity has an enemy to unite against. To unite against these rising dead people, to rise against the beast that is devouring humanity.

If there is one thing Hamad knew it is this. Give an enemy to the people, and the people will unite.

Why does politician like to blame one person when they are involved in a scandal? Because they know how to control the people sentiments.

They have other things to hate and destroy rather than the usual which is to hate each other and kill each other.

So instead of the rule of the jungle…it is a more complicated relationship than that. Hamad was walking to the corpse, his hand hold his fist tighter.

He is afraid. Of course he is afraid. Only crazy people are not afraid. The beast was gigantic….something resembling of saber tooth in the prehistoric age.

He takes a deep breath. Calm down. he mused. ‘I can do this’ he said. He needs to make sure that the beast is dead first.

He crouched down and picked a pebble. He turns to his group and said.

‘Fallback. I need to check whether this beast is alive or not.’ The other nodded. He throws the pebble with all his strength to the unmoving beats.

After gaining no response he throws it again with the same results.

‘It’s dead’ he said. The other heaved a sigh of relief. Then as Hamad was about to walk away, in the corner of his eyes he could see something was shining.

He approached the beast corpse.

‘Sir Hamad what are you doing?’ One of the Chinese spoke.

‘We must go!’ He urgently said, the woman beside him was nodding; worried looking at the corpse like it could suddenly leap to her.

‘Wait a minute’ Hamad said. As he tries to find that light once again, he finally realizes there is something that resembles fluorescent light is coming from around the beast stomach.

He then cut a small opening on the beast corpse. It takes him awhile because the beast corpse was very sturdy like steel.

And his effort was rewarded. He found a bead.

‘What the hell is this?’ He was saying.

As he looks at the bead suddenly he felt his hair stand up. Danger! He mused. Hamad has Danger Perception, one of the skills he got from a skill book.

He was about to back away when suddenly something slammed against him and he could feel an indescribable pressure coming down on him, pain in his rib, as he was thrown backwards far away, sliding his face to the tar street, blood dripping from the lacerations.

He struggles to get up.

What is it? A beast? A new type of zombies? He then realizes that his armour cracked. His steel armour…cracked.

What kind of power is this? Even zombies could do nothing to him when he was equipped by this armour.

Hamad checks the durability of the armour and his durability dropped to 45. One attack and the armour dropped forty five of its durability.

Of course it is a low level armour but still….normal zombies would need at least 5 minutes of attacking him to drop even one durability of this item but…just now one strikes is enough to drop 45 points of durability.

If Hamad did not wear the amour he would have been badly injured. As he looks at his attacker he could see from under the hood, it is a young man.

And Hamad could not help but feel shocked. He wears a black robe with black sash…an all-black attire, like Death.

The only thing his attacker is missing is a scythe. But his attire is like the Assassin Creed uniform, with intricate designs. It’s not an armour but his attacker look elegant wearing it.

Behind him Roy and Amber was gasping. They just survive the zombie’s apocalypse and now they are being attacked by hooded man.

They also feel fear.

Hamad is the strongest in their ragtag bunch. But his attacker downs him in one strike. They all wanted to aim their weapon to the man but Lakshmi said

‘Don’t’ she whispered.

‘Stay your hand, Amber, Roy.’ Lakshmi could see that whoever this hooded man he is strong.

He has that air around him. Lakshmi come from a family that practice Silambam. Her brother especially is an expert in Silambam.

She could feel the same air around the hooded man like her brother.

The air of a strong man. Sita and Rani come closer to Lakshmi. The three of them is friend. They were having only a drink near the park that day when the Fall happen.

Following Lakshmi they hide and run. Before Hamad saved them, Lakshmi saved them first. Now seeing that Hamad is easily attacked, Sita and Rani came closer to Lakshmi like before.

The 6 Malay man was about to ready their stance but they decided to listen to Lakshmi. They tch and they keep their hand from their weapons.

But truth is, they also feel an indescribable aura from the hooded man. One of them was trembling.

Hatta the leader of this 6 man group feel it deep in his heart.

What Azief could not have expected is that as his level climbed up, his body becomes stronger and breaking past the constraints of normal human.

Human with their evolutionary instinct, could clearly feel this pressure emanating from a superior human.

What it means is, with Azief level, people who did not level up will feel the same pressure they are feeling now.

Lakshmi group feel it the most since they are the weakest in the group. Azief is the predator and they are the prey.

Their instinct is telling them, teaching them….that this hooded man is dangerous. The man could be seen gritting his teeth in anger.

Hatta has Eagle Eye after he kills a mutated bird. His scimitar ….he wanted to grip it but he fear that he might provoke the hooded man.

Azief could see far away because of his level and his body is transforming. But Hatta also gain that same ability thanks to a skill book.

He has Danger Perception, Eagle Eye, and Slicing Wind. He also has heal. Of his group he has the most skill.

After they met Hamad they join Hamad group because Hamad is stronger, his levels are higher, and he has many more skills than him.

If not Hatta would go it alone with his 5 friend.

Then the hooded man clenched his fist and look at their direction and Hatta feel pressure bearing down on him….his heart trembles and his hand is shaking.

One glance and he is almost defeated Hatta angrily mused but now he is convince of Lakshmi warning. He looks at Lakshmi direction and nodded. Laksmi also nodded.

This man is too dangerous.

The Hooded man robe fluttered by the wind, an unrestrained air around him, emanating a deadly aura.

Their hair stands up. Then suddenly the man yelled, his voice thundering shaking the very core of being of the group.


Hamad could feel fear seeped into his heart. His heart trembles, his hand shaking, sweat formed on his back.

Never had he felt such fear…so small.

Clearly the man is younger than him….but his power is stronger than him….His level is higher Hamad believes.

But how could that be? Hamad even have a group to consistently rise up their level.

Is he not afraid that zombies would hear his screaming and come here? By now, Azief power has a reached a level where he is not afraid even a hundred zombies.

He could heal himself and fighting slow moving target is not something that he fears. If there is one thing he fears is that a beast would appear out of nowhere.

Not one person came out to help him Hamad bitterly sighed. Well, he could understand why they didn’t help him.

Maybe this hooded man is Hamad enemies, and they all didn’t want to get caught up in his own personal conflict. But Hamad did not know who this person is.

This man attacked him without provocation. And another reason is maybe because the group behind him could feel the same pressure he is feeling.

He could see Lakshmi and her two friends are having difficulty breathing.

At first his mind puzzles why the man suddenly attacked him. But now he understands.

The bead he is holding is the man possession. Which mean…..wait! As he realized something.

He looks at the gigantic beats corpse and look at the hooded man. This means he is the one that kills it!

Oh my god! What I have gotten myself into! If this man could kill a beast like that, his power level must be off the chart!

The crowd behind Hamad also takes a deep breath understanding what the hooded man means.

He killed the beast, so whatever loot that came out of the beast is his. But law of possession hardly matters in this new world. Strength is the new law. And Azief has a lot of it.

Then suddenly from behind the man Hamad could see a woman with a bow running towards the hooded man.

She looks shocked seeing us Hamad mused. She looks at Hamad hand and he could see that the woman also see the bead.

Is she his allies? It looks like it. She stopped moving and takes a few distance from the hooded man.

Then the Hooded Man moved.



He appears in front of Hamad, looking down on the man.

‘Give that to me’ he said coldly. This kind of tone is common for Hamad. This is an ordering tone.

Only his superior uses this kind of tone. But the hooded man words send chills to his bone. It was cold and devoid of emotion.

Hamad is a police officer.

Only a traffic officer, but he knows how to judge people. But hearing the hooded man talk he can’t figure out the man emotion.

Is he angry? Or calm?

Azief on the other hand doesn’t like police. Not because he did any crime before, but because police is always corrupt.

He doesn’t have that favorable impression on the police force.

At least he knows a few policemen who take bribe. It’s not like a thousand millions of bribe.

Sometimes it is only 50 ringgit or 60 ringgit but it is still a bribe. Many truck drivers, reckless truck driver, was let go when they pay the fee.

Of course when this is ask towards the police chief there is no such record of this conduct he would say.

The higher up takes millions of dollar bribe, the underling take hundreds of it.

To Azief they are all the same. He doesn’t like the police but that doesn’t mean he hated them to the bone either.

He just dislikes them when he heard this kind of stories. And Azief also acknowledge that there are still some good people in the force.

After all, not all policemen like that. Many of them have noble intention for joining the force. But the bribery, the corruption….taint the noble profession.

Some people are just greedy and evil.

On the other hand Hamad quickly hand the bead to Azief. He didn’t even hesitate. The feeling he felt from Azief was a crushing pressure.

Like Azief is something else. Of course Hamad did not know as you level up, the restriction of the feeble human body will be abandoned.

Azief is evolving, a superior species in front of a primitive homo sapiens.

Even Azief doesn’t know this but he notices it. His body is stronger than even a normal human.

Then from behind come a girly voice.

‘What’s that?’ Sofia asks. Azief coldly said

‘My loot.’

Azief look at the bead with his eyes….and he doesn’t know what to do. He touches it and feels it.

Its solid but it is also a little bit squishy.

Is this a gem? Enchanting items? Or something else? Could it be he has to eat it? If he follows the game rules, if this is not a gem or not enchanting ingredient then it is something he could eat.

The item description did not light up when he touched the bead…could it be because he has to eat it?

He is not sure but he could not just look at it either. He could put it inside the storage but…that might invite other problems.

If this something like a sensor device or something that other beast could smell, then he would be dead by the evening.

 Azief could see that the group of people looking at him, wary at him, looking at his conduct.

Sometimes their gaze would look at the shining bead.….Now its awkward.

They must think I know what this is. I come so coolly, so imposing. He mused. He could not break character right now.

For some reason this kind of worries suddenly invade his mind.

Let me try he mused. If it could not be eaten he would just spit it out. He then put it inside his mouth.

Eugh! It was bitter.

But Azief just endures the taste because the bead suddenly melts inside his mouth and then he feels his feet becoming lighter and his body suddenly undergoes another transformation.

His bone break and when Azief was about to scream in pain his body regenerate itself almost a second later.

What is this? he mused.

‘You’re alright?’ Sofia asked from behind as he approached Azief. She is shocked that Azief would just swallow the bead.

Did he know what that bead was? Sofia mused.

Azief just hold up his hand and Sofia stopped approaching him. Lakshmi and Hatta quickly surmise the relationship between the hooded man and the girl with the bow.

The leader is the hooded man, the girl is his support.

Lakshmi on the other hand is looking at the hooded man expression. She did not expect that the hooded man would eat the bead.

They didn’t know what the bead was for but….they did not think it was for eating. This man must have been very adept at this new world rules.

Lakshmi understand the rules after days of experimenting. She believes they live in a world of game like element now.

What causes it, why and how…she doesn’t know the answer to this question. She could only try to accept what is happening.

She did not play to many video games but it’s not like she never heard about it. Levels, skills…this is a game she concluded.

A game layered unto the reality of this world.

Hatta is like Lakshmi observing the hooded man to see that the hooded man face turns a little hard and then suddenly the hooded man smiles.

Azief is smiling because he just got a sweet update from the System

You have eaten the bead of life

Awarded 5 strength

Awarded 5 agility

Immunity against infection from Fanged Giant Cat

He smiles in satisfaction. Just like he thought it is something good. Maybe other beast also has this kind of beast.

He should check back the Badger corpse. At that time he only grabbed what he can see but the bead might be located inside the body.

But then he has to enter back near the elementary school and Azief is not sure if the alien like beast in the elementary school would not burst out from the school and terrorize the area.

Should he take a risk? No! He decided.

Well, immunity and the stat it awarded might be a boost but…..he need to preserve his life first.

He is not sure how strong the alien in the elementary school is. but he is willing to bet it’s not weak.

He needs to avoid going there first.

Maybe it would stay only inside the school because it is a part of a quest…or maybe not. Azief would not risk it.

Some people would say only with great risk come great rewards.

Well, the main protagonist will always said it before embarking in a high risk fight and they would win.

But he is not the main protagonist. He is not the hero. He is not even sure if there is a hero in this new world.

If he said the same line and take risk, he would be dead. Most of the time when you take a risk, you failed.

That is why they called it a risk.

It just gives you a little hope, thinking you could do this, only to realize that you are in over your head.

Azief is not stupid. He would rather lose some fortune rather than loses his life.

Azief then approached and crouched down at the corpse. Then he searched around the beast corpse for anything else he might have missed ignoring the crowd in front of him.

By now, Azief has determined the group level of power. With Sofia behind him, they could hold down their own against this group if they turn hostile.

Since they are awed by his performance and after ascertaining that Hamad is the strongest among the group, Azief held no wariness and now is scouring the area he left before.

‘Azi-‘ Sofia was about to ask what he was doing when suddenly she is being shushed by Azief.

‘Shh!’ Azief said

‘My name is Lord Shadow.’ He declared so that Sofia could stop talking. This girl couldn’t take a hint! He angrily thinks.

 Then a bar appears on his head announcing his name to the crowd.

‘Lord Shadow’ one of them said.

Hatta on the other hand just realize something. So he didn’t need to name the character the same name as his name.

Thinking about it…name is nothing but names.

Maybe the purpose of naming a new character is shedding the old you and living in this new world.

Hatta was thinking about this intently.

After all, this new world is more exciting. Hatta was a nobody, a bully and a troublemaker. He always hang out with the bad crowds, even almost joins a triad.

Why did he do all this? Because he is bored. What could life offer him? He is selfish, impulsive and rash.

The routine life suffocates him, the order stifles him, only the chaos give him a  peace of mind, only the chaos give him something that resembles a life he wanted.

He revels in it…on the lawlessness…yet Malaysia still has order. The only reason he didn’t break any laws…is because he is weak.

Give power to him…..and you would get a tyrant. So he wears a mask. He doesn’t believe in orders, in rules, he hated that people have to follow a certain rules to succeed.

Why couldn’t you lie if you could be successful doing it? Why won’t you oppress everyone if you have the power?

He is warped, twisted……was it because of his upbringing? He doesn’t know.

 He once asks himself this question.

But the Fall give him a new excitement. A rush. A new world order.

But when he had to name his character as Hamad tells him, he unconsciously choses Hatta, his old name.

Thinking about it whatever or whoever constructed or changing this world, must have decided to give the option to name yourself…so that you could choose what you could be in this world.

And Azief embodied that choice.

At least that is what Hatta thought. Azief on the other hand is still looking at the corpse. He almost whistles in joy.

Enjoy the little things. Zombieland. He still remembers that quote.

The world might be ending, his family might have already been eaten, or worse turns to zombies, order has crumbles, and million has die….but well…..enjoy the little things.

He just got a boost on his strength and agility. Even before he could run as fast as a car. Now…..who knows? He might even be half as fast then Flash.

Hamad is standing up now. He looks at his group and they all stand still. They do not dare move.

The girl beside Lord Shadows as Hamad decided to call the hooded man is helping Lord Shadow searching.

‘Ouch.’ As the sound of steel clashing could be heard.

‘This beast skin is hard.’

Lord Shadows only nodded.

‘Hmm’ he said.

He said it slow but everyone could feel his displease. Then he makes a piercing pose with his hand and then using only his bare hand he pierces the beast and blood spurted out.

‘Hey! Don’t you fear getting infected?’ the girl said.

‘I have immunity’ he said.

Hearing this, Hamad group all gasped. Immunity! They don’t think anyone could have immunity against the monsters.

Of course this is a misunderstanding on their parts. Azief does have immunity but against the fanged Giant cat.

Not the zombies.

But even if he did not have immunity against the zombies, as long as the zombies did not exceed his level his armour would protect him.

Not to mention his agility is off the charts. The zombie could not even chase him if he decided to flee.

But to the group when he said he had immunity that means he is not only immune against the giant beast but also to other zombies.

Well, it is understandable why they would misunderstand. After all the giant beast is surely more dangerous than normal regular zombies.

If he has immunity against such beast then he should by transitive property also have immunity against the weaker zombies.

‘See if there is anything inside’ he said. Sofia look and see nothing. There is a black bile. Azief also looked at it and it emitted a black miasma.

‘What is this?’ he mused. He grabbed it and ripped it out from the beast corpse.

Then a voice ring out in his ears


Oh? This is smoothing new! So I could eat the beast meat? And it even increases my stats. But by how much?

Azief didn’t think it would rise it up very much but still it is an improvement and this bile. It still glowed.

He looks at the bile of the beast.

Then could the Badger and the other beast and monster he encountered also have something that stores the poison inside their body?

If he was a doctor he would research this. They could even make an antidote. And Azief feels excited then his excitement is quickly doused down by his own logic.

 But he is not a doctor so he does not know. What a waste of time thinking about it?! he mused.

If the bead gives him boost in his stats and its body gives additional boost, then wouldn’t this bile also give him something?

its poisonous so…...then maybe it could be made as a liquid to slather the weapon creating a poisoned sword or a poisoned arrows.

Heh he smiles.

This is a good fortune. Then after looking at a glance there is nothing else Azief look at his surroundings.

Gold coins littered the streets. This is not mine he mused. Then this must be the dozen people work.

‘Hmm’ he nodded.

He doesn’t know what the function of the gold and this currency is but it must have something useful too.

Even when Azief wanted to check his gold he couldn’t check it. The windows did not appear.

Could it be…..that he has to unlock it first? Hmm…maybe that its. Then he looks at Sofia and said

‘Store this thing inside your rings’

‘What! this beast!?’ she said perplexed


‘What are you planning to do with it?’ Sofia asked.

‘Eat it’ he said and the group gasped. Eat the beast!? Azief did not explain more.

‘Can you-‘

‘Just do your job would you?’ Azief said.

‘Hmph’ she snorted

‘Fine.’ And Sofia stores it inside her storage rings.

Then Azief grab the gold that is scattered on the streets. Since gold only occupies one space, the currency only occupies three spaces no matter how much the quantity.

There is three currency of this system.

Gold, silver, copper. Hamad seeing that Lord Shadow ignores him and stealing right under their noses wanted to yell but he fears the repercussion.

Hatta is holding tightly at his scimitar but he couldn’t move. Lakshmi just look calmly. She understands.

The strong rules.

This new world rules is simple. If Azief was weaker than them before he would not dare to appear so overbearing and only could look in frustration and curse his luck as his bead is taken by this twelve people.

But he is strong and so, the situation is reversed.

Even though Azief is leisurely taking all the gold coins and storing it inside his storage ring no one said a word.

They didn’t dare to go either. Hamad tell them to stay.

Hamad is thinking to ask this person to join them. He would even give the title leader if the hooded man would join them.

It would be safer if they could go to the capital with the hooded man.

After Sofia finished storing the beast meat which takes only took one spot in her storage rings she help Azief with looting the gold.

Then after five minutes they finished looting the area.

Azief, Sofia realizes did not come closer to the area around the elementary schools like something was there.

This act of him is also noticed by Hatta and Laksmi. Lord Shadow stooped from nearing the area.

They recognize that this must mean something is near the elementary school.

Then as he finished Lord Shadow looked at the group and said.

‘Thank you.’ Saying these two words ……he walked away. With just these two words, he unceremoniously just wanted to walk away.

He didn’t even care about them, nor did he make any acquaintance or trying to say anything.

He did not try to explain anything…he just did what he needs to do and now it’s done…he is focused on his mission.

To Azief what matters now….is for him to go to his village, determine the safety of his family and the challenge the beast at the elementary school.

he doesn’t have time to baby sit these dozens people.

It might be cruel, but letting them slow him down would be cruel to his family. He has already delayed enough from going to the village.

One might wonder how could he talk about the safety of his family like it was an objective, like a mission…..but that is the only way he could stop…..thinking about the terrible things that could happen to his family.

He will handle when it happens.

If there is grief to be had… will be when grief is deserved. He would not grief because of his assumption.

He will not cry or mourn until there is something to cry and mourn over.

Even though his mind is telling him….that for his parent to survive is impossible…even though his mind has think of this scenarios hundreds of times, replaying all the possibilities….his heart yearns to believe.

Sofia, behind him is nodding with Azief decision to disperse from this place.

If they wanted they could join this group and their lives would be safer…but that is not the reason she follows him.

Azief has told her that he wanted to go to his village and search for his family. The same could be said for Sofia who wanted to see her mother.

Sofia herself is anxious about the safety of her mother. Her village is farther way from Azief….but either way she needs to pass through Azief village first.

When that time come, she has to separate himself with Azief. Before that time come she needs to strengthen herself up.

Like Azief her heart yearns to believe that her mother….is alive and well. Sofia was following Azief back as they walk to the streets fill with destroyed cars.

Azief has got what he wanted… he is walking home.

Then Hamad said looking at Lord Shadow walking away without even sparing them a glance.

‘Wait Lord Shadow!’

Azief look at the man and the man stopped, fear crept into his heart. But he steels himself. And he ask Lord Shadow

‘Would you join our group?’ his request ringed out in the empty streets, the wind blows Lord Shadow robe as he stand there.

For a while his mouth was about to move…and then he smiles a mysterious smile.

And the crowd waits for his answer.





John is running with a 4 feet long blade rushing through the zombies, mowing them down with apparent ease.

His level now is 21. He is a Dark Knight, his armour gives of the aura of death and power. He is alone in the street.

He then spotted a building.

‘Heh’ He smirked.

I guess this place again he mused. He jumped from his current position and landed on the second floor.

Then he looked down at the population of the zombies. His effort is working. Most of the zombies around this street are almost eradicated.

‘Huu’ he heaved as he walked straight to one of the room and open it with one of the keys he has.

This is the third time he would spend his days here. It has been three days since the fall.

John….is his new name. He didn’t like his name before and his life before. Fighting zombies is not too much of a problem for him.

He is 30 years old, his body is muscly and his hair is black.

There is some battle scars in his body, mark of a veteran. He opens the door and sits down on one of the chair.

Taking a breath he produced something from his ring.

A few breads and fresh water.

Then finding a bed he throws himself to the bed, exhausted from all the hunting.

He is not afraid of the zombies because he has barricade the apartment and even if they somehow manage to breakthrough he is more than enough to dispatch tem easily.

It is only the beast he fears. For these three days he did not stop killing zombies to raise his level after what happened in the underground bunker.

John was a bodyguard to one of the wealthiest man in the world. Wilhelm Rothschild. When the Fall happened he was beside the man.

John has seen many things about the Rothschild, that he might even believe the conspiracies about them.

There is a lot of conspiracy theory about this particular family and it’s not hard to imagine. Since they have been meddling with the world since the Napoleonic War.

But when he first accept the him it was just a job and he couldn’t care less about the Rothschild stories or myths..

He did his job well, and that’s it. He doesn’t have family so he has only to care for himself. Living in a dilapidated orphanage when he was young, bounced from foster home to foster home, he learns to fend for himself.

The Rothschild is his employers, that is all that matters.

But he has seen suspicious dealing ranging from people of dubious background that made John….suspicious of the true nature of this particular family.

‘Hah he sighed. All this mystery doesn’t matter anymore after the apocalypse he inwardly thought.

Then his mind flashback to that moment.

Three days ago, like always he accompanied Wilhelm to one of his mansion in London to meet with an associate.

It was a normal morning like any other. Wilhelm did not bring other bodyguard other than him. The man he is supposed to meet is someone from the IMF.

An old friend.

It was then, when they were waiting…..that happen.

Suddenly a voice speaks almost like they were beside them, and the weapon appeared in his hand.

He has a blade, Wilhelm has a dagger. At first john was confused with this turn of events, but he was fast to adapt.

He quickly surmises levels are a measurement of power and his constant protection for the safety of Wilhelm increased his level.

He meets small monsters even zombies when they were running away.

he was sufficient in swordsmanship training so using blade for him is not an inconvenience. The reason why he uses blade to fight the zombie is because he won’t get experience if he uses guns.

John quickly understands that if he did not level up…sooner or later even he could not escape the tragedy that is happening in the streets of London.

People bitten by the beast, screaming and bleeding fill the city. Some died and immediately rise as zombies, some take a little more time to become zombies.

It depends on the toxicity of the toxins the monster have and the immunity a person have….at least this is what he believes.

He never played any games but he did understand it. Levels and items. This type of thing…it is easy for him to understand.

The only problem was he did not loot the gold. He doesn’t have the time. He needed to go and escort Wilhelm to safety. How could he have time to loot the gold.

But he did loot the vials and the skills book. By now he has two offensive skills and one support skills.

It is a world…governed by game like elements laws. It works by that kind of logic. It took him a few hours of hiding, rushing, charging to finally arrive at the bunker.

Nearby the mansion, is a bunker constructed for the family in cause of a disaster.

John followed Wilhelm to the bunker and they holed up there. For a while it looks like they will be safe until night came.

Wilhelm tries to call the police, the army and the highest top of the government but it was almost like the whole world go dark.

There is no communication whatsoever. That night when they were about to go to sleep….a noise woke them up.

The bunker feels like it was being shaken by an enormous force. A beast has detected us.

The beast smells our scent and attack the bunker. The bunker that could withstand nuclear weapon could not bear the destructive power of the beast.

When the entrance was ripped apart by the monsters, both he and Wilhelm was lost for words.

It was something that resembles a dinosaur, which uses its claws to rip apart the bunker entrance.

It was hideous, its teeth was gleaming in the dark, there is a chunk of flesh lodged in its teeth, its claws was razor like sharp and it size was like a two story buildings.

John hides….Wilhelm on the other hand panicked and tries to run which resulted in him being eaten.

John on the other hand slip past the dinosaur like beast when it was occupied in digesting Wilhelm.

It tries to pursue John but it was slow. Maybe that was its weakness John thinks as he is jolted to the present.

He looks at the ceiling…and wonder….can he defeat it?

He chose the unique class Dark Knight when he reach level 10. One of the prerequisite to become a fully-fledged unique Class for him, is to defeat that beast.

Which is why he did not leave yet from London. The monster is here…so he needs to defeat it here.

John is a resolute man. Since he entered the Special Training Forces, and even was sent to some of the harshest place in the world, his boldness is what kept him alive.

And he has chosen to brave this danger to reap the benefits later on.

‘HAA’ he sighed.

‘A long way to go. But Hell always has a long road’ he said as he get up from his bed.





Raymond is in a building, overlooking the gigantic beast just near the gas station. The beast sniffs and looks around the gas stations.

Sometime it swipes its hand and vehicles exploded. It has great strength and its arms is bulging.

He is still in New York. Well, unless he could fly or teleport, he would be stuck in New York for a long time.

In the street, it was full with zombies, burning buildings and cars that blockaded the streets.

Because of the panic of the initial Fall, many accident happen in the street. There is many destroyed corpses in the stress.

Some was burned in the car. On the way here Raymond could see a charred corpse of a baby and his mother.

It was heart wrenching and eerily creepy.

Even though it has been three days, Raymond still could not believe what has happened.

‘Is it coming here?’ a voice from behind Raymond enters his sears. Raymond did not turn back only shaking his head.

‘It doesn’t seem to notice us.’

‘Good. Let Nick take the next patrol.’

‘Ok’ Raymond replies.

Nick comes over and switches patrols. They have been using this building after they finished raiding a nearby stores.

By now their party has grown to 24. There is elderly, the young, womans and childrs even one pregnant mother.

There is a lot of more people from when they started and lots of them they lost too. In this journey how many friends, how many strangers have they saw dies?

It is only been three days but the destruction…oh, the destruction is in par on what people might call…apocalypse.

Raymond sits down in one corner and pat the back of his new friend, Jesse.

‘How is the leveling?’ Raymond ask showing an amiable smile. Jesse is a teenager, and the one he saved from one of the zombies during their journey here.

‘Not long till I reach level 10’ he said excitedly, his eyes is full of admiration towards Raymond. Raymond rub his head and said

‘Good. I’m going to rest for a while. If you have any question about leveling up, ask me.’

‘Un’ the boy nodded.

Raymond went into a corner and take a seat one of one of the chairs. He take his meal. Just a few snack bars in his storage rings and some beans.

Then a few others people in the group come to Raymond asking him about how to level up and what they should choose for their class up.

Raymond patiently teaches them on what to choose. He is a gamer….after all. But now who would have ever thought he is a gamer.

His level is 23,his body is getting muscly and even though he is still a little chubby, one could tell the fat is leaving his body, constructing his muscle.

Well, constant running and encountering life and death battle would surely make you lost weight.

Then suddenly Raymond feel his hair stand up and he catch the gaze of Leonard looking at him.

Leonard avert his gaze.

Just my imagination I guess Raymond mused.

Nowadays his relationship with Leonard is strained. At the beginning he was Leonard most trusted person but nowadays he always uses Nick.

For some reason, Raymond feel that Leonard does not like him.

But that couldn’t be. Raymond only has admiration for the man. He saved him, and this group.

Unbeknown to Raymond , Leonard is jealous and fearful of Raymond growth. From that chubby little cosplayer, to the man he is now, to possess such leadership and amiable personality that made people feels close to him, this is his strength Leonard mused.

When he was injured, Raymond led the group.

And contrary to Leonard first initial impression of Raymond, Raymond lead his group well…not well….but great.

They raided many stores successfully, leveling up and classing up.

Many of the people in the group admire and respect Raymond power and all that he has done for the party.

And inevitably Raymond becomes stronger than Leonard in the group. Coupled that Raymond is a full-fledged unique class, his power is almost appear godly.

He could control the earth, in minimal amount but it is enough to do the trick.

He could create quagmire, produce some shakings, move stones with his mind and senses enemies by closing his eyes and focus.

His skills and abilities rose when he defeated the Red Giant Ape. He did not do it alone. It took 20 men to restrain it and kill it.

Two died that day….and Raymond transforms into this powerful person.

When he fight with his Stone Warhammer, he is unstoppable, producing shakings and vibrations.

Leonard when he first forms the group it was out of necessity.

Now he wanted to rule this party and create his own country. He is part of a militia once. Of course, his militias are all freedom loving American…..except him.

Now, the United States has crumbled and this strange power is bestowed towards them.

He wanted to rule. He wanted to conquer. He wanted to be the ruler.

Leonard understand the new world well….but if he wanted the world he dreams of to become a reality, Raymond is  a thorn in his flesh.

And he needs to remove it, even if he has to remove his flesh.

Raymond on the other hand doesn’t notice this.

And so the game begins.




Hikigaya is one of the few that’s survives the fall. He run from the high school as fast as he can and in this three days he has managed to level up to level 26.

If anyone heard this one could not help but wonder how strong this man is.

Looking at him no one could guess how did he become this strong. He then saves his classmate, and now is forming a base near the mountains behind their school.

The leader? Him.

He who was despised and ignored in the class. Other than the members of his Counseling Club, he is despised by the school.

But now they all have to listen to him. But Hikigaya is not a man that hold grudges. Contrary to his appearance he is very nice.

He has droopy eyes, like a dead fish, a revolting smile and his hair sis always the bed hair.

But how did he become this strong? It is because he uses his head. When the voice came, all of his classmate got blades, katana, bows, and the likes but all he got was a trapping devices and a storage rings.

Good thing is …is that he has 99 of those traps.

So while some of his classmate who survived the first attack uses blade to kill the smaller monster, he went to the back of the school to fight the Black Gigantic Worm.

And fight means he prepared an ingenious trap.

He uses almost 75 of his trap to lure the worm to him and exploding it in a chain of explosion in a cave which trapped the worm and subjected it through multiple explosion.

That day, the hill is full with explosion, holes fill the land. In one kill, he level up to 19.

The beast was level 27. It took him two days to kill the beast. Thankfully the beast didn’t have regenerating power or anything that helps its health.

If not he might lose.

But of course he has planned it since the beginning and investigates the monster before moving out to kill it.

He then shakes his head, he doesn’t want to remember that day. He spend that day hiding, running in fear, eating barks of trees, while trying to survive , the mental pressure and the threat of dying.

He looks at his current situation.

In front of him, people are making their tent as the mountain is now safe from gigantic beast.

They only have to deals with the zombies but the hill provide a natural barrier.

He stood overlooking the schools. He intends to take back the school. He has saved about a 100 people nearby and under his rule.

People started calling him the tiger of Kai, maybe because of his armour that looks like the armour of Shingen Takeda.

Not to mention he is in Kai. The Tiger of Kai and the Dragon of Echigo. Hehe. He laughed. Who would have thought?

He wears the kuwagata kabuto the horned helmet, the mempo, the face mask which gives him quiet a great stats to his strength and spirit, the boots , the shoulder guard so much like the popular portrayal of Takeda Shingen, which comes his nickname the Tiger of Kai.

By now, he has a tachi and a wakizashi as his weapons.

He still uses trap, but now his strength is enormous he is thinking of stabilising the surrounding areas.

This is what the people wants he mused.

He only take the role because  no one else could take the roles and because only he has the smarts and strategy to go with the plan.

He is a Unique Class, an Illusion Archmage. His spirit is high and he has already become full-fledged Unique Class.

His magic is powerful and he has 7 skills. 3 were supports skills 4 is offensive. He looks at the school and he smiles.

‘I guess….this is the beginning’ he said and smiles under his mask.


Thus all around the world crouching tigers and hidden dragons all emerge from their respective countries.

Each of them has their own ambition and goals; all of them has strong will to survive.

The curtain to the Great Warlord Period opens.



 ‘Would you join our group?’ the man request ringed out in the empty streets, the wind blows his robe as he stand there.

For a while Azief mouth was about to say no…but then he remember something. How could he forget about such important thing!

Idiots! he inwardly thought.

He remembered the beast in the elementary school. That alien like things, that gooey green stuff coming out of its mouth.

That fucking beast! The last requirement to become a Chosen

His eyes look scrutinizing the group in front of him. Twelve people. He look at the Malay man, leading the 5 man.

Looks strong he mused. But for some reason Azief could feel an uncomfortable feeling looking at the man.

Then he looks at the Indian girl with her two friends. A stick as her weapons. Why did the world orb give her that?

Hmm he mused. He then tries to remember the quest requirements for Shadow Lord class acquirement.

He doesn’t have to do it alone, he finally remembers.

Well, when you keep battling and responding to situation without a chance to compose yourself, certain thing got pushed out of your mind.

This best describes Azief right now.

The only thing that matter is that the beast is destroyed. The only thing that matters is the beast is defeated, no matter the means.

It didn’t have any restriction.

He smiles. Then he asks.

‘What is your name?’ he said in a grave tone looking at the muscly man. Behind the muscly man, his voice startled the Indians ladies.

While the man holding the scimitar, is gripping his weapon tightly. For some reason, that man look like he is dead afraid of me Azief mused.

‘My name is Hamad.’ The muscly man replied, still looking cautious at Azief.

‘Hamad. Where is your destination?’ Azief follows up. By now, he has certain alternatives but he couldn’t delay going home.

‘The capital.’ Hamad reply


‘Yes.’ Hamad nodded and Azief put his finger on his chin. But his general expression is hidden because of the hood.

‘Hmm’ Azief has to think about this.

‘Are you joining them?’ a voice from behind him piped up.

‘We need to go fast. Our destination is different from them.’ Sofia said, her voice was anxious, almost like pleading.

She is right Azief mused. This is not their real objectives. Their objective right now is going home, not to help strangers.

Azief knows that too. But….this is too good of an opportunity to pass up. Could he…Hmmm…there is another way.

But it’s not certain that they will wait. But still, it is better than doing nothing.

He needs to move fast. Now that he has the strength to mow down zombies, he could go home.

Sofia is also a good support partner.

‘Then how about this?’ he said to the group. The group listens intently.

‘I’ll give you a choice. In 3 days I will come back here and help you go to the capital. But only if you waited. If you wait three days, then I’ll show an opportunity of a lifetime.’

Azief said only this. He did not say what the opportunity was, remaining as vague as possible.

How could he say that he will ask them to fight that alien with him? Of course he couldn’t say this.

Azief could be selfish and cold sometimes to strangers. But he is not entirely lying. After all there is still many loots that he left under the debris of the buildings when he runs away from Ah Seng shop.

It’s just now, that he knows that there is a super creepy looking alien standing near that building, how could he bravely enter there again without some backup plan?

And if they help him defeat the alien they would also gain levels, and not to mention the alien certainly would drop some powerful loot.

‘Three days?’ Hamad asked.

‘A lot could happen in three days’ Hamad said frowning. He thought Lord Shadow could help them.

After all, seeing the disparity in power, Hamad has already regarded Lord Shadow with high estimation.

What he needs now, is someone strong.

‘Yes, a lot could happen’ Azief said, nodding in agreement. After all, he knows, he is asking for too much.

‘Of course in this three days if you manage to level up sufficiently and is confident of your strength you don’t have to wait for me. After all this is just a selfish request of mine. You also have your own destination, your own goals and objectives. It’s just that I have some matter I need to confirm if I were to join your group. The more the merrier, isn’t that right? I know what you want. You want my power because my level is higher. Yes, it is only because my level is higher, that I could so overwhelmingly defeated you. There is no need to hide this from you. After all, not many survive this calamity. I’m not so cold not to even give some pointers. Not to mention you have a lot of people in your group.’

Hamad nodded.

‘I wanted to join you. Of course I want to. After all, if there are more people, our ability to survive would also soar.’

The group behind Hamad agrees, nodding their head.

‘But, I also have my own things to pursue. I could not leave here until I confirm one thing. Either you accept or not, I hold no hard feelings. Just think of it, that we have no fate.’ Azief said.

Hamad then said.

‘If we were to wait, where would we wait?’ he said asking.

Then Azief smirked.

‘If that is the problem, I have the solution. Nearby here, there is a supermarket. The zombies around it have been neutralized by me. You could go and wait there. There are still a lot of supplies.’

Hamad was silent for a while, thinking, contemplating. He did not answer. Then he said.

‘We’ll see.’

Azief just nodded.

Then he said.

‘Farewell. Until three days later then’ as his robe fluttered he walk away with the archer following him.

‘An aura of a strong man’ Lakshmi said from behind.



Stiff corpses fill the area, walking, crawling, squirming. Black blood drenched the tar, and limbs scattered everywhere like some abominable plants sprouting from the earth.

A woman and a man leisurely walking through this corpse infested land. Sometimes the lady would release and arrow which would always be ended with a shriek from the target.

The man sometimes leisurely slashes his black intimidating sword and heads would fly. Then the man stop walking as he approached one of the stiffs.

‘This could work.’ The man crouched and grabs something from a decapitated hand.

A key jangling with numerous key chains.

‘This is his bike right?’ In front of the man and woman is a sport bike. The man is Lord Shadow, the Archer is Sofia.

Sofia by now has level up to 13 and Azief is still his same level. It is hard to raise level just by killing zombies now.

Sofia took the Archer profession. Azief has explained to Sofia that choosing the Unique Class, will give you a super hard quest but the return is also good.

Being a Chosen means you have to also did some hard quest to make sure you are worthy to wield it.

She chooses to have a safe life.

‘What do you think, Sofia?’ Azief asked.

Sofia nodded

‘I guess so. It looks like it’s the right bike.’

‘Hmm’ he nodded.

He checks his pet taming time. 7 hours. Not that much anytime anymore before he could see his pet.

Azief starts the ignition and the bike started. Good. It works, he mused.

Quickly Azief rides it.

‘What you are waiting for? Ride it.’ Sofia blushed and ride behind Azief. She put her hand on his waist and Azief ride the bike.

There is still many stranded cars, buses, trucks, stuck on the streets but using a bike it is easy to maneuver through the abandoned vehicles and the burning cars.

There are the occasional zombies but with the speed of the bike, they could maneuver them safely.

He could just run using his feet and he would be even faster but that consume stamina. Not to mention the small city Temerloh is just near his village.

He then arrived at the bridge. And he stopped.

Why? Because he has notices it. Sofia might not have noticed because she has been closing her eyes the entire times.

Riding through the streets, there are many gore scenes, which should only have existed in a horror movie.

How could Sofia bear to see all the corpse and all the horror scene. Azief also many times wanted to puke or close his eyes, but he perseveres.

Fighting zombies is different than looking at the heart wrenching scene of a helpless struggle.

The corpse on the way, shows them that many have futilely tries to get into safety only to have their hopes crushed.

But what did he notices exactly? A horde of stiffs coming to them with speed and their lifeless body, some crawling, some in one leg, all with the intention of eating them.

‘Why stop?’ Sofia said as she opens her eyes. Then she looks in front of her. A bridge….a bridge full of stiffs.

She looks behind her, and an army of zombies. Front or back, zombies all around.

‘You can’t shoot arrows from behind as I zigzag riding the bike, can you?’ Azief asked, hoping the answer would be yes.

But as always, things couldn’t be that easy.

She shakes her head. Azief sighed. If she could, he could ram the zombies in the front while Sofia shoots from behind.

But thinking back, that plan is not really feasible. Then he has to make a stand right here.

Well, he could understand Sofia. It’s not like they are the kind of people who would survive a zombie apocalypse or something like this.

Usually, in the movies, the people that survive this type of thing, is ex-military, a mad scientist, the old guy who spouts the world is ending type and the hidden ability type of man.

Not at all, like him and Sofia. He survived because of luck, she survived because he helps her.

Maybe, to survive this, we need each other. He mused as he smiles slightly.

What is this? I’m getting too bright. He shakes his head. Monologue in his own head is not helping anything.

‘So I guess we have to fight them here on this bridge.’

‘You mean-‘she said as her face paled as understanding dawned on her.

Behind her were 100 zombies. On the bridge is another 100 give or take. Azief just smiles bitterly.

‘You got a zombie, I got a zombie! Everybody got a zombie!’ and Azief laugh a bit, chuckling at his own joke.

‘What is that supposed to be?’ Sofia asked. 

‘A joke?’

‘Yes.’ Azief replying, still holding his laughter as the zombies keep walking towards them, closer and closer with each step.

‘You have the gall to joke? Right now?’ Sofia said shaking her head incredulous.

‘Why not? It’s not like things could get any worse.’ Then he nervously looked at the sky and said

‘And, no, I’m not challenging you, World Orb. This is good enough shit for one day.’ Sofia just shakes her head and readies her bow.

Seeing there is no other way, she really could only fight.

She has conquered her fear….a bit.

‘I might raise another level like this’ Azief said, smacking his lips. Level. Experience. Battle experience.

In this new world order, he will become a new existence, a powerful existence.

That is the only way to survive. He needs to keep reminding himself this, if he ever grows complacent.

‘You….’Sofia said and she grabbed Azief robes, and stare straight at his eyes under the hood.

‘I just level up to level 13. I can’t fight that many zombies. You can handle it right?’ She said, seeking confirmation.

Azief nodded.

‘You just support me from behind.’

‘Fine’ she said, heaving a sigh of relief. After she fought many zombies they always drop arrows for her.

I guess it will only drop if archer is the one that kills it. The World Orb give items that is suitable for the people who kill it.

At least that is Azief deduction.

The groaning becomes louder, the footsteps also become faster. Some of them are running towards Azief.

Azief only smiles and he sheathes his sword, small black aura surrounding the weapons.

That is the only thing he could do right now, smiling.

‘You’re ready?’ he ask Sofia as they stands on the bridge, two warriors looking perfectly comfortable with each other, facing a horde of zombies, approaching them, as the sun is beginning to show its face.

‘Ready as I will ever be.’ Sofia answer and she smirked.

‘Don’t die on me. You owe me too much. I wanted to collect the interest’ Azief said, smirking.

‘If you don’t die, how could I?’ Sofia said smiling in annoyance even though they might be in death door; she is unnerved by the confidence of Azief.

So different from her memory.

‘I guess I will charge then?’ Azief still ask

‘Go, already.’

‘Be careful’ Azief said, almost like a whisper. Sofia just smiles in understanding. No matter how cold Azief is, there is a hint of warmth in his voice.

Sofia recognizes this warmth. After all, Azief is not a psychopath. He of course, have some kind of compassion, if not he would never even help Sofia.

For someone who hates being called a hero, he sure does a hero’s job she mused.

Azief then with his speed, charge to the hundred zombies as Sofia let loose her arrows.

The battle starts on the bridge. 200 stiff fighting two Homo sapiens. Who would survive? Who would die?



The sun is showing, the mist is clearing, a beautiful morning…..if not for the 200 zombie’s attacking them Sofia mused, as her hand keep shooting to the horde.

She keeps her position stable.

She is focusing on the front while Azief is charging on the zombies behind them.

‘Hooh’ Sofia exclaimed as sometime she steal a glance at Azief position. I guess this zombie horde is not really a big problem for him. She mused

Azief is using his speed to charge the 100 army of zombies. He was like a beast that flitted around, leaving only dust behind him.

His sword is ready to reap some souls, and his eyes are full of killing intent.

‘YARGH!’ He yelled, giving himself some encouragement and he crashed to the horde, and he attacked, his dark blade emits its luster and first blood is draw.

First strike was a slashing right motion.

For a while the moaning and the groaning stop and Sofia could only hear the crisp sound of meat being sliced.

Ten zombies’ was slashed to two, their head flies in the air and drop to the tar with a thud, their bodies followed after.

Azief smirked.

He did not stop his attack, instead he follow up with a spinning slashing motions, his feet turn and his sword spins like a grinder machine.

It was almost like he was dancing in the bridge, with heads and limbs as his fireworks, the spurting black blood his decorations and the harsh sounds of his swords swinging right and left, his song.

It was beautiful.

On the other sides of the battle, Sofia is jumping around while aiming at the zombies head. Her accuracy is top notch and her agility is also not bad.

Her confidence against zombies is rising.

As long as she maintains a considerable distance with the zombies there is nothing to fear from them.

If she feels herself to be overwhelmed she will retreat for a while before using Rain of Arrows.

It consumes a lot of her Spirit but it is useful when using it against a horde. The Accuracy drooped but it inflicts a lot of injuries.

Azief is still mowing down the zombie’s horde on the back with relentless and fast attack, chopping down zombies like they were cow meat.

Black blood sputtered everywhere, heads rolled around his feet. For a while he truly look like a sovereign of darkness.

With a hood covering his face, with a black robe fluttering in the morning breeze and a black sword in his hand, and this many corpses around him, he looks like an undefeated Dark God.

Another zombies try to grab Azief when he is slashing one of the bigger zombies.

Azief swiftly sidestepped to the opposite direction and with a swift slash, the zombies head flew, black blood came out of its neck like a fountain, gushing out.

Each of the zombies that attacked Azief, he only need to sidestepped and slashed and their intestines would came out, their heads would flies, their limbs would be gone.

To Azief eyes, they are slow…too slow.

He sidestepped and he slashed. It is the same routine for each one of the zombies. Why should he change to other routine when this one works?

They are not ferocious beast like that Fanged Giant Cat which requires his full concentration and speed.

This is zombies and most of them is low level. There is a few who could run and stuff but even that few, compared to his speed is nothing threatening.

Then ten zombies leap to him.

Ok, this is unexpected Azief mused but he was ready to slash them with his active skills, Slashing Wind but then he was interrupted.

From behind him barrage of arrows rained down the zombies.

Each one of the arrows effectively and efficiently lodged itself on the brain of the zombies. Azief had to dodge the shower of black blood.

Azief look behind him and see Sofia smiling.

‘You owe me!’ She yelled.

‘I owe you nothing!’ he yelled back.

‘Hmmph!’ Sofia snorted.

He got it under control. She just loves to interfere.

Rain of Arrows and Accurate Shot. Two of Sofia skills that is very suitable for her archer profession.

Rain of Arrows creates a rain of energy arrows. It consumes a lot of the user spirit. Accurate Shot is used to shoot a powerful shot of arrows.

Another zombies leap up and Azief is once again interrupted.

What are you doing! He wanted to yell but he endures.

She uses her Accurate Shot. One of the arrows even penetrates a zombie head only to shot the rest of the three zombies behind it.

‘I’m going to activate Rain of Arrows’ she yelled.

‘You need to be fast handling the back so we could defeat the front. They are hiding inside the buses and some of them are still stuck behind the big truck’ she yelled again, looking at the advancing stiff.

Now, Azief understand. She helped because the front needs his melee attack. After all her specialty is long range attacks and his was melee combat.

Azief could understand her fear towards the zombies. If not for that damn fear, she would be a fine companion Azief just look at her and nodded.

‘Careful with that’ Azief yelled when Sofia activated Rain of Arrows. He is still worried about the range of the attack.

Even though rain of arrows is not as effective as Accurate shot it is an AOE attack.

If it was humans they are fighting right now, many would have died or suffer injuries, their bodies would be riddled by arrows.

But fighting zombies, it does not have meaning unless it hit the zombies head.

‘Come on quick Azief. The front is coming faster!’ Sofia is overwhelmed now and she couldn’t retreat no more.

If she retreat again she would be truly trapped and bring trouble to Azief who is killing the back.

Every time Azief stamina runs low, he drinks the vials. Even though skill book and item hardly come by right now, the vials drop as usual.

Most of it is stored inside his ring. The other is stored inside Sofia storage rings.

‘Wait a moment!’ He yelled back.

‘I’m almost finished’ and he gripped his sword tighter.

 By now the back has decreased its number by 50 zombies. This time the attack of the zombies becomes intensified.

The zombies become faster.

Some of them try to grab Azief again. Azief rolled on the ground escaping from their grab and taking some distance and he activated Slashing Wind and about 25 of them were cut into two.

They still crawled with their intestine dragging on the bridge, looking at him with that empty hole where it used to have eyes.

Azief while attacking the other zombies smashed the crawling zombies head with his feet.

Every time he stomped the zombies head, the tar cracked because of his powerful stomping. He realizes it too that the ground cracked.

He is becoming strong he mused.

Then with one last slash, the final zombie on the back finally all neutralized. Then a message appears.


‘Clothes of shadow lord’ he said. He has been thinking about this for a long time and he unhesitatingly chose the clothes of shadow lord.








Whoa! It rises a lot. He inwardly rejoices.

Vitality increased to 50. Like I thought! Choosing a unique class would always give you powerful stats.

Smiling Azief yelled.

‘Hold them back for a while Sofia. I’m coming’

‘Alright!’ she yelled back. Like she got any other choice she mused. Sofia uses her Rain of Arrows again.

Her spirit is almost depleted from the constant usage and now she is just waiting for Azief to come help her.

Azief on the other hand is busy gulping vials of stamina potions, health and spirits potions. He looted all the gold, copper, and silvers.

Sometime he looks at Sofia and confirming that she could still hold on, he continued. She needs to be tempered by fire he mused.

Not to mention if worse comes to worse, with one leap he could arrive at Sofia position. As he search the battlefield, he found only one items and one skill books.

For now he put it inside his storage rings first. Then he rushed to Sofia aid.

‘How is the situation?’ He asked when he arrived at Sofia. Sofia barricaded herself behind a large car while sometime she snipes from the sides of the car.

‘They are slowing down because of my attack’ she said, while not forgetting to compliment herself.

‘The bus is slowing them down’ Azief said boringly as he look at the zombies, stuck at trying to pass a fricking bus.

Stupid stiffs he mused.

‘Heh. I help’. She said proudly

‘Fine.’ And Azief analyze the battlefield as calm as possible.

His heart is still beating erratically, pounding like a drum after the last battle and now he need to risk his life again but for some reason; it’s not as scary as the first time.

‘I guess, you got accustomed to it huh, heart?’ He said it to himself, barely a whisper as he smiles bitterly.

 There is a bus in the middle of the bridge.

Probably it lost control during the fall and slide thus obstructing the other vehicles and right now stooping the advance of the zombies.

Though there is a gap since the bus did not cover the whole bridge.

 It is easier for Sofia since she could shoot an arrow of any zombies who went through that gap.

It could be said, that it is a dinner serve in a platter.

But before long the zombie manages to tear down the hull of the bus and the bus no longer become a buffer.

‘Did you level up?’ Azief asked.

‘Level 16.’ Sofia reply while taking a breath

‘Good’ he said.

‘It’s my turn then.’ And he smirked.

‘Your clothes are different than the last time I see it’ Sofia asked, realizing there is something different about Azief new clothes.

‘Well’ he said nonchalantly and then he runs towards the zombies hordes. He was excited and the black aura shrouded his attire.

 Sofia looking from afar could see the black aura shrouding Azief is shocked.

What other things he has under his sleeve? she mused

This time Azief ignored any defensive maneuver, instead choosing to slash as powerful as he could.

He was almost like an unstoppable tornado fighting with the zombies.

Limbs fly out, heads scattered through the bridge like some decorations, and blood flow like it just rained.

It took about 15 minutes before the whole zombies on the bridge are eliminated.

And shockingly it is done only by one person…..with some help from the back, Azief had to admit.

Damn, I could have done this all alone he mused.

Sofia level up to 19 and Azief is standing on the middle of the bridge like a victorious general.

Azief don’t know why but as he level up the feeling that he is strong could not be denied. Another message popped up.


‘Now this is fortunate. So, my items are evolving again.’ This time he tries to upgrade the Dark Sword Of Souls only to be greeted by the rejection message


It seems that to evolve the first stage of the Shadow Lord items it will take about a hundred or more zombies.

But for the second stage of evolution it might double that requirement.

Sofia on the other hand is collecting the loots. Many vials were dropped this time, and there are also some skill books and items.

Azief then try not to evolve his item.

And the windows disappeared. But when he touched the evolution trigger menu in the status windows the same message greeted him.

This time his mind begins to formulate plan.

Should he wait until the evolution reached the peak for the second stage evolution? After thinking for a while he decided against it.








‘Huhuhu’ he laughed.

‘What?’ Sofia said as she heard the voice.

‘Nothing’ he replied, his cheeks was red because of embarrassment. He was too excited.

Thankfully his face is hide by the hood if not he really could not endure the embarrassment.

After finish collecting the loot they rest in one of the abandoned car. It was a minivan. Surrounding them was hundreds of zombie’s decapitated head and limbs.

‘What did it drop?’

‘A few skill books and a lot of vials.’ Sofia reply

‘How many skill books?’ he asked.

‘This is the most important.’ He stressed.

‘Three.’ Sofia answered

‘I’ll take two you take one’ Azief shamelessly said.

‘What! I should take two, you should take one’ Sofia countered.


‘Because I’m a woman and weak.’ She said confidently

‘You don’t seem weak to me when you shot those zombies head to smithereens.’

‘My appearance deceives you. I was afraid, so afraid’ she said suddenly showing a scared expression.

‘Your acting ability is lousy’ Azief said boringly.

‘Tch. Count it as you just concedes it to me. My level is weaker than you, and even my skills are not as many as you.’

Azief look at the woman……and then he sighed.

‘Fine, I might not be a good guy, but I could not let be so selfish.’ After this they will also separate.

Consider it my lost he thinks inside his head.

‘Fine, you take two but I will choose what skill book I want.’

‘Fine’ Sofia cheerfully responded.

Azief then took the books and examine it.


Swift Kick

Fear Aura

This is the three skill books Sofia found. Levitation enables a person to levitate 100 centimeters from the ground.

That is all that it does. But Azief is sure that if he could level up this skill it could even exhibit signs of flying.

Swift Kick is an active skill. To execute it would consume 40 spirits and it will send a fierce wind gale kick at the target, dealing a lot of damage, presumably.

Fear Aura is giving a fearful aura to beast and zombies. Maybe if it is leveled up it will even works on humans.

‘Come on, choose one’ Sofia said impatiently

‘Ok, fine, wait a bit’ Azief said.

Then he choose Fear Aura




‘Yes’ Azief reply.

‘You’ve chosen, right? Sofia asked impatiently.

 Azief nodded and Sofia grabbed the two books an quickly learned it. Light shone down on her and she smiles.

She gets out of the car and suddenly she released a kick to the air and a wind gale erupted from the tip of her feet sending itself to the air.

Powerful attack he inwardly thought.

After they drink stamina vials and spirit vials they continue their journey . This time, since the zombies on the bridge have all been annihilated, they should have take their time.

But Sofia was anxious and keep running and as they jump through the cars and vans that obstructed the streets finally they get pass the bridge.

Looking in front of them both of them look at each other with a wistful expression.

Sofia then said

‘I guess this is it?’

‘Yes.’ Azief reply.

They have talked about this. Now Sofia is stronger than before, and braver, she could go by herself to her mother.

Of course she would still be in danger but it’s not like Azief is invincible. In their new world, all places is full with dangers.

He is not strong enough yet to guaranteed she would be safe with him, not to mention he accompanying Sofia was a short term plan.

‘We separated hall and half?’ she ask

‘Okay’ Azief replies.

Sofia give the vials, separated half of it for her, the other half for him.

Azief could see she is anxious to go to her village by now Azief knows that she lives in the Wide Swamp village.

Azief live in Stone Cape Village.

After the bridge they would pass a sawmill and then they will be an intersection.

Entering that intersection would lead to his village. Going forward will go to her village. She could not accompanied him to his house, and Azief would like it that way.

This is his problem, he would solve it by himself.

Then Sofia extended her hand.

‘Thanks for all the help.’

‘Don’t ‘Azief said.

‘I didn’t do nothing much. It is mutual benefit.’

‘Hmph’ Sofia smiles

‘For a man who doesn’t like to be hero, you sure look like one.’

‘What?!’ he said flustered.

‘Until we meet again’ she said as she dashed forward from the bridge running with her fastest speed.

With the sun just getting up, her figures were like a heroine and Azief couldn’t help but smile.

This time, his feelings weren’t as heavy as before. Smiling he too dash forward, rushing to go….home.



He has entered the intersection and what greeted him was a scene of devastation. There are no zombies coming towards him……only a lake of blood.

And slithering creatures, near the entrance of his village, slithering around the dead, eating their flesh.

Azief hold back the urge to puke.

A lot of blood. He mused, gripping his hand more tightly and strengthen his resolve.

He at least should have expected this. The devastation is almost as bad if not worse then what he has seen, coming here.

Bodies scattered about with frightening expression on their face, a black red crow eating a man eyeball, a silver rat eating a man finger, a red snake swallowing an old man, its belly is bulging in a shape of a child.

Probably the snake ate a child before and now it is trying to swallow the old man. Azief inwardly thought.

The entrance of his village is full with crawling and slithering beast….but they are all small.

Rats, crows, snakes. But it is not gigantic like the beast he fought before. Should he have come faster? He thought to himself.

He takes a rest before moving from his initial position in the bridge. Searching for items and vials, or anything that could strengthen himself.

He alos rtake this moment to learn one of the skill books he found.

He took it and he elarns it



‘Hmm’ Azief said. This will complement nicely with stealth and his other skills.

He then checked the items.

It was a brown pills and it smiles really bad. At the time Azief did not have time to check the pill but now he have the time so he sniffed it and he almost barf.

He then checks the information of the pills.




                                    AN ALCHEMIST (PRODUCTION SKILLS IS NOT YET UNLOCKED)

Azief decided then. Even if he fulfills the requirement he would not eat this unappetizing pills.

But Azief then had an inspiration. More like, a revelation. Production skills exist.

And it has not yet be unlocked…..which means if his level is high enough or he did something that fit the criteria the production skills will be unlocked.

If there is a diarrheas pill wont there be like some EXP pills or pills that give boost to stats or something that would improve the body?

‘Hmm’ and this time he smiles. Anyway, this might be useful later. So, he keeps the pills inside his storage rings.

Finished with this, he looks at another direction.

He looks at the direction of Sofia village and as he expected there is a lot of beast corpse littered the streets.

He knows this is Sofia doings. Arrows riddled the beast corpse. Her experience must be harrowing.

He shut his mind of from Sofia.

Sofia has her objectives, he has his. He uses his fear Aura and black aura wafted from his body and some of the rat freeze on spot.

The snake however only shivers a bit before they change their target to him.

Azief did not wait. He kicked the ground and in one second he already arrived in front of the swallowing snake, and with one slash the snakes was slices like tofu.

A few rats tries to run away but Azief quickly activated Slashing Wind and the fleeing rat all turned to pool of blood.

In a few minutes the snakes slithers away; the rats flee to the holes and burrow themselves deep inside it, and the crows flies to the sky, squawking.

‘Huu’ he sighed.

He looked at the empty streets. Even though the snakes and the rats even the crows, are low leveled, they are a lot of them.

It’s good that they are intimidated of him.

If he has to fight them all, it would take a long time. He would win…he believes but it will take a long time.

And the longer it is, the higher the probability that his family did not make it. But he did not entertain that thought.

Or at least he tries not to.

In his heart…however there is this nagging sensation…that coming here is a big mistake…that he should have make that deduction long ago, that his family couldn’t possibly survives the initial fall.

‘Hope’ he said louder than he expected. Hope that keep him going. His feeling is complicated when it is about his family.

He shakes his head and tries to push this out of his mind.

Azief crouched and examines the snakes. He removed the black thing inside the snake bodies and the windows telling that it is safe to eat the meat appeared again.

He then stores it inside his storage ring.

He searches for a bead but he could not find it. Not all beast drop bead he deduced. Only certain types of beast or maybe it depend on luck.

He moved forward passing Amir house and entering the village.

There is the hill he mused. But when he reached the hill, he was shocked. His gaze is looking at this bizarre scene in front of him.

A palm print can be seen imprinted itself on the hill.

A beast! he inwardly thought in shock.

There is a giant beast here! As he moved from the hills, he could see from far away his First Uncle and Third Uncle house.

Should he check their houses first? He then hesitated before making a decision. He needs to check it too.

So he slides down the hill and arrive at the narrow path, near the swamp. The swamp was swamped with snakes.

‘Heh’ he smiles.

I could even make a pun with swamp he mused chuckling at his own joke. He brought out of his sword as power surged through his body.

He then dashed forward dispatching the small snakes that obstruct his way with one slash of his sword, the snakes powerless in front of him.

Hundreds of them were sliced like leaves.

This time Azief did not stop to collect the snake meat instead he dashed forward leaving the snake meat.

He is too anxious to look at his uncle’s condition.

Then he arrived at the entrance of his Third Uncle house. His first uncle house is behind his third uncle house, so he had to check his third uncle house first.

Opening the gates and with just one glance, he could already imagine the outcome of his curiosity.

He closes his eyes and take a deep breath.

‘Breathe, breathe slowly. Azief, be calm’ he said to himself.

‘Take a deep breath and be calm. There is nothing you could do. Breathe’ he keeps saying, almost like a chant and he open his eyes again.

He spread his divine sense trying to ascertain if there is an enemy but there isn’t.

He takes a step and another step and another step, trying his hardest to look at the corpse in front of him.

The front door was open and her Third Aunty could be seen sprawling on the front yard, a deep gash behind her back, her head was full of holes, something resembling a claw marks.

Azief expression turned hard.

Passing the corpse he enters the house, cautious with each step. Whatever that did this, might still be here.

Entering, another scene shocked him and he gripped his sword tighter.

Blood trail can be seen from the kitchen area leading to the front door, a bloody hand print on the TV and he could see his nephew bodies, split into two, the lower part on top of the living room table, the upper part on the sofa.

His face shows that he suffers heavily before his life was snuffed out, his eyes was gouged out, a hole was dug from his stomachs, his intestines juts out and fill the living room table, a slush of black blood still drips from his wound.

The boy was young…just a 15 year old kid.

Azief avert his gaze. He then went to the kitchen and finally he could deduce what happened in this third uncle house.

Whatever beast that did this come from the back. How did he deduce this?

The back part of the house disappeared, leaving only debris of stones and the corpse of his third uncle.

Even though his third uncle face was smashed into a pool of blood, he could recognize his figure anywhere.

A little stocky and tall. Azief did not say anything, only offering condolence in his heart.

He then spread his divine sense again but he could not find any enemies near his vicinity or at least enemies that could hurt him.

Whatever that had attacked this place has flee to other places.

From the back of his third uncle house, he walk straight to his first uncle house but he did not have to enter to know that his first uncle is no more.


Because his first uncle house was flattened by something very big, leaving only a large foot print.

The footprint is almost square…and it reminds Azief of a Brontosaurus foot print. He cast out his divine sense again as a precaution but does not find anything other than the small beast nearby.

Confirming that his third uncle and first uncle are dead…his worries only grew.

He then dash from his first uncle house and in no time he is in the narrow path again, and climbing the hill with his greatest speed.

Looking down the hill his eyes that could see further than before, he determined that there is not giant beast nearby.

He jump down the hill and rushed forward.

The distance from the hill and his house is only 1 kilometers so with his speed he run like the wind, slicing the snakes, the wasp and the other small beast that tries to obstruct his way.

500 meters he mused as his feet keep running.

His stamina is declining but with his large supplies of vials, he quickly gulps a stamina potions and spirit potions.

As he run, he slashes. As he slashes, the beast scattered.

100 meters he mused and then seeing the small ditch in front of his house, his heart beats fast.

In front of his house there is a small ditch and then finally…he reached home.

The creaky, rusted gates, the stone wall that his father built a year ago, the green grass in front of the garage, the white orange mix color of his house, because of the flood a few years ago.

All of it was still the same….but for some reason, his heart could not calm down. It was silent, eerily silent.

He hopes that his family is safe. He hopes his family is at least well. He walked from the ditch and step by step he came closer to the gate.

Opening it, it creaks and in a village where this is no one, the creaking sound awfully loud. He steps forward again but he could not hear any sound.

Only the winds.

He did not dare cast out Divine sense, fearing of what he might discover…fearing that his family is all dead.

Closer and closer he came to the front door. The front door is still closed; there is no sign of blood anywhere, not in the front yard, not in the grass, nowhere…only silence.

Fear crept inside his heart.

An absolute silence that give birth to countless of horrible imagination inside Azief minds. He closes his eyes, and he chants again, calming down his nerve and he grab the knob and turn it to the right.

The door opens.

He hoped that he did not see anything that would make him regret. He hope…that his family had hidden themselves well.

But what greeted him …….was despair.



It was a shadow of a figure stamped on the pink wall. There is no trace of blood only shadows of people trying to run from something.

If he wanted to describe what it is, then it could be described like someone who has died of a nuclear blast.

He sees the red figure on the wall, and he could make a faint figure of a man holding the hand of a woman with children running behind them.

His family.

He has no doubt about this. All the things in the living room has disintegrated, only ashes and dust remains.

There must be some beast that could do this. A beast that has some unique power this kind of thought cross Azief mind.

Unconsciously, tears started to fall from his eyes. His knees become weak and he collapsed lifelessly on the living room.

No matter, how their relation is, they are still families. But this state did not last long. Azief quickly steel himself and he got up….but his hand still trembling.

His knees are still wobbly and his heart is still beating furiously, an indescribable anger rising up from his heart and stuck at his throat.

At this moment he wanted to wail and yelled to the heavens. But he endures it. He endures the unfairness, he endures his anger, he endures the pain.

Because there is nothing else he could do.

He was powerless before and he is powerless now.

This sense of….defeat….is not something unfamiliar. All of his life, he never did achieve anything great.

He always had great aspirations but he never had the means.

And never before has he is being confronted by his own powerlessness other than now. The feeling he felt. The fear and anger.

Fear to this new world, fear that from now on….he would be alone. And anger to the world for what has happen.

He is truly alone now. No family. He has no close friend other than Nizam and Yusof. Other than that, he only has his family.

But he got up. He got up because he has to survive. If the world is expecting him to fall and crumble, he would prove the world wrong!

He gritted his teeth, his eye is still red, he clenches his hand and he got up. In life, there are certain defining moments that shape a person.

And for Azief, that moment was the moment he determined himself to survive. He was reborn at that moment.

He didn’t know it, but his heart has already hardened and his determination only fires him up.

He tried to surmise what happens here.

Seeing the way that they died Azief begins to believe there is some weird beast prowling around his village.

His mind also flashed towards the peculiar way his third uncle and First uncle demise. He also notices that he barely met a stiff when he is entering the village.

And most of the zombies he met in the intersection did not come from this village.

Living in a village, he almost knows everyone.

At least, once is a while, when there is a feast (it is called kenduri in my country, but I don’t know what to call it in English so I wrote feast) he could see the elders and the villagers.

But what made him uncomfortable is that he doesn’t know what it is.

There is something nagging in the back of his mind, sensing that there is something eerily wrong about his village.

He scans his surrounding but he could not find any hostile’s monster and this is what makes him feel more unnerved.

There should be many zombies. Even though his village is small, there should be at least a few that has turned into a zombie but there isn’t.

Only monsters. And none of that gigantic beast.

Some crow, a little snakes and a few rodents. At least it should have a horde of zombies prowling around like in the city.

He moved forward and enters his room.

He could only see ashes but the wall of the house is fine, only the thing inside the room was completely disintegrated.

What manner of creature did this? he thinks to himself.

His room was clean; he then walked to his sister room. The same. And to his parents room. The same.

They all left dust and ashes.

It was like a nuclear blast happens inside this house but the house is perfectly fine. There is another thing that bothers Azief.

It has been a few days.

Supposedly, his third uncle and first uncle should have turned into stiffs but they didn’t. Something bizarre is happening in this village.

He then came to the living room again, looking at the figures the wall. He doesn’t know what to say…or do.

The tears come again but this time he quickly wipes it.

He then crouched down and he caressed one of the figures. It is his youngest little brother. He was only ten years old.

The world is unfair!

Azief always plays with him when he has the spare time. Then he looks at the figure of her mother.

Even though they rarely talk, her mother still cares for him, in her own way. Azief knows this and realizes this.

They both are clumsy, in the way they expressed their feelings towards each other, but Azief understands.

And then his quiet father.

It seems fathers are like god. Distant and aloof. They are complicated emotions inside him…It was not sadness…but regret, maybe.

He was a 23 years old man, with no job or prospect, he is not yet married, and he has no money.

He still lives in his parents’ house, and rarely helped his parents other than helping washing the plates, or cleans the yard.

Other people sons, each month give some allowance money to their parents but he couldn’t even do that because his job gives him only a little bit of money.

Even living for himself was hard enough.

His parent did not say anything or tries to rid him out of the house and for that he is always grateful.

But he like other sons also wanted to make his parent proud. Wanted them to live in luxury and repay their care.

To be a filial son.

Then looking at the figure of his parent he said, eyes streaming with tears, teeth gritted in angers, eyes bloodshot, like a devil just escapes from hell, his robe emitting a black aura around him, making him look like a Death God

‘Watch over your son. Your son will someday be a great man, shaking the world and make you proud in the Afterlife. No one will not know my name! And if I ever get to know, what beast did this to you, I will end its life, grind its meat and make it suffers a thousand fold of your pain!’

That is the only thing he could offer. A promise to the dead. At least, this way he could motivate himself.

With one last look, he exited the house with tears filling his eyes.


The clouds still is blue, and the wind pushes the clouds. It was a sunny day. But a gloomy atmosphere surrounds Lord Shadow.

He went inside his neighbor hose. This time the circumstance of his neighbor death is also suspicious.

It enhances Azief initial conclusion. That there is some weird beast running around his village.

Their heads were all missing and their bodies were mutilated to such gory extent.

However Azief has…...for some reason, has accustomed himself to seeing such level of gore.

He stills feel uncomfortable, but he can’t barf every time he sees a horrifying corpse.

After all, for some reason, Azief believes he would meet many more corpses like this in his journey.

Uncle Zulkifli is his neighbor.

He is short, stocky man. His corpse is at the living room, his hand gripping tightly a kris.(keris is a weapon. google it for anyone interested)

But his head is nowhere to be found, only a pool of blood from his severed neck.

As he walked deeper inside the house, he could see a naked young woman. This must be the second daughter he mused.

Azief knew the second daughter of his neighbor.

Slightly tall than the first daughter, she also has a whiter skin. She left for Australia before, learning there….but it seems she return.

She should have stayed there, Azief mused.

Azief crouched down and looked at the corpse. The woman breast…..was severed from the chest with maggot eating the meat.

The white skins were stained with the red blood, and the deep scratches, leaving a deep gash.

But it was not that, that attract his attention, it was the white thing on her vagina. Azief looked and at first he thought she was raped….but then where is the rapist?

Looking at her nails and hands, there is signs of struggle. The wounds are indication of that. There is also some kind of fur stuck on her nails.

Azief examines this with rapt attention. She was raped, there is no doubt about it.

Then a thought crystallizes inside his head.

Could it be, whatever that killed her, is trying to mate with her? Its sounds absurd but if this is true…..Azief shudders thinking of this.

But in the city he never sees this kind of corpse. Another mystery he mused.

He neared the corpse and tries to smell the corpse. The smell was of course not pleasant but when Azief smells near her vagina, he really wanted to puke.

It was rotten but the white things smell pungent. It’s semen he is confident with his answer.

He is calmly analyzing the corpse. Anything could be a clue.

‘Hmm’ he sighed as he got up.

‘Whatever that attacked them, is not the same thing that attacked my family’ he said.

He walks again to another room. Another woman. Auntie Ta. Also dies the same way even more brutal.

It seems the area around her thigh all were ripped apart. There is also the semen sprayed around the corpses.

It was a ghastly scene. Around the corpse was maggot, wriggling about, near the wounds and some is inside the corpse stomach, moving about

Maybe, my family died in a better way he said consoling himself. At least whatever beast that killed his family, did not submit such torture to its victim.

Walking to the kitchen he had to be careful not to slip because blood pools from the kitchen, flowing to the living room.

This time, he found another deformed corpse.

‘Another children’ he sighed.

The boy name was Syakir and was a friend of his younger brother. Their age is not that far apart.

The body is missing its lower part and the head is also not there. What beast did this? He mused.

Other than the occasional snakes and rats, he found no other beast. Could they have retreated from this village?

There are too many bizarre things that is happening in his village. It is not like the pattern of attack he sees before in his way home.

Zombies attack is quite simple and while they are dangerous, they do not try to rape anyone.

They are mostly moving log.

They don’t even have any ideas. Their strategy consists of trying their hardest to charge at their targets.

They are stupid, EXP farming method.

But Azief is also cautious.

If he did not know the level of his enemies and even what they are, not to mention he doesn’t even knows the abilities of these monster, remaining here might be a problem.

He wanted to avenge his parents at least and kill whatever beast that kills his parents but he is also faced with the possibility, that the beast has long fled the area.

If they do not flee the area, then they have moved deeper to Across Log village. And then he has also has to consider the level of his enemies.

If they are stronger……hmmm…he wanted to avenge his parents, not send himself too early to meet his parents.

‘Hmm’ he needs reinforcement.

It took him about 6 hours since the battle at the bridge and he checks his taming time. 1 hour left.

He needs reinforcement and one person comes to mind.

‘I guess, I have to fetch her.’

He said, his face was grim and full of determination. He then went out of his neighbor house and look at his old house.

‘I will avenge you’ he said, looking wistfully at his house.

Saying this, he dashed out from his neighbor house, heading back to the entrance of his village, his heart is full with despair but his face showed a calm expression.

A cold calmness, sharp like a blade.



The bloody step finally stops. He looks left and right. He is near the entrance of Wide Swamp village.

There are not many obstacles that hinder his movements other than the abandoned cars and trucks that sometimes block the roads.

He looks behind him. Countless of stiff, lying on the tar streets, with arrows stuck on their head.

Sometimes Azief also spotted a few scenes where the tar street was riddled with small holes no doubt from the rain of Arrows skills.

It’s not hard to find Sofia trails. Follow the bodies he mused.

He knows he needs reinforcement if he wanted to kill whatever beast that terrorizes his village.

And he also knows that in group, he is safer. He is secure and his safety would also increase.

So, he has already made a plan when he set out to find Sofia.

When he set out from his village dashing from the entrance of his village to Sofia village he met many zombies.

He slashed them all, kill them all, but even after killing several of them, Azief level did not increase.

He also did not find any roaming beast. Whether they have gone far away or they are hiding in some villages.

First he would recruit Sofia. If Sofia parents is still alive, then the plan would have to be changed  a bit or he has to find another companion.

If that doesn’t work, he still has a backup plan. That is joining with Hamad group to help him kill the alien in the elementary school.

Then when he has reached the criteria to become a full-fledged Chosen, he will set out to his village and kill whatever beast that has terrorize his village.

Azief acknowledge that both of his plans has flaws but he has to make do with what little resources he have.

Sofia approval hinges on the condition of her mother, while Hamad group approval hinges on that they are waiting for him.

If he gets Sofia, Sofia might be inclined to join him fighting the beats in his village.

But Hamad group?

Azief knows, that they will only, if persuaded strongly, help him with only the beast in the elementary schools.

They might not help him with the beast in his village.

He enters the entrance of the village. He takes a deep breath and drinks the stamina vials, gulping it down.

Suddenly a light shone down on him, trapping him, his body felt frozen. He could not move.

‘What is this?’ Azief fearfully said.

The light form like a prison, imprisoning him inside the sphere of the light.

Then he could see from the confines of his light prison, the world shakes again, some of the stall near the entrance of the village crumbles, and the light shone downs on the cars and buses and they all disintegrated into dust.

The hospital beside the entrance also disintegrated, and corpses inside the hospital fall down onto the hard ground with a thud after the hospitals vanished.

However the stiff corpse was not attacked by this light.

Then another shakes happen. Azief could not move….but he could feel his body is getting healed inside the light, his muscles is resting and his body feel comfortable.

He could feel his stamina is recovered.

What is this light? he mused. It doesn’t seem to harm him. It only binds him.

As he thinks of this suddenly the tar cracked and from it emerges green grass. Slowly the tar streets was disintegrated by this grass as it covered the land.

It vines and it crawls, covering everything in green.

Unbeknown to Azief, the same phenomena that happens to him now, is happening all over the world.

His world is undergoing another change by the World Orb. A stream of water appears from some of the cracks, creating a picturesque scene.

Trees bloomed into existence and flowers emerges from the cracks.

The stiff corpse was disintegrated into the soil and become fertilizer for the grass, as tree suddenly spouted from the ground.

For fifteen minutes Azief was in the confines of the light and finally he was released. Azief then looked in front of him.

Grass all around, trees and most of the buildings were disintegrated around him. When he looked towards his east, he could see a mountain peak.

What surprising is that, Azief knows that there is no mountain around that area.

There is Smile Mountain but it is not around that area. Looking at the area of Smile Mountain, he could see a gigantic mountain, reaching the clouds.

Whatever this mountain is, it is not the old Smile Mountain.

There are no buildings anymore.

Even the hospitals near the village entrance was transformed into a large vast of lands with huge trees, resembling a great forest.

It was like the places that Azief knows before, in a second changes to a new world. Azief walked through the grass and crouched down.

There is a signs that survives the light.

Azief look at it.

Wide Swamp Village. It is still his world…but for some reason, Azief could not believe it.

The air become more refreshing and evens the smell of smokes and soot can no longer be smell.

It was like Azief on top of a mountain peak breathing fresh air.

Then suddenly a notification appears.




Then the notification stops. World Transformation? Pangea? What does this all means? Azief did not realize it but the world has changed back to their initial positions.

Japan which was united with Russia and North Korea when the first world transformation begins has now once again returned to its original position, an island nation.

Only the people that lives around this border see that scene where land in front of them suddenly disappeared

Azief shook his head. For now, this doesn’t concern him. However he is worried about Sofia.

He moved forward and enters the village. In front of the village, the downward hill is no longer replaced by soothing that resembles a garden.

 Colorful flowers fill the once tar downward hill. Smells of fresh blooming fklowers can be smell.

He walks ahead not having time to enjoy such scenery because of the anxiousness in his heart.

Follow the bodies he mused.

Even though the geographical location of this place has been slightly transformed, and even the wooden house has disappeared, Azief could still recognize some of the places.

He once used to hang around this village when he was teenager.

In the afternoon he and his friends used to ride their bike and explore the villages nearby. The Far Swamp village, the Rhino Swamp Village, Bachok village and River Gau village and so on and so forth, so he has some knowledge of this place.

Even though the house has vanished, even the pillars but the stiffs did not disappear. Now this bothers Azief even more.

Why did in his village there is no stiff but here in Sofia village there is stiff?

Is there something different here? No, he shakes his head. The different thing happens in his village.

This might be the normal patterns.

The normal pattern is when people are bitten by the beast, a few hours later they would turn to stiffs.

How long does it take for the corpses to turn to stiff?

Azief need to research this later. And whether it is possible to cure zombies…this too must be researched.

After all there are alchemists. Seeing the description on the pills he got, then Alchemist will exist someday when they reached the requirement.

He keeps walking.

Unlike his village, the snakes and rats did not appear. Only stiffs. Could the stiffs eat the snake and rats?

‘Hmm’ this is too early to make any conclusion Azief thinks to himself.

Azief wanted to understand about this new world so that he could survive it.

Knowledge is power. Soon enough Azief smell an aromatic smell. The smell of meat. Azief instead of running to the source of smell, walk slowly.

He had a guess who produce this smell. After all he has swept this place with his Divine Sense

As he navigates himself inside the bushes he finally could see from where the smell come from.

It was a peach tree. How did it appear, Azief don’t know. He keeps walking forward.

Cleaning himself up, he emerges out from the bushes. The sound startled the person roasting the meat and quickly the bow behind her back was aimed at him.

Azief only smiles bitterly.

Seeing the blood covered Sofia, with eyes that were swollen, and her distraught appearance, one could guess her experience.

‘It’s you.’ She said listlessly and quickly she lowered down her bow and stares at Azief….not knowing what to do.

She almost looks like she was lost. There are signs of tears on her eyes, and she look like she aged ten years.

The wind blows it gentle breeze, caressing Azief faces, as his robe fluttered slightly. He looks the person in front of him and he smiles bitterly.

For a moment, there is only the sound of the wind and the smell of the meat.

Sofia look at him and he look at Sofia, both have seen terrible thing…and Azief could see in her eyes…..there is despair now.

No more hope….Only despair. And he approached her.



 ‘Hmm’ Azief sighs.

Sofia was sitting under the Peach tree, shading her from the sun. Dried leaves was scattered around the fire to make it bigger.

In her hand, is a skewered snake roasted on the spitfire.

Not far behind the trees were remnants of houses. There are some traces of old houses and a lot of stiff corpse can be seen on the patch of green land.

‘May I join you?’ Azief said

She just nodded listlessly. Azief walk to her and sit on the chopped log beside her.

For a moment they do not speak to each other, just looking at the fire, Sofia keep roasting the meat.

The firewood crackles and sometimes Sofia would use her hands to fan the flames.

Sofia eat the meat, her face shows no emotions. Azief could only feel coldness coming from her.

She gives one skewered snake to Azief and Azief bites it. It was supposed to be delicious but Azief could not feel excited from it.

And seeing Sofia listless face, Azief had the feeling that her experience is no better than him, if not worse.

They eat in silence.

They are no beast that came to attack them or snakes that slithers, or any rats that came peeking.

There isn’t even an sound of stiffs groaning. Azief divine sense monitored the area and he could sense nothing dangerous or out of the ordinary.

They finished eating and Sofia leaned herself at the tree, looking at the sky, like someone who has lost the will to live.

Azief would even believe it, if Sofia would let herself die under the tree. She did not look like she will move from the tree.

Then, looking at Sofia face, he resolves himself.

‘So….how did it go?’ Azief asked.

She did not say anything……but her eyes started getting moist. Slowly, a tear formed and it falls to the ground.

She did not say anything but Azief could feel her grief. She must have her own traumatic experience.

Azief has his, and she has hers.

She was vulnerable, she was exposed, she was weak…..but she was also beautiful, all at the same time.

At that moment, under the tree, looking at the skies, with eyes that was full with tears…..she was beautiful.

Azief knows, nothing he could say could calm her. Nothing that he could say, could console her.

So, he edged closer and guided her head to his shoulders.  But he could lend her his shoulder to cry on he mused.

So, Sofia leaned in to Azief chest and she cried and she howled and she wailed, beating Azief chest, unleashing a cries that could rend any man hearts.

Azief hugged her and let her cries.

For five minutes, one could only hear the cries, the Job like lamentations, the curses and then finally the tears stopped, the curses stopped and so is the lamentation.

Azief bears it all because he could understand the pain.

Maybe not all of her pain could be understood, but he could understand a fraction of it. The pain of losing someone….losing a family….to feel completely alone, in this new and terrifying world.

It was a special kind of agony, a special kind of torment, to be alone…and afraid. And Azief understand what it feels to be alone…to be afraid.

They were in embrace, under the tree, both of them, losing someone important that day, both of them faces their own agony, in their own way.

Azief by becoming more stubborn, intend to defy, while Sofia cries and become determined.

Both of them lost something that day, but they also gain something.

Azief gain his indomitable Will and Sofia gain courage….Azief because he refuse to obey the world orders that has conspire to buried him under his own misery, Sofia because she has no choice.

She must be valiant.

Sofia stifles a sob and  she releases herself from Azief chest.

‘You’re ok?’ Azief said, there is a hint of concern in his voice.

Sofia nodded weakly. And then she asked

‘Why did you come here?’

The wind sways, bringing new springs, autumn leaves fall shedding the past. A fateful encounter leads to fateful destiny. Encounter and parting is destined.

A lifetime relationship, an oath spoken, only death would defy.


‘Let us raise hell in this new era!’ Azief said, looking towards Sofia with his eyes fiery. His usually cold eyes, and usually uncaring manners disappeared.

It was full of determination, fiery enthusiasm and a glint of madness.

A few scattered leaves beneath Sofia feet was blown away by the wind  and there is something in his eyes, that Sofia could not ignore.

There is determination, a steel determination.

‘I will not inquire what has happens to your parent but if I may guess, they’re dead.’ Azief said.

‘Y..ou!’ Sofia was about to get angry when Azief said

Like mine! He said gritting his teeth.

‘I have no else in this world other than my family. They were not loving or joyful parents but they did not abuse me either. They try their best. They struggle against the world. They try to do right! They follow the rules! They pay taxes, pray to God, and they live a live not lying to people. The world is unfair! The people are unfair! The evil rules the world and the good perish. It is a world of wolves. And my parents were sheep! You, Sofia. Do you have anyone else other than your mother?’

Azief asked, his eyes looking intently at her. There is anger in his eyes, a silent fury and regret.

‘No’ she said, her voice was cold.

‘HAHAHAHA’ Azief laughed unrestrained and he got up from the log.

His hood cover his face, and his robe fluttered wildly, his robe emitting this black aura that shrouded him.

‘You have no one else in this world! So do I!’

He declared and he looks at the skies.

‘When I was a child my parents always told me these three things. Do good. Treat people like you want yourselves to be treated. Always be grateful! And I did all these things. I did good, but people did evil! I treat people well, people betrayed me! I was grateful but people repay kindness with enmity! And the longer I live, the more I see. Good people don’t last long. Good deed is not repaid. My father lives his whole life as a security guard. To me, I have always felt grateful to him. Even though he rarely has time for my mother, for me, or my siblings, as I grow older I understand what he has sacrificed for the family. Not one moment in my life, I was ashamed of my father works. He never lied even when he could. He never did evil even if the person deserves it. But people have always scorned my father. To this kind of people, I did not befriend them and they do not befriend me. I did not befriend them because their obnoxious behavior. They did not befriend me because they think I’m not worthy.’

Azief said all of this passionately like a declaration of some sorts. He looks to the sky, like he wanted to crush the clouds, and trample the heavens.

His rage is a towering fury! How could he accept what happen to his family! Even he survives!

Even he!

God should have save his little brother, should save his mother and father. Not him! Out of everyone in his family, he deserves the least to survive.

Is it survivor guilt’s? Azief don’t know. But he keep his gaze at the skies, looking it like he wanted to declare his intention to the world.

He then looked at Sofia and sees her dried up tears. Her mother must have a great meaning in her life.

Her mother shouldn’t have died. Good people supposed to be rewarded not punished.

‘This is a world of wolfs. The world doesn’t care whether you do good or evil! It will still keep moving unceasingly, caring nothing about us, mortals! It does not care a bit about good or evil! The world doesn’t judge men by their worth, and it isn’t about what just! Evil men can hold power their whole lives and be wept for when they pass. Innocent men can be spent like coins because it's convenient. I will not be like that! IF THE WORLD DOES NOT WANT TO HELP ME, THEN I WILL FIGHT THE WORLD! IF THE WORLD DARE OBSTRUCT, I WILL DESTROY IT! In this new era, I would raise hell, so that in my death, everyone would remember my name! I will carve my name in history! How about it Sofia? Will you follow me?’

He said and his eyes look expectantly. This is his declaration, bold and arrogant!

If the world does not want to help him, then he will fight the world! If the world dare obstruct him, he will destroy it!

Isn’t this arrogant!

‘I…’and she thought about all those moments she was with him, and how she has lost everything.

She lost her mother, and the way she lost her….rend her heart apart.

Thinking about it, she wanted to cry again. Wanted to wail again. Wanted to scream again until her throats could not scream.

Wanted to mourn…for as long as she possibly could. Wanted to run  and hide.

But the tears did not come. She endures it. The wail does not come. She endures it. The scream did not come either. She endures it.

She did not run nor did she hides. She bears it. All the pain, all the anger, all the grief and a new emotions surge.

Anger. Wrath. A burning fury. To the world! To everything! And Azief words resound in her ears.


‘Yes’ she mused.

World of wolfs and she is a sheep. And sheep get eaten by wolf. And she remembers Azief story about his father and about his mother.

Her mother is not any different. And that’s why she loves her. But the world takes her mother away from her.

She was not rewarded. All of her sufferings, all of her patience with the world did her no good.


This word stuck inside Sofia mind, resonated strongly with her sentiment and touched her anger.

She got up, with fury in her hearts, with fiery determination shining in her eyes and she hold out her hand.

‘Let us raise hell…..Lord Shadow’ Sofia coldly said and she shook Azief stretched hands. Thus, Lord Shadow and Sofia the Divine Archer was born that day.


In years to come, this momentous event was referred as the Promise beneath the Peach Tree.

Sofia was the first companion of Lord Shadow as they carved their name in history



After a few hours burying one stiff and mourning in front of the makeshift grave, Sofia has calmed down.

It is useless making a grave Azief would usually say but for some reason he couldn’t say it this time.

She is building a grave for her mother.

Azief began understanding what happens and why Sofia was so unnerved before. Burt he kept his silence.

There is time for saying something and there is time for silence. And Azief knows that this is a time for silence.

He just watches from behind, waiting. Then after she calm down Azief began asking Sofia to prepare herself.

She is level 17 right now.

Then preparing herself, slinging the bow behind her back, arrows ready for her to released, she is ready.

Wiping the tears on her eyes, she steeled herself for the new world. Determined not to be a sheep.

‘So, what is our objective?’ Sofia asked Azief.

Azief looked at Sofia while his eyes darted left and right looking around the bushes. He spotted a few places that were transformed by the System.

He could see there are monsters if they go deeper. But not any large beast. Azief don’t know if that is a blessing or not.

Azief wanted to strengthen himself fast.

A trove of experience and items. But he decided to bolster his rank first.

‘Our objective is the monster at the elementary school.’ He said. He first needs to become….Shadow Lord and enjoy the benefits of a Chosen.

Sofia of course knows that Azief needs to defeat the monster in the elementary school to become a full-fledged Unique Class.

‘Are you using me?’ Sofia eyes narrow.

‘Yes’ Azief said and he said it shamelessly with no change on his facial expression.


‘We use each other, Sofia. We benefited each other. Me and you.’ He said, looking sincerely at Sofia.

Azief is many things and has many flaws in his character but if there is one virtue that enables him to have friends, is that he is steadfast and loyal.

Once he has a good opinion of someone he would surely make friends with such person. Azief is not one that makes friends lightly.

He weights all the pros and cons before choosing a friend. But once he chosen, he will not regret.

Then he said it

‘You and me against the world.’ He said smiling, looking at the sky. Sofia was stunned.

‘Us? Against the world?’

‘Yes, us.’ Azief said

‘The world order has crumbles, the world itself have changed. Look around you Sofia. Peach tree in the middle of nowhere, green grass as far as the eyes could see’ and then Azief pointed to a peak of mountain

‘A mountain that reaches the clouds, monsters and undead roamed the world. This is our opportunity make a name for ourselves.’

‘How?’ Sofia asked. Azief looked back at Sofia, and he seems to be thinking then he said.

‘Become stronger. The World Orb has warned us. Be strong....or perish. If you don’t want to perish be strong. Survive. Grovel if you must. Stay alive! And be strong! That’s it.’

‘But….can we?’ Sofia asked as Azief began walking. Sofia follows from behind.

‘Why not? Of all the people that perish, we survived. Both of us survived all that horrors. Whether by luck or by the machinations of fate or by destiny or by coincidence, we survive‘

‘And that….makes you think we are chosen.’ She said snickering. Sofia believes that Azief feel that they were chosen.

A self-form of megalomania, to think that the world revolved around themselves but Azief quickly dispel her thoughts.

‘Hah!’ Azief gives a dry laugh.

‘Chosen? No, we’re not chosen, Sofia. If you think like that, abandon that thought. We were random cause. No reason, no rhyme, but we survive, a product of luck and chance. If anything, we are cursed. But we do have advantage’ he said as he cut the bush in front of him with his blades.

A few snakes slithers on the ground.

Azief stomp it with his feet and blood splashed on the ground.

‘An advantage?‘ Sofia said as she released her arrows at one of the snakes.

‘Yes, a head start. Right now, all around the world I guess, there are some people like us. Survived the resurrection of the undead. Fight the roaming beast like I did. Seen terrible things like we have. Experience sorrows and despair. And all of them, countless of people forged by fire, have walk to the new future. Some would cling to the old ways. Surely there are a few people who would try to rebuild the old systems out of the ashes. They will fail. Some people are bad at understanding the changes that is happening right now. But of course they would be also those who are fast in understanding. Some would fall and descend to their most primal and animalistic instinct, killing and doing whatever they like. I’m not surprised if we encounter some kind of crazy man creating a tribe, or a man pronouncing themselves as prophet’

He said, his eyes already anticipating the dark possibilities of the future.

‘If you meet a person like that, there is no need to reason with them, Sofia. Just put an arrow in their head. As there are heroes emerging in chaos times, villains and crazy people also would be born. We have a head start…and we better grab it. Before they realized it’

‘Hmm’ Sofia nodded as she slings back her bow behind her back.

‘It seems you have thought a lot about this.’ She said

Then Azief look at the peach tree behind him, watching the swaying branches of the trees, and release a sigh.

‘Do you have any other thing left here?’

‘What do you mean?’

‘Baggage, perhaps?’ He asked. And Sofia understands. Anything she regrets about, other things that needs to be cleaned up.

Sofia understands that Azief and her, they probably won’t be coming here for a few years. Looking at the grave of her mother, closing her eyes, she answers.

‘No’ she said.

‘Good, then we will move.’ Azief lead the way and begins walking. They were both astounded after they leave the peach tree.

All they could see was a huge forest. The place where Azief was confined before has a stream of clear white flowing water.

The sound of the water flowing creates a calming feelings and the fresh clear air helps. The greenery is astonishing.

It was like nature was never tainted before.

There are no longer tar roads, modern transportations or buildings. It was like the world made anew.

On top of them, they could see a clear blue sky with bird flying around. Large trees provide shades from the sun.

‘This is….something’ Sofia said in astonishment as they walked through the forest. Azief nodded in agreement.

They take a rest under the shades, near the creek of water. Then Azief take one of the large bottles in his storage rings, pour out the content of the bottle and then fill it up with the creek water.

The creek water doesn’t seem like it is polluted and it just has been created, so the chance of it being polluted by anything is minuscule.

‘Do you have supplies?’ Azief asked Sofia as he stores the bottle back inside his storage rings.

Sofia nodded.

‘At least the System didn’t take that’ Azief said in relief.

He looks around and he could see that all of the buildings he pass during his journey coming here, all vanished, like it never existed.

He also checks his storage rings and there is still a lot of snacks.

‘Do you recognize the way to the elementary school?’ Sofia asked.

‘Even though the road has disappeared and were surrounded by the forest, I think I can still pinpoint the area.’

‘I’ll follow you then.’ They got up from their resting places and they walked again. Then Azief remember something.

‘Wait a bit’ he said and he halted his movement and he smiles. How could he forget?

‘What?’ Sofia stopped.

‘I remember that the time has ended’

‘What time?’ she asked .Azief smiles in glee.

‘Just wait. I’ll give you a shock’. He remembers something very important. His pet. This is a perfect opportunity to summon his pet.

‘Summon’ he wills it in his mind.

And then a notification appears.



A portal appears behind Azief back and from that portal appears the Strong Fist Badger. The strong fist badger come in front of him and kneels.

Then a notification appears.

The status window of his pet appears in front of him

























It is not the same like his status window. It only shows Azief skills. And then there is also special skills and special attribute.

But Azief could see that this Badger is one hell of a monster. Ore mining, mineral mining, digging, all these techniques would help if he could become a blacksmith or alchemist.

But for now, he doesn’t need that passive skill of his pet. He quickly names the beast Badge.

He always has been terrible naming things so he couldn’t care less. Looking at the status window of his pet it really is different from his status windows.

It doesn’t have level and such.

There is also a limit to capturing beast. Ten is the limit Azief presumes.

Maybe those who choose Beast Tamer or some class that is related to rearing beast would have a larger slot.

But just because you can tame beast doesn’t mean you will tame one. It is hard because you have to weaken them, and not kill them.

Not to mention there is a limit of 10.

Azief don’t know if his pet is permanent or not. What he means if he has recruited ten beasts would he have no other choice but to keep that beast?

What if he encounters another beast more powerful and has a lot more potential? What then?

If it is permanent summoning, then Azief would lose a chance.

If the beast he captured and tamed can be released when he found a new and more powerful beast, then Azief would not worry that much.

This World Orb system! Send me some tutorial manual at least. Then he realizes something else.

What is that? Ordinary class? Does beast have class? Azief touch the screen written ordinary and then another explanation appear.


Then appears the list of ranks in my mind.

[Ordinary] [Extraordinary] [Unique] [Legendary] [Apex] [Godly] [Heavenly] [Ultimate] [Otherworldly]

Azief understand then. Class up or evolution right? He mused.

The beast could also evolve. Azief look at Sofia, her hand is at her bow, ready to release her arrow at the beast.

‘Put down the bow. It’s my beast.’ Azief said, chuckling

‘Your beast?’ she asked incredulous, her eyes look at the beast from head to toe.

‘Yes, I have the Beast Tamer skill that is why I could tame this beast.’ Slowly she put the bow back behind her back.

She come closer to the beast and looks at it.

‘What do you intend to do with it?’

‘Level him up. As we walked through this forest surely there will be some stiffs and beast that we will come across. Three is better than two, right?’

Sofia just nodded. Then the beast got up and Azief said.

‘Destroy any snakes or rat you found. If you found any beast that is beyond your capability, retreat.’

Azief of course got all the information on how to order the beast when the notification appears so he quickly orders Badge to work.

Better level him up until he could class up.

The Badgers nodded and began walking in front of them.

‘Sofia you support him’

‘Ok’ she said. Azief and Sofia then keep walking. When the snakes and rats drops vials, they would quickly loot it and stores it.

These vials are important.

Azief did not join in killing the snakes and the rats because he knows it will not help him that much.

In about 15 minutes they encounter a problem.

Azief knows they are on the right track and Sofia knows it to but the scene in front of them make them slack jawed.

The Temerloh Bridge that has long connected the villages and the town….has disappeared and in front of them right now is a cliff.

The wind blows Azief robe as he stand there dumfounded. The bridge disappeared…how can he cross to the city right now?

Under it is the Pahang River, no longer brown colour because of the development project and the sand reclamation but blue as the skies, with large crocodiles could be seen sometime showing their head on the water surface.

Sofia look at Azief dumbfounded expression and ask

‘What now?’

Azief look across the cliff and could see the city….now transformed into a forest. He shakes his head, looks at the sky and said.

‘You never let me off easy, do you World Orb?’ He said, clearly he could not accept this.

His plan was perfect. At least, it was perfect before. Then looking at the hill beside the cliff he said.

‘Then I guess we have to swim across.’ Saying that, he climbed down the right side of the cliff and is sliding down.

Sofia shaking her head, and then follows him from behind. And as she climbed down she is thinking to herself.

What did I sign up for following him?



As they climb down they could see some weird palm trees and bamboo tress sprouting like mushroom after a rain.

Instead of coconut in the palm tree, there is something red as its fruits. The bamboo tree on the other hand… quite normal, like a normal bamboo tree.

‘Weird’ Azief said whispering under his breath.

But Azief couldn’t have the time to check the palm tree instead he arrived at the bottom and begun examining the shores.

The sandy bank of the river overlooking the city.

He climbed down to the bank and look at the city across from where he is standing. He looked at the clear water of the river.

‘It has always been brown’ Azief said

Sofia nodded as she walked three steps behind Azief, maintaining a lookout. Azief on the other hand is admiring the view.

This is the first time he saw that the Pahang River could be so beautiful.

His mother once told him that when his mother was a child, the colour of the river was clear, blue and beautiful.

But Azief did not had the chance to see the scenery that her mother always talked about because by the time he was born the river turns cloudy and brown.

‘So, how do you swim?’ Azief asked looking at Sofia. Sofia was dumfounded.

‘You don’t know how to swim?’ she said realizing why Azief is asking her this question.

He shakes his head, confirming Sofia confusion. She could not help but be shocked. This guy is clearly intending to cross the river but he does not know how to swim!

Is he an idiot!

‘I thought you said we are going to swim across.’ She said trying to calm herself again, by taking a deep breath

‘Yes, I did say that.’ Azief said as he walk around the sandy bank and his eyes look around left and right, searching for something.

Sofia follows from behind.

‘But you don’t know how to swim?’ Sofia said, her annoyance can slightly be heard in her trembling voice.

‘I can learn’ he said.

‘Now? Right at this instant?’

‘Now. Right at this instant’ he said. But his eye is still looking around. Azief is of course is not that stupid but he doesn’t want to give the satisfaction to Sofia that he is incapable of swimming.

He already has a plan if he could not swim across. Seeing the threat in the river, he of course thinks of other alternative in crossing the river.

He is just messing with Sofia. Looking at the river he also realized a life threatening problem and sooner or later, Sofia would realize it too.

When that time comes he will let Sofia choose. This is his quest and if Sofia get caught up in it she might die, so…..he will ask her later.

When it matters.

‘You’re insane.’ She said exasperatedly

To be honest, Azief once attend swimming lesson when he was in college. It was mandatory really, since his course obligated him to learn swimming.

But he was never any proficient in it.

As long as he keeps paddling his feet and moves his arm he would not drown…..but floating himself on water, he never did get a hang of that.

Azief look at the river again and sighed

Not to mention there is the crocodiles looking at him and Sofia, like they are its meal. At times like these, Azief wanted a skill to know the level of his enemies or at least their rank.

By now, Azief has some understanding of beast. They do not have levels like human but rank.

Ordinary would be like his pet. He could only imagined Ultimate rank beast.

‘AH!’ Azief remembered something.

‘What?’ Sofia said shock suddenly hearing Azief yelling. Sofia was looking at the water and thinking how to get across.

She is still annoyed at Azief. She realized that Azief is messing with her, so she focus her mind on other thing, namely on how to cross the river.

‘Couldn’t I just ask my pet to swim?’ Azief said a flash of inspiration. Why couldn’t he let his pet swim and he rides from behind.

His pet is also large and could accommodate him.

‘Swim’ he said to Badge. The badger nodded and then jumps into the water….only to drown.

The badger struggles to move forward and struggle pitifully and Sofia began to worry about his pet.

‘Azief’ she said, her eyes glaring at him. Fine he thought inwardly

‘Return back’ Azief said and the portal opens and Badge was sucked into the portal. The portal could be activated if the beast is not that far with the owner.

The higher the rank, the wider the range of summoning or unsummoning.

Summoning would always open a portal behind the owner back but unsummoning could be done from far away depending on the rank of the beast.

‘So, that didn’t work’ he said nonchalantly. Sofia chuckles.

‘Did you look at badge face? It was so pitiful.’ Sofia then broke into laughter. Azief also cracked a smile.

He also sees the desperate look of his badger. It is kind of funny.

‘We make a raft then!’ Azief declared and Sofia just nodded. Seeing that Azief gaze always linger round the bamboo tree near the river bank, Sofia already guessed Azief thoughts.

And that is exactly what Azief is thinking

There is bamboo tree nearby so he could just cut that. It also helps if they are attack by the crocodiles.

At least the raft could provide at least some type of protection….no matter how miniscule.

Of course Azief is not entirely ignorant on how to swim it just that he is not confident he could swim that far to the city.

‘Can you swim?’ Azief asked Sofia. Sofia smirked and then floats.

‘I do not know how to swim but I can levitate’ she said. One of her skills she got before when she was fighting alongside Azief in the bridge.

One of the skill she got was levitation. She smiles arrogantly, a smug smile, she one upped Azief.

‘But you can’t move when you levitate right?’ Azief said and the arrogant smile in Sofia mouth faltered.

She floats back down, looking annoyed at Azief. Azief just chuckles in satisfaction

‘Now, help me make the raft.’ Azief said as he walks to the bamboo trees, readying his blade to chop the bamboo shoots.

‘Fine’ she said.

For hours they worked alongside each other. Azief cut the bamboo shoot while Sofia arranged it.

Sometime the crocodile would try to come to shore but usually Sofia would deter the crocodile by attacking with her rain of arrows.

Then seeing that Sofia does not a thing about how to build a raft Azief orders her to be the lookout.

Sofia was impressed. She didn’t know Azief could build a raft since no one teach this in school.

And Azief don’t strikes Sofia as an outdoor man or the type of man who likes to do stuff like building stuff.

If anything Azief looks like he hasn’t seen the sun for a very long time.

And she is right.

But Azief is a writer, albeit, an amateur writer. Azief had a lot of things in his mind and sometimes the best way to release what he felt in his mind is to write the stuff down.

He joined an amateur writing sites and active in it for a few months before shutting down his account because of the negativity about his story.

He just makes a love triangle and the people flames him from it so he stopped writing….at least he stopped posting it in the site.

Anyway, as he researched many things when he wrote the story, he also accidentally research on how to build a raft.

Who would have thought knowing such stuff actually could have a practical application in modern life?

Thinking about it Azief smiles under his hood, thinking that it was a stroke of luck he knows how to build a raft.

Azief slashed four pieces of bamboo tree with ease like cutting leaves while Sofia now take care of the lookout.

Even though they didn’t see any zombies horde, which is weird, they still need to be cautious.

And then there is still the crocodile near them , that is constantly watching over them.

Azief began building the raft with the four large piece of bamboo. One set is about 8 feet long, the other 12 feet.

He then places the longer piece on the bottom, the shorter one on top to form a square.

He then uses the vines he pulls from the nearby tree, up in the bank to lash together everything.

He makes sure it is lash tightly.

It is the foundation of the raft, the frame. He then secure smaller bamboo pieces side-by-side on top of the frame until it's completely covered.

Then he ties four more bamboo sections to the far edges of the pontoons, spanning the length.

Sofia was looking at Azief diligently working on making the raft and sometimes she would shot the few crocodile that came on the bank.

The crocodile is not gigantic and easy to handle but their physical appearance is a bit different from the kind of crocodile she sees in zoos but she couldn’t describe what different about it.

If they are attack by the arrow they retreat, but the arrow could not penetrate the scaly armour only annoy them.

But what is weird is that the crocodile did not attack them… they are testing her and Azief.

Sofia had a bad premonition about this and Azief also share the same feeling. But he must cross the river to get to the city.

What worries Azief is that he could feel that there is something big inside the river….and he has a pretty good guess on what that is.

A gigantic beast. This is what he first realizes when he arrive don the city bank and by now, Azief is pretty sure, that Sofia has also realized it too.

There is the mutated beast and then there is the gigantic beast.

The mutated beast is like the mutated snakes or rats he found in the villages or the horned chicken and Vampiric bats he found when he was in the city.

The gigantic beast is like the beast that he fight with Tan or the beast that is in the Elementary School.

The experience Azief get fighting such beast is massive as well. When he defeated the gigantic beast, his level shot up in almost an unbelievable rate.

But mutated beast gives only a little bit of XP and easily dispatched by a high leveled player.

In about half an hour Azief already completed the raft. With his strength it is easily completed.

‘I’m finished.’ He said and Sofia jumped from her lookout and landed on the bank.

She nodded, looking at the river with her worried expression and Azief nodded. They both understand there is no time to lose.

It is evening and it is getting dark.

But both of them also understand that crossing this river safely would not be as easy.

While Azief utilizes his sense to determine whether there is a gigantic best inside the river, Sofia also has her way.

Maintaining a lookout from high up on the bank, she chanced upon something.

There was this one moment when Azief was busy building the raft, she could see a large shadow underneath the water….swimming.

It was like a building…swimming underneath the river. One could only imagine the size of the monster beneath the river.

It would mostly resemble a dinosaur like crocodile….a supercroc as it is so famously termed.

She once watches National Geographic and they show that once upon a time, crocodile is even bigger than the Tyrannosaurus Rex and even eat Tyrannosaurus Rex for its meal.

So even if she does not show it, she is nervous an afraid as hell.

She stands beside Azief as Azief is preparing to take off. She hold Azief arm, look at him and was about to warn him but Azief gripped her hand.

‘I know’ he said.

‘But?’ She asked.

‘We have to do it.’ Then he stopped before continuing.

‘I have to do it’ he said.

‘There is no other choice?’ she asked again.

‘There is no shortcut in becoming strong. Sometime we have to face death in the face.’

‘I think I have been facing death for too long, that I’m sick seeing him’ Sofia replies smirking

‘False bravado’ Azief said, smiling bitterly.

‘At least I have that.’ She replied but she also realized that Azief hand is trembling. Both of them know what is ahead of them.

They’re betting on their luck. There is of course, maybe another way.

Maybe they could go back to Sofia village and climb the mountains and find experience there, or return to Azief village and grind their experience there…..but who could guarantee that there is no other beast like the beast in the river?

Who could guarantee that the next beast they would encounter is not some godly beast that they could not defeat?

Life is unpredictable and cruel.

You can run away and hide. Or you can face death in the eyes, and instead of running and hiding, or crying, sobbing uncontrollably, fear with your knees wobbling, you could look death in the eyes and wink.

That’s right. Azief wanted to wink at death. He wants to mock death. But the only way to mock death is to stare death right in front of his face.

He does not want to die, but he does not want to live like before either.

He wanted to be resolute and unyielding. He wanted to be someone….who matters. He wanted strength.

He decided he wanted to cross the river. Since he decided to cross the river he will cross it, no matter the obstacle. He is stubborn. No…to be more exact, he decided to be stubborn.

Decided….that he needs to risk his life. He need to bet his life, muster his courage, face his fears, and survive it, to become stronger, to become someone that matters

Azief then hold Sofia hand, and look at her eyes and ask.

‘You can go away you know. You don’t have to follow me’ he said. He decided to face death….but he couldn’t decide that for her.

When they talk about crossing the river they did not think that there is a gigantic beast underneath the river.

Looking at Sofia, he is reminded of Tan and how he failed to save him….and he doesn’t want the same thing happened to Sofia.

Sofia look at those eyes, there is no hesitation; there is slight fear but also an unyielding perseverance in those hazel eyes.

‘You and me’ she said, a smile on her face.

She dropped down her head, looking at the sand on her feet and then she raise up her head and her eyes locked with Azief and remembering their promise underneath the peach tree she said

‘You and me against the world, remember?’

‘Hmph’ Azief smiles.

‘Yes, you and me, against the world.’ Azief said, a slight bitter smile formed on his mouth, as his clear hazel looking in front of him.

Saying this, they push the raft to the river and jump on the raft as the river current push them sideways.

Azief took out his makeshift oars and give one to Sofia.

And they began paddling to the city.



The water was still. Azief is paddling slowly, looking left and left and below, looking at the large shadow and he take a big gulp and steel his resolve.

Sofia is preparing her arrows, looking left and right and looking below she gulped and she look at Azief, both of them feeling and doing the same thing.

She could see the shadow of the beast which she and Azief have decided to call Supercroc.

Slowly, slowly they paddle and then one of the small crocodile began showing its face. The water ripples outward as more and more crocodiles emerged.

They looked like normal crocodiles only that their nostrils were positioned on the tops of their heads rather than the tips of their snouts.

They circle behind their raft but they did not attack, just circling around behind and did not even bother to try to encircle the raft which is strange.

‘Sofia, vigilance’ Azief said, as he keep paddling.

For some reason, he felt that to reach the shore of the city is somehow an arduous expedition when it is not that far.

The current push them sideways, but Azief arm strength prevent them from getting washed away by the currents.

And the current is not that hard or fast that Azief could not handle it. What he is most afraid of is the supercroc if it would suddenly attack them.

They are now in the middle of the river and the supercroc did not do anything to them, no movement from it, almost like it didn’t care about the raft.

But Azief still could not dispel the bad feeling in his heart.

Azief once has the opportunity to learn kayaking. He had a Diploma in Tourism Management and one of the courses is marine related fields.

He learns scuba diving, swimming, kayaking, safe and rescue and many others.

While he could not claim he is the best in the kayaking, he at least has some good basic on how to steer a raft.

Though he used kayak in his studies, the principles is not that different and considering the strength he possess now, the speed in which Azief used to cross the river could only be described as he is riding a motorboat.

‘Azief, there is movement!’ Sofia said, almost yelling.

Sofia was surveying the surrounding when Azief was paddling when she realizes the crocodiles in the river suddenly dive down and the shadow beneath them suddenly getting bigger and is emerging.

Azief who is paddling could also see that the shadow is approaching them from below.

‘Shit, shit, shit!’ He looked at Sofia. Then he looked at the fast approaching supercroc and he made his choice.

‘Try to survive’ he said to Sofia.

‘I’ll see you on the other side’

‘That’s a promise’ Sofia said and they both almost like they have agreed beforehand jumps upwards like they were flying.

Then from beneath the river a blast occurred like a bomb being thrown into the river and a gigantic crocodile appears from the water blast trying to eat Azief and Sofia, its gigantic jaws is trying to gobble up the two humans.

Sofia jump to the right to avoid herself being eaten and then she dived down inside the river with a plop.

The moment she dived down she swims underwater…her destination?

Across the shore.

She did not look back and she is not worried about Azief. Azief is stronger than her and surely he would arrive at the shore faster than her so she using her hand keeps swimming forward not looking back.

Some of the small crocodiles chasing her from behind. She could not use her arrows underwater. And she could not stop either.

In her mind and her eyes is only the shore.

Azief on the other hand, has decided to do something…..stupid.

Sofia thought that Azief would also do what she did which is to avoid the crocodile but Azief knows that someone had to stall the crocodile and between the two of them, he is the only one who could do that.

He is not a self-sacrificing hero…..but he knows he is the only one who could do this.

At least, he is the only one who could do this between the two of them.

He will stall the crocodile and when he jumped instead of diving down to the river, he landed behind the supercroc large body.

Azief was shocked and awe by the supercroc physical characteristic. 

It has long bodies, splayed limbs, and narrow, flat, tooth-studded snouts with powerful jaws and it also has an enormous size.

It measured about 40 feet long from head to tail and weighed in the neighborhood of 10 tons.

The only way to describe it is as terrible and monstrous.

Landing on the back of the crocodile, Azief tries to remain calm. His balance is flawless. As he increase in level he did find that all of his sense, abilities are all heightened.

While the very notion of remaining calm during fighting a 40 feet long and ten ton crocodiles may seem preposterous, ridiculous even, doing so may be the only thing that saves his life.

‘He is just EXP. Boss-like creature. It must have a weakness’ Azief muttered as he gripped his hand, sheathed his bald and run around on the back of the crocodiles.

If anyone could see him right now, it is like an ant running around on a human arm. Like Kratos fighting Gaia.

The crocodile then splashed into the river water and another huge splash shakes the rivers, ripples resonating everywhere.

The other crocodiles disperse from the area leaving Azief and Sofia…..and the Supercroc.

Azief then remember something about his last fight about the beast.

Even though the beast he fights with has greater power than him, they are also equipped with a weakness.

 Azief is aiming for this weakness. The crocodile look left and right still not realizing that the humans its chasing is behind his back.

Azief could see that Sofia has begun emerging to the surface of water to take some breath as she is swimming vigorously to the shore, not looking back, a dozen of crocodile following her from behind.

The crocodiles did not come towards the Supercroc probably because the Supercroc also eats crocodile.

When Azief jump upwards before, Azief could see that the Supercroc eat the small crocodiles.

When Azief said small, it doesn’t mean that the crocodile was small, but it is small compared to the Supercroc.

Sofia who is swimming right now, of course did not think Azief is right now on the back of the croc and even risking his life for hers.

The Supercroc is not going back into the river. If he did Azief could then jump and also join Sofia in swimming away.

He might not know swimming but he could still manage.

But even if he follows from behind, Azief knows, how could they outmatch the crocodile in the water.

Someone needs to stay. Someone needs to stall. And he is the leader of the group. There is a reason why leaders have the privilege of ordering the people beneath them.

Why? Because when shits hit the fan, it is the leader job to clean it. The leader bears the hard work, the daunting work and as such has the privilege of ordering the subordinate to work.

At least, that is how it is for Azief.

The Supercroc locates its target and using its large feet it dashed forward. And its target is Sofia. Right now it still doesn’t realize Azief is on his back.

Not good Azief said inwardly.

The croc is chasing Sofia now and with its speed, it could reach her in matter of second.

Azief run as fast as the wind, with water splashing around his black robe and the sound of wind rushing in his ears as he decide to attack the croc.

He remembered on things about fighting a crocodile. As he remembers one of the weaknesses of a crocodile, he activated Fear Aura and he jumped up the air.

The moment he activated Fear Aura, the crocodile quickly realizes someone is behind it.

But the croc did not turn and Azief who was in the air; stab downward like a thunder striking the earth, attacking perfect and accurately at the crocodile eyes.

He turns in midair, performing one of the moves he once saw in TV.

When he strikes he activated Slashing wind, making it a double damage. One from the wind slice and another from his brute strength.

While the croc scale was hard, there are someplace where the croc is relay vulnerable and it is at this place, Azief believe lies it weakness.


The eyes were bleeding as Azief landed on the tip of the crocodile mouth. The croc releases something resembling shrieks from its mouth, expressing its pain.

Azief did not delay in his next attack. He doesn’t have time to stop. He needs to use the opportunity he had to defeat the croc.

As the croc is now bleeding from its right eyes, Azief now is charging from the tip of the mouth to the left eyes, running through its nose and when he arrived in front of its left eye, Azief stabs the crocodile repeatedly.

One strikes, two strikes, three strikes, quickly it reaches a dozen strikes.

With his arm speed and the frequency of his tabbing, the croc left eyes was turn into a squishy matter as the crocodile roared in pain.

Azief was forced to jump backwards, as the crocodile roll around the water.

When the croc rolled again to his original position Azief then landed again on the back of the crocodile.

It is possible to do because he jump really high and it takes about 20 seconds for him to fall while the crocodile only rolls for 5 seconds and reached its original position in another 5 seconds which gave him an estimate of how high he needs to jump and how far he can jump to reach the best possible distance and time to land exactly at the back of the Supercroc.

Now the croc is no longer interested in chasing Sofia instead it began to focus on killing this human running behind its back.

People say that the eye of the tornado is the safest place.

Now, Azief knows, that’s true.

He is standing on the crocodile back but the crocodile could not do anything to him other than rolling along a few times in the water.

Every time Azief felt that the croc would roll, Azief would jump upwards before landing back.

If he only had Levitation skills, he could use this kind of tactic to mess around with the croc.

It is also lucky that the croc is stupid. If only it turns around a little longer or dives straight inside the river, how could Azief land on his back?

He would surely drown. But what Azief doesn’t know was that the ebast is not some normal beast, it was gigantic beast.

Even if there is 10 men with Azief level, they could not defeat the croc.

This is a suicide mission. Even if Azief blinds the croc eyes, how could Azief defeat such monsters?

This is why the Supercroc did not roll around for too long or dives straight into the river because it look down on Azief.

Then suddenly the crocodile roll again with force and the impact of his giant body rolling around the river, create a spiral in the water and splashing of water rose for ten meters around the area, while at the same time dispersing many of the other crocodile in the river and this time it caught Azief in surprise.

Azief was drenched from the water and his vision was hindered by the splashing

Blood is still bleeding from it eyes and it only uses its sense of smell and touch to try shaking off Azief from it back.

Azief was shaken off and in midair he was struck by the crocodile tails and it was like he was being hit by a truck as he coughed up blood and his skin shredded around his stomach area.

Azief was thrown far away when the crocodile turn his direction, looking at him and charged forward, opening its mouth and was about to swallow him whole.

But at this juncture he maneuvered himself and using his feet kick one of the teeth of the Supercroc and he shot farther away but not yet far away enough from the range of attack of the croc.

Azief hand was in the range of the crocodile mouth and the croc did not let this opportunity go.

With one bite, Azief who was in midair yelled in pain, his scream drowned by the splashing water.

Sofia on the other hand could not see what is happening behind her because she is frantically trying to run from the crocs.

All she could hear was the mighty splashing of water and the feeling that there is a struggle going behind her.

Azief look at his left hand. His left hand was bitten and stuck in the gap of the crocodile teeth but the teeth pierce his pinky fingers and his pinky finger was crushed already, only meat in tatters.

The crocodile is now trying to drag Azief down.

And considering its weight, to drag Azief down is easy. Even though Azief hand is as strong as steel it was easily bitten by the crocodile.

Azief knows if the croc drag him down, it’s over for him.

So, he quickly made a decision.

‘FUCK!’ He cursed as he steel his body for what is coming. Gritting his teeth he swings his blade to his left hand and cutting his own hand off.

And blood spurted from his amputated hand. It gushes out. The blood didn't gush in a constant flow, but in time with the beating of his heart.

And the pain? Oh, the pain! He wanted to pass out but he couldn’t. He tries to shut it off but he cant.

So, he gritted his teeth, enduring the pain, trying to remain conscious. The crocodile is blind on both eyes.

Luck and circumstances saves him again. If Azief was thrown just a little bit deeper inside range of attack of the croc, instead of losing his arm he would be swallowed down inside the croc stomach.

If he did not kick the croc teeth and uses it as propulsion, he would end up as a meal for the croc.

When the croc come rushing at him before, he could see the croc large bowels and in it, was full of zombies in squishy goo, some is being disintegrated in its stomach.

Maybe that is why Azief could not see any zombies since he came to the bridge. Maybe all of them were eaten by this supercroc.

Azief then fall down to the river but the moment his feet reached the water, he propels himself up using all, of his strength on his feet and a water blast erupted as he once again jump onto the croc back.

He stands there, bloodied and weary.

The blood drips on the back of the croc.  The blood is leaving his body, his left hand arm becomes pale, and the pulses in his heart began to beat slower, weaker.

His stomach is full of ripped flesh and the water makes him winces in pain, but he forces himself to remain upright and conscious.

Strength also leaves his body since there are some rings enhancing strength in his left hand.

Now his left hand is in the deep river.

At least his storage rings are in his right hand so he quickly conjures up health potion and with one hand gulped it down.

The bleeding slowly stopped around his stomach areas but the missing hand did not reform.

Using his right hand he held the stump and from the bandage he got from the storage rings he quickly tightened it almost like a professional.

Occasionally the croc would roll around but it did not dive inside.

Then Azief could sense a large horde of monster is coming here. He wanted to curse. What now? he mused.

But then opening his eyes he could see.

The retreating small crocodile before is coming again but it did not chase Sofia who is nearing the shores but is coming towards the large croc.

More and more join this horde of crocodiles, swimming to charge the Supercroc.

Could it be?

Azief could see a ray of hope. But even though he sees it, it did not change his current situation. He is feeling unimaginable pain.

He just realizes that one of the Supercroc teeth manage to injure him and blood is also gushing out from his left arm.

No matter how much pressure he applied, the blood had still gushed between his fingers and oozed.

The blood had spread to his dark robe making it seems even darker and black aura envelope Azief, making his feet feel lighter.

He could feel life, draining away from him, his body becoming cold.

‘Heh’ he smiles. He doesn’t know why he smiles or why, but he smiles anyway, his mind is blank, but he smiles.

Is it because it is hopeless? Or is it because there is nothing else to do? His mind is blank right now.

If not this croc, the large horde would get him. Realizing this, he feels fatigued, feel tired. But he decided on one last thing.

He needs to leave some gift for this croc that cost him his limbs.

Then as he decided, this time he run forward, each steps harder than the last but he could not stop now.

He then jump and this time stab on the croc head and blood gushed like a fountain.

It’s head is like a fountain of blood attracting more and more smalls crocodiles and then as he resigned himself to death, Azief jump from the top of the crocodile head.

As he was about to fall into the river he look at that large wide open mouth of the Supercroc, he smiles, and laughed as he throws something since the Supercroc mouth and he fall to the river.

With a large sound he fall to the river. The area around his fall quickly turns red with blood keep gushing out from his ripped out hands and slash marks.

In the water, his head is pounding like a drum, every cell in his body screaming for oxygen.

He keep fighting until he could feel that his head is about to explode, his vein could burst right now, he has to take a breath but he doesn’t have the energy.

Opening his mouth, trying to breath, he could feel the water assault his throats and he begins to fall.

He falls further and further into the darkness until it threatens to swallow him whole. Closing his eyes, he let the river take him away.

He smiles again.

His last view, is looking at the Supercroc fighting with a hundred crocodiles, its blood madly gushing about, and the supercroc struggles in vain.

‘Take that!’ he mused in satisfaction.

And as he let the darkness envelopes him, he thinks of his lofty ambition and the people that he left behind, the friends he had, and wondering, would they cry for him, if they knew he dies?

He wanted them to at least feel sorrows for him. Would Sofia mourn him? Would the Princess mourn him?

As he finally gives up to the cold and the darkness, he closes his eyes, eases up his body, opening his arm wide, he embraces his death and the deeper he falls.

And then, he at the last breath he takes…..he smiles in contentment.



Opening his eyes, it was like he is doing some strenuous exercise. It felt heavy and everywhere in his body it ached.

He could feel the heat of fire near him and a damp towel on his head. In his stump is a bandage.

His stomach is bandage by gauze and his robe is folded neatly beside his bed.

His body is exposed but he is not cold. He could see a blanket on his body and he pushed it away with his right hand.

He looks around slowly. He is on land, with high trees, and the sound of crickets in the distance.

Then he heard a huge splashing.

It jolted him to shocks but he calmed himself down. Looking upwards he could see stars. He is not in the river but he is near one he deduced.

It’s night he mused.

Did he survive? He looked around and he could see Sofia beside him, leaned on a huge tree branch, sleeping.

He on the other hand is lying on a bed of leaves. Beside him is about ten bottles of vials. Most of them is health potions if he has to hazard a guess.

Sofia must force it down my throat to try heal my injury, he mused.

He looks at his left hand. Then he sighed. He only has his right hand now. Even health vials could not help regrow lost limbs.

At least he knows now.

But Azief is not saddened by this fact. He is sure that there is other way to regrow back his hand.

Look at the bright side….which is….hmmm…he could not think of any bright side of losing an arm.

He sighed again

‘Sofia’ Azief weakly said

The girl quickly opens her eyes and then she finally realizes it was Azief.

‘Azief! You’re awake? Are you okay?’ She said as she run to Azief and checks him.

‘I’m okay’ as he said this Sofia hugged him and one could hear her sobbing.

‘You…why…didn’t you….’she said stuttering at every sentence. Sofia felt guilty looking at his conditions.

He lost his hand because of her. By the time she was at the shore she began to realize that Azief was fighting the Supercroc.

When she realizes this, she jumps back into the river, trying to join the fight.

But it was that time she sees that hundreds of crocodile coming attacking the Supercroc, ravaging it like a pack of hyena.

But the Supercroc did not go down easy and Sofia was trying to see among the chaos where is he until she saw a silhouette falling into the river.

Sofia quickly dives inside the river, swimming like mermaid.

Thanks to her high agility even though she is in the rivers, her speed did not deteriorate by much and she quickly arrive at his location.

By that time Sofia heart was in turmoil. She didn’t think he would sacrifice so much just to keep her safe.

For the first time, she could feel that she could rely on him and sees him as a man.

When she saw him, falling deeper and deeper into the river without any response, her heart lurched as she quickly dragged his body upwards.

Avoiding the fierce fighting between the hundreds of crocodile with the Supercroc on the surface of the water, Sofia dragged Azief to the shore.

When they reach the city shore, his face was pale white, his skin was cold, and he was constantly bleeding from his wound.

A deep gash mark on his left arm, and a stump on what used to be his hand, and nonstop bleeding from the stomach.

As she uses cotton and gauze to bandage the wounds and stop the bleeding, her tears kept falling.

She places him under a huge tree, behind a large rock as she gather leaves to make a bed for him and take some dry wood to make a fire.

Then she disrobes him and cleans his wounds.

Sometimes when he went into shock, Sofia would pour some health vials inside his mouth and he would calm down.

She also makes a damp towel to try helping his body fight the heat. When the shocks stop, he was then inflicted by a fever.

It has been hours but the fight between the supercroc and the other crocodile is still not ending.

By the time he was settled in the city shore, the Supercroc has many injuries. Combined with Azief blinding both its eyes, the supercroc is in dire straits.

But the small crocodiles also have suffered many casualties.

Hundreds of crocodile corpse floats on the river, and the area around the clash is dye red, making it look like a river of blood.

Sofia is not that far from the shore which is why she could see the fight.

Sometimes the Supercroc would go underwater and the other crocodile would follow and then they will emerge back at the surface and fights again, each time fiercer than the last.

The area around their fight becomes bloodied as the clear blue water turns red because of their fight.

And the smell also began to reach the city shores which invite some beast to the shores.

Most of it is just some snakes and there is an ape like creature which is a little bit stronger than the normal beast she encountered.

She uses her rain of arrows to riddle it with arrows, protecting the unconscious Azief.

She rose to level 20 and put one skill points to her rains of arrows which make her rain of arrows more powerful and it also decrease the usage of SP to use the skills.

Sofia did not dare venture deeper into the city fearing that she would meet another beast which is why she camped out here, not too far from the city shore instead of making a camp deeper into the area.

She is also worried about him and she could not leave him behind, not after what he has done for her.

So, denying her survival instinct, instead of leaving him…she stays with him, nursing him until he recovers from his injury.

Then she leaned into the tree branch, tired and spent, and she surrendered her mind to the night.

It wasn’t until he awakened that she was stirred and quickly she hugged him.

All these memories fill her mind when she hugged him and she was grateful that the only familiar face she has seen since the Fall is not dead.

Then releasing him from her hug, she stares at him, more like glaring at him and then she began to said with a voice that is trembling, with an appearance  of messy hair and a swollen eyes, she said with a hint of anger and gratefulness

‘Don’t do that again’ and finished saying this she hugged him again.

And he sits there, on the bed of leaves, unmoving, not knowing what to do. In his life, there is rarely a time where he hugs somebody or people hug him.

Even in his family there is no hugging.

So he smiles and he nodded his head. He could feel her body heat, her chest heaving and could hear her rushed heartbeat.

He didn’t know….that hugging could be so sensual.

‘Hmm’ he replies in a non-committal gesture.

‘It’s okay now’ he said.

‘I’m okay’

Finally she released him and then he look at her, like he has never seen her before.

Sofia is not a world class beauty and Azief could say that even though he doesn’t have many romantic relations with the opposite sex, he knows a few of pretty beautiful people.

And Sofia could not be considered a beauty that would make you look twice. She is innocent enough and beautiful enough for a girl in a village.

But for some reason, looking at her now, she looked beautiful in a way he couldn’t describe.

And he smiles at himself. Like before, he smiles not knowing the reason he smiles. It was not hopelessness like before.

Could it be…and he extinguishes the thought.

Sofia finally realizing that she hugged him too tight before and hugging him with no clothes on, she could feel heat rushing to her cheeks and she almost yelps in surprise.

She blushed red in shyness and averts her gaze from Azief bare naked body.

‘We can rest here for tonight’ Sofia said after she calmed herself. Azief nodded.

By now he has heard the story of how she saved him from drowning and he has also heard about the attack of the crocodiles with the Supercroc.

Hearing this of course he is surprised.

The fact that he survives and the fact that the supercroc has been fighting for hours with almost an army of crocodile and is still not defeated, Azief is grateful enough that he only loses his hand.

Maybe his pill could sap the energy of the Supercroc and help the horde wins the war between the Supercroc and the Alliance of Crocs.

Azief decided to call them the Alliance of the crocs for laughs but Sofia was not laughing when she heard the joke.

She just says that he has a very terrible naming sense. He got up and he said.

‘Help me to wear my robe.’

‘Rest, Azief.’ She said, clearly not agreeing with him even moving around. She worries too much.

He shakes his head. He wanted to see the monsters that have bitten his hand. He wanted to see its downfall with his own eyes.

‘I want to check the battle.’ He said to Sofia while Sofia just sighed.

‘Why would you do that?’ she asked.

‘That beast made me amputate my own hand. If you could imagine cutting your own hand and the pain of doing it….’and he sighed then he continued.

‘I wanted to see it last moment with my own eyes.’ He said

‘You…you stubborn oaf’ she said.

Clearly she was angry yet she came forward and helps him with his robe. Then they walked nearing the shore and look behind the rock.

Sofia always maintained a lookout

By now hundreds of crocodiles bodies (this sounds wrong. Carcasses, corpses?) floats around the area.

There is only two crocodiles fighting the supercroc by now but the supercroc has been injured heavily.

It was bleeding from everywhere, its hard scale has already been shattered, and it has lost it right leg.

From the looks of it the two crocodiles going to  win as it eat the exposed flesh of the large crocodiles, like they are feasting on a large banquet.

‘There must be a lot of loot there, waiting to be looted’ Azief said as he looked at the hundred dead crocodiles.

‘Hmm’ Sofia agreed and nods her head.

If not because that she feared that there is other hidden danger in the river, she would swim and loot them all.

‘Look’ Azief said and that startled Sofia.

‘What?’ The last moment of the Supercroc and there is a smirk in his face. Sofia feel chills looking at his smirk.

He looks at the stump on what used to be his hand and looking at the Supercroc last moment he heaved a sigh of relief.

‘It is done’ he said coldly, and his mind has already thinking about what’s next and whether he needs to change his plan.

‘Let’s go and make a camp underneath the tree. We’ll discuss other stuff in the morning’

Sofia nodded and they were about to return to the huge tree when suddenly Azief felt pain in his left arm and he fall down.

He falls suddenly and without warning and Sofia who was behind him was shocked and quickly she rushed to him, lying on the sand, wriggling in pain

‘Azief, what’s happening? Hey, answer me. Are you okay? Where do you feel pain? Tell me.’  Sofia was anxious and perplexed on what just happens.

Azief is right now feeling a pain he never felt before, as blood jutted out from the stump and he could see in front of his eyes, as nerve and veins was formed out of thin air.

When the nerve and veins was completely constructed, flesh appears out of nowhere, this time encapsulating the nerve and veins; all the while he has to bear the pain that felt like he was being skinned alive.

Then as if that was not enough, he could hear his own bones cracked and he howls in pain.

 Sofia was beside him hugging him, as he began seizing and Sofia looks at his pain like she could felt it and tears keep falling, fear, anxiety, all this is mixed in her emotions.

She doesn’t want to lose the only person she knows in this dark and cold world. She has lost her mother, her boyfriend and now she is going to lose him too?

She could not accept that.

She could not accept another lost. And thinking of the dark days ahead, even if she survives, she would be alone again, and that thought scares her more than she cares to admit.

In Azief body, his bones keep breaking, almost like his bones were branches of a tree, the sound was popping and the broken bones can be heard loudly.

Then his bones reform and his skins stretched, which brought another level of pain, and his scream filled the area.

He howls and he screams, tears of pain flowed from his eyes, gritting his teeth, and Sofia is trying to hold him down as she is also scared and shocked at seeing this occurrence.

There is nothing she could do because she know nothing why this suddenly happens ,so she could only cried because of fear and she hugged him trying to console him, trying to ease his pain somehow.

A minute later, the pain stop and so does the scream and then both of them look in awe and shock of what has transpired

Sofia is more shocked than him. She look at him as he gets up and she could see he was taller than before and even ….handsome than before.

Azief has this black spot on his face and scars because of acne but now, his face was flawless.

Looking at his arm, Sofia could see a well sculpted muscle and then she look at his height. Azief height is 172cm before but now he is 182 cm now.

Standing he emits some kind of a powerful aura, and with his black robe combined with the oppressive aura around him now, he looks almost like a death god.

Sofia who was close to him could feel herself feeling weak, like his aura is oppressing her somehow unintentionally.

His pale face before is now full of energy and he look healthier and powerful, like the injury he had before was a lie.

What has happened to him? she mused. Azief on the other hand is overjoyed and excited.

His hand returned. He also felt a primal strength coursing through his body, and he realizes that he is taller and stronger than before, the feeling like he is invincible and then a notification appears.

Looking at it, he was dumbstruck and then slowly a smile formed on his mouth, finally understanding what has happened to him.



Azief look at the notification and smiles.



Then Azief was instantly prompted to distribute stats points right away. No matter what he did he could not force the notification windows to exit.

Sofia is still beside him, gawking at him and she even takes a few distances from him which makes him feel weird.

So he chose 5 to strength, 10 to agility and 3 to stamina and 2 to spirit. The skill points he will wait for other opportunities.

Then another notification appears.












‘Hey, what happen to you? Are you alright?’ Sofia asked, looking at the excitement in his face.

Sofia has realized that Azief looks like he is seeing something good.

The manner in which he behaves right now is the same way she behaved when she sees her status window, especially when she is advancing in her level.

She instantly realized that Azief is looking at his status window.

She is curios what change that happened to him that he suddenly become so tall and handsome.

She could also feel an oppressive aura around him, a feeling like he is higher than she is, like he is a superior being than her.

Azief then said.

‘Let’s move to the tree. We make camp there’ he said, still looking at his status window.

‘You’re not going to tell me about what happen to you?’ Sofia asked.

‘I’ll tell you later. Let go first. Lead the way’ he said. Sofia was not satisfied with his answer but she moved forward, her bows raised as she is ready for any beast attack.

His screams before might attract some monster around here.

It is fortunate that the clouds are clear tonight and the moon light is strong, so even without a torch she could see clearly.

He walk slowly behind Sofia is still checking his status windows. Even he could not understand what happens to him so how could he explain it to Sofia.

Then he checks what pillars is. He touches the word pillars on his status window. And then information streamed inside his mind.

Pillars are an accumulation of the stats when the user evolved.

When a user reached the qualification to evolve then a notification will appear whether to repress the evolution or continue with the evolution.

Then information streams inside his mind explaining why there is an option to repress evolution.

The only reason why people would repress their own evolution is if they wanted to accumulate more stats point and then evolve at the most advantageous position.

The reason why he got three pillars is because the accumulation of his stats pointed that these three stats of him are the stats which has many more points than the others.

So he was awarded three pillars.

But if he took time and did not evolve, and accumulate stats points in all of the attribute like stamina, stealth and the other, he maybe could have many more pillars.

These will help him when he evolved to a more advanced being. But then why the option of repressing the evolution did not appear for him?

As he thinks of this question, another information streamed inside his mind.

He found out that if the user was heavily injured during his time of evolution, he will not be given a choice to evolve; instead a force evolution would be triggered.

So kind of like if you got distracted during breakthrough, which will be harmful to the person. He mused.

He got to admit he read a lot of Xianxia novels and influenced by them.

Azief has also got new knowledge. Next time if he want to screw somebody before they evolve he would injured them heavily so that their full potentials will not be realized.

When evolving, the power will be increased by 10 times. So, no matter how stronger a level 29 user, they could not defeat an evolved person of level 30.

Azief could understand this as he felt the coursing energy inside his body.

He also understand that if he is to form pillars, he could  form it by eating rare meats, eating bead of life or convert EXP to pillars, or the most easiest way…level up.

Azief then wanted to look at his pillars and then suddenly he is transported into a vast land of white and his mind project the image of his three pillars.

The land of white is like he is standing on white fluffy clouds, standing on the clouds, looking at the large pillars.

Three Pillars with runic writing on a helix-like chain that cover the pillars, glowing brightly like a lighthouse.

He also understands that he could upgrade the pillars so that when he reached his next evolution he would be more advantageous.

His eyes glowed, and he breathed deeply, feeling the energy inside his body.

He was a hundred times stronger than the power he could utilize before, like the difference between the sky and the land.

An evolved person could easily wipe the ground with an unevolved person no matter how high their stats are.

The moment he evolved, he understands suddenly about the division of power between those that evolved and those that do not evolved.

He is now a higher life form from Homo sapiens.

His body now has power that normal humans could not understand. He could feel it in his body.

The change that he experienced sent his power leaping upward. It was without comparison!

Azief would compare this like a difference in cultivation levels if this was a Xianxia novel.

He feels that even if he fights the super croc again he would not be so disadvantageous like before.

He feels that if he found the Hamad group again, just by looking at them, Azief could make them shake as if their organs stop working, their strength would lose their ability to function and they would be helpless.

Thinking of this he smirked. The path to being a strong is never easy. He pays his arm for this power. He also risked everything in that fight.

It is already a miracle he survives it.

Each pillar represents 100 stats of the aforementioned pillars. For example, one pillar of strength equal to 100 stats point for strength.

When using energy to fight or defend, the pillars associated with the action will dimmed and decrease.

For example using strength fighting a beast will decrease the pillars height every time the user uses his or her strength

All three of Azief pillars is as high as one story building which means when the pillars is decreasing until the end it will cracked.

If it is not used until it is exhausted it will recover by itself. Stats points before he evolved were fixed and can only increase instead of decreasing.

But the pillars run on a different concept than the stats points. He also understand that the World Orb whatever its intention…..he could feel that one of its objective is to make humans stronger.

What he is uncomfortable with this, is for what purpose? For what purpose the World Orb want them to become stronger?

Then suddenly the notification appears again after he finished understanding the information about pillars.



‘What!’ Azief could not believe what he is seeing right now. Why did he jump to level 39 in one leap?

Sofia who was in front was startled and she almost let out of his arrow. She looked behind her and still seeing Azief looking at something

Still checking? She mused. She then looks in front again and she is nearing the huge tree. Azief on the other hand is stunned and full of disbelief right now.

He never had been lucky before.

Is this luck? He is unfamiliar with the feeling of being lucky. Is Lady Luck beginning to sympathize with his tragedy that she would awarded him with such luck?

‘No, no’ he said shaking his head. He doesn’t believe he is that lucky.

Is it a glitch? No. he mused.

This must be related to the Supercroc. There is no level limit when killing a monster and there is no zone where there is a high level monster of lower leveled monster.

In a way, those that survived all have some luck and chips on their shoulders.

No matter how accomplished you are, if you encountered an Ultimate ranked beast then even if you could kill zombies like ants you will be dead.

What kind of beasts the crocodile is? Azief could finally have a bit of understanding on how he gets so many EXP now.

Could it be that the Supercroc is some powerful beast that exceeds his level? he mused.

And then he was reminded of the hundreds of crocodile that dies fighting with the large croc.

Hundreds of crocodiles dead. One could imagine the power of the supercroc. And then he remembered when the Supercroc died, only two crocs were left.

If the System regarded that fighting together is like a party system…could it be?

And if the Super croc was an existence that he could never beat and then somehow he defeats him wouldn’t he be awarded a lot of EXP?

But even if this is true, he would share it with hundreds of crocodile how could one beast have so many EXP to give and then it hit him.

‘No’ he said. Not a hundred. Only three. The two crocodiles and him. Three of them survived.

Three of them….shared the EXP equally.

OH! MY! GOD! He screamed inwardly. Is that the reason?

The system recognized that since he is the first that fight the crocodiles then the horde came, the system recognized them as allies since he and the horde were fighting the same enemy?

Is that it?

Is that why he got so many EXP? Then he could not help but laughed as hard as he could, He almost fall down to the ground laughing.

He did not realize it but he is already beneath the large tree and Sofia at this time could no longer be bothered by his antics.

She sits down and just waits for Azief to tell her what happen to him. She sits beneath the large tree, on a log bench she created before, looking around vigilantly.

Azief on the other hand stand beneath the huge tree, still checking his status window.

He then chooses to repress his level and he could feel that his body undergoing another change like he was a dam but the water exceeds the dam and then it rested inside his body.


So if he goes that each level was repressed if he were to go with the evolution he would be level 43 now.

Even though he represses his level he still got the skill points. This is wonderful! He mused.

So now, he could form 13 pillars in total. And he has 23 skill points unused. First he advanced from level 20 to 30 giving him 10 skill points.

Then he leveled up to 39 which give him another 9 points. And then repressing his evolution he got another 4 skill points.

He could level up his other skills.

Then as if that is not enough another notification appears.


Jackpot! he cheered inwardly and he smiles from ear to ear.

He then chooses Dark Sword of Soul which is transformed into Soul Sword. Then he chooses the sword again and it transformed again.

This time the sword emits a black aura like fire is engulfing the sword and it transformed into Shadow Sword


ATTACK: 350-380


DURABILITY: 6720/6720




Then after that he upgrade the hood two times which it then transform into Hood of Darkness.





Then he also upgraded all of his Shadow Lord special items.


ATTACK: 85-145


DURABILITY: 4200/4200























Sofia who was looking at Azief was once again stunned when she sees what happens.

The attire that he wears transform in front of her eyes. There is runic design in the vambraces and symbols on the robes.

There is also something like an aura enveloping the sword in Azief hands. Even his trouser is full of the runic symbols.

Upgrading his items? Sofia knows that Chosen could upgrade their items different than the normal class.

But the normal class doesn’t have super hard quest or many restrictions like the Chosen.

And people who chose normal class is also given the fastest rate to gain levels. If not how could she in a matter of a few days almost reached Azief level.

Their offensive power and defense might not compare to the Chosen but their rate of EXP gathering and drop item is higher.

Azief level is gotten by killing may zombies and his kill count compared to Sofia, he would win by a large margin but their level before he defeated the Supercroc is almost the same.

The Normal Class has a higher rate of EXP gaining and items compare to Chosen. This just the way it was.

Then finishing upgrading his items he sits down under the tree, just beside Sofia.

Sofia moved away a bit, unfamiliar with his new heights and feeling the pressure bearing down on her like a mountain on top of her.

‘Tell me now?’ Sofia asks almost like a whisper. He just smirked and replies.

‘Not yet’ Azief said and then he returns back looking at his status window.


Choosing pillars. He then looked at the pillars available and it has many to choose from the dropdown menu.

So first he chooses pillar of endurance. Then he upgrades all the four pillars to Apprentice Pillar.

All of his pillar is now as high as two story building. So now he has 8 pillars left to form.

Each time when he forms a pillar he could feel the corresponding attribute of the pillars coursing through his veins.

When he chooses endurance, energy washes over him, like a cold breeze of the sea, as he felt a rejuvenating coolness channeling inside his veins.

Then he chooses Pillar of Stealth and Spirit.

Choosing the Stealth Pillar, information streamed inside his mind on how to be stealthy, to watch the exits, to determine the best escape route if discovered and many other information that just keep coming inside his mind, like he has known how to be stealth all of his life.

When he chooses spirit he could feel his determination grown stronger, his soul feel like it expanded everything.

Then he upgraded agility three times. His agility pillar becomes as tall as a four story buildings and he could feel his feet as light as a feather, that he could run even on water.

He feels that if he jumps now people would mistake him as flying.

He could understand the power of his legs, the limits of his legs; he could estimate how far he could go and how fast his feet could reach in a second.

He feels that if he could jump through roof like he was playing jumping jack

He still has 3 more pillars to form.

So deliberating for a while, with Sofia beside him, eating a snack bar and tending to the fire, he form pillar of darkness which gave him an inherent skill Shadow teleportation.

Since he is Lord Shadow, he just wants to be consistent with his character.

He didn’t know he would get an inherent skill. Inherent skill only appears when you reached a certain requirements of the Pillars.

It gives the user the ability to teleport in a one mile radius and uses about 90 percent of the pillars of darkness energy.

In other words, it would dry him if he ever used it and takes a long time to recover.

Then he forms the pillar of health and upgraded it and all of his pillars are formed. When he created the Pillars of Health, he could feel his body not only getting stronger but also could heal faster.

He doesn’t know how he knows this…he just suddenly knows, like the information revealed itself to him, the moment he chooses it.

Azief who was sitting now, is glowing with power, smiling and full of satisfaction.

He doesn’t know that while he is not the first to form pillar in the world, he was the only one who has 8 pillars at the moment and one was even upgraded to Artisans Pillar

Even he fights other evolved person he is unlikely to lose….he is probably invincible unless someone reached level 40 before him.

Not to mention people who have not yet evolved. His presence alone could choke the life out of them if he so decided.

Then he checked level repression and race superiority, his race skills.


Represses people and monster below the level of 30. Repression by making their stats decreases by 1/3 of their actual value.


People who have not yet evolved will have their active skills increases in the usage of spirit and their passive skills rendered useless when fighting a higher life form.

He nodded in excitement.

Now, the last one he need to checks is the Hall Of Fame.

He opens it and then a notification appears.


‘Yes’ he said in his mind and his name register itself




The moment this notification appears notification appears all around the user notification window all over the world and it creates a sensation.

Azief is the one who is the most shocked. Unique skill?

He then asks inside his mind what is Unique skill and information streamed inside his mind.

A unique skill is only one in the world and there is no other skill like that. It also has its own special abilities and it will not drop again.

The only way for it to drop again is to kill whoever learned it and then if you fight other high leveled beast, there will be a chance for the same book to appear again in the world.

It is kind of like a devil fruit. There is also a card of the monster he defeated appears. The Supercroc card.

He will check it later to check what kind of monster gives so many EXP. Then Azief check his ranking. And then another notification window appears with a message.








































His name was the top of the list and then he also got a reward. A skill book and gold. He quickly learns it in a blink of an eye and look at the effect.



The only thing he does not check is the World Ob Shop. But this is enough for now. And he could distribute the skill points later.

‘Well?’ Sofia asks this time she could no longer stifle her curiosity.

Finished making the fire, she sit beside him and ask him, with eyes that are eager to know what changed has happened to him.

He looks at her, cracked a smile and then said.

‘Let me start from the beginning’ and he told her all about what happened while Sofia huddled up beside him, listening to him, under the stars, beneath a large tree with the breeze of the cold night and the sound of crickets accompanying them.





A man is riding a horse, overlooking a hill, behind him was other people in full armour body all matching almost the same.

The man looked far away and his armour was different from the other.

It was not only full with intricate designs there could also be seen static charges discharges from the man armour, like he is bathing in lightning.

He is the Thunder Lord, Houtarou Oreki, Dragon of Echigo. And he is waiting. Behind him is his retainer looking all serious, guarding their lord.

They were waiting for someone. Then as they waited a man could be seen riding towards them.

Then he arrived and bow a little to Oreki.

‘Oreki-sama’ The man said as he bowed his head.

‘So?’ Oreki said, his voice was the very definition of a lazy voice.

He almost seems like he doesn’t care either way when he said ‘so’ but the people under him has been used to it.

His retainer behind him, looks at him and just shakes their head.

But even though they don’t approve of his laziness, they approve of his strength. Thunder Lord Houtarou Oreki was the one who saved them and teach them all they know on how to defeat monsters and the leader of this 2367 large man army.

Only those who were with him in the beginning truly understand the true power that this man commands.

Lightning and thunder fell from the skies when he destroys his second large beast and create a 10 meter crater.

He gained the ability Thunder Strike when he completed the class changing Quest and he became a Chosen.

It was like the Sky listens to him, winds and thunder obeys him. Holding powers that is revered by the people he rescues.

They look in awe and listen in reverence no matter how unreasonable Oreki request may be.

The scouts then report his finding to Oreki.

‘Oreki-sama. There is no large monster for a few miles. Near the river however I could see a large monster. A seven headed snake.’

‘People?’ he asked the scout.

Even in his word he rarely speaks a few words.

Most of his new followers attributes it to a no nonsense attitude and that he prefers to remain quiet but his close friend knows that he is merely too lazy to speak.

A misunderstanding, that their enigmatic and powerful leader is someone who is very concise and prefers cold hard fact is borne in his group.

‘A few leaded by some people. Doesn’t seem like they have reached level 20, since they have troubles defeating zombies’


‘No, Oreki-sama.’


This makes it easy he mused. If they are not evolved then that means they could not defeat him no matter how stronger they are.

Combined that with his racial ability of Repression and Superiority, he is practically a god among his followers.

He has 5 pillars. Looking back he could see thousands of people, looking at him, revering him like a great hero.

Thinking back to his past, he almost scoffed and ask himself, Why did his life get so troublesome that he become these people leader?

So troublesome, so troublesome he mused.

Oreki was one of the slackers in his school but very smart.

He never had any problem with his studies only the fact that hates doing troublesome things.

He is lazy if one is to describe him. He likes to do things in which that it doesn’t make him do too much effort.

When the Fall happens, he was at his home. He quickly secured his younger sister and saved his older sister.

His mother was abroad and there is nothing he could do about that. His father was dead when he was a child.

After that accident, his mother was never the same. Nevertheless, they were family.

He doesn’t know what happens to her but he hoped his mother also survive the initial attack.

One could see that on the back there is some squadron protecting two girls.

This is the guard that Dragon of Echigo, Houtarou Oreki has charged with the protection of his family.

‘Dragon of Echigo, huh?’ He said it, almost a whisper.

‘Troublesome, troublesome’ he said it again  while his retainer behind him is waiting for his order.

Oreki found a teleportation stone a few days ago with runic writing and saved someone from Kai.

It was then that he knows that there are many survivors that survive the initial fall. Tokyo is devastated though.

Some people who got to the Teleportation Stone could teleport themselves to other places.

For level 1 to 29 they could only teleport in the country of origin.

For level 30 to 50 they could teleport outside their country while for level 51 to 70 they could teleport to Secret Realm.

It then birthed a new question in the back of his mind. How these teleport stones knew what to call these places, these countries, even regions?

One answer. Whoever attacked, whatever forces that landed here, that bring these monsters and magic, they are highly superior in their knowledge about earth.

The fact that they could set teleportation stone and even knows the name of each country in earth proves to support his theories.

A few days ago, he met one of those who sues the teleport stone.

Anyway, when he met the young man he wear quite fancy armour and he introduced himself as one of the Twenty Four Generals of the Tiger of Kai, Kirishima Torayasu.

When Kiriyama was saved by him, Kiriyama then expresses his gratitude and then he return back to report his findings to the Tiger of Kai, his daimyo.

Oreki let him go since they are fellow survivors but was reprimanded heavily by his retainers.

‘My lord?’ One of them say looking at him. Oreki held up his hand and his retainer shut his mouth, letting his lord think for a while.

First they were the people they saved; now they call themselves as his retainers.

Maybe they got the inspiration from hearing the depiction of Kirishima lord. Kirishima said, if they wanted to join Lord Hikigaya army and live a good life they can join him at Shinano.

Kirishima called his lord as the Tiger of Kai. And Tiger of Kai is working hard to pacify the Kai region and establish a new Tokyo.

The Tiger of Kai from this act of his, he could be seen as ambitious and while many of the people in Japan is still suffering from the initial fall and zombies still roamed about, this Tiger has already pacified many regions saving thousands in his region.

The new world is ruled by strength and of course they will be people staking the claim early.

Hearing this, many of them also heard that Hikigaya has cleared out many of the monster around Kai and has amassed about 10 thousand survivors who is then integrated into his army.

Whoever this Hikigaya is, he has clearly consolidated his power and create a haven for survivors in Kai….and a large army

It is said that Tiger of Kai hold all the authority and has started creating villages after the sudden change of the world.

He also declares himself as a daimyo and many people in the new created region of Kai flocked to him, revering him, as their savior.

The sudden change refers to the light that vanishes all modern necessities, sprouting large trees, and mountains that reached the skies.

This new change also marks the end of the old world, and a new world arises, a world where everything wills start anew.

When Kirishima returned to his lord, many of the survivors in his camp also wanted that same kind of authority and peace so they appointed him as their leader and called him the Dragon of Echigo.

They were jealous hearing that the people of Kai had not only protection but an army and many of the people in his camp fears that the stability that many of the people has created in his camp will fall apart.

Even though at first he rejected the offer to be a daimyo, his advisor advise him to take on the role to give a sense of calmness on the survivors.

And the Daimyo part is just until a new government could be built again.

But Oreki knows and his advisor knows, there is no longer a government. And if there is talk of creating a government, not all people would be happy with it.

Oreki understand it better. Why would Tiger of Kai amass army if he did not want to be King in this new world?

Oreki accepts because he does not know what kind of person this Tiger of Kai is.

This is the end of the world, and Oreki in his journey of saving people also met some of unsavory characters, people who have powers and used it to rape and kill fellow humans instead of helping each other in the time of darkness.

What if this Tiger of Kai is a psychopath and his people are all ruthless?

Oreki couldn’t take the chance and hearing 10 thousand people under him, that is enough to be called a proper army.

Then he declared the region he is making a home as Echigo making the modern name to its older ancient name.

They are following the ancient border of the daimyo during the Sengoku Period.

Many of his retainers are young and treated this like a game and like they were transported in a game like world.

But Oreki knows better.

This is not the kind of game like world where you get harems and special ability like in the web novels or light novels.

When you die, you die for real and there is no god that would reincarnate you to other places.

You want power? Fight for it! You want to live? Fight for it!

But most of his retainer was saved with their family intact. Not to mention since he acted as a pillar and there is nothing yet that threaten their safety too heavily, they are all optimistic of the days ahead.

It is also thanks to his brilliant suggestion and charismatic leadership. He is their protector much as like the Tiger of Kai is the protector of Kai, he is the protector of Echigo.

Maybe that is why the young people in his camp, they don’t understand the severity of the situations.

He sent one of his people to Tokyo to assess damage and then returned via the Teleportation Stone.

Tokyo is full with monsters that resemble youkai and even though the buildings no longer exist it is now replaced by a large forest.

The initial fall did not affect Echigo very bad but the large beast did affect Tokyo and Kyoto…badly.

In Echigo, it was a large bird with thorns for a face that sprays green gas from the gaps of its teeth and kill millions in a matter of a minute.

A simple blocking your nose for a few second would have saved the people but not everyone was that lucky.

And then when they’re dead they became zombies.

Those that survives, usually have their family intact and then found by Oreki and his friends.

And then their ranks swelled. And as their ranks swell so did their expertise and offensive power.

Which is why now, he has a large group of people following him.

They are also some of the survivors they found and rescue which all help to boost their power and with an army even though they get less experience when fighting they could defeat many great beast.

Even though Oreki was lazy, when the time calls for it he was an inspiring leader and one of the most powerful people in Japan now and probably in the world.

When he entered the Hall of Fame he could also see Hikigaya name in the ranking and his fame was higher than him.

There is also a foreign name in there. Raymond and Rollo.

But in Japan the only one who has form Pillars and could be said the strongest in all of Japan is him and Hikigaya.

In a few days maybe they would be others that would carve their name in the Hall of Fame.

The reason that the people easily accept him as their leader is because, he is not only the most powerful among them but he is also honorable, brave and has quite the military expertise.

They all have seen it his way of handling the distribution of people when fighting a beast and how he trains everyone in a way that is suitable for them.

Oreki is also finding a spot where it is beneficial for them to create a village.

Creating a village and then  hunting and increase their EXP and power would one day help them if a beast that is out of their league came attacking.

‘The place is good. Send people to rescue the people you saw.’ Oreki said


‘Yes, Oreki sama.’

‘You will lead the newbies to gain some experience.’Anko nodded and quickly went to follow her orders


‘Oreki sama!’

‘You take a 10 elite levelers and swept the area. Report to me immediately if there is a large beast.’

He nodded and quickly steer his horse and picked 10 men and they dashed forward. Then Kuro, one of his retainer ask

‘Oreki sama, then can we move there?’

‘Let Akira do the sweep first then we can move.’

‘Should I prepare the arrangement?’ One of his other retainers ask.

Oreki then nodded. The retainer then quickly inform his other officers.

The place the scouts have scouted is as good as any place to start. It is also near the river and protected by the hills and his people need to rest.

They have ben marching ever since, relying on the warrior class and the mages to capture low leveled beast like Horned Rabbits or Red Snakes to sate their appetite.

Then suddenly as they were about to climb down the hill a notification appears.




He was shocked. Unique skill book. He quickly ask the System and information streamed inside his mind.

Lord Shadow? Who is he? And Malaysia? Where is Malaysia? Which part of Malaysia? Then a place appears in his mind ,bottom of the river.

Another notification appears.


 ‘Oreki sama did you get the message?’ Kuro said to him, Oreki look behind him and could see everyone is looking in front of them like they are shocked and dumbfounded.

It is safe to say everyone has been looking at the message.

‘Hmm’ he nodded.

‘What do we do? Do you want to go?’

Oreki shakes his head. It is too early and he doesn’t know who is Lord Shadow and what he is capable of.

Since Lord Shadow kill the beast, he must possess great powers and must possess the Unique skill book by now.

Then that means if he wanted the unique skill book he needs to grab it from Lord Shadow and this is too early.

This Lord shadow did not only defeated a prehistoric beast , a unique rank monster but also steal the first place in Hall of Fame.

Fighting him without knowing what power Lord Shadow possess is stupid. And Lord Shadow  also has a home ground advantage.

Forget it he mused.

I could get Unique Skill in Japan. He consoles himself. Then looking at Kuro , he said

‘We strengthen ourselves.’ Saying this he climbed down the hill and thousand followed as they began building their new home.



‘Paulette, how is the men?’ the young man asked a woman who has a nose ring, a brown hair, bandaging her wounds and then gulping a vial of health potion.

‘They are fine; some of them are bandaging the others. Don’t worry about them too much, Jean’ her voice is hoarse but she is still energetic.

Jean nodded and sighed.

Jean is looking at his men a 100 ragtag bunch. They huddled up beside a large fire.

 A few moments before, they were startled that a notification appears showing that a user has defeated a prehistoric beast Sarcosuchus Imperator a unique rank beast.

Whoever this Lord Shadow is he sure is strong.

Jean is about to level up to 30.

Unlike the other nation suffering from the Fall, France are not riddled by zombie infestation like the high populated nations like the US, China or Russia but they are riddled by large beast and terrifying beast.

In this ragtag bunch, Jean is the leader.

A new leader after the old leader killed by him. His ragtag bunch consists of Arabian migrants and drug dealers….and the occasional civilians

One might ask how did he pick up drug dealers and Arabian migrants…’s complicated.

‘How about my mother?’ he asks.

‘Traumatized.’ Paulette replied as she is now downing some scotches. She got that when she was ransacking a bar before the Light fell.

Since then she has been storing it inside her storage rings and she never shares it with anyone.

Scotch is not her kind of drink but that is the only thing she grabbed before.

‘Hmm’ he said looking his mother huddled up with his younger brother. Jean is one of the 99 percent, poor and destitute.

The reason why there is so many drug dealers following him is because he himself was a drug dealer.

He was 21 and dealing in the street.

Before he could assemble this group he had to fight the people in charge and kill him. He was smart.

First it was not him that rule this group but another man by the name of Tony from the crime family Cardazio.

He was an Italian crime family enforcer who was entering the street, fighting a turf war with the Jamaicans before the Fall came.

When the Fall came Jean save his mother and brother and joins the ragtag bunch. But he was smart.

He hides his power and his level, always pretending to be the sheep and did miscellaneous job to avert Tony suspicion.

He kills monsters in secret and when he has enough people disgruntled with Tony despotic rules, Jean stepped up, kill Tony and take his place.

Paulette was his right hand woman.

This drug dealers and immigrant is all under his charge. Most of them chose to become warriors or sharpshooter.

The civilians chose to become healer and support characters

Jean comes from suburb at the North of Marseille.

One of the people following him was a genius when it comes about gadget and he managed to intercept signals that are coming from the military in Paris.

At least until the light fell and destroy any signs of modern world. Now they are walking in woods in what used to be tar roads and sky high towers.

They are now moving to Paris. The government is being set up if the news is correct.

But now without modern equipment how can the government function again? This is big stuff and Jean doesn’t have to think about it.

He just needs to keep moving and survive…and lead this people to Paris

Thinking of this matter, he checks the people under his care.

Among them, he is the strongest and the most powerful and acts as a pillar of the group.

When they are fighting a beast he charged forward with his trusted friends. Now they would lay their lives for each other.

Looking at the long road ahead of him he sighed.

‘Paris…will we reach there?’ he asked.

Paulette gives him a glass.

‘Scotch?’ she offered

‘Is it delicious?’

‘Taste like puke’ she said and she smiles. Jean takes the glass of scotch and downs it in one shot

‘What do you think, Paulette? Will we reach Paris? Or die trying?’

Paulette takes another gulp and look at the crowd in front of her. With a sniper behind her back and loose clothing and her short brown hair, she looks like a gun for hire.

A sexy gun for hire. It helps that her chest area is bountiful.

‘I don’t know. But our men needs hope. And the news that maybe a government is being set up gives them hope. Paris becomes their purpose and a promised land. I won’t take that away from them, if I were you’

Jean nodded.

‘What if there is nothing in Paris?’ he asked

‘Then we deal with them.’ Paulette said, determined.

‘You lead better than I will ever be, Paulette.’

‘True, but they do not trust me. They trust you.’ She said, and she has a bitter smile as she brings out her last bottle of scotch.

She pours a glass into Jean empty cup and hers.

‘Because you insist on playing the bad guy’ Jean said as they knocked their glass and both downs it in one shot, looking at each other, smiling.

‘Maybe. Or maybe because you’re a nice guy.‘

Paulette and Jean look at their men and as they drink their last bottle of scotch, both of them got up and they keep marching.

To Paris, they go.



Some nation military survives the initial attack and was preparing to launch an attack with their weaponry but then the light fell and their weapons, nuclear, missile all the weapons humans was so proud off disappeared.

The military and the leaders all then defend their base at their capital city. Some nation military and power structure on the other hand crumbled instantly but some survives.

The country that survives and maintain their capital city is USA, Russia, France, Iran, and Denmark.

The other country was demolished, their political structure and military was destroyed or left to tatters.

But there are so many countries and when the most dangerous beast went into hibernation, all these countries begun rising up again.

There is no lack of believers towards their country and government even though clearly the old world has ended.

China was almost destroyed completely when a large black dragon came, a Legendary ranked beast, and burn Beijing with a fire that could not be extinguished, killing millions of people and then the people rise from the dead.

Millions of zombies roam the land.

Some country still have their president or Prime ministers hiding in their underground bunker, waiting for a time to rise up to the surface again.

Of course they are some unlucky ones who deep underneath the ground but still found by the monsters.

One could only attribute this as bad luck.

The Prime Minister of Japan hid under an underground undisclosed location with the Special Forces and the Secret Service but was found by a large mole that eat everything, even steel and the prime ministers and the people guarding him were all killed.

The Emperor of Japan however was saved by some people.

The Imperial Family of Japan at the time was visiting Kyoto when the fall happens and one of the Emperor guards managed to stay ahead of the destruction by killing monster and gaining level.

Thus he become the Imperial Family protector at Kyoto and named himself as Hirate. He also visited Kai and declares himself as Temporary Shogun under the rule of the Emperor.

As the Temporary Shogun he began putting his plan in motions and guarding Kyoto with his retainers and act as the protector of the Imperial Family.

In China, however, the people struggles to survive and there is death in the millions every day, it was almost like whatever this monster is doing, is thinning the herd before the large black dragon stop when the light fell and hibernate.

The Communist party didn’t even got a chance to mobilize any army before all key positions of the military was burn by the black fire that melts everything and anything.

When the light came, the resistance crumbled.

And warlords appeared Yue Xing, Feng Jing, Wang Jian, many warlords appears and all create their own sphere of influence with power they have as levelers.

They promised peace. They promised stability. And the ultimate prize? The throne of China.

And all these warlords strengthen their sphere of influence, killing monster, leveling themselves up, strengthening themselves as the clouds of war is gathering.

A world of a new warfare is about to begin in China.

In France some of the political leader survives the fall and command their own militia to try recreating back the nation and sending signal for survivors to come to Paris.

The Front National, a political party which discriminates against migrants and the Socialist party who is very powerful because of the trade union before the Fall and the anarchist which is led by Pierre were all that survives from the fall.

They are reforming back their party and with the army they are diligently resisting the beast attack.

Pierre, the leader of the anarchist, he himself is a very powerful leveler and almost reached level 30.

There is also the mafia who occupied other part of Paris and is recruiting people as they create their own army marching to Paris with nothing good in their hearts.

In Turkey a man named Usman commands a 1000 armed man is making a new nation in what used to be Istanbul, while at the same time killing monster, using a scimitar.

And with the old government looking at Usman as the protector of the New Turkey, he got all the help he need because he was approved by the former President of Turkey.

And all around the world, heroes and villains rise.



 ‘Whoa’ she exclaimed, her eyes sparkle and her face was full of excitement.

‘Is that what happened? You’re not lying to me right?’ She asks again. Hearing his story she almost didn’t believe it herself.

Pillars, evolution but all the evidence is in front of her eyes.

Azief is taller than before; like a sudden growth spurt, which is impossible, and he also gives off the aura of being superior than her even without trying to.

Azief tell her that if she reached his level, the suppression would not affect her as much.

And it was not like he is intentionally trying to intimidate her but the aura and the superiority he possess could not be suppress.

It was like in ancient time when a superior species meet an inferior species.

The inferior species would trigger the fight or flight response and most of the time they would choose flight and this particular instinct exist in everyone.

So, she could not help herself feeling inferior than him other than leveling to his level or find some skills that could nullify his pressure.

She looks at him and she could see he was smiling while his eyes look at the river.

‘Why are you looking at the river? Something interesting caught your eye?’ She asked as she throws another dry branch to the fire.

‘I’m thinking of diving down there and search for the Unique Skill.’

Hearing this alarms rings off in her hearts.

‘What do you mean? You don’t know how to swim or even dive. And there is still two crocodiles there, prowling under the river.’

‘I will be in the morning. And about the two crocs, don’t worry. If I encounter them this time, it wouldn’t be like last time.’

‘What makes you say that?’ she asked puzzled.

‘Just something’ he smirked in a way that hides his intention. Sofia just sighed and then she said

‘I guess it is good that you evolve. You’re stronger now.’

‘And you need to be stronger too’ he said.

‘I know’ she said, her eyes was full of determination.

‘So?’ she asked

‘So?’ he said

‘What are we going to do next?’ she asked. In a way, she has already regarded him as the leader of their duo.


‘Who’s going to guard the-‘

‘I will guard. You sleep.’ He said, thankful for her concern.

‘You just woken up from your injury and you just level up so-‘

‘You dive down the river, unmindful of the danger and then nurse me to health. So, you are now tired and you need to rest’ Azief cut off her words.

She was about to say something else but Azief put his finger on her lips and she pipes down.

‘And I saved your life.’ He said

She shrugged off and said.

‘Probably ‘she said

‘Probably?’ and he chuckles.

‘I definitely saved your life and you know what that means right?’ He said, smirking a lecherous smile

‘What do you mean?’ she asked, puzzlement in her face and she move a few inch from him. He giggles a bit, looking her blush

Teasing mode activated he mused

‘It means you owe me.’ He said, as he inches closer and Sofia inches farther away.

‘Owe you what?’ she mustered her courage to ask.

‘Whatever I want. And you know exactly what I want don’t you?’

‘What?!’ She said, there is a little bit of anxiousness in her voice that she tries to hide. And he leans closer and whisper to her ears, with an arrogant smirk on his face and he said.

‘Go to sleep’ and he chuckles again.

Sofia blushes red and covers her face in embarrassment. She was thinking of a perverted thought before.

She was in that position for a few second before taking ad deep breath and then lowers her hands and she glares at him.

That’s mean she mused. Since when she sees him as a man? She asked herself.

Before, she can’t even see him as a man but now her heart beat accelerated and she is too fast in drawing perverted thoughts.                                                               

‘I guess that is fine’ she said as calm as possible, but there is trembling in her voice and her cheeks is still red from being teased.

Azief couldn’t help but tries to stifle his own laughter

She got up, walk to the tree, store her bows and arrows inside her rings and she sit under the tree and closes her eyes slowly.

Azief look at her, trying her hardest not to open her eyes, and he chuckles silently.

She is too cute. Wait! No, she is not cute. She’s just… to tease he concluded. And then he maintains a look out around the area with his divine sense.

He then quickly put 4 skill points to divine sense which make his divine sense encompassing 700 meters from all of his directions.

When it reached level 04 he not only could sense life around him but he could also see all around him like he was there.

He could see 700 meter from him in all directions if he focused, kind of like a psychic.

He could see fresh bodies sprawled a round a field, fresh kill.

He could also see nearby monster hiding in the tress, apes and monkeys, their fur is red and they are sleeping.

Some are coming near them but it is still far away from here.

Other than that, there is no threat. He still has 19 points to spend on his skill. Then he spends 3 of the skill points into his fear aura.



No wonder when you evolve you are practically a powerful existence. Anyone under level 30 monster or humans both are powerless?

Basically unless the opponent is level 30 he is basically invincible.

By now he also found out what beats he kills before. A Unique rank monster which is equivalent to level 40 monster.

How did he know?

He buys a book about ranks and monster from the world Orb shops.

It cost him 500 gold and the moment he learns it, all information about rank and levels entered his mind.

The world Orb shop sells variety of things that is useful. Skill books, life skill books, pills, potions, weapons, armour and all that stuff.

When he checks life skill he found something interesting and he decides to buy it later in the morning.

His trump card for diving tomorrow.

He also sees a Pillar Forming pills which amounted to one hundred thousand gold.

Whoever have that many gold should think of buying other things like skills or books that could give information about this new world, at least that is how he thought about it…..of course, if he were rich and doesn’t care about gold, then he could buy as many as he could.

Thinking about it now, it was stupid of him not to collect every single dime that fall down when he killed monsters or stiffs.

He sighed for a while.

Looking at the fast sleeping Sofia he smiles again.

Then he calls upon his beast and send Badge to deals with the ape but also instructed him telepathically to not go to the fields fill with bodies.

Maybe after he is done with his plan in the morning he would check out the bodies.

He has a few ideas on what happens but he prefers to wait. Unlike Sofia he could maintain not sleeping tonight.

He has sleeps enough. And he rested enough and with all of this energy and unboundless stamina that he have, he could stay up and look after her, like she did for him.

Then looking at the menu of the shop he buys a few life skills.

At first he wanted to buy it in the morning but since he has decided he would not go to sleep tonight, why delay right?

He buys swimming skill which cost him a thousand gold, breathing underwater which cost him about 2000 gold and diving which cost him 5000 gold.

The price depends on the difficulty of the said skills and the proficiency of the user.

For example, a swimmer who buys the skill for swimming might buys it at the cheap cost of 100 gold whereas people who have never swim or do not know to swim might have to pays a thousand gold.

The skill is also different in that it uses the system of acquiring experience by doing the action.

For example swimming.

He is now a novice. If he wanted to advance his rank he needs to swim a lot and increase the skill proficiency.

Life skill cannot be learned by doing the skill in real life unless you unlocked the requirements.

If that was the case he would have gotten the swimming skill as he tried to swim before like in the games.

The other way of learning a skill is to buy it and he has a lot of gold.

And he is gunning for the next play. A mountain of loot is hiding under the riverbed. He would be an idiot if he does not tries to get his hand on the loot.

A hundred crocs, a large super croc, dying in a river. Imagine the kind of loot that fall down on the riverbed.

There is a reason why he bought this skill and it was not because he was ashamed that he couldn’t swim or he almost dies because he couldn’t swim but because he wanted to loot the treasure on the riverbed.

But shame and almost dying because he couldn’t swim plays a …little part on why he chose that skill in particular.

He is betting there is a lot of gold and treasure to be found and he is not about to let it go. With that gold he might be able to buy many life skill that will help him in the long term

In the morning he would tell Sofia of his plan and then he would dive down the river while Sofia could train with the apes.

After all Badge is not going to be able to kill the apes all by himself…or more accurately he doesn’t want Badge to kill all the apes by himself.

After killing a few apes, Azief could see that his pet is becoming larger. Of course, the only reason that his pet is able to defeat the ape is because of his level suppression.

He just has to walk near Badge when he is fighting and his racial skill will be automatically activated.

Since, Badge is his pet, he is not affected.

When Azief realizes that Badge is getting stronger and doesn’t need his help anymore he retreated back to the shelter and let Badge handles the patrolling jobs.

And it’s not like the ape has stones for brain.

When they realized that he was an evolved user, most of the apes run away and stay away from the shelter.

So ,sometimes every few hours, he would send Badge to hunt a few ape just for fun.

He just sent him to kill a  few of them and when there is heat to return immediate to the shelter and recovers.

Looking at the river, his eyes could almost see the gold, on the riverbed. Next time he will be going shopping like a rich man in the world orb shop.

Smiling, he swiped the notification windows away and he got up from his seat and looked at the moonlight and the peaceful sleeping face of Sofia and thinks about all the things that has happened since the Fall

Looking at the moon, thinking about all of that has happen, he is grateful that even in the darkest night, he still has a companion, and that he is not yet going crazy.

Then he thinks about what happens to his mother and he thinks about the lights that have ripped away everything, buildings, cars, everything that he knows of modern life and its luxuries vanished.

And he thinks about the kind of force that could do such a thing and he is coming up with a blank.

Was this the so called Judgment day and if it was why he is still here?

And if it’s not that, if it’s not god or some supernatural entity doing this, what did this? he knows that the force that is doing this is the world orb but what is the world orb?

Is it a who? Is it a thing? What kind of entity is it? And what is it purpose? If it purpose is to destroy the earth, then with it power it could have.

If it was the one who sent the monster coming down from the skies, then why give humanity weapons t fight?

Why give them power to evolve and become powerful.

Only one thing makes sense. The World Orb is testing. Testing humanity, picking out the best, the strongest amongst them, to survive this new world.

It is nurturing them and the world Orb does not take losers.

Those who survive, either by luck or by perseverance or by ingenuity, is the one approved by the system.

But then another question arises. Why? Why does it needs humanity to become stronger? For what possible reason, this force wanted humans to thrive?

In the history of humanity on earth, humans have faced countless of extinction events.

Fiery rocks from the skies once came to earth and obliterate the dinosaurs and humans survived that.

Biting cold once covered the earth and humanity survived that too.

The world was split into continent breaking off, mountain was formed from flat grounds and humanity was separated and still humans persevered.

And then came the harsh environments, blistering heat in the desert and deadly cold in the northern region and humans survived them all.

Humanity survived the plaque and all kinds of disease that if you see throughout all history it was almost a miracle, that humanity could reach to this moment in history.

And each time we survived this events, humanity become stronger, tempered by all these event.

Then, Azief think of something.

But after a long time, humanity evolution stopped. But the World Orb want humanity to evolve.

he thinks about this and he does not think he is wrong. The World Orb wanted humans to become stronger, smarter.

It wanted the best of humans…..for what? And this is what troubles him. He doesn’t know the full story.

He always wanted to know the full story. It bugged him.

It bugged him when he doesn’t know the full story because when he doesn’t know, he could make the wrong choice, make the wrong decision.

And he has a lot of track records in choosing the wrong ones.

‘Hmm’ he sighed and then he walked to the large tree. He looked at Sofia, her neck leans onto one of the branches, sleeping peacefully.

He could see her swollen eyes, her messy hair and he is touched. She took care of him and he is touched because he never been taken care of like that.

Not even by his family.

A man needs to be strong and a man needs to endure. It was not what his family taught him but he knows.

He knows that is what is expected of him. He did not come from money and he knows he is not going to be rich.

So he endures and he tries to be strong.

In his country there is a caste, an invisible caste. You think that people could become rich if they worked but no.

If you have people, the right people, then you can be rich. If you don’t play dirty, you can’t be rich.

The rich in his country all of them has sins in their hands, no matter how small. He was raised with a worldview that is either black or white.

There is no gray.

But as he grows older, he becomes more mature. The world is not black and white it’s gray.

And he has given up trying to change his country.


Because in his country people like him have no voice. They aren’t heard. Money does the talking.

And even that he did not have. So…he did what any normal person would do. He gave up. And giving up…..that’s easier.

But The fall changes everything.

In all places of the world right now, he is the only person who is level 39.If he wanted to he could break that barrier and reach level 40 anytime he wanted.

But he wanted to collect more pillars. Then looking at Sofia, knowing, that there is someone who got his back in this new world, he is touched.

It felt good to be taken care off. So, he comes closer to Sofia and he with his exceptional hearing could hear her breathing, slow and calm.

He could hear her heartbeats, beating like a slow song.

He look closer and under the moonlight her face was….enchanting. He smiles and run his finger through her hair, swiping the hair from her forehead to her ears.

And then he pick her up, carrying her in princess style and he could not hide his smile. He doesn’t even know why he is smiling.

Slowly he walked until he reached the bed of leaves.

Slowly he put her down and then he brought out the blankets from his storage rings and uses it to cover her from the cold.

He stay beside her, and he keep watching out the dark, a silent protector watching over her.

Looking at the moonlight, he put his hand together and there is something welling up in his heart and then, for the first time in a long time, he prayed.

He prays to whatever forces out there, that hope is not lost. That there is a chance for a future.

That  whatever this event means, they would survive the horrors ahead. And looking at her, he smiles and he keep watching.



She could smell the faint smell of omelet and she wake from her sleep. Maybe that is because of her passive skill, her nose is highly sensitive.

Rubbing her eyes, she could see dawn is just arriving. The sun rises again for a new day.

Looking at the place where the smell originated, she could see a man cooking in a fire pit and beside him was a badger looking around dragging many ape corpses behind the fire pit, eating them deliciously.

She could smell the blood, a heavy smell that pervaded around the campsite. And there he sees him, sitting on the log, in a very relaxed manner, grilling something.

He was sitting on a log branch like it was a bench and he keep cooking. There is also some faint trace of coffee.

Behind the fire pits were a mountain of ape corpses, some were skinned and cut and left in the corner.

It seems that, it would be stored for later consumption.

Beside the corpses were beads, about 10 of them. Sofia then looks at herself and then she realizes she was covered by a blanket and she got up and without saying anything she went to the nearest source of water and cleans herself.

After that she went back to the fire pit and sit beside Azief like nothing happens. Then she started asking about all the stuff that is in front of her eyes, curios.

‘When did you do this?’

‘Last night’ he said as he keep fanning the fire with a paper fan

‘Did you not sleep?’

‘Hmm’ he said nonchalantly.

‘I was bored last night so I ordered Badge to make a fire pit and then I roasted some of the ape meat.’

Then he took one of the smaller slices of the ape meat and eats it, chewing it.

‘How was it?’ she asked

‘A little chewy but it’s not that bad. It tastes like intestines of a cow. Chewy but delicious. Now if I have some spices, I could make some stocks and it will be more delicious. After you rid of the poisonous bile, it’s safe to eat it’

Then he handed a cup of coffee to her.

‘You make coffee?’ she asked surprised. Azief smiles a bit and show her his coffee.

‘I took many of coffee packets when we were in the mall. Also took some pots and kettle. Thank god I didn’t bring any electric kettle. That would be useless.’ And he chuckles alone.

He found some humour in the fact that the everyday routine that he used to do is now so hard to do.

Drinking coffee in the morning which used to be so easy could now be considered a chore.

She just nodded and took a sip of coffee and she feel her body refreshed. Holding it with her two hands, she took another sip. She looks at the omelet and ask.

‘Eggs too?’ Azief could see the way she looks at the finished omelet and he grinned. So he asks.

‘Want to taste it?’ she nodded vigorously.

He conjured up plates from his ring and put one of the omelets into the plates and handed it to her.

Then he cracked another egg onto the cooking pot and that sizzling sound can be heard at their campsites.

It was almost like they are in a retreat or something if you discount the fact that they are monsters nearby and a two large crocodile in the river near them.

She did not wolf it down instead she took the omelet bite by bite alternately switching between eating the omelet and drinking the coffee.

She feel that this was the most delicious breakfast she has ever tasted in her life. Eating grilled snakes and herbs could do that to any person.

Her eyes are now wide open, awake and energized. Then she looks on the heap of corpses and asks him

‘What about the apes? You kill it yesterday?’ He nodded and then continues flipping the egg on the cooking plate.

‘Badge did most of the work. I want him to rank up and become a little bit more useful to me.’

‘A unique rank monster?’

‘Well, if he could rank up that high we have a good insurance for our life don’t you think?’ he said and she nodded.

‘Last night another one killed a Unique Beast.’

‘Oh, I didn’t notice the notification.’ She exclaimed. She really didn’t realize it. She was sleeping so peacefully yesterday that he didn’t want to bother her and it’s not like they will go to that place not when he didn’t even finish his class changing quest right now.

He also got to learn that there is such things as Teleportation stones.

‘You were sleeping at the time.’ He explained

‘Where is it?’ she asked.

‘Germany. By someone called Bradheim’

‘That is a long way from here.’ She said as she slurps her coffee enjoying the rich taste of coffee packets.

‘Yes, and then around dawn another one was killed and dropped a unique skill in Denmark. So, I put my notification windows to log. It hinders my vision if suddenly when I was fighting notification windows appears in the middle of the fight.’

She slurped the coffee again while nodding. Azief just shakes his head. She is not even listening, completely enjoying the omelet and the coffee.

She just finished her omelet and she felt refreshed. She also brought a few packets from the mall but she did not bring any kettle or food ware unlike him.

‘So, what are we going to do today?’ she asked cheerfully.

As they were eating and drinking, Azief told her the plan. They would go and dive and find the Unique skill and grab all the treasure they could find underwater.

He was already smiling in glee.

He also told Sofia about the skill he bought and that when he has enough money he would buy the same skill for her so that their looting becomes faster.

He also told Sofia that he bough a bag of holding that could one ton of weight inside it.

It was a small pouch that can be put anywhere and it can carry anything unless it doesn’t weigh more than a ton.

The only thing it couldn’t do is putting live things inside it. Dead things however, is fair game.

It was 2000 gold to buy the bag making his gold now zero. He is betting on this looting which is why he didn’t mind the 2000 gold which could be sued to buy another life skill book.

He also told Sofia about the fields of bodies not far from they were takings shelter.

Sofia insist they go there immediately but after deliberation they decided that they will check it after the finished looting all the gold and items they could find in the river bed.

So after they finished talking about it, they packed their things wash the food ware, store it back, extinguish the fire they then walked to the river.


‘So you’re going first?’ Sofia asked

‘Yeah’ he said.

‘I will get some money and then buy you the underwater breathing skills. Then you can follow me.’

‘Ok’ she said nodding in agreement.

‘You and Badge maintain a lookout on the crocodiles. If they attack, you run. I can handle them’

‘You sure?’


‘Ok, if you say so. Dont push yourself too much’ she said and he nodded. Sofia then began her look out.

Azief look at the clear deep water, blue and clear as he calmed himself down, take a deep breath and then he jump and a splash happened.

Sofia looks as Azief dive into the river.

Azief on the other hand has begun his diving. His lung is stronger and have a large capacity and now he could swim underwater he begun diving deeper.

He could see countless of weird fish but none of them did anything threatening.

He kill a few of them with energy fist and it doesn’t look like the EXP it gave him is a lot. It didn’t even make his pillars higher at all.

He could feel only a little bit of EXP enter his body.

When he killed the fishes he quickly put the fishes inside his bag of holding.

Maybe I should buy cooking skills later. He mused

 Cooking grilled fish or steamed fish would be the highlight of his day. Even though the world turns into this kind of place, he still wanted some god food.

So, as he thinks about this he keep killing the fishes while diving and collecting. Using his divine sense as long as the two crocodiles enter his range, he would spot them.

The two crocodiles after killing the Supercroc also gain some benefits. They have become larger but not as large as the super croc.

Anyway, he decided to pay attention to them if they ever decided to attack him. If not he would go with his original plan.

Either way, he now could swim and dive underwater, so he doesn’t think he would be pushed into such desperate corners like before.

As he dives even though his eyes has great vision darkness began to set in.

There are some wild fish and an eel that tries to electrocute him but he quickly dispatch the eel with a kick.

With one kick the eel head shattered and he quickly stores it inside his bag.

Then he continued on and then he smiles, looking the shining glittering coins in the river bed.

Smiling, he then went full speed ahead to the river bed.


‘Houh’ he panted, breathing hard as he returns to shore

‘You got it?’ Sofia asked.

He nodded.

‘The book or the gold?’

‘Gold’ he said.

‘Where’s the book?’ she asked as she lowered her weapon.

‘I still couldn’t find the book. Need your help with that.’ He is still panting. He pushed himself down there until his lungs almost couldn’t take it.

 Sofia just nodded

‘Did you take all the gold?’ She asked as her eyes scanned the river, looking at the two crocs which can be spotted across the shore.

‘No, not yet. I feel pressure on my lungs so I quickly surfaces. I need to increase my proficiency level if I want to dive underwater for a long time.’ He deduced.

Sofia on the other hand was smirking right now, as he looks at him.

‘So you’re going to buy it now for me?’ Azief understand what Sofia means

He nodded and then he quickly buys swimming and breathing underwater book and then quickly Sofia learned it.

The first haul get him about 20 thousand 547 gold after subtracting the cost for the skill books he buys for Sofia.

He also got pill of strength, pill of explosion, pill of experience and pill of haste. There are also some items which he gave to Sofia.

He got about 10 thousand copper and 7000 silver. What he wants is the book or any Pillar Forming Pills.

He checked at the shop and it cost is expensive.

‘I’m ready’ she said after she finished learning the book.

‘Good, now let me take my breath first’ and he sit there on the sand, looking at the clear river water.

He could even see fishes playing around the shores, flitting around.

‘So how are we going to split the loot?’ Sofia asked.

‘One third.’

‘Three for me’ Sofia cheekily said. He just smiles. And his smiles was a menacing one.

‘Alright, I was just kidding.’

‘If you found any Pillar Forming Pill, I got dibs.’ He declared.

‘Good enough. I want pills and bead.’ Then she look again at the river and something crossed her mind.

‘Do you think we can eat crocodile meat?’ She asked.

‘Why? You want to eat it?’

‘Just thought it would be pretty tasty and it’s not like we can be choosy anymore.’ Sofia said, sometime stealing a few glances towards the ape meat that doesn’t look very appetizing.

‘How about the ape meat? That felt pretty good. A little chewy but….eatable.’ he said, trying to promote the ape meat.

He didn’t think that the ape meat is that revolting, instead if he could buy a few spice packets from the Shop he could make  a good dish.

‘Yeah, I’m just expanding my horizon’ Sofia said. Then she added

‘And who knows if I would get more bonus effect eating the crocodile meat. Especially if we get the Imperator meat.’

‘It’s Sarcosuchus Imperator’ he said.

‘That’s too long and it almost sounds like a tongue twister. Imperator is easier.’

‘Maybe’ he said. He also got a few bonuses when eating the ape meat but it is small and after eating much of it bonuses doesn’t appear any more other than healing properties.

His pillars only rose a few centimeters each when he eat the ape meat and then stopped after the third slice of ape meat.

For Sofia it raises her stats. He also advise Sofia to balance her stats so that when she reached Pillar Forming, she would get more pillars.

‘That’s not a bad idea’ he said.

Thinking about it those crocs are normal crocs but the Imperator…Ok, the name Imperator is beginning to stuck he mused as he looked at Sofia and grudgingly smile and then continue his train of thought.

The Imperator is the boss, the Jefe, the Godfather of these crocs. It even drops Unique Skill Book and itself a Unique rank monster.

Its meat probably has special properties. Thinking about this, he is getting excited to learn cooking skills later.

‘Finished resting?’ Sofia asked as she put her weapons inside her storage rings. He got up, pat his buttocks and spreads his divine sense around the river to check if there is any threat.

‘I’m done. Let’s go.’

Sofia nodded and she walked to the deep area and then she dived.

Azief on the other hand jumped from the sandy shore and as the pressure of his jump reached the sand which he was stepping, a sandblast is created creating a burst of explosion as he ended up on the middle of the river.

It was an impossible jump but not impossible with the strength and power of his feet.

He dived like an Olympic diver and with minimal strength he was already deep inside the river.

With his clear eyes, he could see Sofia diving deeper like he was. He dived deeper on his area until he reaches the riverbed again.

This time he grabbed everything and put it inside his bag of holdings. Pills, beads, countless of vials and items.

Then he found two skill books but he still could not find the Unique Skill Books.

So as he breathes underwater he change his direction and went to the last location that he remembers where the Imperator took its last breath.

After waddling his way through fishes, eels, and water snakes, he finally see it.

It was like he is seeing a large submarine, a 40 feet long monster with weights that could crush a city if it was dropped from the sky.

Looking at it he once again recalls how lucky he was to survive their encounter.

He swims nearby the carcass of the Imperator and he could see nature is beginning to run its course.

Some creature is eating the meat of the Imperator and when these creatures realizes his presence they came attacking.

Most people would be panicked but Azief on the other hand was calm as a still lake.

About a hundred of those piranha looking fishes comes to him but the moment they came near him, there were fear in their eyes and they retreated.

This is the difference between the evolved and the unevolved.

Those fishes recognize the difference between prey and predator. And right now, standing on top of the food chain is him.

He is not a prey. He is the predator.

And these fishes, blessed by evolution quickly ascertain with their instinct that this particular human is not only more powerful, he is deadly.

And as quickly as they decided to attack him, they quickly scattered. But does he let them? Of course not.

The piranha like fish look delicious and he also want to know what effect would he have if he eats the fish.

So with one Energy fist, his fist send out energy blast and all around him was like an explosion underwater but just a blob on the surface of the river.

Only a few left a full body. Others were smashed into a puddle of blood.

Finished with that, all the fishes nearby the Imperator all scattered away leaving him to do what he came there to do.

 As he swim towards the Imperator his sword appear on his hand from his ring.

Then he carved a healthy large meat from the Imperator and stores it inside his bag of holding.

After that he swim around picking up the mountains of gold. And then as he grabbed the gold he spotted the Unique Skill Book, leather-bound in gold and glowing.

It’s the unique skill book! he screamed inwardly.

Smiling he put it inside his bag of holding and keep collecting the treasures in the riverbed. When he felt the pressure on his lung he would then surfaces for a while and then meet up with Sofia.

Sofia uses dagger now as she navigates the water.

She found a few eels and she also found that piranha like fishes. But unlike him, she did a good job in not smashing them into a puddle of blood.

Azief also buys a bag of holding for her and then they both continue until afternoon. From the morning until the afternoon, they scavenge the entire bottom of the river.

And so end the first part of their day.



They finally finished looting in the evening.

‘Good haul?’ Sofia asked as she looked at the satisfied smile plastered on his face. She was sitting on the sandy shore, looking satisfied and content

‘Big haul!’ He exclaimed, smiling from ear to ear.

‘You found the book?’ She asked.

‘I did. And a lot of other stuff too. He said all this in excitement. Ashe could tell.It was not hard. His tone went a note higher.

Which sounds funny, considering the grave and cold voice he always seems to use when he is making threats.

He seems to become more comfortable around me she mused and somehow that makes her happy.

After the Fall, they had to rely on each other and they began to become accustomed to each other existence, becoming accustomed to each other.

‘How about you?’ He asked and that brought her back.

‘Me too. A lot of gold and copper and some skill books and vials.’ He contemplated for a while and then smiling he said.

‘You could keep all that you got’

‘You don’t mind?’ she asked. She thought they were going to split 1/3 but suddenly he is changing his thought?

‘It’s fine’ he said.

‘This must be because you got a lot of things.’ She said as realization struck her

‘Yes’ he said, grinning happily. And he shows the Unique Skill book to Sofia. Leather-bound in gold.

‘That is cool.’ she exclaimed

‘It is cool!’ He said.

‘Ok, learn it then’ she said.

‘Ok’ With a hint of excitement he then touch the book and the book glowed brighter in golden colour and then the notification windows appears and he said yes.



He learns it and the golden glow disappear and then the book turns dull. He then checks the information log and it shows that he has now a proud user that has unique skill.

But he also realized that the book is not gone.

He then checks the book and then an information streamed inside his mind and he understand.

Until one month is up, having the book is like having a target painted in his back. The book could not be destroyed unless the time limit of one month is up.

Each unique skill book has a different time limit. The stronger the skill, the longer it is.

Anyway the reason why it does not disappeared is because he could impart back the book with the scale body technique, which will mean he would lose the skill.

It’s like you are competing for a treasure hunt.

And in this one month limit if he dies, the skill will return back to the book. If he does not die in on month and the time limit is up and people kill him, then someday, somewhere, another book will appear with the Scale Body technique.

So that is why it has time limit. But still heist not afraid. Of course he doesn’t know that there is teleportation stones and people from other country could teleport to where the book last fallen.

But he knows there is teleportation crystal. He saw it in the Shop. In the Shop there is a million things, so much that you can’t possibly check it all but he sees it when he was window shopping by coincidence.

One crystal cost 10 thousand gold. But teleportation Stones? He remains oblivious.

That is because he didn’t see the teleportation stone when he was searching the book.

It was erected on the other side of the river and he didn’t realize it because he was already across and he doesn’t check the opposite shore.

Not worrying a thing, he then checks the other skills he got. Minor Telekinesis and Water Manipulation.

This is what he got from the many treasure drooped from the other crocs. He quickly learned it.



He quickly tries it and he managed to make a branch flies to him and then floated around him. He giggles.

‘Cool skill.’

‘Minor telekinesis? Sofia asked.

‘Yes, how do you know?’ he asked.

Without saying anything, Sofia raised her arrows and shot it at him and then when it was just about to hit him the arrows stopped, floating in midair, like there is some invincible forces stopped the arrows from advancing

Azief face was calm all the time and even when Sofia sent that arrow towards him, he believes that Sofia would not intentionally hurt him.

Azief smiles.

‘You got it too.’ She nodded ,smiling. Then suddenly Azief realizes something.

‘Hey! Wait a minute! What if your arrows were heavier than 1 kilo?’

‘I guess that means the arrows would pierce your head.’ She said smiling mischievously

‘And I would be dead!’

‘Guess so’ she said as she giggles.

Azief crossed his arm and Sofia pats him in his back

‘Aww, come on. It’s not like you can’t stop that arrows.’

‘Just because I can, I don’t want you assuming I would.’

‘Ok, ok. Let check our loot and then play around after that.’

And Sofia moved away, still giggling.

And who starts playing first? he mused.

He then checks the Water manipulation effect.



This is another jackpot! He mused. He once checks this book at the shop but it cost about 100 thousand gold.

But other than these two books he doesn’t get any other skill books. But this two books is already good enough.

‘What do you get?’ he asked as he approached Sofia. Sofia smirked and then punch towards him.

Since he is an evolved person, his sense of danger is higher and more acute, so the moment Sofia punch towards him his racial abilities is instantly awakened, making all of Sofia stats halved, so her strength is almost like an ant in front of him.

But the punch connected and he could feel an itch in his stomach. But then he felt the second itch and the third itch.

Sofia on the other hand had to back away for five steps. And then she flails her hand.

‘Ouch, it was like I was punching steel’ she said, looking amazed at his endurance.

‘Cold hard abs’ he replies, looking smug.

‘Yeah, right’ Sofia said, clearly annoyed.

‘And what did you think you were doing?’ he asked.

‘Trying my new skill’ she said, not a hint of guilt in her face.

‘I’m not your test dummy.’

‘Thought you had a rocking hard abs?’ she said smirking. Azief shakes his head as Sofia look at her fist and nodded.

‘What do you think about the skill? she ask, ignoring any complaints from him. He sighed and then said.

‘I felt that whatever skill you used, it hit me three times. Like you were punching in triple succession but my eyes only see one punch. With my speed, and my eye hand coordination it is impossible your punch could move so fast that my eyes couldn’t catch it. So, how did you do it?’ He asked.

He is puzzled too with Sofia technique. What technique could do that? He felt barely an itch but that is because he is an evolved person.

If it was before, then surely that attack would injured him.

‘I just punch you once’ she said smiling, clearly satisfied with the effect of her punch.


‘Three Waves Fist’ she said.

‘When I punch a person and activate this skill it will create a vibration waves in triple succession, making any attack strikes three times. But it consumes too much spirit and it clearly doesn’t work with an evolved person.’

‘It’s fine’ he said, as he advises her in the matter of the difference in power.

‘When you reach level 30 and evolved, that skill will also evolved to suit your evolution. That skill will prove to be useful.’

She nodded.

‘Other than that, any other books?’

‘I got two’

‘Me too’ he said.

‘Hundreds of crocs, a gigantic croc and all we got to show are five skill books? It should be more’ she said, harrumphing.

‘Do you think skill books grow on tree?’ Sarcasm is high in his tone.

‘It would be better if that is the case.’ He just shakes his head. There is no winning with her.

‘Still we get a lot of gold and there are many vials. That’s a win’

‘I, on the other hand am full with pills. Most of it is EXP pills and stats pills.’

‘What is your level now?’ he asked.


‘3 more level to 30 right?’

She nodded.

‘Good. You better redistribute the points now. Maybe they will be many great beast later and if you are stronger that would help.’ He said.

‘You don’t have to tell me that’ she said. She then sits under a tree and begun redistributing her points.

She then uses her skill points to her skills. Levitation is now level 4 which enables her to levitates 400 centimeter from the ground.

This will help considering his Archer class. Levitating would also give her the ability to guess the terrains they’re in more accurately and she could even attack from afar….an aerial attack

She also level up her Precision and now it becomes Expert Precision. Azief look at Sofia when she uses her arrows to shoot down a leave a kilometer away with ease.

She then level up her Swift Step and it evolved to become Fast Swift Step.

She and Azief engaged in tag game on their campsite to test Sofia skills.

Even though Sofia could not gain an advantage against him, Sofia and he knows, that if she met any unevolved person, Sofia would hardly find it difficult to escape.

When she breaks that level 30 mark, then her speed would be out of this world. Azief also reminds her to balance her stats so that she would get many pillars the moment she reaches the 30 level mark.

She then level up Enhanced smell and heal. With her smell ,she could smell anything with great sensitivity and she even had to block using that skill.

If not she could smell everything and with a field of bodies nearby them, she could smell it even from afar….which is not good for her stomach

Heal is also leveled up but she did not level up the skill to much. With the many vials that they had, health is hardly a concern.

Not to mention, Azief is beside her.

With his power and her arrows, they could be called an unbeatable duo in Malaysia. They both gained an upper hand when the world fall.

Azief got an upper hand when his luck turned and he escaped from the fallen building during the first quake. Sofia luck begins to change the moment she met Azief and then follows him.

This is why Sofia pay less attention to Heal skill. Because she doesn’t want to waste her skill point to something that is not good for her class, which is archer.

She however did level up her Three Waves fist.

Before she level up the skill, the info window for Three Waves Fist tell that she would do vibration attack and triple the damages.

But when she level up the skill to level 04 it said that she would do a powerful vibration attack.

She attack one small tree and it explodes into the 4 direction like someone throws a grenade to the bomb.

She also stores the gold and silver and copper. Azief told her that when she reached level 30 the currency table will appears and only then can she uses her gold to buy things from the shop.

Believing his word, Sofia started hoarding.

Azief also tell her that in the shop everything imaginable is sold. Even modern appliance and normal clothes.

She even heard that Azief stumbles onto a carton of milk when he was searching among the food and drinks section of the shop.

Finished distributing her skill points she went beside Azief and asked

‘So now where do we go?’

‘The field’

‘To the field of bodies that you talked about. That field?’ she asked, creasing her eyebrows.

‘Yeah, that field.’ She was about to protest but he quickly cut across her words and said.

‘And since you are trying to level up, go level up with Badge.’ He summoned Badge and Badge come out from the portal and kneeled.

Telepathically he ordered Badge to assist from behind.

‘Go, clear the apes.’ He said, in an ordering tone to Sofia…unintentionally

‘You’re ordering me?’


‘Nothing.’ She said.

‘What?’ he said flustered.

‘I said nothing’ she said and she giggles again. Sofia likes to make him feel flustered. He is always so cold and devoid of emotions that sometimes Sofia finds it hard to connect with him in an emotional level.

So, Sofia led them from their shelter as he sit down in one of the branches. Sofia move forward without him.

Sofia knows that the reason he dint follow is because he wanted Sofia to train with the apes in full power.

If he was there following from behind all the time, any monster Sofia will find will be repressed automatically by his racial skill.

As he sit down under the tree, Sofia was using Torrent of Arrows and about 10 apes dies because of the attack.

‘Wasteful’ she said under her breath. Using so many energy arrows when she could just use other skill.

But at least she knows how fearsome Torrent of Arrows. If she had this skill when they were in the bridge before, using this skill would make the battle at the bridge a walk in the park.

A large ape jump down from the trees and confronts Sofia. Sofia this time, instead of shooting it down with her arrows, put her bow behind her and then she rushes forward to meet this ape.

With her agility stats, she arrived in front of the ape in almost an instant and then she uses her Three Waves Fist.

This time she could feel her fist connected and she could see with her own eyes, the impact and hear the bones breaking.

She could see as the first strike connect, the impact on the ape stomach become deeper every 3 second until it delivered the third strike.

A vibration attack.

Then when her fist connected Sofia jump and then she uses Swift Kick, sending a fierce gale wind and it knock the ape down.

It is still level 01 skill but combined that with her three waves fist, it become a combo of her own.

Then as the ape is down, she levitates on the air and then descend in a very fast manner and her feet stomped the ape brains and its head shattered like a watermelon drop off from a third story buildings, staining her shoes and clothes.

Sofia retread back and look at her cloths.

‘Fuck, I should’ve have just shoot that damn ape!’ She cursed. How can she clean herself after this.

And the smell of the ape blood is pungent and attract many more apes to come. Unlike Azief, the ape does not fear Sofia that much considering she is not yet evolved.

But then how can Sofia be so calm?

First, she has confidence in her own skill. Second, Badge is also behind her if anything went wrong.

Those two reasons are enough for her. She could do this. And she doesn’t want to be a baggage for Azief.

Sofia knows that Azief calmness and his cold demeanor is a defense mechanism. Sofia thinks even he himself doesn’t realize it.

She still remembers what she saw when he went into a fever after fighting the Imperator. She didn’t tell it to him and she hopes she is wrong.

But then she look in front again, focusing again as another dozens of ape come to her location.

She is pretty far from Azief now. But she knows that he could arrive at her position in a matter of seconds.

After all he has Shadow Teleportation.

And while she is fighting Azief was doing something else under the tree, enjoying a cup of coffee, he bought from the World Orb Shop.


Not far from Lord Shadow, a man of thin build with tied long hair is looking at Lord Shadow.

His eyes glinted, his steps was agile, and produce no sounds. He is observing, waiting.

In his heart he could feel the formidability of Lord Shadow. Wearing all black attire with intricate runic designs on his robe and hood, Lord Shadow emits an aura of death and fear.

But still he waited in the bush, killing all of his presence, even his breathing is slow and almost seems like he isn’t even breathing.

He could hide even after Lord Shadow sweep the area using his Divine Sense because of his skills.

He move slowly and is thinking on how to approach this group without making him a target. But nothing comes to mind.

So, he waited…and he observed. Waiting for the perfect movement to present itself. But then he decided if he waited, he might be caught…so he formulated a plan.

Entering the darkness, he smiles as he move away from the area.

















50574 GOLD

70379 SILVER

92756 COPPER
























HEAL [01]













































Azief is looking at his status windows.

He still has 15 skill points.

‘Hmm’ he said.

He still does not want to use it. It’s too important he mused. Shaking his head, he once again reaffirmed that skill points is too precious to just level up anything he wants without thinking too much.

This skill points must not be used haphazardly. He has other plans for this 15 skill points. Lord Shadow true form.

That is what he is saving these skill points for.

When he defeated the monster in the elementary school he will truly be a Chosen.

When that happens he will use this 15 skill points to complement his Shadow Lord class. Most of his skill right now does not complement very well with his class.

Even the unique skill is for a berserker or warrior. But that doenst eman the technique he has is not powerful.

But he knows that since there is class in the system, if you level up your own class skill, the potential for growth would be endless.

Since skill could evolve, Azief is sure that Lord Shadow skill could evolve to higher realm and that is what he is hoping.

He then looks at another table in his status window. Then he smiles .Looking at the currency table he could see his gold. Smiling and grinning like an idiot.

He is fucking rich!

He has 50574 gold, 70379 silver, 92756 copper. With 50 thousand gold he could buy 2 Pillar forming pills but he decided not to.

One hundred silver is equivalent to one gold and 100 silver is equivalent to one silver.

(Pillars cost 100 thousand gold but Pillar Forming pill cost half because the chance of failure exist. Explaining this so people will not be confused with the two since I mentioned in previous chapter that pillar is 100 thousand gold.)

So, right now he is browsing the Shop.

He then began buying life skills like mad. He began buying all life skill he could use or would use or anything that caught his fancy.

In the world right now, he is the only one who has the most life skills….and has gold to waste like there is no tomorrow.

After that he eats the pill of experience, pill of strength increasing his own pillar height but not by much.

He then began buying weapons for Sofia. A superior Grade bow and 100 Silver arrows. Then he began buying things in the miscellaneous section.

He buys a few books. Paradise Lost by John Milton, all Harry Potter collection, Percy Jackson collection and George RR Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire.

Thinking about it he really hoped that GRR Martin survive the Fall. Seriously, he really hoped that he survives.

He didn’t even get the chance to read the next book after Dance of Dragons. He also bought Domaine De La Romanee-Conti Romanee, an expensive wine that cost him 1000 gold.

It better be good. To be honest, he never drinks any alcohol and he never wanted to drink alcohol. And he is not about to start.

Then why buy it?

He has his reason. He bought this and a 30 year old Bordeaux.

By now all of his silver and copper is gone leaving only his gold. And he is still fricking rich. For now, he got so many life skills that it is almost ridiculous.

He also has poison maker skill and bought three most poisonous thing he could think of. He bought golden dart poison, cone snail sting and blue ringed octopus poison.

All deadly, each has its own purposes. The he checked his status windows again.














50574 GOLD


























HEAL [01]

























































































(I hope you all checked his skill so that you won’t feel lost when he does something so skillfully and you do not know how he does it. And you could see he also take coffee making skill.LS really likes his coffee.)

He nodded. The rest of the gold will be for insurance. For now it is enough. Or to be honest, he doesn’t know what to do with the gold.

There is many other skills but he doesn’t want to buy haphazardly.

With this many life skill, he doesn’t think that he would be in any disadvantage so for now, not knowing what to do, it is better to do nothing.

Trying to think to hard may complicate a situation.

If he has any ideas later what to with his gold he will do it. For now, he will focus on other stuff.

Then from afar he could hear Sofia screams of excitement.

By now she must have cleared the apes right? he mused. So he got up from his seat and he rushed to Sofia position.

When he evolved his speed has gone to a new level. 100 meters in 12 seconds. That is the world record.

He could move 100 meters in 4 seconds. That is barely human anymore. If he evolves once more, one could only imagine his speed.

He then arrived at Sofia positions. He could see the land was riddled by bullets and Sofia is collecting her loots.

Most of the ape has holes in their body. Badge is gathering the ape meat to one place. Then when he finishes piling up all the meat, Sofia store sit all on her bag of holding.

You’re done? He asked.

She nodded.

‘Let’s go then.’ He said.

‘You finished checking?’ she asked. She notices that Azief checks his windows before which means he bought something on the World Shop.

She wanted to buy stuff too but she needs to level up to level 30 before the World Shop si open for her.

Of course she could always ask him to buy stuff for her but the stuff she wanted to buy is not the stuff she wanted him to see or buy for her.

A few days from now, it will be that kind of month for her, so she is desperately wanted to buy wings so she would not be too moody or crazy.

Though maybe the potions will help her with the cramp or maybe the evolution will eliminate entirely her period.

Maybe if she evolved she doesn’t have to deal with things like that. Of course this kind of train of thought did not occur for Azief.

His priority is survival and Sofia initially thought the same things too. But since they are getting stronger and getting time to take a breath, they both began to cling to signs of normalcy.

After all if it was before, would Azief bought the skill coffee making? Or coffee packets? Worrying about spices and cooking?

No. But now when they could cling to what seems normal, they desperately wanted to maintain that.

So she asked.

‘What did you buy?’

‘Some skills’ he said nonchalantly as he walked forward. Sofia follows him from behind, Badge following her.

‘What skills?’ she is curios what kind of skill he bought

‘Why do you have so many questions?’ He asked. They are nearing the field.

‘Can’t I ask a few questions?’

‘Not now. We are already behind schedule here.’

‘Hmph’ she chuckles.

‘Schedules? What schedules? What are your plans?’

‘Can’t you just follow me? Trust me’ He said as he move closer to the field. The huge tree provides shades as the evening began to sets in.

Sofia stopped her feet, standing, glaring at the his back and he notices. So he stopped too and he looked back, looking at the annoyed expression on Sofia face

‘What?’ he asked. Then sighing Sofia said

‘You and me. Against the world’ she said.

‘Yes’ he replies, looking straight at her face.

‘That means we’re equal right?’ She asked.

‘Yes’ he said, though he is feeling a little bit strange hearing her question. The evening wind is cooling and now that the world changes it also brings you a feeling of calmness.

The wind fluttered his black robe but his face like always is covered by the shadow of his hood.

Sofia doesn’t like that. She could see her face, her expression but she could not see his. Not the same way he could see hers.

Sometimes she could feel like he is seeing through her, peering right through her soul. Combined that with his black attires, sometimes he emitted an aura of unapproachability

His face, his expression always eludes her. She doesn’t know if he is angry, smiling or happy.

While it helps fostering fear in the heart of his enemies, it also makes it harder for people to be close to him.

Sofia doesn’t like that at all.

‘What are you trying to say, Sofia?’

‘Trust is not a one way street. I’m not your baggage, Azief. I’m not some kind of damsel in distress. Not anymore. I have enough strength to protect myself now.’

‘Do you want to leave me?’ Azief said calmly as he approached her. He doesn’t even know what he did wrong.

Woman are really unpredictable. Just a few hours ago they were teasing each other, now suddenly the atmosphere turn hostile.

‘No, I’m not leaving you. And I know, you’re not going to leave me.’ She truly believed this. If Azief could even stake his life for her, then that’s surely means he appreciates whatever they have right now.

‘So, what is the problem?’

‘Your plans. You said to trust you. Why didn’t you trust me with your plan? Always one part of the story, not all. I felt that I’m left out. Like I’m some kind of girl you need to protect. And I don’t like that.’

‘I will explain la-‘He was about to say but she cut his word short

‘I will explain later. I will tell you later. Next time. These are the words you said when it really means you will not tell me about it. You didn’t tell me that you decided to fight with the Imperator. You almost lose your life back then. What do you think I would feel if you die there? When we met for the first time, and I join you, you did not inform me of anything you wanted to do. Always, one part of the story’ she said calmly.

There is no anger in her voice. She just wanted him to understand. She wanted for him to look at her as equals.

Of course level wise they are not equals. Even their power is vastly different. But she wanted to say to him, she is not his burden.

She is his partner. He could rely on her. She got his back. This is what she is trying to convey.

Azief on the other hand began understanding what she is trying to convey to him and he thinks hard what to say and react. He didn’t think that bothers her so much.

Looking at her, he asked

‘So….that bothers you?’

‘It does’ she said. Azief smiles a little.

‘I never think of you as a burden’ He began saying

‘I think of you as a friend. The reason why I didn’t tell you my whole plan, is because most of the time, I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. Most of the time, I just go with the flow, trying to make the best of the situations.’ He confesses.

He is not some master strategist or some genius. He is just a normal person before the fall with little money an unimportant person in the world.

But when he level up, forced by the circumstances at hand, he thrives. He perseveres. He endures.

And with that confidence he charges forward. When he was with Sofia, Sofia was a rookie, so weak at the time.

Most of the time then, he pretends like he has  a plan…not to make her admire him or to woo her or something like that, but to make her calm.

Nobody likes following a person who is always in fear of something and a person who has no plans at all.

All he got then was his confidence. His confidence calms her during their brief meeting in Temerloh at the time.

And that creates the illusion that he always have a plan when most of the time he doesn’t have any clue on what he is doing.

Hearing this Sofia then asked, stuttering.

‘But…you…you always seem to have a plan?’ She said puzzled.

When she was following him, she always admired the fact that he is always calm and collected, always having a plan, a next move.

He smiles bitterly and said

‘I’m flattered really but I’m not that awesome. Most of the time, I just think of my move on the spot. Sometimes, I’m uncertain of what path we really should go on. I persuade you to come with me. To join me. And in a way when you were attacked by the Imperator, I …felt responsible. If you die, it will be my fault. That is what I think when I saw the beast emerges from the river. And before I knew it, I was there on the back of a gigantic crocodile. I didn’t even regret delaying that monster.’ He said

Sofia still couldn’t see his face….but she could hear the trembling in his voice.

‘Sofia…’and he comes closer, and he looks at her and for a few seconds there is only the silence and the wind rustling and Sofia could swear she could see a smirk on the edge of his lips.

‘Sofia, you are a strong woman. You know how I know? I see it every day. I see it in the way you act. Not many people would dive into that river and save me. Your mother’ and hearing the word mother make Sofia expression turned hard but Azief continues

‘You lost your mother….yet you endure. You persevere. You endure. You did not let despair consume you. And that takes strength. And I’m sorry. If you feel like I’m treating you like you’re my burden, then…I’m sorry. Next time, I’ll consult you.’ And he smiles a bit and he said

‘You and me against the world, huh? I didn’t think you remember.’

Sofia looked at him and she looks satisfied. As long as he understand, she mused

‘Fine, I said my piece’ she said and it’s like there is a huge burden lifted off her shoulder. Seeing this, Azief realizes that she must be thinking about this a lot.

‘Can we move now?’ he ask smiling.

‘Lead the way’ she said and they began walking again through the forest leisurely.

And they continues their journey again, lightheartedly. Both of them has told each other what they wanted and knowing each other stance, each other desires, they began understanding each other and knowing this, they feel a little bit closer.


Not far from them, a woman and a guy is observing the duo with watchful eyes. Their gaze is very penetrating.

‘What should we do?’ The man said.

‘Maybe it’s better to join them’ the woman said.

‘That man is powerful….but the General is terrifying’ the man said. They looked before as the man kills ape like the ape was ant, steeping on it as he pleases.

But they also sees what happens to those who defied the General. For a few days they maintained a look out for other people near the area.

‘The General is in KL. We must keep the mission objective’ the man said. The woman look at the duo with killing intent but she also doesn’t know what she should do.

‘I know. We need to be careful’ she said and once again they disappear into the shadow.



Every few minutes there would be some stupid ape that came attacking. Most of them do not dare attack considering Azief was there.

But there are some rogue apes as he terms it that even though he is clearly and obviously the superior being, there are still some apes that dares attack him.

Which puzzles him, to tell the truth.

When he activated Fear Aura, the apes would be paralyzed with fears, their eyes is looking at elsewhere, trembling and sweat filling their fur like they see something only they can se.

Their fear he is reminded.

When they are paralyzed he just need to kick or punch and the apes would turn into splashes of blood.

Unless he uses his blade which chops them into fine meat.

Sofia also tries to benefit by always using kill steal. He doesn’t mind it that much. Killing the apes does not increase his EXP by that much after he evolved but it is helpful to Sofia who needs as much EXP right now.

 As he evolved he could also feel the EXP. What does he mean by that?

He means that when the EXP enters his body he does not feel rejuvenated or strength entering his body like eating a pill or potions but feeling that subtle change in energy inside him.

He could feel if the EXP is a lot or not by feeling the purity of energy entering his body. He could not explain it or describe the feeling.

You need to feel it to understand it, kind of stuff. Then they finally arrived at the field. There is tall high grass, swaying like a paddy field.

His nose could already smell the rotten smell of blood.

‘You smell that?’ he asked

Sofia nodded. She looks left and right trying to see and sense if there is any beast nearby, or any enemies but she picked up nothing.


No sound other than the wind and a few calling calls of the ape. Sometimes there is also the sound of crickets but other than that the place totally looks abandoned.

Azief move and approached the area. He could see 6 bodies. He quickly identified the victim.

2 woman, 1 child, and 3 men. The woman is around 20s, the child is about 12 or 13 and the three men is 20s and 30s.

Then Azief tilt his neck and he smiles. He then look at the bodies, looking at the bodies, scrutinizing every details.

‘You can stop now, Sofia’ he said. He put his hand on his chin, thinking of something. This is not as simple as he thought before.

Something or someone is preserving the crime scene he mused. He did not look around but he could feel like he is being watched.

He needs time to determine their positions he inwardly thought.

‘What?’ Sofia reply as she lowered her weapons

‘This is not a monster attack.’ He said, still looking at the bodies.

Sofia come closer to the bodies and also examines the body.

What makes you say that? She ask. She did not understand why Azief would say that. To her, the only thing that could do this is either a beast or zombies.

Azief on the other hand recognizes the darkness in the human hearts especially in this new world where strength is the new law of the world.

Azief shows the body to her and make her look closer as he explains the reason why.

‘Look at this body’ he said. It was the 30 year old man.

‘Look at his fingernails.’ Sofia squatted and looks at the man fingernails and a look of shock and disgust appeared on her expression.

‘It’s not there. His fingernails in not there.’ Sofia exclaimed in shock

‘It is removed.’ Azief coldly said. Then Azief feel the man’s finger and he smiles.

‘It is broken.’ Azief could also see blue marks on the victims ribs, signs of being beaten. Crude torture method.

He then continues his explanation as he is buying time.

‘He is tortured to death. Former military. Commando, probably’ he said.

‘How do you know?’

‘He has a lot of scars. Normal people don’t have this kind of scars. Unless you are military or triads member then you would rarely get scars like that’ as he opens the man clothes and shows Sofia the scars.

‘But then he might be a triad member.’ Sofia offer

‘Look at the stitches and the sign of surgery. It is not a mess.’ He pointed at a hole like scars at the man ribs.

‘Gunshot wound. Most triad member doesn’t go to the hospitals and they have their own private doctors. But that is for the people high up on the chain. This kind of surgery and how clean the stiches it led me to believe he is either a military or former military.’

Hearing Azief said it like that he almost looks like a detective.

‘But I might be wrong’ he said.

‘But it clear he is tortured. But for what?’ he ask himself as he moved to the second bodies. His mind still is on the victim number one.

What information would be so important that a man would be tortured to death? It’s not personal. If its personal, the only one who would die will be that man not six people.

People who are thriving on revenge sometimes have their own logic. The torture method was disciplined, and cold.

It doesn’t feel personal. But then Azief came back to the present as he neared the second body.

The second body was of the young man. Azief checks his pants to check his wallet or anything but there is nothing. There are also no rings on the corpse possession.

The killers also loot the stuff…..but they guarded this area. Why?

Whoever killed them strip them of all of their clothes. But by now, it is obvious to him, that this six people is not killed by some beast or monster but by humans.

What makes him curios is why are their bodies remaining intact? Do the ape does not eat human meat?

Why did, this body remains even after a few days?

By the condition of the body, they might be dead for 5 days or longer. The smell and the lividity he could only roughly guess.

He checks the second victim. Sofia behind him ask

‘What do you think?’

‘Cause of death, blunt trauma to the back of his head.’ He looks at the back of the man head and see a large hole.

Then he began reconstructing the scene in his mind. He got some of the pictures already. But not enough he mused. He needs to check the other bodies.

Sofia behind him maintained a look out. But she is also interested in how does Azief knows this stuff. This time he went to one of the other three men.

Sofia just follows behind him, noting his eerie silence as he looks at the bodies, examining it.

Revolting. Disgusting. Smelly. That is what Sofia thought of the bodies and honestly she just wanted to proceed to the beast in the elementary school instead of spending their time here.

But Azief is still calmly examining the bodies like a forensic examiner. He is still deep in his thoughts as he looks at the body

Another former military he deduced.

But this one is slit in his throats. It was clear and precise.

He nodded and then he moved to the two woman bodies not too far away from the man bodies.

One of them must be the mother of that child he mused. As he inspect the bodies he is sure. One of the woman is older and there is some trace of Caesarean section on her stomach.

The other one is still young, black hair and hazel eyes. Her eyes were open. Azief slowly closes her eyes gently while Sofia offers her prayers.

Cause of death, for both of the woman is internal organ rupturing by some powerful force. Then he checks up the child body. The cause of death is the same but something is different from all the bodies.

The child face was mutilated beyond recognition. This usually implies that it was personal or deep hatred but that is inconsistent with all the other bodies.

The other bodies clearly shows that whoever doing this is very methodical and lack any mercy.

A cold and methodical killer.

But then Azief touch the blood. This is fresh. About a day he mused. Hmmm…he is deep in his thoughts.

By now, there is certain conclusion that he has conjured up. He smiles as he figures it out.

There might be some mistakes in his deduction but he is pretty sure he got the right answer.

He stands up and he looked around the area.

‘I think I could deduce what happened here’ he said.

‘What do you think happened?’ She said. She was also curios.

‘6 bodies’ he said.

‘Two women. The first is a young woman; the other one is a middle aged woman who has a child. Three men. Two of them are military; one was for all I know is just a low leveler. And the child. First the killer kill that John Doe’ as he pointed to the man with the slit throats.

‘Probably in this group he was the strongest so the killer dispatches him first. Then the young man who was in the near proximity is bludgeon by something resembling a baseball bat or a bludgeon. The young man head caved in and kills him instantly’ and then Azief moved to the woman.

‘The mother takes her child and tries to run way. Look at the footsteps.’ He pointed out and Sofia realized there is some trace of footsteps.

‘If you realize, this footsteps is a little bit deeper than the other one’ as he pointed to another set of footsteps.

‘That another set of footsteps belongs to the young woman.’

‘They run to separate direction.’ Sofia nodded offering her insights. Azief nodded.

‘How do you know that the deeper footsteps belong to the mother?’ she ask

‘She carried her child. That gives double the weight, thus a deeper footsteps. The killer, was fast and he or she killed the mother with one strikes to her chest, rupturing her ribcage and killing her with pain. The child too.’ He answers

‘Then the killer goes for the young woman, right?’ Sofia added.

‘No’ Azief said.

‘There are two killers. One neutralizes the threats, while the other restrains their target.’

‘What do you mean?’ Sofia ask

‘There is three men right? What do you think the other one was doing?’ Azief ask Sofia as he let her figure it out

‘While the first killer kills, the other one must have incapacitated the other men with some kind of poisons.’ Sofia said and Azief smiles, nodding at her words.

‘I checked earlier and there is some tiny dot on the man neck. He was poisoned or drugged.’ Azief added

‘When the young woman runs to a different direction, it was the second killer that kills the young woman. And what they wanted-‘

‘Was information.’ Sofia said cutting his words.

‘Whatever information they needed from that man’ he said pointing at the tortured man.

‘Wow’ she exclaimed

‘How do you know all this?’ she asked looking in awe at Azief. She knows he is a little bit weird ever since high school but this?

Azief lightly scoffed.

‘I was a fan of criminal investigation and I don’t mean the kind on TV. I read case files, old case files. Some of them in archives on library, the other you could see in the Web. Sometimes, I also did some research for my fictions’ He explained just a little.

But there is one thing he did not explains. The mutilation. He has his ideas about the mutilation but he kept it into himself.

Right now, excluding him and Sofia, there is 3 people in this forest.

There is also the reason why no monster comes around the body. He could also deduce that but if he said it then……maybe those people hiding in the shadows would come out.

By now, he could already think of a few scenarios.

‘Should we bury them?’ Sofia asked looking at the body.

‘No’ he said.

‘Why?’ She asked.

‘Not our problem’ he said.

‘We need to find the beast first. After that if the bodies is still here, then we can bury them’

‘What kind of logic is that? By then their bodies would be rotten or worse eaten by the apes Sofia said.

Azief could not understand why Sofia didn’t realize the things he has realize. If the body would be eaten by the apes or other beast, the bodies would be long gone.

He could also smell the faint smell of blood nearby. Whatever beast that tries to eat the corpse is neutralized.

However for what reason would they let the bodies here and even guard the body? He has too little information to infer more.

Azief come to her and whispers a few words to her and her face which is flushed with anger suddenly turn calm again.

‘Okay. If you say so’ she said obediently this time.

There is a reason why Azief did not want to bury the dead. He one way or another believe the killer let the bodies lying here.

They are waiting. They are not waiting for him…but they are waiting. Azief could surely contend with them but he wanted to settle his problem first.

Anyway the people are already dead. He needs to kill the beast first and he also wanted to see if Hamad group is still there.

There is no login in interfering with other people business.

‘Let’s move’ he said and Sofia obediently follows.

Her heart is still beating fast. She remembers what Azief told her a few moments ago.

‘Listen. Don’t react to what I’m about to say. The killers are here’ he said. She was about to raise her bows but Azief stop her movement.

‘We complete our goal first then we come back. This is not a simple murder’ he whispered and Sofia nodded.

Leaving the field of bodies, they move deeper into the forest, this time she is being very cautious.


A few distances away from them, a young child is looking at them and then he smiles. With one steps he disappears into the darkness again.

Not far from the young child last position is a young man and girl who breathed a sigh of relief.

They did not want to contend with a person who could easily kill an ape with just one kick, so they are now relieved that the man in the hood did not remove the bodies.

They have waited for a week and the target didn’t even show himself.

They are tired of waiting and if a few days from now, the Mad Alchemist Sina did not come they have no choice but to find other way to catch him.

But then they have to report to the General and that is always a fearful encounter. But a mission is a mission. They are doing this for the New Malaysia.

Making sure that the duo has left the area they resume back their watch and waited.



The wind rustles the leaves in the forest and a woman could be seen feeling nervous. A man with black robe walking calmly, at least that is how it seems in her eyes.

Sofia looks behind her sometimes. Every few second she would stop and tries to listen with her ears for any suspicious movement.

Sometimes she sniffs with her nose, trying to smell anything out of ordinary.

Azief look at Sofia behavior and he chuckles.

‘They are not there anymore, Sofia. they are only guarding the bodies.’ Hearing this Sofia lowered her guard.

‘How can you be sure?’ She said, looking behind her again and trying to detect anything unusual.

‘I know.’ He replies. Sofia is too cautious

‘But why? Why guard the bodies? It doesn’t seem….logical.’

‘I don’t know. But it’s not something simple.’ Azief said

‘How did you notice them?’ She asked

‘The smell. The stench of blood. The rustling in the bushes. The lack of any beast corpse near the bodies. Almost like anything that came near the field was stopped.’

‘I have enhanced smell. How come I didn’t smell anything?’

‘My sense is more acute than yours. ‘

As they walked through the forests, Sofia become the vanguard and Badge her assistant.  Sometimes, if Sofia in a tight spot he would lend his help.

But as they progressed deeper Sofia is getting accustomed in fighting, so much so, that she didn’t need his help anymore.

As they walk further and further, they come across a dark forest with trees that almost reached the clouds and the leaves provides not only shades from the sun but blotted out the sun, that the forest is cold and dark, like those forest in Grimm tales stories.

As they walked ahead suddenly they heard a roar not too far away. Azief smiles.

‘That is the alien’ he said.

‘You recognize it?’ Sofia said, her arrows were already on standby position, ready to shoot anything, in a moment notice.

‘I couldn’t forget that sound.’ He said.

So they move forward when suddenly they both stopped at the same time. He quickly unsummon Badge back.

Even though the cost of summoning him outside is not that high and Badge is useful sometimes, but comparing him and his pet, the one who has been pulling the weight in the battle is him.

‘There are people’ his ears perked up. Sofia nodded. She realizes it too. But it’s not a couple of people….but hundreds of people.

He could hear the conversation and as they pass deep bush they then see one thing they did not expect to see in these dark forest.

A stronghold with wood walls and a watchtower, a huge gate all constructed by wood. They are some guards on top of the tower and guards on the entrance of the gate, moving in a pattern, guarding the wooden stronghold.

‘What is this?’ Sofia asked disbelievingly. It is clear from her tone she did not expect to see a stronghold in a forest.

‘I don’t know.’ Azief reply but he began examining the surroundings.

On the west side of the stronghold, Azief could see the alien, his objective, his only quest from World Orb.

Lying on the ground leisurely, with protective barrier surrounding the alien, it is resting without any worries.

About a 100 people trying to break through the barrier. Sometimes the alien will spit green goo from his mouth and a few men with shields would take the brunt of that corrosive spit.

‘That’s my target’ Azief said. He needs to kill it. And then he checks the quest windows again.



The Demonic Erthen is a low level beast in the planet of Qarthan. They have acid spits, parasites that could live under the skins and strength that surpass the Homo sapiens. Defeat the beast to gain your class rewards.





In the case of failure, the class of Shadow Lords will return back to the roster of Unique Class Up and all the experience collected during the tenure of having the power of Shadow Lord will be given to the next inheritor.

‘What should we do?’ Sofia asked. She notices the group that is trying to kill the beast in vain.

But Azief is still looking at the barrier. At moment like this, Sofia knows just to let him collect his thoughts so she didn’t say anything

As he looked at the barrier, he got a revelation. Could it be? He smiles. Thinking about it, it is logical.

The quest is auto generated which means the monster is also generated.

Since the monster is the requirement for successfully completing Unique class criteria, the monster would be protected by the World Orb and if that logic is true, then that means the barrier is for him.

Only he can enter.

Thinking about it, it is logical. Being a Chosen already grants you boost in stats and special abilities.

So, people who chose the secret class also had to experience more danger. No pain ,no gain.

But the reason he is smiling is because, thank god, he evolved first. The Demonic Erthen is a low level beast in the planet of Qarthan so…..he is confident he could kill it.

It might not be as leisurely as killing the apes and snakes but it still would be pretty easy. That just shows how confident he is of killing the beast.

The Shadow Lord profession is already in the bag he mused.

‘Azief?’ Sofia nudges him and Azief snapped back to the present.

‘What do you think we should do?’

‘We greet whoever in charge here first.’ He decided.

‘You don’t mind they are attacking the beast?’ Sofia said, looking at the people throwing javelin and riddling the barrier with bullets.

Nothing seems to penetrate the beast barrier.

The only fortunate thing is that the beast did not come out of its protective barrier.


‘Why? That’s your quest right?’ then Azief explains his theory and Sofia nodded in understanding.

‘So that’s why!’ she exclaimed

‘So you have all the time in the world’ Sofia said, laughing. He just smiles and then he said.

‘Remember. Address me as Lord Shadow inside the stronghold later.’

‘Why would you want that? Everyone knows your name now don’t you think? She said, clearly puzzled by his decision

‘Wouldn’t that just make people want to grab the unique skill from you?’

‘Maybe. Or maybe not. Either they will got so tempted that they will try to attack me, or scared enough  not to offend me. In the end, both methods have pros and cons. And since I don’t like pretending to be weak, I might as well pretend to be strong.’

He understand the concept of pretending to be a rabbit but he doesn’t want to.


Because pretending to be rabbit also invites troubles. If that is the case, why should he bow to people, when he can look down on them?

Thinking of the pros and cons he decided to spread the name Lord Shadow. He was already well known by the World Orb announcement.

Azief believe reputation is also important in this new world. Now that there is such a convenient thing as the announcement by the World Orb, why would he not exploit his fame?

After they decided in their course of action they moved to the stronghold.

The moment their silhouette is spotted the guards on the towers screams and then most of the guards on the tower either brandishes their swords, aimed their arrows, or preparing to throw their spears and javelin.

Some even in shooting position, holding a sniper rifle in their post while some are targeting the duo with fire arms, machineguns, 9mm, and many others.

They are well armed Azief mused which makes this stronghold more mysterious. Modern weapons all disappeared when the light came.

Other than the things you store inside the storage rings, all modern weapons or necessities disappeared after the Light fell.

Then this means whoever supplied this stronghold with weapons, is either someone high up in the military or the most likely theory, the guards or supervisor of a weapon storage facility.

Azief also realizes there are some people who uses firearms but their pistol are imprinted by runic design which means their firearms is granted buy the World Orb.

So the World Orb did not only grant cold weapons, but also hot weapons to humans.

Interesting he mused.

‘Who are you! Identify yourself!’ The guards on the front gate said with a deep voice. The guard was bulky and in his hand was a curved saber.

He was Malay. The one on his right side was Chinese.

Sofia let Azief take the lead this time. She on the other hand pointed her arrows to the people on the watch.

Azief approached the main gate slowly.

To the crowds they felt an unexplained dread as the man in the black robe comes approaching.

They couldn’t see his face, only the black robe fluttering, as the wind blows his robe gently, each steps soundless, like he didn’t even walk those steps but swaying with the wind.

This is not the first time the guards is asking the people coming here to this stronghold the same question but this time he unintentionally screams because of the pressure bearing down on him.

Lord Shadow on the other hand did not stop walking, nor does he offer any explanation.

Sofia just sighed. Faithful to his character she mused as she follows from behind, still overlooking the watchtower.

‘STOP!’ The guard said but Lord Shadow keep advancing.

He did not run just walking slowly to the front gate but for some reason it is like Death is coming to their doorsteps.

The guards instinct tells him to run, screaming to him to run. But instead in his panic he yelled.

‘First Company!’

Then the front gate small door opens and from it appears 12 men who is all armed and armoured.

They look at the approaching man in hood and they said it again


The leader of the first company is Naim. He looked at the approaching man and the man says nothing.

He could even swear he could see a trace of a smirk on the face under the hood.

‘STOP or we will be forced to take action!’ the man said.

The reason why Azief is provoking this stronghold is because he wants to know… what kind of place this is.

A tyrant living like a king stronghold or an organized band of people….or bandits.

There is also a fact that this is just fun. He knows he is truly strong and he wanted to strike the fear of God inside the heart of these men.

He wanted to establish superiority. It would be easier for him later.

He could feel that the guards level is mostly around 10 or 12.They are basically ants in his eyes.

The reason why he needs to establish fear? It is to establish power? The reason why he needs to establish power? For the beast!

He could see that the stronghold is not that far away from the beast.

From the trace of battle around the area, one could surmise that they have been attacking the beast countless of times but they failed.

He didn’t think this is because of their weak level. Why? Because they have enough number to overwhelmed the beast.

The ranks of the beast are merely an extraordinary beast which is one rank down from Unique rank monster.

The reason why they fail is because of the barriers. Azief could see that they couldn’t enter the barrier.

But he believes he could. This quest is tailor made for him.

But if he decided to offer his service to this stronghold he needs to prove his worth. One might ask, why does he need to offer his service when he could easily just as enter the barrier and kill the beast?

Why…it’s because of profit of course. Thinking about the gold these people have and pills, he is in a joyful expression.

He has his plan of course.

And the other reason, is to not offend people when he doesn’t know the full story. Maybe there is a high leveler in here but Azief doubts it.

Because he couldn’t feel that pressure. But still it safer to be safe and just offend them slightly instead of offending them all the way.

But he is sure, among these people there is no Chosen.

The reason why he is sure of this theory is because, if there is a Chosen here in the stronghold, then they should have known about the barrier characteristic.

As long as the barrier is not broken, the monster won’t attack the stronghold. The monster is waiting for Chosen to fight with them.

And third reason, a lord, should behave like a lord. He is a superior being than homo sapiens why should he deals with normal people and extra characters?

The leader of this stronghold should meet him and offer respect or something along that line.

‘STOP! ‘The First Company yelled again. The people on the watchtower did not do anything since there is no order from up top.

They just watched murderously at the duo and in standby position.

There is some trace of determination on his face. The people on the tower also began feeling dreadful.

Who is this duo coming to the stronghold?

People ask them to identify themselves, yet they didn’t say a word.

When the first company came the people in the tower smiles in relief since surely they thought the duo would feel a little bit fear and comply with the guards request.

Yet they stubbornly not saying anything which only increases the uneasiness they feel toward these strangers.

This is not the first time they are visited by some weird people. A few days ago they were visited by a man claiming himself to be Thousand Face but he was denied entry.

Then the man disappeared.

Today, a man clad in black and a woman who looks like a Spartan warrior goddess, with a beautiful bow sling on her back coming to their stronghold.

And the scariest part is that even after the First Company shows themselves, the duo still looked calm as a still lake.

‘STOP!!!’ The first company yelled as they began marching forward. Step by step they moved forward in uniform position. They all used a spear.

Azief smiles.

As Azief walked forward he looked at the leader of the First Company, Naim, murderously. As he did, the man’s body suddenly began to shake and his organs felt as if they would stop working.

His bodily function seemed as if it had lost its ability to function. The blood drained from his face, and astonishment filled his eyes.

A massive pressure bore down on him, causing him to shake so violently that he thought he might fall into pieces.

Lord Shadow continued to look at him.

This was the crushing power caused by the vast difference in their race. Azief is not a Malay.

He’s not even human any longer. He’s a Novus Sapiens, a higher life form and being. Like the difference between an ant and a human.

Naim realizes it at that moment, that the man in front of him is an existence far surpassing him.

Naim knew that by merely lifting his hand, this man, clad in black, face that covered by his hood, and robe caressed by the winds, could explode him into a million pieces.

An intense, indescribable dread welled up within him.

Shaking, he coughed up blood, as he could feel his internal organ almost stopped functioning.

His hand trembling, all of his hairs stands up, sweat drenching from his back and he even dropped his spear with a loud thud, so scared that he didn’t even dare to take a step backward.

The 11 other men had already begun to feel sick to their stomach, but seeing this, seeing the Hooded Man standing there like an imposing mountain, their hearts shook.

They knew that this mountain could exterminate them all in an instant. They trembled and they too, unconsciously, drop their spears.

Azief actually rely only on his racial abilities and fear aura.

The gap between his level and this 12 men in front of them is like the difference between the Heaven and Earth.

As he looked down at the eleven men who trembled in fear, he could see respect and fear in their eyes.

When he looked at them, each and every one of them was shaking in his boots.

Then he spoke and his voice was cold and devoid of emotion which only increase the fear and wariness that the people in the stronghold feel for this man.

‘My name is Lord Shadow’ he said slowly but nobody dares say anything. Then they remember the notification they read a few days ago.

‘Lord Shadow…the one who defeats the Unique monster a few days ago?’

‘Is that him?’ Some of them whisper.

The guards also feel a little fear. Some of them fight a few of the beast and they know how fearsome a beast is…but this man in front of them defeated a Unique rank monster.

How much power he wields if he could defeat such monster?

From what the guards know from the higher ups, a Unique monster is usually a prehistoric beats and the monster that this Lord Shadow defeated is 40 feet long.

How do they know this? Because they once patrolled the Pahang River before they moved here deep in the forest.

They know the monster that lies deep beneath the river, the size and its power.

So, knowing that one man could achieve what hundreds of them could not do, it fills their heart with fear and awe.

That is even bigger than most dinosaurs.

No wonder, the guards mused.

No wonder, he feels like peeing feeling the pressure of Lord Shadow. Now, he doesn’t feel that embarrassed

Then Lord Shadow said

‘Call your leader. Bring him here. Tell him that Lord Shadow summons him here.’ He said, like a bearing of a King.

Usually one would attribute this kind of thing like being prideful but the leader of the first company doesn’t detect that from Lord Shadow.

All he could detect was a pervading fear and coldness originating from Lord Shadow.

Usually if anyone demands to meet the leader they won’t be entertained. But, Naim knows the power of this man before him.

Defeating a Unique monster.

Even the Generals on the Headquarters can’t defeat such monster. It would take a large operation to try to kill the Unique monster and the casualties would be high.

The man in front of him, could also be categorized as monster.

With one glance, he already destroy whatever fighting spirit he has, and with another glance almost paralyzed his brothers in arms in fear.

‘Hurry up’ he said and as his gaze swept over them they trembled.

‘Yes….Lo..rd shadow. We will inform the Captain.’

‘You.’ Lord Shadow pointed to one of the guard guarding the front gate and the guards almost wet himself.

‘Bring me two chairs.’

‘YES!’ He screams unintentionally, quickly as he runs inside the front gate and bring Lord Shadow and his lady companion a chair.

The woman behind Lord Shadow just giggles. When the chair is handed to them, they sit leisurely in front of the gate.

The people who are fighting the Demonic Erthen also retreats back to the stronghold, but they returned from the back so they didn’t know about the commotion.

That day, the administrative center of the stronghold is in a mess as the Head Captain get a report and when he heard that the man waiting in front on his front gate is Lord Shadow, he canceled all of his plan for that day and rushes from his office to greet the man.

On the other hand, Lord Shadow and Sofia was sipping tea on the front gate. It was like they are in a picnic in front of the gate ,unmindful of everything.

As Lord Shadow smiles under his hood, he mused.

This is the disposition of the strong. He mused




The guards look warily at the duo on the front of the gate. They don’t know what to do other than the wait for the higher ups to decide.

In just a short time, many people inside the stronghold have congregated nearby the gate.

Some young people, teenagers mostly would climb the watchtower and see below them, a man clothed in black and a woman who is dressed like a Spartan warrior goddess, with a beautiful bow sling on her back.

‘Who is that?’ One of them whispered, their fingers pointed to the man under the hood.

Other girls who also climb the tower admired the woman with the bow. Powerful and calm even in such situation.

They remember when the monster first came.

They were in fear and if not for the Captains and the Vice Captains they all would probably end up as the monster meals.

The guards on the watchtower dare not relax and is full of tension. They knew whoever this two people is they are strong.

Not to mention, the man clothed in black is Lord Shadow. They all read the announcement from the system a few days ago.

They could only imagine the terror this man could do to this stronghold.

There is also the fact that a few moments before, the guards on the watchtower could see that Lord Shadow could summon monsters.

There is some beast tamer in the stronghold but mostly they tamed chickens or bats or praying mantis, mostly insect and the likes.

It’s not that they didn’t want to train high level monster but to get a high level monster is hard.

Not to mention the people here in the stronghold is not all brave and dares to fight the beast and the zombies.

Even those who dare to fight zombies sometimes do not dare to fight beast. Then, there are those who could kill beast, but could not kill zombies.

The psyche of human minds is mysterious.

Only those who have strengthened their will to survive and persevere would be able to stand on top.

The crowds who were trying to peek at the visitors crowded near the main gate on the inside but then when the crowd spotted someone they all give way.

‘It’s the Head Captain’ one of the men on the crowds said and the crowds all look at the direction of the man.

The man is large build and he has a thick moustache and he usually seen to be in control but not today. Today he look anxious and excited all at the same time.

Beside him were the Captains.

Captain Hatta and Captain Sita. Captain Hatta who was the Captain of the First Company. Captain Sita who was in charge of the Second Company.

Beside Captain Sita was the Vice Captains. Vice-Captain Rani and Vice-Captain Lakshmi.

The crowds immediately open a path for these highest people in the stronghold in position to move.

Arriving at the main gate, the man guarding the gate quickly saluted.

‘Open the gates’ Head Captain ordered.

There is a trace of nervousness written all over the Head Captain face.

The guards were shocked to see this kind of appearance from a man so high in position. Naim who was waiting for the Captains did not think that even the Head Captains would appear.

He quickly went to Captain Hatta and asks in a low voice.

‘Why did even the Head Captain come down from his office?’ He asked.

Hatta who was never a heavy talker look on the main gate with a solemn expression.

Naim thought his captain would not say anything so he shut his mouth up but then his captain said.

‘We met him once before.’ He said, there is some sort of feelings in his voice.

A hint of respect and Naim knows that is rare. His captain did not even shows respect to the General so…..why would he even shows respect to some unknown stranger?

But hearing that his captain knows Lord Shadow before, Naim concluded there must be a story there, but he didn’t ask further.

The sound of creaking can be heard and Azief who was just finishing his cup of tea, look at the main gate and he grins.

Then the main gate open and when he sees the person leading the crowd, he was shocked.

Sofia too who was sitting beside Azief is shocked.

‘It’s them’ she said. Azief just nodded.

‘Hamad’ he said slowly and then Azief look at how he changed.

His clothes are more sophisticated than before and he wears an armour that is very eye-catching.

Even Hamad boots is very beautiful.

He has grown he mused

But what surprises him the most was the fact that Hamad is still alive.

‘Lord Shadow, we meet again’ Hamad firsts started the conversation.

Hamad still remembers how overbearing this character Lord Shadow is and now the second time they meet it doesn’t seems his overbearingness decreases.

It’s more like he is even more overbearing than before.

But he also recognizes that Lord Shadow would be very powerful. Even then, he was defeated easily by Lord Shadow.

And a few days ago, he also reads that Lord Shadow defeated the Unique rank monster.

The fact that he knows and did not send any company to try to search for the Unique book is testament of how highly he views Lord Shadow.

Even though he knew he could send people to the river, why would he readily offend a man of such character, so unpredictable and overbearing?

After all his job here is not to get some Unique book. It is his job to maintain the stronghold here in Temerloh and then expand to the other city on Pahang.

The General has given him this responsibility, this job to him and appointed him to the Head Captain.

And if he could recruit Lord Shadow in the Great Plan, then wouldn’t the General give him more skill books and pills?

‘Yes’ Lord Shadow said, not putting the head Captain in his eyes. He did not even get up from his seat, but his eyes look at Hamad.

‘You have grown stronger, Hamad.’

‘And you have created waves, Lord Shadow’ Hamad said.

‘It seems you survived the Light.’ Lord Shadow said, looking unimpressed.

‘We did. But not without sacrifices.‘ And saying this Hamad face hardens.

‘Who dies?’ Lord Shadow ask calmly

‘4 people under Hatta’ and Hatta just bitterly smiles and he bowed slightly at Lord Shadow.

‘Hmm’ Lord Shadow replies.

Then for a while there is some awkward silence since Lord Shadow did not say anything after that.

Sofia who was beside Azief began pouring the tea to her cup and the sound of water being poured is the only sound on the area.

The crowds look at the duo acting nonchalantly like nothing is up, even though all the big characters in the stronghold are in front of him.

One of the young kids on the stronghold looks at the imposing image of Lord Shadow and he admired and even wished that he wanted to become like that someday.

In the stronghold, the warriors and the support levelers is vital existence but….in front of Captains and Vice Captains even they must bow their heads.

The captains and the vice-captain are all great people, strong and very powerful, killing beast like cutting leaves, fearless and brave.

But now, in front of these strangers they didn’t dare say anything rude, while these strangers are in leisure, sipping tea in the middle of the forest.

One is sitting leisurely, while the other one was standing in respect.

Even in a kid’s eye, it is obvious who the superior ones are. The things that the kids saw and think, how could the adults not think it too?

‘Lord Shadow, is there anything you would like? Anything I could help you with?’

‘I would like to enter the city but those guards ask me to identify myself. So I teach them a light lesson’

Hearing this Hamad also doesn’t know how to explain it. Of course the guards would ask any strangers to identify themselves.

If not what use are the guards waiting in front of the main gate. Stool?

‘Ehem, Lord Shadow I’m sorry if that offends you but of course the guards will ask you to identify yourself. If you have only identified yourselves, then surely the guards would not prohibit you from entering.’

Hamad explains logically and the Vice Captains and the crowds nodded on the Head captain explanation.

It is logical and concise.

‘I don’t like it’ Lord Shadow said calmly and the crowds is shocked. He doesn’t like it so it is wrong?

What kind of overbearing this is? If he says white is black, does the people have to nod?

Azief is simply bullying right now. But the truth is, he just wanted to show to Sofia and Hamad something.

Sofia looking at this spectacle chuckles.

Even though Hamad is humiliated in front of the crowd, he just endures it and not say anything. Sofia learns something.

Power is all that matters in this new world.

Even though this stronghold has many people and looks formidable when she first arrive here, as time pass by, she didn’t feel that this stronghold is anything special.

She concluded that with her Torrents of Arrows she could decimate the watch tower and riddles the inside of the stronghold with arrows

Then with Azief powerful strength they could wreak havoc and chaos before escaping. So what if their numbers are superior?

They have quantity but Sofia and Azief has quality. In a world of magics, monsters, and levels, do numbers really means that much?

Injury could be heal by drinking potions, strength could be gained by eating rare meats and eating pills, and when evolved, leaping through building is no longer constricted into web novels, or sci fi movies but could be achieved by everyone.

Unless there are thousands of people in there then handling this stronghold is easy matter.

And after she talked to Azief and confirms that there is no high level opponent, she is even more confident.

In the world right now, there is not even a person who reached level 39.

People who has reached level 30 right now has exceed ten but still not approaching 20. Azief also get the rewards after the 10 list of the Hall of Fame was updated.

So, right now, in the world, he has no rivals.

He is truly sitting on the peak of supremacy right now, but he also knows, that since he got this luck he should remain at the top.

If anyone got any fortuitous encounter like him then his seat on the top will not be that high any longer.

And he also realizes that when you evolved, the things that matter most is not how fast you could level up but the quality of the level up.

That is why he keeps repressing his evolution. In level, he has no comparison.

At least when it concern humans. Beast that rivals and surpassed him is many and still roamed the earth.

Those that was Ultimate or high tier ranks monster however is in hibernation and asleep until they are activated.

That is another factor why he wanted to become stronger. Titles and being the strongest is secondary to his primary objective…which is to survive.

Sofia whispered onto Azief ears.

‘That’s enough don’t you think?’ She said still chuckling. Azief looks at Hamad and then he smirks under his hood and then he said coldly.

‘I’m just kidding.’ Even though he said that, no one wanted to laugh because Lord Shadow said it with no laughter or smiles.

It was more like a statement.

Cold. That is how they could describe Lord Shadow.

‘Hamad’ he said as he got up from his chair

‘Would you mind giving me a tour inside your stronghold?’ He ask but it was more like an order.

Not to mention his racial aura is always emitted and fill Hamad and his Captains heart with an overbearing pressure.

Sofia who is almost breaking to Level 30 does not feel the pressure bearing on down her to much these days.

And it helps that she is being tempered by that aura every second of every day considering they are always together.

But for people who are far from reaching level 30 and didn’t have as many pills as Azief and Sofia, bearing the pressure to talk with him is considered good enough.

Hamad and his Captains are on the mid 20s level. Which is why they could converse with Lord Shadow without being too heavily suppress.

If Azief emitted the full power of his racial superiority, the same thing that happens to the guard will happen to Hamad and his Captains

Hamad hearing Lord Shadow request quickly say

‘Of course. Of course. It would be my pleasure’ He said excitedly.

Saying this he quickly escorts the duo inside the stronghold




‘What does that store?’ Azief pointed to one of the shed.

‘That is our food storage. That is meat’ he pointed to one of the shed,

‘That is vegetables.’ Hamad pointed to another shed like barn

‘And what’s that?’ Sofia pointed to another one with 10 guards posted around it. Azief also curios about that shed since it is so heavily protected.

‘That is our Rewards and Acquisition Shed.’

‘Rewards and acquisition shed? What’s that?’ Azief ask

‘That is where we put our skill books, pills, potions, weapons, armour and the rest of the world orb system.’

Hamad explains

Hearing this Sofia and Azief both are shocked but they do not shows their shock on their expressions.

Then Sofia asked,

‘Why would you do that?’ Clearly Sofia is puzzled.

Azief on the other hand began understanding what this stronghold is all about. Control he deduced.

Looking at the people inside the stronghold they are mostly civilians. Looking at the guards, there are warriors as the foot soldiers.

Archers guarded the watchtowers. Knights as the vanguards. Mages as long distance weapons. Support class as the hospitals.

These are systematic, in order….but mostly…..controlled.

If not how could they create this kind of environment? Their classes, their specialties is decided by the higher ups that control this stronghold.

Azief could see this in just one glance.

Heh, it seems there are some ambitious people out there. Hamad was entertaining Sofia, answering all her question when suddenly Lord Shadow ask

‘What is the hierarchy inside this stronghold?’

Hearing this, Hamad also hesitates to tell Lord Shadow because, he in a way, could guess what Lord Shadow reactions going to be, but then with a sigh he said.

‘Let us enter one of the barrack and speak there.’ He said.

Azief and Sofia nodded. It seems that this conversation would be private. They walked to the barrack.

When Hamad enters he quickly orders all the officers and the recruits inside the barrack to clear the place.

The only one inside the barrack is the Captains, Vice-Captain, Hamad, Sofia and Azief.

Azief sit down and Sofia sat beside him. Then Hamad also sits down while the captains and Vice-Captain still stand and then Hamad begin his explanation

‘When the Light fell, we didn’t know what to do’ he said bitterly.

‘All around us was tall trees, and green grass. We heard monsters, we saw zombies eaten by some moving trees. It was terrifying and we were always in peril. For a few days we move in silence. We lose people. Then we reach what used to Mentakab. There…..we meet the Vice Commander.’

And saying this, clearly there is a hint of awe and respect in Hamad tone regarding this man called the Vice Commander

‘Vice Commander?’ Sofia said puzzled.

‘When the Fall began, Putrajaya crumbles, KL was destroyed, ravaged by monsters. Millions died in a single days, cities were burned and turns to ash. From the ashes, comes a group. They called themselves the Party for All Malaysians.’

‘A political party in the middle of an apocalypse?’ and Azief almost break character and laugh but he endures it.

‘Not a political party’ Hamad said and this time his facial expression was clearly hinting to something dark.

‘A military one. It was led by two generals.’

‘You mean real military?’ Azief said. But one thing stays in his mind. The words that Hamad said, sparked soothing in his mind.

The words, two generals and something clicked in his mind, the wheels turning as a few thing is enlightened to him.

He didn’t say anything neither is his expression betrays his newfound information but he clearly has some ideas about some things and even though it is just a conjecture at this points, at least he has a place to start from.

He did not ask the name of the two generals instead he keep on listening to Hamad

‘Don’t know’ Hamad said. Then he continued

‘I don’t really know whether the General really did come from the military or not but they possesses enough people following them and establishes a stronghold in the middle of KL after the beast retreated. Everyone been calling them general and they do look the part. The reason why they built the stronghold in the middle of Kl is because when the meteor strikes, there is some those meteorites that crashed to the earth right?’

Azief nodded.

‘That meteorite that falls did not bring the monsters. They bring the Teleport stones.’ Then Hatta explain to the duo about teleport stones.

‘So, that’s the reason they build a stronghold there!’ Azief exclaimed.

Now wonder! If the teleport stone could transport the low level players to other part of the country, to every state, this party could gain control and information easily.

‘Yes, so they could send their army to pacify the country.’  Hamad said excitedly. Clearly he supports this party.

But Azief clearly could not agree with this. Sending armies? Establishing controls? These are the worst case scenario he once thought of.

Some selfish people, is carving Malaysia and creating their own sphere of influence. Warlords…..are emerging.

And what better way to carve a fallen nation then during chaos, by offering safety and security… sacrificing liberty and freedom?

While Azief is conjecturing in his mind about all the things he found about this stronghold, Sofia ask Hamad.

‘How does this got to do with you?’ Sofia asked.

‘Well, when we reached Mentakab we saw that there is a stronghold and we enter the gates. Entering we were given a choice. Either we join them and relinquish our World Orb items or after three days we would be evicted from the stronghold.’

Threats, huh? Azief mused. That would work.

‘And you choose to stay. Protection by sacrificing liberty. Hmph’ Azief snorted. He clearly looks down on such person.

How could they become stronger like that? Hamad, Hatta, and Sita and the Vice Captains all smiles bitterly.

‘Not all people are like you, Lord Shadow.’ Hamad said bitterly. How could a strong man like Lord Shadow understand?

Weak people have their ways. "You can't run away" is an ideal for the strong.

And not all people are as brave or could endure what happens after the fall. Some lost loved ones and could no longer get up.

Some lost courage and give up. Some found no other meanings, and they stop.

But hope……hope keeps the heart alive. And the Party is a beacon of hope for the weak. A hope of normalcy, a hope for security….a hope for things to get better.

And in front of hope…people will be blinded by any logic and reason, and would surrender almost anything.

To people who can stay and stand their ground, to not be swayed and get up from their despair, to not lose courage and to find a purpose in this new world, these people could easily see the discrepancies of the intention of this Party.

Because these kind of people…..are strong. Both mind and body. Seeing Hamad and his subordinates bitterly accepting their positions, Azief could not stand it.

‘Hmph. Was I born strong? In the beginning, I was also weak!’ He shot back to Hamad.

Sofia glares at Azief and Azief stop rebuking them. Calming himself down, he asked these people a question

‘How many?’ Azief asked them

‘How many what?’

‘How many of these strongholds have these generals constructed and how many states have they pacified?’

‘From what I heard from our last messengers, four states have had the stronghold and each stronghold is now trying to pacify each region.’

Hamad answers

‘Which states?’ Lord Shadow asked

‘Pahang, Terengganu, Selangor and Kuala Lumpur’ Hamad replies again

‘And the hierarchy?’

‘Recruits, Normal Recruits, Officers, Vice-Captain, Captains, Head Captain, Vice Commander, Commander, Vice General, General.’

‘Pretty simple’ Sofia said, nodding her head

‘Yes, this is the beginning.’ Hatta said from behind

‘And each thing is regulated, no?’ Azief said, and there is a trace of ridicule here. Hamad obviously did not miss that ridicule and his face redden.

He very much supported the Party and its vision for a new Malaysia, and very much desires the peace that Malaysian have protected and preserve for 59 years.

‘Yes.’ Hamad replied in a slightly higher tone

‘Skill books, items, pills all this belong to the individuals.’ Azief coldly said

‘The Generals are trying to create back the former government’ Hamad said proudly.

As he used to work for the government he is very loyal to the government which is why he so easily enters the Party.

‘By exploiting the weak and desperate?’ Azief asked, his tone was laced with ridicule and condescension.

Sofia glares at Azief but Azief would not back down on this matter.

It’s one thing for users to rob items or pill against one another, but to exploit the weak and desperate, to play on their hopes and takes away their liberty…..he could not stand it.

‘Don’t you see what they are doing, Hamad?’ Azief asked, hoping for him to see some sense and snap out of it

Hamad clearly rose to the occasion and defended the party with great vehemence. Of course Lord Shadow is not surprised instead he listen calmly

‘The party provides protections and security. While it is true, that each class is regulated and resources like skill books are stored for the party it does not belong to the Generals but belongs to those who did great merits. Not to mention, hunting with a group is means increased safety and less of a risk. What do you have against government anyway?’ Hamad said slightly angry

‘Hmph!’ Azief snorted

‘Protection and security? What protection and security? There are beast out there that could destroy your so called stronghold with a swish of their tails. Does not belong to the General? Belongs to those people who did great deeds? Those people who win you those skill books are the one who should lay claims to the books! You must ask those low level people to kill high level monster right? After all a lower level person killing a higher level monster would drop more gold and items. What is this if not exploitation?’

Each one of his word struck a nerve with Hamad who was a staunch supporter of the Party vision and goals.

His face turned red and he was very angry. Not a few hours passed and Lord Shadow has clearly seen their method of operations and then mocked them for it.

How many people were saved because they work in a group? While it is true, that people level up harder when fighting in a group but at least they’re safe.

In Azief opinion, unless you did not dare risk your life in this new world, you will always be mediocre.

What use of making the world anew, if the same kind of people keeps ruling it?

‘Classes regulated? Do you want to let humanity perish? The world orb specifically said to grow stronger, not to play governments!’ Azief said passionately.

And clearly there is some anger in his voice.

How could the people here be so stupid? Hearing the word government did that blind their eyes, dull their senses? Do they not realize that they are being exploited?

If you become strong enough, why would you need protection?

Everyone can be as strong as him, if not stronger than him if they only fight and persevere and not trying to find the easy way out.

Being strong is the only way.

It’s not like Azief don’t want to sit calmly under the umbrella of government but even as he thinks of what the government could do for him, he could not think of any that would guarantee him survival in this new world.

He met a Unique rank monster and that monster is formidable enough to even destroy a city if it run amuck.

Imagine if Apex ranks monster appears, this stronghold, would probably be destroy by one breath.

This is why he could call them idiots.

The government function has always been to govern. But what could you govern in a world starting anew with evolutions, magics and monster?

The government also provides security and protects the people of the country. But in this new world, the government couldn’t do anything and most have been destroyed when the fall came.

There is no security guaranteed. No safety net from the government. No guarantee for anything.

You could only trust in your strength and those around you.

Then he said at Hamad again

‘Hunting with a group increased safety? Hamad, there is no safe place anymore! The resources don’t belong to the Party? Who would believe that? I’m not a ten year old kid to be deceived by some sweet words.’

This time Hamad could not stuff his feeling any longer and he explodes.

‘You…you! All the people inside this stronghold are hoping that General Razak and General Bashar to succeed in establishing back the governments! You…you are evicted! Get out!’ He yelled.

‘Head Captain!’ Hatta said behind him trying to calm down the Head Captain.

On the other hand, Sofia just shakes her head while Azief just look at Hamad and could not understand how he could be so blind.

A difference of ideals he mused.

‘Hmph. I would not stay in this stronghold a moment longer even if you begged. Since we have different ideals, then I would not force you. But when my words are proven true, don’t regret it!’

Lord Shadow leaves that dire warning as he got up.

Waving his hand, he activated telekinesis and the barrack door open like a gust of wind attack the door and the door fly open.

Azief got up and began leaving the barracks no fearing any resistance while Hamad is still looking angrily at Lord Shadow, while Hatta face was plastered with a very complicated expression.

Each and every one hearing what Lord Shadow words, have their own thoughts.

Not everyone is as loyal as Hamad to a party not even a month old, and not everyone believes the promise the party has promised.

Each and every one of them has made their own choices, and each of them have different objective and reason why they follow the Party.

Hamad loyalty is because of his faith towards government. Hatta, because of the mutual benefit. Sita stays because of her friends.

Azief? A wandering soul in isolation has no need for a place to belong. And when he made that oath with Sofia, he was no longer alone.

And together they would take on the world. Together, they can do anything.

Sofia also got up calmly and follows Azief out.

‘You should be a little patient with them’ she said as they walked to the main gate.

‘I have no patience dealing with idiots’ he said coldly.

‘Hmm. You care that’s why you scold them.’ Azief did not reply to Sofia statement and Sofia just smiles.

He really doesn’t know how to express his emotion a little bit more gently .Just say that he didn’t want them to be deceived. Instead he picked up a fight she mused as she shakes her head, looking at Azief behavior.

He is misunderstood. She mused and then she remembers the class clown before and she asked herself.

What happen in those years that change someone so bright to become so cold? One day, she hopes that she will know.

When they reach the main gate, the main gate was already shut down.

Hamad who look at Lord Shadow back began sighing in regret. He was too hot headed and was about to console Lord Shadow again.

It was fortunate that the main gate was shut tight. It will give him time to console the duo.

But then something unexpected happens. Lord Shadow jump up and he arrived on the watchtower easily almost like he was flying.

With one leaps, he arrived at the watchtower. Seeing this, the people on the yard could not help but take a breath.

Could human do things like that? They seem to be asking themselves and some even rubbed their eyes, not believing what they are seeing.

The same could be said for Sofia who jumps and gracefully lands on top of the watchtower.

‘Wait! Please wait!’ Hamad said as he is running towards the duo direction. But the duo has already jumped down the tall watchtower leisurely.

The one who was most shocked is of course the guards on the watchtower.

They built high walls to prevent people from scaling the walls, and high stairs to reach the watch tower but in front of this duo, one jump is all they need.

Living under the well, the frogs think the well is the whole world.

The frog in the well was happy. It wasn't interested what was outside the well. The frog in the well was happy.

It was recluse to anything that happened outside the well. And you all were happy. Because you didn't know what occurred outside the well.

This is what Azief thought about those people living inside the stronghold. So many threats outside and they think they are safe in a wooden box?


The guards look down as the duo landed with grace and without even a broken bone.

Looking at this they are truly shocked. Jumping from such a high distance and not even a bit hurt.

In their stronghold there is nobody could do such feats. That is because they are regulated and each resources is given to the stronghold.

To Azief, they all have a screw loose in their heads. The path to strength in in front of them, yet they give it to another.

What idiocy! Of course they couldn’t defeat Lord Shadow and Sofia. The duo eats pills, beast meat, and learns every skill that they could buy and got.

Looking back at the stronghold, Lord Shadow sighed.

‘Plan B?’ Sofia asked, still smiling after they landed.

‘Plan B.’ Azief said smirking.

And they rush back inside the forest.


Can anyone please donate about 40 bucks? Other than that, you should know I also posted MU XIYUN: A LONELY LAUGH, TRAVELLING THE MOUNTAINS AND LAKES which tells the story of Mu Xiyun adventure in the Ming Continent.

It didn’t have a fixed schedule but do check it out. Other than that, next chapter will be longer and new characters will emerge that had something to do with our duo.

Thank you for reading and leave some comments.



Under a tree, a man and a woman is eating meat. The aroma was appetizing and the smell was very fragrant. With some spices, the man is cooking the meat in curry flavor.

It was red and spicy, just the way the both of them like it.

After being heated and making sure that the meat was tender and edible, the man put some of the curry in a bowl while the woman open another pot which contains rice.

The smell of the rice was sweet and the rice was evenly cooked. Seeing the rice the woman gulped and quickly takes three scoop of rice onto her plate.

Then when the man covered the ground with some cover they put the food on top of the cover and they sit down, looking satisfied.

‘What do you think it would taste like?’ The woman asks.

‘I don’t know Sofia. But it smells good.’ The men and woman was Sofia and Lord Shadow, camping not far away from the stronghold and the beast.

‘Call Badge’ Sofia said, she already could not help but eyeing the dish.

He then called Badge and Badge quickly appears nearby after killing a few apes. Azief put one large bowl with only the meat inside the bowl for his pet while he and Sofia eat the meat with rice.

‘Let’s eat’ Azief said and he began digging his food. The moment he swallow the meat a notification appears.





‘Whoa’ Sofia was the first one to exclaim.

‘You got the skills?’ Azief asked

‘Yes’ Sofia said.

‘Ironflesh, and a huge boost on my strength‘ she declared

‘What about you?’ she asked

‘The same skill, fame and a new pillar.’ Azief replies grinning

‘That sucks.’ Sofia said sulking


‘I mean it sucks to be me. I didn’t even get a pillar.’

‘Oh, of course.’ Azief said sarcastically.

‘Of course it sucks to be you, right? You got skill just by eating, not to mention boosting your strength, and you didn’t even kill the damn thing. Sure, sucks to be you’

He said, smiling sarcastically.

Sofia chuckles.

Then Azief continues.

‘Anyway, just wait until you reach level 30 and eat the meat again. There are still a few slabs of the meat inside my bag of holding. Maybe you will also get pillars then’

Sofia nodded

‘How’s the food?’ Azief asked

‘Good. Delicious’ she said.

‘The curry sauce (what is kuah in English, any Malaysian could help me with this? Is it gravy, or sauce, or soup?) is balanced in its spiciness and the meat was tender in texture. 5 stars’ she said excitedly.

Azief smiles slightly. Behind him, his pet already finishes eating and is quickly ordered to guard the perimeter again.

After their daring escape from the stronghold, no one seems to chase them.

It seems Hamad really didn’t want to offend him and Sofia so Hamad didn’t send anyone to hunt them.

Anyway the conflict started because of their difference in ideas. A pro-government in a world where government is not yet needed.

To be more accurate, a government that exploits its people. The new Party might as well robbed the people in daylight if their policies are continued.

Of course, Azief understand that if these power is regulated and unified, it might be something worth investing on but nothing is certain in this new world.

And not to mention, the government taking what is rightfully the resources that each individuals made and turn it into some kind of type of control over the masses.

That is unacceptable. At least this time he has the power to refuse such kind of control over him.

In this new world, he will steer his own fate. He will be the captain of his own soul.

Azief could not accept that idea of government even more in this new world. After all, the new world, even though it is brutal and fraught with dangers, it is fair.

You kill something weak, you get inferior items. If you are strong and you could kill a high level monster you could get great items.

If you persevere and endure even in the greatest danger, you will reap the benefits in the end.

The strong and smart survives. And they will be……something. Something that the World Orb wanted. A champion.

The World Orb did not change earth to reshuffle the power of government. That would be too stupid for a force so capable and powerful

What does it cares about human governments?

The World Orb primary objective, in Azief opinion is to make humanity stronger….to face something.

What other reason would the World Orb urge humanity to survive?

Even now, as many danger in the world, the World Orb give us each means to survive and even give great benefit.

Weapons, potions, pills, all magical and is unachievable by human standards. It would take a millennium leap of technology to outmatch the World Orb most primitive standards.

This is why Azief did not hold any grudges when Hamad did not accept his ideas. The same could be said for Hamad.

He did not want to prolong arguments and create enmity when the crux of the conflict is their difference of opinion.

Since they have different opinion, then each one will walk their own path.

Then they finish eating and they just lay around the trees. The wind slowly caresses their body as the surrounding is getting darker, as the sunset began to dim.

Sofia was beside Azief, leaning on the same huge tree and then she asked.

‘So, what is Plan B?’ she ask. She is confident that Azief has another plan. What she didn’t know what that plans entails.

Azief who was closing his eyes in contemplation then open his eyes and in his eyes it seems like that he has made a decision.

He look at the nearby bushes and smirked.

‘Before I tell you, let us ask the person hiding in the bushes nearby to show yourself?’ Azief said and this suddenly brought Sofia to alarm.

Her bows quickly stand at the ready and she got up with fast speed and ready to shoot her arrows.

‘Calm down, Sofia.’ Azief said, still leaning on the huge tree, looking as calm as ever.

Then a bush rustles but there is no one there.

‘Look at the ground’ Azief said in whispering tone to Sofia. The ground was a little soft and Sofia looks at the ground and she was shocked

A footsteps is nearing them….foot print that is created steps by steps but there is nothing in front of them.

‘Invisibility, huh? Neat skill’ Azief said. And then suddenly a child is in front of them appears suddenly.

‘You dispel your invisibility?’ Azief asked, clearly he is not shocked

The child nodded.

‘A child, huh? Now that is hardly appropriate don’t you think?’ Azief said, clearly interested.

‘Now, would you mind to shed your disguise?’ The child smiles. Then he speaks in a foreign language.

This shocks both Azief and Sofia. About this language comprehension, Azief naturally has his own theories.

It seems for whatever reason, even though people speak their tongue, everyone could understand it.

But they still could know that the other person is talking in a foreign language. For example a Chinese talking with a Russian.

Even if both people do not learn the corresponding language they could still understand each other.

But, for example, if the Russian was told to write in Chinese, he would not be able to, because World Orb only alter the sounds to make people understand, like some kind of translation service that is never wrong.

Azief knew the child in front of him speaks a foreign language yet he could understand it.

But he can’t write whatever he is saying. In other words, you have to learn it by yourself or buy the corresponding skill books to write the language.

One might surmise this as good since it clear out miscommunication but Azief clearly didn’t think so.

Studies showed that understanding does not equal peace. On the other hand studies has shown that diversity sometimes keep the peace.

The effort used to destroy other tribes or languages has shown to negatively affect the population instead of making people become closer.

Maybe….and Azief wanted to chuckle at his own thoughts, maybe the more we understand each other, the more we understand the depravity and darkness in each other.

Maybe, the more we understand, the harder it is for us to forgive.

(Google about language and there is a very detailed studies about the correlation between language and conflict and many others)

The child looked at Lord Shadow and smiles a bitter smile.

‘You are very smart. How did you know I wear a disguise?’

‘You must be the man called Thousand Face….. Or are you a woman?’ Saying this Sofia has gripped her bow tighter and she is even more determined to be cautious against this child.

It seems that whoever this child is, this is not his true appearance. The child on the other hand was shocked that Lord Shadow knows his name.

‘How did you know my name?’ the child is clearly shocked as his tone went two pitches higher than usual.

But then another question appeared in the child mind

‘How did you know I was in disguise in the first place?’

Lord Shadow smiles and then he began explaining

‘A lot of guesswork, mostly. Living in this new world, to be making a logical deduction is almost impossible. I usually hate guessing as I prefer fact than guessing. But, when magic are involved, you could understand that I need to have a degree of suspension in disbelief and try to guess with insufficient information about you, your purpose and the reason why you act the way you act. What interest me the most is your motive. Hearing your voice, you’re not from around here. You’re not even my countrymen which make your motives more intriguing. First, the matter of your name. This information is easily gathered.’ Azief said as he began telling the child in front of him how he deduce the child identity

‘I heard in the stronghold when I was entering the stronghold that a few days ago, a man called Thousand Face try to enter but was denied entry. No one would call themselves Thousand Face unless they could change their face.’

‘That’s it? That is flimsy’ the child chuckles. But Azief was not done

‘There is also the fact that your appearance shocked some people and this matter was brought to the top in which the man calling himself Thousand Face disappears. Of course, I almost could not work any information since like you observe, I was not long in there but I picked up some chatter. It was said that the man resembles one of their residents which piqued my interest and give me the idea, that the man named Thousand Face is not naming himself like that for the lulz. Considering that in the list of Unique class, there is one Unique class that is called Transformation Lord, I connect the dot and I have my suspicion. Of course, it was an incomplete theory but when I tell the name to you, your expression betrays your words and my theory is proven. The other one was that I notice you a few days ago and you were observing me. A day you disappeared and then a day later you came back to watching us. Now, that is weird…unless whatever your plan it did not succeed. When I heard about a man denied entry, and then I calculate the distance between my camp and your movement, it was not that hard to solve the puzzle.’

The child is in awe and Sofia has already lower her bow and sits down beside Azief again. It seems only she didn’t realize that this person has been watching them these past few days.

But even though she has lowered her weapon she did not yet stores her weapon. She is still wary even though her expression did not show it.

And she could also faintly feel the superiority oozing from the child body, a pressure resembling that of Azief….but it is fainter, like it was blocked.

Could he even conceal his aura? She mused. This is why she did not completely lower down her guard.

But then the child asked again

‘Even so, how are you sure that I was in disguise? I might as well be a child and possess this ability?’

Hearing this, Azief chuckles.

‘Because that is the face of the child in the fields. The same bone structure….it has a large resemblance with the bone structure of that child. And that smell. Rosemary, is it? I smell that smell on the corpse too. Only at the child corpse not the other bodies.’

Hearing this, the child sniffs his own smell and his smile hardens. Azief on the other hand keep explaining about other facts that he discovered.

‘I always wondered why the killer would scratch the boy face. My conclusion is that there is an unrelated party that also stumbled onto the bodies. What I can’t understand, it’s one thing to disguise yourself as the child, and it’s another to scratch the face of the appearance you take. Then I looked at you and I thought I could understand. It was a simple motive wasn’t it? It was not done for cruelty but simply to act like you are smart. At least that is what I thought initially but then I try to understand the psyche of the man who did this. I honestly could say what you did was tasteless and cruel. But there is nothing in your behaviour that would indicate you to be mentally unstable, neurotic or a cruel man. A bit stalkery but other than that, there is no clear sign of craziness, no bouts of angers, and you are very patient man. All the time, you have observed me and my friends with the utmost patience. But one could say that you are not very smart in hiding your tracks. I attributed this to your misplaced confidence in your skills. Maybe it’s because that you could hide from my divine consciousness that makes you so confident thus you deemed hiding your tracks unnecessary.’ And this time Azief smiles juts got wider.

Hearing this, the child is shocked again. So he even knows I could hide from his divine consciousness. Impressive. Impressive the child inwardly thought.

‘But that act of mutilating the child face….now that’s just sloppy. Seeing that you are not very smart, I could understand why you did that. And conflicted. Well, to survive in this new world, I guess we all have our dark passenger inside ourselves.’

The child ask this time his expression hardens. Then he asked.

‘Why did I do it then?’ The child asked and this time he swipes his face with his hand and his body height and face all changed into a much mature face.

Azief was not shocked and Sofia was also calm. Knowing that the man in front of him could change to someone else … not the most craziest thing they both have seen this week.

‘You mutilated the child face because you wanted to use the child face. But mutilating it was not the requirement of your class. Then why?’

Azief said, as he put his hand under his chin and smiled, looking at the man in front of him, piercing him with his stares.

They man did not say anything and his face clearly shows sign of pain. Not physical pain but something deeper.

Then Azief continues.

‘So, I try to think deeper of your action. Maybe it is ritual, maybe it is your signature. And then it got me to think, this is a man very insecure with himself, with a complex with his appearance, thus he chooses the class, and even relishes in the act of mutilating the face. Choosing the class because you want to change your face and by changing your face, you believe you changed yourself. It was not the victim face you tried to erase, it was your face. For why you hate your own appearance…..this I could not deduce. It’s your psychosis….and I don’t know what triggers such violent act. It was involuntary or maybe subconsciously. It was recent….this kind of act. Something happened during the fall. I will not inquire.’

The man shows an appreciative expression. Sofia on the other hand listening to Azief deduction look at Thousand Face with pity. What had happened that he could become like that?

Azief continues his deduction and as he explain thing some things also become clear for him.

‘It was personal…the act of mutilating the face, but not personal for the victim, no, it was personal for you. You….mutilating your own face. Even now, in front of me, you are still using another disguise. That is not your true face.’

Saying this, the man is shocked again. Smart…very smart. This appearance is an appearance he takes from one of Odin guards when he was at Norway.

It’s foreign and it’s not a face that Lord Shadow has ever seen but Lord Shadow is very confident that this is not his true face.

With one glance, all of his skills turn into such tasteless trick.

Such brilliant deduction.

Azief did not want to pursue what he regarded as unfounded guess, so he spoke about what he is confident of and turn the conversation to how Thousand Face came to observe him.

‘Then as you leave the field you went to the stronghold and asked for entry. It must be surprising for the people inside when they see a child without his mother come back especially if he come back alone. The higher ups would be more shocked than surprised since I’m pretty sure that they know the child has already dead. You realize this too didn’t you? When you realize that your appearance attracts much attention you ran and follow us again. For these past few days I let you follow me, because I wanted to know.’

‘To know? To know about what?’ Thousand Face ask. Azief smiles and then looking calmly at Thousand Face he said.

‘Whether you’re an ally, an enemy or a simple passerby. Which one are you?’ Lord Shadow said, still smiling, still calm.

From beginning to end, he set the pace and in a position of power. With information in his mind, he possesses an almost uncanny ability to be in control.

‘Which one do you think I am? An ally, an enemy or a simple passerby? ’ Thousand Face said, turning back this question to Lord Shadow.

Lord Shadow smiles and Sofia look at the man warily.

‘Sit ‘Lord Shadow said.

‘Why?’ And the man grin

‘To determine whether you’re an ally, an enemy or a simple passerby’ Lord Shadow replies, grinning from ear to ear.

The man sit down on the ground as the night began.

‘One question’ the man asked as he sits down on the cold hard ground. He sits in defenseless position and Sofia recognizes this.

She did not interfere the conversation between these two because she did not even know what Azief is planning.

Sometimes she glares at the back of Azief.

Still a part of the story she mused. Too stubborn she inwardly thought

‘Ask away.’ Azief said as he poured cold water onto a cup and handing it to Thousand Face. Thousand Face took it and then take a sip before asking his question.

‘How do you know that the people in the stronghold know about the massacre on the field? And if they know why didn’t they retrieve the body?’

Hearing this Sofia was also jolted.

Yes, come to think of it, how could Azief be so sure that the people in the stronghold knows about the massacre and if they know why didn’t they send anyone to retrieve the bodies?

Azief smiles and did not immediately answers. With one swish of his hand there is a lot of dry firewood and leaves in front of them.

Azief lit a fire as the night is beckoning and then the fire slowly gain strength and the cold night is negated by the warm fire

Now, they are sitting around a fire pit. Sofia is enjoying a carbonated drink while Thousand Face is still drinking from his cup.

Azief wanted do discuss the Plan B but he must first determine that the person in front of him is not dangerous.

Who knows? If he could make this man an ally, their survival rating would go up.

By now, he has formulated a few reasons why the man has been following him but instead of guessing he would like to know it clearly from the man own mouth.

So, they must share.

‘Two generals.’ Azief suddenly said as he sits down.

‘Hearing this, I could deduce that there is a hierarchy in the stronghold and that stronghold is just one of many. And I also heard that there is a headquarters. And right now, it’s a wooden stronghold but if it was given enough time, these stronghold would clearly evolve to better construction. But, I also could deduce that right now, there are factions in this so called Party for Malaysian. Even in mountains, there is only one tiger. The massacre is probably was done from one of the orders of one of the generals. One could argue, one general is good, one general is bad. Why? Because, a conflict of opinion could only happen if the principle they held is different. And if there is faction in this party, then I could deduce that the higher ups in that stronghold are aware of the massacre since some of them would undoubtedly participate in the factional strife. Of course, this is just guesswork…and doesn’t mean that it is entirely correct. But hearing your admission about the reason why you fled, I could confirm these theories. They did know of the massacre and they leave it on the field… bait or trap someone. Order from the top. That’s how I know.’

He explains and hearing this Thousand Face and Sofia nodded in agreement. Sofia on the other hand also admits that Azief is really one of a kind.

How could he know these things, only by piecing up together a bunch of scattered information?

Then Azief ask.

‘Now, who are you and where are you from?’ Sofia also looks at the direction of the man.

Now, Azief has explained more than he cares to, and he didn’t even need to but he has extended his courtesy.

He did not have to share every single information or cards he have under his sleeve but he still did… some extent.

After all, Azief did not tell the man everything. Azief did not explain how he knows that Thousand Face is following him and he did not explain about the two people on the woods guarding the bodies, nor did he explain about the thing he picked up from the bodies.

Azief still has many secrets. But he shares some of his thoughts, some of his unfounded theories to establish relationships.

A measure of trust…no matter how small needed to be share to establish rapport. The man nodded and then he spoke.

‘My name is Thousand Face. I am from Norway.’ It was curt, it was short and clearly Azief is not satisfied with this kind of explanation.

He wanted information. He wanted to analyze the person in front of him, to soak in every gesture, every eye twitch, and every involuntary movement.

He wanted to know… he could survive.

‘Go on.’ Lord Shadow said. Thousand Face sighed.

‘I was chased.’ He said.

‘By whom?’ Lord Shadow asked


‘Odin? Like the Norse God? That Odin?’ Thousand Face bitterly smiles but then he said,

‘No, a man. Nobody knows his real name. He led a band of people under him. When I ran from him, the people under him amount to 500 people. He called himself Odin and a believer of the Old Norse Gods. A pagan.’

He said. Azief notices that there is a cross on his neck…but it was not his cross Azief notices.

It was small and there is a smell of fragrance around it. Perfume. Rosemary. It is that smell. And the man in front of him didn’t fit the profile of a man who would wear perfume.

Thus it belonged to a girl….or a very feminine man. Mostly it belongs to a child considering the design of the necklace and the size of the cross and the width of the necklace.

The perfume too mostly is given to him by someone, probably by the same girl that gives him the cross.

‘There are a lot of pagans in the world, you know?’ Sofia interjected.

‘I know…but there is not much that still worships the Old Gods. This man called Odin is a fervent believer. He even said that the World Orb is a relic of the Old Gods and believe that what happens is Ragnarok.’

‘The Dusk of the Gods’ Azief said smiling.

‘Well, considering what I have experience, what my country has experience, one could understand why he would think that’ Thousand Face said.

‘What do you mean?’ Sofia asked

‘I was at Oslo when the fall first happens. I saw Fenrir, I saw a large tree sprouted out from nothingness, I saw Sleipneir, I saw Jormungand eating thousands of people. I saw all these monsters from legends and myths and so it’s understandable why Odin would believe that this was Ragnarok.’

‘Interesting.’ Lord Shadow said as he keeps nodding. Monster of myths and legends. There is also even prehistoric beast.

This is interesting.

‘What did you do that you had to run?’ Lord Shadow asks.

‘Hmph’ and this time he smiles.

‘Odin likes to sleep with the woman he saved. And considering that he is very powerful, no one really could deny him. Not to mention sometimes there are women who really liked Odin since he is charismatic and all that. I did not really care since he didn’t really bother me. In his group even though I also have Unique class like him, I was level apart from him. I was not a threat and most of the time I became scout for the group so I was useful to him. But unlike his brothers, I was not in his inner circle.’

Azief nodded but he began understanding the man personality as he heard the story

‘What changed?’ and Azief realizes if Thousand Face was this submissive….something changed that made him so angry with Odin.

‘Until one night, he tries to rape a girl.’ Thousand Face said and his facial expression darken and he gritted his teeth.

‘I didn’t think that would be the first time he did that. What changed this time?’ Azief said calmly. Thousand Face nodded.

‘True, it was not the first time but this time he tries to rape a 9 years old kid.’ Hearing this Sofia look in disgust.

She could imagine that this Odin is very much like a beast.

The expression on Azief face was not better. One could see he is very disgusted with that notion.

‘What did you do then?’

‘I fought him. My skill doesn’t give me a lot in offensive power but my stealth? In that group I was the best aside from assassins. When I heard the screams, none of his guard did anything. Not even the group. No one…did anything. Her screams…..bother me so much, that before I knew it, I was dashing through the tents and engage Odin in battle. That beast…..fucking prick’

Hearing this Azief look in admiration. Such righteous attitude is commendable.

‘It was stupid.’ Thousand face said as he remembers his action that led him here. But he did not regret.

‘It is.’ Azief said, yet he smiles. For some reason, he couldn’t hate that idiocy.

‘Azief!’ Sofia glaring at him. Azief did not pay attention to Sofia instead he then said to Thousand Face.

‘Stupid….true, but sometimes, even if you knew what you’re doing is stupid, there are meanings in doing so.’

Thousand Face hearing Lord Shadow words, smiles a little.

‘You don’t think I’m lying? That I’m just making this up?’ Thousand man asked Azief.


‘How do you know? ‘

‘I just know.’ Azief replies clearly confident in his eyes. No pacifying behaviour. No twitching.

No unnatural movement. His eyes did not slant upwards, and his voice is even, his breathing is regular nothing would indicate that he is lying or trying to make up a story.

‘Then what happened?’Azief asked again.

And this time he smiles.

‘I…Hahahaha..’he laughed and then he resume ‘blinded him in one eye.’

‘He likes people calling him Odin? Fine, I will give you one blind eye so you could claim you’re the real Odin’ and remembering it Thousand Face laughed again.

‘And then I cut his dick off. If only you could hear his screams and his facial expression’ and he smiles again.

‘When Odin screams his guard all come running. I ordered the girl to run, grabbed Odin bag of Holding and run amid the snow. For two days the guards chased me until……I jumped down off a cliff. I fortunately did not die. Plundering all the pills and potions inside the Bag of holding I manage to reach level 30. I was even thinking of fighting the guards when I realize that this time Odin was already cured. But still’ and this time he laughed again

‘His blind eye could not recover…..and his dick. You see, I used dagger when I fight. But I also have this one hook. When I fight Odin I used this hook to pull his eyeballs from the sockets. For his dick, I cut it using the dagger. And then I put his eyeballs in my storage rings, his ballsack I throw amid the white snow. Unless he evolved or find some pills that recover lost organs, he would remain blind in one eye  and dickless until that moments come. But looking at the entire group chasing me, I made my last bet and come over here.’

Azief was about to laugh but he endures himself but sometimes there is strange sound coming out from his mouth as he tries to stifle his laugh.

‘Using teleportation stone?’ Sofia inferred as she tries to ignore Azief enduring his laugh. Thousand Face shakes his head

‘Crystal’ and he smiles.

‘I heard that in Malaysia there is a hero that managed to kill a Unique Class monster and considering that none of Odin group reached level 30 yet, they could not teleport outside the country. But I can. When I found the crystal inside the bag of holding, I quickly crushed it and arrive at the opposite banks where you defeated the monsters. Since then, I’ve been following you. The other things, you could already deduce, right?’

Azief nodded.

The other stuff is easy to imagine then.

This also means that everyone knows that he possess the Unique Skill but not many would pursue him since his strength acted as a deterrent.

But for Thousand Face he did not mean harm for him, so his strength did not act as deterrence but instead become an attraction.

Thousand Face wanted his protection. That’s why he teleported here.

Which means, he become level 30 not long after he defeated the monster but his fame is not enough to put him in the top 10.

Which means by the time he become level 30, many other people in the world has become level 30.

Thousand Face also explain that when he broke the crystal stone all the capital nation of the world can be chosen and time slowed down.

But there are certain countries where beside the capital nation the notification windows appeared slightly weird.



This is what he say appear on the places where there is unique skill book. It will only appear where a unique skill book is dropped.

At that time, the only skill book that was dropped is on Malaysia.

The other nation before then did not yet experience drop in Unique skill books. So that’s why Thousand Face choses Malaysia.

But right now, many nations have dropped a few Unique skill books. If Odin wanted to search for him again, Odin must have thought he teleported to one of the nations in the EU instead of in Southeast Asia.

Then smiling Thousand Face asked.

‘So….which one am I, Lord Shadow? An ally, an enemy or a simple passerby?’ And Azief smiles while Sofia keep drinking the coffee beside them



 ‘What do you want to be?’ Lord Shadow asks. Thousand Face smirked and he said

‘I would like to be an ally. That would be good for me.’ Sofia on the other hand is not smiling and looks at Azief meaningfully.

In this team they are equal so, Azief looks at her, looking for permission, looking for approval and understanding and she just nodded and he understand.

Sofia will follow his decision. Then, since Sofia has agreed, he quickly made his decision. Further probing is needed.

‘Well, you don’t think it’s going to be easy wouldn’t you? Not to mention, you are a little bit tasteless for my palate.’ Azief said to Thousand Face.

The fact that this man in front of him can sometime become someone who would mutilate people face is not something that would instill security and trust on people.

The man face stiffen but he could understand the reluctance.

‘I know it’s not going to be easy…but I can give you something. Give and take,that would be acceptable, right?’

‘What could you give us? You are weaker than both of us combined, you certainly don’t have any allies and I doubt you have anything that would persuade us to let you join us. So, what can you give us?’ Sofia asks from the back.

For a moment there is only silence but Thousand Face is not flustered by her demands. Azief on the other hand is thinking about something else.

He believes that the man in front of him holds other secret. He is too confident of himself Azief mused.

He is either an idiot…or he has a card under his sleeve. An ace in the hole.

Badge is inside the forest killing a few apes and snakes. Apparently in this forest there is a lot of crawling animals and slithering animals while the trees is full with apes.

Sometimes the wind would blow and they could feel the soothing cool it brought with it. Thousand Face then calmly said the one thing he could offer the duo, the only thing that could tempt them.

‘Information.’ He said

Azief smiles. Sofia looks at Azief and he nodded so Sofia back off from attacking Thousand Face anymore.

‘I mean, that’s what you want right? Information. Since you are not surprised I have information, did you deduce how I get the information too?’

Azief then explain

‘You are an invisible man in a stronghold fill with people who are below your level. If even my divine consciousness could not detect you, how could those idiots could realize you were there? You have a unique opportunity to roam in there, freely’ Azief said.

‘This means that you know I was there before, right?’

‘You could say that. You were there when I was threatening the guards. Did you know that I put on that show for you?’

Thousand Face smiles bitterly.

‘I’m flattered.’ He said.

‘But unnecessary.’ He then added.

‘Well, I just want you to see the risk of picking up a fight with me.’ Azief said. Both of them look at each other, each one sizing each other. Then sighing, Thousand Face said

‘But why now? ‘

‘What why now?’ Azief said pretending not to know

‘Why now, you are asking me to reveal myself. If you knew I was there since the beginning why didn’t just bust me out?’ he ask

‘Oh, that? I wanted to confirm your motive and at the same time I know that you are inferior to me both in numbers and strength. In other words, I determine you were not a liable threats for my plan. Anyway, I thought you had information?’ Azief said, clearly he is impatient for the information that Thousand Face had.

‘I do.’

‘What information could you offer?’ Sofia asked from the back.

She also wanted to know many things about this new world, and even though Thousand Face might be lying but it’s easy enough to know if he lied and in his situation he would be hard-pressed to lie to the only ally he could have.

‘What do you want to know?’ Thousand Face is smiling with a hint of superiority

‘Surprise me’ Azief said.

‘You have been following us, for a couple of days, hears each and every one of our conversation, heard our plans and objective. What do you think I want to know?’ Azief said with an inquisitive look at Thousand Face

‘Is this a test?’ he asked

‘Well, consider it a test then, if that makes it easier.’

‘Hmmm…what about the barrier. Yes, I will tell you about the barrier. And the pillars too’ He said

‘What about it?’ Azief said. Clearly even though he is the superior one in terms of level, he still didn’t have any credible information about his own evolution.

It’s not like he hasn’t tried to scour the World Orb shop but the amounts of stuff in the World Orb shops amounts in millions of stuff so when he searched for something he always use the categories and even that still put it at very enormous amounts of stuff to shuffle and search.

Some are restricted and coloured in gray. Some are too expensive.

So any information about pillars is appreciated and precious at least this early moment of this game.

‘As you obviously could see, and surmise from the barrier, the barrier would only open for the Chosen One’

‘Yes, I know that. What about it?’ Azief ask

‘Each person who chooses the Unique Class will have their own task. Certain people had to kill beast but there are other task that requires other skills in play. For example, my quest involves me to transform and gain information from 50 people without anyone recognizing who I was. In this kind of task, there is no barrier like-construction to prevent others entering or leaving since my work involves with humans and not beast or zombies or monsters. And I have no time limit either but I can drop the Unique Class if I don’t want to. It is lucky that I found a group and then I use my transformation skills to gain information. But to those who got hunting quest or monster killing quest usually they would have a time limit and usually their attack and defense are very powerful and their items too. Like you have your unique attire, I have mine too. After all, if I have to find a new attire every time I transform to another face, it would be quite a chore wouldn’t it?’ Thousand Face explained.

Azief nodded.

‘But what I know about your kind of quest is that the moment you enter the barrier, the barrier would break and then, all hell break loose. It gives you the chance to team up. But considering that monster is not up to par with your level it would be an easy job for you to kill it, right? That’s what you think right?’ he asks Azief

Azief nodded.

‘Then you are wrong. The monster would adjust its strength to equal you. This is why the easiest way to get a Unique Class is quickly defeating the monster when you are level 10. At this time the beast is not that smart or strong and you will have no problem defeating it using your class items. Usually to gain your kind of level, you had to kill the beast first before having the true power of a Chosen. For example, Odin. After he became a Chosen, he quickly rose to level 30. You on the other hand, level up to 30 before killing the monster which means that even without having the full skill of a Chosen you have managed to become this strong. Which mean the monster would be as equally strong. But, you can handle it right?’ Thousand Face said, looking at Azief.

 Azief nodded. Even though the monster would be as equally as strong as him, it’s not really a disadvantage.

After all the EXP gain would also be big and it’s not like he couldn’t team up with other when the barrier broke.

Using his strength and Sofia long distance attack even though this task look a little bit hard than expected but it’s not going to be so hard that he wouldn’t be able to handle it.

On the other hand he is pretty confident that he could still win. After all his Shadow Lord items is not weak either.

‘The barrier would break after I enter? Hmmm. That is good information. Anything else you would like to inform me?’

‘The Pillars.’

‘What about it?’ Azief asked.

‘The pillars is much more than just a stats, it is also the measurement for proficiency.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘I mean for example, life skill has proficiency level but an active or passive skill doesn’t have one, right?’


‘When you upgrade an active skill or a passive skill, it will either increase your attack power, your defense, your range of effectiveness, or the duration of the effect or sometime even the decrease use of your spirit or energy. But it does not increase your mastery over the skills but the pillars help with that. For example’ he said and he blows his breath to the cup of water he is sipping and suddenly the water began freezing.

But then the ice broke. Azief looks at Thousand Face inquisitively

‘I have ice pillar.’ He explained

‘That was not a skill. That was the effect of the pillar. The pillar represents comprehension and mastery.’ He said and Azief is shocked. He didn’t know about this.

‘What use of skills then if you could just use pillars to offset the skills?’ Sofia asked.

‘No, that is not what I mean. It increases mastery…for example, if I have ice related skill, I could still use that skill without having the corresponding pillars. But having a pillar that corresponds with your skill does not only increase your mastery of the skill but also reduce the consumption of your energy. Imagine me, with a powerful ice skill combined with a maxed out pillar of ice. You could only imagine the destruction I could wrought or the control over my own skill’

‘This is another piece of good information. Anything else?’ Thousand Face nodded and then he tell the duo about another thing he has learned.

‘The pillars are different for every class. What I mean with this statement is that each class can only access certain pillars. For me my pillars would be different from you at least my main ones. The basic pillars are that of our stats. For example, pillars of strength, stamina endurance and all of that. The other basic pillars are the five elements. The class pillars depend on the type of your class and then there is the rare pillars which could be obtained by eating pills or monsters meat or by some other methods. Rare pillars are extremely helpful and powerful thus which makes it harder to get it. For example, something like of a Dark Knight would have pillars that are related to his class. Classes also determine the type of pillars you could access.’

Hearing this Azief and Sofia nodded and is processing this information inside their head. Thousand Face looks at their expression and then he asked.

‘So, what now?’ He asked.


‘Am I an ally?’

‘How do you get all this information? Azief asked. Hearing this Thousand Face smirked.

‘You don’t show me all the card in your sleeve right, Lord Shadow? Why should I show you mine?’

‘What if I force you? I am stronger than you, you know?’ Azief said confidently

‘Would you believe me if I say, I could disappear right now and you could never catch me? You might be stronger than me, but in stealth and sneak attack you are not my match. My class is not strong or imposing like your class but that doesn’t mean I don’t have certain capabilities. I did manage to shake off 500 people from my tail. Imagine how easy if only two people are chasing after me. You are strong but I could disappear as a mist if I want to. It will be hard guarding against me, if you don’t know when I’m about to strike.’

‘Is that a threat?’ Sofia asks.

‘It is. And I hope I don’t have to act on it. I’m proposing an alliance. A mutual benefit partnership. I’m not trying to make an enemy out of you. But don’t mistake my generosity as my weakness.’ Thousand Face said.

Sofia was about to say something else but Azief looks at her and shakes his head and Sofia hold her tongue.

Azief just smile and then he got up. Slowly he approaches Thousand Face.

‘What is your name?’

‘Thousand Face.’

‘Not that name. The name with which I could call you. Calling you Thousand Face looks pretentious. I want it to be short and easy to say. You don’t have to give me your real name. Just another nickname I could call you with.’

Thousand Face nodded. To be honest the reason why his name is Thousand Face is quite funny but he doesn’t want to share that story with this duo.

‘Call me….’and he chuckle a bit before saying a name that crossed his mind.

‘Call me…Loki.’

And then extending his hand Lord Shadow shakes Loki hand and he said.

‘My name is Lord Shadow. It is a pleasure to meet you, Loki.’



 ‘Coffee?’ The man said handing a cup to a young man with long hair.

‘Thanks.’ The long haired man said.

‘So another new appearance?’ the man handing the coffee sit down on the ground under the large tree, exhaling his breath, looking at the moon.

Loki smiled. His face now was handsome young Caucasian man. Long blonde hair, smooth skin, rugged features, and blue eyes.

His face looks like a model in front of magazine cover, handsome and dashing with leather jacket on his lap, white stylish t shirt and a fit cut jeans.

The man then takes a sip and exhales his breath.

‘You make good coffee. If not for the circumstances, this would be relaxing.’

Azief smiles a bit. He always likes it when people praise his coffee making. He then looks at his cup and then smell the sweet aroma, smiles and take a sip slowly, enjoying every second of it.

Enjoy the little things he reminded himself.

Loki also looks at the shining moon and then releases a sigh. His mind is occupied with a lot of things.

Then he suddenly asks Azief to strike a conversation. To him, Azief is a mysterious person. Never revealing the full story and seem to always be in control.

‘You must feel very powerful don’t you?’ Loki asks Azief without even looking at Azief.

Azief knows that the question is directed at him but he also did not break his gaze at the moon.

He then asks.

‘What do you mean?’

‘Analyzing people with a glance. Knowing everything about a person in matter of seconds. A man of such singular mind like you….is formidable in itself.’

It was a compliment but also an assessment. Azief did not say anything and he took another sip.

‘Is that how you think of me?’

‘Was I wrong?’ Loki said. He too slowly takes a sip. Two men under the brightly light of moonlight, in a dark forest, both wanted to know about each other.

Both are assessing the other.

‘I am not a genius or something like that. I just observe you with more…determination. I could not analyze everyone like that nor do I have the capacity of mind to always deduce what others are thinking. I just find you at first, as a threat. So I need to determine your motive, you reason, anticipate your every move, know your behavior, plan every steps. If you are asking me whether I could do it to another, deduce their life the way I did you…I could. If…I bother to care. If I bother enough to observe. It is not some magical trick….I just observe more. Focus more.’

Loki smiles bitterly. 

Then for a while there is just silence and the sound of two men sipping coffees and the occasional shrieks of Vampiric bat nearby, eaten by Badge.

Badge will evolve to Unique Rank not long from now. Azief could feel it. But for tomorrow operation, he has made his choice. Badge will not participate.

Then Loki asks again.

‘What is the matter between you and her?’ he asked as he pointed his finger at Sofia.

Sofia was lying under a terribly made tent but good enough to shield her from rain if rain ever comes and a comforter under her body so she would not feel too sore when she woke up.

‘She’s a friend.’ Azief curtly replies

‘Awfully close for a friend. You trusted her with your life. I didn’t observe you for nothing you know?’ Loki said probing deeper.

‘We made a promise’ he said.

‘A promise? That is a fragile thing in this new world. Promises, that is’ And he shrugged, looking at Azief with a hint of pity and sadness, thinking of something

‘Maybe, you like her? Perhaps, even love her? Your personality doesn’t indicate that you would so easily trust people.’ Loki teases.

Azief on the other hand smiles bitterly, looking at Sofia peaceful face and said while sighing regretfully.

‘Love… a game I fail to understand, and so I opt not to play.’ Loki looks at Azief and could sense something from him and Loki then look back at the moon.

‘That’s harsh’ Loki said shrugging.

‘I guess you are saying that from experience’ Loki inferred.

Azief did not care to respond and Loki didn’t want to push so they just sat there in silence.

‘But I still don’t understand. Why do you choose her as your companion? She is hardly stronger than you. She is more likely to be a burden than benefit. Since, you are very practical, letting her join you, it quite an illogical move.’

Loki ask

Azief did not say anything only reminisce the experiences he and Sofia face together. Sofia was nothing but an acquaintance in the beginning.

She is like Loki said. Burden.

But humans could not live alone. Else, they go crazy. Azief did not show it but after the death of Tan, he was alone.

Alone in a world full of darkly terrors. He didn’t show any of his fear because he couldn’t.

Because if he succumb to his emotions, he would stop. He would stop and he would die. He relentlessly pushes forward because that is the only path of survival.

So when he met Sofia, he takes her under his wings. Protect her and in a way, and he would never admit this if Sofia ask him, but Sofia acts as a balance.

The process of give and take between them.

Normal conversations that keep him sane and grounded. She was his counter balance. And when she lost her mother, Azief saw underneath those tears was a remarkable woman.

‘Because she was broken’ Azief replies to Loki question.

‘Because she is broken?’ Loki is puzzled by Azief answer

‘Kintsukuroi’ Azief said

‘To repair with gold. It is an art in Japan of repairing pottery with gold or silver lacquer’

‘So?’ Loki said, still puzzled.

‘It has a deeper meaning than just repairing pottery. You must understand that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken. Some people, when they break, they couldn’t be put together again. Some heal even stronger. Sofia is the latter.’

And then saying this he took another sip and doesn’t say anything after that.

Sometimes the wind would blow and Azief black cape would flutter and for a moment Azief look like a very lonely person, under the moonlight.

Loki finally finished his cup of coffee. He looks at Azief and then he got up to go to his tent. Before he walks away he said.

‘That was good coffee’ he said. Azief smiles hearing the compliment.

‘Remember, tomorrow night’ Azief said reminding him about tomorrow.

‘I know’ Loki said as he went inside his tent, lay his body on the comforter and then sleep as Azief take the first round of lookout.

‘I finished my coffee’ he said. Putting his cup beside him, he just laid his back on the tree; the wind blowing his hair as his eyes is always focused on the forest.

He was vigilant, sitting there like a faithful guardian as the night keep getting darker.

‘Plan B’ he said as he plays out the scenario of tomorrow in his mind, making sure his preparation is perfect.

Tomorrow, he would fight the beast….and he will win. Burning with determination, he brought out something from his bag of holding and he smiles.


They were hiding in the bushes. Their breathing was steady and calm. Azief look at the beast.

Its shadow is illuminated by the moonlight and its figure was menacing even in its most unguarded state.

Azief could hear Sofia gulping at a distance. His senses are wide awake. He wanted to feel calm so he closes his eyes, and slowly he takes his breath.

Just another EXP he chanted in his mind.

Opening his eyes, he calms down. It is mind relaxing technique. His eyes changed, like a predator ready to pounce.

His breath is steady, his eyes are focused and each movement is calculated.

Slowly he moves closer in the dark of night, each steps did not produce sound and darkness covered his attire, like an entity of darkness.

Behind him Sofia follows loyally.

For this fight Badge will not participate. Azief is trying to ascertain a few of his theories about EXP distribution and he is fairly confident of his new team.

It was dark at night.

Sofia looks at Azief and she nodded. They are ready. The Plan B that Azief mentions before is to defeat the monster at night.

He is eager to transform to his full power form. Then they can begin to investigate about the bodies on the field.

And he also has agreed with Loki proposition to share EXP.

After all Loki has a lot of information that Azief don’t know how Loki got a hold of it. Loki is one mysterious man, if he is a man.

He has so many disguise and even the face that Loki shows them now is not his true face and Azief didn’t force Loki to show his true face.

Azief also appreciate the irony that the man is called Loki.

The God of mischief and trickery. Is that foreshadowing? as he smirked at himself.

There is still some distance between them since they are cooperating under mutual benefit but Azief is confident that there is something special about Loki.

He seems to know everything about monsters and knowledge about the World Orb. Azief feels something off about him.

Azief looks at the designated area where Loki should be.

Around the barrier a few foreign object could be seen scattered around it, in an organized manner.

There is a bundle of cube which is covered with wax around the barrier.

Since Loki could be invisible and the monster would not react until Azief enter the barriers Loki had to do the heavy lifting.

What is the powder cube thing you ask? Explosive. Homemade explosive. Even now Sofia is still shocked to know that Azief could make explosive.

Azief uses potassium chlorate. It is an extremely volatile explosive compound and has been used in the past as the main explosive filler in grenades, land mines and mortar round by such countries as France and Germany.

World Orb system did not sold explosive until you unlocked level 40 and right now most of the weapons sold in the Shop is mostly snipers, guns and cold weapons.

For guns it was normal guns unless you have classes like Snipers or Marksman.

If you have these classes than you can buy weapon such as snipers or guns that have the runic markings of the World Orb system.

Classes determine the things you could buy. Level also determine the things you could buy. All of this information is from Loki.

How he got it is a mystery.

Even though normal guns would work to deter level 1 to 20 when you reach level 30, normal guns don’t work anymore.

To be more accurate normal guns would be slightly ineffective.

Take for example him. Even if he is shot by a gun, his body would probably have a slight bruise like he is wearing body armour.

And not to mention his speed. He is not The Flash( DC reference) but to people of lower level he might as well be.

He might not be able to run around the world in matter of minutes but to perform what would be called instantaneous movement like Goku( Akira Toriyama) in DBZ, is not that hard.

At least it would appear that way for his enemies. He then look at the barrier again and hear the beast growling again.

If only he could buy explosive from the shop he will bought as many as he can. Insurance for days ahead.

Things like explosive are marked unavailable in the Shop.

Azief could buy the potassium chlorate by itself but he did not want to waste money so he extracted potassium chlorate from bleach.

It also had to do with his life skills. He check his status before and seven of his life skill has rank up to apprentice level.

Apprentice Cooking, Apprentice Speed Reading, Apprentice Coffee Making, Apprentice Poison Maker, Apprentice Persuasion, Apprentice Tent Building, and Apprentice Tracking.

Cooking rank up because he is the one who always cooks when they eat….every time. Tent building is also because he is the one who always set up the tent when they were about to sleep.

Thinking about it Sofia is really lazy when it was about building thing. She only does the dishes.

Speed reading rank up because he’s been reading when he can’t sleep.

Persuasion rank up when he convinces Loki to join. Tracking ranks up when he discover Loki tracks and deduce correctly about the people in the forest following him.

Poison maker is probably related to the Golden Dart poison. When he did not sleep, reading is not the only thing he did.

He also experiment with the Golden Dart poison. Azief has always had a fascination with poisons.

Coffee making on the other hand, and he smiles when he thought about it, is his hobby. He wanted to be a barista once.

Silly come to think of it. But he always likes the smell of coffee.

He shakes his head and focused back his head on the target. When he is nervous, he always wandered off.

People might think that such thought process would be distracting but Azief recognizes it as his brain trying to divert his attention to something mundane so that he could cope with the fear or nervousness.

He is thankful even grateful sometimes. Then he remember back when he built the explosive.

All he needed was a heat source, a battery hydrometer, a large Pyrex and potassium chloride and voila!

He made an explosive but with a slight modification.

This bomb will be activated by Loki when the monster rushes out. Kind of like a landmine.

Of course such explosion would not bring the monster down since the monster would be as strong as him but the damage is only one of the effect he desires.

The true plan was the chaos. They are a trio…not an army. So, he devise a plan suitable for three people.

With dust maybe he could obstruct the beast vision.

Then the sound could also interfere with the beast senses. If not that, the terrain will also be ruined which could make great shelters from the beast corrosive spits.

The trees would provide great covers from the monster claw.

And Azief did not use two or three explosive, he is using about 4 dozens bombs, ready to explode.

Then a whisper is heard on his left ear. It was Sofia.

‘You sure about this?’

‘No’ Azief replies saying in whispery tone.

‘But I got to risk it. I don’t want the people inside the fort to join us. Night is the perfect cover’

‘If they join us, it would be easier wouldn’t it?’ She said. Azief nodded and smiles bitterly

‘True, but our EXP will be divided equally. That is such a lost. At least with my tactics only three of us would reap the benefits. The risk is high but the payout is also high. Don’t you want to break that level 30 barrier? Killing a monster that is almost equal to my level would do it. You know the plan.

Sofia nodded.

Loki just needs one strike to make sure he is registered as one of the member of the party and then he can freely detonate the bomb.

Sofia will be Azief long range attacker. Attacking from a distance with her arrows, targeting vital organs.

Eyes, groins, stomach any blind spot any weak spot that she sees will be targeted by her. And Azief will act as the main attacker.

The sound of the beast growling in its sleep was like the sound of train track being derailed it was unpleasant.

The night wind sometimes blow but it does not provide any coolness son night like this.

Azief knows he needs to make the first move.

He turns back and said to Sofia

‘Move into position. I’m going to go.‘

Sofia nodded and she moved backwards taking her position. She jump and is standing on top of one of the branch of the large trees.

Her eyes could still see even at this night and considering that the moon light is pretty bright tonight it could be considered luck.

She takes a deep breath, exhaling her breath and then slowly she takes her bow, slowly she pointed the bow towards the area of the beast and then her demeanor changed as her eyes become determined.

In front of her eyes is only the target.

It was like everything falls away and the only thing that existed is her and her target. Her eyes focused like never before and her hand itches to release one arrow.

(Just as a reminder. Her arrows is replenished from loots and there are some of her skill that create energy arrow)

But she waited, like a patient wolf. Waiting for the tiger to pounce and then she could attack.

Azief slowly approaches the barrier and the he nodded at an empty field like he could see someone there. Then a rustle of wind could be heard.

Azief knows that Loki is on position. Like a shadow in darkness, Azief move closer and closer until stealthily he enters the barrier and suddenly a notification appear in front of Azief eyes.





Suddenly the beast open its black eyes and looks straight at Azief, its breath is pungent and suddenly bone cracked from the monster as it grows bigger.

It’s terrifying teeth become bigger and sharper and its already menacing figure become bigger and it body structure also equally get bigger.

Its tail become longer and its elongated head become more elongated.

Then another notification appears.


Fuck Azief inwardly curses.

Why can’t he battle normal monster? He knows that the monster would adjust to his level but still…this is not what he expected.

He knows the division of power between monsters.

Ordinary rank monster is equal to level 1-20. Extraordinary rank is equal to level 20-39 And Unique? They are equal to level 40-50 users

The Imperator by Azief most basic guesses equals to level 49 or maybe at the peak of level 45.

And its demise is not really Azief achievement alone but took about hundreds of crocs to bring that monster down.

Now even though he knows the unique monster in front of him is only equal to level 40 it doesn’t make him feel any more comfortable.

Equal to level 40 means it’s one level higher.

But since he has the guts to poke the hornet nest, Azief has also prepared in the end, he could only rely on his abilities and his partner.

The beast looks menacingly at Azief standing high like a mountain. The height of the monster is 12 feet so Azief had to look up.

But he did not tremble. He slowly unsheathes his sword, smiles and said

‘Bring it on!’ Saying this, the barrier broke and he rushed forward as the battle began.



He ran forward as his Shadow Sword is emitting dark aura and his hood also emitted that kind of unapproachable aura.

His robe flutter through the wind as he ran forward, swishing about. He was shrouded in darkness; the night covers him like an otherworldly entity.

When he reaches an appropriate distance, he then throws throwing dagger at the beast eyes.

The dagger rip through the air as it surf through the wind, precise and accurate to its target.

The beast grunted and its instinct kicked in. The beast closes its eyes and the scale on its eyes repelled the attack.

But the beast howled anyway. The howl was feral and full of anger. The dagger managed to make its eyelids scale to bleed and the pain was excoriating as droplets of bloods fall to the ground.

It was poisonous. Both the blood and the dagger.

The ground shakes when the beast stomped its feet in anger and the already sleeping birds and the mutant beast in the nearby forest was awoken as it heard the beast fiery howls.

The other beast realizes that the beast that emitted this howl was a Unique ranks monster. Their flight and fight response activated.

Survival becomes their priority.

The apes and the preying bird in the nearby forest that was not the same ranks, all flee the area.

A great battle is beginning and they don’t want to be caught in the middle.

The apes swing through the vines in the forest, swinging away as far as possible from the origin of the howl.

The birds flapped their wings as fast as they can, their tiny hearts beats like drum being pounded ten times faster as they cleared out the area.

Snakes slithers the ground. Badgers dig the hard ground as they seek shelter underneath the ground.

Leeches in the swamp burrows their head deeper inside the swamp, making a hole and staying there fearing the beast that howls will not come for them.

The giant crickets stop their cries and jump away followed by the mutant grasshopper. The mutant ants followed behind, finding a new place, to make their nest.

The bee Queen a few miles away stand her ground as her worker bee stand guard around the Hive and waited.

That night, all the ranked beast nearby had their guards up, the normal rank beast flee.

Nearby, the already peaceful stronghold, fill with people who has already gone to sleep, leaving only the guards and the Company was suddenly startled to consciousness.

They all were awoken from their sleep and the moment they awoken they all feel dread from their hearts.

The normal citizen feels fear creeping into their heart.

Parents hugged their children whispering to their children that everything is going to be okay.

The guards who were on their post quickly sweated in cold sweat as they heard the howl and they try to identify from where the sound originated.

The head captain residence and the Captains quickly donned their battle armour and quickly identify the source of the sound and rush to the watchtower.

When they reached the watchtower they gasped.

The luminous barrier has been broken and the beast has escaped from the barrier that has protected them from the beast and their surprise get even bigger when they could see someone is fighting it.

Hamad seeing this scene could only think of one person who would challenge that beast. Only one person who would be crazy enough to fight it alone.

However Hamad soon realized another odd thing and the moment he realized it his face turns pale.

The beast has become bigger.

On the forest however, Sofia began relaxing her shoulder muscle as she heard the howl. Taking a deep breath. Closing his eyes and then opening it.

A relaxation technique. The sound fades away. The fear fades away. Nervousness leaves her body.

And the only thing that remains… calmness. Calmness. Calm like a still lake she chanted. And slowly her breathing becomes slower.

Be steady and still.

It is a mistake to tense her shoulder as she began her attacks. Then she began aiming. And then she release.

She used her Accurate Shot skill to aim at the monster groin areas which were quickly parried by the monster tail as it sweeps away the energy arrow into oblivion.

But it did not let her falter as she jump to another branch of a tree and begun barraging the monster with Accurate Shot from many angle which only seems to annoy the monster even more.

With one howl, a chain of events has started. Azief is still close to the monster but he does not show any particular feeling on his face facing such a large monster.

Because of his passive skills Eye of night his sense at night and vision is enhanced so he could see in the dark like it was the day.

The monster keep clawing him but he parried it away with his blade and sparks of fire is produced ,lighting the dark area, around their battlefield.

Sometimes the monster would throw a few trees towards him. Azief slice the tree like he was slicing tofu and then charged again.

When the monster attacks, he either dodged or parries. Each time they traded blows, Azief could feel slowly but surely, his hand is becoming more numb.

If not for his enhanced body and agility he would probably be too pressured to attack the monster.

He could see that he underestimated this beast.

But he still has hidden card. The Scale Body technique is still not used. And Azief don’t think he want to use it against this monster.

It would be too wasteful and because he is preparing for something else.

Not enough he mused as he take a step back when the monster tail suddenly sweep to his left side.

It narrowly misses him but its tail hit a tree and the tree was instantly broken. The force behind the sweeping of the monster tail is not to be underestimated.

I must bring it closer to that area. Nearby Azief could hear the sound of grass rustling, and he could smell rosemary.

‘Loki has gone for Phase 2 of my plan. Now it depends on me and Sofia.’

Even though he is dodging left and right from the attack of the monster there is no trace of fear in his expression.

Only some excitement.

Then he uses his sword and makes a slashing motion and activates his skill Slashing Wind.

Energy courses up through his veins and rested on his palm as the power is screaming to be let out.

So, Azief swing is blade and the energy was let out like a howling dragon. A gust of wind appeared shaped like a saber attack the monster and broke one of its scale.

With it comes the sound of explosion as blood flowed from the crack of the scales.

Azief attacked again using the same move while dodging the monster claws which left the ground he was stepping on turns into a ruined land as the ground cracked and burst.

The moment the scale was ripped apart by that attack, an energy arrow ripped apart the wind and pierce the flesh of the beast as the beast howled again and its movement become more erratic.

On the distance Sofia smirked.

‘Good shot’ she complimented herself.

With her skill precision which is even higher than Azief, her shot has already passed the longest shot ever recorded in history.

Then she jumps to another branch when the monster spit some gooey liquid to her even from that distance.

The spit corrode the trees as it melted and the ground beneath the tree turns black. Not only the spit is corrosive it is also toxic.

Azief did not even look back at Sofia as he dash between the monster leg and nick its artery only to find that his attack only cracked the surface of the monster scale.

As he found his attack useless he quickly ran to another direction.

The monster turns back its attention to Azief and began chasing him. Sofia was already at another branch after she dodged the corrosive spit.

The reason why Azief didn’t show any trace of concern is not because he didn’t care about Sofia but because he trust her.

Trust her not only to protect his back, but to protect herself from danger.

As Azief ran through the bushes the monster is right behind him and then with a speed that he could not have expected the tail hit his back as he was thrown forward.

Before he landed on the ground he uses one hand to propel himself from falling and he jumped back to equilibrium and then jumps forward while blood is flowing from his back, dripping slowly.

Is it painful?

It was the most painful experience Azief has ever experience. It was like acid was poured on his back.

Blood dripping from his back, and the sound of searing could be heard as the blood boils because of the poisons.

But he gritted his teeth and focus. Focus on his plan. His grip on his sword tightness, as his knuckles turns to white because of his fierce grip.

He did not scream or whine. He just endures the pain.

‘Endure it’ he said as he keeps running through the area, luring the monster to his own personal mine field.

As Azief was running Sofia keep shooting at the place where the scale was already cracked or peeled off.

But no matter what she did, the monster did not stop from its pursuit of Azief. On the contrary, it only spurred it even more.

She is getting nervous but she keeps attacking. But then she smiles when she sees that Azief is luring the monster away.

‘He is going into position.’

Confirming this, Sofia jumps away from her current position as she distance herself from the area and then she drank a mouthful of stamina potions and waited.

Azief who was on the ground, running is closer and closer. He smirked.

Then as he reached a tree, he recognizes the yellow mark, then a few meters away from him he could see something bulging on the ground and he smiles.

He looks behind him and he could see the monster is fast approaching. He grins in satisfaction

The moment he arrived at the bulging part he jumped forward, far away from the bulging area.

The monster was already behind him and did not have the time to stop its movement, when one of its feet step on the bulging part and then a huge explosion happened.

The ground around that area was consumed by fire, the ground nearby cracked and burst, fire and soil everywhere.

The night was dark saved the moonlight but now it was like there is a bonfire in the area around the battlefield between Lord Shadow and the monsters.

The smell of soil filed the area.

Dust disturbs any vision and Azief smiles looking at his masterpiece. Even from this distance he could feel the heat.

He quickly heals himself and drinks his potion at the same time.

The bleeding on his back quickly stop bleeding and with his life force already strong, his injury quickly healing itself.

It was during this time Sofia uses her Torrents of Arrows to attack the monsters.

It was like thousands of sharp object falling from the sky all determined to kill the target.

In the stronghold, the crowds on the watchtower look in awe and fear and even respect at the ensuing battle.

Hamad clearly understand the power of the beats that is rampaging right now but then he also began understanding the power that Lord Shadow possesses.

They are even some kids who could not handle their curiosity and climb up the watchtower and watch the battle.

The kids uses binoculars to look while the one who has some skill look it with their eyes.

They could see a most amazing battle. The beast was large like a giant but the man in the hood was contending equally with the monster.

They see from the beginning of the fights how the man in the hood, dodged every attack of the monster easily.

They even praise the arrows that sometimes helped him.

But what amazes them is that the person shooting these arrows moves to fast and always changes her location that trying to watch her only make their head dizzy for following such fast movements.

But it was later that truly made them feel that this battle is not battle they can interfere or help.

Hamad wanted to help Lord Shadow to solve their ill feeling but when the explosion happened the ground shakes and in front of the crowds, looking from afar they could only see a large explosion….like a Michael Bay film.

And then they saw the light that resembles arrows striking the beast from the sky, destroying the ground like it was being mortared by bombs.

When deity fights, why should mortals interfere?

Hamad who wanted to summon the Companies stopped his word and only looks in silence.

‘It seems I underestimated Lord Shadow. I underestimated him too much.’ He clearly feel regret right now.

Azief on the other hand is still looking at the area around the explosion.

The explosion created an appearance of chaos, but Azief mind was organized.

His eyes did not lose focus as he is trying to maintain his vision towards the area where the monster step his trap.

Suddenly a tail is coming towards him. From the movement of the tail it seems the monster wanted to bind him.

But how could he let that happen.

He jumped back and the moment the tail did not reach him, he quickly exploded forward with his feet as the tail has shown the location of the main body.

Rushing through the dust he then saw the silhouette before he saw the monster.

The monster has its scale torn apart , body riddles with holes and blood flowing from each hole.

One of its eyeball was shot and destroyed. Its hand is full with holes and bleeding and some part of its body has some traces of burns.

It was then Azief jump to one of its hand, run as fast as he can and then jump again in the air as he punch the aliens below the chin with Energy Fist.

The moment the Energy Fist come out of his hand, it shot the monster chin but then azief real fist then landed.

Two attacks.

One is his skill. The other one was his pure brute strength. A few of the monster fangs cracked and fall out from its jaw.

One drop of its gooey liquid fall down to Azief sleeve and corrode the attire and then it left a burn mark at Azief hand as he retreated.

Azief landed on the ground as the alien collapsed on the ground with a thud.

The ground shakes again because of the heavy impact creating a mid-size crater.

Azief could feel the pain on his arms but he quickly drink another potion and slowly his flesh regenerated back.

As long as he didn’t lose a limb he could heal anything with his potions.

Even though the monster has fall down Azief did not approach it as he attack the monster from far away with Energy Fist.

With every fist the sound of fist ripping through air could be heard, and every time it landed the scales on the monster broke apart and blood slowly flowed more faster from the monster body.

It tries to get up but the moment it tries to get up Sofia would then shoot to the monster nerve with extreme precision.

The more scales that were broken apart by Azief fist, the more holes the monster have in its body.

Azief and Sofia has great teamwork, both complementing the other.

The blood slowly turns green as it corrodes the area around the monster body, the grass wilted and the ground turns black.

It tries to get up again but Azief and Sofia did not stop their attack even for a minute.

It was like they were machinegun. They did not use other technique. Azief uses his Energy Fist.

Sofia uses her Torrents of Arrows. If the other one stops to drink some potions the other would cover the person.

Considering that they have a lot of potions they could spend it like crazy. If it was anybody else, they wouldn’t be able to.

The reason why they didn’t change their repertoire of their attack is because why bother something that works.

So, as time passed, it is clear that the monster is going to die. With one last howl it truly dies and suddenly the surrounding become peaceful.

Then the notification windows appeared in front of Azief.

Ignoring the notification window, he is more worried about his second phase plan.

‘Loki, don’t disappoint me. I will probe you after you return’ he thought inwardly as he began checking his rewards and new skill.


In the stronghold some rubbed their eyes and then rubbing it again and again until some have red eyes.

They did not see wrong right? How could such monster be defeated only by two people?

Some of the adults civilian looking at the spectacle then think of something. If I was strong as that man, why would I have to follow the government?

Some of the teenager who is more rebellious at heart also think of the same thing especially when they are reminded of the fact that even though they risk their life to fight monster they did not even get to keep their rewards.

Thinking about it, some of the teenagers believe, if they were allowed to keep their rewards, and learn the skill books that they have managed to obtain wouldn’t they be as strong as that Lord Shadow?

‘Should we send someone there to collect the loot?’ One of the captain spoke as he could imagine the kind of treasure dropped from that monster.

Hamad look at the area of the battlefield with his Hawk vision and shakes his head.


‘Who would want to go offend Lord Shadow and dug an early grave?’ He asked and then every captain shut their mouth.

Thinking about it, even if all the thirteen captain gang up to fight Lord Shadow there is no certainty they would win.

Not to mention, that Lord Shadow is not alone.

They thought that the woman companion was just a weak leveler.

Who would have thought that innocent young woman could create a torrent of arrows from the sky and hit the grounds like a napalm bomb each one is capable of ripping their life.

Then, they began to think of another grim possibility. If that power was pointed at them, pointed at this stronghold, then what would happen?

Two people are enough to destroy their stronghold!

They began to realize it and they began feeling more inferior and began sharing the thoughts of other civilian

Why should they let the government have their hard earned skill books, pills, potions and other resource they could find when they could become stronger by using it?

After all why should the government be angry their citizens become more powerful? Wouldn’t that be better for the government to combat the monsters?

Then one of the youth who could not hold it anymore then yelled.

‘I want my dues. I want my skill book back.’

Azief didn’t realize but that night he sets something ablaze in the hearts of the people inside the stronghold.

The desire to become stronger.

Then another youth scream the same thing. And another. And another. Slowly the minority voice becomes the majority and they run towards the Acquisition Barn.

‘Stop them!’ one of the captain urged

They wanted to stop them of course, but handling a mob is not something normal guard could do.

They could not kill anyone either to be made an example of because this would only inflame these mob.

Even when Hamad shouted stop no one listen as they ram towards the barn and the barn door open.

Hamad expected to hear cheers or people laughing but it was utter silence. Moving through the crowds he went to the front and seeing the inside of the barn he is also stunned silence.

‘What happened!’ he yelled with all of his heart, his veins was bulging.

What he sees was emptiness. The barn was empty. All the resources they have inside the barns, Pill forming pillars, EXP Pills, skills, herbs, poisons all of them is gone.

At the back of the crowd was a hunchback old man slowly walking to the entrance gate with its cane and unnoticed as he went out of the stronghold.

Smiling, he swipes his face with his left hand and his body turns into a young man. Then from his bag of holding he brings out a helmet and wears it and he disappeared from sight.

One could hear someone laughed, if they truly try to hear, laugh brought by the blowing wind as the sound slowly disappeared.

If Azief could hear the sound of laughter he would describe it as full with mischief.




The room was solemn. Only a few people in there. There was Jesse. There was Nick. And then there was Raymond standing with a face full of grief.

Jesse and Nick were sitting on the sofa. This is their new headquarters and thanks to the builders they have create quite the community here.

After they fled New York fighting the Mutated Pterodactyl, they all teleported themselves here, at one of the states in America, Washington.

Washington suffer less from the zombies incursion and monster population then the others states.

At Texas, Ghost Riders that rides skeleton horse runs around in Texas killing humans….and devouring them to strengthen itself.

But Washington is quite stable and gigantic beast stay at their own area and will not move unless they are disturbed.

‘No one ever needs to know about this’ he said, his tone was cold.

Nick nodded. Jesse nodded. The inner circle of Raymond most trusted and the few people who knew the full story are here in this room.

‘As far as he people outside is concerned, Leonard dies a hero.’ He said, nodding his head as he said it, trying to will it by his sheer will

‘But…. That is not what happened!’ Jesse wanted to yelled but then lower his voice. He is clearly not ok with what is happening.

‘Leonard saved my life before. Without him, there is no me.’

‘He tried to kill you’ Nick said.

‘And failed.’ Raymond answers.

‘There are still many people that respect Leonard. I would not tarnish their memories.’ He said and he remembers the good old days when they create this community, when they break bread together

‘What is the official story going to be?’ Nick asked. Nick is a Major general. Raymond creates his community based on the model of a military.

Considering he has a few veterans under him, the idea was put to the test and it worked.

Raymond has created a functional, working community that could withstand the monster attack in the long term.

By strengthening his own army, he strengthens his domain. Raymond is the General of the Army.

This is only used in time of War where the Commanding Officer must be equal or of higher rank than those commanding armies from other nations.

The last officers to hold this rank served during and immediately following WWII.

 And now, Raymond declared himself as General of the Army and had full power by the power vested by himself to be the judge, jury and executioner.

It is a terrible power to have but necessary in this troubling time. If not him, another would rise up and claims the power he has claimed.

Better the power in his hand rather than in some other people hands.

People like Leonard.

‘Major General, say that he dies fighting a beast, trying to save our life.’

‘And you’re ok with this?’ Nick asked.

Raymond nodded.

‘Then fine.’ Jesses shakes his head and without a word exited the room. He did not even salute.( is there other word for this?)

‘The boy looks up to you, Raymond’ Nick said as he saw Jesse leaving.

‘He would like you to expose Leonard for what he is.’

‘What would that achieve?’ Raymond asked.

‘Justice. If only that.’ Nick replies. Raymond smiles bitterly.

‘Justice, huh?’

‘Anyway, I will inform your officers.’

Raymond nodded giving approval and then he was the only one in the room. Leonard will be buried tomorrow.

Thinking about it, he did not know why Leonard would be…like that. He did not even suspect Leonard until the last moment.

‘Consider our debt paid’ Raymond said, only the winds could hear it. It was still morning as he checks the sun outside.

He has a guest in his guest room but for now he would like to check his army first.

The man that is occupying the guest room is very powerful; Raymond could tell from the aura that guest emitted. It is kind of like his aura.

While the plans that the guest has talked about and discuss with him are tempting, to decide it would put him in a more heavy responsibility than before. 

And then the case with Leonard. He needs time.

But he knows that guest has begun showing his impatience. At least, today he needs to decide.

He walked around the barracks and nodded in satisfaction. His army is training hard. Mages with mages, snipers with snipers, archers with archers, warriors with warriors.

There are many new Privates.

Trainee who’s is just starting Basic Combat Training with monsters. Their primary role is to carry out orders issued to them to the best of his/her ability and learns from their superior’s tactics and hopefully they will climb the ranks.

By climbing their ranks they could be an important member of Raymond army and could enjoy the benefits.

Raymond needs more powerful people by his side. After inspecting the barracks and the construction of what he called the New Pentagon, he started to prepare for his meeting

He get out from his battle armor,( disrobe, disarmour what’s that word I’m searching for?) a shining armor that has this runic design shaped like a head of a tiger.

Then he walked out to greet his new guest at the guest room. After a few minutes he arrived at the guest room with each person at his left and right side guarding him.

Slowly Raymond push opens the white door and in front of him he could see an Asian man enjoying a few light snacks on the glass table.

‘Greeting, Shogun’ Raymond said as he sit down on the end side of the table. This is a negotiation. He has been preparing for this day for about a week since he was notified.

If not for the thing with Leonard this meeting would not have been delayed.

‘Ah, it’s fine, its fine.’ The man said, waving his hand joyfully. The man is wearing a black robe with a mon of butterfly.

Mon is kind of like a family crest.

‘So, what do you think of my suggestion?’ the man said.

‘You did not beat around the bush’ Raymond said.

‘I heard that westerners prefer direct approach or was I wrong?’ he said still smiling as he crunches a few of the snacks.

‘A world Government’ Raymond said.

‘Why did you choose me?’ Raymond said.

‘I did not choose you. You were the best candidates.  You have led this many people towards safety even though the journey has been treacherous. In Japan we were lucky in that, there are not too many great beast hiding around. Many of them went to hibernation waiting for something. And the zombies are easily conquered when you become level 10.’

Raymond looks at the man. Ashikaga Hirate. Shogun of the Empire of Japan. Japan out of all the first world country suffers the least.

And thus their improvement becomes the fastest and the one who held power is the Shogun while the Emperor of Japan controls the administration.

Hirate called it the Restoration of the Imperial Power. Technically Shogun works under the Emperor but Raymond don’t think it was that simple.

After the fall, this man named Hirate has quickly created himself a sphere of influence in Kyoto and has been going around the world collecting information.

Of course he did not personally go to all these nation but sent his subordinates.

One could say, he does not have great offensive power but his information gathering ability is probably the best in the world right now.

‘How about the other nations? Any prospective candidates?’

‘The formation of a World Government is not my plan actually, Lord Raymond but the plan of one of the daimyo in Japan. In Japan, there is a fearsome general in Kai. The people called him the Tiger of Kai. He was the one who came up with this idea. With the teleportation Stone we could communicate easily with other major powers of the world. The reason why we chose you is because you are important to the Great plan.’

‘And what is the Great Plan?’ Raymond ask

‘To save humanity, of course. These beast… this the last of them? The world need a functioning government that will not restrict them but help them to become more powerful so that Earth could be protected.’

‘Then, am I under the Empire of Japan now? Do you expect me to betray my homeland? If yo-‘

But his words were cut off by Hirate

‘I’m inviting you because we are equal in the world government that I aspired to build. A council of great people all around the world, powerful people capable of commanding people and have great presence like you to join me.’

‘You mean-‘

‘Like the UN. Only this time we have power to really change the world.’

‘Are you really doing this for the world?’ Raymond ask, a little skeptic of Hirate true intention.

‘No, I’m doing it for myself’ Hirate answer honestly.

‘After all, if there is no Earth, where would I live?’ and he chucked a bit

‘Can you give me time?’ Raymond said. Hirate looks at Raymond then said.

‘I could only give you a week.  A week later I will come back. I hope by that time you will have made your decision.’ he said.

Raymond nodded and he got up from his seat.

So did Hirate. They both shake hands and leave each other with well wishes. As Raymond exited the room, Hirate also began to think of the other great personage in the world.

Jean in France. Xue Ying in China. Boris in Russia. Bradheim in Germany. Rollo and Odin in Norway.

In Indonesia a man named Pandikar has begun accumulating man power. Thailand has no rallying person yet.

The EU first he mused.

Then deciding this he brings out something from his sleeve. It was a silver badge full with runic design.

He then talked through it and gives his report. The thing has the same function like a telephone.

Then conveying what he has decided to the people on the other line of that badge, he give his goodbyes and using the Teleportation stone he teleport to another place as Raymond in in his office considering the offer that has been given to him




The sound of the sea could be heard by Akira. Akira was the subordinate of Hirate and he is at Norway now.

Not far away from him he could see, Norwegians dancing around. Some are sitting under a tree.

Then there is the large bonfire and the large amount of meat underneath it being cleaned and being washed.

The mammoth meat that could feed this army for months. Not far away from the mammoth meat was pile of treasures, gold coins and books.

Akira could see the Varangian Knights of Rollo who wears chain mail with runic inscription, a circular shield, and large giant axes.

Rollo on the other hand has wolf fur on his back, a crown on his head, and a shining armour as resplendent as the sun with a wolf head design on the armour.

It was like Rollo is a wolf by itself. He was dignified and manly.

Rollo itself was easy in the eyes, has a manly beard that is tied up, a broadsword behind his back and muscular muscle mass.

He looks like the Vikings of Old. He was also fierce and is very joyful today. Akira has been living amongst these people for a week.

And he discovered that while Rollo is their King and Lord, the one who is the most powerful is the girl that always seems to accompany Rollo to battle.


Her class is unique class. Valkyrie. That is the name of her class. Rollo is Berserker. And even though Rollo powerful attack is very intimidating, the brains of the operation are Freya.

Rollo has these ravens around him, following him, observing him that belongs to Freya.

‘More mead?’ one of the Varangian Knights offers Akira. Akira held out his hand and said.

‘I think that is enough for today’ he replies.

The man face was not pleasant and looking at the scar faced man, Akira doesn’t feel very good.

After all he is lowly character in the Imperial Palace. If not for the instigation of Shogun trusted aid, Munemori he would not be here.

‘It is not polite to refuse drink’ the scar face man said, his face look fierce and beastly.

Akira gulped and then said as pleasant as he possibly could.

‘I have a weak stomach. I would puke. Anyway, when do you think your King would be able to give me a reply?’ He asked trying to change the subject

‘I don’t know’ the Scar face man said before he walk away as he joins his fellow Knights.

‘Tch’ Akira clicked his tongue and then he look back at Freya. The Lady of the War Lord as she is called here.

She is riding her horse supervising the area, with six women behind her. Shield Maidens. Akira realized that each country has their own special class.

For example in Japan there are no Shield maidens but there is Samurai.

Looking at all the other countries he visited he proposed that class is also determined by their geographical location.

The only exception to this rule is unique class.

Looking at the six women they all were beautiful beyond compare. His ex-girlfriend once say to him that Westerners are all beautiful and has bountiful breast.

Smirking to himself, Akira could feel his anger towards Munemori dissipated. That bountiful breast, that’s smooth skin.

He was about to engage in his delusion again when he remembered that this is not Japan and he is at other people domains and the influence he has here wouldn’t save him.

Snap out of it! he rebuked himself.

I guess I would not be getting any Westerners ladies for me. What if I seduce them? People say that Westerners are a bit more open. Hehehe he chuckles by himself alone, near the coast.

He apparently forgets that his responsibility right now is to gain Rollo support and to persuade him to join the World Government.

For now, the idea of World Government is still crude but it has potential to become powerful and as a means of defense against the horde of monster plaguing the world.

The reason why Hirate is able to execute this proposition because compared to everyone else in the world right now, he possessed something the others do not have.

Official authority.

In many countries, even America, their chain of command was annihilated. The US president right now is dead. 

And many others also share the same fate. But Hirate on the other hand possess the Emperor of Japan.

It was not some claim or declaration like the warlords in China or the daimyos in Japan but true official authority.

And now after the fall, the Imperial Family who has been acting as nominal figurehead all these years after WW2 has reclaim power once again.

So, that is why he dares ask these great personages from all over the world to convene and decide on the structure of the world government to combat the monster that has terrorize Earth.

But another reason why the World Government need to be formed is also to create order and stability to an already chaotic placement of power .

Japan has daimyos. China has Warring Lords declaring cities and villages as their domains, the Middle East has tribal lords trying to expand their sphere of influence, Paris has political parties trying to create New Paris and in Germany the emergence of a neo Nazi group that is getting traction.


The world is in chaos and in such chaos, heroes and villains rise together. The weak will be trampled, the strong would survive.

Thinking of this Akira sighed.

He was only a salary man before the fall and who would have though he had to survive in this terrifying new world.

But he did not complain openly. After all, at least he survives.

He then looks again at the Shield Maidens especially around their chest. But then he notices that each shield maidens has their own weapons.

One of them bore a shield. One of them bore a hammer. Another holds a wand. The tallest among them wields a spear.

The fairest among them has a horn strapped to her left arm. The roughest among them had an axe, a red axe.

And the one leading them was Freya, bright face and of perfect complexion. Their horses were warhorses

And she has a helmet that is shaped like a wing. She looked commanding and powerful.

Looking at the festivities around him, he sighed.

‘When will I get home?’

Thinking of this another night passes in Norway as he looked to the stars and wondered why the monster comes from the skies.


All around the world, Hirate has sent his subordinate to find powerful factions or people that is interested in creating a World Government.

All around the world great men are invited and given instruction on where the meeting going to be.

There are many suspicions, many intrigues and many concessions made and given.

As this progress, the beast that has fallen at earth has created a balanced existence with humans.

The higher ranked beast falls into hibernation while humans are advancing becoming stronger and stronger.

While the humans on Earth is beginning to accustomed to their new way of life, in the wide galaxy, a warship is quickly heading to Earth, filled with the most barbaric race in the known universes.

At Olympus, The Olympians is involved in their debates about using the World Orb hence relinquishing them from one of the Seven Creation Essence.

In Asgard, Odin is negotiating peace talks with the Frost Giants as he could feel that the Destroyer is slowly awakening.

Then Olympus stops. Asgard stopped. The Time Lords stopped. The Qarthan. The Merchants of Sarens. The Golden Ship Derion stopped.

They stopped when they heard the Siren call. It comes from an unidentifiable source. But everyone knows what the call is for.

It was a warning. A reminder. An omen of destruction. The Destroyer! And then suddenly, their priorities change.

Odin intensified his effort and even the Frost Giants who has long withstanding hatred with the Asgardians is eager to cooperate.

The Olympians went to the Tartarus, their Great Prison and tries to cooperate with the Titans.

The Time Lords argues among themselves on whether to interfere. The Argonians prepare their weapons, on their desert planet.

The Kreoinian that lives on the planet with red sun, convene their council to discuss what is happening.

The ripples in the Universe, the undulation of energy from the darkest part of the universe stirred and the Observer began opening his eyes as the Universe once again will face the Destroyer.

A black hole suddenly opened in the Fvranian star system and devour the whole system in one go.

Zetaliion life were lost that day. Thousands of civilization disappeared overnight. A blip in the large universe as an Eye opens and all life that sees the Eye disappeared into nothingness, leaving only emptiness, and darkness.

‘The Destroyer has Awoken!’ The seers, the oracles, the soothsayers from all corner of Universe cried out alarm.

The Horns of Judgment was sounded out from the silence of the Universe and all that heard the calls realize that death is approaching and began seeking help.

They searched for the Elder of the Universe. Some tried to plead to the Observer. Some would go to the Overseer of Life.

They all sent their envoys, their emissaries, and their ambassador to scour the known universes searching these people who have transcended the Universal Laws and understand the meaning of Destroyer awakening and how to send Him back to His slumber.

While all of this is happening, in one corner of the Universe, an old man who was sitting in an abandoned planet, with barren lands and desert, with no life in sight, with black soil on its ground and no clouds in its skies, it was a planet with no trace of life.

The old man waves his hand and suddenly clouds were formed, rains fall down, life sprouted of the ground as the soil turns brown.

Time accelerate suddenly as the rain created pools, lakes, rivers and then sea of oceans. Another wave of his hand, and the land crackled as the ground beneath the planet hit each other and mountains and hills were formed.

Some become high mountains, some become volcanic mountains full with fiery lavas as the volcanic suddenly exploded and create land.

Another wave of hand and a continent is created, a large landmass that suddenly appeared in the middle of the new oceans.

The water spilled to the brown soil and some were drowned beneath the waters while some become the coast.

And then the man scattered a few microorganism inside the sea. He then sighed. Whether this would prove to be fruitful only time will tell.

As the man has finished his work, he sighed again.

‘The Destroyer has awakened’ he said. Then closing his eyes, he disappeared in a blinding of light.


One might be asking what does the universe got to do with what is happening on Earth? My answer? Everything.

Anyway, this is the formation of the World Government. Some of you will understand a few things when more of the story is revealed, I hope. Anyway leave some comments.



The land around the battlefield was scorched and the fires are still not put out, brightly blazing in the darkness of night.

The soil was destroyed; holes and craters fill the battlefield.

The pungent smells of the monster blood and its green liquid dripping from its open mouth drip slowly to the ground.

With each drip the sound of searing could be heard. Even in death, its blood has high level toxicity.

Azief at first wanted to use it a poisons but much to his own astonishment, Azief found out he has no containers capable of storing the monster liquid.

This monster is truly poisonous. If not for the mine field, this battle would not end so easily.

It also helps that he has so many potions to recover his stamina, his spirit and his health that he does not panic and could keep his mind clear.

To possess the kind of wealth he has one had to risk his life. Or just be very lucky like he did.

After he killed the beast, he quickly repressed his evolution and then he got three pillars points and 6 skill points.

It does not level him up as much as he expected. Maybe because it was not that dangerous, he also did not get too many EXP.

The higher your level is the higher the amount of EXP you needed to rise to the next level.

He smiles. Combine that with the 15 skill points he accumulated he now has 21 skill points. He would us these 21 points to upgrade the skill of his class.

Then another notification appears.






Then he could see his shadow lord items suddenly transformed and upgraded itself.


ATTACK: 750-680


DURABILITY: 15720/15720


                                    : LOWER RESISTANCE TO ALL MENTAL ATTACK

                                    : LOWER DEFENSE





ABILITY            : ART OF Invisibility

                        : Increase stealth



ATTACK: 450-345


DURABILITY: 10200/10200

























Then a few skills lights up and Azief smiles. Nearby, Sofia is enduring her first evolution as Azief could hear the bones cracked.

She is becoming taller Azief mused.

I will guard her he said as he check his status and at the same time guarding the place.

Loki must be done by now he also inwardly thought. He then checked his new skills.



‘Azief likes.’ He said as he is grinning from ear to ear looking at this technique.

This kind of technique is one that must not be underestimated. He could delay enemies, confused them and even help him when he is in a tight spot.

The moment Azief saw this skill he is determined to upgrade it later. He looks to the area where Sofia is evolving.

She is still not finished as she is now struggling with pain, stumbling on the ground writhing in pain.

‘Is that how I look like when I’m evolving?’ he ask himself. He then looks around and he saw nothing suspicious.

Far away, he could hear the commotions of the people in the stronghold using his divine sense.

‘Loki, will he return to the cave or will he run off with the treasures?’ he asked himself.

The last test. The reason why he did this test because he finally realizes what has bother him so much about Loki.

He would like to know the full story of why Loki comes here to Malaysia.  He is now convinced that Loki comes to Malaysia with other motives in mind.

But what motives?

If he stays and is on the cave, means Azief could still form an alliance with Loki. If not, it means that Loki did not put Lord Shadow and Sofia in his eyes at all.

One step at a time he reminded himself. He checked his other skills.







This would help in gathering loots. He always hope to have a gathering skills but thankfully now, he has one.



This needs to be upgraded he thought to himself. Becoming faster by 15%? That is a boost for his already powerful agility.

His agility pillars are Artisan ranked and he possessed superior agility. That is how he easily dodged the monster attack.

If not for his pillars invested to his agility, he could not have dodged all those attacks so easily.



When Azief checked again, it is a skill that enables him to appears at enemies blind spot and then attacked and then return back to his original position.

It’s more like he saved a location and then moved and then load back to his original position.



Summon Wraiths? Hmm. This sound interesting.



Looking at Shadow Escape, it is an escaping skills. This would come handy one of these days.



Prison! This is also good.

Reading the description Azief felt that this prison is really like hell. Reliving your worst memories is not a pleasant thing and could even dissipate any fighting intention left after being subjected to this skill.

‘Hehehe’ he chuckles. This is his skills. Then looking around again he finally see Sofia finished her evolution and he gasped.

It was like he was struck by lightning and he could not look in any other direction. Thunderstruck if he had to describe what he is feeling right now.

She was….beautiful. Stunning. Gorgeous.

She changed like he did before. She becomes taller, only an inch shorter than him, her hair become longer and become silky and flowing with ease, kind of like the models in a shampoo ad.

Her chest area becomes a bit more bulging, her skins blemishes free. It could be described her skin become fairer, radiant and all of her dark spots is no longer there, like it was erased.

There are no visible pores and she shines with a healthy glow.

He did not think such transformation is possible. From a village beauty, she turned into a world-class beauty.

It was like the story of ugly duckling.

But what Azief doesn’t realize that he is also an evolved person. Unlike many people, he never saw himself as handsome.

Even after he evolved he kept this kind of mindset.

After all, he doesn’t care whether he is handsome or not because that has never been his concern

But if one could look his full face without the hood covering his part of his face, he could be likened to a very handsome man.

Tall, dark and brooding. His face is also smooth and flawless, and combined that with his bad boy attitude, he could strike many women’s heart.

The things is since it was only him and Sofia that is around, he never felt any changes or feel that he is handsome.

Sofia would of course not praise him as handsome because she is in a way shy to approach him because of his new appearance and Azief of course would not make the connection himself.

That he is in fact handsome. Why? Because he never has been handsome or care about being handsome.

So, when he looked at Sofia and gasped, he thinks to himself.

If she changed like that and became that beautiful then doesn’t that mean when I transformed I also become a world class handsome man?

Then he chuckles.

How could that be! Slapping himself on his head he laughed.

What a ridiculous thought. If only Sofia could hear his thoughts right now, she would surely slam her hand on the back of his head.

He is fricking gorgeous and he didn’t even know. Though, come to think of it, it might be better that way.

‘You’re alright?’ Azief said as he approached Sofia. Sofia nodded.

‘The beast does not drop anything?’ she asked looking around the area. Looking left and right, she didn’t see anything resembling loots.

‘No’ Azief replies.

‘It is a trial beast.t would not drop anything. It would only give EXP.’

Sofia nodded. But disappointment clearly is evident on her expression.

‘Then what now?’ she ask

‘We return to the cave. As planned’

Azief was about to rush to the woods and return to the cave before he is suddenly being stop in his arm by Sofia.

‘What do you think?’ She asked

What do I think about what? He inwardly thought.

Then he looked at Sofia from head to toe and then scratching his cheeks he said shyly.

‘You look beautiful’ he said and Sofia hearing this blushed red.

‘Ehem’ she coughed a bit as she tries to calm herself down.

‘I mean what do you think about Loki? Will he be there?’

Hearing this Azief quickly realize his misunderstanding and this time it was his turn to blush red because of embarrassments.

He coughed lightly.

‘Oh. I don’t know.’ Then he looked at Sofia and Sofia also unintentionally looks back at Azief.

Both eyes locked and then suddenly they both quickly turn to another direction each one avoiding the gaze of another, both are red in the cheeks.

Suddenly the environment turns awkward.

‘I will go first’ she said as she run to the direction of the caves disappearing in almost a second.

Azief looking around and find nothing that is out of the ordinary also follows Sofia from the back.

Calming himself down, he turns to Lord Shadow again.



The bodies was left alone. Flies began to crowded the bodies. Then suddenly a woman appeared from one of the bushes.

The woman is young, around the age of 20. She wears a white robe and she smelled of herbs.

She looked around and then after finding out that the tow people chasing her is not there she smirked.

‘It seems Thousand Face is really a formidable ally. Maybe, one of these days I will have to repay him for what he has done for me.’

She moved closer to the six bodies and sighed because of what happened.

She crouched down and then close both of her hand together and she prayed for their souls.

Then she got up and arrived at the child with the mutilated face.

‘Thousand Face really helped me this time. This child face must not be known to the higher ups.’ If not for the stupidity of the two people, they might have known that this kid face is very peculiar.

It resembles her……almost identical. This is why the woman posing as the mother of that child was so desperate to save the child.

But it was not only because that the child resembles her that she ask Thousand Face to mutilate the child face but she ask him to do it so, that it could delay the higher ups of the Party to deduce what this child really is.

The woman touches the child bodies and then suddenly the child morphed into a beast corpse and then was absorbed into her bodies.

‘Huh…this is tiring’ as she felt her face with her hand.

‘I should remind him not to mutilate it too hard. After all, this child is a part of me. If they only knew..Hehehe’ she laughed shrilly.

Burying the bodies in the field she then marks the graves with stones and carve their name with her dagger.

She then said.

‘I will avenge you all. You are loyal to me until the end. It might not be today, it might not be tomorrow, but one day, I will fulfill this vengeance of mine.’

Saying this she got up, and showers the grave with water, sprinkle some scented flowers, leave some prayers, and then disappeared again inside the forest.

Slowly, step by steps, with eyes that is full with determination, and her heart that is beating with furious anger, she repeated in her heart.





The wind blows gently tonight. The grass rustles as Sofia and Azief arrived in front of the cave. Waiting for them in front of the cave with a smile, is Loki.

He was clearly relaxed, and carefree, even whistling.

‘You’re late’ he said the moment his eyes spotted Azief and Sofia. In his hand he is playing with his dagger throwing it up and down.

‘And you are still here’ Azief said. His eyebrows creased as eh believes that this pointed to a very disturbing conclusion

What is Loki playing at? He asked himself inwardly. What is his scheme? Azief did not understand. And the things that he did not understand and knows….scares him.

It is outside his probability and outside of his control. Azief call this his Joker. The card in the sleeve. The anomaly.

He became even more vigilant towards Loki but his face did not show it. His face remains as it is before: Impassive.

‘Did you succeed with my instruction?’ Azief asked. He needs to probe.

To see more. To feel more. Soaking even more gestures. Focusing even more than before and revising his old deduction.

Because right now, Azief is feeling that he has made a mistake in his previous deduction.

Loki nodded.

‘Got hundreds of pills of every kind, a few skill books and many herbs and potions. I guess skill book didn’t drop that many. Well, I guess farming low level skill books is not really profitable.’ Loki said, not realizing Azief expression which becomes more complicated by the seconds.

Azief face darkens even more than before.

One might thought hearing Loki success in infiltrating the stronghold and robbing them blind,  that he would become happier but on the contrary he become more alert and guarded against Loki

If Loki just left with all that he had looted then his motive is nothing more but profit related.

If that was the case, Azief will find it easier to deals with Loki. People who want profit have their own baseline. Their motive is simple.

If it was profit, Azief would be more comfortable dealing with that kind of person.

But he stays. Who would do that? What possible reason that Loki would stay after taking that many resources?

He is not friends with Loki. He is not even enemies with Loki. But this man stayed regardless.

There is something else. Azief feels this deeply in his heart.

And then he reminded himself of the mutilated face and after revising his theory this kind of man that is fill with calculating measures does not seem to be the type of guy that would mutilate a face without any reason whatsoever.

This is about something else. There is a reason why he is here. There is a reason why this Loki follows them.

Azief unsheathe his sword and then he pointed it straight almost at the speed of sound as the sword arrive inches away from Loki throats, and then coldly he said.

‘What are you planning?’ Seeing this sudden change of attitude not only Loki was surprised, Sofia was too.

The daggers that Loki was playing with fall to the ground with a thud.

‘What are you doing!’ Sofia yelled in alarm

‘You….are not the man you purported yourself to be. Why are you here? On Malaysia. Tell me the truth or I will sever your head.’

Azief was serious. His tone was cold, severe and if one could hear clearly, there is even nervousness.

Loki glares at Azief . For a few moments it seems like any movement would spark a battle but then Loki sighed.

And then, contrary to the due expectation, he smiles like nothing is happening. The guts on this guy!

His life is being threatened, a sword inches away from his throats, his lies has been seen through, with one swing, his head would be separated from his body and he still has the nerve to be so carefree.

Sofia could not understand the confidence that Loki exuded. It was almost like he is sure that he will survive this.

‘How did you know?’ He asked, and at the same time acknowledging that he has other plans for coming here to Malaysia.

Hearing this confession, Sofia is shocked once more. Loki really has other intention of following him.

‘You story has holes in it.’ Azief replies calmly, his sword is still pointing straight at Loki throats.

Azief was surprised that he could not see even a trace of fear inside the man eyes.

‘Which part?’ He asked, likes he couldn’t care less Azief has found out his lies.

‘500 people could not catch you. This is your words. If this is true and I’m betting it is true, then why do you even need to run so far from your country to country like Malaysia? Even if you want to run you could run to another country in the EU. If not, the more famous country like Greece, America, Argentina. Why would you pick a country like Malaysia? I’m not degrading my country but I have to admit not many people know my country especially people in Europe. It occurs to me then, that if you run here, you run here for a reason.’

Azief explains

‘What if you are wrong? What if I’m not someone with ulterior motives and I simply needed your help like I said I was?’

‘Then I’m wrong and your death would be missed’ Azief said coldly.

‘That is ruthless’ Loki said, contemplating and then chuckles.

‘Well, I guess that is to be expected from you’ he said under his breath

‘Had to be.’ Azief replies curtly, not hearing what Loki said under his breath

‘Ok. I guess, I need to tell you the truth now right? If not you will torture me or kill me, right?’ Azief was about to say something but quickly cut off by Loki.

‘Spare your breath. I will cooperate. After all, I couldn’t do it alone. Having you as my ally is the first phase after all.’

And then quickly before Sofia and Azief could say anything else he quickly admitted.

‘Well, yes, I did come here with an ulterior motive.’

Practical Azief mused. Since Loki is not beating around the bush, he will not too. He quickly asks his question to Loki.

‘And what are your motives?’

‘How about you lower down your weapons and we talk about this inside.’

‘How do I know you’re not going to run?’ Hearing this Loki chuckles.

‘I’m not going to make an enemy out of you and what I’m about to tell you would give you more benefits then you could imagine.’

Then he slowly moves back and said

‘I’m just moving back to enter the caves.’

‘Wait’ Azief said.

‘Sofia, check the inside of the caves. See if there is any trap.’ Sofia nodded and enters the cave first.

‘Aw, you don’t believe me. That hurts’ he said mockingly, smiling all the time. For some reason Azief decided he doesn’t like Loki smiles.

It is full with mischief if he would describe it.

Sofia then come out of the cave and then said.

‘It is clear. Other than the two prisoners, there is no trap or anyone else.’ Azief nodded. And then he lowers down his weapon when Loki enters the cave.

Even though he lowers his weapon his back is always toward the entrance of the cave so if Loki tries to escape he needs to pass through him first.

Loki also realizes this and he smirked.

‘You are a very cautious man, Lord Shadow.’

Then Loki sits down on the ground. It was weird that Loki did not resist. It almost like he almost expects Azief to make the connection and uncover his lies.

‘So, now you will tell us.’ Sofia said.

‘I’ll do you one better. I’ll show you.’ And then he warned.

‘Don’t do anything rash. I’m not attacking you or anything but there will be some light show when I activate this thing.’

Then he shows his arms towards the duo and suddenly a mark appears on his arms.

The mark resembles a book and then the cave shines with lights as something came out of small portal and then in front of them was a book.

A large book with thirty nine pages.

‘The Book of Artifacts.’ He said proudly.

‘It is Blood bound Artifact.’ He explains.

‘What is it?’ Azief said clearly he look at the book.

‘Try touching it’ Loki said. Azief touches it and it pass through him.

‘I made it holographic.’ He said smugly

‘You want to know how I know so much about what is happening, right? You want to know why I came to Malaysia, right? It is all because of this book’ he said.

‘What do you mean?’ Sofia asks.

‘The Book of Artifacts informs me of the location of artifacts. Each artifacts possesses power beyond that of a level. Having even one of them puts an advantage between you and the other levelers out there.’

‘So, you came here searching for an artifact?’ Azief said as he began understanding Loki scheme.

‘Yes and no. I have two reasons to come here actually.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘First, I need to find you. And then we will search the artifact together.’

‘Wait. That doesn’t make sense. You said this artifact possesses power that would put you ahead of many levelers right? Why would you share it with me?’

‘Hehehe’ he chuckles.

‘Because I know the dark truth behind the World Orb. Let me explain to you something about the Book of Artifacts. Every ten levels, an artifact is revealed to me. In those other blank pages, I could ask anything I want except the location of other artifact which will only be revealed every ten levels. And I ask the book when my level were 21…why is the World Orb protecting humans? And the answer was shocking. It was then I decided to find allies. Powerful allies. It also helps that this particular artifact I’m searching is not blood bound artifact but Unbound Artifact.’

Unbound artifact? Blood bound artifact. Azief could guess what it means since it is pretty self-explanatory but what Azief is more interested about is the truth that Loki discovers.

‘What truth have you learned?’ he quickly ask.

‘Earth will be razed to the ground and humanity will become extinct’ and saying this even Azief who always remains emotionless could not help but show some emotion.

‘You think this is bad?’ Loki said as he open up his arm.

‘Wait until the Weronians come. Then you will see bad’

‘Weronians?’ Sofia asked, not understanding

‘A barbaric race that came from the Heroian system. They have pillaged great cities in the galaxy, burn and destroys planet. Of course that was until their planet itself was destroyed under the Kreionic Treaty by the Intelligence Construct of the Menians. And they are coming to us… invade our planet and claim it as their own. The World Orb is preparing us for that war decided by the Council of Quon. Presided by the Olympians and Asgardian.’

He explained. Azief is intently listening.

‘How do you know all this?’ Sofia said as she unconsciously feeling weak in her knees.

Weronians. Heroian system. Barbaric race from the universe? This is too much for her.Intergalactic forces trying to invade earth?

She thought she has heard everything. This is too much she said inwardly.

Azief also showing some disbelief in his face. Aliens? But then remembering all that he has seen on his journey, maybe it is not that ridiculous.

He calms himself down again and said.

‘How did you hide from my divine consciousness before?’ For some reason Azief began understanding some things about why he could not detect Loki.

‘This’ he said as suddenly Sofia and Azief could see a helmet of bones on top of Loki head.

‘The helmet of invisibility. It was the first artifact I found. It was in China in Mount Taishan. If not for the book of Artifact guiding me, I would not survive the dungeon. And China is not really a place you want to go right now. Monsters everywhere and zombies by the millions. Japan however is pretty peaceful. The monster mostly went to hibernation. The helmet doesn’t have any offensive power, but it can hide me from everything. I could even hide all the smells and my footsteps with it. The only reason you could have found me, was because I wanted to be found’ he said, smiling apologetically at Azief.

Azief just nodded.

He finally understands why it was so easy to find his footsteps and why his smell was not erased, so much so, that it almost seems like Loki wanted to be found and detected.

Now he understands a bit.

‘If that was the first artifact, what was the second?’ He asked

‘Houyi Bow’ he said.

‘It is a weapon. Instead of appearing in China it is on the top of Mount Everest. I might search for it later.’

‘What does it do?’

Sofia asked as she has regained her composure and standing straight. There was also the fact that the weapon Loki said is a bow, and considering she is an archer she is quite interested.

Loki look at Sofia and chuckles.

Then he inwardly thought.

Is this how the Divine Archer is born?  Well, I guess it is a bit – and then he remembers what That Man said and he shakes his head.

Focus on the mission. Don’t meddle too much. Then Loki explains while looking at Sofia with interest.

Azief notices this and his expression hardens.

‘The bow has the power of the sun. It is said it drain the user of his or her energy if using the most powerful attack of the bow which is the Ten Sun Slaughtering Arrows. It could destroy the sun, melt the strongest steel, and evaporate an entire ocean and much more. One need to have the pillars of bows and arrows to use it and need to have it upgraded to the last rank of mastery.’

Sofia hearing this could imagine herself having the bow, imposing and powerful. With one strike she could kill the sun, evaporate the oceans, to act like a God.

Looking at Azief, she is determined to search for that weapon later.

She feels that she is completely lacking as   a partner for Azief….and she didn’t want to be left behind.

‘Houyi Bow’ she said under her breath, almost a whisper….but her eyes shows untold determination.

‘And the third?’ This is what Azief wanted to know the most.

‘The Universe Orb’And saying this Loki looks at the ceiling of the cave and said.

‘Using the Universe Orb we could go to other universe…or to be more exact, another earth. Another version of this earth’

And hearing this explanation suddenly something struck Azief.


‘Something like that’ Loki replies.

‘And where is it?’ Sofia asks.

‘Malaysia. In Batu Caves. Where it is now becomes a dungeon. With all of them Unique monsters. Of the three artifacts, this is what I want the most.’

Loki admitted.

‘Why?’ Azief ask.

‘Because we can enter other earth and……there we could get a lot more quests. And time there and time here, is different. With each level we are given more time to stay there. We might even be powerful enough to defeat the Weronians later if we train in other universe.’

Dilation of time Azief inwardly thought

‘How much difference of time?’ Sofia ask.

‘For level 40 you could stay inside the other universe for 4 months before you have to return and have a cool down for the Orb. Those 4 months is equal to 4 hours in our earth. All of this has been explained in my Book.’

Saying this he waved his hand and the book flipped around like a gust of wind flipping it right to the page of the Universe Orb.

It shows a spherical orb with clouds inside of the orb and if Azief is not mistaken he could see countless of miniature Earth inside the tiny orb.

‘This is why I wanted allies. This is why I wanted you. This is bigger than just being stronger. This relates to the survival of mankind.’

Loki finally tell him the reason…the true reason why he seek him.

‘And we are your team?’ Azief said

‘No. I am your team. I could not do it alone. I am invisible. Not invincible. You, Lord Shadow is probably the strongest person on earth right now. And after I give you the resources I robbed from the stronghold, you would become even stronger. How about it, Lord Shadow? Don’t you want to become a savior?’

‘Three of us?’

‘Four of us’ he said as a woman appears from the darkness of the cave, phasing from the cave walls and Sofia quickly targeted the woman.

One thing after another. This Loki is really prepared. Azief inwardly thought as his hand is itching to throw a dagger at the woman.

Loki then uses his hand to lower Sofia weapon and he said.

‘She’s a friend.’ Azief on the other hand coldly looked at that woman and said.

‘Introduce yourself’ The woman chuckles but she was not afraid. She looks at Loki and nodded.

Loki shows an apologetic expression on his face and the woman just sighed.

‘My name is Sina. People call me the Mad Alchemist Sina’ she said, smiling with eyes full of madness.

‘Nice to meet all of you.’ Then she looked at Loki and said.

‘I owe him something. This is me repaying him for that debt. Hearing what he said to you, I now know why he really helped me. I accept Loki.’

‘That is good to hear!’ He exclaimed. And then he turned to Azief and Sofia

‘How about you Lord Shadow? Sofia? Would you like to join?’

‘Becoming savior. I am not that important’ Lord Shadow said and then he looked at Sofia and then he spoke.

‘But, Universe orb? Now, I might not be able to save the world and I don’t know whether you are lying to me right now, but I am interested in getting stronger. I’ll join if you join.’

He said as he left the decision to Sofia. Sofia looks at Loki, look at that woman with the white robe and look at Azief.

She didn’t know what’s what anymore. But one thing remains unchanged as he look at Azief back.

She said.

‘Do what you need to do, Azief. I’ll always got your back’ she decided. Azief smiles and then he said.

‘Loki, you have to explain your plan. All of it.’

‘Of course’ he said smiling as Azief approach the white robe woman and begun introducing himself while Sofia sit on one of the stone, her eyes was ever watchful and then Loki looking at this lineup proudly thought

Prince of Darkness, Azief. Divine Archer Sofia. Genius Alchemist Sina. If one could see the lineup, even That Man would not be able to complain.

I will fulfill the mission and open a new era for humanity he thought inwardly as he joins the group and tell everything that he knows, telling them about what happens when you level up to 40, the limits of pillars forming, and most importantly his plan to get the Universe Orb.

‘This time…it would be different’ he said silently as he looked in front of him the three people who shines brightly as the sun and he smiles a bitter smile full of regret and longing.

‘This time it would be different’ he said again. He promises That Man that he would succeed.

And holding on to that promise, he has taken the first step.



The wind rustles the large tree. The night is cold and the howling of wolf could be heard in a faraway distance. Under the tree is a woman.

This woman is 6 feet tall and wearing a very sleek and stunning attire. Her clothes are full of runic design and she emits an aura of power.

She has that femme fatale look. Her purple tunic is not a normal tunic but seems to shine with dark glow in this cold night.

But it was the bow behind her back that would attract any attention on those who look at it.

Shining like the sun and emitted an ancient power, the bow behind her back seems to be a source of light…..and capable of great destruction.

The woman looks at the sky and then she said with a face that show reluctance and hesitation but also a trace of great determination.

Then strengthening her resolve she said to the wind

‘I summon thee, Loki. I want to make a deal’ Saying this word suddenly from out of nowhere someone appeared behind her back and she could hear the cackle of laughter.

The Trickster has come. She mused.

Turning back she could see a tall, lanky man wearing an attire that has its collar up and a tight leather jeans full with dark glowing ancient writing.

The man itself was not handsome but gaunt and seems to give the feeling of mischievousness and mischief glinted in his eyes.

‘Hehehe…We meet again, Sofia, dear.’ His voice was shrill and high pitched.

‘Or should I call you the Divine Archer now? I think you are satisfied with my deals don’t you? Did you get everything you ever wanted?’ He asked and he cackles with laughter again as he keeps disappearing and reappearing in front of Sofia.

Sometimes he disappears and arrive at her left, sometimes at her right.

‘Why call me again? Hehehe’ the Trickster laughed. But one could see that he is happy people is calling him.

‘I want to make another deal.’ She said resolute

‘Another deal? Hehehehe.’ And then suddenly the Trickster disappeared and appear in front of Sofia, his face looks scrutinizing at Sofia and then he said with a smirk full of mischief.

‘Magic has a price, dear. Especially dark magic. The last time you came to me with a deal, the price was a steep one. Now, with what you have achieved do you still want to make a deal with me? Think carefully, dear. Don’t want people saying that I force you to make these deals. Hehehe. Can you pay this price? Hehehe ‘The place is only full of his cackle of laughter.

Loki is famous as the Trickster and also one of the Seven Sovereign. He is also known to make deals.

And he always delivers. And he always collects his price.

‘Do you want to make a deal or not?’ Sofia said.

‘Hehehehe. Of course, dear. Of course. Tell me what you want. The Trickster has all that you need. Magic and curses is what I peddle. Don’t be scared, come near and come here. Make a deal and your problem will be solved. Wait, that doesn’t rhyme. Should I end it with dealt? Hehehehe’ he laughs.

‘I want someone whereabouts.’ She said ignoring the Trickster behavior

‘That is simple. Hehehe. Seeking someone is easy and the price of such magic is miniscule. But if you were so desperate to even summon me…..that mean the one you want to seek is someone that you can’t seek. Seeking for someone that can’t be sought. Now, such price would be steep.’ Loki said and he chuckles again.

‘Who do you want to seek? Now this is the most important question.’ Loki asks, chuckling all the while.

‘The Lord of the Underworld. The Prince of Darkness Azief.’ Sofia said and there is some hint of regret in her eyes.

‘Oooh. Him? Hmmm….he is a sovereign. Offending him….is not something I would like to do.’

‘Do we have deal?’ Sofia said, her voice was hard.

‘Hmmm. Hehehehe. The price will be a steep one.’

‘Tell me what you want!’ she said

‘The Bow’ he said and then he chuckles.

‘My bow?’

‘Well, trying to locate a sovereign and not only a sovereign but Him, is not an easy task even for me, I would have to expend great power to find him.’

‘People say you can travels to the realms of the sovereign? Why would this be hard?’ Sofia said.

‘And that I can. But if there is one realm that I have not travel, it would be his realm. Well, with name like the Underworld, one could see my hesitation of going there. Not I would go if I am extended an invitation. Hehehe’

‘Can you do it?’ Sofia asked.

Loki looks at the sky and then a smile is formed and then he said.

‘I can. Now…’ and saying this he flicked his finger and a floating paper appears in front of Sofia.

‘Just sign this and we can both go our way.’

Clicking his finger a quill appears on Sofia hand.

‘Just sign at the bottom and then we could conclude our business tonight. Well, this is not your first time right, so I trust you to know what to do. Hehehe’

Sofia come closer to the floating paper and Loki smiles is getting wider when suddenly his smile fell when he realizes a disturbance in the energy.

But instead of running away his smile looks more mischievous and is full with disdain.

‘Hehehehe’ he chuckles. Then he looked at Sofia with eyes that is full with dark thoughts and killing intent billowed out from him, black dark aura roils around him.

He stared at Sofia and it felt like her soul is almost enveloped in the darkest of energy, her soul almost suffocated itself with such malevolent aura.

Chuckling he said, voice laced with anger and indignation but his face was plaster with a smile that resembles madness.

‘Ahh, you know, my dear, the only way to stop me is through magic. And all magic has a price. Hahaha’

Saying this he was suddenly trapped by a pillar of light crackling with power and imposing majestic presence.

Loki tries to escape by burrowing through the ground but the soil denied his access. Trying to fly outside the lightning strikes him down.

He laughed and chuckles when he realizes why he could not break this prison..

‘Raymond. Oreki. Is that you two? Light magic? Seriously? Hehehehe. Trapping me? ’ Then thunder boomed on the sky and then clad in lightning appear one of the Sovereign.

Oreki the Thunder God. From the soil under the tree, the earth cracked and from the hole a man formed from the soil and appear nearby the pillars of light.

Raymond the Earth shaker.

‘You’re trapping me? Trapping the Trickster? Deceiving me?’ he said half crazed with craziness and his eyes was full of hatred.

‘You have terrorized all the realms for decades. It is time that you are stopped.’ Raymond said righteously. Loki snorted in disdain.

‘Is this your work, Raymond? Did you ask the people in the World Government about this? I am after all also a Sovereign, Raymond. Or is this about the first contract she signs with me? I heard that you are to marry her. The Divine Archer and the Earth shaker. HEHEHE. Is that why? Fear I will have my deals? No one breaks a deal with me, Raymond. You should know. You once make a deal with me, remember? HEHEHE’

And the Trickster laughs again.

‘Destroy her contract, Trickster.’ Raymond insisted and the earth shakes along with his unstable emotions.

In the prison of earth and thunder, Loki smiles naughtily and then he laughed.

‘Her firstborn child?’ And there was a smile on his face.

‘Is this about that?’ he said nonchalantly

Sofia face darkens.

‘You made a deal. And no one breaks a deal with me. I will get that baby. Imprisoning me will not change that fact. Hahahaha.’

On the outside Oreki frowned in dissatisfaction.

‘Raymond. I have told you that this will not be easy. The trickster never breaks a deal.’

‘He once has.’ Sofia interjected.

Oreki look at Sofia with disdain. After all, he has tries to help not a Sovereign but a normal mortal. 

He was a Sovereign and he had to expend this much effort to imprison the Trickster for her and not only that.

He has possibly offended the other Sovereign if they all know about this. To imprison a Sovereign would impact many things in the world.

‘Sofia, the one who breaks that deal is the Lord of the Underworld. The Prince of Darkness is mysterious and has his way dealing with dark magic’ Oreki said.

Then he turned to Raymond and said what is on his heart

‘You made me offend the Trickster, Raymond. I agree to help you imprison him but that’s all. My involvement ends here.’ He declared

‘Wise decision, Thunder God’ the voice sounded from the prison.

Saying this word, thunder strikes where Oreki stood and he disappeared in the flash of lightning.

‘What should we do?’ Sofia asked to Raymond.

Raymond caresses her hair and he said that everything will be fine.

‘I have a prison in the middle of the Great Ocean that could contain him until he decided to play ball with us.’

Then the soil around the prison enveloped the prison and then with a wave of Raymond hand, they disappeared from that place.

Then from the shadow, a rip in space is produced as one man clad in black, full with deathly aura appears.

Then looking at the surrounding he smiles bitterly and into the shadow he go again.



‘Humm.humm.hummm.Humm’ the sound of the humming from the jail is freaking out the guard and they do not dare check inside.

Loki sit in his cell and he hummed. He hummed like there is no tomorrow.

The island that he is in right now is heavily protected like a fortress and there is only a few people here.

Other than Sofia, Raymond ,Loki and the guards there is no other living beings here on this island.

Loki is gritting his teeth. It will take some more time to destroy this jail he tough inwardly.

None of his magic seems to work.

He throws another fireball to the jail but the jail seems to absorb anything he could throw.

‘That Raymond knew that I’m weak in offensive power. He insults me by doing this.’ He complained

He was about to throw another fireball when a voice cold as winter spoke in the darkness of the shadow.

‘It would be useless, Trickster.’

‘Who’s there?’ Loki was startled. With that voice alone, the undulation of energy around the cell is disturbed.

Then from the shadow appears a man 7 feet tall, with ten rings on his finger, five on each hand and two different colors of eyes.

His left eyes were blue like the sky and scarred while his right eyes are hazel and normal.

‘It has been a long time since we have seen each other, Trickster.’ The voice greeted Loki sounding like an old friend but Loki is not pleased seeing the man in front of him.

Its him he mused.

‘You!’ Loki exclaimed and he could not stoke the anger inside his heart. The only one who have broken a deal and did not pay the price.

‘Yes, it’s me.’ The man in front of him nodded and then he continued.

‘That is Eluvian stones. Your magic won’t work on them.’ Loki looks at the stone and finally realizes but he didn’t want to admit it so he talks about other things.

‘But yours will. Is that what you want to say?’ So, he attacks him with words. Azief smiles.

He did not say anything. Instead he clicked his finger and a throne of bones appears out of nowhere floating in the air, giving off death aura.

Azief slowly walk to the throne and sit on the throne as the throne floated to approach the cell.

‘What are you doing here? Gloating?’ Loki looking at the thrones of bones approaching him, could feel dread in his heart so he put up a false front.

‘Not really.’ He said dismissively

‘I am offering you your freedom.’

‘In exchange for my soul? No.’ Loki said. Loki heard all about those who enter the Devil Bargains.

‘I heard all about your furies and your Hell Girl.’

‘Aren’t our practice of business is almost the same?’

‘No.’ Loki said.

‘I offer them a deal that is equivalent to their request. You take their souls. Even now, I don’t understand how you did what you did and what happens to those who sold their soul to you. But one thing I do understand. I would not be selling my soul to you.’ He said adamantly.

Even if he is tortured, his soul is his soul. It is mine. And he will not give it to anyone else.

‘The Trickster…afraid’ and there is a trace of ridicule in Azief tone. He is challenging the Trickster

‘I am afraid of what I don’t understand. Of all the sovereign you are the most mysterious and your realm is the only realm I have never visited.’

Azief snorted

‘I heard your bragging earlier.’

‘You can enter my realm? No one enters my realms unless I want them to. Not even the famous trickster. You know as I do, that the only reason you have never enter my realms is because you can’t. And that puzzles you.’

Loki face hardens and his loathing rises up again.

‘Magic has a price.’ Loki said like a statement

‘I know’ Azief nodded.

‘No, you don’t. You’re the only one I have seen to not pay the price of magic. The strongest man in the world. I will not give you my soul no matter the favour so give up now.’

He said as he looks at Azief. Of all the sovereign it is well known that the only one that people referred as the strongest is either Raymond or Azief.

But not many people say his true name.

People always call him Lord of the Underworld or Prince of Darkness.

‘You think the World Government will save you? They probably would. But not if they don’t know you were apprehended. We are Sovereign. This is not merely a title. We are the one who transcend the limitations of level and broke the constraint of level 99.  With one wave of our hand we could destroy a horde of monster whenever we feel like it. Even the Law of The World Government really doesn’t apply to us since what use of Law if there is no one to enforce it against us? We are deterrence towards the horde of monster and the other planets that wish to do harm o Earth and at the same time we are a threat to the myriads of political power of the world. The WG as I like to call them tiptoe in front of us because the balance of power has always been in equilibrium. The Seven Sovereign. The World Government. The Free People. And the Revolutionary Army. It is fascinating though, that it takes two Sovereign to apprehend you. Smile a bit, trickster. I’m complimenting you. And I rarely compliments someone.’

Loki smile in glee. Come to think of it, it does take two sovereign to contain him which is the testament of how dangerous he really is.

Thinking about it, he feel a little proud of himself. But then it still didn’t change the fact he is imprisoned.

‘And about the matter of your soul?’ And Azief chuckles.

‘Soul as darkest as yours is no value to me. You have no love’ and then closing his eyes, Azief said.

‘Correction. You no longer have any love. It’s tragic what happens to her.’

‘You!’ Loki knows that Azief the Prince of Darkness has some weird technique. One of them is to look through people past.

Some even said he could see the future.

‘Well, you clearly are more interesting than I thought.’  Azief said as he opens his eyes again and his eyes look like star, looking at the galaxy and for a moment there is silence between these two Sovereign.

‘Then what is your price?’ Loki asked.

‘Her contract and the location of your staff.’ Hearing this Loki face paled. He even wants his staff. Better to kill him right now!

‘My staff! It’s better to kill me right here right now.’ He declared, his eyes looking at Azief with distrust.

He imagines this is the kind of eyes that peoples showed him when making a deal with him.

‘5 years. That is all I need. Five years with me and I will release you’.

‘I can wait this out.’ Loki defiantly said

‘Trying to break an Eluvian Stone? It is pointless. You know that better than me. Isn’t that how you were imprisoned by the Tiger of Kai? Only Light magic will work on this stone. And we both know that you are not a fan of such magic.’

You did. You escape the Sovereign Prison of the World Government! You can do something with your dark magic. Why can’t I?’ he said defiantly

Azief chuckles

‘Are you sure?’ and a trace of smile formed in Azief mouth.

‘Are you sure what I use is dark magic? Would you bet your life on it? Raymond will torture you, Loki. He will and he will not do it gently. I know him and I know you. The things you dislike the most is pain. You struggle to live until of course you became what you are.’

Loki snorted but he did not say anything to refuse, deny or accept.

He looks at the calm face of the prince of Darkness. Looking at him, sitting calmly in his floating thrones of bones that emit an unapproachable aura.

‘How did you enter here?’ He asks.

‘My Dominion.’ He simply said. Loki knows that each Sovereign has their own dominion. This is why Sovereigns could create their own realms.

For example, Oreki has a realm called the Land of Lightning where thunders boomed every seconds and lightning always showers the land.

But he also knows that no one really knows the type of Dominion that Azief has.

Loki then laughed. Then he sighed. Then he chuckles like a mad man. But then he sighed again.

 In the end he has no other choice. He could not break the stone with his magic and he is afraid of pain. Then there is the matter of his other deals.

He uses the Invocation of Deals when making deals with people. And as such it binds him. And like always, magic always has price.

If he could not fulfill his end of the bargain, hundreds of loopholes would not save him from the Price.

‘Fine’ he finally surrendered.

‘You want my staff. And the contract..’

‘The first contract’ Azief said making sure that Loki will not use any loophole regarding Sofia contract and Loki nodded dismally

‘The first contract to be ripped apart. And in exchange you will whisk me away from this dungeon.’

‘Indeed.’ Azief replied calmly.

Loki clicked his fingers and a paper appeared out of thin air.

‘Then sign the deal’ Loki said smiling mischievously. Azief look coldly at Loki and the he waved his hand and the contract was burn with a black fire and instantly turns to ashes.

‘You will swear it under my name’ he said.

‘What are you-‘ Loki was about to protest but Azief said coldly with a menacing aura.

‘Swear it.’

Loki was reluctant. But he gives in.

‘I swear it under the true name of the Prince of Darkness Azief.’ And up in the sky, thunder boomed and black lightning roiled around the clouds like flood dragons ready to be unleashed.

Azief smiles and said.

‘And so it will be’ saying this word, the sky over the island turns calm again.

Then waving his hand the jail suddenly melted and Loki is a free man. Loki looks depressed. Not only did he not get a deal he even encounter the Prince.

‘You will come to me when I summon you’ Azief said.

‘Bring me the contract and the staff at that time.’

Loki then asked

‘You are not afraid I would run off and never come to see you again?’ Hearing this Azief only smiles.

‘You…invoke my name in an oath. You want to run off? Please do. Curses are not something to be trifled with, trickster.’

Loki looks at Azief with a newfound frustration. He may have the Invocation of Deals but it is clear that Azief comprehended more dark magic then he ever did.

It is said that the true reason why no one said his true name is because when his true name is invoked, he could see from the Underworld what is happening in the life of the people who invoke his name.

He could curse and could bless the people who invoke his name. This is the reason why no one dares speak his name…his true name openly.

‘Fine!’ Loki said stomping his feet and was about to teleport away when suddenly he asked.

‘What is your fascination with the girl? I really don’t understand’ he said.

‘Before you were sovereign, you and her was some kind of rival? You fought on the Mountains of Flowers, alerting the whole world of your famous battle. The wielder of Houyi Bow and the famous Lord Shadow. I was there during that time when you fought her. You won. Yet you didn’t kill her. You fought her again the year after that. And you won again. Yet, you spare her life….yet again. Is there some history between you two? Maybe one of your conquests? Like Jean mother?’

Hearing Jean, Azief face flushed and then he said.

‘For your information what happen that night was not of my own initiative. His mother seduces me.’

‘What about Katarina then? Did she seduce you too?’ Azief did not say anything on this matter.

‘But Sofia? Who is she to you? Why even help her? She is not stronger than you. Did you know her....before?’

‘Why are you so interested?’ Azief ask

‘People said and many believes that to defeat you, people should learn about your past…which, to many people remain a mystery. Those who can talk about your past are dead. Those that are still alive are too afraid to talk. But what fascinates me more than anything, is because of your insistence, your fascination with the girl.’

‘Why?’ Azief ask.

‘You….know that she is one of the Loyalist of the World Government?’


‘So, you are not.’

‘I am not their enemy’ Azief said.

‘Ah. But you are not their friends either. You help whichever one that suits you.’

‘What’s your points, trickster?’

‘One day, I will find out about your fascination with her and I will get your weakness.’

Azief smiles

‘Oh, that you will.’

Startled by this statement Loki puzzled asked.

‘How do you know?’

‘I could see the future’ he speaks nonchalantly.

Loki face turns even grimmer.

‘Hmph. It is wasting my time talking to you.’ Saying this he disappears into a puff of smoke.

Azief was about to teleport himself away when he heard the sound of footsteps….no….energy coming towards him.

But he did not run. Instead he waited.

Then in a few seconds a woman appears in front of him.

‘It’s you. It’s truly you.’ Her voice was trembling and she looks at Azief like an old friend.

‘Where is Ray?’ he asked, still standing majestically on his throne of bones which invites fear to anyone who sees it.

‘Taking care of things.’ She said her voice quiver and tremble. There is this silence between them.

Azief did not say anything.

‘You will get married.’

‘With the man you deserve.’ He added.

‘You could have been that man’ she said, and there is tears pooling in her eyes. There is regret, there is longing in that eyes.

Azief closes his eyes and he thinks to that moment she has with him and all the mistakes and the things they have endured and experience together and he choked up his word.

‘You should have followed me back then. You should have ran after me. Take me back. Take me back to you.’

Azief open his eyes and said.

‘You said you needed space. You wanted to think.’

She sighed.

‘Not forever.’ Then they look at each other, and both of their lips got tongue tied and all the things they couldn’t said before, remains unsaid.

Azief then said

‘Your problem with the Trickster is resolved’ he said.

Azief then claw the air with his hand and a portal was ripped open from the air.

‘You’re going? Returning to the Underworld?’

‘Why would people always say that it was the Underworld?’ Azief chuckles a bit. Looking at Sofia he said.

‘Don’t ever lose that smile. I hope he could protect that smile. Because I can’t.’

Saying this words of parting, his thrones of bones enter the portal and before Sofia could say anything else, he disappeared.

Sofia looking at the empty cell and the area where Azief has disappeared to and she said.

‘You….could have waited. You could have waited for me…to catch up to you. You could have asked me.’

Then saying this to the wind, she walked away from the cells…preparing for her wedding.


‘Loki! Loki!’ then Loki opens his eyes.

‘Awake?’ he could see a woman with white robe in front of him and he chuckles to himself. Memories.

That is all that is left. Memories of once upon a future.

‘Sina? Where is Azief and Sofia?’ This is the first question he asked in his delirious state.

‘Still reorganizing their skill.’

‘Oh, that’s good.’

He said and not far away from him, he could hear the sound of talking and as he look at the open sky, he smiles as he wished for a better tomorrow and he hoped that he could change not only his fate but the fates of the people he cared for.



The fire in the cave is brighter and warm for the cold dark night. Sina is sitting on the comforter and began lying down while reading some book.

Sometimes she whistles in glee. She has fulfilled her vengeance, as she remembers the myriad ways she use to torture those two killers that killed her friends.

Blood for blood.

On her side is a newly brewed coffee made by Azief. The aroma is even more enticing than ever. Of all his life skill coffee making rises the fastest.

On the other hand Sofia are on another tunnel of the cave looking at their result of robbing the stronghold.

Loki on the other hand is closing his eyes and lying down on his comforter.

Azief wanted the resources of the stronghold and also wanted to teach a lesson to all the people inside the stronghold.

There is no one that could help you if you do not want to change. But mostly his reason is because he needed more power.

That’s it. And since the government robbed the people, he robbed the government. He would even accept being robbed by other people in this new world....if he was weaker.

He could not do nothing else. If he was weak he would have been forced to enter the stronghold.

But since he was strong the people of the stronghold treats him with respect. Power is not everything.

True….but it is something to have power.

It makes life easier……and livable. Living as a coward can work. Mostly it work in a world of before.

Because cowards….live. Cowards survive. But this new world plays by a different rules. If you are a coward…you’ll die.

You will not survive.

You will be trampled to death by people who are ruthless and stronger than you. Having power does not mean you are evil.

It depends on what you use the power for.

And Azief is intending to use the power for good. Good for him and Sofia. If that is not a noble intention Azief don’t know what would constitute a noble intention.

He is not some savior or a messiah figure, to save everyone that he meets. But those he has promised to protect, he would try his damndest to do it.

Why? Because a man could not fight the world alone, could not survive alone despite what movies or books try to tell you, being a lone wolf leads you dying alone.

It looks cool. It feels cool being the lone wolf, but it only decreases your chance of surviving. The caveman survives because they move in group.

He is not saying that people in that group didn’t die, but in the end some of them survive. Numbers matters.

The stronghold has a warehouse full of treasures taken from the people and the people were meek as a sheep, letting themselves fooled by the promise of security.

If by robbing them he could get profit and give them a wakeup call, then that’s killing two birds with one stone.

Come to think of it, I’m a pretty nice guy he thought inwardly. If Hatta and Hamad could hear his thought, they would surely slap their own faces.

He is a nice guy? Robbing a stronghold of all their riches and he is the good guy? When  did logic turns into nonsense?

Loki was busy cataloguing their loot before he went for a nap time and then Loki gives the record of the loot to Azief.

Azief and Sofia both check the result. Azief was grinning from ear to ear while Sofia was dumbfounded.

Gold. 60 thousand. Pillar forming pills 45. Skill Points Pill.127.EXP Pills. 315.

‘We struck gold!’ Sofia said. Azief could not stop smiling. He rarely smiles but seeing the numbers he could even revert back to his character.

Then he thinks again about how this was achieved. This Loki is probably the most useful person in the world.

He could turn invisible, undetected by anything, could transform his face and has a book that list earth shaking weapons.

Having him alone is equal to having an army. If he is my enemy I would shudder to think the measures I have to use to protect myself.

It’s like having a spy that would never fail and a manual to nuclear weapons

‘I will distribute these loots? Any objection?’ Azief declared then he looks around

‘No objection.’ Sofia also agrees.

‘The pillar forming pills will be distributed as follows. 15 to me 15 to Sofia 15 to Loki. Skill Points pill will be divided as follows. 41 for me, 41 for Sofia 45 for Loki.’

Loki was already getting up at this point when he was being woken up by Sina and Loki was about to say something but Azief gesture for him not to speak so he stays his tongue.

‘For the EXP pill it will be divided 50 each.’

‘Is everyone satisfied?’ Sofia and Loki nodded.

‘Then let us all improve our power for this moment. I will be in my tunnel if anyone needs anything’ Sofia nodded and disappear.

Loki was about to go when Azief said



‘You will clean up the bodies?’

‘Of course. Hehehe’ he chuckles a bit

Then before he could go Azief ask again.

‘Is that how you got Sina loyalty?  By getting her, her revenge? I’ve seen what is done towards them. It was not pretty. Sofia almost puked and that saying something.’

Loki then breaks into a smile.

‘A deal is a deal. I made a deal with her. And I always fulfill my deals. The deal was, if I get her those two people, she will join me in my endeavor.’

‘And you use my plans to not only catch the two people I sense in the woods but also to fulfill your deal? That is pretty cunning. Almost like a trickster.’ Hearing this Loki smiles and he repeated back the words of Azief , in a whisper.

‘Irony abounds when you know the future.’ That is what Azief once said to him a long time from now.

Azief did not hear it. But Loki then explains.

‘You said to me, to bring those two people to the cave. I ask you why? You reply, you want to know the true reason they kill the people in that field. I agreed with that course of action.’

‘But you didn’t-‘ Azief was about to protest but loki quickly cut off his words.

‘But I did. You said you wanted to know the true reason they kill people in that field right? You didn’t say anything about needing them alive.’

And Loki smiles with a smile that is full of mischief.

Azief smiles.

‘So, technicality?’

Loki just smiles.

‘You did just say, I’m a trickster.’ He said.

‘It’s not my fault you were not specific.’ Loki added

‘So, you brought them here, and serve them on a silver platter to Sina so that she would owe you. But for what reason?’

‘I tell you already didn’t I? That we nee-‘

‘I don’t believe that, Loki. There is some personal stakes at play here. This is not about some Invasion that is going to happen or about humanity no matter how much you want me to believe that.’

‘How do you know?’ He said and Loki said this with a mocking tone

‘I see it in your eyes.’

‘What do you see?’

And Azief come closer as he stares at those blue eyes of Loki and he said with a smirk

‘Sorrow. Like an eye of a man who has live for too long and experienced so much, that he is already tired.’

‘Hmph’ Loki scoffed.

‘Mind games. And Cryptic as ever’ and then he almost closes his own mouth.

‘As ever?’ Azief heard that and the choice of words puzzles him but he chalks it up to confusion.

‘Is there nothing else?’

Azief closes his eyes and then opening it back he said

‘No. We’re done. Meet you in the morning.’ Saying this Loki disappears to another tunnel, leaving Azief with his pills.















51574 GOLD





























HEAL [01]




































































































This is the current status of Azief. Looking at it he is satisfied especially his high tier level skill.



This is one of the skills he really wanted to manipulate. To act a second life and could also act as his second eye.

In darkness, his shadow would pretty much be undetected. And since it didn’t emits any aura, his shadows could also be used as a reconnaissance tool.

But Azief is not done.

He wanted to break that barrier finally. The barrier of level 40. Loki had said to him that it is best to break to level 40 when he has ten pillars and have one of those pillars has supreme pillars.

He has supreme pillars of strength and that gives him the strength that could destroy the wooden stronghold like he is the waves that envelopes sand castles.

Loki warned that when reaching level 40 the status windows would change in a way that is not really familiar and the pillars will no longer exist.

Bringing some pills from his bag of holdings he stared at it. 50exp pills is enough for him to break through the next level since he is already feeling he is in a verge of leveling up.

But then he bring out a seven colored pills that was made by Sina. The ingredients includes the skill book.

Sina made a lot or him, Loki and Sofia.

Azief looks at the direction of Sina and shakes his head. Sina is an Op cheat character.

Though not for herself but for others. She could create pills that could turns even the weakest person to a strong person but yet she could not use it for herself.

She is the most OP support character Azief has ever hand the pleasure of encountering.

The seven coloured pills are called the Condensing Pillars Rainbow Pills. Loki said that when leveling to level 40, the pillars will condense and melded into a spherical orb and the quality of the orb depends on its color.

White, grey, red, brown, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet and golden violet. 

Each color represents the quality and innate power that one would have. The strongest is the golden violet orb that would unconditionally oppress every single pillar and even orbs. 

The orbs will also contain the power of all the pillars.

The reason why it needs a supreme pillar is to make sure the condensing is stabilized after the leveling.

There is also another pill that was given to him which is the Eleven Colors Pills that is able to give an essence of every colours to the orbs and Stabilizing Condensing Pills.

And another golden pills that belongs to Loki. Loki said this one he found in an ancient ruin in Norway and decided to give it to him to make sure that he would condense the pillars to one of the top tier orbs.

Azief look again at Sina and sighed.

And then he looked at Loki. Loki is really is his lucky person. First, he managed to rob the stronghold, now he brought this useful person to his side.

Having Sina it’s like he has the perfect teams. Long range Sofia. Espionage and surveillance,  Loki. He takes the role of the tanker. Sina is the ultimate support character.

Then sitting on the ground he then put all the 50 EXP pills inside his mouth and crunch it like he is eating cereal.

Then suddenly a notification sounded out in front of him

















Then as this was explained Azief could see in his status windows that his items now disappear from the windows and he could feel that he gain full control of all the shadow lord items.

He could also feel that the power of the items complemented him while he strengthens the items.

Then another notification sounded out.


And Azief answered No in his mind and then he was there again, in his consciousness, looking at his 10 pillars each one with a different height.

He was looking at his Supreme Pillar of strength.

Then as he looked at it, the pillars first cracked. Then slowly it become more cracked and then the sound of rumbling could be heard

A six storied high pillar of strength then melted under the pressure of Azief leveling up. As it melted it become a puddle of liquid, a vast amount of liquid that floats in the air and then his consciousness morphs into a desert.

In this sandy desert with no water the liquid slowly descend from the sky and occupied an area and a lake was formed because of the amount of liquid after the pillars melted.

Looking up Azief could see pillars in the sky but then he feels rain. This rain is actually his pillars melted and turns into the same kind of liquid like his supreme pillar of strength.

Then his agility pillars, then stamina, then endurance then all of his pillars melted.

The rains become harder and the area around the dry desert becomes damp and there is a sign of life that is about to erupted out from the sands.

The rain lasted for hours and then when it stopped raining, the liquid moves by itself to the lake.

They all combined with the water in the lake until it became a huge lake, a lake with colors like rainbow, shining and glowing.

Then with the will of his mind, the lake began to evaporate and slowly it rises up in the air and began condensing itself to an orb in the air.

First the orb was white, pure like snow. Slowly it becomes grey as it rotated faster and wind whipping his face.

He is in his own consciousness watching all of this happens.

To him it has been hours since he saw his pillars melting, experiencing rain in his desert consciousness and then looking at the lake condensing in the air, but on the outside world, it has not even been one seconds since he closes his eyes.

The Supreme Pillars that Azief has is stabilizing the colours as the grey become more and more prominent until the orb rotates again this time with greater rotation power and the orb slowly turning red.

Malevolent pressure intimidates Azief whole being as he felt that his mind is being taxed.

Then he was assailed with the images of death and gore, he could see countless slaughtering of zombies and he could feel killing intent that roils and bubbles inside him like a boiling pot that is about to explode.

All of these images were his memories when he killed the zombies and monster and it was all condensed in the orbs, all these negative emotions.

He could feel fear. Suffering. Uncertainty. Darkness. Despair……but it was the pain that overwhelms him.

All that pain, and suffering he kept inside exploded out and was condensed in the orb. He screamed inside his mind while holding his head.

Gritting his teeth, his vein on his head almost exploded…but he didn’t want to stop here.

Is this his limit? Red orb?

‘No!!’ He yelled defiantly. He could go higher! He could push more of his limit. On the outside world his mouth was bleeding because the intense pressure he exerted gritting his teeth.

On the outside world, he was bleeding, sweating, trembling and he then swallowed the Stabilizing Condensing Pills and he could feel his mind at ease, as slowly the images began to dissipate and his breathing relaxed as the orb once again rotated and the colours of the orb turns into brown and Azief could feel that connection with the energy deep under the earth as the brown colured signify his connection with the earth elements.

The desert then sprouted some plants on the ground.

Then pushing himself again, the orb rotates again this time the orb is the size of football.

From brown it turned into orange and the pressure enveloping him becomes heavier as he could feel like his mind is being assailed by some invisible force.

He could feel his connection with the energy of the earth strengthened and then he quickly swallowed Condensing Pillars Rainbows Pill since he couldn’t endure it any longer.

Without warning the orb suddenly turned its colour yellow and it was like his body becomes strengthened.

On the outside world his body glowed with yellow aura as the cave was being illuminated with the light coming out of his body.

Loki looking at this phenomenon smiles.

The fact that Sina OP cheats skills is one thing that he always knows in the future. Looking at Sina, he was thankful that she is on their side this time instead of against them.

In the future, she was the ultimate weapon of the World Government.

If not for the reason that he was a Sovereign in the future, he would have to admit that having her as enemies is a surefire way to live a short life.

She might not be able to kill you but she could create an army of high leveler to chase you around the world.

Before he became a Sovereign, Loki has always stay out any business regarding the Genius Alchemist Sina.

Thinking about it, Azief once predicted that he would one day join hands with Sina. At the time he heard that he laughs.

Who would have thought? Then he focused his eyes back at Azief.

In Azief consciousness, the orbs started turning green as Azief slowly feels the connection with nature, feeling the calming energy, the soothing aura washes over him like the spring breeze.

The plants multiplied in the desert. The orb rotates again.

Slowly, it turns blue. This time the Orb started rotating slowly and slowly as it began to show indication that it will stop.

But…..Azief forces himself again and this time in the real world, his bone was broken from the inside like some invincible force is pressuring him and he coughed up blood but he did not stop.

This is the critical point!

He has already eaten the Condensing pillars Rainbow Pill which elevated his orb to one color grade and now he then put the Eleven Colors pills as all eleven colours liquid shot out to the orb and stabilizes itself and give him that needed boost to push one more time.

His orb suddenly turned cyan and then blue as he felt the element of water inside him, feeling like he could the majestic power of the ocean.

In the desert suddenly water sprung out deep from the desert and as it sprung out, every droplet of water created plants and the soil hardens as grass suddenly grow with accelerated speed.

The dry desert slowly turning into a plain of green grass as rivers was formed and lake pooling up.

Azief could feel his vitality increasing at a fast rate; he could feel the majesties of life. His body once again undergoes another transformation.

He did not notice it, and others in the cave didn’t notice it either but when he reached cyan color grade orb inside his consciousness, his body emitted the oppression of Laws of the Elements.

While other could not sense it, the beast nearby sense it.

Loki senses it. 

And he smirked.

In the future, the Prince once told him that the first time he condensed his pillars he reached the brown color grade and even that makes him powerful enough to reign supreme in Malaysia.

But comparing him to Oreki who reaches blue grade or Katarina which reaches violet, he was nothing and gets oppressed in the World Government first meeting.

Loki however has another plan for Azief future.

He needs to be stronger and then as he thought of this he looks at Sofia and smiles bitter smiles.

Will the prophecy still stands even after I did this? Looking at Sofia and Azief, he felt like he is looking at a story he already knows.

Azief on the other hand, in his consciousness felt the pressure again, this time more powerful than before and the wild winds before that accompany the orb each time it rotates to change colurs now turns into a storm as the lake has completed dried up and the orb is now as huge, three times of that of basketball ball.

The green plains are now assailed by typhoon and storms, and the clouds in his consciousness began producing lightning and thunder, booming and attacking the green plains.

Slowly as it rotates it becomes as big as a cannon ball, with cyan color and then as Azief endures the whipping winds that are bombarding his consciousness, he pushes again his limits.

 The orb turns violet and the moment it turns violet Azief could feel the elements of fire, as he feels braver, stronger and impulsiveness awakened inside him.

The plains suddenly spurted fire from the ground, fires that reaches the clouds, heat that melt irons and it was like the plains turns into a sea of fire with all the grass and plants and trees, were burn to ashes.

The beast nearby the caves all make themselves scarce as the  clouds in the sky of the real world booms thunder.

In the depth of the Mariana Trench, an orb shines a bit…..the orb was filled with runic markings and emits an aura of ancientness and of forbidden power

The World Orb senses the birth of the Violet grade orb. Loki smiles again. He could hear the thunder but he did not come to the past to make Azief one short of perfection.

The golden pill he gave Azief is actually the Golden Violet Forming Pill.

The reason why Katarina has violet grade orb is because her pillars of ice was maxed to the maximum making her advancement to level 40 become incredibly strong.

When Katarina reaches level 40 her Violet grade orb has suppressed very threat to her life and she was practically invincible in the unforgiving coldness of Russia.

Azief has the advantage of numbers of pillars and the fact that he almost upgraded all of his pillars

Combined that with a supreme pillar Loki was confident that Azief could pass the barrier to yellow or green and with the pills that Sina concocted he could stabilizes his energy and also pushes him to the Violet grade orb.

But the Golden Violet Forming pill has only 5.

One in Norway which he got because of the help of the Book. One in India guarded by six handed blue monster.

One in Grand Canyon at USA inside a cave filled with slithering giant rattlesnakes. One in England under River Thames.

One in China under the Li River. It can only be used after a person reaches violet grade orb rank.

It’s use? To propel directly one grade to the ultimate orb, golden violet where the five elements laws can be felt and energies of the universes and magic could be felt.

When Azief saw that the orb began halting its rotation, he quickly shoves the golden pill inside his mouth, not knowing what he started in motions.

Golden Violet orb was finally born on earth!

Endowed with the power of the world orb as Azief entire soul begins its resonance with the world orb.

All of the powers and abilities on earth right now originate from the world orb and Azief has managed to sense a bit of the Orb powers and that already is enough to give him earth shaking power.

Now as the orb is formed inside his consciousness, he resonates with the World Orb.

The clouds suddenly turns darker, as booming thunders filled the skies and lightning strikes the land near the caves, the sound startled Sofia and Sina.

In the stronghold the people who have returned to their home with despair in their hearts after being robbed was awakened again as the sound of thunders breaks any mood to sleep, some rushed out from their house and looks at the sky.

It was like the sky is angry at something.

What they could not see is that energy is pulsating at one points, endowing the energy of the world into one person in a cave far from the stronghold, the energy was volatile and chaotic and then absorb by the person, unconsciously.

With no rain or wind, the clouds keep producing thunders and the sound of the thunder keep booming, lightning fill the dark nights.

Children find their parents and hugged them tight; the orphans looks at the sky with fears, the Companies of the stronghold could not help but feeling fear creeping inside their hearts.

A sense of fear arose inside the hearts of these people. Uneasiness and uncertainty begin taking hold.

Hamad and Hatta who did not yet form Pillars could felt something in their hearts.

When Azief manages to form a Golden Violet core, it was like even in the people of the stronghold could sense it and Hatta and Hamad who was the strongest in the stronghold could feel like their soul trembles and that they are being suppressed by an invincible power.

Imagine the distance between the stronghold and the caves and yet Hamad and Hatta could still feel it.

This is the oppression of Universal Laws, undeterred by distance, and can be sensed by other who cultivated Universal Law.

For one who does not train in their Laws all they could feel is oppression and fear like Hatta and Hamad.

 The one who takes the brunt of this pressure was the people in the caves. Sina was kneeling on the floor and is being supported by Loki who is trembling on his knees.

Sweats filled her back as she looks at the sitting Azief with eyes of fear.

She could feel like her energy in chaos and like she is now kneeling in front of a giant. Because that is how she sees Azief in her minds right now.

His figures in her mind right now shows her that Azief is a gigantic Titan, sitting, his head reaches the clouds and Sina believes that if only Azief release his breath she would then be blown away like dust.

This is the oppression of Advanced Human towards people who have not yet formed their pillars.

The reason why Sina is seeing this is because her energy inside her body, the energy she gathers from monster is now in chaos like turbulent waves being rocked by a great storm.

Sofia on the other hand was trembling as she slowly succumbs to the pressure and kneels in the hard ground, like a knight in front of a King.

She could not even get up even though she has already formed her pillars. Sweats filled her face and every moves was taxing to her body.

The caves itself slowly caving in because of the pressure.

This Golden Violet orb is the pinnacle grade of existence for Orb Condensing Stage. Even though he would level up later to reach level 50 the orb will stay until level 60.

That is because level 50 did not change anything other than unlocking some features and breakthrough to the Energy Disperse Stage.

With the Golden violet grade orb in Azief soul, he can exert crushing pressure on all the other type orb grade and deadly pressure to pillars forming stage.

If he meets an Energy Gathering Stage person, with one word he could intimidate and create unreasonable fear inside that person mind.

If he wills it, with one word he is able to kill if he directed his pressure onto a Energy Gathering Stage person.

When Energy Gathering Stage person becomes a Pillar Formation stage, their stats is condensed into the pillars with the runic marking of the World Orb, condensing their stats to perform to the maximum of their abilities.

This is the accumulation of the Body Refining Stage period where stats is collected and gathered.

Right now, Azief is no longer a Pillar Formation high level expert but an Orb Condensing Stage with Golden Violet core.

Usually as long as you tries to upgrade the color of grade before level 50 you could reach at least until the violet level if there is no complication.

That is because after this, you could not repress the evolution again unless by using some special means.

But Azief has already reached the pinnacle with the Golden Violet Forming pills that he got from Loki.

Of course, Loki did not tell Azief what that pill really is. It only has five and the other four is for him, Sofia, Wang Jian and Will.

Sina is excluded because she would take too much time to reach Orb Condensing Stage.

The thing about Sina is that her pill concocting level is a cheat but she herself could not eat her own pills.

Even if she ate it, it will have no effect on her.

So, this makes her the most perfect support character but also make her something that resembles a king in chess.

The others need to protect her.

Everything has its price even such ungodly skill of Sina. By allowing her to create miracles pills, her stats that relates to fighting, defending all in the lower tier.

Even now, she did not yet reach Pillar Forming stage. Even then, this does not mena they could eat the Golden Violet core. They first have to reach Violet core before eating the Golden Violet pill or you really would be eating the pill in vain.

This is why he needs Sina. Because she is the only one who could make miracle pills like, Rainbow Orb Pills, Stabilizing Orb Pills, Eleven Colors Essence pill and many more pills related to orb condensing.

Give her the ingredients and she could make it. But it is unfortunate that her leveling speed is slow.

Loki knows the standard of power. In the future, the World Government has already separated every ten level.

First the Energy Gathering stage. This is level one to ten. Level eleven to twenty nine is called the Body Refining stage.

This is the only exception of the ten level, one stage theory.

Thirty to thirty nine is called the pillar forming stage and forty to fifty is called the Orb Condensing Stage.

Loki, Sofia and Sina is enduring waiting for Azief to finish his transformation.

Azief is now experiencing a surge of energy entering him like he was being nourished by the elements.

For a moment Azief could feel the earth. Feel the life inside it, beneath it, on top of it, feeling all these lives and things living.

He could feel the ocean, feeling its regal power, it unceasing motions. He could feel the heat of fire in the deepest part of the earth core.

He could feel the metal underneath the ocean sea bed, feeling the magnetic force on the earth core, grasping at that energy, and Azief understand that this is the elements.

He could feel all of it.

In Chinese belief there is one such thoughts that is called Wu Xing. The five element. Wood, Water, Fire, metal, Earth.

They were wrong.

They are so many elements on earth, energy that is calm and serene, and energy that is chaotic and volatile.

Elements that words have no way explaining.

He could feel it all for that one moment as the golden violet orb establishes itself inside his consciousness and the burning plains turn to the charred black soil and then a wind blows as the plants grew again, grasses spread out onto the charred black soils and life blooms again.

And the Golden Violet orb flew into the sky and become the Sun that gives live.

In his consciousness, there is  a wide plains, green grass, tall and healthy, as far as the eyes could see, with flowers blooming on some part of the plains, and rivers flowed with clear water.

There, in his consciousness exist all the elements. In the distance there is a mountain. Azief could feel that the mountain is a volcanic mountains.

He could sense the heat inside it, waiting to erupt.

Farther away from that is a sea. Serene and calm, the waves lapped the shores.

On the middle of the sea was the breezy wind. All the elements were present.

The golden Violet orb contains all the elements, perfection of the Orb and then his consciousness finally achieved equilibrium with this newfound power that Azief has achieved.

It has been three minutes on the outside world, three minutes of thunders and lightning, three minutes of crushing pressure exerted on the people in the cave, three minutes of fear inside the hearts of the people in the stronghold and three minutes of times for some ancient creature in the farthest region of the world to take notice of these occurrence.

Without the golden Violet forming pills no one could achieve golden violet orb.

Even in Loki future the highest recorded orb grade was Katarina which reaches violet grade orb.

The golden violet forming pills was discovered when many of the important people already passed the Orb Condensing Stage and it was found by Odin in Norway which started the hunt for it during that time.

The hunt is for helping the younger generation of levelers since most of the people who survive the first wave already reach Energy Disperse Stage.

It takes another 1 year to properly asses its use. At the time, Loki was not yet a sovereign but Lord Shadow was already an Energy Disperse Stage expert.

Meanwhile, a dragon in the depths of an avalanche on Mount Everest opens one of its eyes.

Its body was white and its eyes were blue.

For a while its eyes was open then its closes its eyes again and with one breath the temperature becomes a hundred Celsius colder, reaching the highest recorded negative level zero.

This is what people calls Absolute zero the phenomenon where that motion of particles that constitutes heat would be minimal.

Some beast that was in hibernation opened their eyes for a while before closing them back, as they senses the power of the elements.

The World Orb on the deepest level of the sea glowed for a moment and the sea creature 500 kilometers suddenly mutated becoming stronger and powerful.

Thunder boomed in the distance as oppressive power fills the cave and everyone including Loki could feel their pillars shakes and almost cracked just bearing the pressure of the golden violet orb.

Loki never sees anyone with a golden violet orb before.

He never had a golden violet orb before because he took shortcut and manages to become one of the Sovereigns.

But this is not enough! he said in his mind. But….and he smiles as he thought It’s a start.

And then Azief opens his eyes and there in his eyes was power. Oppresive, majestic and overbearing.

His whole existence radiated power and sharp aura.

And then as he opens his eyes, he smile with satisfaction and said

‘This is good stuff’ and he smirked.



The sound of the waves. The smell of the ocean. The smooth sand.

Sofia is sitting on the beach, on this night that evokes the feeling of loneliness, looking at the sea in front of her.

She was thinking about a lot of things. Her mother who worked hard for her. Her father….who is no longer gentle.

Then she looks again at the sea and release a sigh fill with the feeling of frustration…welling up inside her heart, thinking about the matters of the heart.

She looks at the sea through the slit on her mask that covered her face except her beautiful eyes and her lips.

Sofia right now is wearing the mask from the previous play.

Her school did a trip to Terengganu. It has islands and beaches and the windy wind. It was a beautiful place….but tonight for some reason she is spending the night alone, without her boyfriend.

This place is like the textbook place for having a date but unlike dramas or TV series, her boyfriend is nowhere to be found.

On this night…all alone….on this night that makes her miss her mom…..on this night where she feels she is…weak.

Tonight, she just finishes playing a play with her classmates.

Many of the other classes also participate in the trip and all lives in a different chalet. Three days and two night trip sponsored by the school after the midterm exams.

Sofia wanted to use this trip to forget about her problem at home. But who thought that when she came here…..she got into a big fight with her boyfriend Hasrul, leaving her alone looking at the sea.

Thinking about Hasrul she felt……messy.

They have been a couple since they were Form one. They know each other since they were elementary school.

But their status is highly different.

She came from a poor background. The only talent she has is archery and in the modern world that does not help at all.

In the beginning, without a care in the world they would go anywhere. Resting under the tree after a frustrating day, linking arms walking around the city on their date.

Sometimes they take photos and lock their memories in there, and calling each other when they both could not sleep.

Remembering those days, Sofia shed a tear. She was 15 years old now.

Her dreams became his future. His dreams become hers. But as time passed, they grow distant.

As their status and other things that once didn’t matter, become important now.

She also becomes a bit more beautiful and she has many friends. But even so, her tears alone in her bedroom….is becoming more numerous.

Fighting each other all the time, suspicious of each other.

It was the same but they both have changed. Thinking of this the wind blows her long hair and she released a sigh.

He can’t leave her and she can’t say good bye. But they both no longer in love. Even when they go to a movie together…even when they talk to each other, even when they look at each other eyes…..that love is no longer there.

Only bitter feeling….and bad memories…and Sofia didn’t want to hate him anymore…didn’t want to feel suffocated hating him like this.

She looks at the sea again and closes her eyes. Hoping for an answer, praying that she could overcome this.

A tear is shed again and she was about to sob in confusion like she always did when she hears a footsteps and she opens her eyes.

She could see a man, wearing a mask, just like her walking round the edges of the water, feeling the sea water with his feet, walking slowly like he is enjoying the water on his feet, and even though he is wearing a mask, because of the lights near the shore she could see that the man is closing his eyes, like he was appreciating the sea breeze and letting his hair caressed by the wind.

For some reason looking at this man behavior made her calm for that one moment.

For some reason the man keep walking and sometime he would look at the sky. The night sea, the wind breeze and this man.

He piqued her interest and so, she did something so uncharacteristically her.

She followed the man.

She believes that the man comes from her school and her class but she didn’t know who is he but for some reason, she could not help but follow him from behind.

Slowly from behind the man a sound of footsteps can be heard, as Sofia walk slowly behind her, bare feet just like him, letting the sea water to wash her feet.

They walk together. Walking along the sea together. Without a sound, without a conversation.

Just a confused woman and a lonely man walking at the night sea of Terengganu.

Beneath the light of the streets, a story is being written. Then reaching a large stone the man sits.

He looked at Sofia and Sofia also sits beside him. And her heart is beating fast and she almost scolded herself.

Why did she follow him?

 Nearby she could see her classmates. Some of them also realizes that Sofia was there and was about to come to her but then they also realize the masked man.

They all thought that the man was Hasrul and that Sofia is talking about something serious with his boyfriend so with a smile they go a little bit further way.

But what they didn’t know, their class is not the only one having some performance that night but also the class of Form 3 brilliant class.

(In my school there is name class. For example, Brilliant class, Peace class or something like that. While the name calls is like that it doesn’t represent the general attitude of the class)

Azief then stared at the girl and looked at her with confusion in his mind. Did she know him or something?

Azief was walking along the sea because he always likes the sound of the sea, the feeling of the wind on his face and the stars in the clear sky.

Tonight was such nights, so after fulfilling his obligatory performance in his class enthusiastic performance meant to make each other participate in what Azief termed as a waste of time and effort, he tries to unwind himself by walking along the sea.

He wanted to let the wind soothes him, wanted to let the sound of the waves hitting the shores calms his nerve and to let the sea water play with his feet.

He wanted to be left alone to his own self-made imaginary fortress. He wanted to be alone because being in a crowd drains him.

Because people in a crowd, especially in a crowd he could not understand or fit in…drains him.

They take away his individuality, take away his voice and take away his courage. Being in a group….has always frightened him more than being alone.

Only to find herself being followed by a girl.

The girl face is also hidden by the mask. Azief also misunderstand that the girl is from his class, not knowing Form 3 Genius Class also had a performance.

Sofia didn’t want to open her mask fearing that the man would recognize her.

The man could not remove his mask because he was shy. When has he ever been followed by a girl before?

This might be one in a million chance for him but then he reminded himself again. Why would this girl be interested in him?

So, Azief did not do anything and just sit. Waiting for her to leave. But he could not say that he wanted to leave because that will be too rude.

So, they sit in silence until Azief realize that the woman eyes were swollen, like she was crying.

Azief observe her more than he intended to and uncharacteristically for him, he ask

‘Why did you cry?’ Hearing this voice, Sofia was startled.

For some reason she tell the truth

Looking at the moon wistfully she said

‘Ah. He didn’t say it…..but I could feel it. Feel that whatever between us…..has fade away. Azief was startled. Did this girl just open up to me?

Now this is weird. Did I stumble into a weird girl? he is thinking to himself.

This kind of development only happens to a lead character in a shoujo manga or the lead actor in romance movies.

But he did not say anything and let her say anything she wanted to say. Because he didn’t know how to react.

And then she chuckles a bit before suddenly tears streamed down her face and she cries while smiling, while laughing.

Azief looking at this feel……something.

He could only see her mouth and eyes the other features of her face was hidden by the mask….but Azief could feel that if he could see her face right now…..she would be to embarrassed…to tell this story

And he thinks to himself.

I met a weird girl, didn’t I? Of all the nights I could choose to go out enjoying the beach, why did I choose tonight? He said complaining to himself.

Sofia of course could not know what he is thinking about so she continues her story.

‘And do you know what I did? I pretend that I could not feel it, could not see it’ and then she keep crying in that way, smiling with tears running down her face, laughing while crying.

‘Why am I laughing?’ she said as she covers her mask then wipes her tears.

Azief just sit there, looking at her, first dumbstruck, not understanding anything she is telling him only listening to whatever she wanted to say.

But then the most curious thing happens. He was mesmerized by the sight, mesmerized by her feelings…..enchanted and curios…how could someone feel that intensely.

Azief never love someone… least not in the way she describes. Because he always treats it like it was a hassle.

Loving someone…is humiliating he always thought of this.

Then she said

‘I love him….but’ and she could not end her sentence.

Azief then look back at the sea and he is red on his face, thinking why did he stares that long and then he continues looking at the sea not saying anything, just enjoying the sound of the wind, feeling calm and at the same surreal.

Sofia after crying for about 10 minutes bawling her eyes out, she finally calmed herself down.

In all that time, Azief stays there, sitting, waiting for her, while looking at the night sea.

He couldn’t see anything other than the darkness of the night only the beautiful light street and the moon illuminate the beach but he keeps sitting there.

The people playing near the beach has already enter their chalet and only a few people on the other side of the beach could be found sharing stories.

Azief could have gotten up any time he wanted….but he stays there. Listening to the story of this girl who he did not know.

Then exhaling her breath, she got up.

Looking at the unresponsive man that listens to her story she said

‘Thank you.’

‘Let’s not meet each other again’ Sofia added and she turned her back to return to the chalet but then the man who did not say anything for their whole walk along the beach, then said

‘Love has no ‘but’.’

 He said and Sofia halted her steps

‘The ‘but’ takes away love. There is no ‘buts’ or when. It’s just there and always. The condition less state of the heart. To say ‘you love him ‘but’ …is to say you did not love him at all. If you have to find a reason to love him….maybe he is not the right guy for you.’

 Without turning her back to look at the man she asks.

‘What if I never met any man like him ever again?’

Azief then replies

‘When you are in love, you always think nobody else will do. But others do…..and often do, much much better….But being better has nothing to do with being in love. People break up. They love. And they hurt each other. And they love again. Love is not….eternal. But if you don’t believe that love is eternal, then you’ll never be able to love.’

Saying these words, Azief got up on his feet and walk back to the same direction he came from without looking back.

Sofia turned back at this time and all she could see was his lonely back, walking along the beach, letting the sea water washed over his feet.

For a moment, the man looked extremely lonely…yet free.

And then she asked herself…curios of herself what so special about him that she…..revealed her story to him…..the first moment she saw him.

Strangely, she tells him what she couldn’t tell others. Looking at him go away, she became curios…of the face under the mask.

Making her decision, she returns to her chalet.

Azief on the other hand keep walking around the beach until he could forget that girl tears. Until he realizes it was morning.

That dawn, he go to bed……not forgetting the girl tears.




‘Did you hear? Sofia breaks up with Hasrul. I might get a chance. She is not the most beautiful person in the whole school but she qualifies to be at top 5’ the man said with a dreamy expression as he already imagining walking on a date with Sofia.

‘Dream on’ others chimed in.

Some girls on the other hands throw some pencils and eraser towards that man as the man swiftly dodged every projectiles thrown at him while smiling stupidly.

Azief who was on the last seat of the class suddenly woke up from his sleep because of the commotion and then looked at one of his friend, Emir telling the story to the class about Sofia break up.

Sofia? The girl from Genius class? He thought inwardly. He never liked gossip so he resumes his nap.

To be honest, he does not like gossip of people he doesn’t know. For people he knows, he sometimes revels in them.

But since he doesn’t know her, he doesn’t have the energy to care about some girl break up.

But then he is reminded of that girl tears and he opens his eyes for a moment.

He has been trying to ascertain who was the girl he meet on the beach a week ago, but no matter how he tries to observe the girl of his class, none of them shows any signs of being that girl.

He sighed and then he closes his eyes again.



Sofia was chatting with her friends, talking about this and that. One of her friends says that she heard about her break up and then she said

‘He is looking good’ Mera said without tact.

‘He is also laughing with that girl from Smart class, what’s her name? Ana? Or was it Aini?’

Thinking about this, Sofia just smiles bitterly…and also a bit happy if what Mera said is true. At least he found a new love.

When the bells ring for recess, she got out of her class when she crashed into another person who was running

She falls to the ground and feels pain in her abdominal area.

She looked in front of her and she could see a lean person, but with a curly hair. He also looked unkempt but for some reason Sofia feel familiar with the man.

The man got up, looks behind him with anxious expression and then looked back at her. In his eyes there is a bit of guilt and then he said.

‘Sorry about this. Got no time to explain.’

Then he resumes running and then Sofia looked at that man. Running with full speed down the stairways running from someone.

Not far behind him, about 3 people just passed her by as they running to keep up with the man.

‘AZIEF, YOU! STOP!’ The man yelled as they keep chasing him. Sofia chuckles a bit.

So, that is the clown of Form 3 Brilliant, Azief? She mused. Smiling, she went to the cafeteria.



Sofia looks at the current man in front of him. Standing up after he finishes leveling, he was like a God.

A handsome god. The kind of guy, girls would stalk…in cooperative packs. The perfect balance of danger and charm……the very definition of a bad guy.

His face after leveling this time looks even more handsome than before.

His face was flawless like God sculpted him from the best materials and his body emitted an aura of power….black aura roiled around him shrouding him like some kind of Prince of Darkness.

Looking back….she could not see that clown….or the curly hair boy that she used to laugh at.

All she could see was…….Lord Shadow.




The sound of barking. A stampeding sound. Dogs. Hundreds and hundreds of them, looking at a group with crazed expression.

The group consists of two women and two men. An archer, an alchemist, a trickster and a man shrouded in shadows.

They were in front of the limestone hill and they want to enter the caves…but the horde of dogs in front of them is resisting.

They have been fighting them for the last five minutes since they arrived here with the help of Loki book.

Considering Azief newfound power, he could rush inside the caves and escort his group. But he has different ideas when he is confronted by the horde of dogs.

A profitable ideas. After assessing the gains and loss, he believes the gains are better than the loss.

What they lost is only a time while the gains are their increasing power.

So he give this time for the member of his team to gain exp. Especially Sina. Considering that Sina is one of his team member that is hard to level up, she is given priorities.

Not to mention the drop and loot does not interest Azief considering his unique skill as a unique class but the same could not be said for his team member other than Loki.

Badge also in the verge of evolving and Sofia needs more EXP.

Sina on the other hand requires skill book to make skill points pill and she needed to refine it for a week.

Azief is waiting for the last batch to be refined first. The last time they robbed the stronghold they got a lot of skill books which Sina uses it to concoct the Skill Points pill.

No matter what, Azief still thinks Sina abilities is a cheat…before he found out that the effort needed to level her up is very difficult.

She has been killing hundreds of dogs yet she did not yet level up to the next level. She is now level 24 and she shows no sign of leveling up.

Azief did not enter the battle to much because if he enters the distribution will be equal, not to mention the monster ability is too weak compared to him.

Even though they are around level 30 they posed no threats to him.

He tries it once. He need to only punch them once to turn them into bloody pieces of meat.

His body is harder and powerful than before and the force of his punch could probably destroy a car with one punch.

So, he is now using Shadow Imitation to help his other teammates clearing up the dog horde.

‘Careful, Sina!’ Azief yelled when he realizes that one of the dog jumped and tries to bite her.

She rolled to her left side and jumped backward, retreating from the spot, while Sofia who was in front of her turn her body behind as she released an energy arrow that pierces the dog head and the dog head exploded into bloody pieces.

‘Thanks’ Sina gratefully said, while showing a thumbs up to Sofia.

Sofia then follow up with her Torrents of Arrows which killed hundreds of dog horde.

Loki on the other hand remains invisible and sometimes Azief could see that some dog head decapitated without reason and he knows that was Loki works.

Remaining invisible and all of his traces erased, he was the relaxed one in the group. He might be leisurely walking while slicing left and right killing the horde.

He lack the explosive power like Azief, or the AOE attack of Sofia but he compensate that with his perfect stealth.

One of the large dogs suddenly crowded Sofia.

‘Sofia!’ Azief yelled and Sofia jumped backwards releasing herself from the encirclement of the dogs.

Azief activated Shadow Binding to bind the dogs.

The more numerous his target the more power he expend but since this dogs is not that powerful it did not trouble him that much.

The moment Azief bind the dogs, Sina comes running with her dagger and skillfully slit their necks in a fast motions.

only a splatter of blood could be seen as Sina once again enter the middle of the enemies formation.

‘She is using me’ Azief sighed.

Since he was the most powerful in the group and probably in the world right now, Sina is effectively using him to raise her level.

Not that is bad for him.

Unlike him, every time Sina reach a new level a new recipe will be shown to her making her able to create more magical pill.

But the bad thing about her is that her defensive and offensive abilities is put on the backburner.

Azief believe if he was level 10 right now, he might still win against a level 24 Sina. That is how weak Sina defensive power really is.

She usually increases her comprehension stats the unique stats for her class. Those stats help her in comprehending pills recipe and increase her probability of success.

As it seems that they needed help Azied dash forward and with his punch, he decimated the dogs encircling Sina and Sofia.

Each time he punch a sound of explosion could be heard as every bones in the dogs body exploded and melted because of the power of his punch.

Their blood vibrates and splash around the field.

He could see energy coming inside him when he defeated the dogs. Sofia glares at him. Before turning away and releasing an arrow at a dog that is trying to approach her.

‘Sorry’ Azief said.

This is meant for Sina and Sofia level up. Loki with his helmet is pretty much farming exp points right now

He could only imagine the smile on Loki face right now. Smug and mischievous. At least that is what Azief think.

Azief discovered that his binding technique did not resulted in him sharing the EXP but if he inflicted damage then he would share EXP with the other that did the damage equally. 

‘Get out of the way Azief’ Sofia said.

‘I can handle it.’

Azief with reluctance jumped back and just stands there, looking over Sina progress.

‘Right!’ He yelled to Sina. Sina not realizing her right side is beings surrounded quickly distance herself from the encirclement.

Sofia look at Azief who is really worried about Sina and she felt something and her face turns sour.

Because, she felt angry. And she doesn’t understand why she is feeling angry. And not understanding why, made her angrier.

Sofia then began employing all of her abilities to the max. She is about to release all her angry emotion towards the dog horde.

Each of her energy arrows destroyed a dog, each one accurately aimed at their head and their weak spots.

Even those big dog can be defeated easily by Sofia. Sofia targeted their weakness like the legs, eyes groins are and unprotected region.

Sina on the other hand struggles.

She is not proficient with a weapon or any self-defense technique and Azief helped her by using binding on her opponent.

He didn’t have to worry about Sofia since Sofia could handle herself.

And looking at Sofia ruthless attack, killing dozens of dogs with her skills, Azief could feel relieved as he could focus on helping Sina.

The fact that he had to only help one of them, make the pressure eon Azief lessen considerably and it also helps in increasing his compression towards his own skills.

Each loots and gold are all gathered by using shadow manipulation. Then Azief could hear whisper on his left ear

‘I’m done’ the voice said and a man appear on his left. It was Loki panting on the ground.

‘Tired already?’

‘My stamina is not very high. My pillars are focused on something else.’ He said explaining his lack of stamina.

‘You leveled up?’

‘34’ he replied.

Azief look at the left side of the battlefield and sighed. It seems it is hard to level up. Not everyone is as lucky as him.

Azief also began understanding the principle of levelling up in this world. The higher the risk, the more dangerous the task, the more powerful the monster, the higher the exp.

It also correlates with user own level.

If for example a level 0ne user defeats a level 20 monster than the amounts of exp he will get will increase exponentially and would give a shocking transformation.

It also depends if people are helping or not.

If people are helping the EXP is thin. If the danger towards you is real and you persevere and endure, usually the energy that will enter the user body is denser and thicker.

‘Rest’ Azief curtly said.

Loki hearing the word he wanted to hear, smiles and quickly lying on the grass and take a breath.

Slowly Loki closes his eyes. That is how much he trust Azief to cover his back.

He is confident enough to take a nap while the group is fighting a horde of monster dogs. Well, they are dogs.

But, they are monster dogs.

The hundreds of dogs from the left side swarmed towards Azief to attack Loki who killed their brethren.

Azief looking at Loki behavior could only sigh.

Azief bring out his sword from his bag of holding. The hundred dogs is rushing to him like a cavalry of horses.

Azief is calm and is waiting for them to come to his most effective range of attack. Three seconds passed and his eyes narrowed the closer the horde gets to him.

When they are 50 meters from him Azief slice diagonally and energy shot out from the sword imbued with one of his attribute…death.

And another slash imbued with the attribute of time.

The slash even though was shot out at different interval from the first slash they fused with each other seamlessly.

It was like the second slash accelerated to catch up with the first slash.

Time and Death. Two attributes in one slash.

The moment the energy reach the rushing dogs they first tremble, then slowly their fur wilted and then they wither and slowly they age as their skin sagged and wrinkles and then the last phase they rot until the only thing that is left from them is their bones.

Azief after breaking through level 40 realize that he could imbue the attribute he has got in his attack.

This has nothing to do with skill but his attribute.

The moment he got the attribute, the information about it was already in his mind, kind of like he downloaded the information from some source.

Attribute is already decided.

When anyone break through the level 40 their attribute is already decided.

It also depends on the innate abilities of the user that determines how many attribute they will first get in their first initial leveling up.

But more doesn’t always mean better.

It depends on how the user uses the attributes. And Azief has become completely proficient in combining the Time and Death attribute in his attack.

In higher level monster his attack might not be as eye catching as what he did to the dogs but it add an added advantage to his survival, combining attributes.

When he leveled up later he would get to choose other attributes.

‘Azief!’ Sina yelled.

Hearing the yell Azief looked at Sina vicinity and found out that some of the dogs is changing their targets to Sina.

Azief was about to step in when a torrents of arrows from the sky rained down from the sky and destroys all the dogs near Sina vicinity .

Looking at Sofia direction he nodded as a sign of thanks. She nodded back and continues clearing the area.

Azief keep standing on his position, like an invincible sentinels, watching over his group like a dark protector.

Loki who is now woken up after the sound of the dogs began to disappear asked Azief.

‘What did I miss?’ Azief just smiles.

‘Nothing’ he replied.

‘Now get up. We’re almost done’ Azief said and Loki nodded.

The area around the limestone hill is about to be cleared. Azief looking at the hundreds of dog’s corpse around the hill could not help but feel like it was an offering to the caves.

And he also thinks the monumental task in front of him.

Even with hundreds of monster being killed by him, there is no sign that he is about to level up.

This frustrates him more than he let on.

Loki after resting for a while put on his helmet again and enter the battlefield again while Azief look at Sina.

After the past hours she began showing a more relaxed expression while battling the monster and she is no longer flustered or startled when she is ambushed.

Sofia on the other hand improves the fastest. Her attack is becoming bolder, stronger and faster.

Her arrows are like some kind of machinegun weapon that keeps churning accurate and deadly shots.

Blood splattered the soil staircase leading to the limestone cave as they climb the stair one by one while rotating their attacking pattern.

When it was Azief turns, his prowess can really be called invincible. All of this monster on the outside is about level 25 to 32.

To Azief, they were practically ants.

His attacks will not spare any soul and combine that with his attribute with one slash he destroys hundreds of dogs.

He alone creates mountains of bones, and rivers of blood.

His presence makes the other people in his group could catch a breath and rest. When it was his turn, he alone is enough to make sure that the monster did not pass him. 

When he is defending he is like a mountain. Unbreakable and unyielding. When he attacks he was like lightning, fast and deadly.

When he moves he was like the wind, unpredictable and graceful. Then after a routine of resting and fighting they reached the last staircase.

They all looked at the sceneries in front of them. But none of them wanted to puke or disgusted what they see.

They are hardened by battles, forged by hardships.

In front of them, the sceneries that would make Azief before the fall puke is thousands and thousands of dog corpses, bodies that was mutilated so bad that only bones were left, blood that flow down the staircase was like a heavy rain just poured down.

And the smell. The smell of meat and blood assaulted their senses but they stand there, looking down at the scene with heart strong as steel, determination burning in their eyes.

You have to stepped down millions of monster to be strong, you have to kill millions of monster to become the strongest.

You have to shed blood, lose some skin, endure hardship, take risk to be strong. Great men are forged by fire, tempered by hardship.

This is their first step. And for Azief, this first step si important. He needs to conquer his fear, he needs to be reborn anew, stronger and braver.

He decided….and once he decided that seed of will sprouted inside him….to be stronger…to be the strongest of them all.

Fearing nothing, walk unhindered….and protect everything he want to protect. Thinking of this he look at Sofia and he smile bitterly.

Looking down at the thousands monster he killed, he stands there like a victorious general, looking down upon heaps of corpses with an unswerving coldness…and strengthen his resolve.

One steps that will lead him to his greatest journey.

Then as they finally take a breath, they looked at the entrance in front of them. On the gate was a carving of runic words….that Azief and the groups does not understand.

The gate of the cave was blue in color and emits some ancient power that enables it to deter the monster for entering.

The others might not know but Loki knows what the runic words are.

The word directly translates to Protection Against Evil, A Million Evil May Never Enter, Enlightened Ones Could See But Not Enter, Blessed By Essence Of Creation One May Reap The Benefits Within.

It was an ancient spell by the World Orb. Monster may never enter, no matter how they tried.

Enlightened ones refers to people of the other star systems but not blessed. Blessed by Essence of Creation refers to user or them.

World Orb blessed all of them with the essence of creation thus awakening the Etherna gene.

Azief on the side is talking to Sina and Sofia about their plan while Loki looks at the cave and he is reminded of the great events of the future

The World Without the Prince as his contemporaries dubbed the event. It was the event where the Prince meets his greatest enemy yet.

It also reveals information that humans have the Etherna genes. The Etherna gene is named after the Etherna race of a destroyed star system.

In long time pass, there is a race called the Etherna. With golden bodies and eyes radiant as the sun, their size is as big as earth, their planets is the size of one zettalion earth combined.

Their bodies are made of pure energy when they mature. They were destroyed when the first time the Destroyer awakens.

The World Without the Prince event witness the Deharian Race annihilator that crashed to Earth fight the strongest hero of Earth.

The fight between the Prince and the Annihilator during that event destroyed the African Continent and sunk about 5 to 6 island.

There is also the Time Crisis when the Dark Speedster helps the Prince on his quest to discover about his prophecy.

The Prince and the Dark Speedster nearly ruptured the Time Continuum and ripped apart the fabric of reality.

There is also the Marriage of Earthsaker and the Divine Archer which witness the events of the attack of the League of Freedom by Narleod and ends with the Divien Archer making a bold decision.

But the most tragic of all this event must be the War of Sovereign which started because of a woman. Paulette. That woman now must be near Jean.

She was the cause of the War.

Each Sovereign take sides during that war. Raymond and Jean….was the face of that war but the cause was Paulette.

He and the Prince at first remain neutral. The Prince even give Jean a prophecy that if he keeps remaining stubborn, it will bring about calamity.

The Prince did not have any intention of entering the War until certain events happen that made the Prince enter the war.

He, however did not enter until the end, which is why he believes, he survived that war.

‘Whose side are you on?’ He still remembers Raymond ask him, a long time from now….if it ever happens this time around.

Even though the G7 convene, no agreement was made. It could be said the G7 convention only made thing worse.

He did not come here to stop the Time Crisis. He did not come here to stop the War of the Sovereign. He comes here to ensure the promise for tomorrow.

And tomorrow decides that if the Prince did not overcome the test that is about to come, then there is no tomorrow for Earth.

He comes to the past for the Prince. But it was not him that sends him to the past.

‘Let’s go’ suddenly Azief said as he enter the caves. Sina follows behind him, while Sofia looks at Sina with apparent dislike.

She clicked her tongue and then follows behind her.

Loki on the other hand looks at Sofia who is now disappearing as she rushed to enter the cave and said.

‘You sent me here. I hope you didn’t send the wrong man’ Saying these words, he enters the cave.



The dripping of water could be heard from far away. It sounds like musical notes. And it adds to the eeriness of this cave.

The temperature of the cave is damp and moss is formed around the cave walls. Green moss on a background of blue.

It was a weird sight….and at the same time surreal. Sina looks around with trepidation. This is not her specialty.

Making pills, making potions, comprehending pill recipes, creating magical pill now that is her forte.

Entering a cave which promise you that you will be fighting some frightening beast and killing hordes of monster… that is surely not her style.

Ad that certainly did not fit with her personality.

But she did find grouping with Azief is one of the wisest decision she has ever made in her life and that is saying something.

Not to mention there is also Loki. That guy always had a knack of extricating himself from dangerous situation.

Sofia on the other hand look around the caves with vigilance. Looking at the back of Azief which always seems to grow bigger and bigger until she find herself felling left out.

The difference of power between them has widened again.

It almost seems like whatever she does….she would never surpassed him and that leaves a bitter aftertaste in her feelings.

Azief on the other hand focused on the dripping water….the slowly dripping water from the stalagmite dropping to the cave floor…like a rhythmic beatings of a xylophone.

The sound was like a music to his ears.

But that is what makes him feel weird. There is no other sound other than the sound of the dripping water.

How could that be possible?

This is after all a dungeon. How could he with his superior divine sense could not find any sign of life at all?

Now that is a peculiarity.  Loki on the other hand smiles as he could not help but grinning like an idiot.

In his heart he wanted to see the famous Universe Orb.

He did not know much about this dungeon since it will be destroyed when one conquers it and will randomly appears in any part of the world.

But the Prince once told him that he had to pay a large price to get to the Universe Orb and he did not get the Universe Orb early.

On the contrary he got the Universe Orb when he finished escaping from the World Government First meeting.

But now that Loki changes thing, it seems that Lord Shadow did not yet get his invitation to go to the first meeting of the World government influential people.

But the cave is more important not to mention it is a good place to gain more EXP

They are inside the cave right now and the moment they enter the cave they were greeted with some notification by the world orb




Azief and his group look at each other with dumbfounded expression.

So there is this kind of benefit too.

Azief didn’t know.

But then thinking of the triple double experience because he was the first one to enter level 40 and double experience from this rewards this means his rate of gathering EXP is right now is five times larger and he still didn’t level up before.

That alone almost makes him cry

It is true that the higher the level, the higher the requirements.

‘What now?’ Loki ask as he looked at the cave.

Azief look forward and sees the darkness in front of him and his eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness.

Opening his bag of holding he gives every one of his group a torch and light it up with a lighter.

‘We move forward’ he declared and he walk in front without a torch.

His eyes could see through the darkness and his divine sense would inform him if anything ever pop out.

Sina was looking back and front with her eyes looking left and right, and she is very cautious. Holding the dagger while wearing a white robe she looks very funny.

But Sofia is also vigilant.

After all, this cave is not like a normal cave. It’s blue.  Blue like an ocean. The walls, the floors, the roof.

All of it is blue in colour. It was weird.

Comparing this too a normal cave it was like someone painted the color blue in all the surfaces of the cave.

Azief also recognizes this peculiarity. But he didn’t know what it means.

We walk forward he said as he lead them in front.

Sofia follows from behind, her bows is ready to shoot. Sina also looks around. After making sure nothing is following them she follows the group again.

Loki on the other hand inspect the caves. He is awed. This is the cave where the Prince found the universe Orb.

To be honest, Loki didn’t know that much about the Universe orb. Only that the Prince once had it and with it he gained many benefits from it.

But this is the first time he sees this cave. Loki was about to marvel a bit more of the scenery and maybe trying to find any hidden doors when suddenly the group stops.

Loki looks in front and sees that Azief is signaling everyone to stop moving. It seems he has senses something

Sofia come closer and whispers.


‘There is movement.’ He said when suddenly he creased his eyebrows and said

‘They’re attacking!’ Then about a dozen of frog jumped towards them.

What is more bizarre is that they are blue in color and they appear from the ground like they were born from the ground.

One might think it is easy to fight with a frog but not when the frog is the size of a dog. And it is disgusting.

With warts around its body and its croaking sound…the girls quickly shows their dislike of fighting such monster.

But they did not panicked.

After all they did fight a hordes of dogs and everyone has grown stronger than before and their battle sense could be said improved a lot better than before.

Azief quickly uses his blade to make a slashing arc full of his attributes, and it created a force that could be seen with the naked eye, a slashing aura of black coming toward the frog, and the moment it hits the frogs they exploded into tiny pieces.

Azief could clearly feel this monster is an Extraordinary rank monster.

He quickly warn his group

‘Be careful! This monster is an Extraordinary rank monster. They all heard his warning and prepare themselves.

Sofia is handling herself pretty well.

When the frog began jumping towards her, she jumped backward, creating some distance between them and her and then she barrages them with her arrows, like an automatic machinegun.

Sina on the other hand tries to dagger one of the frog to no avail.

The frog might not have some destructive power, but its agility is off the charts. The only reason that Sofia and Azief could hit them is because of the unique power they both possess.

Azief uses a slashing arc combined with his two attributes which is very overbearing while Sofia has a large AOE range of attack.

But Sina didn’t have this kind of things.

Not to mention, she is not really a warrior or someone who is specializes in attacking.

One of the frog open its mouth and stuck out it tongue and its tongues coil around Sina as it tries to gobble her up inside its belly.

Before it could do that suddenly its tongue was cut by something. Sina then heard a whisper.

‘Retreat. I handle this. Support us from the back.’ She nodded.

Loki saved her this time and she fall back. Loki is really undetectable even by this monsters.

His ability is quite a cheat. Azief on the other hand is trying to hold this frog attack back. With the combined effort of Azief and Sofia they managed to repel the frog attack.

When the situation didn’t seem to be favourable to them, the frog began to flee and Azief did not chase.

The reason why he did not chase is because he didn’t know what else is in this cave. By the end of the battle he was panting.

The frog is not strong.

But they are fast and agile and their tongue and acid spits is really annoying. By using their tongue they tried to coil one person and eat them up.

If that is not enough, when the tongue coil around a person an effect like paralysis is triggered.

It is thanks to Loki nigh undetectability skills that he and Sofia is alright. Every time that happens, Loki would cut their tongue and move on.

They sat down for a while in the darkness of the cave. Sometimes they could hear the dripping of the water.

And he thought to himself again. Still no sound other than the dripping of water. Where is this sound coming from?

And why did his divine sense only sense the monster just right before they attacked. This place is too mysterious.

They sat down at the corner of the cave and rest themselves. They all take a little breath but they did not lower down their guard.

The monster might appear at any moment so they did not dare drop their guard down.

‘What the hell was that?’ Sofia ask as she lean herself on one of the walls. Her bow is beside her, ready to be used at a moment notice.

Azief shakes his head. He himself didn’t know what those things are. First dogs. Now frogs. He would have laughed if not for his current situation.

‘This place is weird’ Sina added.

You think? Sofia said rolling her eyes.

‘But I leveled up’ Loki said without tact. Sina just glares ta him and Loki keep smiling. He seem really happy.

Azief could not blame him. After all he level up too. Usually when he level up before he was given an increase in stats but this time he can choose another attribute again.

And he chooses life.

Why did he chooses life? One, it’s because it was listed. Second because he believes that to understand the attributes of death, he need to understand the attributes of life.

He was tempted to choose other attributes but he make his choice.

The moment he chooses the attributes of life he could feel energy coursing through his body, a new kind of vitality surging like a raging waves inside his body and was calmed down by the attribute of death.

A surging wave stop by the futility of existence. Death and life. Time and death. Time and life.

The passing of times and the cycles of life and death.

For some reason at that moment there was some trace of profound mystery embedded in his attributes and he manages to peek a glimpse.

Time. Death. Life. Void. Darkness. The proof of existence. The proof of time. The proof of life and the meaning of death.

The darkness that envelops all and death that devours all. Life that becomes the seed and the void that came after.

Life and death intertwined, fate and destiny coalesce in these interplay between life and death.

For that one moment he grasp that one intangible concept and he lost it in another second.

Five time experience over everybody else and finally he broke to level 41. One could only imagine the amount of EXP he need to gather to reach level 42.

Right now there is no one in the world that is stronger than him…..and no one stands at the peak of expert other than Azief.

The first wave might be the most catastrophic wave of all the waves but it also differentiate between the strong and the weak.

In games when you enter usually there is already someone stronger than you…but what if all of the gamers started in an equal situation.

Then the first that become the strongest will probably retain that position unless others find a way to stop that gamer.

And right now everything is smooth sailing for Azief. He got a formidable group and he himself is powerful and right now he is hunting an artifact that might give him even more power.

Sofia then ask.

‘Will you brew coffee?’ This might be a weird thing to ask in a blue cave and surrounded by mortal danger but this has already become a norm in his group.

When they make camp or stop in someplace, Azief would usually brew some coffee.

And his coffee is good.

Not to mention he has already reached expert coffee making.

His brew could be considered almost heavenly and once you taste his brew, you would surely become addicted.

Even Sina looks at him expectantly. Loki like always just look at him and waited. In his eyes, there is this kind of puzzlement.

This is because Loki could never imagine the fearsome Prince had a hobby of making coffee.

It was a peculiar habit and one that he could not believe which is why Loki always look in puzzlement every time he sees Azief brew coffee and Azief always wonder why Loki looks at him that way.

‘Now?’ Azief thinks a bit then said.

‘Not now. When we set up camp. And this place is too dangerous’ he then added after thinking carefully.

Azief has thought carefully and he conclude that this dungeon could not be easily conquered.

They must be dozens of floor before they could finish this dungeon. And this dungeon hold the Universe orb.

There must be other monsters here that is more dangerous than the frogs. Of course he could give up and leave the dungeon before its too late….but the temptation of an Artifact is too great for Azief to ignore.

If only one artifact could make Loki almost a nigh undetectable master, one could only imagine what this one going to do.

Azief could not give up. He will move forward. Forward is the only way to go. Azief then get up after he finishes drinking some stamina potion.

‘We will keep going?’ Sina ask timidly. Azief think for a while and said.

‘There is no gain without some risk. The higher the risk, the greater the rewards.’ Sina sighed and Sofia only nodded.

Then out of nowhere Loki appears.

‘You sure seems enthusiastic.’ He said towards Azief.

‘Tired already?’ Azief asked with a slight smile on his face. Loki smiles confidently and answer back

‘I’m just getting started.’

‘Fine, then we will go on.’

Saying this they got up and began moving downwards toward the end of the dungeon

But for some reason Loki feel something is wrong…feeling that something is really wrong. But he keep walking following the back of the Prince.



There was an altar in the fifth floor. On top of the altar water is dripping down, producing a rhythmic sound.

A drop for every second that passed.

Sitting on the center of that altar was an orb shining blue and inside the orbs there seem to be clouds, white clouds and world, like they were trapped inside the orb.

There are countless of world inside the orb

It emanated with ancient aura and even its undulation of energy give some profound understanding.

5 feet from the altar was a throne made of blue stones that seems to leech off the nutrient on the cave floor.

The blue color here is deep blue compared to the rest of the cave.

Sitting on that throne was something resembling a human but not. Its physical body’s look like a human but its color was blue.

It has one horn in the middle of its forehead, protruding like some deformity.

It has six arms and each arms has a saber. Each saber is powerful enough to cut steel like they are paper.

This is a Legendary rank monster. And not only a legendary rank monster but also a high level Legendary rank monster. Its level is equal to level 60.

This is different form the small fry that Azief has been killing. Too different the difference is like Heaven and Earth.

This kind of monster could wipe out hordes of zombie very easily. And this kind of monster could also kill Azief.

Surrounding the monster was a blue shield that seems to protect it even from dust. From the very beginning that it falls to earth, its mission was to protect the Universe Orb.

And since then it has been closing its eyes since nobody enters its ground.

But then its sense that there are some creature trespassing its home and send one of the lowest of it armies to probe the creature only to return to it with the news that many of the Probing army was annihilated.

And it began opening its deep blue eyes and it breathe again.

The Six Armed Asura from Retyura. Opening its eyes its bloodlust filled the fifth floor but it did not move.

To tell the truth, he cannot move. Guarding the Universe Orb was his punishment.

Fighting the Devas, he lost in the Great War between the Suras and Asuras, his rakshaksa was sealed while he was captured by The Elder of the Universe and was trapped by an ancient magic surpassing even that of his abilities and he was bonded to the Universe Orb and was tasked with its protection.

But now, humans…..humans that he has underestimated thousands of year ago… dare enter his zone?

He would torture them like he torture the humans in the past.

This was not the first time that the six armed Asuras spend time on Earth.

If not for the treaty between the other star system and the restriction of the Creator, all the other advanced civilization would have conquered Earth a long time ago.

At the time, he still remembers Indra and Virocana.

That was the good old days but now he became a slave toward the will of the Universe Orb and he didn’t like it.

And now…..he has a place to vent his dissatisfaction.

He waited. And as he waited….he smiles.




Shinji is drinking tea in the stronghold near the river. He was escorted very politely by the authorities in this stronghold.

But nonetheless he sighed.

He did not come here to meet with some captain or low level personnel of the Malaysian Party.

He came here to invite Lord Shadow and Loki. It is reported that this Lord Shadow defeated another great monster and its battle has been described as earth shaking battle.

Not to mention he even manages to rob the entire stronghold. That feat alone is enough to alarm the other warlords of Japan.

The World Government needs people like Lord Shadow. This conviction is strengthened after Shinji himself check the site of that battle.

He almost couldn’t believe that a man is capable of making so much destruction. Holes everywhere, countless of trees were felled and the area seems like it experiences some small scale war.

‘Hah’ he sighed again as he stop sipping the tea and look at the distance and think of the task ahead.

He came here under the Shogun order to invite Lord Shadows to the first conference of the World government held in Japan.

Because of Japan lack of monster infestation, it was the perfect place to hold a talk among the great powerful men of the world. Many invitation were extended to extraordinary man all over the world.

Even though the General of the Malaysian party is quite powerful, compared to the first man that leveled up to level 30…they are nothing.

The Shogun and Shinji could feel that if they could win Lord Shadow to the World Government side, it would be beneficial in the long run.

He closes his eyes and then he makes a decision.

He had to deem his mission fail. The World Government first meeting could not be delayed because of one person and he is running out of time.

He needs to return to Kyoto and report this to the Shogun.

‘Lord Shadow…Lord Shadow’ he sighed.

‘Where the hell are you?’



The group was in the fourth floor by now. The sound of panting and moans of pain can be heard.

And the dripping of water. A drop for every second. Each drop….could be heard clearer. The deeper they go, the more Azief could hear it.

The sound that getting stronger and stronger….beckoning him to it….like a siren song that leads sailor to their deaths.

The more they come down the more they were shocked……shocked at the scenes, shocked at the power and terror this dungeon possesses.

And they are not talking about the cave sceneries but of its danger.

The deep they go, the colder the area becomes, and each of them could feel something in their body.

For Pillar Forming stage in the group like Loki, Sina and Sofia, they could feel that the deeper they go, their pillars trembles….each time more violently than before.

For Orb Condensing  stage which is Azief stage, he could feel his orb is enduring an invisible pressure…and each time his orb resist this pressure, it revolves faster and faster, the luster of the golden violet pales more and more.

And now in the fourth floor, each of them could feel it even more… they decided to take a rest in one of the open areas of the fourth floor dungeon.

The moment Loki lay on the cold hard ground of the cave, he sighed. Sina pick a place on the side and close her eyes as she leans on the cave wall.

She did not say anything but she seems to be thinking of something. Then she took a glance at Sofia and glared.

 She has contributed to the group with her unique abilities of creating miracle pills.

Loki seems happy about it. Azief, who Sina has good feeling about is also satisfied with her performance as a team member but only Sofia seems to be annoyed with her.

Nothing she did could appease her it seems.

And Sina doesn’t understand what makes her so annoyed with her.

At first she thought it was because her apparent uselessness at the battlefield but Sina didn’t think that was the case.

Call it the intuition of a woman but there is something else that bother Sofia about her.

Unlike Sofia who is a normal class, Sina is a unique class and as such her leveling process seems to be a little bit different.

Loki once explain to her that Lord Shadow unique class in the beginning will level the same way as normal leveler and only in the long run his leveling process would differ from those that is not unique class.

But there is also cases of unique classes who in their early leveling would level in a disproportionate way and different from normal user.

For example her. Her stats in the very beginning push her to level up her comprehension stats and intelligent stats.

And now when she already formed her pillars she also formed the pillars of alchemy, comprehension, creation, and fusion.

She sighed as she thinks of other ways to contribute tote group.

Not too far away from her is Loki complaining silently about the level of monster here in the cave and words like preposterous and the prince was crazy to challenge this before could be heard.

Sina once ask who this Prince Loki always seems to complain about and he always answer a good old for nothing imaginary friend.

But Sina could understand Loki feelings.

The monster that they have faced has really tested their mettle. In the first floor they were greeted by larger than normal frogs who was not only disgusting but also very annoying.

The second floor was giant centipede. The first floor was an annoyance…while the second floor could be categorized as dangerous.

If not for Sina antidote most of them would be poisoned to bad that they could no longer keep fighting because of the centipede venom which paralyzes them waist down.

When they barely survived the second floor and march deeper to the third floor they were ambushed the moment they enter the third floor.

And what ambushes them would be fit to enter as one of one of nightmares Sina and the rest of the group would like to forget

The third floor has a giant worm with razor like sharp teeth and almost an indestructible shell.

It was because of Azief ingenious ideas that they manage to find its weakness which is its mouth.

It is the only thing not protected by the monster hard scale.

It reminds Azief of the fight Heracles had with the Nemean lions. It’s that kind of monster that only had that one weakness.

They barely survived that and now they marched deeper down. After all they did enter until the third floor and to give up then would leave a bitter aftertaste.

And now they are in the fourth floor.

The moment the group enter the fourth floor they quickly hides themselves fearing another ambush.

The monster at the fourth floor they discovered is slithering snakes with blue colors. Their size is like two adult sized grown men combined into a slithering snakes.

Their regenerative abilities is godly and Azief had to keep attacking the snakes to make sure the snakes really dies.

It was hard and taxing job….But they also got some great loots.

The teeth of the worm monster can be a substitute for a knife since it is really sharp and Azief has stored all of it in his bag of holdings.

He possessed thousands of those sharp teeth that resembles daggers inside his bag of holding.

He could imagine himself controlling thousands of teeth like dagger using his telekinesis abilities creating a scene like in fantasy stories, controlling thousands of weapons, flying in midair.

The giant centipede on the other hand is really beneficial for Sina experiments.

She has managed to create another new poisons and an antidotes. The potency of the poisons is very high and could paralyze a person under level 40 easily.

She also uses the poisons to substitutes some ingredient in her other pills.

She also has finished refining the skill point pills and give them to Azief and Azief has distributed it to others.

He get the most of the pills. He got 50 pills skills point while other get about 25 each. Sofia on the other hand almost max all of her skills.

Her arrows abilities right now could be said a true AOE attack. One of her most powerful AOE abilities is Strom Arrows.

Storm Arrows is a skill which creates a pulsating current of airs filled with energy arrows that shred any monster that had the unfortunate fate to end up inside the vortex of that storm.

The reason why Sofia manages to max all of her skills is because her loots is mostly skill books.

Instead of learning new skills, she gave it to Sina to refine it into a skill points pill. She decided to max her skills rather than learning many skills.

Azief who was tired right now sat down for a while, leaning on the blue cave walls as he drink a healing potion.

In front of him was a campfire. He did not afraid that the snakes would come attacking here.

Since this in an open areas and usually as his experience in other floors teaches him, open areas like this is the same kind like a rest area in a game.

Dungeon plays by a different rule than the outside world.

Azief and the group notices that there is some rules in place in the dungeon. In the outside world it doesn’t matter if you are in an open area or a closed area.

If there is a monster they will attack you.

But the dungeon is different. Usually if it’s a wide open area, it is a rest area. So now, he is relaxed.

He sneak a peek at Sina and sighed.

‘She really is a cheat. An enviable ability’ Then he thinks again about Sina disadvantage and he then added

‘Maybe not that enviable’ and he sighed again.

Sofia who was busy tending her wounds then approach Azief and sit beside him. For a moment they did not say anything.

After all, Azief is not really the conversational type. So different from how Sofia remembers him.

‘You ok?’ she asked. Azief nodded. Such a non-committal gesture she thought to herself looking at Azief.

In the distance Loki looks intently at those two, trying to understand the relationship dynamic between Sofia and Azief.

Then he sighed as he gave up trying to make sense of the Prince and Sofia relationship in the future and how both of them never say anything about their relationship.

Stubborn both of them. He thought to himself.

Those two always mess me up. Nothing good ever comes messing with those two. But at least Loki could finally understand why the Prince was so protective of Sofia the Divine Archers.

It seems that those two know each other in the past. But then why would the Prince wanted to kill Sofia?

Loki still remember the time when he ask the prince about something that bother him. He ask the prince who is greatest enemy.

The Prince smiles, closes his eyes, creased his eyebrows and then he said his answer.

And his answer shocked Loki. The Prince answer was something that Loki never expected or even think about.

‘My greatest enemy will be Sofia the Divine Archer. She will be my undoing. She will be the one that destroy me. That was my prophecy’

That is what he said…calmly and without even a slightest change in his expression….saying it like it was other people business

Why was it shocking?

Because at the time the Prince utter these words, Sofia was not even a half step towards Sovereign yet the Prince said that the Divine Archer would be his greatest enemy.

Not to mention the ‘will’ part.

The Prince didn’t say that she is.

He said she will….implying that in some unforeseen future that the Prince greatest enemy is the Divine Archer and not only his greatest enemy but his undoing.

And that is saying something.

The Prince has battled intergalactic mass murdering alien, an annihilator from a destroyed race, villains from other Earths, Invasion from intergalactic alliance yet he named her, named the Divine Archer as his undoing.

Loki at the time of hearing it could not see in what possible worlds that the Prince would be defeated by such an insignificant character.

And even now he still couldn’t believe it. But then he sighed again. Well, that is a story for another time.

For now…all that matters is making sure the Prince become stronger.

On the side of the cave Azief and Sofia is still talking to each other. 

‘You sure you ok? You look weak’ She said looking at Azief condition. He looks pale.

‘We could stop for a while.’ She suggested.

‘No stopping’ Azief said.

‘Why the rush?’ Sofia said as she added another firewood into the campfire.

Azief did not say anything and keep gulping the healing potion then he asked.

‘How about you? You ok.’ Always changing the subjects. Sofia grumbles again as she whispers her thoughts. Azief ignored it.

‘I’m fine’ she said.

‘Your skill has become a lot more refined.’ He complimented

‘Not enough’ she said.

‘One step at a time’ Azief encourages.

She just snorted. Azief smiles a bit. Then he ask

‘What do you think about Sina?’ Saying this, he looks towards the direction of Sina leaning on the cave walls, closing her eyes.

‘She is weak.’ Sofia said mercilessly

‘True’ Azief said nodding his head.

‘But she is useful.’ He added as he smiles again.

‘Could you not see how useful she is?’ Azief of course notices that Sofia is not very thrilled of having Sina in their group and that puzzles him.

When Loki joins the group she was ok with it but now Sina joins the group, she acts differently.

Woman. He never could understand them or their idiosyncrasies he mused.

‘Still’ she said, grumbling.

‘She is weak and will become a burden to us. We always need to protect her and that would harm our concentration. I am not saying this out of malice but how many times we have to risk our lives to save her when she was attacked.’

Sofia states her reason. And for a moment she belies what she is saying instead acknowledging that what she is feeling is jealousy.

‘And how many time she saves ours? She at least deserve credit for that.’ Azief defended Sina.

Sofia rolled her yes. She feel angry that Azief keep taking Sina side.

‘You mean the centipede poison. True, she helped but that doesn’t mean we will not survive it even without her abilities. With your regeneration ability and healing skills we could still survive that ordeals. It might take us a little time but it will still be survivable with….or without her.’ Without realizing it she has increase her tone fo voce.

In the distance Loki looks amused. And he thinks to himself. Wow, she is really jealous. The Prince is really dense.

No wonder in the future, he got so much in trouble with women. Jean’s mother. Boris sister. Freya. That Iranian Princess…..not to mention they were twins

The one night stand story with Freya was famous. Well, Freya herself is not really well in the head.

She always like men stronger than her.

Jean’s mother on the hand was really enchanted with the Prince face that she drugged him and sleep with him.

This happen on the first World Government meeting which is why Jean flipped out.

It is funny considering that the World Government had to offend the Prince at the time and imprison him because of Jean pressure. ‘

However the story of his escape was a mystery. Thinking about it, in that future, probably Sofia saved him.

The Iranian princess story on the other hand happens because they were drunk.

Katarina on the other hand……she was a bit special. She was not a one night stand. And not like Jean mother drugging antics. She was a story that the Prince never told.

A playboy….at least he was before he become Sovereign and ripped out the Oracle eyes to gain the abilities to see the future.

On the other side, Azief began detecting hostility from Sofia

‘Why are you angry?’ Azief ask not understanding. It is clear that Sofia is angry but what Azief didn’t understand is why she is angry.

‘Why do you want her in our group so much?’ She ask Azief. He smiles and then he said confidently

‘You see, I was always interested in history. I have read many books about history and the road to success is always the same.’

Sofia hearing this knows that Azief is about to enter one of his speech mode again.

‘Liu Bang and Xiang Yu contend for the throne of China in what was called the Chu-Han Contention. Xiang Yu compared to his rival Liu Bang is perfect in every way. He comes from a respectable lineage, a genius war commander, undefeated in warfare and a master strategist, able to lead a million man army. Xiang is someone who boasted about his achievement and thought very highly of himself. He was capable and has the bearing of a King. He preferred to depend on his personal abilities as opposed to learning with humility from others. Sina taught me that while my strength and hers are different we could learn from each other, complemented the part where I’m lacking. Do you know how Liu Bang won even though he was inferior towards Xiang Yu?’

Sofia shakes her head. Azief feigns a chuckles and he continues.

‘Because there is one aspect that Liu Bang excelled, even superior than Xiang Yu. It was that Liu Bang appreciates talents. Don’t possess great courage without great wisdom. That is the way to ruin. Liu Bang uses the talents at his disposal, listen to the advice of the people around him and they won him the throne. Having Fang Zheng but unable to use him. The Hegemon King of Western Chu could not use talents and brought ruins to himself. Liu Bang uses Han Xin and Han Xin bring him military glory. Using Zhang Liang he was praised as a wise emperor. Using Xiao He, Han Gaozhu create an able administration. When there is talent in front of you, do not waste it. Appreciate talents and use them.’

Azief said. And then he added

‘I admired Sina. Her talents is one that should be appreciated. So what if we are delayed? So what if we are to protect her. Talents like her are hard to find. Abilities like her would not appear again. She is a unique class and special. Having her is like having a thousand army.’

And Azief smiles proudly.

He didn’t notice that Sofia feel even more uncomfortable hearing his praise towards Sina. It’s not like Sofia didn’t know but she didn’t know why she didn’t like Azief paying so much attention towards Sina.

She shrugged it off and then she ask.

Is that all? Her abilities. Is that what tempts you to put her under our group? And saying this she look straight at Azief eyes and that startled him.

But he remains calm and he nodded. But he didn’t say the other reason why he accepted Sina into his group.

He still remembered the determination in Sina eyes after she killed the two men that killed her friends and Azief believes that Sina herself has other secrets.

Thinking of this he looked at Loki direction .He is pretty sure Loki knows the abilities that Sina is hiding but he is not telling him.

Then the group heard the shrieks and they all tensed up.

‘Are they coming?’ Sofia ask Azief. Azief searches with his divine sense and did not sense anything.

‘Not yet.’ He could feel that this shriek is not the snakes but something else. Something in the fifth floor.

Something under them. And thinking of this, his golden violet orb revolves again.

This darn feeling he said to himself.

‘We need to quickly replenish our energy.’ Azief announces to the group

Sofia nodded and she began eating some bread. Loki also is drinking a cupful of water while Sina has already woken up and is making more pills for the group.

Azief then get up and sit down in a place where he can survey the area more effectively.

He then looks at the skill point spill in his bag and he began to eat it as he level up his skill.

For some reason he could feel there is an ominous existence below this floor.

And this existence make even his orb trembled and revolve faster like some danger he should not provoke.

He is now level 46 after all the hardship he endured. He did not know it but he and his group has already spends a week inside the dungeon.

They sometimes sleep in some large areas inside the dungeon.

Now Azief distributes his skill points to his skills and he smiles. Some of his skill has become maxed out.

He checks his newly maxed out skills













Some of it is maxed out because of the 40 skill point’s pills. Some he increase by eating some of the skill point pill dropped by the monster from the loots he got on the floor of the dungeon.

He then checks his status.














91574 GOLD

59876 SILVER

546378 COPPER


















HEAL [01]













































































His items are all stored inside his bag of holding now. Even though his status looks great for some reason he can’t help but feel apprehensive.

He could feel that whatever in the next floor is not some pushover. They finally feel what it is like to be on equal grounds.

The three floors taught Azief and his group that even though Azief is stronger and they are powerful against other humans, monster still holds an edge over them.

An hour later they moved again. Meanwhile in the fifth floor a smiles could be seen on the face of a blue faced creature with six arms.

And his smiles are full of malevolence.




While Lord Shadow and his group is busy exploring the dungeon the world is undergoing major changes.

Shinji who was tasked of inviting Lord Shadow and Loki failed and return to Kyoto.

 The great men all over the world also joins the first world government meeting. Raymond which represent the former USA.

With his military power growing by the day and his success driving back the hordes o monster and zombies he was the perfect candidate for the formation of the core of World Government

Hirate as the Shogun of the Empire of Japan represent the Emperor of Japan. Some of the influential Daimyo of Japan also joins the meeting.

The Tiger of Kai and the Dragon of Echigo also joins. Both are reputable daimyo and has large military power. Jean acts as the representative of the Party in France.

Jean has manage to pacify the Party and gain control of the political party using brute force.

His March to Paris is famous among Frenchman where he cut down anyone who disobey his orders.

When the peace settles the Party that was bickering was demoted to advisories capacity in the new regime of Jean reigns.

He styled himself the Emperor of the French,  Empereur des Français with an eagle as his standards.

Rollo and Odin become the representative of Norway. Their war against each other is famous and their military prowess is admired by Norwegian.

Xue Ying who has established his dominance in Jiangdong is also invited. Wang Jian his greatest general also get a seat in the First World Government Meeting.

 Then there is Boris who has taken over the Red Army and changes it to his military. Coming with him is his sister, Katarina.

UK was represented by a man named Will. He was a lone wolf yet was entrusted by the Monarchy of Britain, to represent them in the first world government meeting.

Will is a speedster.

A dark speedster. His abilities seems to give him enhanced speed and as he leveled up while his power and defense is not high, he seems to becomes even faster….so fast that he can even run fast as sound

Black and yellow lightning always coils around him when he runs.

With all this great heroes, the first World Government Meeting commences



The meeting room was white in colour. And there is a large round table. There is hundreds of seat with a microphone in each table.

The design of the room was simple but also a luxury in this new world filled with people that have special abilities.

The army of the world crumbled and warlords, heroes, villains all make a grab for power, each of them create their sphere of influence to survive and prospers in this new world.

The World Government meant to unify this fragmented sphere of influence not only as a form of control but also as a form of order.

But the Shogun and the people that is coming understand that this World government meeting serves as a way to increase their power and to create a new world order.

They were villains. They were losers. Ordinary. Criminals. Unimportant people. Poor and destitute, weak and powerless.

But when the Fall came, those who was tempered by the hardship of their life….they thrive. They revel. They breathe.

And crawling from the blood of the fallen, they stand up, look at the world and cried out Is this the best you can do!

They become……more. In this new world they become a lot more…alive. In this new world, they became Kings. Emperors. Leaders. Great men and women, leading people.

They became…..extraordinary

The world is in chaos and while there seems to be some kind of resistance from humans as they grow stronger, monster still reign in many parts of the world.

To control the world, one needs to make sure it has order first. And order will be established. But to enforce order…it needs people.

Extraordinary people.

And the World Government Meeting intends to control, or at least bind these great men and women by some laws that would at least create the best possible condition for humanity to thrive.

And it will begin in this great large white room.

The large white room has four door representing west, east, south and north.

Outside the representatives of countries, kingdoms and empires waited as they are escorted to the tunnel and into one of the four entrance to the room.

Why there is a tunnel?

Because this World Government meeting is conducted underground, 400 feet below the surface with the hardest steel lining as the walls to make sure drilling abilities monster could break down here.

And even if they did…it would at least buy time for the representatives to run and escape.

After all Kyoto has graciously prepared countless of teleportation stone for the representatives.

Each stone is counted as a fortune but an organized organization like that of Empire of Japan could easily find a way since peace has been at least partly achieved in the territory of Japan.

The moment the large door open there are many men entering from all four sides of the room.

Raymond from USA.

He appears to be wearing a military uniform instead of his battle armour and behind him is his commander, appearing very powerful.

They take a seat on a table that has the plaque of USA.

He looks around as he watched other great men take their seat.

Taking center seat was the Shogun of Japan, Ashikaga Hirate.

With a mon of a butterfly and robe that seems to accentuate his scholarly aura he smiles as he look at his effort come to fruition.

Raymond watched as a man with a diamond like mon seat at his chair appearing very unconcerned with the proceeding.

Raymond look at the plague and it says Kai.

So this is the Tiger of Kai. Raymond mused.

He heard from his intelligence agency that Tiger of Kai was a ferocious man in battle but his strategy is eccentric and unorthodox and he usually win by employing some weird strategy and there is no bottom line when he sets out in achieving something.

Beside him a man who had a strand of hair covering his eyes takes his seat and Raymond look at that man table and sees the plaque of Echigo.

The Tiger of Kai and Dragon of Echigo.

Both are rivals and great leaders and one of the few people in Japan who has quite the military prowess.

Then come into the room from the eastern side of the room a man with pale white face but donning a robe fit for Kings and there is a symbol of eagle in his standards as his standard bearer comes into the room.

The man himself was wearing a golden crown, and on top of the golden crown embedded itself was the most beautiful jewel Raymond has ever seen.

Raymond looked at the plaque and he was surprised. The French Empire. So, this must be the Emperor of the French, Jean.

Beside him was a woman with great figures and of beautiful complexion. She has a trace of innocence with a hint of danger.

‘Paulette’ and Raymond gritted his teeth.

His spies once come back to him getting shot in the rib because of that woman. They nearly lost their lives.

His subordinate describes her as one of the greatest marksman that ever lived.

Raymond knew one man that would really fit that title. Leonard…but then he shakes his head as he tries to shake of the memories.

When Jean sits down there a  few people that is standing behind him. The Party leader of France.

They have become merely advisors to the Emperor. If this was a feudal time, they would be ministers.

When Raymond looks towards the Norway side, he is amused to find two people become the representative of Norway.

Rollo and Odin.

Rollo is accompanied with a woman whose eyes is cold as winter and her face shows no expression at all.

Which only adds to her cold beauty.

Freya the Valkyrie. On her shoulder were two ravens perched on both of her shoulders.

He was warned by his advisors that Freya is the mind in making sure that Rollo remain forever victorious in battlefield.

Hugin and Munin was the name of Freya ravens. Raymond believes that this raven has its own abilities.

Unlike the other advisors or friends of the other representative, Freya did not stand beside Roll, instead she sit beside him like an equal.

Rollo with his wolf fur covering his body like an armour and his beard looks like a depiction of the old age Vikings.

He is also very loud.

On the other hand Odin appears to be more reserved but Raymond knows that this reserved man is very cruel in his method.

Those who disobey him…would not be killed but tortured until they wish for death.

Odin is powerful, commands a fanatical zealots that believes what is happening to earth right now, is Ragnarok and powerful.

Did he mention powerful twice?

But and he smiles as he think of that event. There was one man who dares contend with Odin and not only that but cut of his dick and blinded him in one eye.


At least that is the name he is using now. During his time at Odin camp he was using the name Thousand Face.

Now he is using the name Loki.

Raymond wanted to recruit him when he first heard of the altercation between him and Odin.

But then he heard another shocking story.

Loki has teamed up with one who Raymond would call the most mysterious and powerful man in the world right now.

Lord Shadow.

Hearing the reports of his subordinate about the explosive battle that Lord Shadow is engaged in and watching the footage of the Imperator corpse…he could only imagine the power that Lord Shadow possesses.

And now he teamed up with a man crazy enough to cut Odin dick? One could only imagine the chaos both of them could make.

Raymond is actually looking forward to see Lord Shadow in this meeting. From what he heard Kyoto is inviting him.

But then seeing him not here, he is disappointed.

He heard from Akira that Lord Shadow it seems has disappeared from the face of the earth, so carefully hidden, that not even the full force of Hirate could find Lord Shadow.

And that is saying something. Raymond looks at Hirate and sighed. That man has a very powerful abilities and usually those he wanted to find he would easily find it.

To think he couldn’t find Lord Shadow and Loki….those two must have a method to avoid detection.

First Raymond ask Akira if Lord Shadow is already dead.

But from what Akira said, he is alive only he could not be found. Some speculated that he might be on a quest.

Quest is hard to trigger.

Rather than the initial quest for class change and for unique class user, to trigger a quest depends on luck.

He sighed again as more people enters the room.

Raymond even though he is the representative of USA this does not mean he control all of USA.

The same could be said for everyone else here in this room.

Raymond controls a few states but some states is in the hands of the militia, and other people.

Some even designated themselves as a Republic. The 51 states of America is divided. Even before the fall, America is divided….but now…it is even more divided.

There are places where migrants were discriminated while some places the migrants Carlos execute Caucasian Americans.

For what reason?

Raymond doesn’t know. But on some parts of America, migrants are also being hunted.

Some of those who do not share the same belief as the people in the majority is also executed.

Villains rose. And heroes are scarce. They need a symbol of hope.

The reason why the Shogun chose Raymond as the representatives because what the World government want the most is stability and Raymond have that.

In his camp, there is no division between race, religion or nationality. He was a wise and kind leader.

Maybe this behavior could be attributed as his personality as a gamer. He was a nerd before the fall to say it simply.

Of course seeing him right now, 6’4 tall, dark and handsome one could not see the slightly chubby nerd he was before.

But before the fall, he has good friends, they do nerdy stuff, fight about who would win between Superman and Batman, attend the Comic con every year and their circle was tight.

But situation changes.

Most of his friend died in the initial attack. He found a group. He made friends again. Hope again.

He was hurt.

He suffers the loss of a friend.

He was betrayed. He was deceived. And he grows. Grows to become a man who shoulders the lives of thousands on his shoulder, a pillar for his people.

All of the people in here, all have that amazing qualities to bend people to their will either by manipulation, by fear, or by brute strength.

Raymond achieved the same effect by promising….hope.

He then closes his eyes as he waited for all the leaders to enter so that they could start the meeting all the while thinking about the benefits that this World Government will have for his regime.


Erika sits down on her seats.

She wore a purple robe, long and full of runic designs. In her left shoulder there is a design of a closed eye.

She is looking at the people inside the room and then after finding out the man she wants to meet is not here she sighed.

‘He is not here. Once again my Sight is wrong. Why? Is there something about him?’ She said.

Erika is the Oracle of Greece. She has no other abilities other than seeing the future and as such her powers is a curse and both a blessing.

She alone united the many factions and warlords in Greece to create a unified Greece under her.

How did she achieve such an amazing feat?


People like Jean who uses his considerable military force in France is powerful, true and Greece also has people like this.

A man named Alexandros was a great warlord but in the end he submits to Erika all the same.

The reason is because those who did not want to enter her treaty, their future as a warlord will be short.

No strategy could work, when someone already knows what is going to happen.

Alexandros first trying to launch an offensive attack and even prepares a life endangering trap by trying to poison the Oracle but since the Oracle already seen the future, she simply avoid the trap, and make her own ambush with the help of Antonius.

Antonius was Alexandros rival.

By giving assistance to Antonius, she won herself a formidable ally. They all enter the Treaty of Delphi.

Signed at Delphi, seven warlords sign the Treaty and acknowledge Erika as the mediator if a huge scale war were ever to erupt between them.

And so temporary peace is achieved while the warlords could amass their wealth by fighting monster and clearing more lands for humanity in Greece.

Her abilities alarmed Shogun Hirate so much so, that she becomes a high level priority to please.

There is still many parts of Greece that is not yet cleared and full of monsters.

While other nation faces monster of what is mostly called RPG monsters, her nations produces monster of mythical nature.

In her journey she met Lamia, Minotaur and many more monster that she always believes only exist in fairy tales.

Behind her was Antonius. He come closer and approached the oracle when she sees the Oracle displeased expression and he whispers.

‘Is he not here, Great Oracle?’

Erika shakes her head.

‘Great Oracle Sight……why is it wrong?’ Antonius say it with puzzlement. He knows the fearsome power of Erika sight that could see through the future.

Erika ponders for a bit and she said.

‘Time changes. The flow of Time, rivers of Cause and Effect, a stone has been thrown into it. A large stone capable of changing the current.’ She said this with a bitter smiles.

Time is both fragile and sturdy and no one knows it better than Erika who have many ties manipulated Time to work in her favour.

But it is not so fragile that it would change just because a butterfly flapped its wings, but it will change if strong enough stone is thrown into the River, changing the current, obstructing the flow.

When it is changed, when that ripples turns into a great enough current….time will change endlessly, creating many more worlds.

The moment she gains her Sight, she was blessed….or cursed…with the knowledge that there are other worlds beside this…..thousands of worlds.

She called it the Multiverse.

When she sees the future, she did not only see this future. She sees all the futures. All possibilities, all worlds.

Something magical is happening in this world right now…and her sight is not powerful enough to see it.

‘Somebody is messing with Fate.’ She then said and she heaved a tired sigh. Looking into the future…she expends more stamina than fighting.

‘This was the only reason you agreed to attend this meeting. Is our effort meaningless?’ Antonius said sighing.

Erika then said.

‘It is not entirely useless. I see a man with an interesting fate in front of me.’ She was looking at Jean.

When she looks at him, she saw the most unbelievable scene. She saw a world dyed red, and in the center was a man howling to the sky, holding a woman.

His eyes was red with anger and denial and she sees two sides, people flying and hurling attacks on the skies, while the world erupts and the sky part away.

Behind him were six silhouettes, six people with the same aura as Jean. They were powerful and the aura they emitted was a godly aura, powerful to the extreme.

And in the center of that conflict was an Orb….orb filled with life and everywhere the Orb passed, life would sprout and death could not approach.

She then looked at the woman beside Jean and she was startled. She was the woman in his arm that she saw in her vision.

The woman she looks at was Paulette.

Antonius on the other hand began setting a perimeter of protection around Erika. Erika after getting off that vision feels a little dizzy.

Erika sighed.

The reason she came here is to see the Man in the Shadows as she likes to call him.

The Man in the Shadow.

It’s the image of a person she saw since her level increased. With every level increase she could see further to the future.

And when she reached level 35 a few days ago…she saw a vision so visceral, so vivid that it gave her a fever……and dread inside her heart, creating like a mental trauma.

The dreams begin with her sitting inside her temple, when dark mist enters the temple, every barrier she constructed, every pillars of protection shattered and she felt cold and shivers in fear, trembling and sweating at least for a while before she calms herself down in the vision.

Her behaviour in her vision was like welcoming an old friend. Which is weird considering what will happen next.

She saw a man appearing from a shadow……powerful, overbearing and his eyes was like the shining stars in the sky, with ten rings, five rings in each finger and he emits an aura of death and times fluctuate differently around him, making him even more mysterious.

He then talks to her and then proceeded to rip out her eyeballs. The pain was indescribable.

But what makes Erika fearful..….is the fact that in her vision… was like she volunteer to give her eyeballs and she could not understand that part of her vision.

There is also the matter of when. This was the most vivid vision she ever had…and she didn’t know when will that happen, why it happens and what she talked about in her vision?

This never happens to her before

She thought that if she could see him….see The Man in The Shadows….she could understand or she could see another vision.

Then thinking again, she mused.

Maybe this is the best.


That week great leader all over the world discuss about the formation of the World Government.

Most of Europe leader were there. There was France, Belgium, Belarus, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and many others leaders.

Germany was not there since it was not stable. So, was Scotland and Ireland. Vietnam participated. Cambodia and India also participated.

Australia could not participated because the sheer amounts of monster in that continent that creating a community there is almost impossible..

Malaysia was represented by two generals. South Korea was represented by Lee Hyun Woo.

China on the other hand debated about the World Government intentions. Boris did not like the World Government mission but agree that a more united effort would be preferable in battling the monsters.

And by the end of the first week, they agree on a few articles.

The World Government is determined to save the world from the scourge of the monsters which has brought untold sorrows to mankind

To reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person.

To once again enforce the equal right of men and women of nation large and small.

Establishing a condition under which justice and respect for obligation arising from this treaty can be maintained and to promote the new world order.

In order for these articles to be maintained, the World Government will act as a mediator comprised of the members that will be chosen at the next world government meeting which is comprised of the most powerful leaders and nations.

The obligations of those agreeing to these treaties are to unite their strength under the banner of the World Government to create a world humanity could thrive in.

And as such, the Word Government will offer protection by collective cooperation among all the leaders that agree with the articles.

The first week the leaders finalize in their aims and objective and the second week, they began designing the Chairman of the Organization which will chair the Meetings for the next five years and hold considerable power to summon the nations under the treaties to heed the call of duty.

And while all this is happening, Azief and his group has reached the fifth floor after untold hardship and they began entering the fifth floor and meet their worst nightmare.

The moment they enter they were shocked looking at the fifth floor. And so, the world began to move.

Meanwhile on the stars, the warship of the Werons is speeding ahead to Earth with the desire to rule and conquer.

In a corpse of stars at the corner of the Universe, The Destroyer is awakening bit by bit and a black hole nearby His awakening, shattered into oblivion as the Destroyer formed his corporeal body.

And so…..time moves forward.
