Space, a Romance poem | SparkaTale


Created: July 5, 2014 | Updated: July 5, 2014

Genre : Romance

Language : English

Reviews: 1 | Rating:

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Reads: 336

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It doesn’t matter if you go

If you leave

I’ll see you


In the back of my eyelids

In my memories              

Your memories you left behind


In coffee cups

On kisses on knuckles

And wishes


On mornings

And on stellar

And lunar brilliance


Like the cosmos

Too much unexplored

Yet complete


On each points of greatness

Of tips that held this place together

Dots that connected


Me in this world

You with my heart

Us within love


I’d see you

In the spaces between

Emptiness and everything

Reviews (1)

  • debbie bisson

    omg! this is really good! speaks from the heart!

    August 18, 2014 Flag

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