Isolation, a Biography poem | SparkaTale



By: Leah Soto

Created: March 5, 2015 | Updated: March 5, 2015

Genre : Biography

Language : English

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Reads: 430

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I have befriended Isolation

She is not the best friend in the world but she isn't the worst either.

I have befriended Isolation

For I do not fear it.

I have befriended Isolation

For I do not fear it.

I have befriended Isolation

For I am it.


I have become Isolation

For I am it.

I have become Isolation

For I am it.

I have become Isolation

For I am it.

I have become Isolation

For I am nothing.


I am nothing

For I feel nothing.


I feel nothing

for I have nothing.


I have nothing

For I am nothing.


I am nothing

For I have befriended Isolation.


I have befriended Isolation

For I am nothing.


I am Isolation

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