The muse, a Romance poem | SparkaTale


The muse

By: diane sky

Created: February 26, 2016 | Updated: February 26, 2016

Genre : Romance

Language : English

Reviews: 1 | Rating:

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Reads: 372

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Paint me in red, paint me in blue,

Paint your fingertips on my skin, too,

Paint me in black, paint me in white,

Drown your darkness in my light,

Canvas still blank, paint me in gray,

I’ll give my secrets for you to betray,

Betray them in colors, paint me like this,

Capture my soul and seal it with a kiss.


Reviews (1)

  • A. Amadeus MacKenzie

    1) ‘…but we’re here on a mission, not to do some heroic[,] last stand, kamikaze nonsense[,] okay?’ minor punctuation error with the commas, but otherwise good structure. 2) ‘Grimes said with his face an inch away from Rogers[’].’ Try to avoid repetition. 3) ‘These two men were so into the fight that they could not here the gunfire[s/gunshots] going off nearby.’ 4) ‘Grimes yells as he provides covering fire while get in the driver’s seat of the Humvee.’ A bit of bad wording and tense use. I wonder if: ‘[Grimes yells while he provides cover(ing) fire and gets into the driver’s seat of the Humvee].’ Would not work better? A bit more detail and information about who is being talked about. 5) ‘Look[s] like everything is going according to plan, kid…’ watch your parts of speech. 6) ‘No disrespect sir, but you always jump to conclusions and I don’t…’ always a comma before ‘but’. 7) ‘…a frown and eyes that [say]…’ watch your tenses 8) ‘The “drug container” out in the small town of Sun-Borough is [a] large, four story warehouse.’ OR ‘The “drug container” out in the small town of Sun-Borough is as large [as a] four story warehouse.’ 9) ‘…but few decide to do anything about it, because…’ I do believe a comma always comes before ‘because’, but I am not entirely sure. 10) ‘WHAT THE HELL IS THIS[?/?!]’ it’s a question. Quite an interesting story you have comprised here. I enjoyed reading it C: And I have to say, I find it quite interesting that you chose to write in the present instead of past. What inspired that, I wonder? Tips: I would recommend rereading this aloud to yourself. There are a few tense and punctuation errors. There are also some oddly comprised sentences. I am sure I did not catch everything, but hopefully my edits can help you? Keep up the good work! --Amadath

    January 4, 2014 Flag

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