Id (Purpose), a Suspense poem | SparkaTale


Id (Purpose)

By: Robin Ward

Created: June 1, 2016 | Updated: June 9, 2016

Genre : Suspense

Language : English

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Another way of living

I am now their protection if it is strong enough alone.

It is indicated in my memory that you are my family? 
I remember, vividly, it is indicated, you are my family.

If you should choose such a path with me it will bring life, or I shall desire something about life.

The feminine voices sound like they are pleading with heaven that they do not face death.

I have brought forth ancestors for the sake of vigorous refuge.

And visions from their mighty, outstanding strength, are enough alone!

You remembering, I will discover that you indicate which way to go!

Oh they flourish! They strike! My pain! They cut me down! Behold! I cut them down! Surprise! My soaring!

Joy! Power! Oh, my! Fading away! He twists! Oh my! Distress!

They want to settle the score! I cut them down! Ancestors, ancestors, resound like thunder!

Be prepared!

They want to settle the score! I cut them down! Ancestors! Ancestors! (Be prepared!)

Having seen the cycle...

Another way of living

~Id (Purpose)


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