Who I Am, a Fantasy poem | SparkaTale


Who I Am

By: melody dupree

Created: August 28, 2016 | Updated: August 28, 2016

Genre : Fantasy

Language : English

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~~Everyday I hide behind a smile.
Why can't they see it's fake?
They can't see my denial.
They never see my pain.
It makes me ashamed.


Everyday I hide behind a laugh.
Why can't they see it's fake?
I smile and joke,
but inside I want to choke.
To me life is a joke.


Everyday I hide behind a mask.
Why can't they see it's fake?
I guess they never want to ask?
My heart hurts so much.
It makes me ashamed.


I hide behind smiles, laughs, and masks.
They will never be able to see the extent that my shields go to.
My life will be over before they can even get to read this.
I never wanted to hurt my family or my friends.
But it just isn't my life that I am living.


I feel another inside.
Who it is I don't know.
I am slowly finding myself.
Soon I will have bridged the GREAT DIVIDE.

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