My Heroes, a General poem | SparkaTale


My Heroes

By: Golden Ankh

Created: March 14, 2018 | Updated: March 14, 2018

Genre : General

Language : English

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Most people think that a hero

Is someone wearing a cape and a mask

But that's not always true


My heroes can't fly like Superman

They can't shoot webs like Spiderman

They don't have superhuman strength like The Hulk

And they don't have a flying metal suit like Iron Man


But they are kind

They are just

They are heroic

They're really freaking goofy

And they've saved my life more than any fictional hero ever has


They’ve saved me from cutting

They’ve saved me from the noose

They’ve saved me from the gun

And they’ve saved me from falling into darkness


Sure, my heroes don't have superpowers

But they do have heart

They may not have a Boy Wonder or a JARVIS

But they do have sidekicks


My heroes wear headphones

And scream like little girls

My heroes

Are Markiplier and Jacksepticeye


And they're real

Not made up

Like your favorite comic book characters

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