Paladins of the Forgotten, a Action story | SparkaTale


Paladins of the Forgotten

By: John D. Zephyr

Status: In Progress


The world is full of people with grand powers, both on the sides of good and evil. But because of the scale of their war, the evil of everyday crime has been all but forgotten by the heroes. Two brothers have watched their neighborhood go through hell. It's a cesspool for criminals and scum alike. For a long time they wondered where the heroes were, The one's supposedly out there protecting the world? They sat still and waited for them, hoping they would save the day. In the end they couldn't just wait, and so the two take up mantles as vigilantes, and become the heroes that their neighborhood has needed for a long time. But they will not go unnoticed, for eyes from both good and evil are watching.

Created: March 7, 2014 | Updated: March 28, 2014

Genre : Action

Language : English

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1: Prologue 1408
2: Chapter 1 3547
3: Chapter 2 6290
4: Chapter 3 6474
5: Chapter 4 5914
Total Wordcount: 23633

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