My Body Belongs to the Ocean, a Suspense story | SparkaTale


My Body Belongs to the Ocean

By: Danny Power Hallihan (Dormant)

Status: In Progress


A one-chapter story about a dream I had one particular night. Trigger Warnings for depression, suicide and suicidal thoughts.

Created: August 14, 2020 | Updated: May 21, 2022

Genre : Suspense

Language : English

Reviews: 0 | Rating:

Comments: 4

Favorites: 2

Reads: 314

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1: Nixon McGuinness 3461
Total Wordcount: 3461

Reviews (0)

    Comments / Critiques

      • Chapter: 1 Reply

        I wasn't expecting to be hit with this today. I almost didn't click on it because I knew what this would be and I wasn't sure if I should go through with it. Let me say I'm glad I did. This... this is a short and sweet little story that hits in places that I honestly needed to be hit in today. I've been where Nixon is, that dark place, that real dark place. I was there not that long ago and somehow, someway, I'm still here. I'm not going to dive into a true critiquing comment or anything like that. I don't really think that's the point of a story like this anyway. This is beautifully written, though. I think that's more than enough. I'm really glad you posted this. Honestly, I needed to read it. Thank you.

        August 15, 2020 | Serina Truscott-Duvall

      • Reply

        Thank you so much for commenting!

        I'm glad that it helped; Palindrome has stalled so I'm feeling out new ideas and themes, and I had a dream about these exact two characters and wanted to make something for them. I'm really happy that you feel a tiny bit better - if you need anything at all I'd be more than happy to chat to you about anything at all!

        Thanks again!

        August 18, 2020 | Danny Power Hallihan (Dormant)

      • Chapter: 1 Reply

        Wait where did this come from?! O_o This was HEAVY but the ending is so so sweet! Especially when Nixon called his wife a bitch but then stops himself... damn! Is this only going to be one chapter? It looks really good!

        May 21, 2022 | Just Another Reader

      • Reply

        It's been here for two years! I wouldn't blame you for missing it though seeing as it's a one-shot! Thanks so much for the comment though! Was a bit confused about the "so so sweet, especially when Nixon called his wife *that*" part though not going to lie to you there ^^' 

        May 25, 2022 | Danny Power Hallihan (Dormant)