The Letter

My Dearest Daniel:

I went back and forth for three days, about whether I should write this to you.  The sadness grips my soul every day, and I don’t want that to happen to you. I know that there is no better way to let the pain slip through my fingers and partially vanish from my soul, than to pour my feelings out on to this piece of paper. In my soul, I feel it is certain that this will not happen, for the grief is too vivid within my heart. Yet, I will try to make this possible for you; possible for us.

My sweet precious boy you have no idea how much it pains me to do this, let me tell you there are tears running down my face as I write this words to you. That my heart grieves at the thought of him, my whole body aches to see his face again…or to just hear his voice. I know my next words would seems like a shock to you, maybe because I’m generally not very good with exposing my feelings so openly but there is no way possible for me to explain them; there was another man before you, another man who loved me and I loved back with the same amount of energy. He gave me what I craved for and made me happy like no one ever did…but he’s gone now, my sweet Daniel and I only have you to love and that’s all I need.

I know that this makes no sense to you since I have never spoken his name before. With these words though, you’ll know who he is, and you’ll know how much I loved him. You will also know how much he meant to me

My precious this is the story of how I decided to ignore my own advice and follow my heart instead, this is how one simple night changed my whole life…forever.