Chapter 1: Start With a Bang

    A thundering boom rattles the earth below my feet. Among the chaos, I hear screams, shouts of terror belonging to the innocent people who were caught in the crossfire. From the now burning building across from me, three guards burst into the courtyard. They carry the seal of the Aefrounsai Empire. Only one carries a sword; I assume the others are magi, users of magic.

“Halt in the name of the Aefrounsai Empire, Aizic Zaicard,” the guard with the sword shouts, “stay where you are and put your hands to your side!”

I obey and allow them to seize me. I come from the Loutizou clan, a group of secretive magicians trained in the art of stealth. The founder of the clan wasn’t much of a fighter, but he loved to help others by relaying information. He alone developed a whole new area of magic which he named Loutizou. To help with the clan’s secretive affairs, the magic he created allows practitioners to bend light to their will through movement. This lets the users become invisible to the naked eye and enhance their eyesight. Through extensive training, members also learn to be completely silent and can hone their mind to block out an Aefrounsai’s mind-altering magic.

The guards and I arrive at what’s left of their base camp. The flames have died down enough for them to regroup. They lead me to a jail cell and throw me inside.

The cell guard starts to talk to me. “You are to remain here until the general has time to see you. There’s one thing I’ve got to know, though; how are you still smiling after killing all those innocent people?” A fellow guard steps in at this point. “Leave it be, Aegrus, the general will see to him soon enough.”

Aegrus and the other guard leave my cell and head back to their quarters. Once I determine the coast is clear, I begin my concealment incantation. It’s difficult to perform the correct movements in the confines of the cell, but soon enough the light bends around me. I am invisible. It’s only a matter of time before I pick the lock. I open the door noiselessly and make my way to the entrance of the camp. Before I make it past the gate, however, I hear the Aefrounsai general let out an angry roar.