Chapter 1: The Arrival

On her way to her new home she decided to look out the window. She seen a sign saying something about a reserve and made sure to make a mental note of that. One of her brothers in the front seat looked back at her and felt sorry for making her move.

"Come on, Ash. Cheer up. You will get to have new friends. Even your wolves are happy."

She looks at her wolves who are both asleep.

"I don't know I just want to go to my old school."

Her dad looks at her in the review mirror and sighs as he keeps driving.

About ten minutes later they pull into a driveway with a beautiful white house with a nice sized forest in the back.

"Well I know where I will be." Ash said as she woke up her wolves and got out of the car grabbing her laptop and art sets.

Her dad helped her carry everything in as a guy in a pick up truck drove by looking at them with a smile. Her dad smiled back as she just rolled her eyes and walked up to her room. She smiled seeing a lake in the distance.

"Hey dad! You did great with your pick!" She set her things down and opened her window before getting her laptop out to get her music started.

She listened to her music and unpacked for so long she lost track of time until she seen it was 11pm.

"Shit! I've got to get to bed." With that she got her bed ready, showered, and just as she went to lay down her wolves ran in and jumped up on her bed making her smile.

The Next Day

It was her first day of school and she was late due to not setting her alarm. Once she was ready she grabbed her keys and ran out to her car and headed to school.

Once at school she was already half way through the day so she was figured out where to go pretty quickly.

'I just hope tomorrow isn't like this.' She sighed and headed to her last class not realizing she was being watched very closely by a few guys.

2: Chapter 2: Neighbors?
Chapter 2: Neighbors?

It was her first day of school and she was late due to not setting her alarm. Once she was ready she grabbed her keys and ran out to her car and headed to school.

Once at school she was already half way through the day so she was figured out where to go pretty quickly.

'I just hope tomorrow isn't like this.' She sighed and headed to her last class not realizing she was being watched very closely by a few guys.

After her last class she went home and finished unpacking. Even made sure to set her alarm.

"Stupid. I mean really. How did i not set my alarm yesterday." She sighed when she seen someone pull into the driveway.

She slowly crept down the stairs as her wolves ran out the back door she left open causing her to run after them so they wouldn't get hit but when she got out there she seen a really tan guy with short black hair standing by her wolves. Next to him was a guy in a wheelchair.

"Um...hi?" She walked over cautious when the one in the wheelchair spoke first.

"Oh hi. We wanted to stop by and welcome you to Forks. My name is Billy Black. This is my son Jacob."

"Jake please." He said with a smile.

"Hi. I'm Ashely. Most people call me Ash. My dad isn't home right now but if you would like you could come in. We have coffee, tea, pop."

Billy looked at Jake before they both followed inside as she felt kinda bad for the house being a mess with boxes and unpacked things from moving.

"So what brought you to Forks, Ash?" Billy asked.

She was pouring coffee for Billy and hot water for herself. "Well we lost my mom last year and my dad decided it would be nice for a change of view. We lived there for a while and my dad has been looking at new places for a couple years now." She brought the coffee over to Billy trying to hide the pain of talking about it. "Thank my mom passing just kinda pushed it closer. He wanted to get away and start all new. So we moved here. He said maybe I could make new friends. But it had to have a nice area with a forest."

"You like woods?" Jake asked kinda worried as he looked at his dad.

"Yah. I love going for walks through the woods. That and it gives me a nice scene to paint."

"You like art?"

She nods when they see the time.

"Well I think we better get home. You have a nice day Ash. Sorry we couldn't meet your father." She smiled and walked them out the door and watched them leave before looking at her wolves.

"I don't trust them."

3: Chapter 3: Late Night Research
Chapter 3: Late Night Research

"You like art?"

She nods when they see the time.

"Well I think we better get home. You have a nice day Ash. Sorry we couldn't meet your father." She smiled and walked them out the door and watched them leave before looking at her wolves.

"I don't trust them."

She looks at her wolves smiling. "I think I'm going to do some research." She walks to her room and pulls her laptop up and begins doing research on the town.

She spent hours on the computer when she heard the door slam shut and remembered she forgot to make dinner but when she walked down she seen her dad holding a bag.

"Hey, Baby Girl. I brought dinner. Hope you like steak." He smiled and set the food down.

"So dad. How was the first day?"

He smiled and told her about his day then she told him about hers. After dinner her dad got ready and went to bed. She waited until ten then snuck out and into the woods wearing all black.

'I'm smart. I kept my black shredded jeans and black hoodie just for times like this." One of her two wolves followed her as she went out with her skateboard so she won't alert her dad.

"Ok, let's see what I can find out about this "reservation" I seen. How about I go to where I seen it."

She takes her skateboard and goes to where she seen the sign before getting miles to where it is. She smiles and heads to where it says and sees nothing but forest on her way there.

"I wonder what lies in this forest." She looks at her wolf who barks saying she's on board. Ash grabs a flash light out of her bag and heads into the forest after hooking her skateboard on the bottom where there should be a sleeping bag.

As she's walking she hears sticks cracking in front of her but that don't scare her. Nothing scared her. Not even the big black wolf that appeared in front of her light like it was there the whole time. It growled at her and stepped forward.

She smiled and stomped her foot down showing it she wasn't afraid causing it to run away.

"So there's huge wolves around here. Well, girl. What you say we hit the library tomorrow." She barked making Ash smile before they both headed home.