
If the city of Onigashima (Kanji: 鬼ヶ島) was an oyster, than the Onigashima Arena (Romaji: Onigashima​-jou; Kanji: 鬼ヶ島場) was a pearl. Without a shadow of a doubt from residents and visitors alike, the Onigashima Arena was the pre-eminent source of Onigashima's immense value as a tourist-attracting city. To clarify​, the Onigashima Arena was a skyscraper with both a literally gold exterior which shone with all of the awesome brilliance of the Sun itself and an interior which was primarily composed of a large variety of indoor stadiums. Because of its extravagant beauty, the very sight of the Onigashima Arena has come to be popularly considered to be as much of a tourist attraction as the chance to either watch or play in a game taking place at the Onigashima Arena.

As a consequence of the Onigashima Arena's popularity, the Onigashima Arena's parking lots were eternally filled to the brim with all kinds of motor vehicles. Even during the very few times that the Onigashima Arena wasn't being used for one thing or another, most of the spots in the parking lots were occupied by either a tourist seeking to get a few pictures of the Onigashima Arena or locals who just liked to bask in the Onigashima Arena's greatness. Needless to say, the Onigashima Arena's parking lots were just as packed — if not more packed —​ during the graduation ceremonies of Onigashima's Public High School for Boys (Romaji: Onigashima no Danshikouritsukoukou; Kanji: 鬼ヶ島の​男子公立高校) than it was during its free days. Fortunately for Sumiyoshi Choei (Kanji: 住吉, 鳥英), as a Vampire (Romaji: Kyuuketsuki​; Kanji: 吸血鬼), he did not need a car to conveniently travel to and from the Onigashima Arena.

Frighteningly, the 21-year-old Choei looked absolutely nothing like popular culture​'s image of the stereotypical vampire. Choei prouldy yet unimpressively stood at a mediocre height of 5'8" and sported a plain physique with a pudgy abdomen. Choei's complexion was as dark as a roasted coffee bean and sparsely dotted with as many burn scars as a cheetah was with spots. Choei's Afro-textured yet naturally blonde hair was styled into shoulder-length dreadlocks, and the brown irises of Choei's eyes were more than dark enough to be understandably mistaken for being black. However, in stark contrast to the rest of Choei's body, Choei's teeth were a dead giveaway that Choei was a vampire. For Choei's pearly whites were each both as molecularly sharp as the finest of diamond scalpels and permanently stained with more blood than even the rawest of meat.

Unfortunately for those whom would have liked to be able to visibly identify Choei as a vampire​, Choei cleverly hid his teeth behind the type of surgical mask which was as common among Onigashima's delinquents as dirt was among the Earth's landmasses. To make matters worse, Choei complemented his use of a surgical mask as a disguise by dressing up like a stereotypical delinquent. To clarify; Choei was dressed in the aforementioned surgical mask, a tank top which depicted a tempestuous blizzard of blood-stained snow, spaciously baggy jeans which was dotted with an innumerable amount of pockets, and partially feathered boots which Choei's jeans were tucked into.

"I really should have taken my time, because now I'm going to be bored until the graduation begins," grumbled Choei after a glance at his smartphone informed him of the bothersome fact that it was only 8:30 p.m. The graduation that Choei had come to attend was scheduled to begin at 9:00 p.m. sharp, so Choei had at least 20 minutes to kill before he needed to make his way to the 4th floor stadium of the Onigashima Arena. Under normal circumstances, because of his extreme intolerance towards being bored for any length of time, Choei would have risked being late in favor of being too early. However, much to Choei's displeasure, the current circumstance was an abnormal circumstance. Without exception, Choei was not going to take any risk that had even the slightest chance of making him miss the graduation that he had come to attend. Consequently, Choei was currently standing in the middle of a parking lot with absolutely nothing to do but play with his smartphone and wait as patiently as he could not manage.

Before so much as a full minute could pass, Choei found himself wandering the Onigashima Arena's parking lots in search of trouble. In spite of the fact that Choei didn't want to run into any trouble, Choei still couldn't help but to go looking for trouble. Ironically, Choei's desire to avoid trouble was one of the biggest causes of Choei's irresistible urge to go looking for trouble. For Choei's search for trouble was Choei's unconscious means of entertaining himself with the suspenseful fear of finding something that he desperately wanted to avoid.

After a few minutes of fruitless searching, Choei ceased to worry about happening upon trouble. As a result of the loss of his worry, it wasn't long before Choei found himself in the not-so-real danger of being bored to death. Choei glanced at his smartphone and melodramatically despaired at the dreadful sight of 8:38 p.m. Out of frustration, Choei furiously tugged at his dreadlocks while he racked his brain for something he could do to pass the next 17 minutes. Unbeknownst to an occupied Choei, his melodrama was reddening the pupils of his eyes to the point where his pupils were slowly-but-surely becoming as sanguine as freshly spilled blood itself and brightening the blonde of his dreadlocks to the point where even the golden exterior of the Onigashima Arena was beginning to pale in comparison. Needless to say, it wasn't long before Choei's melodrama turned into a scene. Fortunately for Choei, a hand on his shoulder managed to calm him down before the scene could escalate into a full-fledged crisis.

"You know, if you were as bored as your behavior implies, you could have simply talked to someone," verbally noted Kyoya Chikara (Kanji: 京谷, 血空). Immediately afterward, Choei let go of his dreadlocks and then looked over his shoulder. As his pupils blackened to their natural color and his dreadlocks dulled to their natural luster, Choei's mouth fell into a gape at the sight of Chikara. 

In stark contrast to Choei, Chikara's ​appearance shamelessly flaunted Chikara's status as a vampire. With his intimidating yet awe-inspiring height of 7'0", Chikara towered over Choei to the point where Chikara was literally overshadowing Choei. Chikara's lofty height was complemented by his athletic physique which was muscular in terms of being efficiently toned rather than unnecessarily bulky. Strangely for someone with such an athletic body​, Chikara's complexion was deathly pale and devoid of imperfections such as a blemish or a scar. Chikara's tortuously curly hair was as vividly red as the brightest feather of a scarlet ibis, and the irises of Chikara's eyes were as lustrously red as a finely polished ruby. The cuteness of Chikara's baby face was heightened by Chikara's freckles but lowered by Chikara's razor-sharp fangs. Last but not least; Chikara was dressed in a wolf's pelt which had been handcrafted into a sleeveless hoodie, a pair of leather pants which snugly clung to his shapely ass, and a pair of fur boots.

"W-w-why are you here?" spluttered​ Choei as he whirled into facing a snickering Chikara. Subsequently​, as it dawned upon Choei that Chikara had quickly removed his surgical mask while he had been in the middle of turning around, Choei's face blanched​ into being as pale as Chikara himself. Immediately, Choei covered his mouth with his hands and then narrowed his eyes into the most hateful glare that someone like him could manage. Because he was more of a drama king than a rageaholic, Choei's glare contained a lot more frustration than genuine anger. Consequently, Chikara was — by far — more amused than frightened. As a matter of fact, Chikara was so amused, he was forced to cover his own mouth in order to prevent his snickering from escalating into laughter.

"Please excuse my friend's odd behavior. He is an extremely powerful but untrained sorcerer who was dumb enough to forget to take his magic suppressants this morning, so his sorcery is currently going haywire. I'm taking him home to have his magic suppressed, so there is no need for any of you to be alarmed. Thank you for understanding," announced Chikara in-between snickers in order to defuse the panic bomb that Choei had armed with his melodrama. 

Fortunately for Chikara and Choei, most of the onlookers bought into Chikara's announcement. The minority of onlookers that did not believe Chikara's announcement soon found themselves forced to acquiesce to the announcement's status as the truth because of their inability to prove that the announcement was a falsehood. Ironically, none of the onlookers noticed Chikara's obvious vampirism. It was as if all of the onlookers were blind to Chikara's vampiric appearance. Because they were. Unbeknownst to anyone but Chikara himself, there was a veil over Chikara which obscured any visible fact about Chikara that Chikara wanted to be obscured. This veil was not a vampiric ability, but rather it was a magical ability that Chikara had learned at Scholomance itself.

"I can't go home!" exclaimed Choei in a muffled voice as a result of the fact that Choei was still covering his mouth with his hands. "Itaru-chan will..."

"...see you later! This sad-excuse-for-a (human) celebration is not worth the risk of you overcharging (exposing) yourself in public! Regardless of what your soap opera mentality may tell you, missing Beppu Itaru's (Kanji: 別府, æ ¼) high school graduation will not spell doom for your relationship with him!" preemptively countered Chikara before Choei could finish his argument. Choei opened his mouth in preparation for making a counter-argument, but then he closed his mouth without saying a word. Instead of refuting Chikara's claim, Choei accepted Chikara's words as indisputable facts and then acquiesced to being taken away by Chikara.

As far as Choei knew, he submitted to Choei out of his free will. However, in actuality, Chikara had subjugated Choei through the use of his vampiric sovereignty over Choei. For you see, Chikara was the vampire who turned Choei into a vampire. Thus Chikara had sovereignty over Choei. Regardless of its strength, Choei's will was subject to Chikara's will. If Chikara desired for Choei to submit, Choei would submit without knowledge of the fact that his submission was Chikara's will rather than his own. That was one of the downsides about being vampire, one could never truly know if one's will was one's own or the will of one's sire.

"Let's go," said Chikara as he placed his arm around a resigned Choei's shoulders. As Chikara did so, Choei just so happened to lock eyes with one of the unconvinced onlookers. The glower on the onlooker's face made it blatantly apparent to Choei that the onlooker either expected or new that he was a vampire. In response to the onlooker's glower, Choei showed the onlooker both of his middle fingers as he mischievously flashed his fangs at the onlooker. Much to Choei's horror, the onlooker's counter-response was to withdraw a machine pistol from her person with all of the haste of a quick-drawing gun-slinger. Naught but a second before the onlooker would have shot at Chikara and Choei from the hip, Chikara and Choei shined with the bluish white glow of electricity and then ionized into a pair of lightning bolts. As the lightning bolts streaked into the air in a manner which was the reverse of a shooting star, screams of "I knew it!" echoed throughout the parking lot. 

"Beppu Itaru," whispered the onlooker to herself as she lowered her machine pistol and glared at the sight of Chikara and Choei's ascent to a height where they could not be tracked with the human eye. The onlooker deposited her machine pistol and then proceeded to withdraw a pen alongside a miniscule notebook. As the onlooker wrote Beppu Itaru's name into the notebook, the onlooker's mouth upwardly curved into an alarmingly crazed smile. Choei may have thought that their encounter was a close call, but the onlooker knew that their encounter was naught but the beginning of a glorious hunt. The onlooker shivered from her excitement as she thought of all the juicy information she could glean from a name, a school, and a general time of graduation. Indeed, by the time the onlooker was finished, the Hunters (Romaji: Karibito; English: 狩人) would be naming stars after her!