Browse Stories | SparkaTale


Dead Sands by Titan Tyr In Progress

An ancient evil from the days of old is nearing his return. The ancient gods must now rely on 6 college students in order to save the world. 

Updated: September 1, 2013 | Published: August 19, 2013 | Reviews: 0

The Nine Planets by Tyrell Weinmann Completed

Pluto isn't considered a planet anymore but why? I hope this story cn help you understand why and the deep meaning behind it all.

Updated: September 1, 2013 | Published: August 18, 2013 | Reviews: 1

A Thousand Lives by M,V. Crimji Completed
~:*:~ Short Story ~:*:~ "I hid behind the doorway hoping it wouldnt find me. My breathing was uncontrollable. My chest was in pain from panting and I began to feel lightheaded. Tears began to stream down my face, mixing with dirt, blood and sweat, as I accepted that I would be found. There's no way to hide. I could hear the loud creaks of the walls and floors from the hallway. They're looking. "

Updated: September 1, 2013 | Published: August 31, 2013 | Reviews: 1

Stranger of the Mercy-Dale (old ver.) by Denis Trebushnikov Completed

When a farmer becomes a soldier, the world begin to hate him for his kills at a war, even if it is war is for their world and peace... And who have a mercy in his heart, who can forgive a farmer becoming a gunfighter?

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 22, 2013 | Reviews: 0

New Beginnings (A Strange Angels Fanfic) by Nicole Eshbaugh In Progress

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot

Prologue A/H

It was not your fault but mine.

And it was your heart on the line.

I really fucked it up this time...

...Didn't I my dear...?

I gaze out the window of the plane. Oh you better believe it, asshole. I slumped in my chair wondering what possessed me to give HIM everything. Why had I let myself trust HIM at all? HE was the only one I let in after, my dad's death, through all the legal shit as a close friend of my parents was getting custody of me. I was terrified at the time I would lose my rock, turns out my rock was a douchbag. In the end that bastard cheated on me with some little bitch.

"Dru, babe, I promise that was a mistake! Sh-she means nothing baby I swear! Give me another chance and I guarantee that I will make this up to you!" he bagged as he got out of his bed with a slut still under the covers wearing a shocked expression that was marred with too much makeup.

"Liar." I mutter I can see the city of New York outside the window. My social worker is sending me to my "Uncle" who I haven't seen since I was barely pubescent was sending me a prep school, a freaking preppy school for girls and boys. What the hell makes him think that this will be the best thing for me at this time!? I don't want... No... I'm not ready to make friends... or to get close to somebody who is gonna leave me, hurt me... I was completely alone, I had no family left. I was going to a city where I only knew one person. I don't how I'm going to get through this... As I sat there in my seat as John F. Kennedy airport came into view. I sigh. Soon my new life will begin.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are about to make our descent. Please remain seated at this time." I lean back and take a deep breath. Hello, New York.

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 11, 2013 | Reviews: 0

Kiliko by Jonathan Yandura Completed

A human barbarian raised by wolves in a magical world is shrouded in mystery as his lupine family hunt down a mysterious monster in an epic chase to save their father wolf.

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 10, 2013 | Reviews: 0

Madgie, what did you do? III: Nuclear Snow by Amoridere Hall Completed

This the third installment of the Madgie, what did you? series and this time Bunny awakes two or three years after the Lamentation, a series of nuclear wars that destroyed half the world and its countries and killed off a decent amount of the population, in addition to leaving the world in a nuclear winter. When Bunny sees Doki, she learns that Toki disappeared before the winter (During the Last Lamentation) and that no one knows her whereabouts and is quite believing her to be killed. To further complicate matters, Madgie is severely injured from going outside and falling (also ingesting) the radioactive snow that burns those not immune and is subsequently dying. Can she find Toki and reverse time before it is too late?

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 13, 2013 | Reviews: 0

To the Desert Sands by Moxie J. Prentiss In Progress

Syuri is a young alien from a planet called Tranquility. She is sent to Earth with the task of rescuing her comrades that were captured by humans. With so little information about where her comrades are being held and so few people to help her, will Syuri be able to complete her mission or will she be caught like her predecesors?

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 13, 2013 | Reviews: 0

Madgie, what did you do? II: Requiem by Amoridere Hall Completed

This is what occurs some time after the first Madgie, what did you do? It's a bajilion times worse than the first, after a series of wars destroy half the world and countries, Bunny and Madgie come to terms with the fact that they may not be able to fix this and tragedy ensues when Madgie is wracked with guilt and does the unthinkable in joining the angels in their graves. Yes, that doll is Vielle's

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 13, 2013 | Reviews: 0

Abandoned House by Gadget Gurl Completed
He returns to the place of his memories, dragging himself through the motions despite the cold. What is left? Perhaps more than he thinks... (Implied M/M)

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 29, 2013 | Reviews: 0

The Olmos Fountain by Debora Charlee Alexandra Completed
A man talks about his wife at her funeral.

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 28, 2013 | Reviews: 0

Labled as a Freak by Dyanna Rodriguez Completed
Ok, so this is stictly a one-shot until further notice, and this is the short tragedy of Anjelice Watson.

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 27, 2013 | Reviews: 0

Unexpected Love by Timmie Tots In Progress

Anna a human girl discovers the world of werewolves and with the help of Stephen she becomes part of the Arizona Stream Pack. 3 years down the line Anna comes back form a business trip to find the Shadow Hunter Pack decided to stay longer than expected. The pack who have most of their time terrorizing other packs especially hers! What happens when Anna returns to find out this beast of a man is her mate? Will she choose her pack over him? And what happens when her decision reveals a secret that was hidden from her?

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 13, 2013 | Reviews: 0

Ascension by GG GG In Progress
In Medieval Europe, monsters and evil sorcerers are in conflict with themselves and bands of Monster Hunters. This chaos gives ample opportunity for demons and their cultists to put their twisted machinations into motion. Among all this, two men will discover powers more dangerous than anyone can fathom - but will they rise and bring the world purity, or fall and bring its doom?

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 31, 2013 | Reviews: 0

Wind Warrior by Louis Kemner In Progress

Aeron Pryce is a wind mage who recently graduated from his magic academy, but is he prepared for the hordes of supernatural monsters that threaten humanity from the shadows?

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 12, 2013 | Reviews: 0

The Eastworld Chronicles, Ep.2: Out of the Water, Into the Storm by Jonnah Z. Kennedy Completed

The Second Episode in the Eastworld Chronicles...
After finding their father dead in the water, Veolite and Alfisch begin their quest to the East and back to the 7 Chambers Society.

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 24, 2013 | Reviews: 0

Forgotten Faces by Tash Curry In Progress

Many mortals have been touched by gods yet so few have touched the lives of the gods. This is the tale of those few individuals

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 12, 2013 | Reviews: 0

Fallen Angel Redemption by Baxter Huston Completed

An angel, in need of redemption, finds his pathway home.  But will he, can he, take the first step?

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 14, 2013 | Reviews: 1

Madgie, what did you do? IV: Death Harvest by Amoridere Hall Completed

Well folks, Madgie did it again and it is much worse than Reqiuem and Nuclear Snow combined. It is so bad that, when they woke up, Bunny thought she and Madgie had went to Hell. Whether or not it is too mature, please give comment. Again, the Death Harvest is war that takes lives regardless and has killed more than half of the world's population.

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 18, 2013 | Reviews: 0

OJ: Operation Jimmy by YellowCorn 64 In Progress
Random people get together and play a game called Operation Jimmy, OJ for short. Most of the crimes they solve are competely useless, but some are serious.

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 30, 2013 | Reviews: 0

Madgie, what did you do? by Amoridere Hall Completed

This is the first story of Madgie what did you do? What she did in the past is up for discretion

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 13, 2013 | Reviews: 0

Left Us 4 Dead by Breakingthehabit 12 In Progress
Dave and his friends, or new family, must survive the zombie apocalypse. along the way he meets new to add to the family and others who want to tear it apart.

Updated: August 31, 2013 | Published: August 30, 2013 | Reviews: 0

Vordel 61 by Merle Burbaugh Completed

A planet used for scientific studies is shaking itsef apart...why?

Updated: August 30, 2013 | Published: August 16, 2013 | Reviews: 0

First On Earh by Josh Park In Progress

Earth is barren. UN launches Project RE (Revive Earth) and every humans survived so far 'evacuated' to outer space, stayed until the Earth naturally recovered. Almost a century passed since then. And now... it is time to go back.

Updated: August 30, 2013 | Published: August 8, 2013 | Reviews: 0

The Fallen by Claire Humphrey In Progress

Each Battle, Each Death, Each Victory.

Murder, Greed and Power have all led to one thing; War. A War that has been meticulously planned and calculated down to the last blow. Now, Queen Aysá stands atop the corpses of the fallen, rising from the Darkness with the full force of hell at her back.

Updated: August 30, 2013 | Published: August 20, 2013 | Reviews: 0