Requested book does not exist
Chapter 1

Mykal Sigiese grumbled as she remembered why she had agreed to hike the AT(Appalachian Trail) with a fifty pound backpack. She clearly needed to get her pride in check. Damn Wolf and his stupid sexist opinions. Although this was just a training weekend she was still a solo hiker and it was the middle of bear season. Still she hiked, that is until she heard a stick snap behind her. She froze could this be the end of her? Had her pride finally won the battle? Turning slowly she was relieved to see it was just a little boy with red hair, blue eyes, and enough freckles to make him look like he could pass a test for cancer. Raising her hand to quell the boy she smiled. It had the opposite effect she intended it to have. The boy turned to run but tripped, letting out a yelp and hold his ankle on the ground. Mykal whipped out her personal first aid kit, took out one of the many ace bandages. "I'm not going to hurt you okay? I just need to wrap that up before it gets worse man."

The boy took off his shoe, exposing the already swelling ankle. Mykal stared and then jumped into action wrapping the boy's foot and making sure it wasn't too tight. "Where are the people you came here with, your guardians?" The boy froze. Mykal sighed and took the weight out of her backpack, gently put the boy in, and asked again. The boy pointed to the left of the trail and Mykal groaned. Disrespectful hikers were the worst. They didn't follow LNT(Leave No Trace) principals at all, and were part of the reason parks disliked overnight campers. But never the less Mykal hiked off the trail following the boy's instructions. After about an hour or two she looked back over her shoulder, tripped, and sprained her ankle. It was pitch black behind her and now her ankle hurt.

"You okay back there?" She called, making sure the boy was okay.

"Ye-yeah I'm good, are you?" The boy laughed. Mykal smiled,"Haha, very funny. By the way, my name is Mykal, what's yours and are we getting close at all?" The boy froze. "Um, well I'mcalledRuntbecauseI'mnotverybigbutcouldyoucallmeJosephbecauseIreallylikeyoubutumyeah."

Mykal laughed and snorted so hard she almost fell over again. "Okay Joseph how close are we?"

"Super close Mykal!" Mykal grinned as he said that and started walking, her ankle didn't hurt knowing that she made a friend. "So, why are you called Runt and how old are you?"

"I'm 11 almost 12 and I'm called Runt because I'm small, and everyone ignores me and won't play with me because I'm too small. They probably didn't even come looking for me." Mykal felt her heart strings ache when she hear that.

"Hey, its good, I was called Witch growing up and no one would play with me either. And I thought you were older seeing how you have very wise eyes."

"Thank you! But, um, why were you called Witch if I may ask?"

"Don't laugh, but I can hear animals thoughts, I can actually hear people's too if I try hard enough, but they tend to have very ugly thoughts."

"Oh, I see." They were silent until they came upon a town. All the buildings were unique and the people were everywhere. "Okay, who is your guardian?" Mykal asked and Joseph pointed to two men who were talking with a very flirtatious woman. How dare they, when a child is missing all they can think about is flirting? The assholes! She marched up to them gaining many people's stares. Now that she had their attention she watched the gape. She gently lowered her pack and pulled Joseph out. Now she looked at them, one was shirtless with impressive muscles, black hair, piercing blue eyes, and dark wash jeans. The other was in a suit, had dark brown hair, and green eyes. When Joseph shifted in her arms away from Mr. No shirt, she walked up to Suit man and shoved Joseph into his arms. "Joseph," She started, "Make it so you can't hear anything I say, okay?" Joseph stared, "Huh?"

"Just trust me okay?" Joseph nodded, covered his ears, closed his eyes and lay very still. Mykal smiled gently at him and them looked at Suit man who now had the audacity to glare at her. "Who the fuck do you think you are? Huh? Why kind of guardian are you? Assholes like you really piss me off, a child goes missing all fucking day and you just stay home and flirt with bimbos? What the fuck?"

Suit man froze, his eyes widening in shock. Obviously no one had ever spoken to him in this manner. Mr. No shirt took a step forward looking very aggressive. "Oh no you don't, I haven't even started on you yet and I am damn well not finished with this asshole." She said shoving her finger into Suit man's chest and managed to push him back some. "What kind of adult calls a kid 'Runt' and allows bullies to pick on him? Huh? What kind of leader leaves their followers to die in BEAR SEASON! LET ALONE TH FACT THERE HAVE BE RECENT WOLF SPOTTINGS."

Mykal tried to compose herself. "You should not have custody of him, he is intelligent, smart, funny, and athletic, but you would just let your emotions take over and ignore him. Its already dark and you didn't even go looking for him. We are all called to be leaders and judging by your expression I'm going to guess you are the leader of all these people. But hey news flash, good leaders look out for everyone not just shit faced bimbos."

Mykal smiled and then turned to the now seething Mr. No shirt. "Your turn." Mykal simple threw a left jab, right hook, turned and ended with a left back fist. Landing 3 good hits. Mr. No shirt moved to kick but Mykal followed his natural triangle, his shoulders and neck, and saw what he was about to try. She smiled, "Nice try sweet heart. This is for Joseph." She faked a round house kick and instead did a jar kick, landing perfectly on his knee. Mr. No shirt fell forward towards Mykal so she shifted so he could fall past her right side and elbowed the back of his head perfectly.

"Now that's over with-" Mykal started, catching Mr. No shirt, "-I'm Mykal Sigiese, and a friend of the kid. So, now I'm going to head back to the trail." She looked back at them and twiddled her fingers. Then she froze. "Shit, sorry kid I was about to do to you what my mom did." She walked back to Joseph and tickled his stomach. Joseph giggled and squirmed. He opened his eyes. Mykal smiled down at him. "Hey kid I gotta go back on the trail and make up some of my lost time, see you 'round." She kissed his forehead and started to walk away. "Wait!" Joseph called, "It's dark and your ankle is hurt, shouldn't you stay the night?" Mykal laughed and kept walking. But as she was walking a wolf popped up out of no where, scared her, and she fell, further harming her already hurt ankle.

"FUC- eh hem, ouch" Mykal roared. But when Mykal stood up she misjudged the distance between her and a tree knot and hit her eye on it. Mykal sighed turned to Joseph and replied, "I think I need to stay the night." She had two cuts around her eye, one above one below, and a sprained/bruising ankle. Suit man had begun carrying Joseph to a house so Mykal followed with a limp and bloody face. As she walked she heard Mr. No shirt chuckling behind her and couldn't help but smile.


2: Chapter 2
Chapter 2

Mykal walked into the nearest cabin following suit guy. Suit guy smiled and started to put Joseph down.

"Wait!" Mykal called quickly.

"Huh?" Suit man was clearly confused.

"He's hurt, if he walks he'll only make it worse."

"Says you?"


At that they had a miniature stare down. Mr. No shirt walked in suddenly bumping into Mykal, forcing her to put weight on her injured ankle. Mykal yelped and felt tears stinging her eyes. Mr. No shirt noticed and swept her off her feet. "Hey! Hey! I can walk on my own okay?" Mr. No shirt grinned and set her down on the couch after walking off to get the first aid kit in the kitchen. When he came back he carefully wrapped her ankle and put band aids on her cuts.

"We good now?" Mr. No shirt seemed to genuinely care so Mykal just grinned at him. He grinned back "You hungry? Fighting like that takes something out of a person, let alone caring a kid down a mountain range."

"Yeah, I'd kill for chili right now. But fruit would be great, maybe water and beer?"

"Sure thing." He walked off and soon was cussing out the stove. "Um, well, no rice because I just burnt it."

"Really? Let me see." Mykal hefted herself off the couch and hobbled to the kitchen. She lightly laughed, took the rice off the stove, added water and began mixing it together. Soon the rice had absorbed the water and no longer seemed burnt. Mykal was chopping and moving through the kitchen so quickly that Mr. No shirt just moved away. "So Mr. No shirt, you gonna tell me your name?"

"Ah yeah, its Aaron Bane, friends call me Air."

"Cool, like wolf's bane?"

"Yeah, I actually don't know who my parents are so its a nickname, I'm the bane of every wolf, that's the joke at least."

"Neat. Dinner's ready, bowls? Spoons?"

"Ah yeah, here."

Aaron handed her a bowl and she carefully spooned a portion into it. She than handed it to Aaron with a smile. "Take this to the kid and I'll serve you some next okay?"

"Sure thing Ma'am"

Mykal giggled and let him wander off in search of Joseph. Suddenly Suit man came out of no where. "You are a fool to have struck him in the first place. Do you know why he's named the Bane? He is the best fighter in our entire pa-family."

"Hmm, well he seems happy, not mad, and do you want any chili?"

"Hahahaha, you really are a strange one. I threaten you and you offer me food?"

"I see no reason to be rude to a stranger."

"And what you did wasn't rude?"

"Nope, you guys were assholes. I also don't hold grudges for very long after justice has been served."

"If it makes you feel any better we were talking to Jessica because she was the babysitter today."

"You might want to fire her..."

"Yeah, you proved that today." Suit man just laughed. "I'm Franklin, nice to meet you."

"You too."

They continued to chat until Aaron returned giving them both a look. Mykal saw anger flash in his eyes but it was gone just as quickly.

Is he flirting with her? Damn he moves fast, the asshole gets everything her wants just by smiling.

"What?" Mykal's voice surprised Aaron out of his thought track. Mykal blushed and said, "Oh gosh sorry, I thought I heard something."

"Mykal did you hear his thoughts?" Joseph had come into the kitchen and had been watching since who knows when. Mykal just glanced nervously at Aaron and Franklin.

"Did you hear my thoughts?" Aaron's voice was so soft Mykal shrank back from him.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I've been able to since I was small. "

"Amazing." Mykal looked up to see a grinning Aaron who looked like someone had just offered him a winning lottery ticket for free. Mykal gaped, this was the first time anyone had ever responded that way. Quite frankly it scared her. She began backing away. "I think I'm going to go now."

"Huh? Go where?" Joseph looked confused. His eyebrows went up and he grinned. "Mykal you're amazing, pretty, and talented."

Mykal blushed deep scarlet and turned to the chili on the stove, glaring into it as if that would solve all her problems for her. "Wait, Mykal, does no one tell you these things? Ever?" Franklin looked like he'd solved the most complicated puzzle in the history of man kind.

"Yeah, I'm a business owner and I tend to stay out of the spotlight unless necessary."

"That makes sense. You're an introvert, I'm guessing?"


At that Mykal began to hurry, putting plates here and there, cleaning dishes, and ignoring the stares she was receiving.

Well, I guess she's just not used to it. I'm going to flatter her till she dies, her blush is so cute!

"That's it! Aaron stop thinking that right now!"

"Heehee, you're so cute." Mykal just blushed harder and looked at Franklin who was smirking. "Where am I sleeping tonight?"

"I think you could sleep with me?"

"You're married!" Joseph hollered making all of them laugh seeing as Franklin had wiggled his eyebrows as if to say, 'I'm joking'. "But seriously you could sleep with my wife and I'll take the couch, how does that sound?"

"Absolutely perfect."

Suddenly, a tall woman with black hair and a skirt suit walked in. She looked like the definition of the word sharp until she kicked off her heels in a very ungraceful way and marched up to Franklin and starting a make-out session with him right then, right there. Mykal blushed and tried to cover up Joseph's eyes with her hand. "Well that escalated quickly." Mykal laughed and finally the two love birds broke apart and the woman turned to investigate the new voice.

"The name's Scarlet and I have had a rough day so if you don't mind giving some of the delicious smelling chili and a place to sit I'd be most grateful."

The woman's voice was almost gravelly but it was soft and sounded kind. Mykal spooned out chili and rice, pushed a chair with armrests over, and motioned for the woman to sit down. The woman plopped down into the chain with a smile and sighed. "You will not believe what those idiots in the human office tried today!" She moaned out.

The entire kitchen froze. Mykal just laughed and replied, "People these days are just so, UGH!" Scarlet laughed and seemed nullified. Franklin looked at Scarlet with a wary almost cautious look of his face, "Sweety, Mykal is a hiker and found Ru-Joseph in the woods, fixed up his ankle and carried him her on a hurt ankle, beat up Aaron and cussed me out. Then, ironically, hurt herself while trying to walk away."

Scarlet froze. "If she beat up Air there must have been some reason as to why she got hurt by walking, beating up Air isn't exactly easy you know."

"Hey! I saw a huge wolf, it freaked me out, ok?"

"A wolf?"

"Yeah, it was big and grey, it had a scar on it's muzzle and big brown eyes."

"Are you positive?"


"Oh by the gods! You're human aren't you?"

"Yes? Aren't we all?" Mykal laughed looking at Scarlet like she was crazy.

"Oh green wolf forgive me for revealing this."

"Revealing what? are you psychopaths or something? Honestly I seem to attract trouble huh?"

"You might want to sit down, now that you know we exist you are going to have to stay here forever." Scarlet watched Mykal's reaction. Mykal looked at Joseph and he slowly backed away. After she felt he had gone far enough to not hear her she whispered, "Fuck no." She seemed extremely calm but her aura as Scarlet was watching her showed panic, horror, sadness, and anger. "I don't care who, what, where, when, or why you have decided this but its not gonna work with me. I have my life to live and people to care for. You can go fuck yourselves, if this is how you treat guests. Have a good life because I'm not staying in it." At that she began to walk away but Aaron picked her up and rocked her in his arms, cooing at her to sleep, saying she needed rest. Almost as soon as she was in his arms she fell asleep with an aura of trust.

3: Chapter 3
Chapter 3

So I wake up in bed with a beautiful woman. I feel like she's familiar. Oh! Shit, it's her, Scarlet. Super weird woman. Saying I have to stay here since I know they exist. I mean what the hell. I'm just as human as they are, why treat me like I don't get a choice? I guess that means my guess at them being psychopaths was right huh? Oh man my head hurts.

"It's because I used compelling on you, I'm sorry if I scared you last night, I thought you were like me and the others."

I stare blankly at Scarlet. 'Like me and the others' keeps running through my head.

"So you're cannibals?"

Scarlet stares at me for a full twenty seconds and I can tell by the twitching of her mouth and cheeks she finds my question positively hilarious. She giggles and starts full on roaring with laughter when she can't hold it in anymore. I honestly understand why she thinks it's funny but not quite why she hasn't explained. Because unlike her I have places to be, people to meet, and deadlines to make.

Shit! My presentation in front of Microsoft was today. I quickly scramble out of the bed I had been laying in and snatch up my phone from my backpack, (Yes, people use that stuff even if they are devout hikers, despite common belief.) and rush around trying to get dressed calling my secretary and my business partner at top speed explaining that I can't make it today and I'm sick. Scarlet is still laughing and my office knows I'm bisexual and my partner tries to question it so I hang up asap.

"Would you shut your trap and explain why the fuck you said what you did last night?"

"Sugar, you should take a seat if you want me to explain." I sit almost too quickly as she gives me an odd look. I sigh and motion for her to continue.

"Well you see we, the people in this town or village or pack or whatever you wish to call it, are werewolves."

She's crazy. They're all crazy. This is a sick joke right?

"Maybe I should transform and she'll believe me"

"Fuck no, you are not 'transforming' anywhere near me. I don't care what you think you, Mrs. Crazy Pants, but stay the fuck away, you'll infect me with the crazies."

Scarlet starts laughing and says something about breakfast. I tried to resist, I really, really did, believe me. But then she said she was going to make waffles. I broke down. Waffles (A/N I'm strongly of Belgian decent so I enjoy a good waffle don't judge) are my favorite breakfast food. Actually breakfast is my favorite meal. It comes with being a morning person...

I walked downstairs hoping no one would see me but Joseph did and he had bed head, the cutie pie.

"So what side of the bed did you wake up on Joe-Joe?" I'm giggling as I ask and he just glares at me and stomps down the stairs.

Aaron comes out of nowhere and runs right into me. He growls and glares until he sees it's me. I didn't even move so it was technically his fault! He blushes and rushes down the stairs. I wonder what his problem is.

Wait, growling, what on Earth?

Ah, those waffles smell amazing!

I ran down the stairs following the path everyone has already gone in hopes that it leads me to the waffles. I'm right. I squeal, snag a plate with blue flowers and violets on it, and grab a pair of waffles and look at the toppings.

There are strawberries! Oh goodness there's powdered sugar, and dark chocolate Nutella, not to mention Biscoff spread.


I heap toppings (all of them) onto my plateful of waffles. Grin to myself and take a seat where Joseph is. He is shocked that I, a grown woman, would be so obviously childish in my breakfast choices. I just roll my eyes, take up the silverware that is niftily already at the place. I know I'm being childish but I stare at Scarlet and Franklin kiss and say as loud as I can, "I, like, can't believe you, like get a room!" I say it exactly like a Vally girl and grin at them when they start laughing.

I feel like I'm with family. My family hasn't been in the picture since I was 12. Honestly It's a weird feeling. For once in my life, because even my family thought I was crazy, I feel completely welcome.

"So how'd you sleep? As a matter of fact, how are you?"

Joseph breaks the silence as if he knows my thoughts are turning darker. I smile and just let my lies flow easily. "I'm great right now," (Not a lie because waffles.) "And my sleep was peaceful." (Absolutely a lie, I dreamt of my family.)

Joseph looks like he's about to ask more but Aaron just looks at him. They seem to have a silent conversation. Joseph looks dejected but lets it go. Aaron smirks, satisfied, and leans back in his chair looking overly cocky.

"So, Scarlet, are we going to continue our conversation about how you're a cannibal?"


"Well, why not? I deserve to know what the fu-freak I'm doing here."

"Scarlet, just tell the poor girl, stop procrastinating." Franklin's voice cuts over us as we try and discuss things, me more than her.

"Fine sugar, we're werewolves."

"Pfft, oh man that's funny." I start laughing so hard. I thought she was over this already. I mean yeah there is a disease, but she really is crazy! I let it go till now because I thought she might feel like telling me the truth if it was done with more people around.

"Mykal, just look at my ankle, it's all healed already."

I stare at Joseph and then slowly lower myself the ground, picking up his ankle and foot I stare. It was swelling like crazy yesterday. It's all healed. I stumble back, hitting my head on the table. I let out a yelp and cradle my head.

I feel like crying, no, it's not because I hit my head. It's like someone slapped me, no, like someone slugged me in stomach. Aaron is the first to move he slowly reaches over to hug me or touch me, I'm not really sure.

I smack his hand away, "Don't touch me you, you crazy maniacs, not only do you leave kids to fend for themselves in the woods, but you also have the audacity to say you are, excuse my language, fucking werewolves."

They all flinch and Aaron looks more hurt than anyone else. I just stand up, taking in my surroundings. The kitchen we were having a great breakfast in is all stainless steel appliances and even though I cooked in it last night it feels so different. The table is marble, a rare type of table and sadly, I hit my head on it. Possibly the worst part is the gorgeous marble benches with backs every now and again surrounding the table.

I scowl and storm up the stairs, I find my backpack and search through it. I find my running clothes. Something tells me I won't be able to escape them but I still should train, I do have a bet against a sexist jerk. I put my headphones in and the first song on my playlist that plays is the Nightcore remix of "Are You Crazy" by Miss Warrior. How fitting.

Even the playlist agrees with me. I go down the stairs past everyone. All of them get up to stop me but my glare is potent and they all sit back down. I am in my black sports bra and black running leggings, my sneakers bring color, they are blues and greens and awesome. I have a loose sweat shirt on, it's red. Ironic. Life hates me.

Little red ridding hood just took a whole new turn of events. I start my run. I don't care where I'm headed. Just away. I put my mind block down, all sorts of thoughts flood my head making it hurt but it just drives me to run faster. I'm Not Here For Your Entertainment is blaring in my ears. I run as fast as I can. Suddenly I find an awesome tree, I run up to it and not wasting any momentum I run at it, I do a flip off it and start going back. I hear a howl over my music. Guess what? I no longer care if a wolf eats me.

The people around me are officially crazy anyways.

I see the wolf in my peripheral vision.

It's huge, not to mention beautiful.

"Human, you can hear me, can you not?"

"Yes I can, Great Wolf Spirit."

"Good. They did not lie, do not fool yourself thinking they did."

"That is crazy! I am not a fool Great Wolf Spirit, do not take me for one!"

Now how do I know a spirit? Well, I've been seeing spirits since I was 4. Yep just adds to the craziness. Yeah, that's me, the little crazy wich girl that after we learned about witch hunting in the 18th century bullies literally tried to burn at the steak.

Yeah that was a dark time in my life.

"Little one, I would not lie to you, spirits are not able to lie. You of all people should know this."

I scowl at his reference I remember when I learned spirits don't lie. It hurt.

"Very well, BUT I do not like that I have to stay here for forever just because Scarlet slipped up."

"I understand I will speak to the alpha pair."

"Good, my company can't run without me. Plus Brandon needs my help every Saturday."

"I can't believe you are still friends with that disgusting creature."

"I still don't understand why you hate him but whatever."

I smile as the Great Wolf Spirit heads his separate way and I start to the house. I hear fighting inside and see that it is Franklin and Scarlet. At least I hope it is because of the color of the fur matches their hair color. By that I mean instead of people there are wolves. I guess they weren't lying huh?


4: Chapter 4
Chapter 4

I stare at the two wolves circling each other. They are about four feet tall and seem to be talking. Well, I say talking when it's more like growling in a threatening manner. This is crazy.

Yet again, I can't help but question, why the hell am I here?

Oh yes, that's right, because I'm a good person and wouldn't leave a kid to wander the woods injured, saw a big wolf, hurt myself, oh and happened to be at the receiving end of a one sided conversation about how humans are so... yeah... All in all, not my fucking idea of a great vacation.

Wait! This isn't even my fault.

Damn Wolf and his idiotic ways.

Saying girls can't do this or that so my pride decided we should show him up. We did. But now I'm in this bloody mess.

Really, the wolves are attacking each other and I have to admit I believe I'm going into shock. Crazy right. I mean I'm me. I'm never caught off guard. I'm never... fuck.

Aaron, hehe, Air...I don't need his weird looks. Hmm, I wonder if I can still do what I want to do.

"Air," I giggle out, "you wanna spar?"

He just stares. Even the big wolves are staring at me. I laugh and lung at the larger one. I catch it's neck and haul it to the ground.


I stare at Joseph. I'm waiting? For what? Gods, I'm exhausted, maybe I can just fall over and sleep?

So that's what I do. Everything goes white and that's that. There is nothing more.


I hear voices. Damn they're loud.

"Shut the fuck up all of you!"

I sit up slowly. I'm glad I work out. I see ten pairs of eyes staring at me.

"Where am I?"

The eyes just stare. I sigh, rub my face, and try to stand up.

"Mykal." I whip around. No way in hell is HE here. I am met with violet eyes. Shit. I feel crushed. He, well, he is part of my past. I guess I'm dead now because I saw him die.

"Why are you here?"

"We watch over you Mykal."

"Fuck you."

"Yep you did many times." He grins. Asshole.

I just glare waiting for him to continue. He sighs and starts talking like we've been friends for ages. Stupid.

"So, you were letting out too much power, well, okay, that's not right, you were absorbing too much power and right now you're in a coma."

I freeze. This has only happened once before, the night my family died.

"No." I can't say anything else because I feel like the world is crumbling away again. He just nods and hugs me. I stare blankly behind him resting my head on his shoulder. I don't want this. I don't want to be a freak. I hate this.

"Shh, I am going to send you someone to help you control it, okay?" He's tying to reassure me. The guy I once loved and then murdered. I can't do this. I can't. I can't take more when I never gave anything in return.

"Mykal, I want you to control it, it isn't because I pity you, I love you, always will, but you need to move on. The longer you are here, the more power you absorb. I need you to wake up. Let the one we choose help you."

I just nod and I feel myself rushing up. No, not physically, but it feels like I'm rushing through tons of water to the surface. I reach out to him as I float up. I scream his name and then it's all gone and I'm sitting in a bed with Scarlet.

Same room I woke up in this morning, same furniture but more bodies. I start to cry. Scarlet holds me. I feel someone stroking my hair and I feel welcome, loved, cherished even. I blink at her and I have the sudden sense to tell her what happened.

"I am not normal, I attract danger, whenever there is a strong sense of danger I get almost drunk off of it and I lose control. I absorb the power. The more the worse I am. But sadly because I can only absorb so much I tend to let it out in strong bursts of power that hurt people I care about. I'm so sorry to have put you all in danger like that.

"I didn't realize. This time I thought I had it under control. I'm so sor-"

"Save it." I stare at Joseph. I feel like crying but he seems like he has more to say so I swallow my tears and wait for whatever he has to say.

"I'm going to train you. No normal person attacks the beta of our pack, Aaron, and lives. You are special and I feel sorry that you are, because you are not able to control it yet. But, I want to help you, and then maybe you can help me."

I smile at him, but then I think about what he said, help him? How? I voice my question and he laughs.

"Teach us all how to fight silly. Not only that, join the pack, you can still run your company, but you need to be part of the pack so we know your loyalties are in the right place, okay?"

"Okay." I look around the room and Franklin laughs as he rushes forward to hug me. I feel the power through me but I let it be.

"I think I just figured out how to train you to control it, Mykal. You have to be more comfortable and be like the water, let it flow."

This is going to be hard. I always know what everyone around me is thinking and I can't keep it out my mind. I want to control though.

Standing I say,"Guys, I need to get to my company and my dojo. I'll train and be trained there, but I do have a life outside of the supernatural to take care of."

Joseph shrugs. "I'm cool with it, but we'll need some real estate for the pack to stay in during training."

"Um, yeah, I own three mansions, a castle, a condo building for rent, and a giant company. I think I've got this covered." I don't mean to sound like a bitch or boastful but I won't lie. I am rich. I make money off of my money.

It also helps to produce and publish people's music and books. Turns out, people love new stuff when it comes from huge companies.

I pack my stuff into my back pack and we all walk outside to see a Corvette, an R8, and a Tessla model S. I freeze. How did my car get here? Not to mention my main employees cars.

"Hey, Boss," Wolf the asshole why him? "We were worried because there is a pack along the AT so I figured we'd check it out."

I stare. This just gets weirder and weirder.

"Why is a vampire here?" Aaron is glaring at Brandon. I knew that already. He's even drank from me. It might have to do with why I gave him a job. A vampire without a job and the money to but blood sucks from random strangers and can pick up STDs from their blood so it's dangerous. As a friend I didn't want so let him suffer a fate like that. I grin and without answering Aaron I hop into my car, driver's side of course. I shift into gear and am about to drive when people pile in. Aaron included. Brandon laughs and shakes his head. "She drives crazy guys, you're going to die."

They glare and stay in the car. I shrug and rev the engine, not that you can really hear it, I do it just to make sure I am really in my car and have permission to drive like I want to. Brandon shrugs, nods, and motions to the driveway I hadn't noticed till now.

I drive however the hell I want even with the group in the back screaming at times.


5: Chapter 5
Chapter 5

I arrive back home safely but I’m almost positive the rest of the car disagrees. Air stumbles out and vomits right as we stop. Scarlet looks disdainfully at him, however she follows suit in a few seconds. Joseph stares, looks at me and then we both start laughing. I guess we shouldn’t but it’s too funny to not laugh. I get out and Joseph follows, when we start talking about racing I get excited and start to slide back into the car. Brandon has pulled up and hops out to see what the mess is about.

“I am never getting into a car that you are driving, never again.” Air is looking at me while holding his stomach. I laugh and point him to Brandon, I’m just here on the side of the road because I felt the need to get food, without getting car jacked, it’s happened before. I run to the gas station and buy some food, after I leave I walk by some assholes who decide it’s okay to degrade women and begin wolf-whistling and shouting vulgar comments my way. I count to ten and keep walking.

“Lookit ‘er, such a ‘lil ‘incess,” I stop, turning slowly. I set my things down, food is more important the these guys and I know the others are waiting for me. The guys here have fueled my anger and now I can barely get out a word. i know i look like a maniac. I can’t help it. People like these guys piss me off. thinking they’re better because they are male, or have something that you don’t is one of my pet peeves. Guys like this never expect someone to turn around and fight back and now that I have turned they all look very scared. I smile sweetly, hoping against all odds that the culprit of that outrageous comment will own up so I can punch his face in.

“What was that?”

One guy seems unswayed by my withering glare and laughs out something along the lines of ‘lil bitch’. I snap. I’m at his throat with my teeth barred in seconds, I can’t even stop myself. I’m speaking. I can’t understand myself; the men are looking at me weirdly so I’m going to assume they can’t understand me either. Fuck. I just had to didn’t I. The moron who started this pees his pants. GROSS! UGH! I leap away but not after giving him a good glare and a knee in the balls. Grow those back you little bitch I hiss inwardly. Saying that out-loud might be an issue. He crumples down on the ground and I pick up my food and walk back to the cars. Air looks at me funny and I know I smell like piss. I shrug and get back in the car. Joseph braves my driving, seeing as I have food, and the other three climb into Brandon’s car as he laughs at them. We drive to my mansion and while Joseph and I get there in a good hour it takes the others another half hour to arrive. I vaguely wonder if the ran into traffic. But I can tell by their faces they didn’t, Brandon isn’t a bad driver but he tends to go the speed limit and that’s it. He never speeds up. It’s a pain in the ass. I’ve made steak for dinner and after listening to Joseph’s requests on how it should be cooked, I’ve made the steak a bit under cooked. All the weres did in and munch happily on the provided food. Whilst I go and set up bed in the guest rooms for them. After today I have a feeling we all need a nap. I sleep for a good three hours before someone wakes me. I crack an eye to see my secretary Maria looking at me. I groan and roll over. I see the work on my desk. I say desk, it’s more like a huge table, I hold conferences here sometimes. It just depends. It’s overflowing with work. I crawl out of bed and we begin to work. Halfway through the wolves walk in and I see Brandon herding them. He looks drained. I give him a look and he exits. The only reason he stays is because I give him free blood in exchange he stays out of trouble. According to him my blood is worth it. I know he’s going to the basement to feed. I have to put more vials of blood down there soon. I know he enjoys the power-rush he gets from my blood, and he knows I enjoy the services he provides, for example, I have never known anyone who could clean as quickly as him. It astounds me how fast he can move. At one point he held a gathering here, the place was clean for weeks because vampires are flipping neat-freaks. I hear shouting and turn to see some of the company’s vice presidents come in. They are twins and a damn riot. I keep them for comedy.

“So you already have met werewolves?” Air stares at me, waiting for an answer. I freeze.

“Yeah, I just kinda wanted normal people to be around me for once.”

They all nod and look soothed. the twins come up to me. I seriously hate their mom, she named them so similarly too. They even look alike. One is more mature in his actions but other than that, they are both the same. Natalie and Nathan O’Brian both stare at the newest werewolves and shrug. They aren’t very territorial, they are head of security only because they tend to be good at that. Now you might ask how can they be VP and head of security? Well they argued over who got to spend time with me and now they both are both jobs. It was easier than saying ‘oh, well I like such-and-such more so yeah’, that’s how they would’ve taken it no matter what. There is also scientist in the basement, he’s Maria’s husband and well, he’s nuts. Friendly, but nuts. Justin is still a bit of an adjustment to our living style. He, as it turns out, saved Maria before me. to repay him, she suggested they get married. He agreed, the loneliness got him, and now Maria is expecting. So obviously they aren’t on unfriendly terms. Oh, and the Beast-man in the attic. Maybe I should mention him. He’s the mechanic of the house. The inventor, he likes that term better. Martin is kinda old but effective at what he does. No matter who he sees he just gets the idea of making them more. He made crazy cool armor a while back. That’s another story though. I found him after a bad invention was placed into the wrong hands. To some I’m considered a spy. I always laugh at them because, I’m the face they see but the people who make it happen are Maria, Brandon,the twins, Martin, and Justin. Brandon scouts the area, Maria plays politics, Martin makes my gear, and Justin gives me the stuff that explodes, him and Martin have to be separated most of the time. They always are scheming when they get together. I take the twins with me on missions. Martin is a computer wiz so while he makes shit, mainly it goes to Justin who makes sure it works. Martin is always in my ear, the brain to the brawn as the saying goes. I have been doing a write up of a past mission for my boss and then suddenly an idea hit me. I turn to the werewolves in my presence.

“I have an idea.” Maria whips around. Martin comes from nowhere as does Justin. The only one who is slow to come is Brandon, he has very good hearing so I’m not worried.

“I think we should start a school, for supernaturals, not only so they can live normal lives, but they could become part of the company, and the missions.”

All in the house freeze.

Franklin moves to speak and I give him the ‘go ahead’ look, “I say yes, but we would need to go to the Alpha’s council to get permission, this would be like a boarding school, would it not?”

I just nod. A plan forming. Maria smiles when I give her a look.

“Maria, go play; Martin, I want the plans for the school made up; Justin, work with Martin, we’re gonna need-”

“FINALLY!” Justin looks so happy I just let him go and do, he knows what he’s doing, who am I stop a mad genius? Continuing on, “Nicole and Nathan, make security tighter and make a curriculum, work together, okay? And Brandon find me teachers.BREAK!”

I think this is going to be a lot more fun than anything else. Now I just need to have a chat with my employer.

6: Chapter 6
Chapter 6

    So here I am, after sending everyone out to do God knows what and I start getting calls. I don't mean one every few hours, I mean off the wall 'can I please take a sledge hammer to every phone near me' ringing. I'm done with this. People, after finding out about the school I'm setting up keep either calling to ask if they can teach or if they can put their students in, some even ask me when it's starting. What part of BUILDING do they not understand. It's a verb in this case and I don't appreciate the stupidity that people are expressing.

I mean, how hard is it? Really?

    Anyways, I've received word for Maria that we have the 'go ahead' sign and Brandon has been searching for teachers, he suggests that we just hire any old buffoon. He's never really liked children. I can't imagine why.

    Sadly enough we have yet to find a good physician, turns out in the supernatural's world there aren't that many that care to train to be one. It's rather unfortunate, they pull the whole "I'm too tough and heal like that" phrase while snapping their pretty little fingers. I find it rather irritating.

Now, you might ask, 'why in Heaven and Hell's names are you talking like this?' well, simply because I lost a bet to Joseph, the child has, perhaps, the most active imagination I have yet to see. He said that I couldn't resist eating what he was about to cook. I laughed in his face and we made the bet, and he made waffles...

Long story short, I lost in ten minutes flat. So now I am subjected to either talking, not only aloud, but in my head as well, in the most pompous and posh manner utter-able. It's simply infuriating. The child, wherever he might be dwelling at the time better watch his back, I shall exact my revenge in due time. But till then i will be stuck in the BLOODY FOOLISH accent.

    I must admit, talking on the phone with the prime minister of Great Britain did help this along quite well. I convinced him that he should send his children to come and attend the school, he's been have a positively horrid time convincing them though. Over the telly I could hear much screaming and anguish. Most from his youngest, the chap really aught to be brought to court for some of the horrid things he has done to his reputation. His father hopes that in sending him to my school, which will be supernatural friendly, as well as a slight boarding school, that he will mature and 'grow up'!

I, don't really think it is a wise decision. I, personally hate boarding school, only the utmost disregarding parents would send their children to one.

I suppose that's why my parents sent me to one. The prats!

    My old man, the wanker, left us while I was still young and thus I had no idea that babies come from two people, as a little one I made a fool of myself when Is aid I was born from my mother and only her. I laugh when I think of it now, but my mother was horribly furious. At the age of six I learned about sex, it was educational to say the least.

    When I returned to school, now a boarding school, my mother the bitch, never even said goodbye. Just dropped me off, told me to go inside, and never returned. It's always been a bit of sore spot for me. I'd rather have that happen though, than know I was going to a boarding school for poor behavior.

    Any who, on the bright side I have a few classes picked out and shall have them open for humans to attend as well. I'm still figuring out how on Earth I shall make that work. I may or may not follow through.

    That's the good news though, the bad news is that Scarlet has come down with a fever. Alas, any time it is mentioned Brandon, the bully he is, laughs and walks away, Franklin hasn't been p to anything useful since. Aaron, believes it an allergy and has been at Brandon's throat all day. Whilst the twins believe it to be a pregnancy. Hopefully it is false, female weres aren't, say friendly, when pregnant. It's unfortunate.

    Wolf is sexist as ever and as come to believe I, of all people, had strayed off the trail, on purpose, so that I might not have to complete our challenge. I have chosen to ignore him. I believe it to be the best course of action.

I shan't engage him in a discussion whilst he is close minded.

Thus far I have received multiple packs, asking, no, ordering me to take their young-lings into my school, I don't want to. But I do believe in education. The witch's coves have sent requests as well, but were mush more pleasant, whilst the vampires, well they will be what they will be.

They keep randomly appearing at the construction site. It is getting to the point that I have just decided to house them in my own housing for the time being.

The workers were getting angry.

The building looks like a giant castle, it is practically a sky-scraper, it has 6 sections that the children will be housed in, like dorms for colleges. It has coffee houses and diners, not to mention a giant cafeteria. The optional buildings, like coffee houses and dance studio, as well as many others, are centered around the court yard. We have many sports places, including a personal, off site, golf course, a tennis field, basketball court, American football field, rugby field, a soccer field, I added a bad-mitten court on a whim, and a baseball/soft ball field.

The theater in inside the school and will be used for drama class, the chemistry class will double as a potions class. The biology doubles as an anatomy class, and the English class as a spells class.

Simply put, we are using basic space management, no two of the classes above will be held at the same time, but they will be using the same space. However the Maths class, all maths, is simply for that, nothing more, nothing less. The geography class will double as a culture and summoning class (it wasn't my idea, that goes to the mad scientist I currently employ).

P.E. has a gym with weights and a swimming pool, both may be used after classes. I figure someone will want to. We made a Frisbee field on the off chance someone actually likes it.

The government class is frustrating, it will double as an economics class. All the supernatural studies classes will be held in the auditorium, which doubles as the announcement room.

The housing is done that there will be two towers per house, split male and female, but I am clever and decided that to be sorted into each, it will be practically random. Each student will take what they think is an aptitude test and an inelegance test.

The housing sections are:

Seishin (creative and strong willed)

Bodi (people who are very ambitious)

Kotai (calm people, they tend to be very intelligent)

Netsu (free spirited and tending to be quick with emotions)

Kuki(very attitude based and good with people, very loyal)

Ryutai (goes with the flow of anything, are not very loyal)

Hey everyone, the language I'm using is Japenese: Seishin= Spirit, Bodi= Body, Kotai= Solid, Netsu=Heat, Kuki=Air, Ryutai=Fluid

I'm looking for 'spirit' or mascots for each for the dorm/housing groups, if you have any ideas please comment/review/PM me, I really need help on this one... Any-who, thanks for reading and let me know if you have anything to say