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Chapter One

This story was inspired by many of my favorite Sci-Fi universes most notably Terminator and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Anyway I have came up with a story idea that has drawn my inspiration for this story. If it is really popular and you, the reader, enjoys it as of this moment it's just many for fun and to see what people think.

So without further a do let's begin...oh and if there's any suggestions or typo errors don't hesitate to inform me!



Chapter One

Year: 2033

Location: United States, Los Angeles

Will had one of those nightmares again, about ruin and death to whom he dear most important to him, he woke up sweating in his bed from the nightmare.

He looked around him in a frantic state as if trying to figure if the nightmare was real. He relaxed when he realized none of it was real, he looked to the clock next to his bed it was 7:12am.

Will got out of his bed rubbing the back of his next, tired and exhausted from the nightmares he's been getting recently. He walked out of his room into the bathroom across the hall. Turning on the sink he splashes a hand full of water over his face.

He looked at himself in the mirror, his short blonde spiky hair wet and blue eyes, he sighs deeply his thoughts returning to the nightmare he just woken up from.

From downstairs he could hear his Dad calling him "Will, hurry up you're going to be late for school!"

Will shouted back "Yeah I know!"

It didn't take him long but he got himself dressed, he was wearing designer combat trousers, dark green t-shirt and combat boots. He rushed downstairs to see his Mom, Kate cooking breakfast.

Bacon, sausage, baked beans, egg and tomatoes it was Will's all-time favourite meals in the morning. His Dad was dressed in his uniform, reading todays newspaper.

His Dad looked up at him with a smirk on his face, as his Mum turned around sighing at Will. In response Will just looked around confused.

"Why do you have to dress up like you're signing up for the army?" she asked irritably, her green eyes looking at him not in anger but with care.

"Don't know Mom, maybe I am joining up" Will replies as if mocking his Mom.

She just shook her head in refusal "Well, you can forget it" she replied in a determined manner.

"Mom it was just a joke!" both he and Eric, his Dad started laughing, at start his Mom is looking at the two of them annoyed but couldn't resist a smirk.

Kate returned to the stove attending to the food, Will and Eric just sat there waiting for their breakfast.

Kate quickly served out the plates to both Will and Eric, immediately they start digging into their breakfast.

"You have marital arts practise after high school, Will" Eric aimlessly muttered.

"Yeah I remember Dad" he sighed in response.

"Hey…let's go to the gun range tomorrow, huh? Spend some father and son time" Eric said smiling.

"Dad we do it every single weekend"

"Yes, it's for me and you to have some time together okay? And to get away from your Mom" Eric smirks at the comment, in response Kate gives a mocking death glare.

Will just nodded he enjoyed spending time with his Dad like every son would, it was just repetitive to do the same thing every weekend. Both Will and Eric shortly finished their breakfast, Eric left the house then went into his car driving off to work. At that point his hand started to light in blue, he placed his hand on the glass table then a holographic image appeared showing video and text messages and call logs. He got a text message from his friend Russ saying.

Hey Will, find me at school I got something to tell you!

Will was about to leave when the voice of his Mom caught his attention.

"Will, give your Mom a kiss before you leave!" she shouted out.

He grunted at the thought, he ran back and pecked his Mom on the cheek, she smiled at him, instantly Will rushed out the front door heading off to high school.

Another boring day, he thought to himself.

Will finally arrived at high school, he didn't really have too many friends there but he wasn't bothered by that, he had those that he enjoyed spending time with, he headed straight to his locker to sort through his stuff. When he got to his locker he placed his thumb on a long black strip on his locker, he then slid his thumb to the bottom.

Suddenly a green light flashed followed by his name William Hazer.

He closed his locker door jumping at the sight of his friend, Russ.

"Oh sorry man" Russ laughed.

Will just sighed "Thanks, what's up?"

"There's a new girl in high school" Russ said excitedly.

Will just shook his head as if disappointed but mocking Russ "Really is that what you wanted to tell me?"

"Not just that, I think she's in most of our classes" Russ winked at Will.

He shook his head once again, Will didn't say anything instead he and Russ headed off to their first class. He had a girlfriend a long time ago but it didn't work out between him and the girl. Since then Will was never too bothered about getting involved with another girl.

Will and Russ arrived in their classroom for Physics lesson, Will looks around the room immediately noticing a new person in their class, a girl in fact. She has long brown hair, brown eyes she was around Will's age, he couldn't stop looking at her, she was naturally beautiful.

When she turned to look at him he felt the heat rising to his cheeks, blushing about her and his embarrassment.

The girl smiled, Will went to sit at the table near the front but realized there weren't any seats left, he looks to Russ seeing him motioning towards the last seat next to the new girl.

He nervously walks up to the seat, as he sits next to the new girl he looks to her nodding while smiling.

Real smooth, he grunts to himself.

As the lesson goes on, eventually they have a partner's session, Will had to work with the new girl.

Not that it was a problem, in fact Will was fine with it he was just embarrassed that he'd say something stupid and make himself look like an idiot in front of her. As the two of them worked between each other on the holographic tablet in front of them, eventually she speaks up.

"What's your name?" she asks.

Will stutters at first "Uhh…Will" he says smiling.

She smiles back "Cayden"

Will just nods his head still smiling, he looks into her eyes, and however it feels as if there's no life behind them, as if it weren't a real person.

He shakes his head, don't be stupid, Will, he reassures himself. After finishing class Will walked feeling a bit like an idiot he didn't know what to say to Cayden, he'd just look at her, her amazing smile and brown eyes and then just break under the pressure.

Suddenly a hand touches his shoulder he looks around expecting it to be Russ but instead it's Cayden.

"Hey, you want to hang out at the weekend, help me with the project?" she says smiling at him cutely.

Will was about to say yes until he suddenly remembered something "I'm going out this weekend…with my Dad"

Suddenly Cayden looked sad "Oh"

"Look, I'd love to but it's this thing I do every weekend" he sighed.

Cayden smiled "It's okay"

Will walked off to his locker with Cayden following him.

"So what does your Dad do?" she asked curiously.

"Oh…he's a training instructor at a US Marines training camp"

Cayden nodded "Sounds cool, my Dad works in computer engineering"

Will nods in acknowledgement of what Cayden just said.

"What about your Mom?" she asks.

"She stays at home" Will replied locking up his locker.

"Oh same" she smiles, suddenly the school bell rings.

Will looks to Cayden not sure on what to say.

"So, I'll catch you later?" she asks giving him a sly smile.

He nods in response "Yeah, catch you later"

Cayden walks off down the corridor to her next class, Will couldn't help himself but watch her, and she had a lean but clearly toned muscular body structure and fine curves.

Will was suddenly taken out of his gaze by Russ tapping him on the shoulder, he quickly turns around to his friend. Russ motioning for him to hurry up, so he and his friend rushed off to their next class before they were late.

As both Will and Russ head towards English, his friends decides to speak.

"So what you think of the new girl?" Russ asks giving his friend a mocking wink

Will just laughs at the expression "She seems like a nice girl"

Russ motioned his hand as to get Will to reveal more of what's lurking around in his friends head. Will just shakes his head.

"That's all there is…alright" Will says with determination, but trying to keep a straight face with little luck. Russ just smirks at his friend's reaction but doesn't say anything, both Will and Russ continue to their English class without any conversation between them.

2: Chapter Two
Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Year: 2033

Location: United States, Los Angeles

Will arrived home on schedule as always, his Mom and Dad was always clear on when they wanted him home, he never really understood why but he got on with it.

He walks through the front door, seeing his Mom in the living room watching TV.

"How was your day, Will?" she asked still looking at the TV.

"Same as every other day Mom!" he shouted back as he was walking upstairs.

"Don't forget that your dinner will be out soon!"

Will grunted in approval, he walked towards his room as he enter launching his rucksack against his wall, he then jumped on his bed sighing in relief, as he relaxed.

He went to sleep for a few hours until his Dad woke him up, as he was trying to focus he could tell his Dad was speaking to him.

"Hey Will, how was school, did you meet any new girls?" it was his joke towards Will, mocking him about meeting new girls, not that he always did but Eric knew it annoyed him.

Will was about to say no like nearly every other time until he remembered Cayden "Well there was this, new girl in my classes today" he says sheepishly.

His Dad's interest was piqued "Oh really what's her name?"

"Dad don't worry about it, it's nothing…just had to sit next to her" he replied once again sheepishly.

"Oh really? Or did you 'choose' to sit next to her?" His Dad winking at him, mocking him.

Will throws his pillow at him, hitting his Dad in the face, Eric instinctively laughs at his sons sudden tantrum.

"Okay I'll stop, but you're going to tell me tomorrow" he says seriously to Will as he walks to his bedroom door.

"Oh by the way your dinner was left in the fridge…before you have your beauty sleep" he mentions with a smirk on his face, Will nods once again he lays onto of his bed for a few minutes before heading downstairs.

He eventually went downstairs into the kitchen to retrieve his dinner, as he sat at the kitchen table to eat, he looked to the living room to his a Mom and Dad watching TV. Using the motions of their hands moving left to right scrolling through the channels.

After finishing his dinner he put the plate, knife and fork in the dishwasher.

He then strolled into the living room sitting in one of the seats watching whatever his parents were watching at the time. His were watching a crime drama, he looked to the clock realizing it was nine o'clock. In front of him was a see through table, he placed his hand on it once again a holographic image appears on the table.

He scrolls through messages both text and video, after coming to terms that there weren't any new messages he accessed the internet. Sometimes he would use his knowledge in computers to hack into various sites such as government and agency just to nose around for a bit, but instead he decided to watch some online videos of various people doing stupid things, such as hurting themselves deliberately just to get views. Eventually he got bored then decided to watching the programme his parents were so intrigued with.

After a few more hours with his parents he deciding to head upstairs to bed, he had a quick shower, brushed his teeth then pulled on some shorts.

Before he was going to bed his Dad came upstairs to see him "So looking forward to tomorrow?" he asked standing just inside Will's room.

Will rubbed his neck not from irritation, but from being tired "Yeah, what time are we leaving?"

His Dad looked at his watch "Let's say 1pm?" he asks.

Will nods his head in approval, then got into bed, his was about to close the door "I'll see yeah tomorrow, night" he said then close the door, turning off the lights.

Will laid there and eventually fell into a deep sleep.

Both Eric and Will were heading off to the firing range to spend some time together, Will's, Dad is in the military so if felt natural him going the firing range.

But at first for Will it was rather awkward, but after a few months he got used to it, it became natural to him every weekend.

They immediately got into it without wasting anytime, after roughly thirty minutes, his Dad decided to make conversation with him.

"So, you were going to tell me about this girl?" he asked firing single rounds down the range from his LR558 an assault rifle that fired mass accelerated slug rounds.

Will did the same before he responded "Yeah, what you want to know?" trying to act as if not bothered by the situation.

"Well, a name would be a good start" his Dad replied sarcastically, chuckling to himself.

Will sighed hoping not to go into detail about a girl he only meet yesterday.

"Her name is Cayden" Will blurted out, he swore that his Dad raised an eyebrow at the name, but he ignored thinking it was his imagination.

"Cayden huh?"


Eric rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand.

"So, what she look like?" Eric pressed on with the questions.

"Uh…long brown hair and brown eyes, she's toned muscle like…a dancer of sorts" Will replied concentrating on shooting the target with his LR558 rifle, once again Will swears he saw his Dad look perplexed at what he said and once again he thought he was imagining it.

"Well do you like her?" his father asked, firing a few rounds from his LR558.

Will paused for a moment thinking, although he weren't interested in looking for a girl in his life in honesty he quite liked Cayden even though he only spent a few hours with her, "Yeah…I suppose so" Will responded hesitantly.

Eric smirked at his sons hesitation then decided to take advantage of it to tease his son, "Well I didn't really have to ask…" Will looks at him perplexed "…you always looks like a beetroot when you talk about a girl you like"

Eric laughs at his statement, as for Will he shakes his head in disappointment at his father's attempt of a joke, however regardless of how much he tried, he couldn't help but laugh.

Suddenly Eric's arm flashes the same colour as Will's arm when his does the same, on his father's arm is the time 6:15pm along with the slight noise of beeping from an alarm clock.

"Well we better get back, before your mother scolds both of us for being late" he smirks. In response Will smiles both he and his father return the weapons to the gun range's armoury, then return to Eric's car. Without delay they drive off heading back home, the car is of sleek design built in sturdy metal materials, capable of auto drive, in built interactive systems similar to that of which is in Will's arm.

As Eric's car pulls up outside their home the in-built scanning systems on either side of the gate, scan the two occupants inside in order to confirm their identity. Suddenly a female voice speaks out.

"Welcome home, Mr Eric and William Hazer"

The gate opens up Eric drives on through when his arm flashes again this time with a message from his commanding officer at the military base camp he works at.

"Damn!" Eric grunts.

Will looks to his Dad, "What's wrong?"

Eric shakes his head then glances at his son then back at the message on his arm, "Oh, got to go in to my commanding officer about some stuff, I'm going to have to leave now…" he looks to his son who seems disappointed "…Hey"

Will looks to his Dad.

"I'll be back for dinner, now get on inside…I'm sure your Mom has something for you to do" Eric smiles playfully punches Will in the shoulder.

Will rolls his eyes then get out of the car, before he closes the door he looks inside to his Dad, "I'll see you later, take care"

His Dad nods with a reassuring smile, as soon as Will closes the door to the passenger's seat his father reserves out of the driveway. As he watches his Dad drive off to his workplace for an emergency he walks back towards the house, suddenly dreading the thought of it being Monday tomorrow and having to go back to school.

3: Chapter Three
Chapter Three

Chapter Three

Year: 2033

Location: United States, Los Angeles

Will was at high school, he was in the medical centre getting his weekly check-up on the nanites that are in his body. Everyone in school has them since scientists started working on implementing nanotechnology in the late 2020's, they have been introduced into medicine, technology, military and many more areas.

It was required that everyone had at least a check-up on the status of their nanites to make sure there weren't any deficiencies or medical problems.

Since the introduction of injecting nanites into the general population it already showed radical improvements, brain efficiency, physical improvement and self-regeneration.

As Will sat on the pristine white medical table waiting for the results, he aimlessly looked around the room then looked out the nearby window catching a glimpse of a CC-150 patrol marching by the high school.

CC-150's were one of the many automatous military units used in the United States Armed Forces or local police forces, this particular patrol was a part of the LAPD.

The doctor walks back into the room, "Well every checks out, you're free to go" he said cheerfully.

Will just nods in approval then leaves the medical room, as he gets outside it's not too long when he runs into Cayden in the corridor.

"Hey" she said cheerfully.

"Oh, um, hey I didn't see you there" he was embarrassed and finding it hard to concentrate as he admired her beautiful features. As he daydreamed he didn't realize Cayden was still speaking to him.

"Will?" she asked with a hint of concern and worry.

Will shifts out his daydreaming, "Uh, yeah…sorry say that again"

She lets out a sweet chuckle making Will smile goofily at her, making himself more embarrassed.

"I said 'how was your weekend?'"

"Oh it was great, yours?" he asked.

She nodded, "Yeah it was good"

They both walk down the corridor side by side while Will rifled through his rucksack, they both walked through the double doors leading outside it was currently lunch break.

"So did you finish that project from last week?" Cayden suddenly asked.

Will at first was wondering what she was talking about, when he suddenly remembered, "Oh!...damn I forgot about it!"

Cayden just chuckled at his response, "It's okay you can look at mine for some help if you want"

"Thank you so much" he replied with relief.

Without Will realizing it, the CC-150 patrol glanced at him and the girl, in response Cayden looked directly back with a blank expressionless face.

Will started to speak and before he could notice Cayden spun her head around to look at him showing a bit of life to her face.

"You going to maths?" he asked.

Cayden nodded to answer his question then added, "I believe we're in the same class, you have Mr Turner for maths?"

Will smiled, "Yeah, I'll walk with you to maths"

Cayden did a genuine smile, "I'd like that"

Then without much else to say both Will and Cayden started to walk to their next lesson of maths.

It was now the end of school day Will and Russ were walking out of the main entrance, they both stood around outside talking about their weekends. The odd moment here and there, Will would look around to search for Cayden in the crowd.

After a few minutes there was no luck, he said his goodbyes to Russ then decided to make his back home. As he walked back home, Will would look through the news tapping holographic buttons that appeared through the skin on his forearm. He would then scroll through the listed articles on his palm which were too projected in holographic form through his skin.

If he had time he'd sit down at a café or restaurant to use the Soc-Com tables, these were specialized tables allowing users to see images and messages projected in three dimensional form before them.

However he didn't have the time as he had to get back home. Unaware of the mysterious figure watching him from afar in a black SUV.

After quite a bit of walking Will eventually arrives at his house, he goes to the front door unlocking it when he walks in, he sees his Dad rushing down the stairs with duffel bags.

Will is confused with what's happening, "Dad what's going on?"

Eric didn't notice Will walking through the front door he's relieved but doesn't express his emotions, "I don't have time to explain, go upstairs pack your personal belongings including your laptop" he replies hurriedly.

Will is perplexed by this point in time, "Dad…I…I don't…" before he could finish his Dad cuts him off.

"Listen Will, there isn't time do as I tell you!"

Without thinking Will instinctively runs upstairs to his bedroom grabbing his personal belongings, he didn't bother to empty what was already in his rucksack. He grabbed his laptop along with the extra appliances, a large wad of bills that he's been saving and a picture of himself, Eric and Kate.

He runs downstairs to see his Dad grabbing a LR558 assault rifle and FN67 pistol a newer variant of the FN57.

Eric glances up at Will coming down the stairs while loading a fresh magazine into the FN67.

"You've got everything?" he asks his son hastily.

"Yeah…wh-why are packing weapons?" Will asks stuttering slightly as he did so.

Eric shoves them into his duffel bag while he's speaking to Will, "I haven't got time to explain, but I promise I will once we do have time, okay?"

Before Will could reply there's a crash of multiple glass windows upstairs, Eric readies his FN67 aiming at the door.

Outside the Hazer residence where Will and Eric are currently talking, various CC-150's and CC-160's along with a SWAT team are encircling the house. A four man team along with two CC-160's, armed with LR assault rifle and submachine gun variants, run up to the front door.

One of the CC-160's uses its neural network scanners on the door, it indicates in its HUD that the door is reinforced steel.

"The door is made of reinforced steel, explosives are ineffective and CC-160's will take too long to get through" the machine states to the four man team in a metallic monotone voice.

Alpha Squad Leader nodded in acknowledgement of what the machine just said, he then pressed a button to his headset.

"Bravo Squad, what's your status over" he said into his mic.

"We're in position ready to go your mark" replied Bravo Squad Leader.

Without any further delay Alpha Squad Leader got into a position where he could see Bravo Squad, once in position. He took out his flashlight, signalling rhythmic flashes of light towards Bravo Squad.

Without any further hesitation Bravo Squad rappelled from the roof of the residence breaking in through multiple windows upon the top floor.

4: Chapter Four
Chapter Four

Chapter Four

Year: 2033

Location: United States, Los Angeles

As soon as the SWAT team smashed through the upstairs windows Eric immediately reacted, grabbing the assault rifle along with the pistol. Eric dragged Will over towards a wall heading towards the backdoor of the house.

Eric handed Will the pistol, after a few years of spending time with Eric and learning about firearms, it was like second nature to Will to inspect and load the pistol.

The two of them stood there quietly attempting to figure out where the SWAT members were in the house, Eric knew they broke in through the top floor windows, but was there more outside or on the ground floor and if so how many were there.

The CC-150 took the lead with the SWAT members following close behind it, the group then started to descend the stairs.

Eric suddenly heard the sound of heavy footsteps descending the staircase, he turned to Will gesturing a curt nod, and Will did the same grasping hold of the pistol with a tighter grip than usual.

Eric emerged from cover then fired short controlled bursts from the LR558 assault rifle, he kills one of the SWAT members but the other bullets make contact along the surface of the CC-150's titanium alloy chassis doing little to no damage.

Will also emerged from behind the same wall as his father did firing a few rounds from his pistol the other SWAT members immediately dispersed for cover returning fire at the wall where Eric and Will were hiding behind.

The CC-150 walked up to the front door breaking off the lock allowing the others to pour in, Eric glanced around the wall for a second.

Knowing they wouldn't last long he turned to Will.

"Will, listen to me you need to go! Now!" he said eagerly.

Will looked at him perplexed, "What you mean…I'm not leaving you here!" he replied hastily.

Eric then grabbed Will by the shoulders, "Listen you run! No matter what happens you run and keep running until you find your mom! Okay?!"

Will didn't know what to say, he couldn't conjure up any words or simply action, he stood there frozen on the spot looking at his Dad.

Eric then shoved him towards the backdoor, "Go!" he said forcefully.

Will once again didn't respond, he walking pattern staggered slightly as he walked backwards. Then reluctantly he started to run towards the forest situated at the back of the neighbourhood.

Will was now running for his life through the forest he had no idea whether Eric was alright or not, but he didn't have time to stop and think about it.

As he continued running he could see in the distance what looked like a dirt track, he decided he would have a better chance of losing his pursuers once he crossed the dirt track.

He was getting closer to the dirt track but didn't realize that the CC-150 was gaining ground on him. Will heard the sound of heavy thumping, he glanced behind him seeing the machine getting closer. In response he just kept running hoping he'd lose it on the other side.

As Will nearly cleared the width of the dirt track he didn't see the black SUV rushing down the road until the last moment when he heard a loud crash behind him.

He spins around to see a black SUV with a large dent in the front hood where it made contact with the CC-150, suddenly the passenger door flings open.

"Get in!" the sound of a girls voice emits from the black SUV.

From where Will was standing he couldn't see whom was talking to him, but he no choice he rushed to the SUV and jumped into the passenger's seat.

It was only then he recognized the girl, it was Cayden from high school, but this time she had a blank expressionless face and cuts across her face. In the back Will hears rustling he turns to see Eric, holding his bleeding right arm.

"Drive!" he shouts to Cayden.

Without hesitation Cayden slams her foot onto the pedal and the black SUV whizzes off down the dirt track. The black SUV is gone before the recovering CC-150 or the rest of the SWAT team and CC-160 could get a clear identification of the vehicles number plate.

It's been an hour since Will was rescued by his Dad and this mysterious girl, she didn't even say a single word throughout the while journey. Eventually the three of them arrived at a remote motel on the outskirts of Los Angeles.

The turns to both Will and Eric, "Wait here" she says in a monotone voice with no emotion behind it.

As she gets out of the SUV, Will notices that the gracefulness in Cayden's walk is gone instead it's replaced by a more rigid and mechanical motion.

Will eventually tears his head away to look to his Dad still bleeding at the arm.

"You alright?" Will asks slightly concerned.

Eric grins in response, "Never been better"

Suddenly Cayden opens the door to where Will is sitting in, she tilts her head slightly to the side looking at Will then at Eric.

"Follow me" she eventually informs them.

Both Will and Eric follow Cayden along the walkway past many of the motel rooms, to them the motel seems to be slightly rundown most likely due to poor income of the last few years.

Cayden stops outside one of the motel rooms, she uses the key to the door, as she does so she lets Will and Eric go in first, as she carefully looks over the surrounding area for any additional threats.

Once Cayden is in the room, Eric starts talking.

"I'm going to go and clean myself up…" he then looks to Cayden "…you better fill Will in, on what's happening"

Eric disappears into the bathroom locking the door behind him.

As for Will he looks around the room nervously, but he can't help but notice Cayden looking at him like she's examining him, so decides to make the first move.

"So…who are you really?" he asks.

Cayden tilts her head to the side, "Not who but what am I"

Will is confused by her comment but decides to press on, "What do you mean 'what am I'?"

"I'm a cybernetic organism, living tissue over a metal endoskeleton" Cayden states bluntly.

Will shakes his head in shock and disbelief, "That's impossible, the government are only able to create the CC's"

"That's because I'm from the future, where it is possible to manufacture machines like myself" she responds in a monotone voice.

Will is still in disbelief, without realizing it he walks forward to better examine the scars on Cayden's face, and to his shock he sees metal reflecting light from the room.

When he let in a small gasp at seeing the metal under her skin, he swears he saw a hint of hurt and sadness in Cayden's eyes from his response, but he ignores it.

"So why are you here?" he eventually asks Cayden.

Cayden turned to look at him, with a hint of pride flashing across her face but quickly disappears, "I am your protector" she states simply.