User does not exist
Chapter 1



“Black rain continues to fall from the sky, it’s been falling for as long many can remember. Black with the power of the curse, painting the grass, the trees and the hearts of people a dark shade of grey.  Can you still remember it? I do, I remember a time before the rain, a time when the sun used to shine. It was during that time that I met you. Oh, how I wonder where you are now. Still wandering somewhere under the endless black rain, I imagine. It is perhaps the only thing about this rain that I like, no matter how far or wide you go I know we are still under the same sky, drenched by the cursed black rain.”

A woman sits by the window of a wooden hut. Long black hair covering half of her face. Flames of the burning fire reflect in her one visible purple eye. She lifts a slim elegant pipe to her lips and takes a drag. She blows out the smoke in perfect ring shape.

“What was it, that you used to say? It can’t rain all the time, right. Ciel [1].” She blows out more smoke and it takes the form of a bird and flies thought the ring of smoke before vanishing.



The forest has long lost its life. The trees stopped growing new leaves ages ago, the birds have left for other lands. Deer and other game animals were scarce, the wolves were rabid with hunger, but there were worse things than the wolves in the woods. The black rain brought with it not just death but corruption as well, such was the magic of the curse. Those who survived it would bare a fate worse than death.  

A lone figure walks along the muddy path across the woods.  Wrapped in dark robes the man leans on a long staff for support in the slippery mud. Strands of white hair fall from under the hood, thou his face is not yet old.  It is impossible to tell the time of day because the dark clouds block the sky, but it is getting darker, thou  at night it becomes pitch black. The woods are the least safest place to be around night time.

Deep in the woods a pack of wolves crawl out from their den. They have had no food in days. Some have resorted to eating their weaker  kin to survive. The wolves sniff the air, there is something strange outside the den tonight. Not prey, no, something dangerous. It is a black swirling mass of something, it seems to be watching them, waiting, taunting. The pack leader charges and the others follow. Whatever it is, it is an intruder in their territory and it will either become their food or their death. But neither of the two happen. The wolves get lifted into the air but that black mass, that keeps twisting and changing form. It had no visible limbs, it lifts them of the ground without touching them. It twists and turns and somehow begins to slightly resemble a human. Strange inhuman voices fill the air and the wolves howl in pain as their bodies are being torn and twisted but curse power into monstrous beings. Their minds now gone completely blank, all instinct erased, only the insatiable hunger remained .

“There is an intruder in these woods, get rid of him” the voice in their minds rings loud and clear.

So they obey. A pack of wolves now turned into mad monsters by the curse that brought the black rain.

The man stops and listens. On his long staff hands an oil lantern. The only light for miles. It is night time now. The sun set, pitch black darkness and the endless falling of the black rain is all there is. The black rain fall without sound, so unlike rain it does not absorb the sounds. The man can hear it, no matters how fain it is, the cracking of a small twig somewhere in the woods.  For a moment he tenses and listens. Silence. He moves forwards again.

It sees it’s pray, the lonely human, who slightly resembles the one inside the black mass, but he is not their master. Masters wants him dead so dead he shall be. He smells a little weird, but the beasts don’t care. They leap at the traveler, only now the pack leader recognized the smell, but it too late. The man smells of sage grass[2].

The traveler halts and prepares for the upcoming attack. He knew he was being followed, he  had sensed the beasts a while ago, they were following him for a while now. From the footsteps he counted  at least six of them.

One was coming from the right, he jumped back and smashed his lantern on the beasts head thus setting it on fire. The fire then lit the oil he had spilled in a circle around himself- sage oil.  The smell of sage had the beasts paralyzed.

“He who strikes fast as lightning become my blade” the man rose his staff to the sky and bolts of lightning struck the beats, killing them.

Three were dead. The pack leader held back at the last moment. He and other three held hid in waiting till the fire died out.  The smell was becoming weaker, the time attack was coming close.

The man knew some beasts escaped into the shadows. He was out of oil and the lightning spell only worked if the target was immobile. It will not work again.

“It seems, I have no chose.” He mused

Parting his black robes he resealed a long sword attached to his belt and unsheathed it. The blade was of impressive size and girth and from the symbols carved on its hilt it was obvious that this was a spell -sword. 

The beasts charged, all four leaping into the air.  Blade cut them without even touching them. A swishing sound briefly echoed through the air as if a breeze had blown. The man waved the sword in sweeping gesture and all four exploded into pieces.

The man fell to his knees leaning on his sword, blood running down the hand that swung the blade. On his wrist a brand now visible, a mark of a contract. Magic always comes with a price, and the price he paid for the power wielded was blood.

The fire of the lantern he tossed at the cursed beast had burned on the remaining oil but was now going dim. The man knelt, feeling fatigued and weary.

“Why, why does it have to be like this. “ his vision clouds as his consciousness begins to fade.

The last light of the lantern dies and pitch black darkness covers all. Nothing moves, not a thing, just the black rain endlessly falls.






[1] Ciel- sky in French

[2]  Sage incense  can ward off evil spirits,beings.

2: Chapter 2
Chapter 2

The white haired boy sat by the window, golden eyes gazing outside as the train passed various sceneries. In his hand he was clutching a letter, the envelope sealed with a wax seal of the prestigious magic academy of "Amestris", two crossing stars and a key. The boy was excited beyond words. It was the dream of every apprentice to be called to this school. For a mere orphan with no family it was an exceptional honor.

Magi were rare, no , rather magi of quality were rare. The streets of almost every city were of men and woman who know a thing or two about the magical arts and would gladly use it to swindle the good citizens out of their hard earned gold. Real magi did not part take in such things. Magic is an art passed down for generations, magic growing stronger as it's passed down. Noble magi were particularly keen on keeping their bloodlines strong and pure. Each family had its specialties and a magus seal, the proof of one belonging to that particular family: sharing in its blood and magical arts. Before that was the requirement to enter "Amestris". But even wizards have to move with the time and the new headmaster, being less conservative had decided to open the doors of the academy to all who wish to learn mastery of the magical arts.

The train, it was an Arcadian invention. Arcadians not being native to the land and only having arrived recently to the land from overseas, could not wield magic. Though some had married into magi families and had successfully bore children capable of using magic, Arcadian mages were rare. Arcadia was known for its machines and it's was Arcadia that developed the steam engine, now used in many other countries. The pollution from the factories had made the Arcadian lands uninhabitable, thus the remaining population came here in search of new lands to colonize. Over the decades it has expanded and become a powerful country on its own right.

Amestris was a giant castle, once it had been the name of a kingdom, but now this castle was all that remained. Surrounded by mountains, forests and lakes, a place of perfect beauty. It was neutral territory, the lands belonged to the academy and it was almost like a small country, but remained neutral. No matter what conflicts the countries fought, it didn't support any of the warring sides even if money was offered, and it often was- the academy never send its students to the battle field.

Four towers of the castle rose into the sky, each bearing different flags. Based on the magic type studies they chose the students that had finished the basic magical course and exams would then be assigned to a tower where they would focus on their chosen subject of study and become a master magus. The first tower he saw was the red one, the South tower. South associated with fire and heat. The students of this towers focused on one of the three disciplines: combat magic, elemental or primal magic and summoning. The symbol of this tower was a salamander (1).

Opposed to the fiery red were two other towers, a green one and a light golden one. The Green towers was the west tower, associated with the element of water and all things wicked. In this tower gathered those who prefer to lurk in the shadows, the dark mages to study : magic rituals, casting and breaking curses and poisoning and antidotes. Its flag bore a coiling serpent (2).

The golden towers, the tower of the East, associated with the element of wind and sunlight for the sun rises in the east. The students here could chose to learn the art of magical healing and become healers, enchanting – a very popular profession among wizards, or to study magical animals. It's flag bore a sylph (3).

Farthest away in the shadows of the mountain was the last tower, the white tower of the North. Associated with cold and stillness and the element of earth. Not many chose to study here due to the difficulty of the studies. The north tower focused on celestial magic, the study of the many types of lost magic and the creation of magical tools and items. It's symbol was a howling dire wolf.

The train stopped at the small stone platform that the base of the hill upon which the academy stood. The boy got of and looked around. It seemed that no one else got off the train. The noble wizards had their or personal transport. No one was there to greet him. Giving a sight the boy began to ascend the seemingly infinite stair case that lead to the entrance. As he rose higher and higher he could see further. Beyond the train tracks was a meadow, beyond it a forest and even further a lake. He forgot about the exhaustion of climbing while taking in the beauty of wild nature and before he knew it he was at the top. A large stone ark with a solid wooden gate blocked his path. The gate was locked. The boy knocked.

"Yes?" the wooden ornament on the gate came to life.

"Hello, " he greeted the talking owl carved on the gate.

"I'm starting as a student here" he said.

"Is that so?" the owl had a female voice

"Yes, mam. May I enter?"

"First tell me your name"

"It's Ciel. Ciel Gestal."

"Well, it seems you are indeed on the list" the owl said after a pause as if it had been actually checking some sort of list. But I can't' let you in"

"Why not? Is there a problem? I have the invitation letter right here, See." He unfolded the letter

"It is a tradition we have here. One may only pas through this door if they answer a riddle, to prove they have the wisdom necessary to become a wizard. Better hurry if you want to be on time for the ceremony."

"Alright then. Whats the riddle?"

" Once upon a time there was king who had no children and no queen. To select who will succeed the throne he gave each child in the kingdom a single seed and told them that whoever grew the most beautiful plant would be chosen. The one who won the contest was a small girl with an empty pot. Why did the king chose her and not the other children who grew beautiful and healthy plants?"

The boy listened completely confused.

"Because he felt sorry for her?"he guessed

"Wrong. You have two attempts left, answer wrong and you will never pass though this gate."

The boy bowed his head in despair.
"I really don't understand why the king chose a child who didn't grow a plant" he thought to himself.

"No one ever said anything about solving riddles to get in." he was lost in thought and didn't notice a black haired boy approach.

"The king chose the girl because she was honest. The seeds he gave the children were fake, so nothing could grow from them in the first place, but all children brought plants regardless. Except for the girl, who didn't try to cheat." The black haired boy said.

"The is correct" the owl said.

"Wait, I still had one guess. Can't I try another one?"

"Come on ,Ermina, stop torturing the new kid" the mysterious boy said.

"Let us pass"

"All right." She agreed reluctantly

"You may pass"

Ciel was overwhelmed.

"Thank you. There was really no way I could have arrived at the answer on my own. You really saved me."

"There is no entrance test, Ermina just likes to scare newcomers like that. But if your seriously having trouble with something like this you might want to reconsider being a wizard."

The gate opened and he saw a green meadow with a path leading to the castle. There was still a way to go.

"I admit that riddle caught of me of guard, I suppose I'll need to hone my skill more thoroughly. I just realized I don't know your name."

"It's Izuna Kaius Ardente." The boy said.

He carried himself in a serious manner and appeared more mature in contrast to Ciel who went about things in a care free manner.

"Well it's nice to meet you. I'm Ciel Gestal. may I call you Izuna? Saying Izuna Kaius Ardente every time is a bit of a mouthful. "


"How long have you been here? Decided on a tower yet?"

"I just got here two days ago. I'm a first year same as you" Izuna said

"No way. I thought you were my senior by at least a year. Well then , I look forward to working together."

"Like wise."

They had arrived at the castle and began to ascend the stair to the main entrance. There they were greeted by a young looking woman with a pointy wizards hat , a short leather dress and a cloak with white fur lining.

"This is Ermina, the student council president. " Izuna said.

Ciel felt his face burn with embarrassment.

"It's nice to meet you mam. I promise I will do my best to hone my skills in the future" he said bowing.

"You could learn some manners from this one, Mr. Arcadian Wizard" Ermina said smirking at Izuna.

"Arcadian?" Ciel turned his head towards Izuna.

He did look like the model of an Arcadia citizen, dark hair, dark eyes, tall, and the composure of a soldier.

Izuna briefly met his glance and looked away.

"Alright you two, the ceremony is about to start." Ermina said

"Go and get changed." She told Izuna

"You, hold out your hands." She addressed Ciel

She waved a crystal wand and lights began to circle the boy from all sides. Then suddenly robes fell into his arms.

"These should fit you for now. Later on you will learn to adjust your robes yourself. Now get changed. The changing room's downs stair and to the right. I have to make sure no one tardy on their first day."

Ciel changed out of his light grey jacket and putt the robes on top of his white shirt. The robes were grey, something that reminded him of his apprenticeship. Apprentices got to wear grey robes as opposed to the black most wizards chose to wear. He had been adopted by a blacksmith that deal with enchanting weapons and armor. He had been an apprentice for almost six years and during that time he had become a quite capable enchanter. Ciel felt nothing but gratitude to his former master, but now he had the chance to become a master magus himself.

The crowd of first year students had gathered in the grand hall. Ciel was desperately looking around for a seat. Izuna was nowhere in sight, he must have taken a seat in the front row. The he spotted a free seat next to girl with long scarlet hair.

"Is, this seat taken?"

The girl turned at the sound of his voice.

"No" she was nervously clutching her chair with her hands .

"Don't worry; it's going to be alright" Ciel said smiling

The girl just nodded nervously.

On the podium, in front the students stood the professors of the academy and members of the student council. Ciel spotted Ermina standing under the East tower flag. Her robes and hat were decorated with the lining of the golden color that represented the East tower. The back of the cape had the symbol of the tower stitched across it.

The headmaster was rather young. A man in his late thirties, with short platinum blond hair, dresses in emerald colored robes and he wore dark glass spectacles.

"Many of you have come here in hopes of earning the title of master. " he addressed the crowd

"But there is more to a wizard, more to magic itself than titles and fame or fortune. Here you will learn what means to truly be a wizard, and the skills required to walk this path. Not all of you will make to graduation day, but do not feel discouraged. The professors, the student representatives and myself included will do everything in our power to help you become all that there is for you to become. Now professor Solomon Norton who is in charge of the first year education will explain the school rules to you."

An elderly man with a long white beard addressed the crowd.

"For the first two years you will learn the basic disciplines. During the two years you will have to decided what field of study you want to specialize in or as we call it- a thema. To enter a tower you will need to do well on the exams of the subjects required for your chosen thema. Only the top ten students for each thema will be excepted. "

There were gasps of surprise in the crowd.

"Only ten best students, wow, they sure take things seriously." Ciel thought

The red haired girl next to him was near tears.

"No, way, there is no way I'll get in now."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get in to whatever thema studies you want."

The girl shook her head.

"Healing is one of the most popular specialties with one of the largest completions every year. If only top ten students get expected there is no way that I'll be.."

"Don't worry, the school year hasn't started yet, we still don't know what subjects we will have or what exams we need to take. Besides we have two years, plenty of time to prepare. Since you know what your thema is already, then focus on the subjects you need for your thema. You are already ahead of the students who still haven't decided what they want to chose."

"What about you?" the girl asked

"Me? I want so study lost magic." Ciel said.

1 Salamander- fire spirit, a lizard.

2 Jurmungand the sea serpent, tossed down to Midgard by Odin in Norse myths.

3 Sylph- spirits of the air, resemble fairies.

3: Chapter 3
Chapter 3

The man awoke. Night has ended, he had survived once again. Rain fell from the black clouds, like it always did. He stood up and picked up the sword putting it back to its sheath. Just because it was day it didn’t mean he was out of danger. Beasts could emerge at any time. For a moment he stood there looking at his staff, it was lying in the mud with scratches and dents from various fights, the fire from the latest fight had scorched it. A staff was proof of a wizards mastery, only those who successfully achieved the title could how one, custom made to match their magic. As he picked it up it crumbled, leaving only ash in his palm. The top part was remained intact and fell to the mud once more. The top half of the staff was made of antlers belonging to forest spirit that took shape of a large deer, the sharp edges were perfect to use for attaching a lantern. The inside contained a crystal- a moon stone. It used absorb the light of the sun and shine a pale light, like the moon, at night. But there was no light anymore only the black rain. He took the remnants of his staff and placed them into the pocket of his cloak and continued walking the path through the blackened woods.


The rain falls over all things equally. Black rain makes no distinction. Up at the balcony of the grand tower of the Arcadian palace, stands a lone figure. Cloaked in white, strands of black hair falling from under the hood. Face covered by a mask.  He seems undisturbed by the coldness of the rain and lost deep in thought. The sight from the balcony is not one to behold. Once it was the fields and meadows and the farmlands, now it’s just a dead wasteland with some derelict houses still standing and dead trees in the horizon.  The curse had killed the crops, made the lands infertile, and corrupted the people, this curse that came in the form of black rain.

A woman stands in the doorway of the large round balcony. Her pale blond hair is slightly wavy and lied back into an elaborate bun. Her white lace covered dress moves with the gusts of wind. She looks at the man but pays her no mind. Ignoring the cold winds and the rain she goes to him.

“Please come inside” she begs

“You’ll get sick if you stay here any longer.”

The man does not respond, it doesn’t seem he has heard her at all. She wraps her arms around the man and presses her face against this back.

“I don’t know much about magic, but sometimes it seems like it takes you to places and that you will never come back. It scares me. Please come back to me. Say something.” She begs him.

After some moments the man moves slightly.  He turns and looks at the woman.

“Arlenne? Why are you here?” his voice is cold, emotionless.

“You’ve been standing here since yesterday morning. You don’t eat, you don’t sleep. I’m scared for you.” Tears flow down her cheeks as she says those words.

“It is a demanding task- to keep the black rain falling. It is necessary if we are to win the war. “ he answers with indifference.

“I know that. You are the hero who saved Arcadia at its darkest hour, but you are also my husband and I care for you.” More tears fall from her eyes.

With a swift gesture he removers his mask and leans down capturing her lips in a kiss.

“Once the war is over I promise all my time will be dedicated to you, now go back inside.” He says placing his mask back on .

The woman called Arlenne walks back into the warm safety of the castle. A sad smile playing on her lips.



Val blew a ring of smoke out. The village pub was shabby but it was one of the few that still worked. Wrapping her black robes around herself tighter and adjusting her pointy hat she entered. The drunks inside all turned to look at the door, some made lewd remarks upon seeing a woman but the more sober of them quickly noticed the tale tail mark of a witch. The men quickly lost interest and went back to their drinking. She sat at the bar and the short bald man reluctantly approached her.

“Look ,lady, I don’t want any trouble and you magic folk are often that.” He addressed her

“Don’t worry, I promise I won’t start any trouble at your fine establishment. I’m here waiting for a friend to arrive so why don’t you pour me something to warm the old bones” she said giving him a wink.

“This friend of yours, he a wizard too?” the innkeeper asked passing her a cup of vine.

“And what if he is?” she said, lifting the edge of her hat with her index finger.

“Nuthing” the innkeeper croaked feeling her menacing gaze


Val was halfway thought the bottle when the door of the pub opened again. A figure cloaked in gray traveling robes walking, it’s stature was clearly male. Removing the hood. The man revealed a head of short messy hair, dark glass spectacles sitting on his nose.

“Long time no see, Oz.” Val said taking a sip of her vine.

“Indeed.” The man sat down next to her.

With a quick wave of his hand he sent a cloud of silver dust through the room and all the patrons of the pub except the two fell immediately asleep.  

“Fairy dust? That’s rare stuff. Being the royal wizards has it’s perks.” Val remarked.

“I suppose you didn’t call me you here just to reminisce of old times, Valana.”

At the use of her full name she grew serious.

“I need your help to track down a former student of yours. I know he likes to wander, and he often disappears but not like this. It’s been almost six months but there hasn’t been a single sighting. “

“And you’re worried that something has happened to him.” The man said as if the idea itself was absurd.

“It’s not like you to worry about others, Valana.”

“Look, how many times do I have to say it ?I’m sorry I can’t change the past. But we aren’t talking about the past now. It’s about the future. You know it better than anyone, what will happen to all of us if this war, if this rain doesn’t end soon.”

“And you think he can put an end to it?”

“He seems to think so, he told me he wanted to change this country so there would be no more wars, so no more people would die.”

“But here we are, at war again.” The man replied sarcastically

“This isn’t a war anymore, Oz. it’s a slaughter, a slow merciless slaughter. This rain is slowly killing everything the land, the animals, the trees and the people. And no one is fighting, that really, ticks me off “ Val downed the remaining vine in her cup in one gulp.

“We did fight” Oz said refilling her cup.

“We lost every battle, even when other kingdoms joined in, it was a lost cause. The curse was too strong, needless to say this is not some ordinary curse or we would have had no problems with it. The rain, no matter what we do we can’t neutralize it. Unless we find the source of the curse and even if we do, there is no way of breaking it. For years we attempted to study it to no avail. This is pointless. I don’t know how he can possibly hope to put a stop to this. “ Oz  made a glass appear with a wave of his hand and Val poured him some vine.

“Are you familiar with the old legends?” she asked

“Which ones?”

“All of them. About the Sheppard, about the wise man, the immortal king who enslaved the gods, the black dragon, the celestial ones. Pick any one you like”

“What does this have to do with anything? They are nothing but old stories, legends, fairytales. “

“He believed that the legends were real.”

“He did?”

“He set out to find proof.”

“Really, and which bedtime story did he set out to prove?”

“The legacy of the seven stars.”

The look of surprise on his face at her words remained for several seconds.

“I  see.” A small smile appeared on his face.

“I will help you, but this is no small task. I have some of my old students working at the palace, I will enlist their help. We will find him, if he is still alive.”















4: Chapter 4
Chapter 4

The  students stood in a half circle around professor Norton. It was early morning and some were still yawning, not fully awake from the short night’s sleep. Some had celebrated long after lights out was called. Ciel was used to waking early, as an apprentice it was his duty to prepare the shop for opening every morning. He rather liked it. The enchanting shop his master owned was in the city of Elabarta, the capital of the kingdom of Rabanastre.

Looking around the crowd he spotted Izuna on the opposite side of the crowd.  The red haired girl was there too, standing in the third row from the front, much closer to Ciel, she was talking to another girl.

“The subject of today’s lesson will be summoning.” The professor announced.

“Now some of you might already know this, summoning is one of the types of transportation magic. Can anyone tell me what the other types are.”

Ciel was  not surprised when Izuna spoke up.

“Transportation magic is divided into types based on the size and  nature of the object that is being transported. For inanimate objects of any size it is commonly referred to as transporting, for people it’s teleporting, for other living beings small and large it’s summoning.”

“Correct. So today you will be working with small or medium sized living, but non human creatures. Is that clear?”

Everyone in the crowd nodded. The professor proceeded to draw the magic formula and write explanations on the blackboard. Summoning was demanding, because it required great focus, taking a living being from somewhere in the world and transporting through space was draining, and even a slight mistake could result in the creature dying. Transporting non living things was much easier, while it still needed concentration there was less risk involved. Ciel was good at tasks that required focus. It was something required of an enchanter, when hours were spent writing formulas and symbols into objects that were being enchanted and there was no room for error.

He picked a spot next to Izuna who was already hard at work drawing his summoning circle. The red haired girl came over too. She smiled and said hello. He smiled back. Her name was Nana Lee. Ciel had taken to calling her Nanali as a nickname of sorts. She came from a family of healers, so as a tradition she was to become a healer as well, she didn’t mind it. Nana wanted to help people and what better way to do that than healing? With Izuna it was different, he kept his distance from the other students, but Ciel was never bothered by that, it never stopped him from talking to the boy. Izuna was smart, mature and despite being from Arcadia, a skilled wizard. He wanted to study lost magic, same as Ciel. Upon hearing him make that declaration Ciel knew that their path were inevitably intertwined.

Ciel finished drawing the circle and writing the spell formula into the many geometrical shapes inside of it. Then he closed his eyes, keeping the clear image of the circle it his mind. He had never done a summoning before but the boy felt confident he could do it. Now he only needed to decide what animal he was going to bring here. Something that was not dangerous and small, but not too small. An image or rather a memory had come to his mind from when he was still young. His master had taken him to gather materials from the woods, and while he was picking water plants from a pond, a rather large frog had hopped up to him and when he turned around it squirt water at his face ,so surprised he was, that he backed away right into the pond.  He tried to banish the thought but the face of the frog would not leave his mind.

“Ribit” something croaked

Ciel opened his eyes only to see a rather large frog in his circle. But before he could do anything a scream echoed thought the class. He turned to look behind. Izuna sat there with a large black snake on his hands, he was stroking it’s scales calmly. Several girls had panicked upon seeing it but  Nana was the one who screamed, in her circle was a single but rather fat slug[1].

“I’m sorry” she mumbled

“I don’t like slimy things” she said blushing.

He scream made many look over their way.

Ciel felt something cold and wet hit his face and run down his back and neck.

“Ribit” the frog croaked.

Nana burst out laughing. Izuna just gave a small smile. Annoyed, Ciel used the banishing formula in the circle to sent it away.

“I guess, it really was the same one from before. “ he thought.

The class room was full of animals, the summons could not leave their circles , bound to avoid chaos and possible injuries. Some students had summoned regular animals like cats or dogs or rabbits. One girl wanting to show off her skills summoned a deer, despite the animal being large and not the required small or medium size. Others had summoned birds, some parakeets and doves and a peacock that walked around it’s circle  with  it’s tail spread open like a fan and made loud sounds, it had been looking for a mate when summoned.  Most students did fairly well, only a few had failed the task, nothing had appeared in their circles. One boy had summoned a fish without considering it’s need for water and it died.

After the class was over Ciel had caught up to Izuna in the hall.

“That snake was seriously impressive” he said.

Professor Norton had lectured Izuna about bringing something dangerous into the class, thou bound to the circle, the snake might have bit him, to that Izuna responded with:

“It’s my pet, I summoned it from home. It won’t hurt me.”

They went outside, the weather was nice: sun shining, flowers still in bloom.

“This place is so beautiful” Ciel said sitting down on the grass

“It’s nothing like Elabarta. “

“What’s it like?” Nana asked

“Well, the buildings are tall and all connected together. So it’s hard to see the sky. Not much nature there either, at least not in the city. The streets are narrow and dark since the buildings block most of the light.”

“I see. I must be gloomy” she said

“No, not really. There are the canals. In the middle of the city there is a huge lake and all the water flows into it. People use the canals to get around. And the water is full of colorful fish. “

“Sounds wonderful. I’d like to go there someday.” the girl said

“What’s your home like?” Ciel asks

“Well, it’s nothing impressive. My family has a large country house in Breania. It’s a lot like this, mountains and fields. A lot of medical herbs grow there.”

“I see, that region is known for its healers and the herbs that grow there are top quality. Breania herbs are in high demand, it’s quite hard to get a hold of them.  We used them for special orders in the shop.“

“Your family owned a store?”

“Oh, right , I guess I forgot mention. My master owns an enchanting shop. He took me in when I was still very young. I don’t even remember my real parents.”

“I’m sorry.” She said becoming embarrassed

“It’s nothing. Izuna, tell us about your home”

Izuna had his face in a book and didn’t seem to be listening to the conversation at all.

“What is there to tell? I grew up in the orphanage. All of us were forced into military training, in case there was a war, we who have no family would get send to the front lines. I didn’t want to be a soldier. “

“So you became a wizard. Smart choice. “Ciel said

“ Most wizards do not meddle in the affairs of countries, our loyalty is first of all to magic and it’s studies. Wizards are free to do so as they please as long they don’t break the laws of the universe or cause harm to people. Master used to always say this : We serve the people but our goal is deepen our understanding of magic and expanding it.”

” Why not become an enchanter? You seem to have a future down that path. Take over after your master, seems like a waste tossing  away such an oppurtunity.” Izuna said

“Don’t get me wrong, I like enchanting, but I feel like I’ve already learned enough of it. I want to study the lost magic. Back in the shop we had old books with stories about mages of old, relics, gods, beings that no longer exist. Powers they used are so different from the magic today, unlike any existing spells now.  I can’t explain why but I feel a powerful pull towards things like that.  Sorry, if it makes no sense.”

“I kind of get what you mean, and I kind of don’t” Nana admitted

“I feel it too.” Izuna admitted

“Like something stronger than yourself is driving you towards a certain path.”

“When you put like that, it sounds kind of scary” Nana said.

“We better get going, lunch will start soon. If we don’t get in line now, we might be late for the next class.”

“Right” Izuna  was quickly on his feet

“Let’s hurry before all the desserts sell out.” Nana was running ahead of the boys.

“Wait for us , Nanali.” Ciel shouted running after her.













[1] Slug- a type of snail that doesn’t have a shell.

5: Chapter 5
Chapter 5

Snow was gently falling from the night sky. The dormitory was located on the east side of the castle, lower than the academy so one could see the castle from the dorm. Lit up at night it was a spectacular sight. The dormitories were three large buildings: two for the students and one for the professors. The professors dormitory was further, in old mansion like building surrounded by a fence and in small forest. The students dormitories were parallel to each other, on the left was the rooms of the new students and on the right lived those who had been accepted to into towers. The two were connected by a park. In the park were the greenhouses and the gardens of medical and magical herbs, also a large library complete with laboratories for potion students and the cafeteria.

Ciel was fascinated by the snow. Rabanastre was a warm climate country, surrounded by deserts from both sides so it never snowed there. He took of the gray wool gloves and reached out a hand to catch the falling snow.

“What are you doing?” Izuna looked at him disapprovingly.

“This my first time seeing it. It doesn’t snow in Elabarta.”

“Your such a kid sometimes, Ciel.” He said.

“But we are kids. So what’s wrong with that?” he answered smiling.

Izuna threw a snow ball at his back.

“Now who’s acting like a kid?” Ciel tried to make a snowball but got hit but barrage of them.

Izuna was using magic to create a seemingly infinite supply of snow balls and levitating them around himself . Ciel used a spell shield to reflect his attacks then sent his own series of snowballs  at Izuna, who used the floating snowballs around him to make a defensive wall.

“Impressive.” Ciel ducked behind a tree.

Izuna had him overwhelmed or so it seemed. He needed to come up with a plan and fast. Suddenly he noticed something, there were shadows of the floating snowballs on the ground, but there far too few compared to the amount that he saw floating around his rival.

“I see, an illusion.” He realized

“If you’re going to hide like a coward, I’m leaving” Izuna called out.

Ciel jumped out from his hiding spot and sent a bunch of snowballs flying at him. Izuna blocked it.

“Is that the best you got?” he asked teasingly

“I’m just getting started.” Ciel replied

“Alright, I figured out the pattern. When he blocks my attacks he can’t see anything in front of him for the period of five seconds.  “ Ciel calculated his strategy.

He sent another wave of snow at Izuna. The snow balls begin to form a wall and it seemed like his attack was once again blocked but then Izuna felt something hit him in the chest.

“So he figured out I had illusions mixed in with the real ones. He figured out my blind spot and aimed for the gaps in the wall that were covered by the illusions. Clever. Ciel, when did you get so good?” Izuna wondered

“Looks like it’s a draw.” Ciel said

“We both managed to hit each other once. That was fun”

“You know what, it actually was” Izuna admitted.

Ciel realized it was the first time he heard his friend laugh. Due to his  harsh  military upbringing Izuna rarely expressed emotion.

“I’ll beat you next time.” He said to Ciel confidently.

The two headed back to the dorm, the capes of their winter uniforms flapping in the wind.  The academy provided the students with warm clothes for the winter season. Gray wool robes and capes lined with white fur along with gloves and scarves.

The two saw Nana sitting in the cafeteria. She was reading something by the window.

“Hey, Nanali.” Ciel called out

The girl turned around.

“Ciel, Izuna. You’re out late.”

“We stayed out late in academy; Izuna is kind of struggling with potions. “

“Speak for yourself” Izuna said.

“You got the highest scores on the last potions test. So, we thought you might help us out. With the midterm exams  in two weeks and all. I understand if you’re too busy.”Ciel said scratching the back of his head.

“No, it’s alright. I’ll help you guys. We are friends after all” she smiled at them.

Ciel felt his heart beat rise at the sight of her smile, it somehow made him feel both happy and uncomfortable.

“Thanks, Nanali. You’re a real life saver.”

The midterm exams were coming and the libraries  in the academy and the campus was packed with students. So they gathered in Nana’s room. Ciel and Izuna sat on the red couch in the small living room area, both not sure how to feel. Neither one of them had ever been to a girls room before.  Each student had their own tiny apartment complete with a bathroom a small area for quests and a bedroom.

“I’ve never had to teach anyone before, but I’ll do my best.” She said

Nana was shy, but underneath that she was smart and dependable. She was one of the top students at potions, something essential for a healer. Her skills at actual healing magic were not lacking either.  The results of her training since a young age to become a healer and succeed her parents in the future. She not only had talent for it but genuine love for healing. Even thou she was forced down this path by her family Nana loved every aspect of it.

From morning till late afternoon they studied the properties of herbs, how to recognize them from separate parts and what different types of potions each one could be used for. Both boys had their heads bowed over encyclopedias that Nana brought with her from home. The girl watched them study. Before, she had never known anyone who shared her love for learning. At home her less talented brother and two sisters were allowed to play outside while she studied. Her brother hardly had any magical talent at all, thou he was still very young. Her oldest sister was already a graduate student, promised to the eldest son of another well know healer family from Rhune. The other older sister had been disowned by her father for abandoning the family and running off to marry some soldier. Nana felt she had to uphold the family tradition, she dedicated all her time to her studies, as a result she grew up without having any friends.


Ciel could feel his eyelids beginning to close, but still tried to keep himself awake. Izuna seemed like had fallen asleep already. Suddenly a sweet smell filled the air, rousing him from drowsiness. 

“I thought you could use a break so I made some hot chocolate.” Nana said placing the tray on the table between the piles of books.

“Hot chocolate? I’ve never had any before, but it smells great. Izuna wake up.” He nudged the boy

“I’m awake” he said sitting up straight

“I was just resting my eyes for a bit.”

“I also made some cookies, hope that’s alright.”

“Nanali, you"re an angel” Ciel made the girl blush.

He had been feeling hungry for some time but lunch time in the cafeteria had already ended.

“So this what’s like, to have friends” she thought to herself.

“What a nice feeling.”






6: Chapter 6
Chapter 6

The sky is always black. The ring of dark clouds that originated at the Arcadian borders has been slowly spreading, crawling inch by inch closer to drown everything in its shadow.  Arcadia is to the north, that is where the colonists landed and within the patch of unoccupied land build their empire. But it was a very small patch of land and for a country to grow strong it needs room. No one was surprised when the war began. It was soon over, the kingdoms united and won. Arcadia was punished for its attempts of invading. The technological inventions it once kept to itself were no longer secret. Because of this trains run across  all twelve kingdoms, and in some places even aircrafts such as dirigibles can be seen, steam boats sail along the coasts and in rivers making trade that much easier. And perhaps the most important thing- alchemy. It used to be the pride of Arcadia but now was made common everywhere.

Many believed that Arcadia was  subdued after its defeat, it’s greatest achievements plundered and their secrets made common knowledge. Arcadians who do not belong here, who are not descendants of the old ones therefore cannot wield magic. What could they do? That was the belief. Magic was what won the war, no amount of technology could defend against the force that it was. Arcadia as a nation did not poses the potential for magic. Even attempts at marriage with magic wielders rarely resulted in children that were capable of using it. Arcadia was clearly not a threat.

Then how did it happen? Clear the empire had not forgotten it’s defeat. The desire for conquest did not disappear but rather just hide its self in the shadows.  The second war began.  And after the first waves were broken and victory once again seemed to belong to the kingdoms something happened. Something changed. The sky changed. Over Arcadia the sky became pitch black, and dark rain fell and those who have died came back but they were no longer men. And it was as obvious as it was inconceivable- a wizard had joined Arcadia in their conquest. No,  he could not be Arcadian that much was certain. A traitor perhaps? But the longer the war went on the more obvious it began to seem, this not the work of some wizard, not the work of a mortal man, but rather the work of a god or perhaps fate.

Since the day they appeared the clouds have been expanding, covering more and more lands. Now it had covered Rosaria the small mountain kingdom on the North West coast, its neighbors from the east Invales and Duskheim completely covered by the clouds. More to the South sharing its borders with both Rosaria and Invales, the kingdom of Alexandria is no more. After the royal capital fell into the sea the country was lost to anarchy and the corruption of the curse consumed it.  The kingdom of Breania is nearly completely enveloped by the curse, it’s south most borders with Rabanastre are still outside its range.  The Kingdom of Garland, is currently still outside the curse area. 

Ozwen put down the quill. There was nothing  to report, except for  what was already known. The curse was mowing, slowly, invisible to the naked eye but it was spreading.  It needed to be stopped, except there was no way of stopping it. So everyone believed, after the attempts of breaking it failed. Some people ran to the south, others gave up and remained waiting for the end that was soon to come.

He gave a loud sigh.

“Something is bothering you.” A woman appeared standing behind him.

She was pale, with hair as transparent as glass and a white dress that clung tightly to her body, the low neck line decorated with black and white feathers.

“Nimue, it’s been a while” he addressed her.

“ Why call form me now, Oz?” she asked her voice was an echo.

“I didn’t call for you.”

“You did, you are not aware of it but you did.” She approached him

“You are torn, I can feel you anguish.  What is bothering you?”

“The Curse, is there really no way to stop it.”

“You already know the answer to that ,Oz. Only those who believe can find the way.”

“Yes, well. I searched for that way once. Spent a great many years chasing the legends. I found nothing.”

“You found me.”

“You are a familiar[1], someone left behind long ago, Nimue. I found you and took you in. I gave you that name because I was infatuated by the old legends.”

“You used believe once. Try to believe again.” She embraces him from behind.

“The relics do not exist, or someone would have found them. Now that boy has gotten it into his head that can save the world if he finds them. This is pointless.”

“You are blinded by your ego, you cannot see the truth.”

“What truth is that?”

“That they were never yours to find.”

“You ask me to believe, alright let’s say I do. What would you have me do?”

“Set me free, Oz. Let me go, not now, but when the time comes I will need to go to the one who can believe.”

“When the time comes, I promise to let you go. Now I need to deliver a message to someone, your services will be required. “

“As you wish ,my master”

Ozwen quickly wrote a message on a piece of parchment and sealed it. Then gave it to Nimue. She changed in a bright light to her animal form – a white owl.

“I hope Nimue and Valana are right, or else I can’t imagine a way anyone would survive this. But is this really something more than just empty hope?”

The man in black robes walks along the muddy road. The forest has ended and now nothing but plain dead field remained. These lands once belonged to the kingdom of Duskheim. He was tired, many days traveled with little water and almost no food, he felt no hunger, food tasted like ash in his mouth, fire no longer felt warm. Suddenly he felt the sword at his side begin to vibrate, moving as if trying to get out of its sheath.  A light came from the sword and took the form of a woman with auburn curls and a golden dress that left one shoulder uncovered.

“Morgana,” the man said, his voice raspy from not being used for long.

“Monsters are coming this way. Mostly ogres and trolls.”

“How many?”

“Too many to fight, an army of few hundred.”

He takes several deep breaths before speaking again.

“Are there any nearby towns?”

“The royal city is to the east.”

“Are there any people there?”

“Hard to say, the aura is clouded by a dark miasma.”

“There might still be records in the library archives. “

“Approximate time of arrival at destination is night fall.”  Morgana said disappearing.



Nimue landed near a small wooden house in the woods and changed into human form. This part of Garland was still out of the reach of the cursed clouds. Trees still green with leaves, it was summer time. Since the curse began the change of seasons has completely stopped. She knocks on the door. A sound comes from inside, footsteps approach the door. The door opens slightly and a young man with messy brown hair peeks out. Upon seeing Nimue he opens the door wide and stands there frozen in shock.

“Sam, who is it?” comes a voice from inside and another set of footsteps approaches.

“Well, I’ll be. Lady Nimue.” The young man with blond messy curls looks up at her.

“Hello, Gemgee, Sam I have a message for you from Ozwen.”

“From master Oz?” Sam snapped out of his initial surprise

She handed him the note. Gemgee broke the wax seal and began to read, Sam was reading over his shoulder.

“We are so in” they both said in unison.”



Night had fallen over the barren wasteland. It has become completely dark , the man kept moving forward. His eyes were closed, it did not matter since there was nothing but pitch black darkness around. But he was not lost, for in his mind’s eye he could clearly see the road. The abandoned city was close. The gate was torn down, no doubt it was raided. The houses stood empty, no lights, no signs of life.  The air rippled with hatred and bloodlust. A loud roar echoed through the air and the ground shook at the sound of hundreds of feet approaching.

“This is really bad” Morgana said appearing

“They must have followed your scent here.”

“There is no helping it now.” He said.

“We fight.”

The creatures had him surrounded. The man pulled the sword out preparing to face the enemy. He took the sword by the blade and grasped it tightly with his hand. Blood began to flow down the blade.

“The contract is fulfilled” Morgana disappeared back into the sword.

He swung at the nearest ogre. The creature was tall, taller than the tallest man and covered in black thick hair, not soft, no hard as rock. Without even touching it the blade sliced it in two. Blood and guts spilled to the ground. Then the mass of creature just charged at him from all sides.  The trolls were smaller only reaching to the man’s chest, lower half of them were covered in black fur much like the ogres, the top halves were naked grey skin with warts. They had large rat like tails.

He swung his sword and cut down five trolls, again, another five. The monsters kept on coming, but he swung the blade regardless, the feeling in his hands was gone. The hilt of the sword was slippery from the blood flowing from his palm and the sweat. He gripped it tightly despite the pain. The ground had become a slippery mush of mud , blood and trampled intestines. Bodies were piling up. He kept on swinging, his mind had gone blank from exhaustion but he didn’t stop. The sun rose and the darkness slowly gave way to dim light. He stood there alone among the dead bodies of the beasts he slew- still alive. 





[1] Familiar-a spirit in the shape of a cat, bird, or other animal that is a close companion of a witch or wizard.

7: Chapter 7
Chapter 7

With the exam session over, everyone could take it easier. The first group of students was sent home, those who performed poorly on the exams and had over all low marks were on the train home.  Amestris was no place for those who could not even master basic magical training. The academy prided itself in creating masters of magic; nothing less than the best would be allowed to remain.

Ciel sat on the castle wall, alone for a change, lost in deep contemplation. He had the best marks from enchanting as expected; it was one of the necessary subjects to get into the Lost Magic course. He did fairly well on history tests as well; he was only average in magical combat despite his many sparing sessions with Izuna.  He asked himself why he wanted in so badly, yet the answer eluded him. Reading about the legendary heroes as a child he felt inspired, he wanted to be just like them, but was there more to it? For now he didn’t have the answer.

As he was about to open the door to his dorm room  when a strange feeling struck him, like something wasn’t right. As if someone had entered the room while he was away. Composing himself and ready to defend himself, if some other student broke in ,or simply decided to play a prank on him, he would not be caught off guard. Something he became accustomed to since Izuna would often use sneak attacks to catch him of his guard during sparing sessions.  The door opened, the room was dark and didn’t seem to be out of the ordinary but he remained on guard as he closed the door. Just as he was about call the intruder out, the lights lit up.

“Surprise” Nana and Ermina appeared from the doorway to his room.

Izuna was sitting on the couch not looking very please with being there.

“What are you all doing here?’

“I wanted to celebrate that we all passed the exams and well…” Nana said

“You two didn’t just pass” Ermina intercepted

“You passed with the overall highest scores out of all first years. So the student council wanted to officially congratulate you.   Well done.”

Izuna scored perfect one hundred in combat magic, summoning and transportation, as well as basic elemental magic and curse casting and breaking classes, and had near perfect scores in all other exams.Ermina announced.

“Out of the maximum possible score of one thousand and five hundred, Izuna scored one thousand three hundred and thirty five. Five points higher than the school record. Well done, Mr. Arcadian Wizard” Ermina teased, taking out a scroll from her pocket.

It floated over to Izuna and landed on his lap.

“Congratulations, Izuna ” Ciel said  as the three of them began clapping.

“It’s no big deal” he said looking at the scroll

“The student council certificate says otherwise. By an unanimous vote, you’ve been chosen the most accomplished student of the year. “ Ermina said.

“Izuna is so amazing.” Nana said feeling slightly embarrassed of her own accomplishments

"I know" Ciel agreed

“You did pretty well yourself.” Ermina said looking at Ciel.

“One thousand one hundred and twenty seven over all exam score. “ Ermina padded him on the back.

“You expect these scores from tower students but not from beginners. “ She took out a scroll  and handed it to Ciel

“This year you were the only one to get a perfect score from history, well done, kid. This is a little token of thanks from the history professor.”

He opened the scroll, it had the seal of the north tower. Nana peaked over his shoulder.

“An official invitation to join the North tower!” she gasped

“That’s right.” Ermina confirmed it.

“You want to study lost magic, correct? You can skip the skip the second year and the enter the North Tower on the start of the next term. “

“You still need to work on magical history and enchanting if you want to get in.” she said looking over at Izuna.

“But Ciel here got perfect scores from all necessary subjects. Well really he  got top scores on all his tests since, day one. “

“I’m so happy for you. “ Nana said

“You get to enter the tower early. I guess you’ll be leaving us then.”

Ciel shook his head.

“It’s a nice offer but I refuse, I don’t feel like earned it. There are many areas in which I could improve and it wouldn’t feel right leaving my friends behind.”

“Are you sure? This is a once in life time chance, you know.” Ermina said

“I’m sure. The three of us will be moving together after we have proven our worth.” He handed the letter back to her.

“You both are so amazing.” Nana said.

“Well you did well too. Third place is nothing to be sad about.” Ermina commented

“Well done Nanali” Ciel applauded her with the other joining in.

Nana blushed fiercely.

“I just remembered. “Her shyness vanished in an instant.

“We made food.”

“Oh, that’s right” Ermina remembered it as well.

Within an instant the food was transported unto the table. Mini sandwiches, garden salad, grilled fish, crunchy chicken couplets; fried rice and large punch bowl appeared on the table.

“I hope you like it, we were preparing it all morning.”

“It looks great.” Ciel assure her.

They sat down  and began eating the food.

“This is great. How did you make all this, Nanali?” Ciel said with mouth full of chicken

“Well, the lady from the cafeteria is really nice and let me use the left over’s.”

“I helped” Ermina said

“Try the punch, it’s my specialty. “

“It’s great. I can’t quite make out what flavor it is.”

“  What? It’s strawberry. That should be obvious.”

“ It must be something not native to Rabanastre. “

“Oh, right, I forgot you’re from the dessert. “

After the food was eaten a large cake appeared. It was white with a soft  and smooth looking texture, decorated with white cream dots and strawberries.

“It’s a strawberry short cake, I think you will like it.” Nana smiled

“I see, so those red  things on top, must be strawberries”

“Yeah. Come on try it, their fresh from the greenhouses.” She picked one up held it to his mouth.

Izuna just glared as Nana fed him the strawberry.

“It’s really sweet, I like it.”

Nana smiled happily.

The party went on for a while. With the exams done the students were now on a two week holiday. Ermina left to her dorm room, while Nana had fallen asleep on the couch. Ciel put some blankets on her.

“There is no way I can go to sleep after eating so much” Ciel said

“How about a walk?”

“Whatever” Izuna replied but still went along.

They locked the door and went outside.

“You’ve been quiet all evening, Izuna. What’s wrong?”

“I would have taken the invitation if I were you. “He said

“That was a guaranteed entrance; you won’t get another chance again, you idiot How can you be sure you will make it to the top next year?”

“I know that, but I don’t want to make it to the top by cutting corners. It would be unfair to all those who worked hard to make it there. It just didn’t feel right.” Ciel said

“How naive can you be?” Izuna grabbed Ciel by coat collar.

“I’m sorry” the boy said.

“It might be naive, but I don’t see anything wrong with winning fair. “

Izuna let him go and turned around walking away.

“I’m sorry, it I offended you.” He called out after him.

“Everything comes to you so easily. That’s what it means to a wizard of the old world, I guess. While I had to work twice as hard as everyone else just to keep up because of my Arcadian blood.”

“You’re wrong; It has nothing to do with lineage. You are amazing. Izuna. No one would ever think you are from Arcadia from the way you cast spells. I can only wish I was more like you. “Ciel said catching up to him

“All this time wanted to be like you.” Izuna said

Both of them burst out laughing.


“Friends.” Izuna said knocking him down into the snow.

Another snowball fight broke out on the hill outside the dorms. Once again ending in a draw as their attacks hit at the same time. Tired from the fight they headed back to their rooms. With Nana still soundly asleep in the sitting room, Ciel closed the door to his room and got in under the covers.












8: Chapter 8
Chapter 8

He walked through the streets of the derelict city. Once the great capital of Alfgard, now just a ruin. The wooden houses stood silent, giving off a eerie vibe. Windows broken, some doors missing, smell of rotting wood in the air. Despite the obvious signs that the city was raided no bodies were seen. The rain might wash away the blood but the human copses don’t vanish so easily. It was unsettling to think anyone would still be alive in the city to bury the dead; living among such corruption would not do any good for a human. The curse corruption did effect humans, like all other creatures, thou its effects on people required long term exposure.

The stone paved street lead into a small square. The fountain was overflowing with water, but it was not the clean stream water that used to flow out of the pillar before, it was the cursed rain water- pitch black. Upon the stone pillar stood the statue of King Alfred. The man noticed smoke rising from behind the remains of a market stall. a smoking pile of ash lay there along with some remains of food. Someone was indeed living in the city. 

Taking out the remains of his staff he chanted a spell. The gem glowed a light pale light and soon footprints appeared on the stones, glowing the same light. They were human from the looks of things and would lead to the one who left them most likely.

“I have a bad feeling about this.” Morgana appeared beside him

“There is so much corruption here, I cannot sense anything. These houses make for the perfect ambush, be on guard.”

“I will, but if there are survivors, they might know something about the location of Alfred’s grave. And they need help; I can take them to some place safe.”

He walked into the maze of tiny streets that went on winding and crossing each other across the entire city. A feeling of being watched never left him. The empty windows of the houses felt like eyes that were following him.  After turning a corned he came to a stop. Something lay on the road, it looked dead. As he approached the creature stood up. It was dog, well the remains of one anyway. One of the effects of the curse was reanimation of the dead that is what made fighting so difficult; before the undead could be killed the curse effect had to be lifted.  Two more dogs’ cadavers walked out of the houses and one more came up behind him.

Curse breaking required concentration that is difficult to achieve in a fight so it a technique most commonly used in groups. Undead were a very different kind of enemy than regular monsters or curse beasts, unless the effects of the curse are broken no matter how much damage it suffers the undead will recover completely.  He didn’t have time to think. The dog dashed at him from behind. He moved to the left and dodged it’s attack. Under such conditions fighting was not an option.

“He who dwells in the realms of earth and fire, I call upon your power. Become my shield.” Pointing the broken staff to the stones of the street he chanted the spell.

A wall of fire burst out of the ground separating him from the dogs. Using the opportunity he ran. Fighting wasn’t always the answer; some fights were won by avoiding them all together. 


The man in the mask stood at the balcony of the tower. He could sense the presence of someone approaching; it was disturbing him, luring him out of his trance and back to reality. There was only one person who would disregard his orders to not interrupt him- Arlenne.

She stood there watching him, thinking if she should say anything. Her dress flapping in the winds, the white fabric turning black the moment it came into contact with the black droplets. They flowed down her dress leaving black streaks that were slowly merging into one giant blackness.

“What is it?” he asks

“I was just wondering, how much longer will this take? Surely, we must be close to winning. There is no need to push yourself this hard, you can rest. Tenebros, please just rest for a while. Nothing bad will happen if you do.”

“You are mistaken, Arlenne. Someone out there is still fighting, I don’t know who they are but they are powerful. “

“Then you must rest, if you are to win you will need your full strength.” She pleaded him.

“I haven’t had a rival like this in a long time. Perhaps I should rest.” He turns to face her.

Arlene’s face lights up as he walks inside with her. It has been so long since her husband spent time with her. He is always busy with maintaining the curse, always distant and she is all alone in the part of palace. All members of the royal family and the nobles, confined to their homes because of the rain, because of the taint of the curse. It has been falling harder than ever before, stronger. Yet among all the corruption and the blackness he stood untainted, his robes remained as white as ever, so white they were like a radiant light among the darkness. He was their salvation; he was her salvation, her light.

He sits there drinking vine by the window, the black crystal mask resting on his lap. The hood of the cloak casts a shadow on his face. She looks at him, she had seen it but only briefly, sensing her gaze he turns away from the light. She wonders about him, about his face, about his past. Thou they are husband and wife he remains a complete mystery to her. 



Ozwen closed the door to the council hall and gave frustrated sigh. The others looked at him with expectation in their eyes.  He just shook his head.

“The council refused to give funding to our little expedition, not that I expected anything else.” He said.

“Well, on to plan B, then” Val said.

“What is plan B?” Sam wondered.

“We need a means of transport, as fast one.” Nimue stated

“Right, and you can’t use magic to teleport us there because?” Gemgee said confused

“There is no way of finding a wizard that does not want to be found, alright?” Ozwen stated

“That is why are going on this expedition in the first place. “

“He went to look for the relics, so the only way we can run into him is if we visit all the places mentioned in the legends.” Val stated.

“That will take forever.” Gemgee complained

“I know. But the council refused to give us air transport or funding.” Oz said

“Well if that the case, then we just have take one for ourselves.” Sam stated like he was talking about the weather.

“Are you joking?! Oz will lose his spot as the royal wizard if he gets involved in something like this.” Val exclaimed.

“Well, he doesn’t have to get involved if he doesn’t want to.” Sam said

“To be honest, life in the palace is not that glamorous. The council meetings are a chore, and don’t get me started on the old half-witted bastards that run it. I’m coming with you.”


The man sat on the crate, several other men asleep on the ground. Bottles of alcohol and human bones littered the floor. Fire burned warming the small room they were in. Some meat was roasting over the fire. The man was half asleep in a drunken daze, he thought he must have imagined it; the smoke coming from the fire was becoming blacker and blacker. He didn’t smell anything burning, so it must have been an illusion caused by a weary mind. But the smoke kept getting thicker, but had no smell. The black string of smoke began to take shape and strange voices filled the air. Inside the smoke the man could almost see someone, a person.


The wizard followed the glowing footprints; they had led him to the slums of the city. The houses were shabby, even more so because of the state of disrepair. There was a small of fire and something cooking in the air, and something else. A cold shiver ran thought his body.  He looked at one of the houses thought the window and saw bodies, well skeletons on the floor, piles of them. No meat on the bones as if it had been stripped clean by some predators like the dogs or birds, but the animals have become undead and no longer require food to sustain them. 

Men came out of the house two houses away from him. They had dirty and shabby clothes and carried weapons- bandits, he realized.  There were six of them. Another group of five came from the other hut.

“Well, well, boy, look what we have here- fresh meat.” Said the one who looked like the leader.

The others began to approach chanting :

“ Meat”

“Be on guard, they are not men” Morgana warned him

“I know, they have succumbed to the corruption, there is no saving them.”

As they brew closer black fluids began to flow out of their eyes. Pupil turning completely black. One of them suddenly dashed forward  but was sent back with a powerful wind spell. The bandit fell on the stones of the street, his neck breaking and black blood flowing out of the wounds in his head. 

The others stopped in their tracks looking at their dead comrade.

“You son of a bitch, you killed him.” One of them shouted, then burst out laughing

“One less mouth to feed. Come on boys don’t let a good body go to waste, dig in.”

While four bandits attacked him waving their swords, the others began to crawl on all fours and surround the dead bandit. Their teeth digging into the flesh  and tearing it from bone. With each bite they took their appearances began to change, becoming lest human. Skin turning black, body mass increasing, sharp claws glowing on their hands.

He easily dodged the clumsy bandits that tried to attack him. Jumping back he sent one into a wall with a wind spell, not killing but knocking him out this time. The other three cornered him against a wall when suddenly sharp black claws dung into ones chest from behind, the remaining two screamed in terror. The six black monsters that towered over them, tall as the house they were, came up to them. The black mass of their bodies twitched and pulsed. The two watched their former comrades in terror.

“No, please no” shouted one of them.

The pulsing mass burst and tentacles came out, the beast grabbed the poor bandit and brought to creatures mouth. The others were finishing off the remains of their kills and and two had torn the other bandit in half one eating the top and other the middle.

The wizards used this time to prepare, these curse beats were transformed humans, that meant they were more clever than most. He clasped his sword and swung at the nearest one. It was too busy eating to notice the attack coming and got cut right in half.  The others took notice and charged. Coming from all sides he was surrounded, using a wind spell he blasted himself up into the air ten slashed another one of the monsters in half. A tentacle from behind wrapped around his leg, pulling him down hard. He smashed against the ground, sword slipping from his grip. He still had four left to deal with and one had its tentacles its leg and began pulling him closer. 

He cast fire from his hand setting the tentacles ablaze, the flames spread across the creature consuming and slowly killing it as it trashed about. The others growled at him, then all three sprouted tentacles at once. The sword levitated to him. With one swing he cut thought the appendages the sprouted from the creature and wit the next finished it. Using the spilled blood as a catalyst he then send a lightning spell thought the sword and the other two who stood in the blood were killed.

The fight had ended but the corruption of the curse was still spreading. More and more people will succumb if it is not stopped. He still had much work to do, thou exhaustion was threatening to claim him, the wizard stood up and carried on with the search for what he had come there to find.







9: Chapter 9
Chapter 9

Winter ended and Spring had begun. Tree leaves were starting to bud in the warm sun. Birds were making nests in the trees, grass was slowly turning a brighter shade of green.  The students were all gathered in the stables for a lecture in care of magical animals. The professor was  witch in her forties, named Amelia Batt.

The assignment was something that could be incredibly easy or impossible. Before the students , on large tables in nests sat many ,different in sizes and color, eggs. In each one was a magical bird, all were of different species. The only requirement for the students to graduate the course was to successfully hatch the egg and raise the bird to maturity by the end of the school year.

Ciel looked at the many different eggs nervously. Some of the students picked out theirs already. Nana had taken an egg the size of a tennis ball, it was pink and the shell had heart patterns on it.

“Be warned” said professor Batt

“Some of these might not contain birds, but something else, as some creatures disguise their eggs or lay their eggs in the nests of birds. You will have to raise what you hatch regardless.”

Ciel felt uneasy. He could imagine hatching a monstrous dragon from an egg. Izuna seemed unfazed by the announcement and grabbed a blue egg, similar in size to what Nana chose.

“Hurry up and choose” he said annoyed

Giving the table a look over once more, he spotted a small gray egg with a single orange spot on the top. He took it.


Weeks rolled by. Nana had hatched a cute baby turtle duck. It was bright yellow and it’s shell was a turquoise color. The duckling happily swam in a small pool she made for it. Other students had their birds hatch as well. The first years stood out from everyone else around campus, since most of the were walking with a bird on their shoulder.  Izuna hatched a blue blaze bird. They could grow up to five meters in lengths and have the wingspan of eight meters. For now it was small blue ball of fuzz that constantly chirped for food.

“Are you sure that isn’t a rock?” Izuna asked looking at the grey thing on Ciel’s table.

“What kind of bird is it supposed to be?”Nana asked

“I’m not sure, I searched the books on magical birds but I didn’t find any whose eggs fit the description. “ he said with a sigh

“Then it’s not a bird.” Izuna stated

“I just hope it isn’t anything scary like a dragon.” Ciel replied

“There are no dragons, they were all killed ages ago.” He said

“I know. But we have dragonoids like drakes and wyverns and wyrms around. They lay eggs too.”

“I doubt their eggs would be so small.” Nana said

“I think this birdie is just a late bloomer.” She patted the egg gently.

“It will come out when it’s ready. “

“You’re right, Nanali” he felt a little encouraged by her words.


He tossed and turned in his bed having a nightmare. The tiny egg grew and grew until it began to crack. A huge black dragon emerged from it and began to breathe fire on all. He was desperately trying to find his friends but they were nowhere to be found.  The he saw Nana, a burning tree had fallen on her. Try as hard as he could but he couldn’t get it off her. Izuna was fighting the dragon. As Ciel rushed to help him the dragon swallowed him whole. 

Ciel sat up his bed panting, the dream was horrible, but it was just a dream. The egg sat in its nest, heated by fire crystals, moonlight reflecting in the shell.  Later he told his friends about the dream.

“You read too much stories” Izuna said.

“It’s a good thing there are no more dragons” Nana said

“Things like that were common in the old days.”

“Yeah, but  Gungnir the dragons layer killed all of them ages ago. According to the legends he wielded an spear that inflicted wounds that no magic or treatment could heal.”

Suddenly a cracking sound echoed in the room. All three turned to the table. The shell of the egg was beginning to crack. They stood around it holding their breaths. The top half of the shell lifted and head emerged.


Ciel felt the cold stream of water running down his face.

Izuna burst out laughing. Nana was trying to suppress her laughter but ultimately couldn’t stop giggling.  

Ciel put the frog in a bubble and floated it a good distance away as they walked to the stables to see the professor.

“Um, this hatched out of my egg.” Ciel explained

Professor Batt began to laugh.

“My dear boy, I’m afraid what you picked up was not an egg. You see pixy frogs form a sort of cocoon around themselves when they go into hibernation. The cocoon is made of nutrients and as it sleeps the pixy frog absorbs them through the skin, that is how they survive even the coldest of winters.”

“Good to know” Ciel said disappointed

“Although, pixy frogs only come out of hibernation in late June.  It is only April now. The fact that this one came out so early must mean that you gave extra good care. You pass the test. “

“Did you hear that ,Ciel” Nana said happily

“Looks like we all passed.”

“Ribbit” said the frog jumping out of the bubble.

“Wait how did it do that?” Ciel exclaimed

“Pixy frogs can disable spells, didn’t you know?” the professor said.

“Fascinating” Ciel said ducking behind a barrel

“This one rally likes you” professor Batt noted.

“Really? I’m not so sure about that.”


The frog leaped on the barrel and shot another stream of water at the boy.

“Get away from me, you creepy frog.” He yelled running out of the stable.

The frog jumped after him while the trio watched laughing.




10: Chapter 10
Chapter 10

The archives of the royal library were deep underground. He descended the stone steps with a torch in hand. The air smelled like decay, moss and mold were grooving on the walls and the stone steps, water dripped from the ceiling and tiny stalactites were starting to form. The stairs were slippery from the water and sludge, tiny streams ran down the sides of the steps. The torch flickered and the fire hissed and cracked as droplets of water occasionally came into contact with it. Finally he reached the bottom of the stairs. Wooden shelves of books, scrolls and old documents as far the dim light allowed to see.  The search was not going to be easy.

He began walking between shelves and  reading the backs of every book and meticulously checking every scroll. Some backs were too damaged by the moisture or covered by mold, some pages were blank with only stains of ink remaining. Taking his broken staff out he ran it down from the top to the bottom of the ruined page muttering a restoration spell. The text reemerged as if newly written. 

Morgana appeared beside him.

“Something wrong?” he asked not looking away from the books.

“I’m not sure.” She said.

She wandered around the shelves, her form emitting a pale golden glow. A feeling she could not understand had taken root in her, a feeling of something familiar yet a feeling of danger. She could not understand why this place was making her feel this way.

The cargo air port was located in the top of a tower at the end of the west wall of Garland city. The kingdom of Garland was still outside the curse area but with the curse slowly moving their way it was only a matter of time before the black rain fell upon them.  The dirigibles that transported cargo between cities in the kingdom, were one of the many things  taken as compensation from Arcadia after the first war. Since then engineers were trained to produce them all over the twelve kingdoms. Engineer profession became relevant after the war, in order to construct the Arcadian machines  individuals were first sent to Arcadia to learn, but now there were all around. Most of them worked for the kings, building trains and dirigibles for transport,  or overseeing the water pumps that provided the water to all the households in the cities. Garland had also switched to electricity fairly recently,  Arcadia had relied on it for decades before. The latest king, Garland  the XXXVII  had a fancy for Arcadian technology, but was in no way an Arcadian sympathizer.  The other kingdoms were more traditional, while they used the trains and other means of transport, some allowed the practice of alchemy, others did not. Invales only used trains for cargo transporting and for the royal family, regular folk were not allowed near them. The desert kingdoms such as Rabanastre remained unaffected by technology, since it was impossible to build train tracks in the sandy desert, they used the air transport for passengers and cargo between cities, but nothing else. While Rosaria, being a neighbor with Arcadia had taken to producing Arcadian fire arms and practice Alchemy extensively for purpose of self defense. The kingdom of Breania had focused more the use of alchemy for healing and pharmaceutical manufacturing, since it had the climate perfect for medical herbs to grow and many talented healers were from Breania.

Nimue pulled out a few strands of her hair and gave each member the group one.

“what are we supposed to do with those?” Sam asked

“Wrap it around you finger.” Ozwen said

“Why?” Gemgee wondered

“It will allow us to communicate telepathically.” Oz said

“This operation requires stealth, but we still need to communicate, this way we can talk without being heard.”

“How does that work?” the brothers wondered

“Just thing what you want to say and thing about the person you want to say it to” Oz explained.

“Like this?” Sam’s voice echoed in his head


“Moving on with the plan.  According the schedule the next cargo blimp will arrive in twenty minutes. We need to make our way to the top of the tower and take control of the ship. If possible we need to avoid being seen, if they sound the alarms the entire police force of the city will be upon us. “

“Failure is not an option.” Val stated

“Right now Ciel is the only one who might have a chance at stopping the curse, we need  to find him.”

“Right” everyone said in unison

Nimue transformed into her animal form and circled the tower looking in through windows.

“First and second floors are empty right now.” Her voice echoed in everyone’s head.

“Let’s move.” Ozwen gave the order.

One by one they left the hiding spot behind cargo crates and entered the tower.  Oz opened the lock with magic. The room was full of boxes and shelves stacked with wrapped packages. It was empty like Nimue said. A narrow spiral stair case was leading up. 

“Someone watch the door.” Oz said

“I’ll do it.” Val agreed.

She hid herself near the door. Oz climbed the stairs, staying low just in case someone was in the room.  It was full of large boxes but otherwise empty.

“All clear.” He signaled for the others to get moving.

Sam and Gemgee climbed up after him. Val moved closer to the stair but her eyes were fixed on the door.  The brothers hid behind create to avoid being seen. Ozwen began to walk towards the end of the room. Val climbed the stairs.

“Someone is coming” Nimue announced.

“Everyone hide.”

Two armored guards came in, returning from their break. The tower was well guarded, since it was the storage room, thou one of many, it was a high potential target for thieves. This particular tower dealt with the transportation of materials, while others dealt with food, weapons, animals and other things. 

“Didn’t we lock the door?” one of them said

The two men began looking around. 

“Maybe we just forgot?” the other guard said

“If they find out they’ll have our heads for this. “

They were climbing up the stairs now. 

“Who are you?” they both exclaimed as Ozwen appeared before them and sent a handful of  fairy dust at their faces.

Before they could even comprehend what happened the two guards were fast asleep. Hiding the unconscious guards behind some crates they began moving to the third floor.

“Nimue, how does it look upstairs?”

“ There are five workers from what I can tell, the window had a blind spot, I can’t the entire room. “

“Alright, what do we do now?” Sam wondered

“I’ll cast an illusion spell on us to make it look like we are guards but only lasts for two minutes.”

“Got it.”

The group entered the room. The workers turned their heads towards them but quickly got to work. There was a ramp leading up to a balcony where the exit was. A guard was standing there.

“Back from you lunch break already?” he said upon seen them

“Yeah,” Val said, her voice sounding male from the spell

“Just making the rounds”

“Hey, I haven’t seen you before.” He said leaning closer towards Sam.

“I just got assigned here” he said trying not sound suspicious

“Oh, you must be that trainee from the academy. You don’t start till tomorrow.”

“Can’t help it ,sir. I’m excited to be here, sir.” He did a salute

“Haha, nice to see enthusiastic youth. Alright carry on, then”

They passed through the door into a small hallway. Just as they did, the spell wore off.

“that was close.”Oz gave a sigh

“A moment longer and we would have been caught.”

“Nice on, brother” Gemgee said patting Sam on the back.

“The blimp is here” Nimue announced

“It will need some time to unload the cargo. I’d say we have about seven minutes.” Oz calculated

“Hurry, the workers are all starting to move to the top. The guards too.” Nimue said.

“Alright, let’s go. We don’t have the time to hide around anymore. Run. “

They ran to the door into the next room. The workers all frozen in place upon seeing them. With a quick move Ozwen put everyone asleep and they ran to the next door.

“Hey what happened here?” the guard from the other room had came in.

“Who are you?”

“Go, leave him to me” Val Said

Oz ran ahead with the brother following close behind. Val Dashed to the side as he swung his sword at her. She touched him with one hand and a blue glow surrounded his body. The man, despite his heavy metal armor floated up to the ceiling.

“Hey, what’s going on here?” he shouted

Val cast a silencing spell on him, no matter how he screamed no sound left his mouth. She then hurried to join the others. Oz had reached the top floor; it was full of workers and guards. And he was out of Fairy dust. Sam and Gemgee hid behind crates. Fighting in these conditions was difficult: there were a lot of flammable objects thus using fire spells was out of the question. The sides  of the tower had openings that lead to  the docks , a wind spell could send the people flying of the tower  and the fall would kill them, there was no water around, making it nearly impossible to use water spells. 

“Cover your eyes “ he told the brothers thought telepathy

An orb of white light appeared above his palm. It began expanding and exploded in a blinding flash.

“Let’s go.”

He ran forward as the guards were rubbing their eyes, blinded by the light. The brothers followed him.  Val joined them.

“Gemgee, Sam, get the ship under control. Val, deal with the crew. I’ll hold them of here.” He said

The trio got onto the blip. It was large egg shaped balloon filled a lighter than air gas that allowed it to float. With a net of ropes upon it and a wooden part of ship, much like the nautical ship only made of lighter wood and smaller in size. Val engaged the crew while the brothers made their way to the bridge. Sam pulled out a wrench with a long handle and waved it around much like a sword, knocking  out a few crew members on the way.  Gemgee punched them out with his gauntlets. Made from a special metal, they had tubes connecting them to a backpack he wore , containing a small size steam generator, steam flowed into them and increased the power of the punches.

Meanwhile Oz was trying to  hold off the crowd of workers who had taken up arms and the guards. The flashed were losing their effect, more and more of them figured out to cover their eyes and they were drawing closer. He was starting to feel tired from using the flash so many times. The guards were about to seize him but suddenly all the people in the room vanished. He noticed a brief glowing circle appear on the floor. Teleportation- the work of a wizard. He glanced behind. Val was still busy, too busy to have done it. A figure emerged from the stairs: a tall woman wearing a pointy hat and a knee length leather dress with her naked shoulders slightly covered by a fur lined cloak.

“Ermina?” He more than surprised

“Hello, teacher.” She greeted

“I really don’t like the idea for fighting a former student.” He said

“Then don’t”

“I can’t let you interfere”

“I’m not going to.” She said

“I want to join.”

“What? How did you? “

“Sebastian overheard you talking, I know you little plan. I was there , the meeting you know. I’m not stupid. I figured you would do something when the council refused to fund your expedition. “

A black raven landed next to her and turned into a young man in a black tail coat with matching pants. He had neatly cut black hair that reached to his jaw and black eyes, typical for crows and ravens.

“If Ciel is in some sort of trouble I want to help him. “Ermina stated.

“Very well, you may come along. I assume you are aware o the risks involved? What we are doing here is basically treason, since this point on we will most likely be wanted criminals.”

“And if we don’t do this we will all be dead or worse.” She replied.

“The blimp is under our control, captain Gemgee awaiting orders” the voice reached him thought telepathy.

“Good, let’s go.  We need to leave now before they send the entire air force after us. “

Nimue regained human form thou still high above in the sky. Strong gusts of wind surrounded her body and she directed them at the air ship, it propelled the cargo blimp forward while pushing the others out of the way. Some tried to chase after them but were unable catch up. Soon they were outside Garland city, flying over open fields.

“Where to?” Sam asked

“We know he is looking for the relics mentioned in the legend of the seven stars , but don’t know which ones. “ Oz said

“The last time I had heard of him was around five months, he had been seen in Invales.”

“That is deep in the curse territory!” Ermina noted

“A wizard can be anywhere he wishes in matter of seconds. So distance means nothing. “

“Are there any heroic legends about Invales?”

“A few, but it does not relate to the legacy legend.”

“What is the legacy of the seven stars anyway?” Sam asked

“Well, a long time ago, during great times of peril seven heroes emerged, each one of them had a weapon that granted them powers unlike anything else. They were believed to be gifts from the gods. The dragon slayer Gungnir and the spear Gaebolg that could inflict wounds that can’t be healed, the hero Avalon, the sage Hesperion, I’m sure you heard of them. “

“Yeah, the names of the constellations.” Sam said

“It is believed the gods created the constellations to honor the heroes and their deeds. Their legends were so great that they were carved into  sky itself. And the relics they used are rumored be around, waiting for a worthy wielder to emerge. Once, long time ago, I had searched for them. These lost magical relics, but found nothing.”Oz said.

“But, if there was ever time of great time of peril, it is now. And we are at our wits on what to do. This curse seems unstable, and the only thing that can save this world is a miracle, like in the legends. “ Ermina stated

“I just hope Ciel had better luck than me. “ Oz said. 



11: chapter 11
chapter 11

It was summer, the warm first days of June. Classes in the academy were officially over but the students still had the end of the year exams to deal with. For this purpose the academy held a special study camp in a reserve on the academy grounds, it was a short train ride away from the castle ,in the forest. The purpose of this camp was helping the students who needed to improve their grades. Here the students with the best marks helped those who were behind in catching up. Since they were at the top of three of their year Ciel, Izuna and Nana ended up assigned to the study camp.

After a day of teaching, all three felt exhausted. Ciel struggled with teaching enchanting and history. Izuna was more focuses on combat spells and curses, Nana seemed to be having a blast with potions and healing. They ate the sandwiches she made for them while watching the summer sun go down by a lake on edge of the forest.

“I think I would like to teach” Nana said

“What about becoming a healer?”

“I mean when I’m old, after I retire from healing, I would love to come back and work at the school.”

“You would make a great teacher. “ Ciel said

“I don’t see what the big deal is.” Izuna said

“Well, I think it’s clear me and Izuna are not cut out for teaching.” He remarked

Izuna made a few of the kids cry. He was strict, due to being raised in strict military discipline, and he was never one to go easy on an opponent.

“It’s combat training, you can’t learn it if you don’t fight. Getting hurt in fight is natural it’s nothing to cry about” He said

“I see what you mean. I guess not everyone can be a teacher.” Nana said.

“Try to go easy on them.” Ciel said in a pleading voice

“We are here to help them after all.”

“The whole reason those kids are failing, is because they are too scared to fight. They need to get used to it. The teachers back at the academy went too easy on them, remember, professor Drake said that combat training was optional, so they just sat it out. But combat is not something you can simply learn from a book.”

“He has a point” Nana agreed.

“I don’t really like fighting, so I sat out the training part too.” She admitted, face turning red from embarrassment.

“I mean, the test is going to be on theory, we won’t be tested for actual combat skills, right?” she was becoming nervous thinking about having to fight.

“Knowing a combat spell and being able to use it in fight are two different things.” Izuna stated.

“Well it’s not like we are at war or anything, but knowing how to defend yourself is still useful. “Ciel agreed.

“You think so too. Ciel” she was surprised

“I mean, there monsters roaming the wilderness, and bandits in the country. You might never know when you might have to travel to someplace and get attacked.”

“All right then. I think it’s settled, Nana, you need to learn how fight.” Izuna said.

The look on her face was one as if she was about to faint. 

“Don’t worry, Nanali, I’ll be your opponent” Ciel offered with a smile.

They walked further from the, into the open area by the lake. Nana stood there flustered and unsure of what to do. Ciel was completely calm.

“So, um, what do I do now?” she asked her voice shaking

“All you have to do is land one hit on me, alright?” he said

“One hit?”

“Easy right? Just use the spells we learned about in class.”

“Spells we learned in class, right”

She closed her eyes remembering the book and trying to recall the text on the pages. She had never used any of the spells before, it felt strange.  The incantations were unfamiliar to her lips and she paused unsure if she spoken it correctly.

“Don’t worry so much.” Ciel trying to calm her down

“You’re doing it right.”

Finally she was ready, her hands stopped shaking for a moment and she said the words without stopping. She extended her right hand towards Ciel and strong current of air dashed towards him. Ciel put up a protection spell, but the knock back she cast evaporated before reaching him.

Nana looked disappointed.

“I can’t do it after all” she said

“You did well, for a first time. “He patted her on the head.

“I this was real fight you’d be dead.” Izuna said and Nana was startled by his words.

“An attacker will not wait while you figure out how to cast a spell.”

“Don’t scare her.” Ciel cut in.

“No, he is right” she said

“Nanali” Her words came a surprise

“I need to become stronger, until now I only focused on becoming a healer, but I promise I will work hard improving in other fields as well. Will you, guys, help me?”

“Of course” Ciel said


They stayed out late helping Nana practice the knock back spell. The sun had set and the stars were out by the time they headed back to their cabins. Ciel gazed at the stars and pointed out constellations.

“That’s Avalon the great summoner,” he pointed to the group of stars.

“In the books he is always depicted with a sword, I think it’s a little strange. He was a wizard.” Nana said

“That isn’t just any sword, Nanali. It’s spell sword it uses magic. That sword is a legend.”

“I think I’ve heard it before.” She tried to remember.

“Moonlight lilies!” Nana suddenly dashed forward.

Under the branches of a tall tree was a patch of flowers growing. They gave of a pale blue glow. In shape they looked just like regular lilies and during the day their petals were white, but exposed to moonlight they would glow bright blue.

“I love lilies!” she exclaimed.

“I know they aren’t a medical plant or anything but I can’t help it. I really like them, they’re so pretty. I have a huge book at home with nothing but pictures of different species of lilies.”

She picked a bunch of the flowers.

“Sorry, I got us so held up. We will most likely get in trouble because w stayed out so late.”

“It couldn’t be helped” Izuna said as they walked back to the log cabins.

“We are here to help each other improve, that’s what we were doing. “

“Yeah, so don’t worry about it, Nanali.” Ciel took one lily blossom form her and put in her hair.

“It looks good on you”

She blushed, thou in the dark no one could notice it.

“Well, see you in the morning.” He said walking towards his cabin

“Goodnight.” Izuna said walking away.

“Goodnight” she waved after them.

The camp went by in a flash. The trio followed a routine of sorts. After all the students had breakfast they taught their respectable classes and after lunch spent their time training Nana in combat magic. They began applying a different method, than before. Ciel and Izuna threw leather balls at her and she had to send them flying back with knock back.  At first she struggles with just one ball but soon she got the hang of it. As her confidence increased so did her performance. The size of the objects got smaller and the number increased, thou she was not quite ready to knock back spells, Nana could knock back attacks coming from different directions at once but the time they were done with study camp.

The exams began day after they got back from the camp.  During the combat magic exam the professor informed them that those who were happy with a score of fifty did not need to take part in the combat part of the exam. The theory part of the test was easy, so most assumed the difficult part was in the actual combat test. Ciel and Izuna never sat out on practice during class, now was no different.  There were a few other students who were regulars at combat training during class but unexpectedly another group of students stood up  and walked up to the front of the large classroom. They were the kids Izuna trained during camp, and Nana. She faced off with a girl with blond braids. Knowing only how to cast knock back she was quickly defeated, but didn’t seem discouraged.

In a couple of days the exams were over and so was the first year of studies in Amestris.  Ciel stood on the stones steps, recalling how he had climbed them on his first day here. It seemed like an eternity had passed since then.  Izuna walked up to him.

“Ready to return home?” Ciel asked

The boy had a serious look on his face.

“What’s wrong?”

“Listen, don’t tell Nana this yet. I won’t be with you next year.”

“What? “

“I’ve been invited to join the west tower. “ He said taking out a scroll from his pocket

“I’ve already accepted the invitation. I’m going into curse studies.”

“That’s amazing. I knew you would get your chance. But what about lost magic?”

“ I know I’ll never be as good as you at enchanting, and this is sure way in. I’m not like you. I won’t just turn down a once in life time chance just because what I was offered is different from what I originally planned.”

“Congratulations, Izuna” Ciel embarrassed him much to the boys dismay.

“I will have to work hard to make sure I get in.” he said.

“Yeah, you better get in!”. Izuna threatened him.

“What you say?” Ciel pointed to the stone steps.

“One last go before summer break?”

“You’re on.”

They raced down the long stair case only to be stopped by Nana.

“You almost missed the train.” She scolded them

“And you could have gotten hurt, those stairs are steep, you know. “

“Sorry, Nanali.”


The train ride to Albion, the capital city of Breania was a few hours long. They passed the time playing cards and talking. Nana kept the turtle duck she raised in magical animal studies. Since it was not an especially rare or endangered species she was allowed to keep it. The bird slept in a nest she made for it, placed on her lap as the girl gently stoked its feathers. It was no longer yellow; it had grown into an adult with white brown feathers. It was snoring slightly making small quack sounds.  Nana planned to release the bird into her parents pond. 

In the Albion train station they said their final goodbyes. Nana’s parents came to pick her up in carriage. Izuna had to run to catch his train back to Arcadia and Ciel worded the train to Greenshire, the last village with a train stop before the desert sands. There was a small dirigible port that took passengers thought the desert. He still had a long way to go before he was back in Elabarta.







12: Chapter 12
Chapter 12

Ozwen leaned over a map of the kingdoms.  Ciel could be anywhere in the world, but finding him was their only hope of stopping the curse. According to Val he was last seen in Invales, but the information was a few month old. He was pursuing old legends. There were legends about Invales, yes, but none of them connected to the legacy of the seven stars legend.

“Avalon was from Lucca, before it became an island. But much like the others he traveled around the world. Until his disappearance, that is. “

“What makes you so sure he is after Avalon’s legacy?” Val asked

“I was his teacher, I know. He was infatuated with that legend, much like I was. I searched for it during my younger days. “

“There must be a reason why Ciel went to Invales. If he is indeed searching for the lost blade of Avalon.  There is historically no evidence that would link Avalon to Invales.  Avalon was a wizards a powerful summoner who became famous for his power. Lucca was at war with Rabanastre, Avalon won the war and became the king of Lucca, but this was just the start. He was poisoned, by someone who envied his powers probably. The people loved him as their hero and were very concerned for their king. They took him to a magical lake where according to legend any ailment could be healed.  I have been to that lake.” Oz said

“Is it really as magical?” Val was skeptic

“It’s no longer there, it has dried up ages ago. It is in the current Rabanastre territory, in the old days it was Luccian lands. But according to the legend Avalon died on the shores of that lake. Grieving the people sent him into the lake for his final rest. In the morning of the next day when they were preparing to depart and announce that the king was dead, he emerged alive and wielding the sword he never had previously. He had lost a lot of his magic in death; he was no longer the summoner. Soon after, hearing that their king was weakened the armies of Rabanastre launched another attack on Lucca.  With only a handful of servants and a few guards Avalon met the army of ten thousand. With one swing of the blade he cut down, not the army of the enemy but the ground itself. Forever severing Lucca from the mainland.  According to legend he made Lucca into an island with his sword. “

“I remember this part, I always found it hard to believe, but after seeing this curse, I no longer doubt that such power could indeed exist.” Val said.

“That is just one of many feats Avalon accomplished. Later he left his kingdom to go and fight the black dragon Fafnir like many other heroes. And he is believed to be responsible for driving  it out of the southern territories.  The biggest mystery yet surrounds the death of Avalon. Upon returning from his quest Avalon had fallen ill. After his miraculous return from the dead  Avalon had never been ill and it writing that all of his wounds would heal instantly. Yet he had fallen ill and died from that strange illness. Upon his request the people took him to the lake and with his last remaining strength he cast the sword back into its waters. “

“What’s so strange about that?” Val asked flipping thought a book.

“After his death when one day the subjects came to pray at his grave they saw the sarcophagus open and the body gone. And that night a new constellation appeared in the sky.”

“There is nothing in your story that would link to Invales. “ She agreed

“Perhaps he was going after something else.”

“Maybe, but unlikely. I have a feeling he would go after that particular one first. The legend ends with the blade being cast into the lake, but the lake has dried up. Someone, at some point in time might have picked it up without realizing it. Sell to a merchant perhaps, the sword could have made its way anywhere. But how did he figured out its current location? The sword has been lost for nearly a thousand years. Something must have happened recently to draw is attention.”

“There aren’t sword legends about Invales, well, not any that I know of.” Val said sitting down at the small table.

It was late. Ermina and Sam were asleep in crew quarters. Gemgee was piloting the blimp.

“I had once followed the possible path of the blade. It had led me to ruins of a temple in the desert. I found mention of Avalon in the ruins. It was there that I found Nimue. Avalon mentioned the lady Nimue a lot, according to the historical documents. He never married, so most believe it to be the name of a woman he loved. Someone had abandoned their familiar there. I took her in and gave that name. After the ruins the train just vanished.  No matter how much I wandered the desert I found nothing else. Ciel must have picked up on something that I missed.”

“So how far did Avalon travel while fighting Fafnir?” Val asked

“Well most sources say he traveled to the borders of current Breania, no further. “

“You know, I noticed something” Val said looking at the map.

“There is a small area in the east where the borders of Rabanastre and Duskheim are close to each other. “

“Yes, it’s been like that for a long time. “he said not really aping attention to her words, lost in his thoughts.

“It’s so small, almost like you could walk from Rabanastre border, cross Breania and end up in Duskheim in less than a day. “

“That’s it.” Ozwen suddenly rose his head.

“I remember something. King Alfred of Duskheim. It was less than a hundred years ago. Why didn’t I see it before, the two are so similar. Alfred was a complete nobody, came out of nowhere and suddenly united all the warring clans, then became the first king of Duskheim. According to the records he had in his possession a sword that could cut thought anything. Alfred had single handedly cut down an army of a hundred. I believe the name of that sword was Durandal. But it might be possible that it is in fact the lost sword of Avalon.”

“And Invales borders Duskheim.” Val said.

“I’ll tell Gemgee, we have our course.” Oz stood up from his chair.



He sat on a pile of old books by a moldy wooden table in to archives under the library. A small candle- his only source of light.  After almost a day of searching through old texts he was not much closer to what he was looking for.  Exhaustion threatened to overwhelm him, but the man carried on despite it. Morgana was close by, walking around the shelves, the feeling of unease she felt upon entering had only grown stronger as nighttime drew closer. She wanted to leave this place and quickly, but could not leave her master’s side. 

While wandering around she noticed a small fountain in a niche in the wall. The water would normally flow out of the mouth of a face. It was a bizarre face, more monster than human. Its hair resembled snakes, thou it was clearly a male face. There was something frighteningly familiar about it. A feeling of something watching her came over Morgana.

“Who’s there? Show yourself!” she looked around but was only met by darkness.

The wizard had not moved from his spot when she came back. Placing her hand on the swords sheath she went back inside to regain strength. Staying outside for long periods of time drained her energy. 

It was around midnight, utter darkness has fallen over Alfgard once again. All was silent, the soundless black rain fell like it always did. But this time the silence was interrupted by a sound that could not be described in human language. It was a mixture of a scream, a screech and a roar. It came from deep within the archive, barely audible but still clear. Any ordinary man would have had his blood freeze in his veins at that sound.  The wizard closed the book he was reading and slowly stood up, making his way thought the maze of shelves, deeper and deeper into the archive. He recalled Morgana warning him, thou he couldn’t sense any presence himself. Even now, thou it was obvious something was there he could not sense it, not like the other monsters and corrupted creatures. It was unsettling. The blood chilling sound echoed again, closer but still silent, as if coming from underground.  Finally he reached the end of the archive; there was nothing there but a wall. He stood and listened. Looking around, taking in every detail. It was strange, the middle row of shelves ended before the others did. On the left and right the rows of shelves extended to the wall, the middle one ended with enough room to fir eight shelves into it. Perhaps they were not placed there yet, or perhaps removed. Taking out the broken staff he cast a spell on the wall. The crystal shone a light across its height  and stopped, centering around spot of the wall. He walked up to it and pressed the stone brick on the right side of the wall. The floor began to move, the area without shelves opened reveling a stair way going down.  The stair case was drowning in thick black miasma. It came pouring out the moment the passage way opened.  He covered his face as the black smoke and the stench of rotting flesh reached him. Unnoticed something leaped out of the passage way. 

“Look out” Morgana sensed the attack coming and warned him.

The wizard jumped to the side and dodged. Something had attacked him from behind.

Turning around he first saw nothing, then raising his eyes up he noticed it. A creature like nothing he had ever seen before. It had pale blue skin and sharp black claws, its hair coiling snakes, the creatures upper body was like male human aside from the bluish skin. Its lower half was that of an eel or serpent covered in white scales. It clung to the wall like a reptile.

“It feels like I know him from somewhere” Morgana whispered

“I can’t remember where. He is a spirit like me, I am sure of that.”

The creature moved down the wall at an incredible speed. Despite not having legs it moved fast. It slithered towards the man and struck him with his claws. The man blocked the attack with the sword. He didn’t have time to draw it from its sheath, just took it off his belt. Fighting a spirit was no small feat. Even more difficult than fighting undead. Undead still had bodies of flesh. Spirits did not, they could become corporeal or become competently intangible at will, in such a case not even magic could hurt it.

Not having time to make a proper offering to activate the contract he drew the sword from the sheath. The curse mark manifested itself on his left wrist, a bracelet of thorns winding it tighter and tighter. He grits his teeth at the pain that shot though his arm. He attempted to counter attack and swung with this right hand.  The creature dodged it. It was fast, so very fast. Once again it was on top of the wall. It licked its lips with the snake like tongue.

“There is curse upon that blade of yours.” It spoke.

The creature hisses and laughed as if taunting him.

“We mean you no harm” the man said

“We are looking for the grave of the great king Alfred, merely to ask if would be kind enough to help lift the curse cast upon the blade. “

“Fool, do you think I do not recognize the blade you carry? You are a thief. You grave robber. I know what you are here for. I will not let you  rod the grave of my master.”

“A grave? Here?” the wizard gave Morgana a questioning look.

The creature lunged itself straight at him. The man swung at it but it turned in the air dodging the attack. The blow cut a huge hole in the wall.  The man just barely dodged the creature as it was bearing it’s fangs to bite him in the neck.

 “He recognized the sword; he must have seen it before. But where. His said his master is buried here. Could it be?”  Morgana suddenly realized why this spirit felt so familiar to her.

“Are you Grendel?  The spirit of the sword Hrunting? Your master was the son of king Alfred, prince Edward.”

“So what if I am?”

“Don’t you recognize me?”

He responded with series of attacks with his claws.

“It’s no use talking to him. You saw how thick the miasma is down there. He is corrupted by the curse. Just focus on defeating him. He is too fast; I can’t land a hit on him.”  The wizard swung at the approaching being but it jumped back again.

Grendel crawled up the wall and vanished in the shadow that covered the ceiling. No matter how he looked the man could not see the creature’s movement. Sensing something coming from behind he turned around but the creature had changed direction already. It’s snake like hair extending towards him from the sides. The snakes had their fangs exposed, dripping with poison. The wizards jumped to the left and swung at the snake coming from the right, successfully slicing it in half. Then he cut the one coming from the left, it managed to scratch his arm before falling to the ground.

The man felt weak, the curse was draining his blood so much faster because the contract was not activated properly, the exhaustion from a sleepless night had caught up with him and now a strange poison had entered his blood. Just a small amount but he could feel his body becoming heavy and numb.

“Soon, you will stone.” Grendel said

“I won’t get to eat you, but I don’t like the foul taste of humans anyway. “he turned to Morgana.

“I prefer my meals to have more substance to them. “

“You didn’t!” Morgana shouted in anger.

“Oh but I did. This new form of mine is so much more potent, you will be a nice addition.”

“The Grendel I knew was never this strong, now I understand. “ she whispered to the man

“The corruption of the curse had driven him to cannibalism just like does with the humans. There was another spirit in the service of Alfred’s family and she was Grendel’s own mother. He consumed her in his madness, that’s why he is so strong. It’s like fighting two spirits at once. “

“This is bad. My left hand is gone completely numb.  If what he said is true the poison will turn me to stone soon. I imagine that the bleeding has slowed down its effects somewhat. You knew him. Any weaknesses he might have. “ He asked her.

Back pressed against the shelf, looking around for next incoming attack. The wizard realized that Grendel was only toying with him. All the needed to do was to wait until the poison took effect; there was no need for him to actually fight. He could just wait it out in the shadows where he was safe.

“He mentioned his master. It seems that even in this corrupted state his loyalty to his master remains intact. “

The man ran towards the open passage in the floor. The stains were flooded with corrupted black water. The grave of the prince was somewhere down there, in the royal crypts, in the catacombs under the city.  Taking a deep breath he dove into the murky black depth, hoping that Grendel would follow. And indeed he did, soon after he heard a splash behind him. It was too dark to see. He took out the broken staff and dropped it down, the moonstone glowing and shining a little bit of light.  Grendel was just as fast under water but the narrow hall did not provide much space to retreat to.  The wizard focused all his power into the spell, if it failed he would most likely die. Grendel had caught up to him, it was good for what he had planned.  A bolt of lightning exploded in the black water sending electric currents everywhere. The man had just barely managed to use a protection spell, even with it he felt the lightning shake his body. Grendel was stunned, not dead but for the moment motionless.  Gripping his blade the man swung at the monster and the attack connected, cutting the right arm of the creature right of the shoulder.  Grendel gave a pained howl, being under water didn’t seem to affect him much. The being tries to swim towards him in an attempt at another attack but he is much slower now. With one final swing of the blade the wizards cuts of his head and the headless body sinks to the bottom.

Coming out to the surface he collapses. Clothes wet from, dizzy from the loss of blood and the poison. He sheaths his blade. Morgana kneels besides him , placing her hands on his chest, a warm golden glow surrounds her form.

A spirit of man appears before her, he is tall, handsome. Blond hair and armor of a knight.  This is Grendel she knew. Beside him stands a woman in long white robes, a decorative veil covering her eyes.  They bow to her and the wizard and then disappear, returning to the spirit world, free of corruption. 


13: Chapter 13
Chapter 13

Ciel gazed out of the window of the train. Familiar scenery passed by as he was approaching his destination.  Summer break was over; the time to return to the academy had come. The boy was eager to see his friends again.   

As he climbed the stairs to the academy he noticed the familiar scarlet hair in the distance. Her ran to catch up to the girl.

“Hey, Nanali”

She turned around.

“Ciel.” She was both happy and surprised

They embraced.

“How have you been?” he asked walking alongside her

She stopped and lowered her eyes to the ground.

“Is something wrong?”

“Well, I’m sorry, Ciel.”

“What? Why are you sorry? What happened? “

She took out a scroll from her pocket.

“I got an invitation during summer break and my parents were there and I They didn’t let refuse it. I’m sorry. “

“You’ve been accepted into healing. That’s great news.” He said

“Izuna isn’t the only one moving up. He didn’t want to tell you before. He got invited into curse studies.”

“He told me on the train.” She said

“Well, looks like I’m the only one left. I’ll have to work twice as hard.” He said with a smile.

“I better go, the orientation is about to start.” She said rushing off towards the entrance to the east tower.

Ciel joined everyone in the main hall where all the second year students gathered. Introductions to new professors and new subjects.  He felt like he did on the first day of the first year. Not really knowing anyone there. Nana and Izuna had been his closest friends for the past year, now they both had moved up to third year. He could have taken that invitation and now he would be a third year as well but Ciel wanted to work his way to top without taking any shortcuts.

After the introductions were done he was about to leave and go to his dorm room when a man approached him. He had pale silver hair and had dark glass spectacles; this man was the headmaster of the school.  He was looking at Ciel rather intently and it made the boy feel uneasy.

“Is something wrong, sir?” he finally dared to speak.

“No, nothing wrong at all.”

“Then I’ll be on my way.”

“You are the one called Ciel Gestal?”

“Indeed I am , sir”

“I have a proposition to you, my boy.”

“A proposition?”

“Ermina told me you refused the invitation.”

“Yes, I did, sir. I didn’t feel like I earned the right to be accepted.”

The man laughed.

“Well, you are certainly an interesting one. Tell me , do you know how many students apply for lost magic?”

“Haven’t got a clue, sir.”

“For the past seven years that number has been exactly zero.”

“That’s a real shame, sir.”

“Indeed it is. Which bring me to the proposition? I find myself in need of an assistant.”

“Wait you don’t mean…”

“Think of it as internship.”


“ For the next six months.  You will still take classes with the other students You will be graded on it and at the end of the internship if you do well you will be officially accepted as my apprentice. Of course you will have to  prove yourself with your work. I trust these conditions  are acceptable to you?“

“Yes, sir.”

“Good, I will send for you when I need you.”

Ciel could not believe what just happened. The headmaster just offered him a chance to become his official apprentice. He wasn’t sure what this internship meant either. He didn’t know much about the head master, the previous one had been an accomplished wizard, and however his successor was a mystery. He taught history in the school, the advanced course of history in the north tower, that was all the boy knew about him.

He spotted Izuna heading for the dorms. He was wearing black robes like all third years students, his had green lining on the sleeves and neck, the cape had the symbol of the west tower stitched on its back- the sea serpent Jormungand. The boy had his shoulder length black hair tied in a tall pony tail.

“Izuna!” he called out.

“Ciel. “ he turned around facing his friend.

“You know about Nanali?”

“Yeah, she told me on the train.”

“I knew she would make it, Nanali is a great healer.”

“Yeah, she is great.”

“We should congratulate her.” Ciel suggested.

“You got something in mind?”


Nana sat in her room looking at the boxes that needed unpacking. She had decided to keep the same room from last year since it was in the same building as Ciel and Izuna, he didn’t change rooms either, thou third years got new rooms in the other building that were larger and better equipped. The sun was already setting, the orientation had taken almost all day :with the tour of the tower and all its facilities, and all the students and professors getting together for introductions over tea. She felt exhausted after the long day, but things still needed to unpacked. Suddenly there was a knock on her door. 

“Izuna?” she was surprised to see him standing out there

“Could you come with me for a bit.” He took her hand and Nana turned red.

She had never held hands with a boy before.  The air around them began to ripple and in an instant the two of them were gone from where they stood.  A gust of wind shut the door the now empty room. When she opened her eyes they were no longer in the dorm building but outside. Some place she had never seen before.

“You’re here already.” She heard Ciel’s voice

“Where are we? Whats going on?” Nana was confused.

She knew the boys would not hurt her but the whole situation was strange. They were on that appeared to be a hill in a forest. There were tall trees all around. Ciel’s voice seemed to be coming from further ahead. Izuna was still holding her hand, he led her forward. They stepped into a clearing. There were no trees or bushes just smooth grass and a large white sheet covering a part of the ground.  Ciel stood there wiping sweat from his forehead.

“Barely made it in time.”

“Ciel, Izuna, what’s going on?’ she said confused

“We wanted to congratulate you for getting accepted into healing.” Ciel said

“This was a little rushed, but I hope you like it.”

The moon came out from under the clouds and it’s beautiful full form shone down with silver light. Ciel pulled the sheet of revealing a patch of white lilies. Catching the moonlight they began to glow pale blue.

“I remembered you like them. “ Ciel said

Nana was speechless.

“Planting them all took a while, but Izuna was a big help.”

“I can’t believe you guys. Their beautiful.” She embraced each of them.

“This could be our special place, every full moon we can come here and watch see them again.” Ciel said.

“This is the best present ever.”

“Oh, we also got food.” He pointed to the picnic basket

“Nothing fancy, just stuff from the cafeteria.”

“Thank you.” Nana couldn’t stop tears from flowing.

“I’m so happy. No one has ever done anything like this for me.”

“Well, you did stuff like this for us last year. So I’d figured we return the favor.” Ciel said

“Also, for Izuna. We didn’t have a chance to celebrate you getting in.”

“It’s no big deal.” Izuna said trying to get out of another group hug.

They stayed on the hill watching the full moon and the lilies. Fireflies flew around in the forest, some coming out in to the clearing. The trio talked until late night and the morning sun found them asleep on the hill.

Ciel opened his eyes, the sun was bright and he could hear the rustle of leaves. He realized he was not in his room. Something warm was pressing against his side. Turning on the other side the face to face with Izuna who had his arms around him using his shoulder as a pillow.  Sensing his movement the older boy began to stir awake and Ciel tried to get out of his current position, possibly before anyone saw them like this. Laughter echoed thought the air. Nana had woken up, she was sleeping further away from the boys and had Izuna’s cloak around her. Izuna was now fully awake and turning red . He released Ciel and moved away from the boy.

“You looked so cute like that” Nana said

“I was cold” Izuna said

Ciel just laughed along when another realization hit him.

“Does anybody know what time it is?” he asked

“Oh no! the classes!” Nana exclaimed

“We are so in trouble”

They got up, all remnants of sleep gone and quickly teleported back to campus. The students were staring to head to the castle.

“Looks like we made it in time.”

“It was your idea” Izuna said

“Maybe next time we shouldn’t stay out late.” Nana said

“Yeah. But it was fun.”




14: Chapter 14
Chapter 14

His breathing was labored, cold beads of sweat forming on his forehead. A pained look was on his face even though he was only half conscious. Morgana had been healing him for hours now but it didn’t seem to be working this time - poison was difficult, especially one that came from a spirit because it was imbued with magic. It was all she could do. Placing the sword still in its sheath on his chest then she puts her hands together as if praying. He would survive, she told herself this, no matter what it cost her- he will survive.


Val sat up in bed with a start. She had been dreaming, some kinds of nightmare, but now she could not recall. She felt a shiver running down her spine it was one of dread. A sinking feeling washed over her- something bad had happened. She thought about Ciel instantly.

“I don’t know what I would do if I lost you” she whispered, knowing full well her words will not reach him.

“So don’t you dare die on me.”

She tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t. It could not have been more than a couple of hours ago that she and Oz went to their rooms. The sense of unease kept her awake and with nothing else to occupy her mind with she thought about the past. Remembering vividly the first time she and Ciel met.

It had been a few years ago, before the curse was cast upon the word. There is no such thing as coincidence in the lives of wizards, though their meeting could definitely be described as unexpected.  She was a wanderer, had been for years, it was in her nature to never get attached to anything : places, people, objects. It was probably why she never kept a familiar. Val was much like the wind – going where ever she pleased.  She made money by taking on various jobs during her travels or seducing some unfortunate fella and robbing him of all his coins; this  is how she ended up with many lovers and many enemies. 

She was on a job that time, hunting an evil wizard that was rumored to be wreaking havoc in the area.  Some evil doer, who terrorized the common folk with his mischief and brought misfortune where ever he went, described only as the black mage for he wore black robes and concealed his face.  There was a reward for his capture. The tows folk were only capable of chasing him around with pitchforks and there didn’t seem to be any other bounty hunters in the area so she decided the job would be easy money.

It was already evening when she arrived and not having much in terms of money, that was shy she decided to go after this job, she decided to camp in the woods and search for clues in the morning. From what the people said the wizard was probably lurking about in the forest . The day he had appeared all the wells in town were nearly dried up and the man shoved up all dresses in black asking about the water; did it really dry up? Where was the source of the water? And the next day the small river flowing thought town was almost dried up. The people figured it was the wizards doing, right after they told him the source was somewhere in the woods he went there and the river dried up completely.  It was July, the hottest month of the season, without water all the crops would die and without the crops the people will have nothing to eat. It hasn’t rained in a while; the last big storm was five days ago.

She didn’t sleep, just pretended to, wondering if anyone will be tempted to come closer. To many a lone woman camping in the woods at night would seem like an easy target. Several times she had successfully lure some bandits with this guise. After dealing with them she left with all their valuables, and turning them in to the authorities had earned some extra rewards. Bandit hunting was a not just profitable but amusing too. But Val had a feeling she would be spending the night alone, when suddenly a dark figure wandered into her camp.

It was a lone man dresses in tattered black robes, his face hidden by a hood. He was holding something in his hand; it was a “Y” shaped stick. He looked at her after he had been standing there for a few moments.

“I’m sorry to intrude. I appears I have gotten lost.” He spoke in polite manner and didn’t seem to pose a treat.

Val observed him; the man seemed to fit the description of the black wizard perfectly. Perhaps he was just pretending to be lost and planed to attack her when her guard was down.

“Would you mind if I rest here for a while?” the stranger inquired

“Not at all” she acted polite but kept analyzing his every move.

He moved closer to the fire and sat down leaning against a tree, still a good distance away from Val. He said nothing so she didn’t either. Thinking that he was pretending to be asleep and waiting until she went to sleep before he made his move, she just waited. Wanting to test her theory she moved closer to him, but then she heard the light snoring and almost burst out laughing.  He really was asleep, looking at his face, or what she could see with the hood covering it she could tell that he was quite young.

“No way this kid's the dark wizard.” She thought.

The morning came and the sun rose high. She was ready to leave but her mysterious guest still hasn’t woken up.  Val figured she would let him sleep but something had stopped her from leaving him all alone. She had no problem seducing men, robbing them and then abandoning them, but somehow leaving him here felt wrong.

“This guy obviously had no preservation instinct.” She thought

“Sleeping so peacefully without a care in the world, just like a kid. This a sure way to get yourself killed.”

Old habits die hard. She was intrigued, by this mysterious wanderer. Reaching her hand into his pocket to take what ever valuables he might have, she was shocked when he grabbed her wrist. Golden eyes  glaring at her menacingly. Before she could come down from her initial shock he yawned and smiled at her.

“Good morning. Oh dear, it’s not morning.” He looked around

“It seems I have stayed here longer then intended. I hope it wasn’t a bother, ma’am”

“Not at all” she responded regaining her usual calm composure.

Whoever he was, he not as harmless as he appeared to be.

“Quite the interesting instrument you have there” she said looking at the stick.

“Oh, this. It’s used to locate water. I’m trying to find the source of the water in this area.  I’ve been wandering these woods for three days and two nights.”

“That long?”

This explained why he was sound asleep in a situation like this.

“I read that there was a shrine dedicated to a water spirit in this area, the water spirit might be able to restore the water. “He said.

“Well you know about such things, then that must make you a wizard.” He suspicions of him were not quite gone yet.

“Indeed I am, ma’am”

“I would prefer you didn’t call me that.”

“I’m sorry, miss.”

“ He just straight up admitted it!” she thought in disbelief

“No, he might be a wizard but he isn’t evil enough to leave the town without water.”

“Well good luck on your little quest.” She said

“I have an evil wizard to catch.”

“Best of luck to you , and thank you for letting me stay. “ he said as they parted ways.

It had been later that day that she encountered him again. He was walking down hill, clothes wet and muddy but he seemed happy.

“Did you catch your wizard?” he asked

“Not yet. How about you, any luck?”

“I found it. There was a mud slide, must have happened during the last storm, it damaged the shrine of the water spirit, I did my best to repair it, the water should have returned. I’m going back into town to see for myself.”

She decided to tag along, if the water was really back then there was no reason to stay in the town any more. There was no longer any reward to be had, since the mysterious young wizard was bound to claim it all after all, wasn’t it why he had done it to begin with?

The river flowed like it had never stopped. The water in deed came back. She couldn’t help but think he was quite the amazing wizard.

“I’m so glad. “he sighed

“The town would have been ruined without water.”

“Yes, these people owe you their lives. “

“Hey, it’s him. It’s the black wizard!” one of the men coming up the road shouted

More people emerged from the streets, holding pitchforks and torches.

“He’s trying to do something to the water again!”

“Well, I gotta go.” The man ran off leaving her there, while a crowd of angry villagers chased after him.

“What a strange man” She thought blowing smoke out of her pipe.

“And I never caught his name.”





It was silent in the palace, like always.  The servants were going about and doing their chores unseen and unheard like ghost. The royal chambers were off limits to them.  Arlene found herself alone in the reading room again, but books did not interest her. She felt caged in this part of the castle, she longed for the old days when she would go with her friends to the gardens or horseback riding. She longed for the sunny days.  It was nothing but cold and dark curse rain outside now. She was forbidden from leaving because the rain was dangerous, he friends from the court were confined to their homes as well or so she had been told.   She wondered how long it had been since she saw another human face. Aside from the occasional maid bringing her dinner of making her bed, but the servants didn’t speak to her nor look her in the eyes. Servants were of the lesser class thus forbidden from such interactions. One could lose their eyes if they dared to look at their lords or have their tongues cut out for speaking without necessity.  Arlene had tried to speak to the servants on a few occasions but they would not answer, just bow their heads and walk away. Such was the power of tradition.  She began to consider that once she became queen she would recall this law.  

Tenebros has been even more distant and she could not imagine such a thing was possible. She loved her husband, with all her heart but that heart couldn’t help but long for the one it loved.  She told herself that soon this will be all over, all she needed was patience, soon Arcadia will the unopposed, the war will end and he will finally be hers, nothing will get in the way anymore.  But the more often she reaped these words to herself the less she believed them. 

She approached him, silently, unsure of herself. She knew that he will give the usual answer- that he was busy, that he needed to control the rain for the sake of their success; that he will be hers once it is all done.  A part of her wondered if it was a good idea, but there was no one else, and she couldn’t stand the lonely silence anymore.

“Arlene, go back inside” he said without even turning to face her, before she even made a step outside.

“I just want to talk” she said

Her voice strained, feeling as if she could burst into tears any moment.

“Then call one of your friends here.”

“They won’t come out of their homes because of the rain” she says feeling more desperate then before.

He is silent. Usually that’s a sign for her to leave but Arlenne remains in the doorway. He lets out a sigh and turn around to face her.

“ You are the future queen, and as the future queen you should be an example for your people.” He approaches her.

“We all need to make sacrifices.”

He is tall, towering over her. The air of mystery and power surrounds him , he is intimidating but she is not afraid.  She know his words to be true, she should just leave him to his work, it would only be finished sooner if she let him work in peace but she cannot bear the thought of going inside to be alone again for who knows how much longer.

“I’m sorry, I’m weak” she whispers as tears begin to stream down her face.

“I just want to spend some time with my husband”

“If that is all. I guess I can spare a little time”


Arlenne shivers as she holds her dress to her naked body. Behind her she hears the rustling of cloth and a wave of anticipation washes over her.  Footsteps approach and she glances with the corner of her eye. He is naked except for the black crystal mask he always wears; she had seen his face but only in brief moments and not fully. He is beautiful, slender but with well toned muscle, with a curtain of long silk like hair flowing behind him, it reaches down from his head all the way to his waist.  Black in color but when it catches light it shimmers a deep blue. He looks like a statue of a god had come to life. Her breath is caught in her throat as she gazes at him in awe. Her hands let go of the dress and it falls to the floor.  

He embraces her from behind.  One arm wraps around her chest as he fondles her left breast, the other slides down her stomach and between her legs. She squirms and gasps at the feeling of his cold fingers against the heated flesh. Long slender finger quickly find the most sensitive spot and rub against it. He kisses her neck, then plants small kisses down her spine. Arlenne feels herself slipping into the sensation of his touch, she is ready for him.  Sensing it he pushed her down onto the bed, on her stomach, one hand holding her wrists pinned above her head. With his free hand he spreads her legs and pushes himself inside. It hurts, but she doesn’t make a sound.  He picks up the pace and releases her hands, holding on to her shoulders now, pushing her face into the sheets in the process. Arlenne turns her head slightly to get some air; he is too caught up to notice her discomfort. 

Slowly pleasure begins to wash over her and she doesn’t mind the aching wrists so much or the painfully tight grip on her shoulders. He changes the angle slightly; now he is leaning over her, his bare chest against her back.  He lets go of her shoulders placing his hands on the sheets on each side of her, his hair falling over their bodies like a curtain.  The light of the gas lamps makes it shimmer in blue. It reminds her of the reflections the sun upon water, with that image in her mind she falls into a state of euphoria.  He finishes soon after. While Arlenne is still in a state of bliss he moves away from her. She senses the sudden cold and hears the rustle of cloth. Lifting her head she sees him already fully dressed and leaving out the door.  Once again she is left with the cold silence. 





15: Chapter 15
Chapter 15

Ciel sighed putting the quill down. It was late, past midnight already. He had been filling out reports for the headmaster.  The man was working him to the bone with seemingly little gratitude. But he could not complain, this was much harder work than the classes most students took, so he was indeed earning his place in the tower.  Feeling like he was quite done for the night the boy headed back to his dorm room.  He wondered if he will get a chance to see his friends any time soon. Ever since his internship began he hasn’t had much free time. When he wasn’t in class he was working on stuff for professor Ozwen.

Ozwen C. Zmaragdos the headmaster of Amestris, youngest headmaster in school history, a closed book to most and a complete mystery to all.  Ciel had regarded him as a great wizard, for one must be a very accomplished wizard to become headmaster of Amestris. The more he got to know the man the more confused he was as to how exactly he earned this post.  Most days were the same routine: Ciel woke up, and after breakfast, sometimes he would get to go to one morning class if lucky, he would be called to the headmaster’s office where his duties would begin. His duties entailed everything from bringing the headmaster his coffee; the drink was invented in Arcadia but became popular in some of the kingdoms as well, to cleaning the entire office, to rearranging all the books in the library, to filling out reports.

As he entered, Ozwen was sitting at his desk and going thought the reports that Ciel had been writing the previous night.

“Good morning, sir.” He greeted

“Ciel, did you write this by yourself?”

“Yes, is there something wrong?”

“No,  I’m just curious to your choices in this.”

“Which ones?”

“As you know, to get funding for the school we need to arrange an expedition for a group of nobles from Invales, so they are educated on the importance of continued research on lost magic. So out of all the possibilities, why Loveless?”

“Well, it is considered the oldest piece of literature and the only surviving text from the lost ages. But to be honest I figured the nobles are more used to luxury so watching the play might be something that interests them more than going through old ruins the desert. It’s merely a suggestion, I can redo the report..”

“No, you used your insight that is a very important skill for a wizard to have. Keep up the good work. I will be leaving for the expedition to accompany the nobles, so you are free for the next two weeks.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Ciel felt like a huge weight was lifted of his shoulders. For the past month he had hardly seen his friends, and even when he was free, he was too tired and there was so much school work to catch up on as well. Despite this he kept his grades high.

He got excused for the rest of the day after some minor tasks and went to the cafeteria to get lunch. He spotted Izuna and Nana both hunched over a huge book.

“Hey, what are you working on?” he sat down besides them with a plate of salad

Startled Nana jumped.

“Ciel? It’s been so long” after coming out of her initial shock she hugged him

“I was starting to think you were dead or something” Izuna said

“Really? “

“You are never here at lunch or breakfast, you classmates don’t see you in class, you don’t answered the door. What else are we supposed to think?”

“Professor Ozwen kept me pretty busy. Anyway what are you two doing?” He glanced at the book from behind Izuna’s shoulder.

“Wait. Isn’t this Loveless?” He said recognizing the text.

“I don’t get this!” he complained

“We’re supposed to write a report discussing whether or not it’s the oldest curse in the world or not but I can make head nor tails out of it. It’s just a bunch of gibberish.”

“Probably because it’s poetry.” Nana whispered to Ciel

“It’s considered the oldest piece of literature, well the oldest known piece of literature and it was written possibly some time during the lost ages. Might be even before the times of Avalon. The events and life style and the spells or magic like powers depicted in the epic poem are the only thing we have to study. “

“I’ve never heard of this” Izuna said

“Makes, sense. I don’t think loveless has been translated into Arcadian. It’s in the old tongue so it’s, and it’s all in rhyme pretty difficult to read. Actually I haven’t read it either.” Ciel confessed

“The theatre   group of Elabarta puts on a great play of it, the whole stage is built on water in the centre square and some scenes are acted out on boats in the canals.”

“I would love to see that.” Nana said

“Come to Elabarta and we’ll see it together. They put the play on every July during the summer festival.”

“ Well I can’t wait until July, I need this stupid report done tomorrow. “ Izuna said

“So what’s this thing about?”

“It’s a beautiful love story” Nana said

“I mean the part about the curse”

“Well, the whole story is told in the perspective of the person who wrote it. That person in the story is referred to as the loveless one, because the gods have cursed him to live remain loveless for the rest of the worlds age. The poem tells of the events that lead to the man becoming cursed.” Ciel summed it up

“So the curse is basically immortality. “

“Well yeah, but you have to live forever without love.” Ciel said

“That’s sad” Nana said

“A curse that grants a person eternal life but takes the ability to love and be loved? No way could such a thing possibly exist.” Izuna stated

“Well, the curse was cast by the gods, not by regular humans.” Ciel said

“Gods ,huh? From what I hear all the gods were defeated by humans a long time ago. No way could weak gods like that cast a curse that lasts forever.” The boy said, convinced he was right.

“Careful, Izuna, you might, make the gods angry.” Ciel was half joking half warning his friend.

“I would like to see them try.” Was Izuna’s reply.


“As we fled and ancient God blocked our way

I was powerless to stop him, try as I might have

With a simple swing I was swept aside and in my helplessness

I could mealy watch as the two most dear to me fell into darkness.


Only I was left alive, and such was my reward:

I was cursed by the ancient Gods

Thus Loveless I shall remain

For the rest of my worlds age”

“Loveless. Act XIII”









16: Chapter 16
Chapter 16

They followed the path they believed Ciel had taken and it led them to Duskheim and it’s capital city Alfgard. The royal archives must contain some clues about the grave of king Alfred and the sword, if Ciel after this relic then would have come here. Val had promised herself she would give him a piece of her mind for disappearing like this, once they found him. But once they did she couldn’t say a single word. He looked dead and she could not think , her mind went blank and thou she felt her legs give out she did nothing, in that one moment she had forgotten how to stand and could not remember how to get up. Ozwen put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

“Calm down, he’s alive. For now. Get him into the ship, he needs help.”

Carefully they carried the unconscious wizard, using magic to move him was potentially dangerous to him so they materialized a stretcher and carried him. The brothers carried him, Oz walked besides using spells do discover injuries, to his surprise there were none. But these meant things were even more serious. Val was like a ghost just floating besides them not really aware of anything.

Once they brought him into the ship Ermina came rushing. A look of concern flashed in her face upon seeing  him, but she composed herself quickly.

“Is he  ?”

“No, he is alive” Ozwen said

“I detected no physical injuries, but his magic has been greatly depleted and he had been exposed to the curse, the contamination is severe.”

“I’ll prepare a room” she said going inside

They carried him into one of the free cabins in the back of the ship.

“Find him some clean clothes, we need to get him out of these contaminated ones. “ Oz instructed.  The twins left to look for some clothes. Ermina took Val to the kitchen to help her calm down.

Once he removed the cloak ,Oz noticed the sword. Ozwen reached out to take it but it started to glow. A woman with auburn curls and a golden toga appeared.

“You must not remove it. “she said

“Who are you?” Ozwen asked

“I am Morgana, I am the lady of the lake and the keeper of the scabbard of the blade of Avalon.”

“So he found it?” he said in disbelief a hint of envy in his voice.

“There is a curse upon the blade. “ Morgana said

“The one who draws it must pay in blood for the power.”

“A curse. I see. Thank you for your warning, we will be careful.”  

“That is not why she stopped you.” Nimue appeared in the room

“Oh? Then why is it?”

Morgana eyed Nimue for a moment.

“It is not the blade that gives the wielder great power, but the scabbard. “ Morgana said.

Ozwen was toughly confused.  He glanced from one woman to the other.

 “Yes, while it is true that the blade can cut whatever the wielder desires and never dull, the scabbard has a power of its own- it will heal any wound or sickness as long as it remains close to the wielder.” Nimue explained. 

Oz turned to his familiar surprised.

“That is true. “ Morgana confirmed.

“ You knew something this important and never told me?”

“I am sorry, master. I was forbidden from speaking of it.” She bowed her head.

“ I was once the lady of the lake. I was the spirit of Avalon’s sword. But It was during my service as the keeper of the sword that the scabbard got stolen somehow, I had failed to protect it and lost my status as a guardian spirit. So you must understand my surprise when you chose Nimue as the new name for our contract. You unknowingly gave me back my old name.” Nimue said.

“The truth was in front of me the whole time yet I could not see it.” Oz muttered to himself. The situation unfolding was a lot to take in.

“ Since then two guardians have  been appointed one to the blade and one for the scabbard. “ Morgana said.

“We have been searching for spirit to lift the curse from the blade. Perhaps lady Nimue would agree?” Morgana looked at her expectantly.

“I wish I could help but I cannot. I have been excommunicated from the higher realms, the power I have now come from my contract with master Ozwen. I have wandered the world since my exile and I hardly have any energy left. Once this contract expires it will be then end for me.”

“So you were seeking Alfred’s grave  for a spirit?” Ozwen deduced

“Yes, usually a great relic is placed into a care of a powerful spirit that will drive away the unworthy and help guide the chosen. But once we arrived at the swords resting place there was no spirit there, instead a curse was placed upon the blade. Like I said to use the power one must pay in blood. This price would drain the life out of anyone no matter how strong. Without the scabbard even he would now have lasted long.” Morgana said.

“How long will he be like this?” Oz asked, he was eager to talk to his former student.

“A day, perhaps more.” Morgana answered.

“ What happened to him?”

She began telling him about their arrival at the city and the fights with the contaminated humans. The brothers returned with clean clothes, Val and Ermina joined in  as well. Morgana told them about the fight with Grendel and Oz gave a heavy sigh.

“If this the situation, then Alfred might not be safe as well.”

“We will need to wait until Ciel wakes up before we make the next move.” Ermina said.

“Yes, but it would be better for his recovery if got out of this rain.” Oz said.

“With Garland forces hunting us? Ermina was skeptical.

“Where will we hide? No one will chase us into the contamination zone sure, but once we get out of here we are targets.”

“I know that. But this man is our only hope and if he dies so does our chance of ever ending the black rain.”

“I know where we can go.” Ermina said

“Amestris. I know it’s not quite out of the curse zone but it has not been under the curse for long, the contamination there will be  a lot lesser than here.”

“Good thinking, Ermina.” Oz complimented

“We have our course, lets go.”

“There is a chance the protective spells around the school held, so inside should be relatively safe.” He thought to himself.

“It brings back memories doesn’t it.” Ermina said.

“Sure does. It seems like it was a life time ago- those carefree, sunny days.” He closed his eyes remembering the castle in all it’s glory.

The school was closed now. It had been closed for a decade ever since the war began.  Leaving them to think about what became of the place they all once considered home.







17: Chapter 17
Chapter 17

With Ozwen away on the expedition Ciel had time to catch up with his classes and spend time with his friends.  He decided to do something he had wanted to do for a while now.  Using his magic he got a bunch of flowers to appear on the table before him. They were desert lilies, bright red blooms with yellow and orange spots on them and the tips of the petals were black. Back in his home these flowers  were called Fire Blossoms.  Ciel wrapped them in paper and tied them up with a ribbon.

“I’m sure Nana will love these.”

On his way to Nana’s room he ran into Izuna, coming from the opposite side of the hall. The boy was carrying flowers, deep crimson lilies with giant petals. The two boys stood there, outside Nana’s room, awkwardly eyeing each other.

“Izuna, what are you doing here?” Ciel broke the uncomfortable silence.

“I’m going to ask Nana out” he said

“I’ve been meaning to for a while.”

“No way. You too.? I was going to ask her out today.” Ciel said awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

“Let’s go outside” Izuna said.

“That’s a good idea.” Ciel followed the taller boy.

It felt strange. He wondered in the back of his mind if they were going to fight. He liked Nana, but he cared about Izuna too, he considered the boy to be his best friend and didn’t want to have to choose between the two of them. They walked in silence for a while. Flowers vanished away. They stopped at the edge of the school grounds. It was a green grassy field, the castle could be seen in the distance on the left and the dorms far on the right. A part of the defensive wall cut of their path, it circle around the entire territory of Amestris.  Izuna stood there facing the stone wall for a moment, then he finally turned to look at Ciel.

“I consider you a friend, Ciel. I’ve never had friends before. You and Nana are two most precious people to me in the whole world. And while  you the closet friend I ever had, I’m serious about Nana.”

“Izuna, I consider you a brother more than a friend.” Ciel said

“But I like Nana too. I’m serious as well.”

“So what now? We fight over who gets to date her?” Izuna said looking just as lost at what to do as Ciel.

“We could, but wouldn’t Nana be really sad if she ever found out?” Ciel said after a pause.

“Yeah, she’d be totally disappointed.”

“How about we let Nana herself decide?” Ciel said

“That sounds fair” Izuna agreed

“But I won’t go easy on you, just because we are friends. I will do my best to win her affection.”

“As will I.” Ciel said.

They shook hands, vowing that no matter who wins this contest they will remain friends. They both asked her out that day and the three of them went to their special spot for a picnic.

Things continued as they usually did. Ciel asked Nana out and she agreed. Izuna did the same and Nana said yes.  Ozwen came back and Ciel was once again busy with work. But from what he could tell Izuna didn’t have much time for romance either. He would see the boy in the library sometimes when tasked with arranging books. He was surrounded by other West Tower students and piles of books. Nana would sometimes come by with the girls from the East tower, but since she preferred to study in her own room he didn’t see much of her.

The term ended and after passing all his exams and his internship Ciel was finally accepted into the North Tower as a student of Lost Magic studies.  His friends congratulated him and, despite him insisting it wasn’t necessary, they threw him a huge party. This time it was not a small private party, the entire grand hall was decorated in white- the color of the tower. There had not been a student in Lost Magic studies for years and he was the first to get in after so long. The entire student council was present, the professors from the tower and Ozwen the headmaster, also  most of the second years  who he had spend so much time with during his studies and tower students who wanted to get a look him, and there quite a few.

The large crowd was unusual for him so the boy stayed close to his friends. He danced with Nana until Ermina stole him away for a dance. Nana wore a beautiful blue gown that emphasized the redness of her hair. Izuna used this chance to ask the redhead for a dance.

“Well done, kiddo” Ermina whispered leaning in close.

“It was nothing” he said

“All I did was study a lot and spend hours rearranging the books in the library. “

He watched as Nana and Izuna waltzed past them.

Ermina laughed at his comment.

“The head master is a real slave driver isn’t he”

“Yeah. Ciel agreed.”

“Honestly I thought he would stop taking interns after that incident.” Ermina said

“What incident?” His head perked up.

He had kept his gaze down since Ermina was taller than him especially when  wearing heels, and his head only reached to her chest. She was wearing a peach color dress with a low neckline for the occasion.

“Well I wasn’t a student yet, when it happaned but I heard from the third years when I entered.  It was a while back but the rumors still surfaces from time to time. “


“Something about a particular student, a love affair and said student running off with the entire  budged of the tower for that year.

“Really? That happened?” he had a hard time imagining professor Ozwen being romantically involved with anyone. The man loved his work.

“Well, later it turned out she wasn’t even a student here. She somehow faked her way in. I believe professor Oz was not headmaster yet but the assistant to the previous one, which resulted in the headmaster taking the blame and getting fired. That left an opening on professor made some new security arrangements so no one could fake their way into the school again. So in the end he got the post of headmaster.” She explained  as they walked over to the snack table.

“I always wondered how he got to be headmaster at such a young age. Sounds just like him to turn a bad situation around like that.” Ciel said

“But you know most people didn’t see it this way.”

“What do you mean?”

“The most popular belief was that he had orchestrated the whole thing to get himself the position of headmaster. He had continuously been denied funding for his expeditions and most thought he got back at the school for it. Becoming the headmaster he would have access to the entire school budged to do with as he pleased and would no longer have to ask anyone to fund his expeditions. “

“I can’t believe people actually thought that.” Ciel said

“People believe whatever makes the most sense to them, even if it isn’t always the truth. You’d do well to remember that. “She said.

“What are you two talking about?” Nana and Izuna finished dancing and walked over to them.

“Oh, this and that?” Ermina said coyly

“Thanks for the dance, I got a few things to take care of.”

“You’re leaving already? “Nana said disappointed.

“In case you forgot, I’m still the student council president.” She said

“Good luck with your work.” Ciel said

“Thanks, dearie.”

After the party ended and everyone was going back to the dormitories, a bird landed on Izuna’s shoulder. It was a hawk like bird, with a metal tube attached to its leg. The boy took the letter and send the bird flying back. He read through the letter, his expression growing darker. After reading it he crumbled it and the paper burst into flames.

“Is something wrong?” Ciel asked carefully, he didn’t want to upset his friend  further if he was already in a bad mood.

“It’s nothing. My foster father wants me to return to Arcadia. “

“Did something happen?” Nana asked concerned.

“No. Nothing of importance” he said.

The trio continued walking under peaceful winter sky. Ciel and Izuna got into a snow ball fight halfway and Nana tried to break it up but after her attempts were ignore she joined in and surprised the boys, making her the unexpected winner of the fight.






18: Chapter 18
Chapter 18

The castle was blackened from the cursed rain, the once pale grey stones now covered in slimy moss and black as tar, but despite this the contamination had not reached inside. Covered in dust and devoid of people the halls greeted them. The place once full of life and the chatter of students, now just silence and their footsteps echoed unpleasantly in it.

They set up in the North tower where Ozwen’s office once was. It had extra protection set up around it. Transforming the old table into a bed they lay Ciel down. Val sat down next to him, while the others left on their own business. Oz went to enchant the dirigible with cloaking spells, just in case they were spotted. Ermina decided to visit her old tower; the brothers went to the school greenhouses to check if any plants survived and were still good for food or medical use.  Now all they could do was to wait until their hero awoke.


A week has passed but Ciel remained unconscious, the sword laid next to him with his hand place upon it. The scabbard gave off a faint golden glow indicating that it’s magic was working. While the others passed time downstairs planning strategies or just playing chess, Val sat on the small chair next to the bed. She had hardly moved from the spot not feeling any hunger and only sleeping for brief instances, only to be plagued by nightmares.

She asked herself when she had become so weak. The old Val cared little for people she hurt, placing herself first and not forming any attachments to anyone. Somehow that naive young man she met in the woods that night had changed her. It had been their first meeting, but it was just one of many.


On her journeys Val would hear rumors about a dark wizard that was terrorizing people and every time her mind would wander back to the boy she met. It had been about six months later that she met him again.  She was in Breania, the southern pars were close to the deserts winters weren’t as cold and it almost never snowed there. She got caught in a rain storm and sought shelter in someone’s barn, without the owner being aware of it.  She threw off her wet cloak and sat down on a pile of hay. The woman had been sitting there for a good half an hour when she noticed something with the corner of her eyes. There were no animals in there so it could not have been one, and in the dark all she could see was a black figure few feet away from her. It blended in with the darkness so she didn’t notice it upon entering.  She stood up and briefly wonders whether she should leave. Being a witch she felt confidant she could take on one person if they tried coming on to her. When she approached the figure moved. He looked up at her and the familiar voice greeted her:

“So, we meet again, miss”

“Hey, it’s you.” She said feeling embarrassed that for a second she was actually afraid.

“Oh, right, I guess I haven’t introduced myself the last time we met.” He said laughing awkwardly.

“My name is Ciel. Ciel Gestal.” He said extending his hand.

“Val.” She shook his hand.

“So what brings you to Breania, Ciel?” she asked dropping down on the hay next to him.

“I’m looking for something” he said.

“That something being?”

“Well, uh” he got uncomfortable for a moment.

“Don’t feel like sharing?” she teased.

“Not, it’s not that.” He looked away from her, then took of his cloak and extended it to her.

At first she was confused, but then she noticed it. The hay she had been laying was damp and the dampness had spread making her shirt cling to her body tightly and become transparent. She took the cloak and wrapped it around herself. She was wearing a corset under her clothes so it wasn’t like he had seen her naked, but this gesture made her feel strange. An unfamiliar warmth in her chest had appeared. She had also become aware of how cold she felt, the wet clothes weren’t helping. She moved closer to him and he didn’t seem to mind.

“Thank you” she said feeling strangely uncomfortable.

No one had done anything for her without expecting something back. People were selfish, people were unkind, that was what she was used to but this young man had saved the villagers despite them treating him like a villain. Now that she got a closer look at him he looked more like a child than a man. Without the cloak he looked so thin and fragile. Hugging his knees to his chest, he sat there staring into the darkness. Dark circles under his eyes, sunken in cheeks and some loose strand of hair falling on his face, but he didn’t seem to notice. His eyes looked like they didn’t belong in that young face for they the eyes of some ancient wise man from legend. The eyes of someone who had seen much; too much.

“I have a dream” he said

“Would you care to hear it?”

“Sure” she said not sure where this was going.

“Now, you’d probably think it’s foolish, a lot of people told me so already. I want to create a world without war. That’s why I’m on a journey. Once long ago there were these great heroes that saved the world from calamities and each of them left something behind. It is said that whoever poses the legacy of those heroes can shape the fate of the world. “

Her initial reaction would have been to laugh, but upon seeing the look on his face she knew – he was serious.

“They’re just fairytales. “ she said.

“They might be” he admitted, surprising her once again.

“But I won’t know for sure until I’ve tried , then at least I will know I have done my best.” He managed so sound somewhat cheerful.

Seeing him smile like this she felt bad for wanting to ridicule him.

“What about you, miss Val.”

“Just Val will do.” She said

“I don’t really have a dream or something like that.”

“Surely, there must be something you want to do in your life.”

“Oh, pardon me. If it’s personal I’ll understand if you don’t want to talk about it.”

“No, it’s alright. I’m simple girl. I go where ever I please, living on the road is quite fun. I want to save up a lot of money and settle down somewhere nice, some place with a lovely view and a good pub.”

They both laughed.

“There’s nothing wrong with wanting a peaceful life. “ he said

“I think deep down all humans want the same. As long as there is danger looming over the horizon, I’m afraid that won’t happen. That’s why I have to try, so everybody could live out their days peacefully.”  

She wasn’t sure what to say. He was so unlike everyone else she met. Once long ago she had admired heroes from the old stories but she was still a child back then. She and her friends pretended to be heroes. Justice and equality, kindness, acts of selflessness back then all seemed to be common sense, natural- like breathing. But as growing up proved life wasn’t fair, people were more often unkind, justice favored the rich and powerful,  those who sacrificed themselves for others were seen as fools and taken advantage off. She felt pity for him. Pity for the day he would find out the harsh truth of the world.

They sat back to back and after long moments of silence passed she realized he was asleep. His shoulders were shivering lightly and he mumbled something in his sleep. “So carefree” she smiled thinking to herself. Val embraced him from behind and pulled his cloak over both of them to keep warm. When she awoke it was morning and he was gone, leaving her to wonder if he was ever there at all. Reaching into her pocked she discover a bag that wasn’t there the night before. It contained some food and a note:” I didn’t want to disturb you, since you were sleeping so peacefully. I thought you might like some breakfast. Consider it a thank you for your company.”

“That guy” she smiled reading the small note.


She had not taken him seriously then either. They had several other run ins to each other over the next few months. But if Val had to pick a turning point then she certain it was the February of the following year.  One of her old lovers, who also happened to be wizard, had escaped from prison. He was a bandit on top of being a wizard and led a notorious gang of thieves but he broke out only to get back her for arresting him. She was confident when she took the bandit hunting job. Her confidence was her undoing. He had created a trap for her, the job was a fake. When she went meet the client who was supposedly living in a cabin in the woods she didn’t suspect anything. And when she entered the trap was sprung on her. Almost immediately her hands were chained with special chains used to imprison wizards. They drained the magic and the more they drained of it the hard it got to break them.

She was certain her fate would be horrible. Derek was not a forgiving man. He alone was tough to handle but with his gang of bandits and her hands chained Val stood no chance of escaping. She felt utterly defeated. No one would come to save her. Perhaps the guards would eventually hire someone to catch Derek and his bandits but  she was certain she would be long dead before it happened. The only hope she had was the he killed her sooner rather than later, after all of his men had their way with her.

Flat on her stomach, face pushed into the cold snow with ten or so bandit grabbing at her clothes, while Derek stood there watching with a satisfied smirk on his face. That was when he showed up, riding on a deer no less. He just rode in like a hurricane, black robes flapping in the wind fiercely. With powerful spells he sent the bandits flying before they even hat time to realize what was going on.  He picked her up and cut her chains in half with a sword.  Taking of his cloak he covered her, her clothes torn in places reveling skin. Derek attacked him and without a word Ciel severed his arm. The man collapsed in the snow bleeding and shouting curses but the young man didn’t even look at him. He sheathed his sword and picked her up in his arms them got back on the deer and rode of. He passed out almost immediately after and gave her quite the fright.

It was then that she realized two things:  that there was another side to this seemingly naïve young man and that he cared enough about her, almost a complete strange to come rushing to save her. And that night when she nursed him for the first time she felt fear for a person other than herself. Thinking he might die, she prayed, though she never believed in any divine beings, that he would live. She realized she might be falling in love with this strange young wizard. 




Ciel slowly awoke. He didn’t open his eyes just yet. He could feel warmth, something; no someone was next to him, a woman. His eyes opened and he saw Val, her head resting on his chest. He felt her breasts rise and fall against his chest as she took slow steady breaths. Gently, careful not to wake her he wrapped an arm around her waist then brushed a strand of hair away from her face with the other.  Feeling his hand brush against her cheek, Val opened her eyes.

“Ciel?” she sits up, her legs straddling his hips, eyes still hazy from sleep.

“I’m here, Val” he assures her.

“You’re awake” she throws herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck

He embraces her tightly saying nothing.

“We weren’t sure you will make it. I thought I might lose you...” she breaks off, burying her face in his neck to suppress a sob.

“I’m sorry. It seems I made you worry. “He stokes her black hair gently.

She looks up at him, tears still flowing down her face.

“I missed you.” She whispers and presses her lips against his

They share a long passionate kiss before finally parting to take a breath of air.

“I missed you too.” He says.

“You were gone for so long this time, no word for months. Don’t ever disappear like that again. “she sit  up and pretends to scold him.

“I promise I won’t. “

He sits up suddenly and pulls her into another kiss.  She gasps in surprise, he was usually the shy one but now he was coming at her with passion she hadn’t felt from him before.  He held her to him tightly and she was thankful for that, she began to feel weak from the lack of air, but she just couldn’t bring herself to break the kiss. He pulled away finally, leaving her panting for air.

“I’m sorry. I just can’t’ help myself this time” he whispers planting kisses on her neck.

“I thought I was done for back there” he admits

“And all I could think about was you. “

He moves lower placing kisses on her collarbone, then between her breasts. His hands gently squeeze her breasts; she feels a rush going down her spine and gasps.  He kisses her right breast then the left.

“Ciel” she moans his name

He kisses her on the lips again.

“In what i thought to be my final moments I just wanted to hold you close to one last time.” He says breaking the kiss.

He takes a strand of her hair and inhales her scent.  Val feels new tears forming in her eyes, his words making her feel like heart is about to burst.

“So did I” she says but her voice is just a whisper.

He wipes a tear from her cheek with his thumb and smiles at her. She can see the unspoken question in his eyes- “may we? “. That is just how he is.  She can feel safe with him; he is not like her other lovers. Should she refuse him, he would let this go. Val can feel his desire, he wants’ her. Slowly she nods then leans in to kiss him while her hand move to undo his pants.  She slides them down his legs and then guides him inside herself.  They move in steady rhythm, each familiar with the other. She pushes down and he trusts his hips up to meet her.   Only now she truly realizes how much she missed this.  Out of the many lovers she had none ever made her feel this way. No matter how much time passes between them, or how long they are apart nothing between them changes. It feels like things have always been this way, like no time passed since their last encounter at all while in truth it had been several month.   Ecstasy grips her as she reaches her climax. Ciel thrusts into her a few more times and soon follows.  He catches her as  she is starting to fall . He pulls the cover over them and holds her tightly and plants a kiss on her forehead as they both drift off to sleep.



Val was still asleep, he slowly slid out of bed and got dressed.  He left the castle unseen and headed to the hill in the woods further from the academy, it was quiet, isolated place that no one visited.  The full moon shone upon a bed of moonlight lilies and two black gravestones.

“It’s been a while. Sorry I took so long to see you, Nanali, Izuna.” He said kneeling in front of the graves.


19: Chapter 19
Chapter 19

Izuna sat there having breakfast with the others like always. In his hand was a crumbled letter. In the past few weeks he had received an alarming number of those. He insisted it was nothing important.

“Are you sure it’s alright to ignore your stepfather like this?” Ciel asked.

“If i go back there, the chances are, I’ll never come back here again. He’ll just send me on some far away mission.”

“I’m sure he wouldn’t do that, if you just tell him how much you like it here.” Nana said

“I’m just a soldier to him, not his son. Soldiers follow order and that’s it and I have been disobeying his orders, he wants me back so he could punish me and then never let me come back here.”

Winter gave way to spring and summer holiday was nearing. Everyone was cheerful, making plans for summer. Ciel had some free time, being the only student in Lost Magic he didn’t have many classes and spend most of his time with Ozwen or by himself reading and analyzing old maps and helping plan research expeditions.  Whenever his friends had time they would hang out. He and Nana would go out sometimes; Izuna still kept asking her out too.

It was April and the school year was nearing the end when the news reached them. Arcadia launched an attack on a village on the Invales border.  Armed soldiers and war machines were marching into the country.   Izuna clutched the paper with rage; Nana had a look of disbelief on her face.

“So this why he was so intent on getting me to return.  “

“Amestris is a neutral territory; as long as we’re here we are safe.” Nana  said

“But what will you do when the school is out?” Ciel asked

“I’m not going back, besides he probably declared me a traitor long ago and will just had me killed on sight. “

“I never imagine something like this would happen” Nana said shaking her head.

“I’m sure it will all be over in a few weeks.” Ciel said trying to comfort Nana.

“Invales forces will suppress the uprising and things will go back to normal. So cheer up, Nanali”

Izuna said nothing; he just stared at the distance with an unreadable expression on his face. 

Things continued as they usually did for a while, but the atmosphere was slowly changing. News of new military conflicts were being discussed in hushed whispers, since the headmaster didn’t want to cause panic he forbade such discussions. The school was bordering the kingdom of Invales, some students; especially the younger ones began to feel anxious about the school getting attacked. Slowly the number of students leaving the school before the end of term increased. Those who lived further away went back home until it was safe to come back, but the larger number of the leaving students were from Invales- young men and women leaving to join the war effort.  Ozwen forbade the students to get involved in political conflicts, for as long as they were students they represented the neutral position of the school.  Once they left they were no longer students however and free to do so as they pleased.

Everyone expected it to be over soon but the conflict intensified. Invales forces were failing to hold back the Arcadian forces. Then came the news: another large group of soldiers attacked the kingdom of Rosaria, the eastern neighbor of Invales. The two were similar in size and military power. Arcadians have taken over the Rosarian mines in the mountains that bordered Arcadia. After the first war Arcadia was forbidden from using the mountains that contain various valuable resources. Before the war the mountains were part of the Arcadian territory. Since Arcadian technology depended heavily on resources such copper, iron, steel, coal, limiting their access to them was a measure to prevent them from building more advanced machines for the purpose of war.

They maintained the hope that the war will be over soon, many still referred to it as an uprising.  But it soon became clear that it was indeed a war. Invales requested military support from Breania.  Many were surprisedby this. Such an act was like admiting to everyone that the situatuation was too much to handle . Breania agreed to asist both Invales and Rosaria. It was soon after the public statement was made that the kingdoms were now in a state of war- the school was flooded with letters. Almost everyone recieved one of the two types: perents demanding  you return home or the government requesting all able wizards to join the army.

Ciel tried to remain cheerful but Izuna looked bothered, like there was something his friend was not telling him. He didn’t want to press his friend if the boy didn’t feel like talking about it. The two of them were alone on the castle walls enjoying the warm spring sun.

 “Do you plan on joining the war?” Izuna asked like was asking about the weather.

 “No. “Ciel said honestly.

“Rabanastre has not signed any agreements to aid anyone, so this had nothing to do with me. Besides I don’t like violence. I don’t see much point to it. Things should be solved peacefully, so I believe” the boy said.

“Do you plan on fighting, Izuna?”

“No. Do you mind if i come stay over at you place, when school is over, I mean?”

“Not at all. Master will be happy to have another person to help around the shop.”

Nana came up to the boys. She looked  unlike her usual self.

“What’s wrong, Nanali?” Ciel noticed immediately

She took a moment to compose herself and looking determined spoke:

“My family are  known healers   and as  representative of my family and a citizen of Breania I was asked to report  to the battle front.”

“You don’t have to go, it’s alright, they’ll understand. We’re all just kids after all.”

“No, Ciel, that’s not it. I want to go.”

“What” both boys were taken aback.

“I can help save people with my healing. This is what I’ve been training for. My sister and my parents, they’re all going out there too. So I have to go and save as many as possible. It’s my duty.”

She was half crying but her face maintained that expression of determination.

“We can’t stop you if you really want to go. “ Ciel said.

Izuna just stood there silently.

“I’m glad you understand.” She said

“I promise I’ll write you a lot of letters. “She added.

That evening they watched her board the train and waived her goodbye.  As Ciel watched her face in the train window move away he felt something. A cold grip on his heart, just for a second. Just a moment, like the ground under his feet had vanished, like he was seeing her for the last time. He glanced over at Izuna. The boy said nothing, his head was bowed and his hair covered his face but then he noticed the drops on the ground, few wet dots on the stones of the platform, almost like rain except the sky was clear.

He walked away slowly, but Izuna remained there standing in the April dusk. When he looked back, he wasn’t sure if he did see it in the twilight but It looked like his shoulders were shaking. He walked back to his room and waited by the window. It was around 10 pm that the train left, Izuna didn’t come back to the dorm until midnight.


Few days later they got a letter from Nana. She had arrived in a field hospital and began treating patients.  The place she was in was near the Duskheim border further away from the main fighting, the injured were brought there to heal.  There were many points like this, hers was probably the furthest and most out of the way of all of them.  There was a lot of work to do, all the healers working there were very nice.  She wasn’t sure when she would write again because she was busy.

“Well, Nana seems to be doing alright.” Ciel said

“That’s good news. “ Izuna was back to his old self, more or less.

“The fighting should all die down, Duskheim is joining the war.” Ciel said looking over the newspaper.

“Took them long enough, Invales is their neighbor from the west, it’s strange their border hasn’t been targeted yet.” Izuna said.

“I heard Duskheim has its own problems. Something about a large monster population gone out of control.”

“Now that you mention it, I did hear about that.”  Izuna said taking a sip of his coffee.


They spend their days like they usually did it was only six weeks until school ended.  Lectures, homework, exams. Time went by like crazy and May was around in what seemed like a blink of an eye. Things were looking good; finally the combined armies were starting to push Arcadian forces back.  They sat outside, leaning against the castle wall, preparing for their exams and chatting like usual.

“Nana, will have a lot catching up to do.” Ciel said looking at the stack of books he had with him.

“You just called her “Nana”” Izuna noted.

“I did?” Ciel always called her by her nickname “ Nanali”, that he came up with when they met.

Turning his head he saw headmaster Ozwen walking towards him.

“Oh, great” Ciel sighed

“He probably wants to give me more work. I’m telling you, that man is slave driver.”

The headmaster had a solemn expression on his face and he was holding a letter in his hand.

“Professor, did you need anything? “ Ciel noticed something was not right.

“This arrived for you.” He extended the envelope to the boy.

“It must be a letter from Nanali!” he exclaimed taking it and opening it he began to read.

“Dear, close relation or family member we, the  royal army of Breania , would like to inform you that  the citizen  Nana Lee,  while dutifully serving King and Country was killed in the line battle.”

“What.!” A look of disbelief appeared on his face

“No, there must be some mistake, Nanali can’t be.”

Izuna picked up the letter that Ciel dropped and read it himself.

“How?” tears were streaming the boy’s face

“An air strike. An air craft charged with alchemical bombs.” Ozwen said

Izuna stormed off without a word, while Ciel fell to his knees refusing to believe this was really happening.












20: Chapter 20
Chapter 20

They held a private funeral on the hill on the school grounds. The alchemical bomb that was dropped on the hospital was full of corrosive acid- there was no body left to burry. So they gathered all her belongings and buried them in the field of Moonlight lilies, placing a stone with her name on it over the makeshift grave. Ermina and a few of Nana’s friends came too, but seeing how grief-stricken the two boys were Ermina left with the others leaving them alone.  They haven’t said a word to eachtoher in a long time. Ciel still couldn’t believe Nana was gone. It seemed like a bad dream, like he will wake up and everything will be back to normal. He couldn’t look at the gravestone, looking at it meant accepting the finality of it all- accepting that Nana will not comeback.

“Ciel,” Izuna spoke.

The boy turned his head to look at his friend, it seemed like his voice was the first thing he had heard in a very long time. There were no tears in his eyes, his voice was steady, calm, cold like usual but there was something in his eyes that wasn’t there before. A storm was brewing in those deep blue orbs.

“I’m leaving” he said.

“What?” still in daze he looked at his friend like he was seeing him for the first time.

“Do you even need to ask?” Izuna walked up to him and grabbed him by the collar lifting him of the ground then punched him.

Ciel just stared at him dumbstruck.

“Snap out of it!” he yelled.

“Nana, isn’t just dead. She was killed! You know what that means, don’t you!? You know who did it!”

“Izuna” Ciel looked at his friend, the words slowly sinking in.

“That’s why I’m leaving. So are you coming with me?”

It only took a moment to decide. Turning he head he looked at Nana’s grave, then at Izuna.


Few hours later, the two of them were running across the school yard to the main gate. But standing in the gate way was the headmaster. Dressed in white he looked almost like a ghost in the dark.

“And where do you think you’re going? Students should be in bed at this hour.” His voice was strict.

“We aren’t students anymore, professor Oz” Ciel said.

“Is that so?” The man shot him a  look of disapproval and disappointment.

“My withdrawal letter is in my room. “

“Very well.” Ozwen said with a sigh.

He didn’t say another word to them and the two ran past him. Ciel felt a slight sense guilt over leaving but he could not let Izuna go alone.  Remembering all the times they talked about maintaining neutrality and focusing on magic studies and nothing else seemed so hypocritical now. But they never thought something like this would happen. It’s easy to talk about war when everything around you is peaceful, easy to judge those who march off into battle hoping to change things and say it doesn’t concern you.  He realized he was a fool for thinking the three of them would just spend happy days together for the rest of their lives but back then he had truly believed it.

After a long train ride to Albion they found the nearest recruitment camp and headed there with many other young men. The camp was in the woods, away from the city. Some tents were set up around the area. There were several wooden cabins hastily put together. Ciel and Izuna walked up to the man signing up new recruits.  

“We’re wizards” Ciel said

“We want to join the war effort”

The man looked at them completely indifferent.

“I’ll need to see some proof”

Ciel made a fireball float above his palm. Izuna just made an illusion of himself.

“Alright. Is any of you a curse breaker? “ the man asked

“I studied Curse breaking” Izuna said

“Good. How about you?”

“I’m an enchanter” Ciel said.

“I’ll need you name, age and nationality.” He took a quill and put it to paper.

“Ciel Gestal, from Rabanastre, I’m fourteen.”

The man looked up at him  and the boy felt a little stupid about not coming up with a lie about his age.

“Izuna Kaius Ardente, fifteen”

“Ardente? Like that Arcadian general? Some soldiers stranding behind the recruiter whispered.

“You got a problem?!” Ciel had never seen Izuna at anyone like that before.

“Yes, I’m from Arcadia and I want to join a war against my own country!

Ciel put a hand on his back trying to calm him down. People were starting to look their way and whisper.

“I have no love for Arcadia” he said in calmer voice.

“All right you both get out of here. Get you uniforms over there. Training starts early tomorrow. “He pointed to the tent behind him.

They went to the direction he pointed. The lady in the tent quickly measured them and handed them khaki colored uniforms. The Breanian uniforms were blue, but the volunteers came from many countries and formed their own squads within the army. Other kingdoms were starting to get involved in the conflict sense it began, Garland was sending some of its forces to aid Invales and Breania. Rosaria was holding out for the time with the combined effort the three countries. But how much longer they could hold was not sure. For now Arcadia was focusing its forces on Invales and only defending the mountain territories it had seized from Rosaria but not trying to penetrate deeper into the country.

Ciel and Izuna ate the supper in silence. Before, while being shown around the barracks he tried talking to some other boys but they just show once glance at Izuna and just responded by walking away. News that an Arcadian was supposedly joining the army got around quickly. No one else sat down at their table.  Ciel was beginning to worry, but Izuna didn’t seem bothered by this.  He suggested putting u some protective spells around their bunks but the other boy dismissed it. After just falling asleep he woke up to a sound coming from outside.

 He saw Izuna’s bed was empty and so were a few others. He ran outside feeling a sense of unease. They weren’t far from the cabin, five boys had Izuna surrounded. The punched him, but Izuna did nothing to fight back. He turned his head and looked at Ciel shooting him a glaze that said: do not interfere. The boys beat on him but Izuna didn’t look fazed. They yelled at him and called him names. Ciel know how powerful his friend was, he could easily blow them away with a spell. He remained hidden, partially concealing his presence with magic, until the boys were spent and left. Izuna remained on the ground a little longer.

“Are you alright? Do you need to see a healer?” Ciel finally approached him.

“I’m fine” he said and headed back to the cabin.

In the morning they were woken up early by a tall man with short hair in a Breanian uniform. Everyone lined outside the cabin for morning training. Despite being wizards, they still had to go thought the same military training as everyone else.  The man noticed Izuna looking beat up.

“What happened to you? He questioned.

“I tripped and fell” Izuna stated.

The man turned to all the boys and gave each one of the ma stern look.

“Need I remind you that bullying will not be tolerated. You here to train and fight the enemy, not each other.”

“But he is the enemy” someone from the group shouted.

The man turned to look at the boy who said that.

“He is a soldier like you.”

“But he’s an Arcadian” some else whined.

“Yes, I am aware of that. And yet despite that he is here like all of you. Now that five off you – thirty laps around the camp and when you’re done report to the kitchens. The rest of you come with me”

The training was hard. Every day began with a long run around the camp and a hand to hand combat training after a short breakfast. The rest of the day they also had sword practice and physical strength training. Izuna who grew up in a similar environment quickly stood out from all the others. He was strong, good at hand to hand combat as well as with a sword. All the boys that made fun of Izuna were left staring in awe as he distinguished himself, showing that he had more skill and power than any of them and things quieted down.

 Ciel on the other hand was struggling. He was never particularly fit. Izuna helped him by practicing with him.

“You’re hopeless at hand to hand combat. Focus on learning how to use a sword.” Izuna said after another sparing session.

“Maybe I’ll get better.” Ciel panted laying on the grass.

“Maybe, but we don’t have forever to wait for it to happen. Or have you forgotten?

“No. Of course not. But it’s been a month, how much longer will they keep us here?

“Until we all pass the standard evaluation tests. It’s a formality- they don’t have time to spend training us professionally. My quest another month or so” Izuna said

“Do you really think we can put an end to this war? Ciel asked.

“Of course we will. We have to. We have to make them pay for what they did to Nana”









21: Chapter 21
Chapter 21

Ciel slowly came to his senses. Everything hurt; he could not open his eyes. He tried to remember what happened.  After six months spent in the training camp the two were finally allowed to join the fighting.  They left Breania and went deep into Invales territory where the fighting was still going on. Thighs have calmed down for a while. The majority of forces retreated when the Rosarian forces have made attempts to take back the mines. Arcadia seems to throw all of its efforts into maintaining the mines. Invales could breathe easy for a bit but now that their control of the mines was once again secured, they started pushing Invales forces back again. They sat in the tent about to be given their first mission on the field.

“Those Arcadian aircrafts are a problem for us.” The major said.

“They move too fast for our canons to hit and even magic spells hardly manage do damage them. So hat is why we need to get one ourselves. If we could analyze it we could prepare countermeasures for it. This is where you come in. We have reliable information about a location being used repair those things. We need blueprints, parts, any information you can bring back.”

It was their first mission, not a battle on the field but a more secretive one. They moved to the location where the targeted building was. It was in the forest close to the mountains bordering Duskheim. The unit was composes of mostly rookies and a few higher ranking officers. The others stayed behind waiting for a signal. They were to scout the place and report back, how many entry points there were, how many guards, how many aircrafts. As they were getting closer Izuna began to grow suspicious.

“Something isn’t right” He said

“What you mean?” Ciel asked

“We managed to get this close without encountering any traps or guards. If this place was used for aircraft repairs it would be crawling with guards.” The boy stated.

“So you think this is a trap?” Ciel caught on.

“Most likely”

They tried to tell the superior officer about their assumption but they were dismissed. Despised good intentions and a bad feeling settling in the stomach no one paid their warning any attention. So the two decided to break formation and go on ahead to scout the place and get back to the others before they all walk into danger. Using their magic to move ahead faster  they got close to the location that they were told about.

It looked like a tower, a single brick tower among some ruin. No signs of people around. Izuna walked out of the cover of the forest in to the plain open space. Crossing it quickly and reaching the tower. Ciel followed. Nothing made any move to attack them. The front door was wide open.

“They must have known we were  coming.” Ciel said

“They would have booby trapped the place if they did. I’m going in.”

He cast a spell to check for hidden traps and entered the tower when he was sure it was safe. Inside there were empty giant tanks and tubes and vials and empty crates.

“This doesn’t look like it has anything to do with air craft.” Ciel said looking around.

“What is all this?”

“Alchemy.” Izuna said

“And it’s been used recently. I have a horrible feeling about this. We need to get to the others fast.”

They ran you of the tower as fast as they could. The others were still far behind them. Ciel and Izuna had just reached the cover of trees when they hears it. A loud roaring, but nothing like an animal. It was metallic. Looking up he saw them coming from the mountains.

“This is bad. We gotta run!” Izuna shouted.

The aircraft was small, nothing like the giant Zeppelins the kingdoms used. They were also fast and maneuverable- cannons could not hit them. Spells could damage them with difficulty, the small aircraft would have moved to a different location before most spells reached it due to altitude.

One of the craft flew lower than others. The bottom opened up and something began to fall towards the ground. It was giant metal orb with spikes- like a giant metal chestnut shell. It began to open up, splitting into four parts.

“Shit” Izuna cursed

“Don’t breath in any of it” he said as purple smoke began to come out of the metal orb .

Covering his face with one sleeve he ran beside his friend, in a hurry to get out of the area with the smoke.  With the smoke left behind them, Ciel could almost see the others. They stopped hiding under the trees looking up.

“They don’t know where we are. We are safe if we stay here.” One of the recruits said looking around nervously. “

“Where have you two been?” the major questioned

“It was all a trap. We went to the tower, it’s empty, and there was never any aircraft there only alchemy equipment, and it used recently. My guess it was used to make alchemical bombs.”

Another “ chestnut” dropped close to their location.

“It full of gas” Izuna yelled

“Don’t breath it in.”

“Were are not equipped for this situation. What do we do?” Someone said.

“We have to go back, call for back up.” Another boy responded.

“We can’t’ if we leave cover we’re easy targets.”

Another gas bomb dropped near their location.

“Shit, they are trying to smoke us out, We can’t stay here.”

With those words a few people stated running out of the forest into open area, away from the expanding gas clouds that were slowly encircling their location.

“Fool! Stop!” the commanding officer yelled but it was too late.

For a moment everything went white. Something heavy hit the ground and there was bright flash- like lightning only it came from the metal orb. The four boys stood there, their bodies convulsing violently as the  lightning shook their bodies, then all four collapsed.

“Don’t touch them” Izuna said

“The same will happen to you”

“But we have to help them!” a boy objected

“We can’t” Izuna stated

“Why? My friend is out there”

“Their already dead” the major said

“Now come on! I see an opening in the smoke over there. Cover your mouths and run.”

They all moved to the direction where the smoke was thinnest. More gas bombs fell behind them. The noise from the air craft was disorienting. Another gas bomb fell, this time in front of them. All directions were blocked except the one leading out of the forest and into the open. While barely managing to hold his breath Ciel cast a wind spell to push some of the smoke in front of them to provide cover as the remaining eight squad members ran.

“Don’t run in a straight line.” The commanding officer yelled.

Izuna and Ciel tried to zigzag as much possible while using wind to spread out the smoke for cover. But the gas was losing density, the more it spread out the thinner it became. Soon it was transparent. Just then a bomb fell right in the middle of the gas could. It opened up before hitting the ground and a strange liquid sprinkled down like rain. 

“Water?” One of the boys looked confused

“Take of your clothes, quickly” Izuna commanded

“What?” the boy looked at him and his jacket burst into flames

The other two that got sprayed were on fire too. They fell to the ground and started rolling trying to put the fire out.

“Let’s help them.” Ciel said

“No time. Remember where we are?” Izuna said with a strict tone grabbing his hand and trying to drag him away.

Ciel broke free and went to help the boys with a water spell. Izuna came after him. 

“We have to move” He yelled.

An aircraft flew overhead. The pilot had seen them since they stayed in one place too long.

“Shit, too late” Izuna curse.

“Barrier, now.” Ciel and Izuna put their magic together trying to raise a defensive barrier around all of them


The last thing he remembered was the metal shell dropping to the left of where they were and a loud explosion. He finally opened his eyes. He was on his back and all he could see was the white ceiling of the tent. He tried to move but found difficult. A woman in white robes- a healer came to him.

“You’re awake. It’s a miracle.” She seemed happy.

“ What about the others?” was the first thing he asked.

She fell silent and hurriedly left the tent. She came back with a soldier, the same man that had been training him and Izuna the past few months.

“You’re alive. You must have the luck of the devil. You know, you are the first person to survive the explosion of the acid bomb.”

“Izuna?” he’s brain refused to comprehend it.

“The acid bombs are full of this alchemically created substance that corrodes anything it comes into contact with as long as there is oxygen. It melts people alive- flesh, bone and all. No bodies left from those explosions.”


“I’m sorry, when we found you, you were alone, there was nobody with you.”

“There were five us. I tried to put up a barrier.”

“I’m sorry, we looked but we couldn’t even find the pieces.”

“No, it can’t be”

He cried, digging his bandaged arms into his palms until the wounds reopened but he didn’t care. He didn’t hear anything anymore, nor see the people walking around.  Everything was a blur until he sank into a deep sleep.

First Nana, now Izuna- the people most precious to him were gone just like that. No, he realized, they were gone but it was not some twist of fate, it was not destiny, not something unavoidable. It was the ambitions of men, of Arcadia and of the kingdoms that have oppressed Arcadia for so long. Denying it’s growing population of land and resources just to show their power. It was the vanity of men that brought on this war. Arcadia was not in the right, but neither were the kingdoms- this situation always had a peaceful solution.  If only he had been stronger, wiser. If only he had realized sooner.

It was like everything became clear in that one instance. He saw a figure dressed in white holding a glowing sword and standing in front of a giant black dragon, its wings eclipsing the sun and casting a dark shadow on the world.

When he awoke he’s wounds had been healed. The nurse told him he had been sleeping for  a week with a fever and near death but it miraculous broke  today.

“What will you now that you’re all healed up? “ She asked

“I’m going back to study lost history” He said with determination




22: Chapter 22
Chapter 22

Arlene stood next to the large window of her room. The rain fell like it always did. Once her window faced the palace gardens but now it opened up to a sad sight: the trees stood leafless, the flowers that once bloomed in abundance were withered stalks, even the rose that she loved so much were gone. The rain drained life out all it touched, and it had been falling over Arcadia so long. While Tenebros assured her that once it was all over they would rebuild it all. She didn’t doubt him. Of course they would rebuild Arcadia, stronger and better than before. Because the way it looked now, it seemed like Arcadia was dying, its lands and people. That was a sad thought so she banished it from her mind. Tenebros would not do something that would put Arcadia in danger, she was certain. Someone knocked on her door. She wondered who it could be this late in the night.  She stood up from her chair by the window. A guard entered her room, he bowed in rush.

“Lord Tenebros has collapsed.” He informed her.

Arlene felt like the world had vanished from under her feet. Taking a second to compose herself she left her room to tend to him.

Ciel felt someone walk up to him from behind.

“Good morning” he said without looking back

“I thought I’d find you here.” Ermina said.

“Everyone’s planning on what to do next. Val is pretty worried about you leaving off like that.” She whispered leaning closer.

“I guess I’ll go say sorry to her.” He got up and pulled his cloak tighter around himself.

“Are you coming?”

“I’ll be there in a moment.” She said.

He left Ermina alone. At some point he realized she really liked Izuna. Now that he thought about it, it was obvious, though not when they were still kids learning at the academy. She never said or did anything that made it obvious, but her eyes would turn sad whenever she saw him with Nana, she teased Izuna, though she teased all the freshmen, but she sounded happier when she was around him. Needless to say she was grief stricken when Ciel told her what happened. He realized it for sure when he saw her familiar in human for. His face and dark hair, though short and his eyes were black, not blue, looked a little similar to Izuna.  Whenever people were around it took the form of a raven, Ciel had only  seen it’s human form  once and by accident.

Val was in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone. She was focused on the eggs and the bacon sizzling in the frying pan, back turned to the entrance. Ciel walked a quietly as possible, embracing herm behind. She nearly jumped but immediately relaxed upon realizing its him. He gave her a long kiss on the lips.

“Good morning to you too” She said pointing to the seat at the table

“Breakfast will be ready in a minute, Oz and the others will be down shortly.”

“I’ll help set the table, then” he offered.

Ozwen, the brothers and Ermina came in  the moment  the table was set.

“Almost like old times” Ermina joked, remembering the breakfast at the grand hall.

“Yeah.” Ciel agreed

“Maybe we can reopen the school once the curse is gone.” Ciel said optimistically

“Which brings me to the question of how are we going to do it?” Ozwen spoke

“You know about the sage Hesperion and his staff. I plan on using it to purify the curse.” Ciel said taking a sip of his tea.

“So it can be done, then?”

“Well, I think so, but we need to purify it at the source. The combined strength of the relics should help make it more effective.”

“So you plan to combine the sword the Avalon with the staff.” Ozwen and Ciel were engaged in their conversation leaving the others puzzled.

“I think we need more than  two relics. Four or five should be enough, if we can’t get all seven” Ciel explained

“At the rate the curse is moving it will completely engulf all the territories over the course of three years, but I gather you don’t  want to wait that long.”

“Actually I planned to do it in a year.” Ciel said taking a bite of his scrambled eggs.

“A year? All by yourself?” Ozwen was taken aback.

“I never took you for the type to be arrogant.”

“I know the approximate locations of two relics, I just need to locate another one and find a spirit for the sword.” He said


“You know, I wasn’t walking around the world for my own leisure, master”

“Those relics. Where are they?”

“Around the desert region.”

“That’s outside the Curse area.” Ermina said.

“Alright, can’t wait to see some sunlight” Sam clapped his hands

“I don’t like sand, it’s gets in everywhere” Gemgee complained.

“Then just stay on the ship” his brother retorted.

“But the desert is huge, we could be looking for years” Val said.

“I know the general location of one of them and the exact location of the other one. So you don’t need to worry.” Ciel said

“So which relic and where is it?” Oz asked

“The mask of the Nameless as for it’s location : it’s in the city of Elabarta.”

“ A mask?” Val said surprised.

“ I thought the relics were weapons.”

“ No, not all of them.  But it could be useful. “ Ciel said.

“I’ve never hear of it.” Ermina admitted.

“It’s not a well-known tale. Ozwen said .

“The legend of the nameless, well it’s not much of a legend. Long ago in Rhune during a time of hardship and famine a mysterious entity would leave food or money in the houses of the people that were suffering the most.  It would come at night and aid them: medicine to the sick, who could not afford it, food to the starving, money to the poor..  Nobody knew who it was , several people had attempted to catch this mysterious here and what they saw were brief glimpses of  a tall human like entity  with a mask that had  no features- no face and once seen it would turn into a bird or animal and flee.” Ozwen finished.

“It was later believed that the mysterious do-gooder was in fact the princess of Rhune. “ Ciel said

“I had visited Rhune a while ago. One of the local legends there is about the princess who was so beautiful  that every man in the twelve kingdoms wanted to marry her.  Several accounts of people who have visited the palace and had been lead  into the chamber where she was kept, for  the king did not allow anyone to look upon  her, found  an ugly old woman there. And once he questioned the king  a beautiful young woman emerged from the same chamber  seconds later. “

“It could have been a trick” Val said

“Yes, but the princess was a known collector of masks. This had led me to believe that she might have had in her possession the mask that granted shape changing abilities. As perhaps a coincidence   the acts of Nameless stopped after the princess died, but it only seemed to strengthen the belief  that she  or someone working under her  was helping the people. The royal mas k collection was later auctioned when the country once again fell on hard times, making it a difficult task. There were over two hundred masks in the collection after all. “

“But you found it!” Ozwen said excitedly

“Yes, I believe so”

“Then we should leave as soon as possible” he said.

“All right, we’re off to get the airship ready” Sam said pulling his away from the table.

“But I’m still hungry.” He complained

“You can eat once this curse is over. Now let’s go we got – we got a job to do.”


Within less than hour they were back in the air.  They were leaving Amestris and heading south to the desert, that was not yet affected by the curse.  Val was asleep inside after the many sleepless nights of watching over Ciel exhaustion caught up with her.  The brothers were busy flying the ship and Ermina was somewhere.   Ciel stood at the front looking at the lands that passed by them.  Ozwen approached him

“ I owe you an apology. I was wrong and I ‘ll take back everything I said.” Ozwen said solemnly.

Ciel laughed but it was mirthless laugh.

“You and I both know , there no taking  anything back.  Once it’s  said or done – it’s history”

“You’re right, of course. Life would be too easy if we could “

Ciel had changed, he knew that but it was the first time   since then  hat he realized how much. He had grown taller but there was a different change.  He looked young, but he felt old,  the air around him was not the same, there was coldness in his eyes  a tiredness to his voice . And it made him want to ask: Ciel, what happened to you? But he kept silent.

“ This rain” he said after a pause “ I look forward to seeing it end.”

“To be hones I was surprised that I went on for as long as it has.” Ciel said looking at the sky.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean the source. It the outskirts of the curse area are this bad, what’s it like in Arcadia?”

“The curse drains the life out of anything it touches- I doubt there is anyone left alive there. “ Oz said .

“But there is, someone has to keep the curse going.”

“You mean the source is a person?” Ozwen looked shocked, he had never considered the possibility.

“I mean to cast, yes, it would need a person, but  ... even now to keep it going all these years.. it’s humanly impossible.” He said.

“Haven’t you noticed, the curse  it’s slowing down. When it began in consumed the territories surrounding Arcadian within hours and spread within days. Yet now it’s barely crawling.”

“But a concentration spell only lasts for as long as the caster can maintain focus. It should be impossible even for a large group  to keep a spell of such magnitude gong for several years.”

“Not a human then. Something more.” Ciel said.

“You don’t mean – a god?”

“Something of the sort. I believe this not the first time the world has seen this king of corruption.”

Oz was puzzled to the words of his former student.


Ozwen’s eyes wide with recognition.

“Yes, it does sound eerily like it. The darkness, the undead that rise from the curse- it does sound like something described in the poem. But the cause of the darkness and the creatures was never explained in the story and the ending was left ambiguous. The person is cursed and that is it, not conclusion to the fate of humanity or how it would survive the endless onslaught of the darkness”

“ I always believed it was that way  because the author wanted people to find their own conclusion.”

“Then let us hope the one we found is correct.”

The ship left the dark clouds entering the sun lit sky of the desert.  Both went silent and rose their hands to cover their eyes from the bright sun.  Behind them, unnoticed ,  for the first time in years the Black Rain has stopped.






23: Chapter 23
Chapter 23

The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky. Pleasant warmth turning into scorching heat before long.  The dunes of golden sand stretching out for what seemed like infinity. In this vastness of sand, rising into the heavens are the white towers of Elabarta – the only city this far out in the desert.   It is a spectacular sight: within a hollow in the ground where the waters of an oasis flow as waterfalls stands a city of sandstone and marble, with its streets made of water and tall towers that twist into spiral like shapes as  they rise, the towers divide the city into districts and provide shade to those  reside in them.

The airship flies above the edge of the pit and six gather on deck to look at the sight before them. Trees grow around the edges of the water and dozens of water birds have gathered to this place.  The powerful waterfalls casting rainbows into the air.  While the water brings life to this place it leaves no room for growing crops or raising cattle. Few have the privilege to do so within the towers, therefore most goods are imported from other  towns or kingdoms- making them a thing of luxury accessible to mostly to the rich.

Further to the west a large black cloud, separate from the cursed black clouds, loomed over the desert. As they approached Ciel noticed the cloud was moving in separate directions all at once. Indeed it was not a cloud but a swarm of birds.

“What is happening out there? Val noticed it too.

“I guess the rumors were true. “ Ciel gave a heavy sigh.

“Rumors?” Val looked at him.

“We should leave the ship and go into the city on foot.” He said.

“We’ll look after the ship “Gemgee said.

They landed the airship away from the city behind some rocks and cast a spell on it to make invisible to others.  Then changed  their clothes into outfits more suitable for the desert. Long robes and  veils that covered their heads from the sun. Ciel was white, contrasting the usual black he wore, Ozwen wore emerald coloured, Val black, Ermina maroon coloured. . Approaching the bridge that lead into one of the towers they noticed there were military fortifications built and armed guards were standing at the ready.

“I’ll go talk to them” Ciel said.

He approached the guards who had their weapons aimed at him. He spoke to them a bit and returned to the others. He extended them scrolls of parchment.

“We can stay at the city for a week.” He said.

One of the guards escorted them into the elevator. It was a round stone platform, lifted up and down by water. The guard pulled a lever and the water began to slowly drain from beneath the stone platform. The descent was smooth. Class in the walls of the tower allowed them to see the city as they were descending into it.

“See those tall towers right in the middle over there? That’s the theatre” Ciel pointed.

“Wow.” Both women looked at the view amazed.

The towers from up close looked even more amazing as each one had details, such as flower patterns, birds or ornaments to decorate it. Countless bridges and terraces connected the upper city.  As they went lower and lower the view changed. It became darker, the many bridges casting shadows, making it always dark below. 

The elevator reached the bottom and the guard watched each one of them gets out, before pulling the lever, the stone door slid shut as the elevator started going up.  Lower city was where middle class and the poor folk lived. Ciel had grown up in these streets.  This was Market Street where countless merchants and peddlers sold their wares. The street was quiet, no usual sounds of the bazaar, no colorful tents, and no people.  As they passed Ciel noticed movement in the shadows.  Moans and whimpers could be heard, but hushed. The others were starting to catch on that something was wrong, but remained quiet and kept walking.

They stopped at the front of a store. The sign was dirty, decayed, and unreadable. The place looked abandoned.  Ciel motioned for others to follow, and turned to a narrow alley between two stores. Walking few houses down, he knocked on the door.  An elderly woman opened the door. She stayed in the shadows, a good distance away from the door. 

“Ciel?” there was surprise on her face and she opened the door wider.

“It’s been a long time, Marie. May we come in?”

She noticed the others standing behind him.

“Yes, come in, quickly.”

“What happened here? “ Ozwen asked.

“The same thing that happened everywhere- the curse.” She said stoking the fireplace.

“But this place is outside the curse zone.” Val said.

Ozwen and Ciel sighed.

“Yes. That is precisely why- people thought they could outrun the curse. “He said.

“Many moved to Garland from Invales and Rosaria when the Curse began to crawl down from Arcadia. Garland dealt with the situation by forcing the refugees to pay insane amounts of money to gain sanctuary. It was that or they were being to force to join the army and sent to the front lines.”

“I’ve heard of it.” Val said. “But that was years ago.”

“That may be, but the people have never stopped running. Garland is half under and the curse has slowed down enough that many believe it will never leave far places such as the coast or Lucca.  But the problem is that to get to the coast one must travel across the desert for a month.” Oz continued.

“That would be suicide” Val said.

“Indeed, but there is an easier way.” Ermina said.

“Elabarta…” she realized.

“Yes. Many tried to come here.” Marie spoke watching the kettle boil over the fire.

“But the Council of Lords refused to let them in. Not enough space in the city, they said. Not enough water and food. They may be right… but still, those were people, they didn’t deserve that.  They sent soldiers to every gate and told them to shoot anyone who came close. All of us were told to stay inside and wait. It went on for weeks. “

“They shot at people?” Val was surprised

“What of the bodies?” Oz asked.

“They just tossed them into the desert- left them there. “

“A warning for others, no doubt.” Ciel sighed.

“He refused to help them, please believe me.” Marie pleased looking at Ciel.

“I know, master would have never been alright with something like this. “

“They took him away, when he refused to make weapons or enchant them. “The woman went on.

“We’ll get him back.” Ciel said.

“Are you out of your mind?” Ozwen said. “don’t forget why we’re here. If we break into the prison they will kick us out at best. “

“I know that.  We have a week- it should be enough time.” Ciel said.


Arlene sat by the large bed.  She could not tell if it had been mere hours or days, but she knew she could not move away. Tenebros lay there motionless, pressing her hand to his chest she could still feel a light beat- the only proof he was alive.  He was cold, and beautiful as ever, like he was just sleeping. No matter how much they heated the room, or how many blankets the servants brought he remained ice cold.

She had lost all feeling of reality, holding his hand and sitting beside him, somewhere between dream and reality in the late hour of the night.  She felt it and the feeling brought Arlene back into reality. He was shaking, eyes still closed but his face twisted in pain. Before she could call out for help he convulsed, coughing a strange black substance that resemble tar. Servants came rushing in but to Arlene it seemed like the world slowed to a crawl.  Somebody escorted her outside back to her own room.  No sooner did the door shut, that she fall to her knees and gazing into the ever dark sky she prayed:

“Please, please don’t let him die. I know he may have done bad things, but I love him. Please, let him live.”

24: Chapter 24
Chapter 24


They left the house early, while Marie was asleep and headed towards the theater.

“So, I found out that some of the masks from the royal collection of Wigna were bought by the man who owned the theatre here in Elabarta. The entrance hall has several of them on the ceiling as decorations. “

“How can we be certain that the artifact is there?” Ozwen asked.

“There is a rumor, about one mask in the theater. They say it cries.”

“It could be just water dripping from the roof after rain.” Val said.

“Normally that would be likely, but remember where we are. “It doesn’t rain much in the desert.  ” Oz said.

“And from what I heard the tears are not water. Their black like ink.” Ciel said.

“So the spirit of the mask would be the one crying, right?” Ermina said.

“I think so. This combined with the masks origin; it’s most likely an artifact.” Ciel said.

Walking the streets of Elabarta was best done in the early morning when the sun wasn’t high and it wasn’t hot. There were more people out and about in this time and the city didn’t look as much of a ghost town, compared to when they first arrived. Approaching a canal they boarded a gondola. The theatre was in the very center of the city and all the canals crossed there. After some convincing and bribery the guard allowed them to enter the theatre, despite it not being open yet.  They stood in the hall full of luxurious decorations, gold lining on the walls and pillars, red silk carpets and marble and the entire ceiling line with rows of masks.

“There. That one” Ozwen pointed up after a good twenty minutes of looking up at the semi dark celling, most of the lights were not on.

It was a plain white mask, different from the luxuriously decorated ones that surrounded it. There were black drops under its eyes, almost like tears.

“It looks kind of creepy” Ermina said.

“We need to get a closer look.” Ozwen said.


The familiar appeared next to Ciel, half transparent she began to float up towards the ceiling. Before she could touch the mask there was a sound of a bell, the white face of the mask began to glow and a small blue butterfly came out of the forehead.

“Why hast thou awoken me?” a soft female voice came from the butterfly.

“I seek to break the dark curse that plaques the world and I require your power.” Ciel said.

“I my mine power is what thou seek, then find mine other half- tis a brush of paint. Lost it has been, to the sands long ago, but its cry I still hear. I cannot give thee mine power without it.”


Ciel sighed looking at the clear blue sky. The sands of the desert stretching far and wide in front of their eyes.

“It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack.” Ermina said.

“Sure looks that way.”

“How can you be so care free at a time like this?” Val scolded him.

“It could take us years to find it but we don’t have years.” She persisted.

“Well, I just figured it’ll work out somehow.” Ciel said.

“Unbelievable” She said crossing her arms and walking away.

They were searching for half a day now. Casting location spells, item summon spells, old maps of trade routes but found nothing.  Taking the airship would have been pointless, since the object was small and buried somewhere under the desert.  They group agreed to give it a couple of days to search but if they found no clues they would give up and head towards the other artifact.

As it grew hotter the group decided to find shelter. The stench of rotting flesh and the sound of insects reached them. Ermina covered her nose immediately. Down between two dunes were piles of bodies, the sand still red from the blood.  They stood on the cliff overlooking a large portion of the desert.

“I believe this place was once known as the Sandsea. The sand was in constant motion like waves on water. “Ozwen said looking at the still sand.

“It’s just a desert now.” Ciel said.

“Can we get out of here? The stench is making me nauseous.” Val complained

“I think I see a path leading down.” Ermina pointed the side.

“I spotted some ruins that could provide shelter.” Ozwen joined them

“Do you blame them?” Morgana asked

“I don’t. They did what they thought was the best thing. Everyone is desperate. The Curse destroys life- once the rain comes this far what little land Rabanastre has will become unable to give crops. We should burn the bodies; if the Rain reaches here they will become undead and attack the city.” Ciel said giving the piles of dead bodies one last glace before joining the others.


Rabanastre is 80% desert, the rest is some mountains and on the south and east coast forests and farm lands. The sand has been slowly consuming what land remains, despite enchanted barriers the desert is still slowly invading coast villages. The country rarely exports anything since most of the goods produced are consumed. The most valuable resource and also the rarest is drinking water, since the coasts are surrounded by salt water. The largest concentration of it is in Elabarta- the capital city. The city provides water to the rest of Rabanastre via a teleport system. The country has advanced greatly in enchanting magic. It was once ruled by a king but after the first war, the royal family was killed and the Council of Lords formed after. Elabarta was built on the Councils orders and made the new capital.


Ciel watched the bodies’ burn. Black smoke rising into the sky. Lost in thought he didn’t notice someone approach.

“We ‘settled in already.” Ozwen said.

“I see.”

He had a faraway look on his face.  Ozwen sighed.

“Once you’re done, come with me. There is something I want to show you.”

As they walked to the makeshift camp Ozwen spoke:

“This whole place is where many believe Avalon fought the black curse dragon Fafnir.  This desert was created because the swings of the sword would crush rock into sand. Then again I also heard that Elabarta was built in a crater left by a giant airship“

Ciel burst into laughter.

“Where did you hear that one?”

“A man named Cid told me. He was my teacher. A crazy old man. I guess I’ve never told you this.” Oz said.

“I was an orphan. “

Ciel looked shocked for a moment.

“Cid took me in. We never stayed in one place for long. He liked to travel the world and would always tell me stories about things that happened, or didn’t. Some of them were so outrageous; I think he made them up. “

“What happened to him?” Ciel asked

“I don’t really know. One day he was just gone. I searched for him, but never had any luck- it’s like the man vanished of the face of the planet.”

They reached the camp. Val was laying down under a cloth starched between two pillars while Ermina was tending to her.

“Are you alright?” Ciel asked kneeling over her.

“I’m fine. I think it’s the heat. I’m a little dizzy.”

“I’ll be back soon. Oz wanted to show me something here in the ruins.”

“I’ll take care of her.” Ermina said.

Walking to the very end of the ruins there was a dark passage going down.  Inside it was cold, much colder than the heat outside.  Oz made a torch.

“We should bring the girls.” Ciel said.

“Worried about Val?”

Ciel said nothing just smiled sheepishly.

“I’ll wait.  “

The stairs were well reserved and the way down was clear of rubble. After a long descend they reached a room where strange symbols were carved into the stone.

“Do you recognize it?” Oz asked

Ciel gave it a long look.

“I don’t know the language.”

“It’s Loveless- the original. “


"Yes. But there is one thing here that isn’t any of the plays or books. “ Oz pointed to the lower part of the right wall.

“Here, verse thirteen. There is an extra line.”

“What does it say?” Ermina asked in awe

Val leaned against the entrance wall.

“ the translation would be : so I became- guardian of the world”

“Guardian of the world?” Ciel was in deep thought for a while.

“This gives it a different ending and whole new meaning. “ He finally said.


“But why did the books leave out something so important?” Ermina wondered

“Who knows? “ Val said not really caring much for the conversation

“Losing the ones he loved, cursed by the gods to live forever and then deciding to become the world’s guardian?” Ciel wondered.

“It sounds a bit like you, doesn’t it?” Ermina said

Ciel looked over to Val.

“I don’t think so.” Ciel said.

“Let’s head upstairs, it’s freezing down here” Val said.

“I’ll stay a little longer, is that alright?” Ciel said.

“Take your time”

25: Chapter 25
Chapter 25

Val descended into the ruins, night had fallen but Ciel still remained inside. She saw him at the end of the stairs, facing away from her and holding the sword in his hands.

“It’s late, you know.” She said, but he didn’t seem to hear her.

She took a few steps closer.

“I’ll be right up” came the response, quiet and somehow melancholy.

Val thought about going back but decided not to when she heard something the sounded like sniffling. Even the tiniest whisper was echoed loudly in the underground. Placing a hand on his shoulder she tried to get a look at his face but he turned away from her.

“Please don’t” she could hear the tears lingering in his voice.

“I’ll... See you up stairs.” She said.

“Please, stay.” He said without looking at her.

Val sat down behind him, back leaning again his.

“I used to have a friend who hated “Loveless”, he said it was stupid. To be honest I never understood it myself. But I think I do now, a little bit at least…” he said.

“Does it have anything to do with why you’re crying in the dark?” Val asked.

“Well, because it’s embarrassing...” he said in more cheerful voice” and also because I realized something. All my childhood I read stories about heroes and all I wanted to do was to become one. “

“You are one” Val said.

“No, I’m not.  Long before the curse began, I lost my friends in the war with Arcadia. Then I realized something- the war was not Arcadias fault, it was everyone’s. The kingdoms pushed Arcadia to violent retaliation by denying it’s growing population lands and resources. All of this could have been prevented, if only the kingdoms would have chosen reason, instead of a vain display of power and ego. Everyone is at guilty, not just Arcadia.  When I set out to search for the artifacts of ancient heroes it wasn’t because of some noble cause… i did it for purely selfish reasons. I thought, if I could gather the artifacts and become the most powerful being in the world, I could then force the kingdoms into peace and rule over them, and stop all future wars.”

“Peace is a noble cause.”

“No” Ciel shook his head” I would have created something similar to the Black Rain, something that would force the people to stop fighting. You see me as a hero, because someone else became the villain first.  In truth- I was angry, peace was just an excuse. I’ve done things that I can’t take back.”

“Haven’t we all?” she said with a sigh.

“This is something I’ve never told anyone before: after graduation I joined the army of Invales, I needed money and access to the archives and historical documents. I’ve killed people…”

Val wasn’t sure what to say. She had never expected Ciel to confess of such things.

“I’ve been using people my whole life: took what I wanted and never cared for who hurt because of it. I’m in no place to judge you. “She said.

“But you know it was wrong and you feel bad about it, that-, to me at least, means you’re a good person. Better than I could ever be...” She continued.

She heard him moved and felt his arms embrace her from behind. Turning around to face him she reached out a hand, touching his face, still wet from the tears, and pulled him in for a kiss.


As I sat there upon the ruins of the once grand city

Shaken by what I had seen transpire

A realization came upon me: all of us were guilty,

For we all, in our foolishness had a part to play in this tragedy most dire


The Goddess fell: our Mother, our Light gone forever, by our hands.


And in my gloomy thoughts he found me- the one I shall later call brother.

Descending from the heavens as if h were an a messenger divine

With wings of light and hair of silver,

Sword raised to strike- the truest image of a hero


Had he recognized my guilt and come to punish?

To my surprise and awe

 Instead of death he offered me redemption

He spoke with passion and courage of what many would consider treason.

But I felt deep down that his words ring true.

For he too had love for the Goddess.

Thus, I took up the sword in a plot to defy the Gods

And return Light to the sky.



Loveless, Act VIII




A new day dawned over the desert: stars one by one fading from the sky, as a gentle wind made circles in the sand dunes.  Ciel and Val emerged from the ruins to find everyone already awake and ready to go.

“Morning.” Ciel greeted

“Good morning” Ozwen looked them over but said nothing.

They both looked tired, clothes and hair messy.

“Busy night?” Ermina teased

Ciel blushed at the implication and averted his eyes.

“Jealous?” Val retorted.

In truth the two had been talking until they fell asleep. However, ancient ruins are not made for comfortable sleep.

“He’s not my type.” Ermina said.

Ciel waked over to Ozwen.

“How much farther are you willing to travel?” He asked

“I know we are looking of a paint brush in a desert but we can’t waste too much time on this.  I think we should head towards those rocks and if we found nothing by then, we turn back.” He said pointing to the large, red rock formation in the distance.

“Alright. That seems reasonable.” Ciel agreed.


As the sun rose higher and higher into the sky the group began to slow down. Their attempts at locating the brush yielded no results: trying to locate magical items or to call it from its location with magic didn’t work.  Once they finally reached the shadow of the giant rock formation everyone was tired. While protected from the heat of the sun somewhat, walking thought the hot sand still required a lot of energy.

“Alright, rest up and we’ll head back at night.” Ozwen said.

Everyone was a little disappointed they found nothing.

“The damn thing must be in a part of the desert we haven’t searched yet. “ Val said leaning against the cool rock exhaustedly.

“It’s just too big to search with just the four of us” Ermina said.

“And for all we know it might be protected from location magic, so all we did might have been for nothing.  It could be right under our feet and we would not know. It would be so much easier without the stupid sand.” Val kicked the sand away with her foot.  

Ciel was walking along the rock formation, oblivious to the conversation going on. One hand on the rock surface. The red stone was unique to this region, it was a beautiful colour but no one really knew what caused it. Once it was believed to be copper, but when people came to mine it they were unable to break the rock, for it was as hard as diamond.  The giant rock reached over twenty meters in height and stretched on for almost five kilometers in length. Occupying the edge of Rabanastre territory and passing the borderline into Wigna lands.  Once long ago there had been a third kingdom between the two but it vanished int the desert sands and only few old maps still mark its location.

The rock was cool, even In the heat, despite being ancient it showed little sighs of corrosion. There were many little holes, in the stone, that made it resemble a coral. It was smooth to the touch. Ciel absentmindedly ran his hand along the stone as he walked. Suddenly he felt nothing under his palm. Turning to look he saw a black gaping fissure in the rock, it seemed big enough for a human to fit in. Past the entrance was a cave- inside was cool and pleasant.  He turned back to get the others.

Val let out a sigh of relief as the cold air flooded over her.

“I’m so glad you found this. I thought I was going to roast alive out there.”

Ciel wasn’t listening, however. Something had caught his attention.

“There is light.” He said

Ozwen joined him and looked at the same direction.

“Indeed. But what is causing it?”

There was light like mist in the distance. It didn’t seem like light from a fire, or anything a human would make. Deciding to investigate they began walking towards it.  It got even colder as they walked further. The cave was more like a tunnel with no other paths branching off; it was round with a high ceiling and a strangely even floor.  Sound of flowing water could be heard as they walked closer to the light.  The light was coming in thought the hole in the ceiling, illuminating a waterfall flowing into a round pool full of clear water.

“I want to take a bath” Ermina said looking at the water.

“No peeking you two!” Val said pushing both Ciel and Ozwen away.

“Alright, we’ll go” Ciel said

“Just don’t go too far” she said walking back to pool.

The sound of splashing could be heard from behind.   Ozwen walked ahead and rounded a corner looking around curiously. There were more holes in the ceiling where light was coming in. 

“What are you thinking about?” Ciel asked noticing how deep in thought the man looked.

“I have a feeling… I dare say these caves maybe man made.”

Ciel looked around.

“It is a strange cave, but this is a strange rock...” he said.

“The floor is so smooth and even, the stone almost seems polished” he said leaning down to inspect the floor.

“Those flowers growing there” he pointed to the greenery basking in the light descending from above” I do believe none of those pieces are native to the desert.

“You’re right , professor. They aren’t native.” Ciel said examining them

“And those stalactites and stalagmites merge together to make pillars, but the gaps between each of them are symmetrical.”

The strange natural formed pillars that surrounded the patch of flowers indeed seem symmetrically placed.    The gaps between them were forming arches that allowed the light to flow into other passages of the cave.  

“Oh, wow” came a voice from behind them.

The two women emerged from around the twist.

“This is beautiful” Ermina walked towards the flowers that were showered by sun rays.

“I found stair!” Val exclaimed.

She stood at the other side of the flower patch; her form could be seen through the arches and sunrays.

“You were right, this place was made by people” Ciel said to Ozwen as they ran towards where Val stood.

Sure enough there were stairs leading up.  There was light coming from where ever it led to.

“Do you think the ones who built this place are still around?” Ermina asked looking at the curving stairs and trying to see what was at the top.

“Not likely, but be on guard.” Ozwen said.

They walked up the steps and the narrow passage opened up to a wide open space. There was sand on the ground, rocks and even some plants. All of it was framed by cliffs, steep, unlikable.

“We’re inside the rock!” Ermina exclaimed

“It’s impossible!” Ozwen said looking around.

“But that is the only explanation” Ciel said “there is no magic cast on the entrance arc. We weren’t teleported anywhere. This is all real.”

Ozwen stood there, eyes wide,  he seemed to be thinking about something.

“Master Cid once told me a story about something like this… but, no, it can’t be true.” He began walking fast, then started to run.

 The area twisted and turned,  cliffs forming the shape that form above would resemble a bird- carved out in the rocks, but if anyone looked at the giant red rock from above- all they would see is one solid rock. Ozwen ran along the cliffs until the round and narrow curves straightened out into one big open space.  There- at the center of it, or where the bird’s neck would connect to the head, was massive structure of sand coloured stone- a large pyramid of blocks placed like steps and a very long stair case leading to the top.  In front of the giant structure were the remains of a passage, two rows of pillars, most of them have collapsed over time. When Ciel and the others have caught up to Ozwen, the man had collapsed to his knees in a state of awe, taking I all in.

“The stories were true” he whispered

“It looks that way.” Ciel said standing next to him.

“What is this place?” Val asked

“You know the legend of the first king?”

“Yeah, what about it? Val said.

“Well, for many years it was believed to just be a story, because no one could ever find proof that he existed. He was the first king with god like powers that had an empire that stretched across the entire continent. Supposedly he had twelve children and divided empire between them. There have been twelve kingdoms for a long time, now many have fallen.  This is it, the origin of the kingdoms- of all the people on this continent. “

“All except Arcadia” Ermina said

“Right, they came from a land across the ocean. I had forgotten about that. “Val admitted

“So these god like powers mentioned in the legend,- it’s magic?” she asked

“What else could it be?” Ermina said” I mean all of us can use it except Arcadians, and they are from a different land and a different lineage. I never thought I would see the ruins of the first kingdom.” Ermina looked around taking it all in.

“Whatever.” Val shrugged” it’s all ruins now”

“Hey, there is something weird around the sun!” Ciel pointed above their heads, a bright circular rainbow was around the sun.

“What do you mean? The sun is over there” She pointed to the west, where the sun was slowly setting.

“Wait, if that’s the sun that what’s that?”  Ermina looked between the two suns.

“It’s getting bigger!” Val said.

The orb of light with the rainbow around was indeed, getting larger and brighter.

“Not, bigger- closer” Ciel said running towards her.

A powerful gust of wind came from directly above them, pushing them to the ground and set them flying into different directions.  Bright light descended down into the line of pillars and slowly dimmed. The source of that light was a giant, regal looking bird with long flowing feathers., a long neck and tail that slit int two like that of a buttlerfly. Ciel felt the sword vibrate and he heard Morganas voice in his head:

“It’s a spirit”

Ciel focused, preparing to pull out the sword, but before he could Val got up and jumped in front of him, blocking his line of sight. She cast a spell that sent sharp ice shards at the bird. It glowed again, the rainbow surrounding it and blocking the shards. Then, another powerful gust of wind shot in all direction, sending Val into a pillar. Ciel covered his eyes from the sand.

“That not fair, I can’t even land a hit on that thing.” She complained.

The light stopped and a voice in their heads spoke:

“I am Garuda, the guardian of this sacred place and you are trespassing, a crime that is punishable by death.”

“I don’t suppose we cab reason with it?” Ozwen made his way to Ciel

“It’s the guardian of this place and we have intruded. This explains how no one ever found this place. it probably killed them”

Ermina tried attacking it with lightning spells.

“Since it’s a spirit the only hope we have to defeat it is this “Ciel put a hand on the cursed sword.

“But it won’t be easy, you can’t cut it in the air…..”

A scream interrupted them, as Ermina was sent flying.

“We need to pin it down.” Val said

“But if magic doesn’t work in it.., then” Ciel was at a loss of what to do

“The pillars, we use the pillars.” She said.

The plan was put together hurriedly. Ozwen and Ermina distracted Garuda as best they could, meanwhile Val used levitation to place two close to eachtoher and keep them stable. Ciel waited for the right moment. One wrong move and the swing might hit one of his friends; shouting might a alert the spirit to their plan.  He had been used to fighting alone, no one to help him and not one to get in the way- nothing to lose. Garuda blasted Ozwen and Ermina away. Val was straining herself by holding up the pillars. It was now or never. He drew the sword  and despite the pain that shot through his arm swung at the glowing bird. The rainbow blazed with colour but eventually the attack went through whatever magic protected it. Garuda turned to Ciel and gave a pained cry, flying towards him. He ran past the pillars. Val let go and they fell, trapping the birds long neck under their weight. Ciel walked up to it, knowing it will not hold it for long.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He swung the blade down cutting into the neck.

The bird gave a pained cry, he swung again, killing it.   He sheathed the sword and fell backwards into the sand, holding his bleeding hand to his chest. He hadn’t fought in a while but he never expected that it would take this much strength out of him. It had occurred to him for the first time that maybe, the days spent wandering under the cursed rain and constantly getting lethal wounds in battles had a bigger toll on his body than he originally assumed. The Scabbard would heal all wounds and keep him alive but there limits how much it could heal.

“Hey, something fell into the sand!” Ermina said, as the body of the Garuda slowly faded into glowing dust.

Ermina picked up a silver paint brush.

“It can’t be?!” Ciel sat up looking at it with disbelief.

“It this brush we have been looking for?” Ermina asked.

“I sense a faint magical power from it.” Nimue stated.

“No wonder we found nothing out there.” Ozwen said. “ if the brush was here all along.”

“See, I told you it would all work out in the end.” Ciel smiled looking at Val.

“You have the luck of the devil , that all.” Val said.

“Luck has little to do with it.” Ozwen said. “Me and Ciel have connections to ancient spirits and it most likely that even without realizing it we were drawn to this place because of Garudas energy.  I felt drawn to the red rocks, and Ciel found the passage way, if you recall.”

“I guess that makes sense.” Ciel agreed “that we found it not by luck but by intuition.”

“Hey, I thought that is supposed to be a woman’s thing” Ermina said to Val.

“Well, what can I say, those two are not ordinary men.” Her eyes were focused on Ciel’s back with a look of both admiration and concern as he tried to hide his limping and not lean on Ozwen as they both walked back towards the exit.

“Would you two hurry up?!” Oz called out to them “Or do you want to spend the night here?!”















26: Chapter 26
Chapter 26

Arlene sat in the dimly lit room, candles flickering and casting strange shadows on the walls. He lay in bed, unmoving, it almost seemed like he had stopped breathing, but placing a hand over his chest she could still feel faint a heartbeat. Sometimes he coughed up black blood, sometimes he whispered a name. It was not a name that Arlene ever heard; she wondered if it was his mother’s name. Despite hating the dark clouds and the black rain that fell on the world, now Arlene looked at the sky with hope- as long as the clouds were there, Tenebros would be alive. Not ever in her life Arlene had thought  that she would be praying for the rain, but now she wished with all her heart that rain began falling like it always did.

Water slowly drips from the ceiling. Footsteps echo between the thick stone walls. Several men with uniforms walk across the length of the corridor until reaches an intersection, then one turns left and the other right. A man approaches from the shadows and the two stop to look at him, for a moment they reach for their weapons but then stop, the flickering light that constantly threatened by the dripping water from above, must be playing trick on their eyes. After all the man is just like them- a soldier sighed here , wearing the same uniform as them. He walks into the hall the two previously left.  Rusted metal hinges creak as the cell door opens. Inside, chained to the wall, is a slightly malnourished man with brown hair and a face that is beginning to grow and uneven beard.  The guard walks into the cell and crouches before the man who refuses to look up a him. Moving a hand to his face and holding on it for a moment the man begins to change. The prisoner looks up surprised but then he smiles.


“Hello, master, there will time to catch up , now let’s go.” He moves to undo the chains.

“No” the man says.

Ciel stops and looks at the man confused.

“If you free me, they will know. They will pursue you. I am here because I disobeyed a direct order. My punishment is imprisonment, but if I run it will be death, not just for me but you and your friends. Now go, before they find you and the whole city comes after you.”

Ciel bowed his head.

“I understand. Thank you for everything, master.”

He replaced the mask on his face, becoming a guard again and locked the door.


Val was pacing around the deck of the airship when she saw Ciel coming. To her surprise he was alone. He looked at her and shook his head.

“We can leave now” he said to the brothers.

“Whats our course?” Sam asked

“Wigna” Ciel said.

“Why there? Ozwen asked

“ The sage Hesperion was originally from Wigna, so I thought there may be clues on the location of the staff. “

“Hesperion was traveling sage that healed the sick wherever he went, I believe “ Val said.

“Yes, most stories about him are those of a kind traveler that head extraordinary healing ability.” Ermina confirmed, coming out on deck.

“However, there are some stories that say he banished evil spirits and could even break curses. The staff has healing and great purification powers according to legends.” Ciel said.

“So you want it to break the curse.” Val realized

“It could be useful, yes. But I was thinking more about what comes after we break it.” He said

“What do you mean?”

“Well, even if we break the curse, all the damage that has been done will not go away. The land that has been corrupted will need to be cleansed and that could take decades. The staff has powers to heal and restore things, it could be used to clean the land from the corruption. “

“Wow, you think that far ahead, I’m impressed.” Ermina said

The airship flew above the desert, it’s shadow mixing with those some clouds from the coast. They flew above the red rock and all looked down, trying to see the open area in the rocks.

“There’s nothing there” Ermina said leaning over the edge.

“You can see the whole thing from this angle, and it’s solid all the way through.”

“It looks that way.” Ciel said

“It can’t be an illusion, can it? Sound to simple” Val said

“Some form of ancient magic that has been lost to us.” Ciel made a guess.

“I would like to comeback there. Once we break the curse. Lead a proper expedition” Ozwen said.

“We’ll have plenty of time, once the Black Rain is gone.” Ermina said.

“We’ll be arriving soon.” Ozwen said, looking at the approaching mountains in the distance.

“As most of you know, Wigna has a border with Garland; we risk being recognized if fly near any cities with a stolen airship, so I suggest we leave it and continue on foot.”

“Wait, stolen?” Ciel looked at his companions.

“Yeah, those stuck up assholes in the Garland council wouldn’t give us one to go find you. So we stole it.” Val said.

“I never expected you to do something like this, professor” Ciel said

“Don’t look at me, it was their idea. “

“Mine, to be specific.” Sam said.

“I see. I never asked, but what is your relation to professor Ozwen?” Ciel asked

“Oh, well, see master Cid was a friend of our gramps. Grasps was a mechanic.”

“And a pilot,” Gemgee added

“And a doctor.  Anyways.. he and Cid went on come crazy adventures, work he called it and when he did he’d leave young master Ozwen with grandma. We’ve known him since we were babies.”

“Yeah, were practically cousins” Gemgee said.

“Wow. And all this time he never mentioned you” Ciel turned to Oz surprised

“That spot looks good for a landing” Ozwen was looking towards the mountains intently, seeming as if he has missed the entire conversation.

The airship landed on a vide ledge. Ruins of what looked like houses littered the area.

“Let’s not waste any time.” Ozwen said. “It will be dark soon and would prefer to down from this mountain by then.

Casting a spell on the ship they took their bags and began walking down the steep path down.  

27: Chapter 27
Chapter 27

Ciel sighed looking through the papers.

“Nothing again” he muttered looking at the pile of records that have already been looked thought.

He sat on the stone floor surrounded by a pile of old scrolls, leaning against the wall with hollows carved into it for scrolls to be placed.

“It’s been a week and we still haven’t found anything.” He sighed again.

More than half of circular room had been covered with piles of scrolls while the other was still neat, with each scroll residing in its proper hole in the wall.


The mountain city of Khalesh once was the to an independent nation consisting of sages and monks. The monks lived in peace among the snowy mountains where they carved their city into the stone. It is said the once a wise man decided to leave human society and came to the mountains to live in a cave at the very top of it. People would sometimes seek him out for advice. While others sought to prove he exists because over the years he had become a legend. The man who did not age and lived alone at the top of the mountain.  Some wanted to learn from his wisdom and refused to leave until he taught them. Eventually he had gathered such a following that the cave had to be expanded to accommodate everyone. He set a rule for anyone who wished to learn: they could never tell anyone what they learned. To ensure this he forbade his apprentices to ever leave the mountain. So eventually what was one cave grew into a city. The old sage eventually died and the title passed on to another.

 After one of the kings fell ill with a sickness that no medicine could heal and was taken to the monks who cured him, the king declared the sacred city independent from the Kingdom of Wigna. With the cold climate and limited land growing crops was hard and half of the crops grown would be paid as taxes. No longer having to give up their food and being given land at the bottom of the mountain to use for farming brought prosperity to the city of Khalesh. But at all came to an end during when Arcadia attacked. Seeking ancient knowledge the monks kept within the city they sent their army retrieves it, killing hundreds of monks and sages for refusing to give it up. After the incident the survivors scattered, as rumors have it taking the knowledge with them. Thus, the once sacred city now stands empty counting centuries.


Ciel and the others had arrived in the city after an exhausting journey along the mountains, through rocky valleys, mountains paths, ravines, rivers with powerful currents, avoiding people as to not cause suspicion. The sage Hesperion whose staff they had been after was rumored to have studied here and to be the only person ever that was allowed to leave after gaining sacred knowledge. This was a place he had been seen visiting by many eye witnesses several times and some even believed that he had ruled Khalesh ,after he retired from traveling till the day of his death.

Since their arrival the group had searched the city for records mentioning anything to do with Hesperion, but found no trace. Many scrolls contained way of making tea, how to grow crops, cooking recipes, basic herbal healing balm recipes, how to raise cattle and similar things. After a week of no success they group felt ready to give up.

Ciel stared at the stars from the circular balcony. Mind drifting from one thing to another, unfocused and tired. He hears footsteps behind him but doesn’t turn, expecting one of his companions to be there. A young man with a shaved head and orange robes walks to stand beside him. Surprised he looks at them man who turns to him and smiles.

“Good evening” the man says

“Yes, it is” Ciel agrees.

“ Why did you come to our city?” the man asks

“I was under the impression that all the monks were gone. I apologize” he reached out a hand to touch the man” I still find it hard to believe there is someone besides us here. “

The man shook his head.

“It’s alright”

He felt real to the touch.

“It maybe peacefull here” Ciel said” but there is a terrible curse slowly eating away at the world. It will reach here eventually. We need to stop it, before it’s too late.”

“You seek knowledge.” The man said

“Yes. We do. Knowledge to save the world with”

“Everyone who comes seeking knowledge, climb the mountain.” The young man pointed leaned over the railing and pointed up to the very top.  “ the sage will speak to, those who prove they are worthy and grant them knowledge.”

“The sage? There is one…?” Ciel looked at the top of the mountain decorated by snow.

When no answer came he turned to the young man but he was none. He felt a gust of cold wash over him.


Ciel opened his eyes, he was laying on the floor in a pile of furs. In the dim light of the candles he saw Val getting up. It was still dark outside, for what could be seen from the glassless windows carved into the stone wall of the room.  He reached out to her.

“Is everything alright?”

“Uhhm… must have eaten something bad last night.” She said clutching her stomach as she walked out of the room.

Getting out of bed he began heating some water, made from melted snow, on the small fire they had burning in the corner of the room. Reaching into the pouch of herbs and tossing a few into the water. When the water began to change color he slowly poured it into a wooden bowl, handing it to Val when she came back.

“This should help.” He said softly.

She took it and took a small sip, laying back on the fur bed.  Ciel noticed her pipe lying by fire, he recalled her smoking quite often, but lately she had abandoned the habit.

“You don’t smoke as much, any reason?”

“Just haven’t been feeling like it.” She said.

“Mind if I try? “he asked

“Suit yourself”

He took the pipe and put the tobacco in, then lit it. Val burst out laughing as Ciel began coughing immediately after taking a drag.

“Should have warned you, that stuff is pretty strong.” She said smiling.

Wrapping fur around herself Val moved closer to him.

“Here, I’ll show you.”  


Morning came and Ciel told the others about the dream he had.

“Climb the mountain? Sound difficult.” Ermina said

“It would take us time get some proper gear, and supplies.” Ozwen said in thought “even with magic, we don’t have all the materials to create it ourselves.”

“ Is there really a sage up there? Aren’t the monks supposed to be dead? And if anyone is still living here we would have seen them” Val said.

“It was only a dream.” Ciel said

“No, I don’t think so” Ozwen said. “ I think this explains something. This morning I found something.”

He lead them down a hall into a circular room that they had previously found to be a dead end.

“This was an empty room before, I’m sure of it.” Ozwen pointed to the four passages in the wall of the room. 

“ You think this had something to do with climbing the mountain” Ermina said skeptically.

“Which one do we pick?” Val asked approaching them.

All were pitch black, impossible to see where they led.

“I’ll leave a note for Sam and Gemgee” Ermina said leaving message with magical letters on the wall.

“I’ll go first to make sure it’s safe.” Ciel said.

He walked into the second passage from right. As he walked into it the passage vanished. Ciel looked behind where the room was but now there was only darkness. Everything was dark, he tried to make a fire but the moment it appeared it vanished- magic didn’t work in there. As he walked forward his feet made no sound. Taking a step to the left he heard a sound of something cracking and hen falling and felt emptiness under his foot where ground had been solid a moment ago.

“Ciel!” Val called out.

“He just vanished” Ermina looked at the wall then to Oz.

“I see.” He said” there are four paths and four of us. This not the case of choosing the right path. We must each choose a patch and walk it alone. Whatever happens, I pray we meet at the top.” He said walking into path left of the empty space where Ciel vanished.

Val took the one on the right and Ermina went left.

Arlene had lost count of the days. She had stayed at Tenebros side, not eating and rarely sleeping. The doctor had confined her to her room after she had collapsed one day. Sitting in bed, not allowed to leave her chambers the woman felt frustrated and anxious. Pacing by the large window of her room until her legs would give out. Eating only because the servants would not leave her room until she did. It was during one of those evenings when she could not sleep, because her dreams were horrid nightmares.

She had been by his side like always and the she had a feeling like he was about to awaken. Hearing him groan in pain she leaned closer to stroke his hair and then she noticed. The fingers of hand were completely black and resembled claws as she pulled up the sleeve she saw black symbols crawling up his right arm. She had ran to get the doctor, but upon returning the arm had been completely normal. They said she had imagined it, exhausting herself as she was. But ever since that night she had been having dreams about her beloved being consumed but a black shadow. These dreams only cause her to worry more.

Franticly pacing back and front to avoid the dreams had become common. There was a sound, like a tik of a clock.  She gazed at the clock in her room, it had stopped few days after Tenebros fell ill, and it had remained still, there was no one to fix it. The clock was still, hands unmoving. Yet there it was again. She looked around puzzled, and then the sound repeated and this time she recognized it – it was the sound of rain tapping against the windows.

28: Chapter 28
Chapter 28

The darkness parted, he did so much see it as he felt it. Eyes closed and arms extended forward, there were wall, not physical but once he let go of his senses he could feel them and the path became clear. No sound, so sight, no touch or taste or smell. There was nothing yet there was something- there was a way. There was no feeling of ground beneath, but he wasn’t falling he was certain of it. Many would be too afraid of falling to step of the edge of the solid surface. And because of that fear they would fall if they stepped over the edge. But the solid ground was just a small platform, not a roar. One would never get anywhere standing on it.  

Without your senses, without magic, without certainty- vulnerable against the unknown.  Yet Ciel felt strangely at ease. Letting go came naturally to him, not thinking of anything, not feeling anything, not burdened by the constant bombardment of information that the physical senses caused. There was only a feeling of lightness and calmness; a feeling that despite what his senses might tell him- he was safe.  Leaving behind all that he knew of himself a kind of egress from oneself. 

Once he exited the space, all he could see behind was a straight tunnel. He was alone in the large stone cavern so he sat down on the floor and waited for the others.  Ozwen was the second to emerge; a black arch appeared next to the tunnel and then became normal looking tunnel.

“Been here long?” he asked, snapping Ciel out of his thoughts.

“I, can’t really tell, I’m afraid.” He said

“And what’s got you so deep in thought?” Oz sat down next to him.

“Lately, I‘ve been feeling that perhaps I made a mistake- trying to do this alone. I feel heavy, drained. No matter how much I sleep the feeling of exhaustion is never fully gone, and I’ve lost my sense of taste a while ago. “He admitted.

“Why didn’t you ask for help? I understand why you didn’t come to me. But what about your friends? Nana and Izuna were not the only ones who care for you, you know.”

“I felt like I had to do it alone, like somehow it just wasn’t right to bring other people into this. In the legends, those who help the hero always end up dying in the end, leaving him alone to fight the evil”

“I see you haven’t gotten rid of your messiah complex. The fate of the world is not the concern of a single person.  The kingdoms have been trying to break the curse since the start , if you had contacted them few years ago you would have received more help. Asking for it now is hopeless- everyone pretty much gave up.”

“I…. I couldn’t. Not after everything that happened. .. But now think that might have been the better option. I’ve been fighting ever since I found the scabbard. I didn’t really care how injured I got, all wounds would just heal. Without it I would have died in a week.  I’ve never thought about it before but I probably did die, more than once. ”

“Ciel…” Ozwen gave him a look of concern.

“I think it’s because I was too reckless. Even the magical artifact can’t keep me alive forever and I think my time in this world is coming to an end sooner rather than later. “

There was a moment of silence between the men.

“If anything happens to me, please look after her. I don’t want her be all alone.” Ciel said solemnly.

“I promise.” Ozwen said in a whisper.

The silence was broken when   Ermina and Val emerged from their respective passages.

“Hey, why is everyone so gloomy?” Ermina asked looking at the two men sitting on the ground and staring at the wall in front of them, with their heads bowed.

“Just a little tired nothing to worry about.” Ciel said getting up and smiling at the girls.

“Sorry I kept you awake” Val said.

“I’m just glad you’re feeling better.”

The hallway curves, leading to a large stone stair going up.  As they reach the top Ozwen stops, looking stunned. Imbedded in the wall is a large crystal, light brown in colour. There are tubes of gold and silver in the stone wall, leading towards and away from it, they for a pattern of symbols. Ciel looks at it, and then turns towards his former teacher.

“You know what that is?”

“I think I do. I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never believed it. “ Ozwen said still looking at the crystal.

“Well what is it?” Ermina asks

“Have you heard about the  age of Mist?”

“Can’t say I have” Ciel admitted

Ermina and Val just shook their heads.

“Well, not many have.  You won’t find it in the history books either.  There is a rumor, a theory, that around five or si hundred years ago people could not wiled magic and everyone was like the Arcadians and used machines powered by something called Mist. The world was one technologically advanced civilization. “

“That’s impossible” Val said bluntly “Where is the Mist now? Magic is the legacy of the First King, right? We have it in our blood because we are his descendants and the Arcadians can’t wield id because they are outsiders. “

“Yes, this logic makes sense that is why the historians have erased any mention of the age of mist due to the controversy it creates.  Too many unanswered questions and there was never enough proof that it happaned.”

Ciel looked at the crystal once more.

“ Why not ask Nimue. She had been there since the times of legend.”

Nimue appeared and stood beside Ozwen smiling.

“I come from a time when the gods lived among men. A time when there mist and magic and powerful ancient beasts roamed the world. “she said nostalgically.

“There was mist? Where did it go?” Ermina asked

“I do not know. When I awoke from my ages of sleep, the gods had already left and the mist was gone. The world had changed. “

“I see.” Ozwen said. “so it really happened

“Wouldn’t the technology still be around today?” Ciel asked

“Cid told me, the machines had stopped working without mist and they were just taken apart, use for other things. It was around the time of the first war, a lot of rebuilding to be done. That’s why there was difficulty proving that the age of mist was real. Mist used to be stored in crystals such as this and then distributed. “

“For all we know this just an elaborate decoration.” Val said.

As the four continued walking up another stair case, Nimue lingered, gazing at the crystal.

“Do you remember that same things, Morgana?” Ciel asked in his mind.

“I wouldn’t know. I was created to guard the scabbard in the lake and I had remained there for most of my like. But I can say this much, the gods did live here for a time, but not anymore.” She replied telepathically.

At the top of the stairs was a circular platform with a single white crystal.

“Now what?” Val looked at Ciel.

“I don’t know.” He said.

Walking towards the crystal he reached out and touched it. Nothing happened.

“Please, we need help.” He whispered

No one seemed to notice a young boy in monk robes enter the room through a wall and walk towards the crystal. He entered it and it began to glow white. Ciel drew his hand back in shock. The crystal began to spin, its light becoming brighter until it became a figure of a person with large wings holding a staff with two entertaining serpents.

“I am Hesperion, and I will answer your call. What is it that you seek?”

Everyone was in awe; Ciel snapped out of it and spoke first.

“We are seeking to stop a curse that threatens to devour the world. I feel that we need your staff to do so.”

“A noble cause.” The sage nodded” You may take my staff, if you are worthy, for only those pure of heart can truly wield it.”

The figure vanished, instead of the crystal there was a white staff, different from the one the image was holding. It had an oval tip with a closed lotus like carving and a crystal could be seen inside the lotus. Everyone looked at Ciel expectantly. Bowing his head he approached the staff and tried to take it but the moment he did it passed thought his fingers like air. He looked back seeing everyone’s shock expressions.

“I am not the hero you think I am.” He said “ there is something I need to tell you.”

29: Chapter 29
Chapter 29

Chapter 29


Ciel sat down with a sigh. The classes were over for the day. Being back at school was strange after everything that happened. Even stranger was studying something he was not accustomed to.  It had already been a month since he returned to Amestris.   Ozwen was absolutely furious, Ciel never thought the man was capable of being like this. At first he was adamant about not letting Ciel back into the school at all. As the other teachers began to protest against this, he was reluctantly allowed to return but Ozwen made it absolutely clear he wasn’t allowed to back into Lost Magic studies.  While many professors tried to lure Ciel over, he chose something he never thought he would- Curse breaking.  That used to be Izunas field of study. After some consideration he realized it would be useful since the vaults of the artefacts might be guarded by ancient curses and spells.

Ermina was devastated by the news of Izunas death, more the Ciel had expected her to be. He made a grave for Izuna on the hill next to Nanas. Upon returning one morning he found her there crying.  She used to always tease Izuna, and he never though much of it before.

When not in class, Ciel spend all his time in the library reading books about legends and heroes, going over history books and maps. After a while he noticed that the amount of books on the shells was getting smaller and smaller every time. He suspected Ozwen had something to do with it. But the just kept working with the notes he had and information from memory, trying to narrow down possible locations of the legendary weapons and relics.


Ozwen paced his office, the already small room was now made even small by the large stacks of books that littered the corners.

“Don’t you think you’re being unreasonable?” Nimue asked.

“Unreasonable?! He has gone absolutely insane! Losing his friends was too much to bear.”

It was rare for the man to lose his temper, but even a month latter recalling the conversation still set him off.

Not only had his only student left to fight a war for foreign country. His only student in many years. And if he was honest, and he wasn’t, but he had been he was angry. But he let them leave. But the boy had returned and demanded he take him back in to study lost magic like he had never left. The school gave everyone a chance, those who dropped out or quit could try again from the bottom, but most never did.  But even this was not enough. Showing up in the middle of the night demanding Ozwen started teaching him again was only the tip of the iceberg. Honestly he was a little scared by that conversation.

“But you have to let me back in!” Ciel wouldn’t relent

“As I recall you quit of your free will”

“Yes, but this is important!”

“And what prey tell could be so important that it would make me ignore the rules of my own school?” Ozwen was being skeptical.

“I can end this war! I can end all wars! Please let me back in. once I find the relics I can stop the fighting. I can force them to stop.” I can save this world and no one will ever have die in senseless wars!

Ozwen laughed

“Please, I know you have connections in royal archives and the institute of Archeology that would be a great help “

“You’re serious?”

“Sir, please…”

“I’m sorry, for the loss of your friends. I truly am.” His voice grew cold “But have you forgotten who you are? A wizard does not get involved in the wars of others for a wizard’s duty is to study magic and deepen the understanding of it. The policy of this school- my policy is that of absolute neutrality, and that is what it shall remain.  “



“I thought he would have given up by now, realized he was foolish.” The man leaned on the stone bricks of the window arch.

“Did you consider he may be right?” Nimue said softly

“Right? He is a child acting out of grief and acting like a madman.”

“Many call you a madman for acting the way you did. You said it yourself he was talented. You even said he reminded you of yourself once”

He sighed again.

“Let them talk. I can’t let him go down path to ruin. I had stop him.”

“Stop him for his own protection? Or stopping him from embarrassing you? “

Ozwen turned around.

“How dare you.. Get out”

“I can’t answer this for you, Oz. Are you acting out of concern for the boy, or out of ambition? “Nimue said her parting worlds.

“Fine, let him do whatever. Don’t blame if he gets himself killed while doing something stupid.” He said to the empty space where she had been moments ago.



Ciel didn’t try too much, just enough to pass his exams with decent grades and all his main effort was focused on doing research of Lost Magic and the Legends. Especially on the Legacy of the Seven Stars. It was said that whoever gathered all seven relics would gain power that could rule the world. He figured it was worth the shot- if no one ever had to die like Izuna and Nana did.  It would be his way of honoring their memories. He could see it in his mind, a world united under him, a world without war or any conflict. He also thought about obtaining immortality, to ensure he was always there to keep the peace. An immortal guardian watching over the world in the name of those whom he loved. The idea felt right. No matter how many obstacles he had to overcome he would do it– create a world that Izuna and Nana would have been proud of. A pure and good world- devoid of the corrupt and greedy politicians and kings. He need the power to ensure that those who opposed him couldn’t overpower him, something: a power, a weapon, a spell that would make him unbeatable in battle. 

Some relicts seemed to fit his cause, while others he had wanted since childhood because they were wielded by his favorite heroes. He would often just day dream about himself holding the sword of Avalon and striking down armies in one swing. He imagined himself cutting down the airships and stopping the bombs. Izuna and Nana would still be alive if he had this power. Thinking of his friends hurt. It still brought tears to his eyes.  He spent all his time alone with his notes and the history books. Ermina was the only person who still on occasion talked to him.  Most people just avoided him now. He didn’t see the point in small talk, not when all his time could be spent on hunting relics. He would forget to sleep, eat or shower, not changing his clothes for days just reading or writing things down.


A small noise awoke him from a sleep he did not remember falling into. His face felt wet and cold. Lifting a hand to it he realized he had been crying. The dream was about the old days, he was with Nana and Izuna, just talking about classes in the sun like they always did. It almost felt like if he walked outside they would be there waiting for him like before.  Unable to focus on the texts, he got up and left the library walking to the spot he and his friends favored.  Spurred on by the dream. But once he entered the hall the reality sank in, it was dark and the halls were empty. Looking out the window he could see the wall the three of them would spend their breaks at- it was empty. Closing his fists and pressing his forehead against the cold glass he felt the tears beginning to flow again.

“It’s not fair… it’s just not fair.” He whispered under his breath.

There was sound from further down the hall that startled him back to reality. Wiping the tears away he began walking towards it not sure what he would find. Turning the corner he saw two figures, one was pressing the other against the wall.  The sound had felt like it had come from further away, so he had not expected to see anyone here.  Then, before he could decide what to do one of them looked at him. It was a man with long black hair and dark eyes and that face that looked like …

“Izuna” Ciel said out loud.

The second figure moved.

No it wasn’t Izuna, the hair was shorter and the shape of the eyes was different but for a moment he had thought it was his friend. The man vanished in a flash of light.

“Ciel?!” a startle gasp brought his attention to the second figure.

Only now he saw Ermina, who was buttoning up her shirt and not looking directly at him.

“Ermina?” suddenly he felt uncomfortable.

“Please don’t tell anyone” she said turning her back to him “Sebastian is my familiar.

Before he could recover from one surprise, another one hit him. A familiar?! He had seen her familiar- a crow, he recalled. Then he realized he had never seen the human form of it.  Familiars are spirits, servants, magical pets- seen as tools and not much else. Having a relationship beyond this was seen as vulgar and those who did were often cast out and shunned, seen as perverse and immoral people.

“I know what you must think me.. I loved him, you know.  “She wrapped her arms around herself. “ I really did ….”

Ciel said nothing, standing beside her.

“Why did he have to die.? It’s not fair..” She broke down in sobs.

Ciel put his arms around her from behind.

“No, it’s not.  It’s really not”

30: Chapter 30
Chapter 30

Sun shone over the Inwales Royal Academy of War.  A large white building with a dome at the top and Greek style pillars with a triangle façade.  A tall young man with white hair and a brown Inwales uniform is leaning on the rail.  It had been four years since he graduated from Amestris.

After graduating from curse casting and breaking, with rather average scores, Ciel rejoined the Inwales army. The war seemed like it was coming to an end. Six months before the graduation, the kingdoms were celebrating victory- Arcadians had been forced out of the territories they had occupied. But the celebration came too soon – war was far from over.  Just when the army prepared for one final push to take the weakened Arcadia, they were hit with violent retaliation and forced out.  New aircraft and unseen weapons were used. The retreat was a bluff and it soon turned out Arcadia had plenty fight left in it and was willing to fight until the bitter end.

Without connections and funding he couldn’t search for the artefacts. Ozwen hadn’t spoken to him in past two years. The only other way he could think of was rising through the military ranks and obtaining high enough status that would allow him to continue his plan.   Rising through the military ranks was not as easy as Ciel soon found out.

But he had made it.  Finally offered the position of teacher in the academy. Seen as somewhat of a war hero, having come back from many missions alive and helping turn the tide of battle. Most of it was exaggeration, in his opinion. He only did things because wanted to be recognized. He didn’t care for those sacred and stumbling rookies. The memory of the two boys, not fast enough to keep up. If had just abandoned them, if he had left them for dead – Izuna wouldn’t have died. It was because they were weak, it was because he was too soft, because he wanted to save them. If he hadn’t- Izuna would be alive.

He found himself asking: What would Izuna do? In times of difficulty, imagining his friend here with him, and what he would say. It slowly surfaced inside him, becoming more and more natural. Guiding him thought the danger and pushing him forward. There was a rage inside him that only seemed to grow. Battle after battle that were him getting nowhere. It was taking too long. When would they finally give him the position in the academy? He had applied so many times. Ciel supposed he should be happy now, he could finally continue his research, but…

The students in brown uniforms looked up from their conversations as Ciel walked in.

“Alright class, we’re going to have a free study period” he said

“But, teacher!” a short haired red head complained” We had free study last time too”

“Yeah, can you teach us something?” a dark haired boy asked

“Could you help with my fire ball spell?” a blonde boy asked.

“Now, now students. I’m very busy this week. And you should ask you combat instructor for things like that.” He said to the blonde.

“You’re always busy” the redhead pouted.”

“We wanna learn from you.”

“Yeah” another dark haired boy agreed.

“Alright class, settle down please. I’ll see what I can do tomorrow.”

The students began cheering.

“Now read the chapters that are on the board.” He said quickly leaving the classroom again.

“What a bunch of spoiled brats.” He though on his way to the library” Talentless idiots who got in because of their parent’s influence. Most of them wouldn’t last a day on the battle field. Not that they will ever have to. Must be nice having rich parents to prepare a spot away from the fighting. The rich and powerful rule from afar while the poor bleed fighting their wars. I can’t wait to put an end to this disgusting world.”

Opening the door to his office he went back to going thought his notes and the texts he got from the archives. The historical archives of Inwales were invaluable. There was a possibility to get documents from other kingdoms as well. It was much more detailed than anything he could find in the library of Amestris. Certain he was close to figuring out the location of the sword of Avalon. Ciel spent all his time researching. He only pretended to teach his classes. Since curse breaking was a new subject and he was the only teacher specializing in it nobody bothered him too much. Nobody but the students that is.

Most of the other teachers thought curse breaking classes were a waste of time anyways.  So he could research all he wanted. Well, almost. He couldn’t leave. At this point, he had done most of the theoretical research, now what remained was the actual search. It seemed the war was once again coming to an end. Arcadia was losing and this time for good. Ciel had already planned it out, after the year was done he would resign from teaching, like he did from the army and set out traveling.  He was still called to war meetings, but almost never went, complain about poor health. He faked an injury to resign from the army. While it was a lie, it finally got him the teaching position.  Mostly communicating with the council in letters, if at all.

The sun was shining as the students ran around the practice yard. Ciel hated the bright light, and being outside. His eyes hurt from the night spent over the maps. There was a location here in Inwales that he chose as a possibility for one of the sword locations. Basing on the hero Avalon battling the Dragon Fafnir and getting injured it was unlikely that he made it this far .But somebody else, like the thief who stole it might have. There were records of a battle, or rather it’s damage to the area. No one knows who fought what but if there was even a slightest possibility that hero with a relic died there, he had to check.

The red haired girl approached him, snapping him out of his thoughts.

“Teacher, can you show us the fireball spell?”

“Please” said the others.

Composing himself Ciel smiled.

“Sure, but pay attention. I will only show you once.”

He shot the target while the students cheered in amazement.

“Just keep practicing.” He said going back to the book he left in the shade of the wall.

“Honestly, I’m not their combat instructor, it’s not my job to teach them this. I wish those stupid brats would just disappear. “

Marking the possible locations along the Inwales part of the Arcadian mountains he tried to narrow down the spot where he should search. It was close to summer and the days were getting hot. He didn’t even realize he was sweating until drops began dripping on the page. Looking at the sun he suddenly became aware of the heat. The shade had moved away from him a long time ago.  Trying to get up made him feel dizzy. His mount was dry. When was the last time he drank? Or ate?

“Teacher, are you okay?” The two girls of the class approached him.

“You look pale.”

“I’m fine.” He said quickly dismissing it

“Well, if you say so. Thank you for letting us practice today. “

“Since you’re so busy “she took out a small bundle of napkins “Here. I made too many. Lunch break is over so we have to get the class.”

Ciel took it, not sure what to say.

“Um. Thank you”

“Come on, Sarah. We’ll be late”


The two ran off towards the stairs. Ciel looked at the food and felt his stomach rumble. She did say it was past lunch. The bundle contained two sandwiches.

Returning to his office he sat down on the small sofa. It was cool inside. Closing his eyes he tried to think. Nothing came to mind. There were stacks of books and papers on the desk, on the ground, a pile of unopened letters from the military. He figured if it was truly important they would come to him directly. He got up to pour some water, noticing a single piece of paper sticking out of the pile. He reached for it. It was a form, empty and waiting to be filled and he was about to toss it aside, but then noticed the words class practical training trip application. An idea was born in his head.

The trip was not for training, he had no intention of training them. It was just an excuse to get him to where he needed. The academy approved it. They saw no reason not to, even if the location was a little close to the Arcadian border. That particular part of Arcadia was completely uninhabited. Separated by the Arcadian mountains from Inwales were nothing but empty lands. This why Ciel though there was something wrong with it. Arcadia was desperate for land, but never used a land that was almost 40% of its territory. The claims came from Arcadia, when they pleaded Inwales to let them have lands just outside the mountain pass.  The land is blackened and dead, nothing grows there, not even grass, no animals live there. It was unfit for anything, nothing would grow, and all crops planted would die.  Ciel believed it to be a sign of a battle. There was chance a legendary weapon could be there. He would wait till night and then leave the camp, get over the mountains and search. He didn’t care if they fired him for negligence, he was going to quit anyways.

They had arrived at the campsite near the mountains. Several small wooden cabins and one large one were prepared for them to stay for a week.  The area was full of nature: forests, grassy fields, hills, lakes and the Arcadian mountains in the distance.  Ciel stayed in the large cabin, not that the planned on actually staying in it.  The students, a group of fourteen, ran around exited. They were the only ones who signed up for magical combat here in the academy. Most went to Amestris for any type of magical training, but Inwales had expressed its desire to train its own wizards for the army and started a magic program in the academy. Not many signed up and the instructors were few, but it was a start. Most wizards didn’t want to get involved with politics. Ciel recalled his own words when he was younger, how stupid he had been back then, believing that this will never affect him.  He had been a naïve fool in his younger days. Now he detested his carefree and happy self. He should have stopped Nana from going, even if it was by force. Honor, duty, kindness, it was what had gotten his friends killed. They were just ideals of naïve kids. But maybe he can one day make a world where they mean something more.

Laughter snapped him out of his dark thoughts.  The students had settled in and were exploring and playing in the warm sun. He turned away going back to his notes. For one more day he would play a teacher. Making sure everything was ready for his journey he gathered the class for a training session. This was perhaps the first time he really taught the class in a year. The students marveled at his ability. For once he actually watched them and made comments on their mistakes. As the sun went down and they sat by the camp fire eating stew the girls of the group made. It was a nice evening with s clear starry sky.  There was sense of easy and calmness. Putting his back pack on his shoulders, Ciel felt almost reluctant to leave. It was strange, but then it was gone as he reminded himself as to why he was here in the first place. Leaving the students asleep in their cabins he set out into the night.

It was dark, clouds had begun to set in. not quite morning yet but it had to be close to dawn. He had made it to the foot of the mountains. He planned to climb to the top and get down on the other side within the next day.  It would leave him around four days to search, if he was going to make it back to camp to be picked up. He felt a little tired, the terrain wasn’t even and he had gotten off the planed route in the dark. Not using light as to not attract attention. The mountain was in view of the camp and with no other lights around he didn’t want to risk being found out, not yet. Feeling cold and weary, he sat down on a rock, beneath a tree. Taking a sip of water from his canteen and getting some bread to eat. He looked at the dark clouds, they could erupt with rain any moment. Rain will make climbing difficult. Leaning back against the tree he closed his eyes briefly. He needed to wait for sunrise anyways. He had walked to his destination a lot faster than he planned to.

Ciel wasn’t sure if he fell asleep, but it felt like he might have, just for a moment. Something didn’t feel right. Disoriented from sleep he looked around. It was dark, darker than it had been before. He panicked, wondering if he had slept that long. But it didn’t feel like he had. The sky was almost completely black. He touched the ground- it was dry. It hadn’t rained yet. He could not have been asleep for a whole day.

“What’s going on here? It should be dawn by now. Even with rain clouds it should be much brighter”

There was a sound of a crash, like thunder and rain began to fall. The clouds became pitch black and everything was covered by darkness. All he could hear was the sound of rapid rain hitting the ground. Feeling the cold seeping into his clothes. Something was very wrong here. Getting up, he channeled an orb of light to appear. It had gotten so dark, that going back without light was impossible.  Ciel took off running.  It got a little brighter as he ran further from the mountains. He was certain that there was something magical about the darkness. Considering the fact they were this close to the Arcadian border, there was a chance that this was an attack. He didn’t know what the exact situation was. Ciel didn’t care about the war, didn’t pay attention to any news and having made no friends among the staff never talk to anyone about it. He supposed the updates were somewhere among the pile of unopened letters back in the academy.

The students were outside panicking when he got there.

“Teacher, where were you?”

“That’s not important now. What’s the situation?”

“Something fell from the sky.”

Behind the house was large round metal shell.  Ciel instantly recognized it.

“Get away from it!” he ordered as the thing began to hiss and let out steam.

Students moved back, but then more of them began to fall.

Ciel braced for the explosions, but they never came. The orb split into two and the metal parts clung to the ground. Something came out of it. Somebody screamed. It was a human at first glance. Wearing Inwales army uniform, but he looked dead. The other shells began hiss and open. Each one contained a person, uniforms they wore varied.

“An attack from Arcadia? What are those?” The boys looked to Ciel

“Yes, most likely. These are the dead soldiers of the united army, they seem to have been reanimated. “

“Reanimated?” the students gathered around Ciel looking at the approaching creatures.

One panicked and shot a fire ball. The undead didn’t seem injured by it as the singed flesh began to stich back together.

“They were reanimated by placing a curse on them. You should know this.” Ciel said” To destroy them, we need to break the curse first”

“There’s no way we can do that”

“Didn’t you do the assigned readings?”

“We, I mean, reading is one thing but, we’ve never done it”

Students were panicking, running past the undead towards the road they used to get to the camp.  Ciel ran after them.

“Students wait. We need to stay together.”

The undead were coming from behind them, but he knew there was more to this. The airships that dropped them, where were they? With this rain he couldn’t see the sky. It was perfect cover for the new, silent airships. He finally caught up the students who had ran. Another group of undead was coming from the road. They were surrounded from both sides.

“We’re surrounded!” The students were beginning to panic even more.

“Keep them busy. I’ll try to break the curse. We need to hold out until help comes.” Ciel commanded. “Make a circle and keep them at bay, I’ll focus on breaking the curse, when I do destroy them”

Ciel focuses on the undead coming from his left. He looked decayed and rotten, taking out his sword and slashing at the two boys. One of them got cut in the arm, his friend turned to look at him and got slashed across the chest. The other students were stopping to look at them. All the commotion was making it hard to focus on the spell. He had a rough time remembering the runes. Ciel never paid much attention in his classes, now he wished he had.  After he was able to tune out all the commotion Ciel finally cast the spell on the undead. But when he opened his eyes the sight that met him was one of despair.

They were kids, not soldiers and Ciel was grimly reminded of it. They didn’t seem to know how to attack, hesitating and missing and moving back instead of holding their positions. Ciel focused an attack on the undead he had removed the curse from. It fell apart from the strong blast of fire. But there at least twenty more of them left. He couldn’t do it alone, it was becoming obvious. Again, he tried to break the reanimation curse on another undead. Then a scream interrupted his focus. Opening his eyes he saw one of the female students. The sword blade had pierced her through the lower abdomen. All the others stopped and looked in horror. Meanwhile the undead kept attacking.

“Get back in line!” Ciel shouted moving.

But it was too late. Another student fell. He had been frozen and the undead stabbed him in the chest.

“Retreat!” Fall back to the woods!” Ciel tried to keep the situation under control. Pushing the path towards the forest.

“But what about Hana?” Her friend asked

“Leave then! We can’t take care of them, right now.”

They ran in a disorganized rush. Ciel felt frustrated and furious.

“Why didn’t anyone teach these kids any military dripline? Even first years should be capable of that much.”

“Teacher!” a boy was running back towards him. “Undead, in the woods!”

“Shit. They cut us off.”

He tried to think. Why were they here? Why were they attacking them? He didn’t have any information. Why was no one coming to save them?

“There is nowhere to run” he though” They cut us off. These kids can’t fight. I can’t destroy all of them. I can’t die here, damn it. I have a dream I need to fulfil.

“Teacher what should we do?” The students were coming back, with another wave of undead coming from the mountain.

“ We need an escape route.  There is a town, a way from here but there might be military presence. “

“That’s too far.”

“It’s the only way. We push past them and run.”

They ran but soon one by one the students began to fall behind.  The girls slipped on the mud and rolled down the hill right down to the feet of an undead.

“Don’t look back, don’t stop, just run” Ciel tired giving commands.

The undead will fell behind, and the slower students will keep them busy, it was his chance to escape, to save himself.  He was ahead of the group now. Even the faster runners were getting tired.

“Teacher, I can’t keep up.” Somebody shouted from behind.

He turned back, not entirely sure why. Maybe for the sake of appearances he would save one or two brats and be praised as a hero for his efforts. But once he looked back there was a flash he had learned to recognize all too well. Fires were igniting behind them. But he didn’t see the bombs fall. There was something in the clouds above, a shadow moving fast – an aircraft. Something sparkled in the sky, like rain drops of a different color and then ground was ablaze. As Ciel was about to turn his back and run, the face of the boy changed to Izunas as he caught fire and screamed.

“Don’t leave me”

Ciel was frozen. Then everything went white and there was buzzing in his ears.


He   woke up in the hospital few days later.  The Inwales forces were going to attack Arcadia on that same day. But then all across the borders of the Arcadian mountains undead began to appear and the strange dark clouds of rain that had been falling for the past three days without stopping. These attacks have been happening all over the place. When the Inwales army reached the Arcadian barricade there were no soldiers there, it was left abandoned. Then the news began to pour from all over about the bombings and the undead.  

Ciel had been in a daze after leaving the hospital. His injuries weren’t serious, but something felt strange. Getting back to his room in the academy he looked thought the pile of letters. It was all there. Arcadians had been stealing corpses for a while now. Losing one fight after another, allowing Inwales and the united army to get deeper and deeper into Arcadian territory. If only he had read the reports sooner, he might have figured out this was a trap sooner.  Somebody knocked on the door.

“This is for you” a man in the Inwales military uniform stood outside the door holding a blue envelope.

Ciel took it, looking at it strangely.

“They found among things of one of your students. It’s addressed to you.” He said.

Ciel looked at the envelope again and closed the door.  Taking the letter out.

“ I want to thank you for an interesting years. Although I wish you would have taught us more. Your classes were fun. I’ve heard stories about you. I’ve heard you’re really amazing and save many people. I’m honored to have you as my teacher and I hope to be like you one day. I’m not just speaking for myself when say this: thank you.


Tears streamed down his face, wetting the paper and blurring the words. Suddenly the small office felt suffocating. Wiping his tears he walked out into the rain. Following the emptied streets of Gardenia.

“A hero? Am I?”

Gazing down at him from his horse was the statue of the hero king of Inwales. Pointing his bow down and ready to deal the fatal blow.  Ciel bowed his head, his face reflecting in the fountain at the base of the statue.

“A hero is someone who protects people. All I did was chase after my own ambition. I’m not a hero, no. someone like me, in the fairytales would be called a villain.  I should have taught those kids…” tears began to well up again.” Like we did in camp when we were students… What would Nana and Izuna think …. Would they hate me? Fear me? I’m sorry, I’m sorry I was so blind.”

Remembering his friends and then the night by the camp fire with his students, Hana reaching out to him on the sunny afternoon. It was not Arcadia that caused their deaths – it was his own negligence. He had been so focused on his own pain, his revenge against the world he deemed unfair that he didn’t see it until it was too late.

“It seems in my quest to become a hero, I’ve become a monster.”

The rain doesn’t stop falling. It falls the night Ciel quietly leaves the academy, wrapped in a black clock, Inwales uniform neatly folded on his bed. Plain clothes and only a few basic items packed. Rumors had spread that the rain was causing trees by the Arcadian boarded to wither and die, cattle had been falling ill. It seemed that whatever this rain was, it was not natural. 


31: Chapter 31
Chapter 31

For a long moment nobody said anything. Ozwen was the one who dared to speak first.

“I’ve heard rumors about you joining the army. Honestly I didn’t think things would go this far. I’m sorry. I thought you would give up and calm down after a while. Clearly I was wrong. I should have tried to help you more. “

Ermina stepped forward, approaching Ciel.

“Why didn’t you reach out to me? You know I loved him. I could have helped you.”

“At the time, it just seemed like I had to do this alone. Like no one else would understand how I felt” Ciel said avoiding looking at his friends.

Val stood there with her arms crossed across her chest.

“I can’t say I know what it’s like to lose someone like that. And I’ve been using people my whole life so I can’t really judge. But like I told you before, you realized that what you were doing was wrong and you changed. That should be the only thing that’s important.”

“That is exactly true” Hesperion appeared, the winged form shrinking down into a more human one.

“It’s you” Ciel said in surprise seeing the monk boy.

“It takes great courage to admit you were wrong. It takes even greater courage to change.” The boy said.” No heart is truly pure and those who believe themselves to be worthy of this power are those whose hearts are full of arrogance. You have proven that you have the will to learn from your mistakes and do good. The staff is yours.”

The staff floated towards Ciel and when he reached out, this time it was solid in his hand.

“Thank you.” He said.

“One more piece of advice.” Hesperion said. “ this staff  can heal and purify, it can break the curse on your sword but it will need a sacrifice to fully bind it you. A spirit to watch over it as it’s guardian.”

“Please let me do it” Nimue said.” It was my own fault the sword got stolen in the first place.”

Ciel looked at Ozwen. He sighed and slowly nodded.

“Very well. If that is your wish.”

“There is another item you will need in upcoming fight.” Hesperion said “in my mortal life I have faced the threat you now face, albeit in different form. I was unable to win that time and so I perished. There is a cloak that gives one the power of flight, seek it out.”

 “Wait, you mean this curse is something that happened before?” Ozwen looked surprised for a moment, but gears began to turn in his mind.

“Perhaps not in the same way, but dark curses have plagued this world since ancient times. The form may change, but all of them come from the same vein of evil. “Hesperion said.

“Yes, I suppose it’s true.” Ozwen said.” The legends speak of plaques and curses. But I guess we should stop calling them legends now. Still I have so many question about the history mentioned in them. “

“Perhaps another time. Time is short, is it not?” the monk said.

“Yes. We should begin.” Ciel said. “Although, I’ve been wondering if it was possible to have one spirit guarding over both the sword and the scabbard? Since the two originally had one guardian.”

“If that is how it was, I suppose I can be done again. Now place the sword before the crystal.”

Ciel removed the sword from the scabbard and placed it down, surprised as the act of drawing it did not cause him pain. Hesperion transformed into the giant figure with wings. Pointing his staff to the sword. Black thorny wines poured from the blade and burned in the rainbow colored light pouring from his staff.

“The curse has been lifted, but now the sword need to be bound to a spirit if it is to be used again.”

“Morgana, I wasn’t you watch over both the sword and the scabbard” Ciel said.

“It would be an honor.” She said appearing.”

“Place the sword in the scabbard” Hesperion said.

Ciel did so, returning the sword to its sheath.

“Now, one spirit does not have enough power to govern two relics. Another will have to provide the power that is necessary.” The sage said.

“I will “Nimue approached.

“Very well”

Both women stood on opposite sides with the blade between them. Slowly the blade and sheath rose off the ground. Morgana and Nimue reached out their right hand placing it on the hilt. Hesperion pointed his staff and a white glow surrounded the two, flowing up their arms into the sword.

“It has been an honor serving you, master Oz” Nimue said with a solemn smile.

The light became brighter and both spirits became nothing but bright spots, which began shrinking and shrinking. Two tiny orbs of light that got absorbed into the blade. Light still radiated from it for a good moment. Then an orb of light emerged from it, taking form once more. It resembled Morgana but her auburn curls had white streaks in them. The golden color of her clothes was now more like a pale orange with patches of white. Her eyes were different colors, one black and one gold.

“It’s like they have become one” Ermina remarked.

“What name will you give me, master?” She asked

“I like the one I gave you, Morgana” he said.

“Very well, than I shall continue to use this name.” she said, taking the sword and handing it to Ciel.

“Thank you” Ciel said bowing to Hesperion.

“It is my duty, to aid those who seek to evil and help others.” He said.” Best of luck on your quest.” With a flash of light they found themselves at the lower part of the library.

Sam and his brother pocked their heads in.

“Where have you guys been? We’ve been looking all over for ya.”

“No time to explain” Ozwen said. “ we have a magical cloak to find.”

“Any ideas?” Val asked.

“I might have a few” Ciel said.

Arlene rushed into the bedroom. Tears of joy streaming down her face as she saw Tenebros sitting up in bed. There were servants and doctors around him but she didn’t care. Embracing her beloved tightly.

“Oh, thank the gods, you’re alive”

He did not return her embrace.  Breathing heavy, beads of cold sweat on his face.

“My lady” the doctor interrupted” Lord Tenebros is still quite ill, please return to your chambers.”

“I’m his wife, please let me look after him.” She insisted.

“I understand your concerns, but you must think off yourself, especially now.”

“I’m afraid I don’t understand” she said.

“We should discuss this in private.” The doctor said, leading her out of the room.


32: Chapter 32
Chapter 32

Chapter 32


For the next two weeks they tried to figure out the location of the cloak. The relic was known as “the cloak of the wanderer”. The mysterious wanderer who always wore a white cloak and appeared in places where help was needed then vanished as suddenly as he appeared.  Ciel believed the wandered to be one of several who had been in possession of this relic.

“The wanderer was definitely the most know of them” Ermina said looking over the map.

“We don’t know what became of the cloak after the Wanderer died.” Ciel said. “But I do believe that if anyone else came into possession of the cloak they had used it.”

“So we need legends about people who could fly” Val said flipping through one of the books.  

“I still think Hesperion might have had records on the cloak.” Ozwen said looking thought another book.

“Right.” Ciel agreed “I’m sure we can figure it out.”

The search seemed to bare no fruit. Legends of people who had the ability to fly were plenty, but few related to white cloaks.  It was a night and the others had gone to sleep already, exhausted by another fruitless day of searching.  Ciel, however had remained, and kept searching thought the books.

“You should really get some sleep, sir.” It was Gamgee out on patrol.

“Thank you for your concern.” Ciel said.” But I’m not in the least bit tired.” He tried to suppress a yawn.

“I get that it’s important to break this curse and all. But rest would do you good. You can’t see what right in front you when you’re tired. Grandma always used to say that.”

“What’s right in front of me?! “ Ciel wondered looking at the map, his eyes stopping on Garland.

“Say, Gamgee, you and your brother were born in Garland.”

“Yes sir, born and raised.”

“Garland is a relatively new country. They were founded after the first war.  You wouldn’t any historical figures that could fly?”

“Fly? No sir. But I do know of a bandit who had flying shoes. Gran used to always tell us this story before bed.”

“I don’t believe I’ve head of it.” Ciel said.

“Well, it’s a popular fairy tale in Garland. When the king decided to found the kingdom in the lands a man rode to him and said “these lands already have a King. I am Francis the great bandit king and I rule these lands!.” Gamgee nervously rubbed the back of his head.” Gran was much better at telling this story.”   

“IT’s alright.” Ciel said.

“So you can imagine the Kings outrage at this man claiming to be king. So he ordered his men to shoot down his horse and arrest the man. And they did. But once the horse was dead, he didn’t fall down as they expected. He was sitting like he had but on thin air and he said to the king and his men.” I am the great bandit king and no one can match my power. If you think you have what it takes to be king than come and take my magic shoes! So the king sent his men to grab him and take off his shoes but he just rose up and up out of reach every time. Many times the king tried to best him and his bandits.”

“Did the king ever succeed?” Ciel asked.

“Well eventually. The endings differ on how exactly. So say he died of old age, other that there was traitor among the bandits or that a female assassin seduced him. But once the king got his shoes and put them on and jumped off a cliff he fell to his death.” Gamgee said. “Some say the shoes were never magical and some that the real magic shoes are hidden somewhere.

Ciel said nothing deep in thought.

“I wanted to be just like the bandit king, when I was a kid. Although I would really love to be sky pirate. Master Cid told some pretty amazing stories about the age of mist. They used to have these amazing airships, nothing like the ones we have today. I’d love to fly one of those.”

“Maybe you’ll get your chance.” Ciel said.” Once this is over, most of the inventions Arcadia created will be made publicly available. The airships they used during this war will likely be among the first. “

Gamgee’s eyes lit up with glee.

“That would be amazing, sir. Now of to bed.“

“I think I will. Your story has made a little sleepy.” Ciel let out a yawn


In the morning Ciel began discussing the possibility of the cloak being in Garland with Oz.

“I’ve hear that story.” Ozwen said.” And I do believe there is real historical evidence of there being bandits in the woods of Garland that opposed the creation of a kingdom. Their leader being the basis for the legend of the bandit king. As for his mystical powers, there is lack of evidence.”

“I do believe he lied about the shoes magical, but if the flight was given to him by an object, it could be hidden somewhere in Garland. “ Ciel said.

“No, from what I recall the king had claimed all of the bandits treasures as the rightful property of the kingdom, king and people.  The money and valuables that were stolen had been claimed and used for the expansion of the royal city, and the other trinkets and relics had become heirlooms in the royal family. “

“So if the cloak was there… it’s in the possession of the king.” Ciel’s face turned from hopeful to concern.

“If they have it.” Ozwen said, brow furrowed in thought.” I think I recall several king posing in a white cloak in the portraits I’ve seen. But white is a common color in ceremonies and royal attires, we can’t be certain of it.  “

“Well first we’d need to see it.” Ciel said.

“That might be easier then we think.” Oz said” if I recall, as part of a decree the royal relics are on display to the public including ceremony attires that are no longer in use today in the Garland museum of history and art.”

“We’ll it’s not like we can walk into the middle of the city and go to a museum.” Val said coming into the room for breakfast. “We’re wanted criminals remember. We stole of the airship.”

“I still can’t believe you did that.” Ciel said looking at Ozwen.

“We don’t need all of us to go.” Ozwen said.” They know our faces but they don’t know Ciel and he can use the mask to look like someone else. If we can get Ciel close enough to Garland city he could go to the museum and verify if the cloak is a relic or not.

“The straightest path to Garland city would be straight from here.” Ermina said pointing on the map.

“No, the moment we enter Garland airspace we will be attacked. “ Oz said.” We should take the route along the coast of Alexandria. Ten enter Inwales airspace and use the river from Inwales to get Ciel into the city. The ship can be hidden but it cannot move once it’s made invisible.”

“It will takes us longer but I guess it’s the safest bet.” Ermina said. “I’ll go tell Sam and Gamgee to get ready for departure.”

With a new course they left Khalesh after a month spent there. Soon after the airship took to the sky, evading cliffs and rising above the tops of the lower mountains they were greeted by a tar like cloud in the horizon.  A look of shock crossed everyone’s faces.

“It shouldn’t be!” Ciel said.” By my estimation the clouds should have not reached here yet. They must be moving faster than before.”

“You said the curse was slowing down.” Ozwen remembered.

“It was. Something must have happened. It’s starting to move faster again. We have a month, maybe less before it completely covers the entire continent.”

Val struggled to remain standing as a wave of nausea hit her. It had been bothering since take off but as the ship swayed in the winds it got near unbearable. Ermina sat next to her bed keeping the bucket steady.

“It’s just motion sickness. You’ll feel better.”

“I…I’ve been flying just fine before.” Val said.

“Maybe you should eat something. I hear it helps with motion sickness.”

“Lately, I can’t keep much down.” She said

“How long has this been going on for?”

“It started shortly after we arrived in Khalesh.”

“Well it can’t be the food, we’ve all had it. Are there other symptoms?”

Val leaned back on the bed on the sigh.

“I.. I haven’t bled for two months.”


Alexandria, the former great city of great kingdom. Built on the cliffs overlooking the ocean, one day the entire city fell into the waives.  Now centuries later the ruins have partially resurfaced as the sands of the desert got blown into the ocean. This cove was once a cape, called the edge of the world.  The ship landed in the ruins as night was slowly approaching. Ciel’s concern for Val prompted this little detour.

Walking down a sandy slope to seek shelter in some ruins. Ozwen looked around.

“This place is nostalgic. I spent a lot of time here a child. Cid and I would often stay here.” He guided them towards what resembled walls of building, half buried in the sand. A large pillar or wall pert sticking out of the ground next to a hill.  They made a small fire and sat around it at the bottom of the hill. Ciel climbed to the top of it.

The sun set into the ocean, staining the water with shades of gold and pink. Ruins of the once great city stuck out of the water like cliffs. Sand and ocean met. Towers sticking out of the sand and water alike. Ciel stood on a hill made up of buried ruins, eyes overlooking the sunset. The others sat by the fire in the foot of the hill, solemn and weary.  Val leaves her spot and walks up the hill to Ciel. He seems lost in thought.

“This is our last chance.” He says eyes never turning away from the sunset.

She says nothing, the gravity of his words sinking in. If they fall here, humanity and it has accomplished will cease to exist, washed away by the cursed black rain.  He has so much to worry about, carrying the world on his shoulders. Perhaps even one more burden could break him. She wonders and fears.

“It’s beautiful.” He says.

Looking at the sunset, it was an amazing sight. The light illuminating the sunken buildings under the water’s surface.

“We might not have a moment like this in long while. “

“We will, once this all over.” She says.

“There will be a lot of work to do to clean up the after effects.”

“You know, I always figured we’d settle down somewhere once this was done.”

Ciel turned to look at her surprised.

“That would be nice” he said with a small smile on his face that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Once it’s over let’s settle down somewhere nice.”

“Somewhere we could watch sunsets like this all the time?”

“That might be a little difficult. I don’t think there’s any other place like this.”

“Then promise me we will come back here.”

“I promise.” He says looking her in the eyes.


He embraces her and she puts her arms around him not sure what to make of it.

“What is it?” he says softly.

“Nothing, I just fought we could go swimming.”

She sun set and stars emerged, lighting up the night sky like fireflies. The water clear as glass reflecting their light. Ocean and sky merging into endless sea of stars. The cold water feeling refreshing, a feeling of weightlessness and ease of just floating and gazing at the sky. Arms wrapping around her from beneath and pulling her under but before could panic familiar lips breath air into her. The kiss feels like it lasts for eternity but it’s not enough, her arms don’t want to let go. Finally they surface. She doesn’t want to go, not yet. Somebody is calling from the shore.  Ciel is already swimming back. She feels her body become heavy, swimming is difficult. Step after unsteady step she walks back to the shore. Ermina approaches her with a towel.

“Did you say anything to him?”

“I… I’ll tell him once this is all over. He has enough to worry about right now.”

 A new day dawns and she ship prepares to set out once more. Dark clouds have moved that much closer. The nausea is gone but a feeling of foreboding settles in her stomach and almost make her miss the nausea. Slowly mowing thought the calm sky into the black rain covered areas.

“This is it.” Ozwen said looking ahead at the black clouds” There’s no going back now. “

An uneasy silence came over the ship and the first drops of rain began to fall on the deck.  

33: Chapter 33
Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Ciel walked among the buildings seemingly unnoticed. There weren’t many people outside, most stayed inside due to the cursed rain and only left when it was absolutely necessary.  He had arrived in the early hours of the morning.  The river flowed into the city but someone swinging in it would have been spotted. Even if he became invisible with the mask the ripples he made in the water would still be seen.  Getting out the water before the river reached the city and drying of with a quick spell he began walking through the woods to the road. Careful to not get noticed, he had only taken off the mask once he was in the city.  Finding a small out of the way alley, he waited for the museum to open.

There weren’t many people inside. Some elderly nobles and students from the academy. The clerk at the ticket booth looked at his ragged cloak with disapproval. Ciel made up a story of traveling from far away to see the royal treasures and how it was a lifelong dream of his.   The museum was large, divided into several sections for famous works art, history, royal treasures and artefacts and technology. Ciel pretended to be looking around for a bit, before making his way to the treasure section.  While it seemed like the relicts of the royal family were unprotected all one had to do was reach their hand over the restriction line to realize how wrong that assumption was. 

As he stood in front of the cloak placed on an imitation of one of the kings, he wondered how he could call out to the spirit without attacking attention.  If he tried to touch it the alarm would sound and the room would seal itself with a barrier. At least that was what he heard from Ozwen, who had some knowledge of security system since he had spent quite a lot of time in the museum archives. While he was pondering what to do, the cloak began to emit a glow.  Surprised Ciel looked around to make sure no one was coming into the exhibit hall.  A man with wings appeared. He had long black hair, tied into a high ponytail, and long sharp looking face with narrow eyes. He wore black oriental style robes with magpies in flight and white clouds.

“I see you have several relics in your possession. Which leads me to assume one thing- you are here for the cloak.”

“Yes. I must break the curse that is causing the rain.” Ciel said.

“I have no interest in heroics. ” The man said.” If you wish to obtain my relic prove that you are worthy- steal it from this place. “

“Wait you want me to steal?” Ciel was surprised.

“Prove that you have the resolve by taking what you want. “

This was not the trial he had expected, but one he had been prepared for.

“All right. Tonight then. “He said.



Ozwen paced the deck of the ship. It had already been a few hours since Ciel left.  Everyone was on edge. They had no way of contacting him to check if he was alright. Ciel did leave behind a strand of Morgana’s hair, so they could receive messages from him, but because of the distance they couldn’t send him any.   

“Can you hear me?” he heard Ciel’s voice in his head.

“Oh, right, you can’t answer. I’ve located the cloak. It is indeed a relic. The spirit guarding it has asked me to steal the cloak as a means of obtaining it.  I will make my move tonight after the museum is closed. “Ozwen sight with both relief and anxiety.  Finding the relic had been easy, but stealing it could be difficult.  

Meanwhile Ermina had taken Val out to the nearby town to get food. There weren’t any people outside but light could be seen in the windows. The inn was almost empty, aside from a few customers.

“What can I get you ladies?” the rather young looking inn keeper greeted them.

“A hot meal would be nice” Ermina said smiling at the guy. “And if you have any food to spear. We’re on a bit of journey.”

“There should be some stew left. But I’m afraid I can’t give away anything. “

“That’s alright. I still have some coin left.”

Val sat down at a free table.  Ermina soon joined her.

“Don’t look so down. Soon this will all be over. I’m sure Ciel will break the curse. “

“I know…It’s just … I have this horrible feeling.” She said gazing out into the rain.

Arlene awoke from a dream, struggling to pull herself back to reality. And as her eyes became accustomed to the darkness in the room and her breathing began to calm the details of the dream slipped away.  But she was certain that the dream was about Tenebros.  She got out of bed and pulled on her robe, rushing to check on him.  While she expected him to be sound asleep, to her surprise he was up and fully dressed in his usual white robes.

“You should be resting.” She said approaching him. “What if you collapse again?”

He regarded with a strange curiosity in his eyes.

“I feel great.” He said avoiding her concerned touch. “I haven’t felt this powerful before. Now go to your room. I have unfinished business.”

Arlene wanted to object but looking at him Tenebros seemed to emit an aura of power that sent shivers thought her body. Perhaps he had indeed become more powerful.

“Goodnight then.” She said leaving him.

He didn’t react to it in any way if he had heard. His mind focused on sensing the light. It was bright, brighter than before. He needed to end it. Search: something, anything. The lands stretching under the rain was bare of life.  He cursed under his breath.

“There has to be someone left alive, something, and anything.” Thoughts raced thought the wizards mind.

After what felt like hours of searching he smirked, finally he found something he use.


The innkeeper brought their food and some bread in a cloth wrap.

“I’m afraid that’s all I can spear. There is a food shortage across the country. Crops just won’t grow and the animals are dying off. “

“It’s alright, thank you.” Ermina said.

“Say, the two of you wouldn’t happen to be traveling to Garland?”

“What makes you think that?” Val tensed a little bit.

“Oh well, we’re near the border so...i thought.  Never mind. It’s just I’ve hear that the famous art thief Black Iris was going to steal a painting from a museum tonight. I thought maybe you were going to watch. It’s usually quite the spectacle.  “

“Art thief?” Ermina looked at Val confused.

Val just shook her head.


They rushed back to the airship. Making sure no one saw them before giving the signal to drop down the ladder. A floating rope ladder would have caused suspicion, but thankfully there weren’t any people in the deep woods.

“Oz, we might have a problem!” Val said once she was back on board the airship.

They retold what the innkeeper had told them.  Ozwen seemed concerned by this.

“I’ve hear of this thief. The first one appeared around eighty years ago and stole primarily archeological artefacts. There was also a woman going by that name.  it’s been a while since the last one. But they all had something in common: sending out warning about where and what they would be stealing before they stole it.  None of them were ever caught.  Did he mention what painting the thief was after?”

“I think he said it was “The Mother in the Garden”. Ermina said.

“I see. The Kings favorite painting. This is bad.” Ozwen’s face shoved his concern. “of all the nights, it had to be tonight.”

“We need to warn Ciel not to go tonight.” Ermina said. “Sebastian can fly to the city and find him.”

“That won’t help.” Val said. “if he’s using the mask to be invisible.”

“Still, we need to warn him.”

“I fear that we won’t make it.” Ozwen said.” Even if we were to leave now the best we could hope for is midnight. And by then it might be too late.”

“But we can’t just wait here.” Val objected.

“No.” Oz agreed” Ciel is our only hope of breaking this curse. If he is caught and mistaken for the thief the king might have him executed on the spot. The royal army will most likely be called into action. “

“To catch a thief?” Ermina said surprised.

“A thief that has eluded capture for eighty years and had been a thorn in the side of the royal family. Yes, the king would spare no expense to have them brought to justice.”

While they were having a conversation two Garland airships flew over them. The group stopped all conversation and stood frozen in place. The ships passed without noticing them- the invisibility spell on the ship concealed it and those on board.

“Looks like they have recalled ships from border patrols. Most likely for tonight.” Oz said looking the direction the ships went.

“What can we do?” Val asked.

“I need a moment to think.” He began pacing the deck once again.

“Well if he can remain invisible maybe he will be alright.” Ermina said.

“Unlikely.” Oz said. “The room will seal itself in a barrier preventing exit. While I am certain the Sword of Avalon would cut through it this would alert all the force outside on the other hand if the soldiers arrive and see an empty room they will be suspicious and probably open fire on the room. The mask makes him invisible not invulnerable.  Even with his enhanced healing I doubt he would make out of there in one piece. “

“What can we do?”  Now Ermina was getting worried.

“We can buy him some time. Create a distraction. If the forces are focused on something else perhaps it will buy Ciel time to escape. This is the best we could hope for. “

Ozwen went to steering room to update Sam and Gamgee on the new situation.




Ciel looked around the street. The number of people was slowly increasing as night drew closer. Soldiers in uniform were walking past the square where the museum was. He was thankful for the invisibility the mask provided.  Walking in to the museum the second time was even easier. He decided to wait inside until it closed and the building was empty. This left him enough time to come up with a plan of escaping the museum once he had the cloak. First he thought about using the sword to slice his way out of the barrier, but it was risky. First it would make noise, two he could injure a person on the other side of the wall and third he had not used the sword since it had been freed from the curse. So he decided to wait until people came to investigate the alarm and use the mask’s invisibility to sneak out with the cloak. To enter the room the berried would have to be disabled at least on one side.  It was a simple plan, one he hoped was enough to win over the spirit of the cloak.  Ciel would have preferred a trial by combat- something he was accustomed to. Things like stealth and sneaking around were not his strong suites.

Sitting in the farthest corner of the exhibit room he waited and listened. People walked by, soldiers in uniform, families, single men and women. The royal treasure exhibit wasn’t getting much attention. But he could hear footsteps, a lot of them going somewhere else. Despite his curiosity he remained where he was. It was hard to tell what time of day it was but the distant ringing of bells helped. Finally there were no more footsteps for a while and the bells rung ten times. It was closing time for the museum.

Ciel stood up, stretching his stiff arm. Sitting for hours in one spot was difficult on the muscles. Just as he finished stretching a group of people walked past the entrance arch. Ciel froze in panic, before remembering no one could see him. He took a better look at them. Soldiers, and they had riffles with them.  They marched down the hall into a different section of the museum.  Ciel felt a pit form in his stomach. Something was going on, something he knew nothing about.  He didn’t want to fight the soldiers, after all they were only men. If the alarm were to go off now they would rush into the room. This was turning into the most difficult trial yet. He was contemplating leaving and coming back the next night. But he wasn’t sure if the soldiers were a regular thing or not. Perhaps this was something that happened every night. With so many royal relics the presence of soldiers didn’t seem strange to Ciel. While he was pondering what to do the whole building shook as the sound of an explosion rattle the windows.

Voices yelled in the hall and soldiers came running outside. Ciel smiled to himself- now was the perfect chance.



“Can’t you work any faster?” Ozwen said, frustration evident in his voice.

Sam was screwing massive screws into the deck of the airship.

“I’m working as fast as I can.”

“Personally, I don’t think it’s such a good idea.” Gamgee said exiting the house with a bow full of brown cloth wrapper objects.

“I don’t care what you think.” Ozwen retorted.” Do what I say. If we lose him humanity, this world- it’s all done for.”

“Aye, aye.” Gamgee responded placing the box on the deck and going over to help his brother.

“Cannons are attached.” The brothers soon reported.

“Good, prepare for takeoff.” Ozwen ordered.

“It’s a good thing we kept those from gramps’s adventures.” Gamgee said looking over their work.

“Let’s go and save master Ciel.” Sam said giving Oz a confident smile.

The ship creaked and struggled under the added weight but took off, leaving the remote home of the brothers.

As they were heading for Garland at full speed they noticed several other air ships.

“What should we do.?” Sam asked.

“Slow down and pretend to be returning like the rest.” Ozwen said.

“One of the ships appears to be changing course.” Gamgee reported looking thought the monocular.

“Keep your course. Remain calm. “

An airship was indeed approaching them. It evened it’s speed with theirs and the two were flying side by side with just a small gap between.

“Hey, is anyone on board?!” came a shout from the outside.

Val walked out on deck.

“What seems to be problem?”

The man looked her over

“I don’t recognize you? Who are you?” he began drawing his sword.

Other members of the crew were drawing weapons.

“I think you know were well who we are” Ozwen said emerging on deck.

“Well, looks like the jig is up.” Sam said.

“Sure is.” Gamgee looked at his brother.

“So do you want to do it? Or should I?”

“Let’s do it together.”

“Whose gonna drive then?” Gamgee asked.

“Alright then, you do it.”


The man looked at Ozwen for a moment as if trying to recognize him. Meanwhile Gamgee ran to the front of the ship trying to stay of sight.

“You’re that traitor!” The man said pointing his sword at Oz. “Men, arrest them.”

As they were preparing to jump over to their ship, Sam turned the wheel causing it to turn away. Ozwen and Val barely managed to hang on.  The ship turned away as if it was running and all the men scrambled to their stations to pursue them. To everyone’s surprise the airship began turning again. Gamgee cut the rope and the flag unrolled under the balloon, holding the ship in the air. The front of the airship was now decorated with a black flag depicting a skull and crossed bones. Ozwen scoffed at it.

“Prepare to retaliate.” He ordered.

Gamgee rushed over to the cannon. Val set of the other one whit a fire spell. The Garland airship that was pursuing them had gotten too close to avoid the attack. The cannon shots hit the sides of the ship. Gamgee waived his mechanical gauntlets in the air out of joy.

“Well so much for discretion.” Val said walking to the front of the ship.

The airship that was hit began descending down to the ground.

“We took out their cannons so they couldn’t fire back.” Gamgee said happily.

“It seems the other one noticed “Val pointed to the other airship that was further away but now turned around and was moving closer.

“We will get nowhere if we’re stuck fighting every airship we come across. “ Ozwen said. “Tell Ermina to hurry up.”

“No need. I’m finished with preparations. “ She said coming down from the back deck.

“Good, but first, we’ll need to clear the way.” Ozwen pointed to the airship approaching them.

“Aye, aye” Gamgee moved to reload the cannons.


Ciel slowly took of the mask and walked over to the cloak. Reaching out his hand over restriction line and grabbing the front of it. And lifting of the mannequin it was placed on. There was a loud noise and the whole room began to glow as a yellow light surrounded it, closing off both entrance arches and the windows. Ciel took out his sword. He heard some people running back into the building.  Drawing the sword, for the first time without pain he swung it at the window. The air rippled with swing, the yellow berried shattered into pieces and so did the glass of the windows.  Focusing his magic he jumped up out the shattered window.  There was another explosion and now he could see the cause. An airship was flying over the city, shooting cannons and someone was dropping explosives, but they would explode before hitting the ground. The pirate flag at the front of the ship gave him some idea as to who was responsible for this.

“Well I took you outside the museum.” Ciel said, addressing the spirit of the cloak.

“You did. “ The man appeared” My name is Kasasagi[1]. In the past I’ve watched over thieves and those who possess a free spirit but I will serve you, hero.”

With swift move Ciel removed his ragged black cloak and put on the white one, just at the soldiers rounded the corner and spotted him. His body seemed to become weightless at it floated up towards the ship. He landed on the deck surprising everyone.

“What are all of you doing here?” He asked confused.

“We came to get you.” Val said turning around after setting off another bomb.

Ozwen explained the situation to him.  

“Thank you. “ Ciel said.”

While he felt his friends were putting themselves in unnecessary danger for his sake, he kept quiet.

“We should leave the city.”

“I agree” Ozwen said” However that might be a lot more difficult. Ermina used up a lot of her magic on a spell to get us here faster.

Suddenly Ciel felt a chill run down his spine. It was like somebody was watching him.  Something was drawing closer.

The ship turned around and began moving towards the Inwales boarder, but they still had a long way to go. The cannons while providing the ship a means of defense did so at the cost of speed. Gamgee while exited to live his and his brothers dream of playing pirate, originally opposed this. The deck boards were creaking and protesting under the weight of the cannons. If they gave out it would all be over.

“Master, I sense something coming” Ciel said looking into the darkness of the night.

 Ozwen looked at the same direction trying to pick up a trace.

“Oh, something is coming alright!” Sam yelled pointing to the palace.

A large airship, reinforced with metal was rising up into the air.

“A warship” Ozwen recognized it.

“Wait you mean they plan to use it against us?” Gamgee looked at his brother in disbelief.

“Well do you see anyone else?”

“There!” Ciel pointed north.

A black mass was moving, blacker than the dark clouds of the cursed rain. Moving closer towards them.

“This is bad.” Sam said.” Real bad.”

“We’re stuck.”

Ciel looked at Ozwen

“I’ll clear the way for you.”

“Right, we’ll try to hold out against the warship.” Ozwen said.

Val made a move to stop him on the way out. Ciel embraced her, kissing her on the forehead before placing the mask on and vanishing from sight.  Unseen he stepped off the ship but instead of falling just floated in the air.  The wind whistling as he flew towards the approaching dark mass in the sky. He could hear it now, the sound of what could be a thousand birds – crows. Larger than the normal birds, eyes red, beaks long and sharp. Stopping while there was still some distance between them he focused on casting a lightning spell. Being hit such a number of birds, even if they could not see him, could be problematic. The cloak ripping was another possibility on his mind.

“Don’t worry. This isn’t some flimsy cloak. “Kasasagi appeared beside him floating in the air.” It won’t just rip from something like this.”

“Good to know.” Ciel sent the spell at the birds.

Lightning flashed and many of them fell from the sky, hitting the ground. But the overall size of the mass did not decrease. The birds were aiming at him, fast ones have reached him and tried to stab him with their beaks and slash with their talons. Up close he could see just how much they were altered by the curse, equal to him height almost, with their wings spread they looked even bigger. Taking the sword he swung at the fast approaching bird. The sword cut it and blood poured at the half of the bird fell to the ground.  Meanwhile few others were attacking from up above and from behind. Noticing this he realized there wasn’t enough time to react. A strong gust of wind sent the birds back. Ciel looked surprised as Kasasagi and the woman with the butterfly like mask appeared.

“Kasasagi, Madam,” he was surprised.

“This is the first time in almost six hundred years that I’ve have a chance to see so action.” Kasasagi said” I am not going to let it end this soon.”

The woman in a beautiful light dark blue and black gown smiled, her lips being the only par the mask didn’t cover.

“I will aid you, as such our agreement.”

Ciel had taken to calling her Madam Butterfly, due to her mask. The spirit had never been given a name by its previous owners.

“Thank you both” He said.


Meanwhile on board the airship Ozwen and the others were trying to figure out an escape plan.

“We should try to get around the birds.” Sam said.

“I agree, master Ciel seems to having trouble clearing the way.” Gamgee said.

“If we wait any longer the warship will be close enough to blow us to pieces.” Val said.

Ozwen was silent.

“You can’t be thinking of fighting that thing, Oz” Val said with fear evident in her voice.

“No.” he spoke after a long silence.” I just wonder if I made a mistake when I decided to interfere.”

Everyone went silent.

“On our way we saw many airships, with the spells effect we could out run them. Where are they now?” He wondered.” Probably somewhere close. If we run blindly we will run into them. Ermina is still asleep from casting the spell and I no longer have Nimue. “

“Stop talking like this is all over!” Val raised her voice.” Sam, get us out of here.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The airship turned,, flying away from approaching warship. Following the seemingly endless mass of birds, blocking their way to Inwales.

“There has to be an opening somewhere.” Val gazed out the window.

Ciel was fighting, unseen, but she could see the birds dashing and swiping at the air while more of them kept coming from all directions.

Then something happened that no one expected. The warship attacked, sending a liquid burst out of one of it’s cannons. The liquid quickly ignited setting many of the birds on fire.

“Ciel!”  Val called out, even thought he was too far to hear her.

“That was, Arcadian weaponry.” Ozwen’s voice trembled in shock from the realization” they were able to recreate it. “

“We have to stop that thing, Ciel is in there!” Val pleaded with Sam.

“Alright. I’ll do my best. After all if master Ciel dies, we’re all goners.”


Ciel felt the heat scorching his back but if didn’t hit him directly. Turning around he could see the warship approaching, it seems that for some reason they decided to target the birds inserted of pursuing the others. He felt better knowing he had help, but since they couldn’t see him he needed to be carefull.

“I’m alright. Escape.” He sent the message to Ozwen.

Another burst of fire came too close to where he was. Ciel tried to go higher but a bunch of the birds attacked him from above, pushing him down into the range of fire of the warship.


“He wants us to escape.” Ozwen said.  “He will be fine.

Val looked at him skeptically.

“Well it is fighting the birds.” Sam added.” So they are on the same side.”

“No they’re not.” Gamgee pointed to the deck holding the monocle” look”

Ozwen took the monocle and began looking at the deck of the warship. There was somebody out there, by the cannons. A person, yet he couldn’t see their face, or skin it was all black, he couldn’t differentiate between what was uniform and what was skin. Garland bright red uniforms had a tendency to stand out even from a distance.

“Something is wrong on that ship.” Oz agreed.

“We have to take it out.” Val stated.

Oz gave the deck of the warship another look. Black smoke seemed to coming off of one of the people on deck.

“They’re not human up there. I’ve hear rumor about king Garland buying up all remnants of Arcadian war technology and even the cursed undead that appeared with the rain. To think the rumors were true.  I wonder if the King is even alive at this point. “Ozwen lowered the monocle with a sigh.

“I have a plan.” Gamgee said.


Ciel barely managed to avoid the burst of flame that came out of the cannon. The fire hit some of the birds. Strangely they seemed to know when the ship was going to fire and tried to push Ciel into its line of fire. He found it strange, but the constant attacks he had keep avoiding didn’t leave much time for fought. The amount of birds and attacks coming from all sides made the invisibility almost useless.  Suddenly he hear a voice in his head, it was Ozwen.

“I don’t know if this is reaching you. But that warship is controlled by undead. I don’t know what’s going on. Please return to the ship.”

Ciel looked over his shoulder at the giant ship. If he went back to his friends would they notice? Or would it keep firing at the birds? But losing the birds would be difficult. Some would follow him and that could give away where he was.

“Madam, please remove the invisibility. I have an idea.”

He became visible, a white radiant spot against the black mass of birds. The ships cannons immediately adjusted to his location. The mass birds swirled as seemingly every single one of them now were aiming for him.  He waited, closer, even closer, the birds close enough to touch him. He turned around and flew directly at the cannons making sure to stay in the line of fire. He could see the red as the ignition was beginning the moment it left the cannon. He dove down, just barely avoiding the flame. The smell of burning flesh and feathers permeated the air. This didn’t take all of the birds down, but had reduced their numbers.

He wouldn’t be able to go invisible again. Not until he had enough time to write the command on the mask. There wasn’t enough time for such things now.  He could take down the warship, a few swings of the sword would be enough. But looking down all he could see were rows of houses and the city streets. If a warship, full flammable and explosive materials crashed down the whole city might end up in flames.

“We need to lure them away from the city, somewhere more open.” Ciel telepathically reached out to Oz.

“Understood” came the reply.

Ciel dodged some birds, then used the sword to slash them as they tried to chase him. The spirits were helping, using wind spells to stop the bird’s attacks or prevent them from escaping. Ciel felt both his and their magic draining. While his injuries healed, it still drained his magic.

“The river, lead them to the river.” Ozwen’s voice rang in his head.

Ciel dove down below the ship and then flew towards the large lake the river was flowing into. The city wall encircled the lace, with a special gate that allowed the river to flow but prevented attacks by water coming in. He had to wait unto the ship was over the water to bring it down.


Ozwen and the others flowed the warship that began moving towards the lake.  The swarm of giant crows continued to pursue Ciel.  He swung his sword and the birds seemed to farm a wall, getting in the way.

“They’re protecting the ship?!” Val said in disbelief.

The warship was above the water but Ciel was having a hard time bringing it down. The Birds got in the way of the attacks.

“He will tire himself out like this.” Ozwen said.” I think that is what they are after. “

“How can undead plan and organize like this?” Val asked.

“I was reluctant to believe it, but now it seems to be true. Ciel said he believed that there was human factor controlling the curse.”

“A human? Somebody is doing all this?” Gamgee and Sam looked at the scene happening in front of them.

“Well then, looks like it up to us to take that thing down.” Gamgee said.

Sam nodded.


Ciel heard a loud shot behind him. He saw the airship, tiny compared to the warship. The cannons on deck fired at the giant ship, not doing it much damage, but diverting the attention of the crew that prepared to fire back. Fear gripped his heart. What were they thinking?  He wanted to stop them but the birds following him prevented it.  He felt anger. He needed to end this now.  Lightning wasn’t doing enough damage. If only he could lure the birds into another fire attach from the ship, he was certain it would eradicate almost all of them.  

Val and Ozwen were holding up a barrier, to stop the cannons of the warship from blowing up the airship. The brothers said they had a plan but wouldn’t tell them what it was. One cannon ball stopped at the barrier, the second missed the ship, and the other grazed the side.

“We won’t last long like this.” Ozwen said. “That plan of theirs better work.”


Ciel cast a fire spell. It was simple one. The birds gathered around him. The warship seemed focused on attacking his friends in the airship. This allowed him to focus on the fighting more. Madam and Kasasagi sending wind into the flames and creating a sphere of fire around him. The flames extended outwards consuming the birds. He could feel the last his magic drain praying that this was enough to take care of the birds. The sky seemed clear, at least for now. He flew back towards the airship, taking a swing at the giant ship with the sword. One of the cannons exploded sending flames across the deck. The undead didn’t react, instead remaining at their stations and preparing to fire another round.

“Come on I’ll get you out of here,” he said landing on deck.

The airship rocked as the cannon fire hit the side again. The war ship seemed to be turning around, the cannons in its front being the ones that shot the flaming liquid.

“You can’t carry all of us by yourself.” Val said.

“I’ll carry you all out, then I’ll take it down with the sword. We can use the airship as a decoy for the moment.” Ciel said.

He was out of breath from the fight. Ozwen carried an unconscious Ermina on Deck.

“Get her and Val out of here. “

“I’ll come back and get everyone out.” He said.

Ciel held Ermina in his arms, Val wrapped her arms around him from behind. He flew down into the street just as another attack hit the airship. Ozwen couldn’t hold a large barrier by himself and the attack went though. The deck splintered as a giant hole appeared from the impact in it. The weight shifted and the airship began leaning to the left. The warship was still turning being slow and heavy. Ciel flew up back to the airship.

“Come on professor, Sam, Gamgee. “

Sam poked his head over the steering wheel.

“I appreciate the kindness, master Ciel, but a captain always goes down with the ship.”

“Our plan is ready. “ Gamgee emerged with some barrels and boxes.

He started loading them all at the front of the ship.

“Wait, you don’t plan to?” Ozwen’s eyes widened in realization.

“We’re going to hit it with all we got.”

“But you will die in the explosion.”

“Somebody has to drive the ship. “ Sam said.

“And I can’t imagine life without him” Gamgee said.” You’re going to save the world, so let us be the heroes just this once.”

“You don’t need to sacrifice you’re selves.” Ciel said, his voice pleading.

“We want to do it.” Sam said.

“We grew up listening to Uncle Sid’s stories. We dreamed of living though heroic battle he told us about. This is our only chance to live that dream.”

Ciel felt tears well up in his eyes. The two brothers had reminded him of himself.

“I’m sorry” he said.

With a smith move he knocked out Gamgee and got up to where Sam was, knocking him out. Pulling the unconscious pilot over his shoulder he turned the wheel so the airship moved forward to the larger ship that was done turning around and was preparing to fire. Grabbing Gamgee he told Ozwen to hold on to him. The weight was pulling him own but he managed to float down from the airship when the attack hit. The airship had been moving towards the warship and the attack ignited the gunpowder and the bombs the brothers had stacked up in the front. The explosion was enough to blow off some of the metal armor of the ship and set the other side of in fire as well. The undead kept living until the curse keeping them alive was broken, so they cared little for the fire. Another explosion, the flammable liquid in the cannons caught fire. The airship was going down slowly pushing the warship down as well.

Ciel carried everyone over the wall one at a time to avoid detection from the soldiers that were gathering around the lake. It seems they were safe for now.

A dark laugh echoed thought the dark and empty streets of Argos. At the tallest tower of the palace Tenebros stood in the balcony laughing.  He could feel the minions he sent were all eradicated. The light he sought to extinguish was now even brighter. Yet it filled him with glee. After all a victory with no challenge was not a real victory. He left the room, climbing the steps unto the large balcony. Drops of rain landing on his white robes and leaving black traces, until  his robes and mask turned as black as the sky.


[1] Kasasagi means magpie in Japanese.