Sunset, a Romance poem | SparkaTale



By: Heather Brown

Created: April 15, 2014 | Updated: April 15, 2014

Genre : Romance

Language : English

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She laid on the hill at the far end of the town
The mountain in the busy city
In which she felt so close to the sky
She would stare up high into the quilt of blue
And reach up to touch the gentle cotton balls
That sailed along like little ships
On a calm blue sea...

But today the cotton clouds
And gentle blue
Had been replaced by a fiery orange
With pink wisps
She watched quietly, the colors blending
Within her own jade eyes...

He climbed to find her,
He had been calling her name all day
She had given off the strangest
Feelings to him
Until he met her, he had not been
One to sense troubles
Brewing down within the spirit
Of another...
But she...
She was different...

He had found her
Yet at the same time knew she
Was lost
She was so far away at that instant in time
He sat at her side and smiled
Watching the silver cord that she
Was on the far end of
And he waited patiently.

She floated gently away
Farther and farther still from
Everything that had bound her lately
Lost in the heavenly fire
Wrapped in magenta strips

He heard a pop and was alarmed
The silver rope was laying on the ground
His breath left him and the world grew still
With a trembling hand he took the rope in his
He closed his blue eyes and
Try as he may
His blue sky slowly turned cloudy
And eventually began to rain.

He looked up into the sunset and watched
As the sun fell into its bed
He tightened his grip on the silver string
And through his tears he was able to
Tie the cord around his wrist

He laid on the hilltop as the sky
Turned dark
And as the flames turned blue
The silver cord rose again
And lifted him to the sky

When he found her again
He held her close in his arms
And the two of them smiled sadly
As he cut the silver cord
And as they watched it sail back down
They were free now
Free to roam together and free to
Roam all the horizons
They took a moment and closed their eyes...

While down on the earth, it started to rain.

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