The Reject, a General poem | SparkaTale


The Reject

By: Darci Sennett

Created: May 26, 2015 | Updated: May 26, 2015

Genre : General

Language : English

Reviews: 1 | Rating:

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~~The Reject

You rejected me simple as can be.
                                            But just know you’re not rid of me
I am a gentle fighter, who will take heave,
                                            Till victory is met I will never leave
I’ve worked hard every day of my life,
                                           And being shot down haunts me at night
I pour my self in to a life of grace,
                                             Doing it all working fast pace.
So think what you will, you can not win
                                              Some real talent is about to begin
My inner strength will rise up from these flames;
                                              Then I’ll be the one calling you names
So beat down my dreams with your knuckles of brass
                                           Someday they’ll come back kicking your (you know what!)
Now don’t judge on the bitterness you might see
                                              Cause you brought this on by rejecting me

Reviews (1)

  • David Donnan

    Your story is very good and I enjoyed reading it

    November 6, 2013 Flag

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