Alone , a Action poem | SparkaTale



By: Kira Soulfire

Created: May 11, 2016 | Updated: May 11, 2016

Genre : Action

Language : English

Reviews: 1 | Rating:

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Reads: 261

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Darkness as far as the eye can see

thrown in a pit of my own sorrow

Not knowing if  there will be a tomorrow

It seems everyone left me.


I face my trials

crying through slitted eyes

Surrounded by cut ties

My thoughts hazed with faded smiles.


You left me when I needed you most

threw me away quickly

Made me feel sickly

Giving me no reasons to boast.


Tears mix with crimson

my heart yearning

eyes burning

stuck in this prison.


Not a care in the world

you moved on without me

no-one cares for thee

my sad story unfurled.


In the dark of the night

a girl cried

her friends lied

she didn’t even put up a fight.


Left alone

the girl shaking

heartbeat fading

unable to atone


She was betrayed

now she roams

as dead as Davy Jones

hunting those she never forgave.


Reviews (1)

  • Heather O'toole /Davies

    If you like the old origanal and dark fairytales this is the story for you.

    December 10, 2013 Flag

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