He is Cairo, a Mythology poem | SparkaTale


He is Cairo

By: Golden Ankh

Created: March 7, 2018 | Updated: March 7, 2018

Genre : Mythology

Language : English

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He is the searing sun over the desert

He is the great flowing Nile

He is the cold moon that shines at night

He is the desert sand that thirsts for water


His is donning an old fashioned tunic

His skin is sunkissed from years outside

His hair is black to protect his head from the sun’s harsh rays

His eyes are bright green, like the grass inside the Pharaoh’s palace garden


He spends his days drawing pictures of the old days

When the gods ruled the desert

And reading the scrolls

That ancient scribes wrote in the Old Language


He is always quiet and doesn’t like much contact with others

He holds a secret that he would rather have no one know

People try to make him change things

But it scares him to think of what change may bring


He is Cairo, and Cairo is him

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