Ammit the Devourer, a Mythology poem | SparkaTale


Ammit the Devourer

By: Golden Ankh

Created: March 7, 2018 | Updated: March 7, 2018

Genre : Mythology

Language : English

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She stands at the base of your Destiny

You’d better hope you lived your life blessedly

Because if She finds a Sin,

The only ones to remember you will be your kin


For She is the demon of Death

The demon of Despair

The Eater of Hearts

And the Dweller in Amenta


Her master is the King

She protects him from the Evil Ones

She guides kind souls to the Great Beyond

And kills all who have wronged


She guards the Feather of Ma’at

And the Scales of Truth

She is a demoness of the Underworld

She is Ammit, the Devourer

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