

sport stream Joined: April 21, 2019

Sportstream is one of the best sites dedicated to streaming soccer that is free of emerging ads and invasive advertising . All national and international football matches can be found here and even offer a repeat option.

You can find Latin events such as the Copa America until the Premier League of Taiwan Soccer. Sportstream have a mobile application and a large amount of information about each event (including live bookmarks).
Users have up to 7 menu types to find matches according to different categories . Among these categories we find: per game, league or competition, or you can also search for it by equipment, channel or cable provider.

An updated news section
A page dedicated to sports bars where users can find a list of these establishments where sporting events are broadcast
Watch sporting events and games in real time
You can choose the sports that most interest you to receive notifications related to them
Visit Sportstream to watch free football online


tv muse Joined: April 21, 2019

It is clear that we can not live without our mobile phone , since little by little and with the new advances, it is gathering all the needs we need: to be in contact with family and friends, to keep accounts up to date, to check personal mail or work, download the best creator of funny videos , have your own photo gallery and share it with the world, read the news ...But the worm is still watching TV, especially at times when we can not enjoy a game to be working or crave that chapter in our journey underground. For this you can use any of these app to watch live TV. Pay attention

A simple but effective application to watch live TV. You can enjoy your favorite programs and a variety of exclusive content on tvmuse. There are also  interviews, conferences, coverages, broadcasts and much more.Tvmuse is a Mexican application , so the channels and content available are the following: El Trece, El 7, Noticias, Opinión, Deportes, Espectáculos and ExtraNormal (a paranormal events program).
TVmuse application is free and available for the two main mobile operating systems. Maybe something limited in terms of content from the rest of the world.

Your Android phone is going to turn into a real entertainment box with tvmuse. Not only can you watch live TV on your mobile, but you have programs on demand and even use your mobile as a command to search and record programs on your DVR or Multirom DVR (you have to synchronize devices and accounts).You can quickly access "What's happening" and enjoy your favorite movies and shows at the moment. You will have a list of channels according to the area you are in, and if you arrive late, do not worry, you can go back up to two hours in tvmuse.At the moment there is no pay-per-view , no digital music or interactive programs, but work is being done on it. It is also possible to configure parental control on some specific channels.Watch TV live from your mobile and for free with tvmuse


Diana Williams Joined: January 16, 2016

Eldritch Grandma Joined: November 12, 2017

Just a simple woman with a love of monsters and heavy thought. Also dark humor because, really, if you can't laugh at the worst, how can you laugh at the best?


Ean Arnold Joined: August 11, 2013

    Hello everybody, my name is Ean. I love to write and have been doing so for years. I'm always trying to improve so feel free to provide constructive criticism when you see fit. I would really appreciate it. As for what I will be uploading to this site, I really enjoy writing speculative fiction, namely science fiction, but really any sub-genre of speculative fiction will do. I don't really plan on writing anything of novel length right now, but only time will tell. I say this because I have tried that before on other sites and it always ends with me taking FOR EVER to update, and generally leaving people hanging for long periods of time after a cliffhanger ending to a chapter. So you can expect short fiction, probably uploaded all at once. 

    So that's me. I am excited to get to know some other aspiring writers and read through some exciting literature. Like I said before, feel free to provide with constructive criticism on my writing, or just leave a comment. I would very much appreciate it.


ean arnold Joined: February 17, 2014

N. R. Nazario Joined: April 2, 2018

N.R. Nazario has been writing fantasy for many years, and his many unfinished works have been called jokingly by some "his posthumous work." After many unsuccessful attempts to complete a novel, but armed with a fully-fleshed fantasy world he had developed over the years, N.R. enrolled in a few writing classes. One of them got him the impetus to finish a book called Keeper's Apprentice, which is set on the same universe, but many generations after the time of Soul Sisters. Keeper's Apprentice is currently undergoing revisions and editing and will hopefully be published during the author's life.

Gathering his library of notebooks and electronic files, N.R. decided to go back and complete his unfinished works, starting with Soul Sisters, for which he has a complete and detailed outline, for as he would tell us, is is "a plotter, not a pantser."

N.R. Nazario lives and writes in the San Francisco Bay Area.


Oko San Joined: April 16, 2014

My name's Oko-san and I like writing stories for people to enjoy. You see, my overall goal is to make people stuck in a fantasy world where they yearn to be in and if anything, be happy on to what I've given. I will gladly give you advice on anything (Thought, I'm still learning literature myself!) or to have a small conversation if you PM me. I know I've neglected this account (and many others), but I'm mainly active on Quotev. I'm trying to set up a 'decent' schedule  for myself where I mainly update on Quotev first and copy&paste onto here and other accounts every Friday (And if I don't; you have the full rights to call me a chicken). You can also contact me on Wattpad. I don't mind working together (Simply giving out ideas, because I don't know if having two authors work here)  nor mind helping you. It's understandable to have a good hook on readers into reading such good books. Again, I apologize for neglecting this account. Here is what I have planned in 2015: 

1) Dune:Cursive Shadows- This is one of my most important story projects I have planned for quite sometime. It used to be 'A Blessing Curse', but I changed the direction of the story since I notice a lot of people didn't seem attracted to it nor giving no comments whatsoever on how it was or the progress. It takes place in Nashville, TN where in third-perspective view, a lady named Penny must find out what happened to a party, she attended to, and how it's been wiped under the rug. [PLACED ON HOLD]

2) [REDOING] Deféndu- I decided to redo it since my writing has improved and I didn't like my sudden ending rush. Plus I'll be attempting to upload pictures of the characters in my album, see how that would work out...  This story is based off an crazy anime I saw once and inspired me to one of my own.

3) Pastro:Risen- A more of a serious type fantasy, in which will be in first person. Still in development.  

*There is more stories, but I would like to complete them first before placing them here. Have a good day!



Emma Wickman Joined: April 24, 2015

 I'm just your average fangirly, grammatical, far too logical geek.

 A lot of my writing tends to be in the fantasy/supernatural genre as I have a whole set(most) of my stories based off one magical society. I'm sad to say most of them haven't been written down outside of the ideas fro them.

 But not all of my writing is based off of magic and myths and monsters. Why would you think that? I have a grand total of two non-fantasy stories! Well, maybe one, as the other one of them could go anywhere...

 But, yeah. My fantasy society I made up is called Magia (I was really hoping the Latin word for magic was more... creative), and it just about includes anything from any number of my stories. Only 3 stories aren't part of Magia, and those are the collaborations I've created with others. They tend to be more anime based.

 So, that's about it.


Allyson Andrews Joined: July 21, 2014

Hi, everyone! My name is Allyson. All of these stories I write are ministry. I've been told I've been creative which is a gift from the Lord. I am Christian and I enjoy writing spiritual stories so stay tuned for those! I like:

Oldies music: 50s, 60s, & 70s of rock and roll and country music. Writing is also fun. I like reading mystery novels and biographies on musicians and their lives. Favorites such as:

Donny Osmond and his family

Sonny and Cher (with or without Sonny)

Fleetwood Mac

and others. I know I won't name them all since there's a big list of who I like. I like mysteries involving animals and private investigators. I enjoy those best. You can also find me at:

Queen of Spiritual at fictionpress, fanfiction, allysonandrews1982 and FonzFan82 archiveofourown and also at Readwave. I can be found at Readwave under the name I have up here, so enjoy my works and leave a review to let me know if you liked the story or not. Stories here on my page will be involving some cowritten stories with other friends and also their stories (with permission) so stay tuned for those! I have changed my user name at fanfiction and fictionpress from FonzFan82 to Queen of Spiritual. Some friends think my stories take place in today's time, but I have often thought from time to time about doing a story or two back in the times of the 50s but I don't know if that will happen. I decided to post my fanfictions here but they can be found on the sites I mentioned above. Don't forget to read and review and let me know what you think! Thank you for stopping by!

My favorite classic TV shows:

Happy Days

Leave It to Beaver

Andy Griffith Show

Just to name a few.

I don't update here very often but I will keep these stories updated whenever I can so you're all welcome to follow, favorite review my stories and myself on the above sites. I hope you all like my original stories as much as my fanfiction stories. I've just finished creating characters who are in the 2nd Generation from original characters like Scooby Doo and Happy Days. In progress now is family tree characters, first story is 'Wendy's Hawaiian Celebration' so I'm in progress of story #2 in that series. Ideas are always popping up even if I want a break. Hard to take a break, but it's nice to have new ideas that want to be used. I've been writing on fanfiction and fictionpress for 6 years so far and there's always something new coming to mind. I love all my readers so happy reading!

I've decided to use this account for original stories instead of just both fanfiction and original works. Thanks for enjoying my stuff.

Note on Wendy and friends:

Wendy was wanted over to this site but she and her friends are part of a family tree series but I haven't gotten a chance to share with you yet on the originals I created but I will add them. If you're interested in meeting the ones I created, see 'Christmastime at the McCareys' even though it's not their original introduction.


koeda ko Joined: July 25, 2014


Name: Koeda.

Sex: Female.

Age: 20's

Location: USA - FL

Degree: Bachelor's

Tools: Microsoft Word


Benjamin Dine Joined: April 8, 2015

I'm Benjamin Dine. I am a writer as a hobby. I usually like to write either stories or poems and came here to get a fresh start.

I am a Kent State University graduate with a Bachelor's in Sociology.
Nowadays, I have become a member of the Canton Writer's Guild.

Some of the genres I like are fantasy, primarily. But I can take mild horror (if it's only a part of the story and not the main story) and science fiction. And I am an anime/manga fan too. I do make some satire and social commentary, so just be aware in case something like that shows up. I also have a tendency of being pious.
I have Asperger's Syndrome and have met the challenges that it faces.

Ultimately, I am to write in the fantasy genre as my primary genre.

My stuff can also be viewed on and
It is under the pen name: B. J. Williams

I hope to be reviewed and commented on in the future with my works. I'll try my best to be just and fair when judging.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. I'll be happy to answer questions.


Current Works
Female Crusading Virtue Girls
"Nickname: The Crossroads of Sailor Moon and Narnia"
A magical girl story following Maria Ciliega and her friends as they defend the upright and just in a world who views goodness as being archaic and hindering.

Soon to be Works
Bloodlines of Janochia series
"Nickname: The Lineage campagin of Dungeons & Dragons"

This series of novels follows the bloodline of Idolus Troigia Romero Noxamor.
This is supposed to be based on a series of D&D adventure games.
But none of the games have gotten very far.



Please state in the PM how to make the story better or have ideas for works.
You can also say what you liked and didn't like in the work.


Hector Medina Joined: August 28, 2017

Just a leisure writer trying to make his way in the world. If you'd like to read my fiction earlier than I publish it on here, I suggest visiting my site:


Trin Paige Joined: May 16, 2015

An "Empath" is a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual. It is about reaching people where they're at, showing them they're not alone, and hopefully helping them realize that there IS a light in the darkness. A light that will guide us home.

In my novels, I try to understand different perspectives of those around me. A lot of these novels are based on roleplay that I have done in a virtual game called Second Life, and so credit also goes to those who helped inspire the stories. 


Nicole Armas Joined: March 5, 2014

Writing has been a hobby of mine for quite awhile now and I have written a few short stories focused mainly on historical settings (Canadian ones moreso) and some fantasy ones too. Those stories are on and my username is the same as it is on this site (Nicole Armas). I am on as well under the username Miss Voltara. I am also on Penana. 

I take inspiration from my own personal experiences as well as people and events in history and authors from the Victorian age like Charles Dickens, Herman Melville, and Edgar Allan Poe. Some of my most favourite books are: All Quiet on the Western Front, Moby Dick, The Fifth Mountain, Paco's Story, The Guns of Normandy, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (and all the other original stories), Three Day Road, Oliver Twist, The Great Gatsby, Peace Shall Destroy Many, and Dracula.

Complete Stories:

  • Have you News of my Boy Jack?
  • The Last Dragon
  • The Simple Beliefs of a Simple Man

In Progress

  •  Where Chaos Reigns